2008 Young
Investigator Award Winners |
I. I. Rabi
Award |
W. S. Moore
Award |

Vivian S.
Lee, ISMRM 2008-2009 President, presenting award to Riccardo
Lattanzi |

Vivian S.
Lee, ISMRM 2008-2009 President, presenting award to Chengbo
Wang |
Riccardo Lattanzi
Electrodynamic constraints on homogeneity and RF power
deposition in multiple coil excitations
(Program No. 614) |
Chengbo Wang
Hyperpolarized 3He diffusion MRI at two time scales
during a single breath hold: Assessment of the lung
microstructure in asthmatics with comparison to healthy and
COPD subjects
(Program No. 393) |