Case-Based Teaching:
Cardiac MRI
Clinical Intensive Education Option
Organizer: Georg M. Bongartz, M.D.
Skill Level: Advanced
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
10:30 - 12:30

This two-hour course will provide an overview of the role of cardiac MR within the spectrum of imaging techniques available for diagnosis and evaluation of cardiac disease. The course comprises state-of-the-art application of routine cardiac MRI, and the case-based format allows insight into common and rare pathologies which can be detected and classified by MRI. Our goal is to prove insight into new techniques as well as insightful knowledge on practical issues in cardiac diseases and cardiac MRI. Speakers will be both basic scientists and radiologists/cardiologists, and formal talks will be followed by a time for in-depth discussion with the teachers.
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
  • Design appropriate scanning protocols for cardiac MR imaging;
  • Describe the basic clinical indications for cardiac MRI;
  • Discriminate various cardiac diseases by their typical properties in MRI;
  • Identify the pitfalls and challenges of the various Cardiac MRI techniques; and
  • Compare and optimally apply the pulse sequences used for cardiac perfusion, function, viability, and velocity imaging in MRI.

10:30 Acute & Chronic Ischemic Disease Jeanette Schulz-Menger, M.D.
10:50 Valvular Disease Gunnar Lund, M.D.
11:10 Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Victor A. Ferrari, M.D.
11:30 Congenital Heart Disease  - not available Albert de Roos, M.D.
11:50 Cardiac Tumors Gunnar Lund, M.D.
12:10 Panel Discussion  
12:30 Adjournment  


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