Rapid Imaging II Room A207 |
10:30 300. Young Investigator Awards Finalist: Interactive Fast Spin Echo Imaging, R.F. Busse, S.J. Riederer, J.G. Fletcher, A.E. Bharucha and K.R. Brandt, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. |
10:50 301. Analysis and Reduction of the Transient Response in SSFP Imaging, D.G. Nishimura and S. Vasanawala, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. |
11:02 302. RARE/EPI MR-CAT SCAN, C. Hillenbrand, D. Hahn, A. Haase and P.M. Jakob, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany. |
11:14 303. Reversed Spiral Imaging for Increased T2* Contrast, P. Börnert, B. Aldefeld and H. Eggers, Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany. |
11:26 304. Design of Archimedean and Logarithmic Spiral K-Space Trajectories, H.E. Cline, X. Zong and N. Gai, GE Corporate Research and Development, Schennectady, NY, USA and GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
11:38 305. An Optimized Distortion Correction Technique for Echo Planar Imaging, N-K. Chen and A.M. Wyrwicz, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA. |
11:50 306. Reduction of Susceptibility Artifacts in MRI Using Narrowband Excitation, J.H. Duyn and P. van Gelderen, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. |
12:02 307. Doubly Refocused Split-Echo UFLARE: Single Shot Imaging in the Presence of Susceptibility Gradients, G.J. Barker, University College London, London, UK. |
12:14 308. Evaluating Left Ventricular Function Using Real-Time TrueFISP: A Comparison with Conventional MR Techniques, W. Fang, F.S. Pereles, J. Bundy, R. Kim, E. Wu, O. Simonetti and P. Finn, Northwestern University and Siemens Medical Systems, Chicago IL, USA. |
12:26 309. Breath Hold 3D Perfusion and Permeability Mapping in the Abdomen Using a Novel Ultrafast First-Pass Leakage-Profile Model, X.P. Zhu, K.L. Li, J.M. Hawnaur, J.C. Waterton, Y. Watson, P. Taylor and A. Jackson, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK and AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK. |