fMRI Data Analysis
Thomas Nichols and Stephen M. Smith, Organizers

Last updated 20 February 2009

Educational Objectives:
Upon completion of this session, participants should be able to:

List the sources of physiological noise in fMRI data;
Explain the difference between precoloring and prewhitening fMRI time series;
Define the multiple testing problem and corrected p-values;
Identify the utility of nonparametric nonmodel based methods and give specific examples of when you would apply them.
Critique the software packages presented and recommend one best suited for individual needs.

Tuesday, 21 May

07:00 fMRI Data and Preprocessing Jesper Anderson
07:20 "Physiological" Noise Xiaoping Hu
07:40 Discussion

Wednesday, 22 May

07:00 Modeling Mark Woolrich
07:20 Inference Thomas Nichols
07:40 Discussion

Thursday, 23 May

07:00 Non-Parametric Inference Thomas Nichols
07:20 Model-Free Analysis Christian Beckmann
07:40 Discussion

Friday, 24 May

07:00 AFNI Robert W. Cox
07:15 SPM Christian Buechel
07:30 FSL Stephen M. Smith
07:45 Discussion