Advanced Modeling of RF Fields

Room B 212-213      10:30 - 12:30                             Chairs: Christopher M. Collins and Stuart Crozier

10:30      814.    B1 Field Uniformity Improvement at 400 MHz Using Multi-Channel Excitation Birdcage

Victor Taracila1, Labros S. Petropoulos1,2, Timothy P. Eagan1, Tesfaye K. Kidane1, Tanvir N. Baig1, Robert W. Brown1

1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 2Hitachi Medical Systems, Twinsburg, Ohio, USA

10:42      815.    A Multiple Element Probe and Sequential Pulse Sequence for Ultra High Field Imaging - An Improvement in B1 Homogeneity  - not available

Arthur William Magill1, Ben Wilton1, Alexa Jones1, David McKirdy1, Paul Glover1

1Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK

10:54      816.    Strengths and Limitations of Pulsing Coils in an Array Sequentially to Avoid RF Interference in High Field MRI

Christopher M. Collins1, Barbara L. Beck2, Jeffrey R. Fitzsimmons2, Stephen J. Blackband2, Michael B. Smith1

1Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA; 2University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA

11:06      817.    An Object-Orient Designed FDTD Simulator - Applications to High Field Systems

Qing Wei1, Stuart Crozier1, Bin Xu1, Adnan Trakic1, Bing Keong Li1, Feng Liu1

1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

11:18      818.    Comparison of Transmit Efficiency for Head Imaging at 3T and 7T - not available

Gordon D. DeMeester1, Zhiyong Zhai1, Michael A. Morich1, Christoph Leussler2, Christian Findeklee2, P. R�schmann2

1Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 2Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany

11:30      819.    High-Pass Two-Dimensional Ladder Network Resonators - not available

Douglas Ballon1, Henning U. Voss1

1Cornell Medical College, New York, New York, USA

11:42      820.    Optimized Whole-Body RF Coil for Imaging Applications at 7 Tesla  - not available

Tamer Ibrahim1, Roney Abraham1, Doney Abraham1

1The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA

11:54      821.    Simulation on Passive RF Shimming with High Permittivity Dielectrics in Ultra-High Field

Weihua Mao1, Michael B. Smith1, Qing X. Yang1

1Penn State University College of Medicine, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

12:06      822.    Modelling Metamaterials for MRI

Michael C. K. Wiltshire1, John B. Pendry, Joseph V. Hajnal1

1Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College London, London, UK

12:18      823.    Mode-Scanning Excitation (MSE) Method for Locally Homogeneous Transmit Profile at 7T - not available

Ray F. Lee1

1New York University Medical Center, New York, New York, USA