MRS: High Field
& Spectral Editing
Time Prog# Computer #
14:00 2922 1
1H-MR Spectroscopy at 7.0 T and intra-individual Comparison
Frank Traeber1,
John Duraj2, Juergen Gieseke2, Frank Hoogenraad2,
Christiane Kuhl1, Christoph Manka1, Carsten Meyer1,
Lukas Scheef1, Michael Thompson2, Hans Schild1 14:00 2923 2 Reproducibility of Short Echo Time MRSI of the Human Brain at 3T using a semi-LASER Approach.
Wijnen1, Dennis Klomp1, Tom Scheenen1,
Arend Heerschap1
14:00 2924 3 In Vitro and In Vivo Relaxation Times of N-acetylaspartate, Creatine and Choline at 4.7T and 7T
Cristina Cudalbu1,
Adrian Rengle1, Adriana Bucur1, Olivier Beuf1,
Sophie Cavassila1
14:00 2925 4 Chemical-Shift Artifact Reduction in Hadamard-Encoded MR Spectroscopic Imaging at High (3 and 7 T) Magnetic Fields
Songtao Liu1,
Gadi Goelman2, Roman Fleysher1, Lazar Fleysher1,
Robert Grossman1, Oded Gonen1
14:30 2926 1 First Results of Proton Decoupled and NOE enhanced 31P MRSI of the Human Brain at 3T Exhibit Correlations with Age
Tim Wokrina1,
Nuran Tunc-Skarka1, Marco Ulrich1, Matthias Ruf1,
Gabriele Ende1
14:30 2927 2 Scan time reduction and selective maximization of three metabolites of interest with 31P LFA-MRS in human brain at 3T
Rose-Ann Blenman1,
John Port1
14:30 2928 3 EPSI Sampling Strategies for Spectroscopic Imaging of Sparse Spectra: Applications for Hyperpolarized 13C imaging
Yi-Fen Yen1,
Albert Chen2, Matthew Zierhut2, Rober Bok2,
Vickie Zhang2, Mark Albers2, Jim Tropp1,
Sarah Nelson2, Daniel Vigneron2, John Kurhanewicz2,
Ralph Hurd1
Hui Liu1,
Hyun-Man Baik1, Mark Hamamura1, Jeon-Hor Chen1,
Ming-Ying Su1, Tugan Muftuler1, Orhan Nalcioglu1
15:00 2930 1 2D J-resolved spectroscopy at 7T
Henning1, Thomas Lange1, Peter Boesiger1
15:00 2931 2 Spatial interference in localized J-difference GABA editing
Lana Kaiser1,
Karl Young2, Gerald Matson2
15:00 2932 3 A Four-Pulse PRESS Sequence for Correction of the Chemical Shift Misregistration Signal Loss in Lactate Spectroscopy
Shiloh Sison1,
Michael Buonocore1, Richard Maddock1
Michael Buonocore1,
Shiloh Sison1, Richard Maddock1
15:30 2934 1
Lijing Xin1,
Vladimír Mlynárik1, Hanne Frenkel1, Rolf Gruetter1
Zhiyue Wang1,
Robert Thornton1
15:30 2936 3 J coupling effects on signal modulation at very high fields
Giulio Gambarota1,
Lijing Xin1, Vladimír Mlynárik1, Rolf Gruetter1
15:30 2937 4 Motion Artifact Removal in J-Difference Editing -- Is Phase Correction of Individual Acquisitions Enough?
Pallab Bhattacharyya1,
Mark Brown2, Mark Lowe1, Micheal Phillips1
Breast Cancer
Detection & Response Prediction & Assessment
14:00 2938 5 Comparison of MR Imaging Features between Estrogen Receptor Positive and Negative Breast Cancers
Jeon-Hor Chen1,
Min-Ying Su1, Hyun-Man Baik1, Orhan Nalcioglu1
Annemarie Schmitz1, Carla Meeuwis1, Willem Mali1,
Wouter Veldhuis1, Richard van Hillegersberg1, M
Schipper1, Maurice van den Bosch2
Shadfar Bahri1,
Min-Ying Su1, Hon Yu1, Aida Kuzucan1,
Jeon-Hor Chen1, Orhan Nalcioglu1
14:00 2941 8 Evaluating Dose Timing Effects of Gefitinib (an EGFR Inhibitor) in a Breast Cancer Model using ADC and T1
Sheye Aliu1,
Lisa Wilmes2, Mark Moasser2, Byron Hann2,
Donhgui Wang2, Ka-loh Li2, Nola Hylton2
14:30 2942 5 Identification of breast carcinoma in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) by Independent Component Analysis (ICA) - Initial Results - not available
Tong Koh1,
Choon Thng2, Juliana Ho2, Boon Ching2,
Swee Quek2, Jill Wong2, Yoke Fan2, Puay
Tan3, Helmut Rumpel3, James Khoo2
Min-Ying Su1,
Jeon-Hor Chen1, Hon Yu1, Garima Agrawal1,
David Hsiang2, Rita Mehta2, Orhan Nalcioglu1
Garima Agrawal1,
Jeon-Hor Chen2, Hon J. Yu1, D.J-B. Hsiang3,
Rita S. Mehta4, Orhan Nalcioglu1, Min-Ying Su1
14:30 2945 8 Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for breast cancer detection
Matthias Schabel1,
Glen Morrell1
Jeon-Hor Chen1, Hui Liu2, Min-Ying Su2,
Orhan Nalcioglu2
15:00 2947 6 A demonstration of the feasibility of DSC in evaluating breast tumor blood volume
Melissa Wagner Schuman1,
Devyani Bedekar1, Eric Paulson1, Quiana Kern1,
Doug Prah1, Kathleen Schmainda1
15:00 2948 7 Monitoring of therapeutic response of tumor in locally advanced breast cancer by diffusion weighted MRI
Uma Sharma1,
K Danishad1, V Seenu1, N Jagannathan1
15:00 2949 8 Quantitative Diffusion Weighted Imaging of nonpalpable breast lesions at 3T
Peters1, Lambertus Bartels1, Koen Vincken1,
Willem Mali1, Peter Luijten1
15:30 2950 5 Comparison of Micro-Architectural Differences between the Breast Harboring Cancer and the Normal Contralateral Breast
Jeon-Hor Chen1,
Ke Nie2, Orhan Nalcioglu2, Min-Ying Su2
Min-Ying Su1,
Hyun-Man Baik1, Hon Yu1, Jeon-Hor Chen1,
Rita Mehta1, Orhan Nalcioglu1
15:30 2952 7 Choline Metabolism in Breast Cancer; The Influence of the Microenvironmental conditions - not available
Galit Eliyahu1,
Nimrod Maril1, Raanan Margalit1, Hadassa Degani1
Evangelia Panourgias1,
Andreas Koureas2, Vasileios Venizelos1, Christi
Kalamara1, Margarita Natsika1, Demetrios Schizas1,
Yannis Katsimelis1, Georgia Panagi3, Grigorios
Kotoulas1 Hepatobiliary and Metastatic Cancer Assessment Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
Xiao-ying Wang1, Hua Wang1, Xue-xiang Jiang1
14:00 2955 10 T1 mapping in childhood abdominal tumours
Iosif Mendichovszky1,
Øystein Olsen2
Ihab Kamel1,
Eleni Liapi1, Diane Reyes1, David Bluemke1,
Jean-Francois Geschwind1
14:00 2957 12 High b-value diffusion-weighted MR images of biliary tumors and tumor-like lesions
Mayumi Takeuchi1,
Kenji Matsuzaki1, Hitoshi Kubo1, Masafumi Harada1,
Hiromu Nishitani1
Ihab Kamel1,
Manon Buijs1, Josephina Vossen1, Christos
Georgiades1, Kelvin Hong1, Jean-Francois Geschwind1
14:30 2959 10 Transcatheter Intraarterial First-Pass Perfusion (TRIP)-MRI Monitoring of Chemoembolization
Andrew Larson1,
Dingxin Wang1, Bassel Atassi1, Kent Sato1,
Robert Ryu1, Frank Miller1, Mary Mulcahy1,
Laura Kulik1, Riad Salem1, Reed Omary1
Therese Seierstad1,
Beathe Sitter2, Knut Hole1, Tone Bathen2,
Anne Ree1, Kjersti Flatmark1, Dag Olsen1,
Ingrid Gribbestad2
Rob Dinniwell1,
Philip Chan1, Michael Milosevic1
15:00 2962 9 Parallel Imaging for Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in Gastric Cancer: A Comparative Study
Tang1, Xiao Zhang1, Ying Sun1, Kun Cao1
15:00 2963 10 Effect of superparamagnetic iron oxide on high-b-value diffusion-weighted imaging for evaluation of focal hepatic lesions - not available
Hiroki Haradome1,
Akihisa Nakamura1, Takashi Honda1, Toshiaki
15:00 2964 11 Magnetic Resonance Imaging characteristics of Hepatocellular carcinoma after High-intensity focused ultrasound ablation
Seung Jung1,
Sung Rha2, Jae Lee1
15:00 2965 12 Accuracy of MR Imaging for the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Cirrhosis: Correlation with the Whole Explanted Liver - not available
Sung Eun Rha1,
Hero Hussain1, Saroja Adusumilli1, William
Weadock1, Barbara McKenna1, Jorge Marrero1
Hitoshi Kubo1,
Masafumi Harada1, Mitsugu Okagawa1, Hiromu
ming yin1,
ming yin1
15:30 2968 11 Prescan optimization for Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging.
Fei Sun1,
Shuo Li2, Huadan Xue2, Guang Cao1,
Zhengyu Jin2
li Qi1,
xiao Zhang1, kun Cao1, Ying Sun1, Lei
Tang1, Jie Li1 Measuring Tumor Vascular Properties - Laboratory to Clinic Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 2970 13 Avastin is Effective in Reducing rCBV in Fast Growing Human Tumor Xenografts - not available
Francisca Wu-Zimmer1,
Kathleen Schmainda1, Douglas Prah1, Shekar Kurpad1
14:00 2971 14
Raphael Serduc1,
Thomas Christen1, Jean Laissue2, Régine Farion1,
Christoph Segebarth1, Boudewijn van der Sanden1,
Elke Brauer3, Alberto Bravin3, Géraldine Leduc3,
Chantal Rémy1, Emmanuel Barbier1
14:00 2972 15 Time-intensity curve (TIC) of rectal lesions on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI at 3T
Xiaoming Zhang1,
Xiangxing Ma2, Dexin Yu2, Honglei Zhang1,
Chuanfu Li2
14:00 2973 16 Evaluated angiogenesis and its maturation in hepatocellular carcinoma by using diffusion-weighted imaging at 3.0 Tesla
De-xin Yu1,
Chuan-fu Li1, Xiang-xing Ma1, Xiao-ming Zhang1,
Jinyong Zheng1
14:30 2974 13 Diffusion-Weighted Perfusion MRI: Initial Experience in Application to Brain Tumor
Jiongjiong Wang1,
Wen-Chau Wu1, Sumei Wang1, María Fernández-Seara1,
Keith St Lawrence2, Ronald Wolf1
14:30 2975 14 An MRI Determination of Vascular Transfer Constant Predicts Response to Therapy in a Cerebral Glioma Model
James Ewing1,
Tom Mikkelsen1, Kevin Nelson1, Hassan
Bagher-Ebadian1, Swayamprava Panda1
Yi Feng1,
Eun-Kee Jeong1, Aaron Mohs1, Lyska Emerson1,
Zheng-Rong Lu1
14:30 2977 16 Quantification and spatial analysis of intra-tumoural perfusion heterogeneity in cervix cancer using DCE-MRI
Mark Zahra1,
Richard Black2, Evis Sala1, Andrew Priest1,
Martin Graves1, Sandeep Gupta3, Li Tee Tan2,
Mark Arends1, Robin Crawford2, James Brenton1,
David Lomas1
15:00 2978 13 Effects of Arterial Input Function Determination on Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Osteosarcoma DCE MRI Data
Ya Wang1,
Wei Huang1, David Panicek1, Jason Koutcher1
15:00 2979 14 A Practical Bookend Technique for Quantitative DCE-MRI Evaluation of the Liver
Keiko Miyazaki1,
Simon Walker-Samuel1, Toni Wallace2, James
Stirling3, N Taylor3, D-M Koh1, Martin
Leach1, David Collins1
15:00 2980 15 Quantification of Arterial-Phase Perfusion Kinetics in the Liver
Puneet Sharma1,
Khalil Salman1, Bobbie Burrow1, Thomas Lauenstein1,
Diego Martin1
15:00 2981 16 Sensitivity of DCE-MRI to Fractional Volumetric Changes in Tumor Delineation: A Semi-Automated Study
Dee Wu1,
Rajibul Alam2, Nina Mayr3
15:30 2982 13 Estimating DCE-MRI vascular parameters of tumours using a tractable input function formulation : model calculations and results.
Matthew Orton1,
Simon Walker-Samuel1, James d'Arcy1, David Hawkes2,
Martin Leach1, David Collins1
15:30 2983 14 Incorporation of a Vascular Term into a Reference Region Model for the Analysis of DCE-MRI Data
Anthony Faranesh1,
Thomas Yankeelov2
15:30 2984 15 Fast and Super Fast Estimation of Quantitative Parameters in DCE-MRI
Cheng Yang1,
Gregory Karczmar1, Walter Stadler1
15:30 2985 16 A dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI flow phantom to validate arterial input function measurements
R Little1, C
Roberts1, A Lacey2, G Parker1 Innovation in Preclinical Oncologic MR Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 2986 17 Characterisation of a new brain metastases model in the nude rat - not available
Thorsen1, Jian Wang1, Rolf Bjerkvig1,
Paal-Henning Pedersen2
14:00 2987 18 Vasculature characterization of angiogenic melanoma metastases in mouse brain by Gd-DTPA and USPIO contrast-enhanced MRI - not available
Gambarota1, William Leenders2, Cathy Maass2,
Pieter Wesseling2, Bert van der Kogel2, Olaf van
Tellingen3, Arend Heerschap2
14:00 2988 19 In vivo F CSI of 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose and 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-6-phosphate in rat brain
Daniel Coman1,
Basavaraju Sanganahalli1, David Cheng1, Timothy
McCarthy2, Douglas Rothman1, Fahmeed Hyder1
Davina Honess1,
Katie Wood2, Ross Maxwell3, Ian Wilson1,
Rowena Paul4, Michael O'Doherty4, Paul Marsden4,
Philip Blower4, Bal Sangera5, Wai-Lup Wong5,
Michele Saunders2
14:30 2990 17 In vivo detection of histone deacetylase inhibition by MRS
Sankaranarayanapillai1, James Bankson2, Qing Yuan2,
Hagit Dafni1, Douglas Webb2, Ashutosh Pal1,
Edward Jackson2, Juri Gelovani1, William Tong1,
Sabrina Ronen1
14:30 2991 18 In vivo MR diffusion tensor study of bacteria infiltration in murine tumor Kaung-Ti Yung1, Gabrielle Ramus1, Vitaly Chibisov2, Qiuhong He1 1University of Pittsburgh, 2Duke University
14:30 2992 19 Imaging the Progression of Iron-Loaded Glioma Tumours with FIESTA at 3T
Bernas1, Paula Foster1, Brian Rutt1
Jadegoud Yaligar1, Sunitha Thakur1, Mihaela Lupu1, Ya Wang1, Cornelia Matei1, Kristen Zakian1, Jason Koutcher1 1Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
15:00 2994 17 Perturbation of mouse glioma MRS pattern in vivo at 7.0 Tesla by induced acute hyperglycemia
Simoes1, Maria García-Martín2, Sebastían Cerdán2,
Carles Arús1
Frederik De Keyzer1,
Feng Chen1, Vincent Vandecaveye1, Huaijun Wang1,
Yicheng Ni1, Sandra Nuyts1, Robert Hermans1,
Willy Landuyt2, Hilde Bosmans1
15:00 2996 19 Amide proton transfer imaging and magnetization transfer imaging for characterizing rat brain tumors
Jinyuan Zhou1,
Amandeep Salhotra2, Phillip Zhe Sun1, Bachchu Lal2,
John Laterra2, Peter van Zijl1
15:00 2997 20 Sodium MRI clocks pre-necrotic alterations in rat glioma model without changes in tumor diffusion
Victor Schepkin1
15:30 2998 17 Novel MR imaging contrast agents for detection of HT29/219 cells in mice
Shahbazi-Gahrouei1, Ehsan Khodamoradi1
Wenlian Zhu1,
Baasil Okollie1, Zaver Bhujwalla1, Dmitri Artemov1
15:30 3000 19 In vivo Monitoring Therapeutic Response of NHL Xenograft by MRS and MRI
Ming Qiang Huang1,
S Pickup1, D. Nelson1, Hui Qiao1, S Lee1,
Harish Poptani1, E. Delikatny1, Rong Zhou1,
Jerry Glickson1
Ka-Loh Li1,
Lisa Wilmes1, Sheye Aliu1, Donghui Wang1,
BYRON HANN1, Mark Moasser1, Nola Hylton1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 3002 21 Dynamic Real Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pharynx and Larynx Evaluating Swallowing and Stridor at 3 Tesla
Tobias Breyer1,
Matthias Echternach1, Susan Arndt1, Bernhard
Richter-Spahn1, Oliver Speck1, Martin Schumacher1,
Michael Markl1
14:00 3003 22 Turbo-FLASH Imaging of swallowing function at 3T
Edwin Wang1,
Thomas Mulholland2, Selim Butros1, Timothy Shepard1,
Vinay Pai1
14:00 3004 23 Real time kinemtaic imaging of the ocular movement using FIESTA with tagging method - not available
Takayuki Masui1,
Motoyuki Katayama1, Kimihiko Sato1, Masahiro
Sugiyama1, Hidekazu Seo1, Akihiko Kutsuna1,
Masaya Hirano2, Atsushi Nozaki2, Harumi Sakahara3
14:00 3005 24 Time-resolved, three-dimensional brain motion measurements using 3D-DENSE
Michaela Soellinger1, Andrea Rutz1, Sebastian
Kozerke1, Peter Boesiger1
14:00 3006 25 Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Benign and Malignant Salivary Gland Tumors and Histologic Correlation: Influence of Tumor Cellularity and Myxoid Matrix - not available
Masayuki Maeda1,
Nobuyoshi Matsushima1, Kan Takeda1
14:00 3007 26 In-vivo Dental Impression Using MRI
Tymofiyeva1, Florian Schmid1, Kurt Rottner2,
Ernst-Juergen Richter2, Peter Jakob1
Raince1, Asim Mian1, Hernan Jara1,
Osamu Sakai1
14:30 3009 28 Cine MRI Flow-Analysis in Phantom Model of Cranio-Spinal Axis In-vivo Studies.
Malek Makki1,
Sandeep Sood1, Olivier Baledent2, Swati Mody1,
Keshav Grover1
14:30 3010 21 Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging and 1H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Ischemic Penumbra
Sun ZhiHua1,
Bai Xu2, Zhong Jin3, Zhang YunTing1
14:30 3011 22 Time course of ADC and FA in brainstem infarcts
David Gräßel1,
Clemens Fitzek1, Dirk Brämer1, Sabine Fitzek2,
Thomas Ringer1, Albrecht Günther1, Jürgen
Reichenbach1, Werner Kaiser1, Otto Witte1,
Hubertus Axer1
14:30 3012 23 Susana Muñoz Maniega1, Vera Cvoro1, Paul Armitage1, Ian Marshall1, Mark Bastin1, Joanna Wardlaw1 1University of Edinburgh
14:30 3013 24 Evaluation of Ischemic Threshold for Cell Death in Acute Stroke Patients Hem Bhatt1, Wanyong Shin1, Ali Shaibani1, Maulin Shah1, Matthew Walker1, Tim Carroll1 1Northwestern University
14:30 3014 25 Estimation of Hemodynamic Impairment using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion Imaging
John Lee1,
Colin Derdeyn1, William Powers1, Tom Videen1,
Joanne Markham1, Abraham Snyder1, G. Bretthorst1,
Joshua Shimony1
14:30 3015 26 Flow-Sensitive Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Tokunori Kimura1,
Masato Ikedo1, Naoyuki Furudate1, Syuhei Takemoto1
14:30 3016 27 Flow-sensitive Susceptibility-weighted Imaging of the Brain: Initial Experience in Ischemic Lesions
Kazuhiro Tsuchiya1,
Hidekatsu Tateishi1, Maiko Yoshida1, Miho Amagami1,
Keita Honya1, Toshiaki Nitatori1, Tokunori Kimura2,
Masato Ikedo2, Shuhei Takemoto2
Daniel Mandell1,
Julien Poublanc1, Adrian Crawley1, Jay Han1,
Joe Fisher2, David Mikulis1
Hermann Koerperich1,
Nikolas Mirow1, Burkhard Ostertun2, Hermann Esdorn1,
Jürgen Gieseke3, Hermann Knobl1, Jan Fleischhauer1,
Philipp Beerbaum1, Rainer Körfer1, Wolfgang
Shingo Kakeda1,
Yukunori Korogi1, Hideaki Arimura2, Junji Moriya1,
Toshinori Hirai3, Shogehiko Katsuragawa3, Kunnio
15:00 3020 23 MR imaging for the determination of lumenal and outer wall boundaries in intracranial aneurysms.
Loic Boussel1,
Max Wintermark1, Brad Dispensa1, Joseph Leach1,
Vitaliy Rayz1, Gabriel Acevedo Bolton1, Michael
Lawton1, Randall Higashida1, William Young1,
David Saloner1
15:00 3021 24 Improved Background Suppression for Intracranial 3D TOF MRA using Robust Fat Suppression with IDEAL at 3T
Joseph Cousins1,
Ann Shimakawa2, Jean Brittain2, Howard Rowley1,
Huanzhou Yu2, Scott Reeder1
15:00 3022 25 Impact of Altered Head Shape on Talairach Parcellations of Neonate Brain Images
Andrea Mewes1,
Petra Huppi2, Heidelise Als3, Lilla Zöllei4,
Terrie Inder5, William Wells1, Simon Warfield1
15:00 3023 26 Neonatal MRI Brain Tissue Segmentation and Morphological Analysis
Zhuang Song1,
Brian Avants1, Hui Zhang1, Nicholas Tustison1,
Shannon Agner2, Daniel Licht2, James Gee1
15:00 3024 27 Quantitative Analysis of Human White Matter Brain Curvature: Perspectives on Folding From Neonate to Adult
Rudolph Pienaar1,
Bruce Fishcl1, Evelina Busa1, Nikos Makris1,
David Kennedy1, Patricia Grant1
15:00 3025 28 Cortical curvature and allometric scaling of cerebral cortex in preterm infants
Latha Srinivasan1,
Hui Xue1, Serena Counsell1, Joanna Allsop1,
Julie Fitzpatrick1, A Edwards1, Mary Rutherford1,
Daniel Rueckert2, Joesph Hajnal1
15:30 3026 21 MR spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging study of the impact of fluoxetine on the human brain in multiple sclerosis
Paul Sijens1,
Jop Mostert1, Jacques De Keyser1, Matthijs Oudkerk1
15:30 3027 22 Alternatives for standard T1-weighted images in brain atrophy measurements in Multiple Sclerosis using SIENA and SIENAX
Veronica Neacsu1,
Bas Jasperse1, Tijmen Korteweg1, Dirk Knol1,
Paola Valsasina2, Massimo Filippi2, Frederik
Barkhof1, Marco Rovaris2, Hugo Vrenken1
15:30 3028 23 Voxel-Based Analysis of Global and Neocortical Progression of Brain Atrophy in RR MS
Marco Battaglini1,
Steve Smith2, Gwenaelle Douaud2, Mark Jenkinson2,
Maria Stromillo1, Antonio Federico1, Paul Matthews3,
Nicola De Stefano1
Ceccarelli1, Maria Rocca1, Elisabetta Pagani1,
Federica Agosta1, Beatrice Benedetti1, Bruno
Colombo1, Giancarlo Comi1, Massimo Filippi1
15:30 3030 25 T2* sensitized high resolution MR venography using 3D-PRESTO ( principles of echo shifting with a train of observations)
Takahiro Tsuboyama1,
Izumi Imaoka1, Takayuki Nakatsuka1, Taro Shimono1,
Ryuichiro Ashikaga1, Takamichi Murakami1, Mitsuyo
Matsumoto2, Tomoyuki Okuaki2, Nozomu Koyama2
15:30 3031 26 MRI-based investigation on the outflow segment of human brain bridging veins
Si1, Liming Luan1, Dawei Kong1, Hanbin
Wang1, Gang Chen2, Taifei Yu3, Qi Pang1
15:30 3032 27 Optimization of 3D-PRESTO (principles of echo shifting with a train of observations) sequence forT2* sensitized High-Resolution MR-Venography - not available
Takayuki Nakatsuka1,
takahiro tsuboyama1, izumi imaoka1, taro shimono1,
takamichi murakami1, yasuyoshi hikime1, aiko
ohshima1, hiroyuki fukushima1, tomoyuki okuaki2,
nozomu koyama2, mitsuyo matsumoto2
15:30 3033 28 Visualization of venous vessels by Phase Weighted Image
Haque1, Tsuyoshi Matsuda1, Makoto Sasaki2
Body MR: Chest,
Breast & Genitourinary
14:00 3034 29 The utility of PROPELLER technique applying for T2-weighted thoracic MR imaging with PACE technique.
Takashi Koyama1,
Koji Fujimoto2, Ken Tamai2, Nobuko Morisawa2,
Kaori Togashi2
14:00 3035 30 Imaging Water Content in the Lungs – Measuring and Correcting the Influence of Breathing
Kelvin Chow1,
Ian Paterson1, Richard Thompson1
14:00 3036 31 Longitudinal MRI Evaluations of Lung Inflammation within Cystic Fibrosis Mouse Models
Sheth1, Rolf Van Heeckeren1, Manu Raam1,
Anna Van Heeckeren1, Mark Pagel1
14:00 3037 32 Imaging Lung Aveolar Fluid Clearance With MRI
Logi Vidarsson1,
Emma Helm2, Alexandra Graces2, Tammy Rayner2,
Hugh O’Brodovich2, Christopher Macgowan1
14:00 3038 33 Dynamic 3D Lung MRI Using a 32-Channel Coil Array for the Construction of Respiratory Motion Models
Marc Miquel1,
Jane Blackall2, Sergio Uribe3, Christoph Leussler4,
Tobias Schaeffter3, David Hawkes2
Tessa Sundaram1,
Kai Ruppert2, Andrea Hernandez2, Brian Avants1,
Talissa Altes2, James Gee1
14:00 3040 35 Reconstruction of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Lung MR Imaging using k-t BLAST - not available
Jia-Shuo Hsu1,
Yi-Ru Lin2, Yi-Jui Liu3, Hsiao-Wen Chung1
Jean Tessier1,
Philip Worthington1, John Bell1, Eric Chevalier1,
Jane Escott1, Simon Young1, Alan Young1
14:30 3042 29 Kinetic Parameter Estimation of Independent Components Derived from Simulated Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI Data
Yi Wang1,
Bao Zhang2, Steve Roys2, Nicolle Correa1,
Tulay Adali1, Rao Gullapalli2
14:30 3043 30 3He Regional Volumetry in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis: Pre and Post Physiotherapy
Neil Woodhouse1,
Nigel Hoggard1, Nicky Clarke2, Sandra Bott2,
Edwin van Beek3, Christopher Taylor2, Jim Wild1
14:30 3044 31 Correlation of Hyperpolarized 3He Q-space Diffusion MRS Parameters with in vitro Lung Data Across Animal Species
Dattesh Shanbhag1,
Talissa Altes2, Jaime Mata1, G.Wilson Miller1,
Jack Knight-Scott3
14:30 3045 32 Fluorine-19 MRI of the lung: an in vivo comparison of fluorinated gases
Wolf1, Alexander Scholz1, Maxim Terekhov1,
Wolfgang Schreiber1
14:30 3046 33 Determination of T1-DCE MRI based blood flow heterogeneity in normal kidneys and renal pathology.
Dujardin1, Robert Luypaert1, Smitha Makkat1,
Steven Sourbron2, Filip Deridder1, Dierik
Verbeelen1, Tadeusz Stadnik1, Johan de Mey1
14:30 3047 34 The effect of Gd-DTPA dose on renal function in a rat cisplatin-induced chronic renal failure model
14:30 3048 35 A comparison of two-compartment models for the quantification of glomerular filtration
Sourbron1, Henrik Michaely1, Klaus-Peter Lodemann2,
Stefan Schoenberg1, Maximilian Reiser1
14:30 3049 36 Renal R2 changes and dynamic kidney size variations in response to vasoactive substances in the rat
Pippa Storey1,
Lin Ji1, Lu-Ping Li1, Pottumarthi Prasad1
15:00 3050 29 Quantification of renal perfusion on a voxel-by-voxel basis: comparison of perfusion values in different age groups.
Dujardin1, Smitha Makkat1, Robert Luypaert1,
Steven Sourbron2, Patricia Van der Niepen1, Dierik
Verbeelen1, tadeusz stadnik1, Johan de Mey1
15:00 3051 30 Effects of naproxen and naproxcinod on intra-renal oxygenation during water-loading as evaluated by BOLD MRI - not available
Jin Li1,
Lu-Ping Li1, T Schnitzer2, Pottumarthi Prasad1
15:00 3052 31 Assessment of Renal Function from Motion-Corrected 3D DCE-MRI using Clustering and Independant Componant Analysis - not available
Zöllner1, Jarle Rørvik1, Arvid Lundervold1
Jason Jacob1,
Danny Kim1, Vivian Lee1
K Tan1, Hui
15:00 3055 34 MR Voiding Cystography for Vesicoureteral Reflux Evaluation
Shreyas Vasanawala1,
William Kennedy1, Arun Ganguly1, Rebecca Fahrig1,
Viola Rieke1, Bruce Daniel1, Richard Barth1
Mittul Gulati1,
Steven Raman1, Ana Gomez1, H Gritsch1,
Peter Schulam1, David Lu1
15:00 3057 36 Combined Diffusion Weighted and Dynamic Subtraction MRI for Prostate Transition Zone Cancer Diagnosis : Correlation With Histopathology - not available
Takeshi Yoshizako1,
Nobue Uchida1, Akihiko Wada1, Kouji Uchida1,
Naruhito Okada1, Megumi Nakamura1, Hajime Kitagaki1,
Mikio Ikawa1
15:30 3058 29 Time Resolved Contrast-Enhanced Breast MR with 0.6 Isotropic Spatial Resolution
Gerhard Laub1,
Daisy Chien2, Helmuth Schultze-Haakh1
15:30 3059 30 Clinical value of proton spectroscopy added to high spatially resolved Gd-enhanced MR of the breast - not available
Alfonso Fausto1,
Marianne Vorbuchner2, Francesco Sardanelli1
Frederick Kelcz1,
Mai Elezaby2
15:30 3061 32 Evaluation of Computer-Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) Software Tools for Tumor Detection using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Jeremy Chen1,
Kryt Chattrabhuti1, David Thomasson1, Catherine
Chow1, Sandeep Gupta2, Bernadette Kaufman3,
Jianhua Yao1
15:30 3062 33 MRI of the breast: quantification of breast density and background enhancement in healthy volunteers
Ava Kwong1,
Catherine Klifa2, Maurice van den Bosch1, Gladys
Lo3, Bruce Daniel1, Nola Hylton2
15:30 3063 34 Reproducibility of quantitative parameters derived from dynamic hyperpolarized 3He MRI
Jim Wild1,
Neil Woodhouse1, Steven Parnell1, Kevin Teh1,
F Hersman2, Rob Ireland1, Kevin Cooper1,
Martyn Paley1, Curig Prys-Picard3, Edwin van Beek1,
Chris Taylor1, Rob Niven3
Federica Pediconi1, Carlo Catalano1, Simona Padula1,
Antonella Roselli1, Enrica Moriconi1, Valeria
Dominelli1, Miles Kirchin2, Roberto Passariello1
Kristina Jong1, Kathleen Horst1, Debra Ikeda1,
Bruce Daniel1, Sunita Pal1, Maurice van den Bosch1,
Frederick Dirbas1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 3066 37 NMDA receptors participate in control of manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI)
Hirotada Fujii1,
Kouich Itoh2, Motomichi Sakata3
14:00 3067 38 A model of competition between Manganese and Iron and their combined influence on R1 in Rat Brain Tissues
Na Zhang1,
Vanessa Fitsanakis2, Michael Aschner2, Calum
Avison1, John Gore1
14:00 3068 39 Determination of Odor Concentration Dependent Responses in Olfactory Circuitry using Manganese Enhanced MRI
Kai-Hsiang Chuang1,
Leonardo Belluscio1, Alan Koretsky1
14:00 3069 40
Andrew Lowe1,
Ian Thompson2, Nicola Sibson1
14:00 3070 41 Does social isolation rearing induce prefrontal cortex volume loss – a MR volumetry study in rats at 7T.
Mirjam Schubert1,
M Porkess1, Kevin Fone1, Dorothee Auer1
14:00 3071 42 Three Dimensional Atlas of Developing Mouse Brains Based on Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Nelson Chuang1,
Jiangyang Zhang1, Jianxue Li2, Bengang Xu2,
Stephen Senft3, Richard Sidman2, Susumu Mori1
14:00 3072 43 1H MRS of cortical and cerebellar brain extracts of ataxic migraine mice
Rob van
de Ven1, Arn van den Maagdenberg1, Michel Ferrari1,
Rune Frants1, Louise van der Weerd1
14:00 3073 44
Cylindrical-FSE for rapid, quantitative T2 mapping in Alzheimer’s mice -
Theodore Trouard1, Jean-Philippe Galons1, Gary
14:30 3074 37 MRI for in vivo structural brain phenotyping of a migraine mouse model
Rob van
de Ven1, Roald van der Landen1, Arn van den
Maagdenberg1, Sjoerd van Duinen1, Marion
Maat-Schieman1, Remi Chapeaublanc1, Bianca Hogers1,
Michel Ferrari1, Johan Reiber1, Rune Frants1,
Louise van der Weerd1, Faiza Admiraal-Behloul1
Si-lun Wang1,
E.X. Wu1, Yanxin Wang1, H.F. Lau1, E.S.
Hui1, Pik-To Cheung1, Pek-Lan Khong1
14:30 3076 39 Phenotypic severity of primary distorsion dystonia is uncovered with diffusion tensor imaging in brains of mouse models - not available
Vanhoutte1, Kathrin Grundmann2, Bettina Reischmann2,
Olaf Riess2, Annemie Van der Linden1 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - not available
Kim1, Jin-Moo Lee2, Sheng-Kwei Song1
14:30 3078 41 Quantitative Analysis of Brain Morphology in a Mouse Model of the Huntington’s Disease
Neda Jahanshad1,
Akira Yamamoto2, Wenzhen Duan1, Qi Peng1,
Michael Miller1, Susumu Mori1, Jiangyang Zhang1
14:30 3079 42 Longitudinal Monitoring of Brain Changes in Canines Immunized with Fibrillar or Oligomeric Beta-Amyloid
Min-Ying Su1,
Long Vu1, Garima Agrawal1, Kevin Head1,
Ted Barrett2, Charles Glabe1, Rakez Kayed1,
David Cribbs1, Bruce Muggenburg2, Elizabeth Head1,
Carl Cotman1, Orhan Nalcioglu1
14:30 3080 43
Comparing Automatic Deformation-Based Techniques Against Manual
Volumetry in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease: A Longitudinal In
Vivo Study -
Jonathan Lau1,
Jason Lerch2, Tomas Klason3, John Sled2,
R Henkelman2, Alan Evans1, Barry Bedell1
Chassain1, Guy Bielicki1, Elodie Durand2,
Stéphane Lolignier2, Jean-Pierre Renou1, Franck
15:00 3082 37 MRI Investigation of Angiogenesis Enhanced by Sildenafil Treatment of Embolic Stroke in Rat - not available
Guangliang Ding1,
Quan Jiang1, Lian Li1, Lakshman Gollapalli2,
Li Zhang1, Zheng Zhang1, Karyn Ledbetter1,
Swayamprava Panda1, James Ewing1, Mark Haacke2,
Michael Chopp1
15:00 3083 38 Detection of gray matter damage in neonatal rat model of mild hypoxic-ischemic insult by manganese-enhanced MRI
Jian Yang1,
Ed Wu1
Sun ZhiHua1,
Zhang XueJun1, Zhang YunTing1
Hongyu An1,
Qingwei Liu1, Yasheng Chen1, Jiongjiong Wang2,
Weili Lin1
15:00 3086 41 Neurochemical alterations in the cortex and cerebellum of Mecp2 knockout mice - not available
Didier Laurent1,
Brittany Yerby1, John Gounarides1, Sarah Geisler1,
En Li1, Cecile Spielewoy1
15:00 3087 42 Decreased T1 and T2 in the brain of APP/PS2 mice, a model for Alzheimer's disease
Claudia Weidensteiner1,
Friedrich Metzger1, Bernd Bohrmann1, Thomas
Bielser1, Andreas Bruns1, Basil Kuennecke1,
Markus von Kienlin1
15:00 3088 43 The Role of Mitochondrial Superoxide in Alzheimer&[prime]s Pathology
Cynthia Massaad1,
Karen Smith1, Eric Klann2, Robia Pautler1
15:00 3089 44 Optic neuritis pathology detected with directional water diffusivities by MRI in a murine EAE model - not available
Qizhu Wu1,
Helmut Butzkueven1, Qing Yang1, Hong Wang1,
Ke Fang1, Gary Egan1, Trevor Kilpatrick1
15:30 3090 37 Aqueductal Flow Measurement in a Rat Model of Communicating Hydrocephalus using Gadolinium Enhancement
Mark Wagshul1,
Helene Benvensite2, Michael Egnor1, Erin McCormack1,
Jie Li3, James McAllister3, Shams Rashid1,
Mei Yu2
Estanislao Arana1, Juana Forner1, Yudy
Florez-Ordoñez2, Luis Martí-Bonmatí1, David
Moratal2, José Millet2
15:30 3092 39 Clinical Applications of Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Bejoy Thomas1,
Chandrasekharan Kesavadas1, Arun Gupta1, Thamburaj
Krishnamoorthy1, Narendra Bodhey1, Tirur
15:30 3093 40 PROPELLER MRI at 7T - not available
E. Welch1,
Robin Avison2, J. Gatenby2, Adam Anderson2,
John Gore2
15:30 3094 41 Dependency of the venous phase shift upon positioning angle in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging - not available
Kinya Ishizaka1,
Kohsuke Kudo1, Yuri Yoshida1, Mika Oka1,
Satoshi Terae1
15:30 3095 42 Signal Changes of the Brain in Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging under Low Cerebral Blood Flow - not available
Yasutaka Fushimi1,
Yukio Miki1, Nobuyuki Mori1, Tsutomu Okada1,
Shin-ichi Urayama1, Nobukatsu Sawamoto1, Hidenao
Fukuyama1, Kaori Togashi1
15:30 3096 43 Effects of several carbogen concentrations on signal changes in susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI)
Christian Kutschbach1,
Katharina Helm1, Jan Sedlacik1, Hans-Joachim
Mentzel1, Werner Kaiser1, Matthias Bellemann2,
Jürgen Reichenbach1
15:30 3097 44 Improved Phase Processing in Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
Alexander Rauscher1,
Andreas Deistung1, Stephan Witoszynskyj1, Enrico
Dittrich1, Jan Sedlacik1, Jürgen Reichenbach1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 3098 41 Fast 3D Reduced Field of View Carotid Imaging at 3T
Mahender Makhijani1,
Christopher Hardy2, Gerry Pohost1, Krishna Nayak1
14:00 3099 42 Three Dimensional Carotid Wall Imaging at 3T using a new muti-channel surface coil
John Sheehan1,
Ioannis Koktzoglou2, Timothy Carroll2, Peter Weale3,
Wolfgang Risse3, Evert Beerens4, Abe van der Werf4,
John de Groot4, Renate Jerecic3, Yiu-Cho Chung3,
James Carr1
14:00 3100 43
Ye Qiao1,
Kevin Hallock1, James Hamilton1
14:00 3101 44 The Silent Carotid Plaque Rupture -- A 70-Month Serial Follow-up Case by In Vivo High Resolution MRI
Jianming Cai1,
Lin Ma1, Xinjiang Wang1, Dexiou Zhang1,
Youquan Cai1
Tobias Saam1,
Hunter Underhill2, Baocheng Chu2, Norihide Takaya2,
Jianming Cai2, Chun Yuan2, Thomas Hatsukami3
14:00 3103 46 Quantitative 3.0 T Carotid Plaque Imaging
Denise Hinton-Yates1,
Ricardo Cury2, Karen Furie3
14:00 3104 47 An Optimized 3D Inversion Recovery Prepared Fast Spoiled Gradient Recalled Sequence for Carotid Plaque Imaging
Zhu1, Kevin DeMarco1, Marina Ferguson2
14:00 3105 48 3D Features of Disrupted Carotid Plaque: A Multi-Plane, Multi-Contrast in vivo High Resolution MRI Study
Wei Yu1,
Hunter Underhill1, Marina Ferguson1, Minako Oikawa1,
Baocheng Chu1, Thomas Hatsukami2, Chun Yuan1
David Stanley1,
James Glockner2
14:30 3107 42 3T MRI demonstrates significant decrease of mural inflammatory changes in giant cell arterits under steroid treatment
Thorsten Bley1,
Michael Markl1, Marie Schelp1, Markus Uhl1,
Alex Frydrychowicz1, Juergen Hennig1, Mathias
14:30 3108 43 Characterization of atherosclerosis lesions with TrueFISP Intravascular MRI
Olivier Salvado1,
Stephen Yutzy2, Mike Nguyen2, Jamal Derakhshan2,
Jens Heidenreich1, Simi Paul1, Ingmar Viohl3,
Robert Hoffman1, Jeffrey Duerk1, David Wilson2
14:30 3109 44 High Resolution 3D MR Plaque Detection in the Thoracic Aorta in 45 Acute Stroke Patients at 3Tesla
Andreas Harloff1,
Patrick Dudler1, Alex Frydrychowicz2, Christoph
Strecker1, Anna Stroh1, Annette Geibel-Zehender1,
Andreas Hetzel1, Jürgen Hennig1, Michael Markl1
14:30 3110 45 Simultaneous bilateral imaging of the femoral arteries in peripheral arterial disease patients
Ryan Brown1,
Christof Karmonik2, Alan Lumsden2, Hosam El-Sayed3,
Christie Ballantyne3, Shawna Johnson3, Paul
Sovelius3, Yi Wang1, Joel Morrisett3
14:30 3111 46 Intravascular Imaging of the Carotid Artery using a combined Stent and Imaging Catheter in a Porcine Model
Jens Heidenreich1,
Simi Paul1, Jamal Derakhshan2, Sherif Nour2,
Matthew Riffe2, Mark Griswold1, Jeffrey Duerk1,
Jeffrey Sunshine1
14:30 3112 47 Molecular MRI of Myeloperoxidase Activity in Experimental Atherosclerosis using a Novel Paramagnetic “Smart” Contrast Agent
John Ronald1,
John Chen2, Kem Rogers1, Robert Hegele1,
Manel Querol3, Alexei Bogdanov3, Ralph Weissleder2,
Brian Rutt1
14:30 3113 48 T2* value correlates with iron concentration in atherosclerotic rabbit aorta
Raimo Joensuu1,
Anna Larsson1, Li-Ming Gan1, Malin Palmér1,
Paul Hockings1
15:00 3114 41 Whole Body Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI): Non-Contrast MRA from Head to Feet - not available
Nobuyasu Ichinose1,
Yuichi Yamashita1, Takao Yamamoto1, Shinji Mitsui1,
Manabu Ishii1, Kazuya Okamoto1, Yoshio Machida1,
Mitsue Miyazaki1
15:00 3115 42 HASTE Sequence with Parallel Acquisition and T2 Decay Compensation: Application to Carotid Artery Imaging - not available
Zhang1, Eugene Kholmovski1, Junyu Guo2,
Seong-Eun Choi1, Dennis Parker1
15:00 3116 43 Trajectory-Corrected Dual-Echo PC VIPR Imaging at 3T
Kevin Johnson1,
Oliver Wieben1, Ethan Brodsky1, Charles Mistretta1
Clifton Haider1,
Houchun Hu2, Norbert Campeau1, John Huston III1,
Stephen Riederer1
15:00 3118 45 3D Visualization of RF ablation scarring using delayed enhanced MRI co-registered with MRA
Yuri Ishihara1,
Reza Nezafat2, John Wylie2, Marius Linguraru1,
Mark Josephson2, Robert Howe1, Warren Manning2,
Dana Peters2
15:00 3119 46 3D Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography in Occlusive Disease of the Central Thoracic Veins
Kambiz Nael1,
Mayil Krishnam1, Stefan Ruehm1, Gerhard Laub2,
J Paul Finn1
15:00 3120 47 Non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the pulmonary veins using a whole chest 3D steady-state with free-precession technique
Christopher François1,
Vibhas Deshpande2, Renate Jerecic2, Peter Weale2,
James Carr1
15:00 3121 48 Automatic correction of intensity inhomogeneity in multi-station MR angiography of the peripheral vessels
Breeuwer1, Kees Visser1, Harrie van den Bosch2
15:30 3122 41 Non-contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the thoracic aorta using a whole-chest 3D steady-state with free-precession technique
Christopher François1,
Vibhas Deshpande2, Renate Jerecic2, Peter Weale2,
James Carr1, Karin Dill1
Didier Laurent1,
Farid Sari-Sarraf1, Kapil Mayawala1, Leah Martell1,
Carolyn Cho1, Mathis Thoma1, Mary-Jane Plym1,
Silvia Pomposiello1
15:30 3124 43 Investigation of an aerobic exercise effect on the peripheral blood flow in the visualization of nonenhanced Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI) - not available
Riichiro Nagashima1,
Katsumi Nakamura1, Akiyoshi Yamamoto1, Kiyomi
Kuroki1, Mitsue Miyazaki2
Kambiz Nael1,
Michael Fenchel2, Mayil Krishnam1, Gerhard Laub3,
J Paul Finn1, Stefan Ruehm1
Jason Jacob1,
Elizabeth Hecht1, Danny Kim1, James Babb1,
Robert Carson1, Bachir Taouli1, Niels Oesingmann2,
Sooah Kim1, Andrew Harris1, Vivian Lee1
15:30 3127 46 Artery-vein Separation of Ultra-High Resolution Contrast-Enhanced MRA using a Blood Pool Agent
Maisie Wang1,
David Haynor1, Tim Leiner2, Gregory Wilson3,
Matthew Shutske1, William Eubank4, Jeffrey Maki1
Kramer1, Henrik Michaely1, Peter Schmitt2,
Michele Picciolo1, Maximilian Reiser1, Stefan
Oliver Kraff1,
Florian Vogt1, Michael Zenge1, Mark Ladd1,
Birayet Ucan1, Stephan Kannengiesser2, Peter
Schmitt2, Melanie Schmidt2, Joerg Barkhausen1,
Harald Quick1 Hall 17 14:00 - 16:00
14:00 3130 49 Highly Constrained Back Projection (HYPR) processing for Phase Contrast MRI
Oliver Wieben1,
Kevin Johnson1, Julia Velikina1, Frank Korosec1,
Charles Mistretta1
14:00 3131 50 In vivo MR Velocimetry in Intracranial Aneurysms: Computational Fluid Dynamics Specification and Validation
Vitaliy Rayz1,
Alastair Martin2, Gabriel Acevedo-Bolton1, Randall
Higashida2, Michael Lawton2, William Young2,
David Saloner1
14:00 3132 51 MR determination of flow fields in patient-specific models of intracranial aneurysms using 7D PC-MRI
Gabriel Acevedo-Bolton1,
Vitaliy Rayz1, Alastair Martin2, Michael Lawton2,
Randall Higashida2, William Young2, David Saloner2
14:00 3133 52 Comparison of the noninvasive techniques to evaluate intracranial compliance and pressure based on MR flow quantification
Kagayaki Kuroda1,
Takaomi Kanno1, Yoichi Tanabe1, Koichi Oshio2,
Masatoshi Honda1, Hideki Atsumi1, Mitsunori
14:00 3134 53 Patient-Specific Wall Shear Stress Determination in the Coronary Arteries Using Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance
Kevin Johnson1,
John Oshinski1
14:00 3135 54 Flow Quantification by Dual Echo Phase Contrast SSFP
Marijn Rolf1,
Mark Hofman1, Joost Kuijer1, Vinay Pai2,
Andreas Greiser3, A. van Rossum1, Rob Heethaar1
14:00 3136 55 Phase Contrast Imaging of Vortex Rings During Diastolic Filling of the Left Ventricle
Tony Norman1,
William Kerwin1, Edward Gill1
Ugander1, Rainer Petzina1, Lotta Gustafsson1,
Henrik Engblom1, Johan Sjogren1, Roland Hetzer2,
Richard Ingemansson1, Hakan Arheden1, Malin
14:00 3138 49 Optimized pre-processing of time-resolved 2D and 3D Phase Contrast MRI data
Bock1, Björn Kreher1, Juergen Hennig1,
Michael Markl1
14:30 3139 50 Methodology for Optimal Quantitative Flow Analysis by planar analysis of CINE Phase Contrast 2D or 3D MR data
Aurélien Stalder1,
Alex Frydrychowicz1, Max Russe1, Jelena Bock1,
Jürgen Hennig1, Michael Markl1
14:30 3140 51 Aortic Compliance of Mice at 7T Using Radial Phase Contrast Cine Imaging
Xuandong Zhao1,
Ronald Pratt1, David Hui2, Janaka Wansapura1
Christian Canstein1,
Phillipe Cachot2, Alain Faust2, Aurelien Stalder1,
Alex Frydrychowicz1, Jelena Bock1, Jürg Küffer2,
Jürgen Hennig1, Michael Markl1
14:30 3142 53 Improved Body Phase Contrast imaging using a prospectively gated VIPR acquisition
Kevin Johnson1,
Oliver Wieben1, Charles Mistretta1
14:30 3143 54 Quantitative Flow sensitive 4D MRI: Detailed Flow and 3D Wall Shear Stress Analysis in the Entire Normal Thoracic Aorta
Alex Frydrychowicz1,
Max Russe1, Aurélien Stalder1, Andreas Harloff1,
Alexander Berger1, Bernd Jung1, Jelena Bock1,
Jürgen Hennig1, Michael Markl1, Mathias Langer1
14:30 3144 55 Calculation of Aorta Pressure Waveform from MRI Blood Flow Velocity Measurement
Yu Ding1,
Subha Raman1, Orlando Simonetti1
Yasuo Takehara1,
Haruo Isoda1, Shuhei Yamashita1, Hiroyasu Takeda1,
Yasuhide Ohkura2, Takashi Kosugi2, Masaya Hirano3,
Marcus Alley4, Roland Bammer4, Harumi Sakahara1
14:30 3146 49 Advanced Quantitative Flow and Wall Shear Stress Analysis at 3T: 2D vs 3D time-resolved MR Velocity Mapping
Aurélien Stalder1,
Max Russe1, Jelena Bock1, Jürgen Hennig1,
Michael Markl1, Alex Frydrychowicz1
15:00 3147 50 Localized quantification of geometry, hemodynamics, and histology in a rat model of abdominal aortic aneurysm
Joan Greve1,
Eiketsu Sho1, Maureen Tedesco1, Mary Draney Blomme1,
Nathan Wilson1, Ronald Dalman1, Norbert Pelc1,
Charles Taylor1
15:00 3148 51 MRI-based Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement Using a 4D Aorta Model
Klaus Kirchberg1,
Christine Lorenz1
15:00 3149 52
Truly non-invasive NMR determination of peripheral vascular resistance
by combining dynamic angiography and arterial spin labeling techniques -
Ménard1, Céline Baligand1, Eric Giacomini1,
Didier Bertoldi1, Yves Fromes1, Pierre Carlier1
15:00 3150 53 Feasibility of pulse wave velocity measurement using ECG-triggered two-dimensional half-Fourier FSE - not available
Kiyomi Kuroki1,
Katsumi Nakamura1, Akiyoshi Yamamoto1, Riichiro
Nagashima1, Mitsue Miyazaki2
15:00 3151 54 Clinical Utility of Flow Encoding Phase Contrast - MRI to Quantify the Exercise Induced Flow Reserve in Lower Extremities
Hosakote Nagaraj1,
Amol S Pednekar2, Cecilia Corros1, Himanshu Gupta1,
Steven Lloyd1
15:00 3152 55
A Novel Non-Contrast MRA Technique Using Time Spatial Labeling Inversion
Pulse in Combination with Flow-Spoiled FBI for the Assessment of Small
Arteries of the Finger
15:00 3153 56
Investigation of Efficacy of Depicting Deep Vein Thrombus (DVT) using
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) and Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI)
Venography -
Ritsuko Ando1,
Tsutomu Manabe1, Satoru Tazawa1, Ko Matsumoto2,
Mitsue Miyazaki3
15:00 3154 49 Flow Mediated Vasodilatation Induced Brachial Artery Area Change versus Atherosclerotic Risk Factors
Yi Wang1,
Bin Luo1, Saadi Siddiqi1, Chizor Iwuchukwu1,
John Abela1, Marguerite Roth1, Nathaniel Reichek1
Hermann Koerperich1,
Stanley Kirana1, Peter Barth1, Monica Negrean1,
Bernd Stratmann1, Jürgen Gieseke2, Dirk Lammers1,
Alin Stirban1, Diethelm Tschöpe1, Wolfgang
Francesco Santini1,
Stephan Wetzel1, Klaus Scheffler1
15:30 3157 52 Automatic volume field of view detection in non-selective, scoutless, multi-station MRA
Andres Carrillo1,
Ajit Shankaranarayanan1, Jeffrey Stainsby1, Maggie
Fung1, Wei Li2, Eugene Dunkle2, Robert
15:30 3158 53 Robust Detection of Contrast Bolus Arrival in Time-Resolved Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Joshua Trzasko1,
Stephen Riederer1, Armando Manduca1
15:30 3159 54 A variable TR shells trajectory for better fat suppression in CE-MRA
Yunhong Shu1,
Matt Bernstein1
15:30 3160 55 MR angiography in rabbits: Comparison of a new blood pool contrast agent with Dotarem®
Sonja Kinner1,
Stefan Maderwald1, Nina Blechschmid1, Sophia
Göricke1, Juliane Albert1, Claire Corot2,
Philippe Robert2, Jörg Barkhausen1
Kersten Peldschus1,
Mareike Hamdorf1, Philippe Robert2, Gerhard Adam1,
Christoph Herborn1