Cardiac MR Spectroscopy: Animal Models and Extracts Hall C |
1634. Na/H Exchange Inhibitor Effects on Myocardial Function & pH During Ischaemia/Reperfusion, K. Thompson, R.T. Thompson, J. Sykes and G. Wisenberg, Lawson Research Institute and St. Joseph's Health Center, London, Ontario, Canada. |
1635. Comparison of Isoflurane and Propofol Anaesthesia on Cardiac Function and pH During Ischaemia/Reperfusion, K. Thompson, R.T. Thompson, J. Sykes and G. Wisenberg, Lawson Research Institute and St. Joseph's Health Center, London, Ontario, Canada. |
1636. Fatty Acid Oxidation In Rats Fed with Etomoxir Enriched Diet, L.S. Szczepaniak, C. Storey, J.D. McGarry and R.L. Dobbins, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA. |
1637. Cardiac Substrate Oxidation After Acute Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase-I Suppression, P.E. Meyer, R.Y. Chao, J.B. Patel, J.D. McGarry and M.E. Jessen, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA. |
1638. On the Disparity Between Myocardial Substrate Uptake and Metabolism in Situ: In Vivo ��C-MRS Provides a New Perspective, A. Ziegler, C.E. Zaugg, P.T. Buser, J. Seelig and B. K�nnecke, Biocenter of the University, University Hospital and F. Hoffman-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland. |
1639. Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase is Critically Necessary to Maintain a Normal Profile of Myocardial High-Energy Phosphates, M. Spindler, R. Niebler, M. Horn, T. Lanz, K. Schnackerz and S. Neubauer, University of Wuerzberg, Wuerzberg, Germany. |
1640. Simultaneous Measurement of Tissue Energetics and Oxygenation in Pig Hearts Using ��P NMR and Optical Spectroscopy, V.V. Kupriyanov, R.A. Shaw, J. Sun, Z. Luo, G. Dai, H.H. Mantsch and R. Deslauriers, National Research Council, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. |
1641. Na+-K+ ATPase Activity in Pyruvate-Reperfused Isolated Rat Hearts: No Enhancement by Pyruvate-Dehydrogenase Activation, J.G. van Emous, M.G.J. Nederhoff, T.J.C. Ruigrok and C.J.A. van Echteld, University Medical Center and Interuniversity Cardiology Institute (ICIN), Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
1642. ��C MRS Metabolic Studies of Isolated Superfused Heart Mitochondria, N.M. Doliba, A.M. Babsky, S. Wehrli, N.M. Doliba, A. Savchenko and M.D. Osbakken, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA and Covance, Princeton, NJ, USA. |
1643. Metabolic Flux Measurements by ��C NMR in Isolated Rat Heart Mitochondria, S. Kamzolova, D. Varadarajan, A.D. Sherry, F.M.H. Jeffrey and C.R. Malloy, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas TX, USA and University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA. |
1644. Characterisation of Atherosclerotic Intima Using Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) MRS, W. Lo, P. Russell, S. Dowd, S. McDonald, U. Himmelreich, M. Appleberg, C. Lean and C. Mountford, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. |