Cancer: Models and Experimental Therapy Room A 104-105 10:30 - 12:30 Chairs: Dmitri Artemov and Tom Scheenen 10:30 238. Non-Invasive Monitoring of Glutathione Metabolism and Heterogeneity in Rat Tumor Tissue Peter Edward Thelwall1, Avner Y. Yemin1, Nicholas E. Simpson1, Theresa Schehl2, Jeffrey M. Macdonald2, Stephen J. Blackband1, Michael P. Gamcsik3 1University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA; 2University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; 3Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA Kristine Glunde1, Venu Raman1, Noriko Mori1, Zaver M. Bhujwalla1 1Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 10:54 240. MRS Ability to Predict Resistance Development to Imatinib Mesylate - not available Jelena Miljus1, Junia V. Melo2, Nora Anderson1, Laszlo Boros3, S Gail Eckhardt1, Natalie S. Serkova1 1University
of Colorado Health, Denver, Colorado, USA; 2Imperial College,
London, UK; 3UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA 11:06 241. 31P and 1H MRS Studies of Choline Kinase Inhibitor MN58b in a Colon Carcinoma Model Yuen-Li Chung1, Helen Troy1, Ana Ramirez de Molina2, Basetti Madhu1, Ian R. Judson3, Paul Workman3, Martin O. Leach3, Juan C. Lacal2, John R. Griffiths1 1St
George's Hospital Medical School, London, UK; 2Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, Spain; 3Institute of
Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK Catherine Brami1, Michal Neeman1, Avigdor Scherz1, Yoram Salomon1 1Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 11:30 243. Detecting Brain Tumor Therapy Responses Using Amide Proton Transfer Contrast Jinyuan Zhou1,2, Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2, Amandeep Salhotra1,2, Phillip Zhe Sun1,2, Bachchu Lal, 1,2, John Laterra1,2 1Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 2Kennedy Krieger
Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Erica Corinne Henning1, Chieko Azuma2, Christopher H. Sotak1, 3, Karl G. Helmer1 1Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA; 2Tufts
University School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA;
3University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester,
Massachusetts, USA 11:54 245. Dual Na/ADC Biomarker Assessment of Rat Glioma During BCNU Chemotherapy Victor D. Schepkin1, Thomas L. Chenevert1, Brian D. Ross1 1University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 12:06 246. Longitudinal Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of a Rat Brain Glioma Model Silvia Lope-Piedrafita1, Mar�a Luisa Garc�a-Mart�n1, Jean Philippe Galons1, Robert J. Gillies1, Theodore P. Trouard1 1University
of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA Arvind P. Pathak1, Dmitri Artemov1, B D. Ward2, David G. Jackson3, Michal Neeman4, Zaver M. Bhujwalla1 1Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 2Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA; 3Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford, UK; 4Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel