PLENARY LECTURES Genetic Diseases: Diagnosis and TreatmentBallroom 08:15 09:30 Chairs: Linda Chang and Arend Heerschap |
Objectives Upon completion of
this session, participants should be able to:
- Describe the role of imaging methods in
general in the diagnosis and treatment evaluation of genetic diseases.
- Identify MRI and MRS parameters of
particular usefulness to characterize inherited metabolic brain diseases.
- Describe some cases of these diseases where
unambiguous diagnosis is possible on the basis of MRI and/or MRS approaches.
- Explain how the study of transgenic animals
with missing or modified proteins may help understand the nature of genetic diseases.
- Describe what the potentials of MR are to
characterize the phenotype of these animals.
08:15 277. Interfaces of Genetic Diagnosis and Treatment with Imaging Methods, Arthur S. Beaudet, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA. |
08:40 278. MRI and MRS of Genetic Brain Diseases, Marjo S. van der Knaap, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
09:05 279. The Role of Magnetic Resonance in Transgenic Animal Models, Alan Koretsky, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. |