Electronic Posters
: Functional MRI
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fMRI & Functional Connectivity Analysis
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 51 |
14:00 |
3544. |
Correlations between Resting-State Spontaneous
Fluctuations and Fractional Volume of Gray
Qihong Zou1,2, Wanyong Shin1,3,
Hong Gu1, Xiujuan Geng1,
Wang Zhan4, Yufeng Zang2,
and Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch,
National Institute on Drug Abuse, National
Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 2State
Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and
Learning, Beijing Normal University,
Beijing, Beijing, China, People's Republic
of, 3Imaging
institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,
United States,4Center of Imaging
for Neurodegenerative Diseases, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco,
CA, United States
Fractional amplitude of low-frequency
fluctuations (fALFF) has been used to
measure the strength of spontaneous
fluctuations of resting-state fMRI signal.
However, its underlying mechanisms and
inter-subject variations are unknown. In
this study, voxel-wise correlations between
fALFF and fractional volume of gray matter (fv,GM)
across subjects are investigated. Our
results show that fALFF and fv,GM are
positively correlated over large parts of
the brain and fv,GM can be used as a
covariate to remarkably reduce inter-subject
variations. These findings suggest that
fALFF is related to tissue fraction and its
inter-subject variations can be reduced by
including fv,GM in group analyses.
14:30 |
3545. |
BOLD using a Diffusive Model 
John David Dickson1, Dmitriy A
Yablonskiy2, Alex L Sukstanskii2,
Tom WJ Ash3, Guy B Williams3,
and Richard E Ansorge1
1Department of Physics, Cambridge
University, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire,
United Kingdom, 2Mallinckrodt
Institute of Radiology, University of
Washington in St Louis, St Louis, MO, United
States, 3Wolfson
Brain Imaging Centre, Cambridge University,
United Kingdom
Previous work in quantitative BOLD has made
use of a static model of baseline BOLD
signal. In order to account for spin
diffusion we introduce a recently created
phenomenological diffusive BOLD model into
the quantitative BOLD method. Applying this
to real MRI data we show that estimates of
hemodynamic properties in the healthy brain
are closer to literature values than
achieved when using the static model.
15:00 |
3546. |
fMRI group analysis using fractional volume of
gray matter as a covariant 
Wanyong Shin1, Hong Gu2,
Qihong Zou2, Thomas Ross2,
and Yihong Yang2
1Radiology, Imaging Institute,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Baltimore, MD,
United States
We present a method of voxel-wise group
analysis using fractional volume of gray
matter (fv,GM) as a covariant in a fMRI
study with visual stimulation. The results
show that a) Consistent functional
activation is observed between conventional
t-test and the t-test with fv,GM as a
covariant, b) The size of the activated ROI
and average t-score in the activated ROI are
increased when using the covariate t-test
with the same statistical threshold, and c)
The slope of â with respect to fv,GM is
observed higher in V1 compared to V2, V3 and
thalamus areas
15:30 |
3547. |
Characterization of spatial variation of
BOLD-associated neuronal activity in fMRI 
Yu Li1, and Hu Cheng2
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's
Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio,
United States, 2Psychological
and Brain Sciences, Indiana University at
Bloomington, Bloomington, Indiana, United
The work presented here introduces a novel
approach to visualizing neuronal activity
using two contrast mechanisms that arise
from the spatial difference of BOLD-induced
changes in local B0 field homogeneity and
strength. The new contrast is generated by a
complex signal calculated from original fMRI
signals. This signal, as it characterizes
BOLD-associated changes of B0 field
variation in image space, is called "field
variation signal". In this work, it is
demonstrated that fMRI data analysis using
field variation signals has the potential to
visualize spatial variation of
BOLD-associated neuronal activity.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 51 |
13:30 |
3548. |
A support
vector machine based real-time fMRI
communication channel 
Tom Ash1, Adrian Carpenter1,
and Guy Williams1
1Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
We present a support vector machine based
technique for allowing subjects in a scanner
to communicate yes / no answers to
questions, with answers available to
experimenters in real time (less than 1 TR).
The technique uses SVMs to detect subject
brain state as they perform mental imagery
to reply to questions. Tests in healthy
volunteers show 19% of subjects answers were
not distinct enough to be confidently
labeled. Of the remaining 109, 107 answers
were correctly interpreted by the
classifier. This technique shows promise for
use as a real-time communication channel for
behaviorally vegetative, internally
conscious brain injury patients.
14:00 |
3549. |
Combination of
SVM and ROI Approaches for Real-Time fMRI
Vadim Zotev1, Raquel Phillips1,
Ruben Alvarez1, W Kyle Simmons1,
Pat Bellgowan1, Wayne Drevets1,
and Jerzy Bodurka1
1Laureate Institute for Brain
Research, Tulsa, OK, United States
The support vector machines (SVM) approach
to decode patterns of whole-brain activity
can be utilized for real-time fMRI
neurofeedback. We propose a combined SVM and
region-of-interest (ROI) neurofeedback
approach. A custom rtfMRI system was used to
compute an SVM classifier and measure fMRI
activation in the left amygdala ROI, and to
provide neurofeedback as a variable-height
bar. Three healthy male subjects were asked
to feel happy so as to raise the bar. We
observed that ROI-based neurofeedback
improves SVM performance, while SVM-based
neurofeedback increases ROI activation.
Combination of these two approaches benefits
both and enhances rtfMRI neurofeedback
14:30 |
3550. |
Learning for Real Time fMRI Classification 
Hao Xu1, Yongxin Taylor Xi1,
Ray Lee2, and Peter J. Ramadge1
1Electrical Engineering,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United
States, 2Princeton
Neuroscience Institute, Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, United States
We propose a real-time conjugate
gradient(rtCG) algorithm as an efficient
solution for online real-time fMRI(rtfMRI)
system. rtCG leans to classify brain states
as data is being collected. It has a close
connection with well-established partial
least squares(PLS) algorithm when applied to
the quadratic problem of interest. Real fMRI
data tests show that rtCG can process high
dimensional fMRI data within one TR and
reach high prediction accuracy.
15:00 |
3551. |
Real-time BOLD
functional MRI neuro-feedback: connectivity
changes observed in an imagery task 
Silvina G Horovitz1, Brian D
Berman1,2, and Mark Hallett1
1HMCS, NINDS - NIH, Bethesda, MD,
United States, 2Neurology,
School of Medicine University of Colorado
Denver, Aurora, CO, United States
Functional connectivity resting state based
on BOLD functional MRI (fMRI) has been used
mainly to observe brain networks while
subjects ‘do nothing’. The same principle,
however, can be used for any other
steady-state brain condition. In this study,
we compare the connectivity of the motor
area during hand movement imagery with and
without real time neuro-feedback of BOLD
signal of the hand motor area. We observed
connectivity changes during neuro-feedback
runs; these changes were maintained through
a subsequent run without neuro-feedback.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 51 |
13:30 |
3552. |
Analysis through Structural Vector
Auto-Regressive (SVAR) Modeling 
Gang Chen1, Ziad S. Saad1,
J. Paul Hamilton2, Ian H. Gotlib2,
and Robert W. Cox1
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,
United States, 2Mood
and Anxiety Disorders Laboratory, Department
of Psychology, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
Between the two popular methods in
connectivity analysis, vector
auto-regression (VAR) faces a challenging
issue in data sampling rate while structural
equation modeling (SEM) usually suffers from
the violation of the assumption that no
lagged correlation is considered within and
across regions. With the synthesis of both
methods, structural vector auto-regressive
(SVAR) modeling accounts for both
contemporaneous and delayed effects among
the regions, and provides a more powerful
and robust tool for network modeling than
VAR and SEM when they are applied alone.
Here we present an SVAR program that is
platform-independent and open source.
14:00 |
3553. |
A Combined
Dynamic Causal Modeling and Functional MRI Study
to Assess Visuospatial Symmetry Judgment in
Healthy Subjects 
Manisha Bhattacharya1, Shilpi
Modi1, Memita Devi1,
Namita Singh Saini1, Rajendra
Prasad Tripathi1, and Subash
1NMR Research Centre, INMAS,
Delhi, Delhi, India
Dynamic Causal Modeling along with fMRI was
used to quantify effective connectivity
within a visuospatial symmetry processing
network in each cerebral hemisphere. Twelve
different models consisting of Occipital
Gyrus, Superior Parietal Lobule (SPL(7A))
and Middle Frontal Gyrus (BA6) were defined.
Our results provide evidence in support of
the direct effect of the task on SPL and its
modulatory effect on the connectivity
between SPL and BA6 for both hemispheres.
However, SPL is excitatory in its action on
BA6 in the left hemisphere while it is
inhibitory in the right hemisphere
demonstrating the greater role of left
hemisphere in symmetry processing.
14:30 |
3554. |
Granger Causality analysis of fMRI data shows a
direct connection from LGN to hMT+ bypassing V1 
Anna Gaglianese1, Mauro Costagli2,
Giulio Bernardi1, Lorenzo Sani1,
Emiliano Ricciardi1, and Pietro
1Laboratory of Clinical
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pisa,
Italy, Italy, 2Laboratory
for Cognitive Brain Mapping, RIKEN - Brain
Science Institute, Wako, Japan
The human middle temporal complex (hMT+) is
devoted to motion perception. To determine
whether motion-related neural information
may reach hMT+ directly from the thalamus,
by-passing the primary visual cortex (V1),
we measured effective connectivity in an
optic flow fMRI experiment in humans.
Conditional Granger Causality analysis was
employed to measure direct influences
between the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
and hMT+, discarding indirect effects
mediated by V1. Results indicated the
existence of a bilateral alternative pathway
for visual motion processing that allows for
a direct flow of information from LGN to
hMT+. This direct link may play a role in
15:00 |
3555. |
entrained dynamic effective connectivity
analysis of fMRI 
Gopikrishna Deshpande1, Simon
Lacey2, Henrik Hagtvedt3,
Venessa Patrick4, Amy Anderson2,
Randall Stilla2, João Ricardo
Sato5, Srinivas Reddy6,
K Sathian2, and Xiaoping Hu7
1AU MRI Research Center,
Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
United States, 2Department
of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 3Carroll
School of Management, Boston College,
Chestnut Hill, MA, United States, 4C.
T. Bauer College of Business, University of
Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 5Center
of Mathematics, Computation and Cognition,
Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André,
Brazil, 6Centre
for Marketing Excellence, Singapore
Management University, Singapore, 7Coulter
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States
Hemodynamic variability can affect the
validity of inferences obtained from Granger
causality (GC) analysis of fMRI. Also, it is
difficult to obtain context-dependent and/or
dynamic connectivity from traditional GC
analysis of short fMRI time series data. In
order to alleviate these problems, we
developed a stimulus-entrained, dynamic GC
approach which not only models the
time-varying connectivity but also
determines whether the dynamics are
entrained to external stimuli. Using
simulations, we show that this approach is
not affected by hemodynamic variability.
Also, we demonstrate the experimental
utility of this approach using a visual art
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 51 |
13:30 |
3556. |
Correlation-Matrix-Based Clustering Method for
Extracting Correlation Patterns of Spontaneous
BOLD Fluctuations 
Xiao Liu1,2, Xiao-Hong Zhu1,
Yi Zhang1, Peihua Qiu2,
and Wei Chen1
1CMRR, Radiology, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Statistics,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
In this study, we introduce a novel
correlation-matrix-based clustering method
for extracting correlation patterns in
spontaneous BOLD fluctuations and for
identifying multiple resting-state networks.
This method has merits beyond commonly-used
seed-based correlation mapping and spatial
independent component analysis (ICA): no
priori information required, easy
interpretation of outcomes, easy for the
group level analysis, and effective in
identifying multiple resting networks with
clear and robust patterns at one time. It
could be a powerful tool for investigating
resting-state brain networks detected by
spontaneous BOLD fluctuations.
14:00 |
3557. |
centrality mapping based on low-frequency phase
Gabriele Lohmann1, Maren
Grigutsch1, Daniel Margulies1,
Annette Horstmann1, Burkhard
Pleger1, Joeran Lepsien1,
Dirk Goldhahn1, Haiko Schloegl2,
Michael Stumvoll2, Arno
Villringer1, and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig,
Germany, 2Department
of medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig,
We have previously introduced a new analysis
method for fMRI data called “eigenvector
centrality mapping (ECM)” (Lohmann et al,
2010). In ECM, each voxel receives a rank
describing its centrality within the brain
using a method similar to Google's PageRank
algorithm. In this context, we have
previously used spectral coherence as a
similarity metric. However, this ignores
phase shifts so that time series may receive
high coherence values even though they are
separated by large phase shifts. Here, we
investigate whether changes in brain states
manifest themselves not only in centrality
changes of spectral coherence but also of
phase alignment.
14:30 |
3558. |
BBCA Analysis
of Functional and Structural Networks 
Alex Kenneth Smith1, David J.
Madden1, Pooja Gaur1,
and Nan-Kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis
Center, Duke University, Durham, North
Carolina, United States
The medial cortical regions have been shown
to exhibit significantly decreased brain
activity during task conditions. It has been
proposed that these regions form the nodes
of a default mode network that is
continuously and spontaneously active, even
in the absence of an external task. Changes
in the functioning of the default mode
network have been reported for healthy older
adults, relative to younger adults. The
following analysis describes a
behavior-based connectivity analysis method,
in which whole-brain data are used to
identify behaviorally-relevant intrinsic and
functionally connected networks and the
fractional anisotropy that indicates the
level of connection between areas.
15:00 |
3559. |
analysis of resting state functional
connectivity MRI 
Andreia Vasconcellos Faria1,2,
Suresh Joel1,3, Xiaoying Tang4,
Peter vanZijl1,3, Michael Miller4,
James Pekar1,3, and Susumu Mori1
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Radiology,
State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP,
Brazil, 3FM
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain
Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Resting state functional connectivity MRI (rsfc-MRI)
is becoming widely-used for neuroscience
studies. However, the identification of
corresponding cortical areas across subjects
is not straightforward and the
pixel-to-pixel time-domain correlation is
inherently very noisy. An Atlas-Based
Approach (ABA), where an automated 3D
segmentation is applied in each individual,
reduces the dimensionality of the data and
can be an alternative to evaluate functional
connectivity. In this study we report on
initial findings in functional brain
connectivity and inter-session intra-subject
reproducibility of the results obtained by
applying an ABA on rsfc-MRI data acquired in
two sessions from 21 normal volunteers
Posters : Functional MRI
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Function Connectivity: Physiology & Application
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 52 |
14:00 |
3560. |
Spontaneous fMRI activity
reflects a dynamic image of brain state 
Marta Bianciardi1, Masaki Fukunaga1,
Jacco A de Zwart1, and Jeff H Duyn1
1Advanced MRI Section, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
The origin of spontaneous fMRI activity (SA-fMRI) of the
human brain is still poorly understood, for example if
it represents ongoing sensory processing or
homeostatic/cognitive functions that depend on brain
state. To investigate this, we measured the amplitude of
SA-fMRI in the visual cortex and of fluctuations in
amplitude of magnetoencephalographic-MEG activity and
electro-oculogram-activity, varying independently the
brain-attentive-state (eyes-open/closed) and the visual
input (presence/absence of light). Amplitude of SA-fMRI
changed dynamically with brain state, and was not
modulated by visual input. Our results suggest that the
level of SA-fMRI may depend on the level of arousal and
oculo-motor activity.
14:30 |
3561. |
The association between
pulse wave velocity, as a marker of sympathetic tone, and
resting state BOLD signals 
Kevin Murphy1, James Coulson1,2,
Ashley D Harris1, Marija Fjodorova1,
and Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 2Wales
Heart Research Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff,
Wales, United Kingdom
Dynamic changes in both blood pressure and arterial CO2
concentration lead to variations in the BOLD signal.
Fluctuations in arterial blood pressure are controlled
by the sympathetic nervous system through changes in
arterial stiffness. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) alters
with arterial stiffness and can be used as a surrogate
measure of sympathetic activity. In this study,
significant variance in resting state BOLD signals was
explained by simultaneously recorded PWV traces. A lack
of delay between the two signals suggests that the
related BOLD fluctuations are associated with flow
changes arising from dynamic variations in blood
15:00 |
3562. |
Investigating the neural
basis of fcMRI 
Matthew Jon Brookes1, Joanne Hale1,
Claire Stevenson1, Johanna Zumer1,
Gareth Barnes2, Julia Owen3, Susan
Francis1, Srikantan Nagarajan3,
and Peter Morris1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Kingdom, 2Wellcome
Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 3Biomagnetic
Imaging Laboratory, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States
In this study we employ ultra high field (7T) functional
connectivity (fc) MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG)
to explore, in detail, the electrophysiological basis of
haemodynamic measures of functional connectivity. We
show good agreement between motor cortex connectivity
measured independently using these two disparate
neuroimaging modalities. We employ three different MEG
based functional connectivity metrics to investigate how
neural oscillations mediate functional connectivity.
Finally, we investigate the temporal dynamics of
connectivity, showing that marked changes occur on a
timescale accessible to fMRI. Our study has implications
to those developing fcMRI methodologies, and to those
employing fcMRI to understand functional connectivity.
15:30 |
3563. |
T2* Modulation of
Functional Connectivity using a Multi-echo Strategy 
Changwei W Wu1, Hong Gu1, Qihong
Zou1, Hanbing Lu1, Elliot A Stein1,
and Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Baltimore, Maryland, United
Spatial and spectral effects of T2* were assessed on
low-frequency spontaneous fluctuations acquired at 3T.
Using a mutlti-echo sequence, broad local (ipsilateral)
connections but minimal long-distance (contralateral)
connections were found at an ultra-low TE (7.7 ms) in
the default-mode network. In frequency domain, the
uniform spectral power at low TE indicated minimal
T2*-weighted connectivity and the elevated spectral
power with long TEs in the frequency range of 0–0.05 Hz,
likely due to T2*-mediated neuronal activities. These
results characterized the effects of transverse
relaxation times on functional connectivity, which would
be useful for the interpretation of resting-state fMRI
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 52 |
13:30 |
3564. |
Caffeine Tightens the
Coupling Between Resting-State Blood Flow and Metabolic
Anna Leigh Rack-Gomer1, and Tom T Liu1
1Bioengineering and Center for Functional
MRI, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
Prior work has shown that caffeine decreases the
amplitude and correlation of resting-state BOLD
fluctuations. However, the physiological mechanisms by
which caffeine alters spontaneous BOLD fluctuations
remain unclear. In this study, we show that the ratio of
the amplitudes of resting-state BOLD and cerebral blood
flow (CBF) fluctuations in the motor cortex is reduced
by caffeine. This finding indicates that caffeine
tightens the coupling between resting-state fluctuations
in CBF and oxygen metabolism. Tighter flow-metabolism
coupling is consistent with the caffeine-induced
decrease in the amplitude of spontaneous BOLD
fluctuations and may also contribute to the reduced
resting-state BOLD connectivity.
14:00 |
3565. |
Resting-State Functional
Connectivity Modification by Non-invasive Electrical
Stimulation of the Brain
Steven Roys1, Gadi Alon2, George
Makris3, and Rao Gullapalli1
1University of Maryland, School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Physical
Therapy, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, 3University
of Maryland, School of Medicine
Intracranial electrical brain stimulation has been shown
to provide favorable clinical outcomes in various CNS
conditions including Parkinson’s disease, stroke,
clinical depression and pain. However the mechanisms
related to these outcomes are less well understood. In
this study we report changes in the resting state motor
network following electrical stimulation of the motor
cortex using both pulsed and direct current stimulation.
We observe persistent, significant changes in the
resting state motor network following pulsed electric
stimulation. These results suggest that functional
connectivity MRI studies can help elucidate the
mechanisms responsible for therapeutic effects of
electric stimulation.
14:30 |
3566. |
The Relation between
Drug-induced Effects on Resting State Brain Connectivity and
Cerebral Blood Flow
Najmeh Khalili-Mahani1,2, Mathiass J. P. Van
Osch1, and Serge A. R. B. Rombouts1,2
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Netherlands, 2Leiden
Institute for Brain and Cognition, Institute of
Psychology, Leiden, Netherlands
We have previously shown that different CNS drugs induce
distinct and network specific changes in resting state
network connectivity. Here we have examined the
relationship between changes in resting state
connectivity and changes in cerebral blood flow measured
in the same subjects.
15:00 |
3567. |
Influence of Sevoflurane
on Regional CBF and Functional Connectivity and Implications
Related to Brain/Behavior during General Anesthesia 
Maolin Qiu1, Ramachandran Ramani2,
Roberto Martuzzi1, Xiaohui Zhang1,
and R Todd Constable1,3
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States, 2Anesthesia,
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT,
United States,3Biomedical Engineering,
Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New
Haven, CT, United States
Effects of sevoflurane on rCBF are observed across the
brain cortices but are highly region-specific, with
increases limited primarily to subcortical structures
and insula and decreases observed primarily in
neocortical regions. The functional connectivity within
sub-neural networks appears to be much less affected by
sevoflurane. With the assumption that both the resting
state rCBF and functional connectivity are associated
with the same underlying neuronal processes, we wanted
to test whether a decrease in CBF during anesthesia
would lead to a decrease in functional connectivity, and
vice versa. Discrepancies between the changes in rCBF
and connectivity caused by sevoflurane might suggest the
differences in the neuronal processes with which they
are associated. This work examined the relationship
between local changes in rCBF and BOLD based functional
connectivity in the awake and anesthetized state in
humans. Regional CBF was significantly altered by
sevoflurane across the brain while the network
properties as measured using BOLD functional
connectivity remained largely undisturbed. These
discrepancies in the responses between rCBF and
functional connectivity suggest that they are in general
not associated with the same functional components of
underlying neuronal processes.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 52 |
13:30 |
3568. |
Functional networks in the
macaque brain revealed by independent component analysis of
resting-state fMRI 
R Matthew Hutchison1, L Stan Leung1,
Seyed M Mirsattari1, Joseph S Gati2,
Ravi S Menon2, and Stefan Everling2
1University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada
Independent component analysis of the resting macaque
brain revealed homologous large-scale network
organization at multiple levels of processing with
humans. These included higher-order networks
facilitating executive functioning, attentional
processing, reward evaluation, and default-mode activity
as well as lower-order networks responsible for vision,
audition, sensorimotor integration, and motor control.
The consistency of RSNs between macaques and humans
suggests the same gross topological cortical
organization, thereby providing strong support for their
use as an animal model in the study of normal and
abnormal functional connectivity.
14:00 |
3569. |
Paola Valsasina1, Maria Assunta Rocca1,
Gianna Riccitelli1, Andrea Falini2,
Giancarlo Comi3, and Massimo Filippi1
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San
Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Milan, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Milan,
Italy, 3Department
of Neurology, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Milan, Italy
In this study, we assessed gender-related differences in
the entity of resting state (RS) fluctuations in a large
cohort of healthy subjects (48 males, 56 males, mean
age=23.1 years). Voxel-based morphometry was also run to
investigate the correspondence between functional and
structural differences. RS activity was found to be
increased in males vs. females in several regions of the
temporal and parietal lobes, whereas females had a
higher RS activity than males in the frontal lobes, the
cerebellum and several visual and auditory areas.
Gender-related RS functional differences had only a
minimal overlap with gray matter volume differences.
14:30 |
3570. |
Intrinsic Resting State
Functional Connectivity of Default Mode Network Predicts
Attention Task Performance 
Pan Lin1, Nicola De Pisapia1, and
Jorge Jovicich1,2
1Center for Mind Brain Sciences,University of
Trento, Mattarello, Trento, Italy, 2Department
of Cognitive and Education Sciences,University of
Trento, Rovereto, Trento, Italy
The default mode network (DMN) is an intrinsic brain
system that participates in internal modes of cognition.
Neural activity and connectivity within the default
network , which are correlated with cognitive ability
even at rest. However, what remain unclear is the key
issue of whether the inter-region functional
connectivity within DMN is related to task performance.
Here, we hypothesized that the strength of the
functional connectivity (FC) within DMN is an index of
the degree of regulation of task performance during
attention task state. We found that some inter-region FC
within DMN showed the significant negative correlations
to reaction time during attention task. These results
would suggest the important role of the inter-region FC
within DMN can predict attention task performance.
15:00 |
3571. |
Applying Resting-State
Functional MRI to Study Impact of Attention Training on
Healthy Highly Educated Subjects 
Bob L Hou1, Alison Smith2, Jason
Chong2, Julie Brefczynski-Lewis1,
and Marc Haut2
1Radiology, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV, United States, 2Behavioral
Medicine & Psychiatry, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV, United States
We presented our study applying rfMRI data to evaluate
the impacts of attention training on healthy highly
educated subjects and to examine our hypothses: 1) Brain
attention function is linked with rest-state brain
attention network; 2) the improvement of attention due
to ~{!0~}training~{!1~}results from the increase in the
network connectivity.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 52 |
13:30 |
3572. |
Wavelet analysis of the
small-world human brain functional network in adolescents
prenatally exposed to cocaine 
Lei Jiang1, Zhihao Li1, Claire
Coles2, Mary Lynch2, and Xiaoping
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory
University and Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA, United States, 2Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University
School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, United States
Children and adolescents prenatally exposed to cocaine
are at high risk not only for attention/arousal
dysregulation and possible inefficiencies in some
cognitive functions, but also for problems such as
antisocial behavior, substance abuse, and emotional
disorders. Because functional brain networks detected in
resting-state fMRI have a small-world architecture that
reflects a robust functional organization of the brain,
here we examined whether this functional organization is
disrupted in prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE) by
employing a wavelet analysis method. The results show
that dysfunctional integrations occur in the brains of
PCE individuals during the resting state. Differences
between sub-bands were also observed in the small-world
analysis. Our findings highlight the need to consider
different frequency bands and the usefulness of wavelets
in functional connectivity analyses of resting state
14:00 |
3573. |
Resting-State fMRI
Multi-Spectral Connectivity Networks for Classification of
Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients 
Chong-Yaw Wee1, Pew-Thian Yap1,
Kevin Denny2, Lihong Wang2, and
Dinggang Shen1
1Radiology, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States
We introduce an effective network-based multivariate
classification algorithm, using multi-spectral
connectivity networks derived from resting-state
functional MRI, to accurately identify MCI patients from
normal controls. Classification accuracy given by our
approach is 86.5%, which is at least an 18.9% increment
from methods using a single frequency band. The AUC
value of our method is 0.863, indicating good diagnostic
power. Significant improvements and promising results
indicate that the proposed framework can potentially
serve as a complementary approach to clinical diagnosis
of alteration in brain functions associated with
cognitive impairment, especially at early stages.
14:30 |
3574. |
Resting state network
abnormalities in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mirror those
of frontotemporal dementia 
Elisa Canu1, Federica Agosta1,
Paola Valsasina1, Nilo Riva2,
Alessandro Prelle3, Giulia Longoni1,
Giancarlo Comi2, and Massimo Filippi1
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience,
Scientific Institute and University Hospital San
Raffaele, Milan, Italy,2Department of
Neurology, Scientific Institute and University Hospital
San Raffaele, Milan, Italy, 33Ospedale
Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico, Milan, Italy
Using resting state functional MRI (RS fMRI), the
default mode (DMN), fronto-parietal, executive, and
salience networks were explored in 16 patients with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with no cognitive
impairment and 15 healthy controls. Compared to
controls, ALS patients showed a decreased connectivity
of the DMN and fronto-parietal networks in the frontal
cortex, but enhanced connectivity in the parietal
regions. In non-demented ALS patients, the pattern of
network abnormalities mirrors that observed in patients
with frontotemporal dementia (FTD). RS fMRI may
contribute to shed light on to the overlap between ALS
and FTD.
15:00 |
3575. |
Changes in thalamus
connectivity in mild cognitive impairment: Evidence from
resting state fMRI 
zhiqun wang1, xiuqin jia1, peipeng
liang1, and kuncheng li1
1radiology department, xuanwu hospital of
Capital Medical University, Beijing, Beijing, China,
People's Republic of
Problem: Recently, resting-state functional MRI (fMRI)
has attracted increasing attention. Most studies have
focused on the hippocampus and posterior cingulate
cortex (PCC) connectivity regarding their crucial roles
in cognitive function, while less attention has been
devoted to the potential role of subcortical nuclei such
as thalamus. Methods: Resting state fMRI was used to
examine changes in thalamus connectivity in mild
cognitive impairment (MCI), which presented a neuro-disconnection
syndrome. Results: Functional connectivity between the
thalamus and a set of regions was decreased in MCI. We
also found increased functional connectivity between the
left and the right thalamus in MCI. Conclusions: This
study offered a clue to the reduced integrity and
compensation in thalamus-related network in MCI.
: Functional MRI
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
fMRI: High Temporal & Spatial Resolution
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 53 |
14:00 |
3576. |
Multi-Slice EPI compared with GE-EPI in Median Nerve
Stimulation at 7T 
Gerda Bjork Grimnisdottir1, Natalia
Petridou1,2, and Richard Bowtell1
1Sir Peter Mansfield MR Centre, Physics
and Astronomy, The University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2UMC,
Utrecht, Netherlands
The performance of (fast echo-shifted multi-slice)
ES-MS EPI and conventional GE-EPI (short/long TR) is
compared in fMRI during median nerve stimulation at
7T. Active voxels were found to be more numerous in
short TR (0.33s) ES-MS-EPI data, compared with data
acquired using standard GE EPI with a long (2s) TR.
The tSNR values are similar for all the short TR
scans, when the different echo and repetition times
are accounted for. ES-MS-EPI enables scanning with
more coverage than GE-EPI of the same TR and spatial
resolution. Higher temporal resolution facilitates
the capture of transient features of the fMRI
14:30 |
3577. |
Slice-direction SENSE:
A Sensitive Acquisition Method for Detecting Neuronal
Current MRI Signal Induced by Epilepsy 
Qingfei Luo1, and Gary H. Glover1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
MRI can potentially be used to detect the neuronal
currents induced by epilepsy. However, to capture
the brief epiletiform spikes, the MR images need to
be acquired with a high temporal resolution (~ tens
of ms). In this study, we propose to achieve the
high temporal resolution by using the
Slice-direction SENSE (Sl-SENSE) acquisition method,
which simultaneously excites and acquires multiple
image slices. Through a simulation experiment, we
demonstrated that Sl-SENSE provides superior
detection sensitivity than the conventional pulse
sequences, and it may become a promising acquisition
method for detecting the neuronal current MRI signal
induced by epilepsy.
15:00 |
3578. |
GRASE functional MRI
with asymmetric spin-echo 
Lirong Yan1, Robert P Spunt2,
Emily Kilroy1, Matthias Gunther3,
Matthew D Lieberman2, and Danny JJ Wang1
1Department of Neurology, University of
California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Department
of Psychology, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Fraunhofer
MEVIS-Institute for Medical Image Computing, Bremen,
Although gradient-echo EPI is widely used for BOLD
fMRI, it suffers from susceptibility artifacts, and
the temporal resolution is generally on the order of
2 to 3s for whole brain coverage. In the present
study, we used 3D GRASE with asymmetric spin-echo
(ASE) for fMRI with a temporal resolution of 1s per
brain volume. Compared to standard 2D EPI, GRASE
with ASE not only achieved superior sensitivity in
visual cortex activation, but also uniquely detected
prefrontal activation during a Go/No-Go task.
15:30 |
3579. |
evaluation of RSN functional contrast in low-TR FMRI 
Stephen Smith1, Karla Miller1,
Christian Beckmann1,2, Steen Moeller3,
Kamil Ugurbil3, Essa Yacoub3,
and David Feinberg4,5
1FMRIB, Oxford University, Oxford, Oxon,
United Kingdom, 2Donders
Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 3Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota Medical School, MN, United States, 4Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States, 5Helen
Wills Institute for Neuroscience, UC Berkeley, CA,
United States
We present quantitative evaluation of the functional
contrast (effective CNR) in low-TR data that has
been acquired by combining two different EPI
accelerations, generating whole-brain FMRI images as
rapidly as 0.4s. We use ICA and multiple-regression
to identify ~62 RSNs in each of 3 subjects, and find
that, while peak Z-stat is roughly constant across
the 3 TRs for single-regression analyses (seed-based
correlation), when deriving the functional
parcellation through a multiple-regression, the
lowest TR data had peak Z-stat increased by 60% and
RSN spatial extent increased by 100%, compared with
the unaccelerated data.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 53 |
13:30 |
3580. |
functional MRI at high spatial and temporal resolution
using UNFOLD 
Sebastian Domsch1, Patrick Heiler1,
and Lothar Rudi Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany
UNFOLD has been recently applied to high resolution
fMRI using a 3D-spiral sequence. The presented
combination of UNFOLD with a simple Cartesian
imaging sequence can be easily implemented and does
not require regridding of k-space data. In this
study, a modified multi-echo FLASH sequence was
accelerated by UNFOLD to obtain high resolution 3D
images covering half of the brain within 3 seconds.
This multi-echo 3D-UNFOLD-FLASH was applied to an
event-related finger tapping experiment. The goal
was to validate feasibility of this technique for
fMRI requiring both, high temporal and spatial
14:00 |
3581. |
Imaging Cognitive
Latencies with Ultrafast 7T fMRI 
Allen T Newton1, Jascha D Swisher2,
and John C Gore1,3
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt Universithy, Nashville, TN, United
States, 2Department
of Psychology, Vanderbilt Universithy, Nashville,
TN, United States,3Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt Universithy, Nashville, TN,
United States
Ultrahigh fields (7T) have traditionally been used
in fMRI to improve spatial resolution and
sensitivity to activation. Here, we demonstrate the
potential for these systems to instead image with
extremely high temporal resolution, while
maintaining significant BOLD contrast, nearly full
brain coverage and spatial resolutions common to
lower field strengths. We then present an example of
how sequences like this can be used to image
cognitive latencies between distant brain regions in
a simple reaction time task.
14:30 |
3582. |
The limit of relative
timing accuracy of BOLD fMRI in human visual cortex 
Fa-Hsuan Lin1,2, Jonathan R. Polimeni2,
Kevin Wen-Kai Tsai1, Thomas Witzel2,
Wei-Tang Chang1, Wen-Jui Kuo3,
and John W. Belliveau2
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Martinos
Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States,3Institute of
Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
BOLD-contrast fMRI has been widely considered with a
poor temporal resolution. Here we investigate the
limit of temporal resolution accuracy of BOLD fMRI
in human visual system using magnetic resonance
inverse imaging (InI) with 10 Hz volumetric sampling
rate. Specifically, we interrogate if the
inter-hemispheric visual cortex hemodynamic response
latency can correctly follow the latency of the
visual stimulation between hemifields. We also
hypothesize that relative latency in the visual
cortex can reliably distinguish between lateralized
preceding and the delayed stimuli. Our results
suggested that the relative timing accuracy of BOLD
response can be as high as 100 ms.
15:00 |
3583. |
Whole Brain Segmented
Echo-Volumar-Imaging increases fMRI Sensitivity compared
to Multi-Slice Echo-Planar-Imaging 
Stefan Posse1,2, Radu Mutihac1,3,
Elena Ackley4, Jochen Rick5,
Akio Yoshimoto6, Maxim Zaitsev5,
and Oliver Speck7
1Neurology, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM, United States,3Electricity
& Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 4Neurology,
University of New Mexico, United States, 5Radiology
- Medical Physics, University Medical Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6Polytechnic
Institute of New York University, New York, United
States, 7Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke-University
Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
In this study we developed whole brain EVI on a
clinical 3 T scanner using multiple-slab excitations
and 3D spatial encoding within each slab to reduce
geometrical distortion. Maximum t-score, extent of
activation and percent BOLD signal change were
significantly higher with EVI at TR: 280 ms compared
to EPI, both using TurboFIRE software (p<0.05) in
real-time and retrospectively, and using SPM8
(p<0.05). Excellent activation and strong signal
changes in BA17/18 were measured at TR: 135 ms.
Temporal pre-whitening procedures are required to
remove temporal data correlation by autoregressive
models, to improve statistical modeling.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 53 |
13:30 |
3584. |
Mapping of midbrain
nuclei connectivity networks using Time-domain
Phase-REgularized Parallel (T-PREP) reconstruction of
high-resolution fMRI 
Nan-kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
Mapping of intrinsic connectivity networks is widely
applied to imaging different patient populations.
However, conventional fMRI protocols used in ICN
mapping only provide data at a relatively low
spatial-resolution. Although low-resolution ICN
mapping may be sufficient to detect disruptions of
major large-scale networks, it cannot measure the
networks comprising nodes that are smaller in size,
such as the midbrain nuclei. To address this
limitation, here we report a novel time-domain
phase-regularized parallel (T-PREP) reconstruction
algorithm, retaining the fidelity of BOLD
time-course profiles derived from under-sampled fMRI
data, so that midbrain connectivity ICNs can be
reliably measured from high-resolution resting-state
14:00 |
3585. |
High Resolution
Functional Connectivity Mapping at 7T 
Christina Triantafyllou1,2, Boris Keil2,
Sheeba Arnold1, Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli1,
and Lawrence L Wald2,3
1A.A. Martinos Imaging Center, McGovern
Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United
States, 2A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department
of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 3Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States
Increases in BOLD CNR by improvements in array coils
and higher field strength potentially allow
sub-structure in connectivity networks to be
examined at higher spatial resolutions. In this work
we assess the potential of sub-millimeter functional
connectivity mapping at 7T by characterizing the
effect of voxel size across a range of isotropic
resolutions. The results indicate that robust
connectivity can be detected at all resolutions
including the isotropic 500µm data at acquisition
time of 5min, on a single subject level; suggesting
that fcMRI studies of small-scale networks are only
limited by the biological point spread function of
the underlying BOLD mechanism.
14:30 |
3586. |
High Resolution
Functional Mapping of Primary Motor Cortex and Primary
Somatosensory Cortex in Humans at 7 T 
Robert Trampel1, Andreas Schäfer1,
Robin Martin Heidemann1, Dimo Ivanov1,
Gabriele Lohmann1, Stefan Geyer1,
and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive
and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
The functional properties of the sensorimotor system
have been intensively studied by functional MRI over
the last decades. Typical fMRI resolution at field
strengths at 3 Tesla and below enables a rough
somatotopic mapping, but may not unambiguously
differentiate between primary motor cortex (M1) and
primary somatosensory cortex (S1). Here, we
performed isotropic sub-millimeter fMRI at 7 Tesla,
using a paradigm comprising finger tapping, finger
movement without touching the finger tips and
imagined finger movement. Spatial differences in
activation in S1 and M1 could be distinguished, and
also signal time courses dependent on the laminar
position across M1 cortex were obtained.
15:00 |
3587. |
High Resolution BOLD
fMRI of the Human Retina of Oxygen and Carbogen
Yi Zhang1,2, Qi Peng1,2, Oscar
San Emeterio Nateras2, and Timothy Q.
1Research Imaging Institute, University
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
BOLD fMRI of the human retina is challenging mainly
due to thin retina thickness, large magnetic
susceptibility variation in the orbital region and
potential eye movements. This study demonstrated an
innovative fMRI application to image normal human
retina associated with oxygen and carbogen
challenges. fMRI utilized an inversion-recovery of
Echo Shifting using a Train of Observations
(IR-PRESTO) acquisition to suppress vitreous signal
and to achieve high spatiotemporal resolution free
of susceptibility artifacts. This approach has the
potential to open up new avenues for retinal
research and complement existing optical imaging
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 53 |
13:30 |
3588. |
Comparison of
Acceleration Techniques Applied to Multi-shot 3D EPI for
fMRI Studies 
Onur Afacan1,2, Dana H. Brooks1,
W. Scott Hoge2, and Istvan A. Morocz2
1ECE Dept., Northeastern University,
Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States
In this work we evaluated the temporal performance
of three acceleration techniques applied to
multi-shot 3D EPI for fMRI. In particular we
implemented a multi-shot sequence accelerated by
GRAPPA, UNFOLD, and a combination of UNFOLD and
GRAPPA, all along the slice encoding direction. We
show results from a phantom experiment and an
in-vivo fMRI study that compares the accelerated
sequences to a full 3DEPI acquisition in terms of
temporal SNR, temporal artifacts, and functional
14:00 |
3589. |
Functional MRI using
Super-Resolved Spatiotemporally-Encoded Imaging
Noam Ben-Eliezer1, Ute Goerke2,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Recently, new single-shot imaging sequences such as
RASER and Hybrid SPEN have been proposed, relying on
spatiotemporal-encoding (SPEN) and offering
significantly higher immunity to B0-inhomogeneities
and chemical-shift offsets than conventional EPI.
fMRI experiments in the orbitofrontal cortex have
been successfully performed using RASER – a highly
challenging task using EPI due to strong distortions
near the air-filled sinuses. Despite these
advantages systematic analyses have shown that SPEN
sensitivity is lower and its RF power deposition
higher, than in EPI. We hereby explore a new
reconstruction algorithm, capable of alleviating
these shortcomings and analyze its performance in
the context of fMRI applications.
14:30 |
3590. |
T2-Weighted fMRI with a z-Encoding RF Coil Array for
Whole Brain Coverage at 7 T 
johannes Ritter1, Pierre-Francois Van de
Moortele1, Steen Moeller1,
Eddie Auerbach1, Kamil Ugurbil1,
and Gregor Adriany1
1CMRR, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States
Due to significant B1 inhomogeneities at high fields
it is challenging to achieve effective whole brain
fMRI. However, it has recently been demonstrated at
7 T that B1-shim homogeneity, T2-weighted contrast
and hence activation in different target volumes of
the human brain can be improved significantly with a
multi-region B1-shim Here we built upon this and
present a new integrated approach, consisting of a
novel multi banded sequence, a 3D B1 shim T/R coil
array and large volume B1-shim. Only the combination
of these components allow to effectively address SAR
and B1-inhomogeneity challenges and enable whole
head T2 weighted fMRI.
15:00 |
3591. |
Highly Sparse Spiral
fMRI Reconstructed with Compressed Sensing: Trajectory
Optimization for BOLD Contrast 
Daniel Holland1, Careesa Liu2,
Chris V. Bowen2,3, Andy Sederman1,
Lynn Gladden1, and Steven D. Beyea2,3
1Department of Chemical Engineering and
Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biodiagnostics (Atlantic), National Research
Council Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 3Departments
of Physics & Radiology, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The use of compressed sensing (CS) introduces the
possibility of increased k-space sparsity without
the increase in artifact, which widens the range of
variable density (VD) spiral trajectories for
improving fMRI sensitivity. We have explored a
variety of heavily undersampled VD spiral
trajectories in order to optimize the fMRI. By
combining CS with VD spiral, we demonstrated that
optimal fMRI acquisitions are achieved using
significantly sparser data than was previously
reported for non-CS reconstructed VD spiral data. A
representative CS-VD acquisition with 35%
undersampling exhibited significantly improved fMRI
sensitivity (e.g. 60% more active voxels and 13%
increase in CNR).
: Functional MRI
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
fMRI Signal Contributions
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 54 |
14:00 |
3592. |
Dynamical statistical
modeling of physiological noise for fast BOLD fMRI 
Simo Sarkka1, Aapo Nummenmaa1,2,
Arno Solin1, Aki Vehtari1,
Thomas Witzel3, Toni Auranen4,
Simo Vanni4, Matti S. Hamalainen2,
and Fa-Hsuan Lin1,5
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Computational Science, Aalto University, Espoo,
Finland, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
Massachusetts, United States, 3Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Harvard
University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 4Advanced
Magnetic Imaging Centre, Low Temperature Laboratory,
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 5Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan
In this work, we propose a statistical model based
method for removal and analysis of physiological
noise in fast BOLD fMRI acquisition methods. The
proposed stochastic state space model allows for
accurate dynamic tracking of time-varying
physiological signal frequencies and the estimation
method is based on the Interacting Multiple Models
(IMM) Kalman filter (KF) algorithm, which is widely
used in real time target tracking applications. The
method forms statistically the best possible
separation of the spatiotemporal BOLD and
physiological signals into separate components,
which allows for further processing of the de-noised
BOLD signal or analysis of the spatial
characteristics of the physiological signals. The
proposed method was applied to a three-slice EPI
data and the results indicate that the method is
able to accurately separate the cardiac and
respiration signals from the BOLD signal.
14:30 |
3593. |
Improved Model for
Physiological Fluctuations in fMRI 
Christina Triantafyllou1,2, Boris Keil2,
Jonathan R Polimeni2, and Lawrence L Wald2,3
1MIT, Athinoula A. Martinos Imaging
Center, McGovern Institute for Brain Research,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 2A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department
of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 3Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States
Sensitivity in BOLD fMRI is characterized by the
time-series SNR (tSNR), which contains fluctuations
from thermal (σ0) and physiological (σp)
noise sources. The relationship between tSNR and the
image SNR (SNR0)often fit to a model
where σp is
proportional to signal. Our findings demonstrate
that the relationship between tSNR and SNR0 is
well described by this for small count of channels,
however for higher field strengths and multiple
channel arrays, a modified model with an additional
constant term in σp(which does not scale
with signal strength) produces a significantly
better fit to both SE and GrE data.
15:00 |
3594. |
Sources of signal
fluctuations in single-shot 2D EPI and segmented 3D EVI
acquisitions for fMRI at 7T 
João P. F. Jorge1,2, Patrícia Figueiredo1,2,
Wietske van der Zwaag3,4, Mayur Narsude3,
and José P. Marques3,4
1Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon,
Portugal, 2Institute
for Systems and Robotics, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 4Department
of Radiology, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Recently, there has been an increased interest in
segmented EVI acquisitions in fMRI studies due to
their improved image SNR compared to traditional
EPI. However, the segmented EVI is more susceptible
to noise arising from temporally-correlated,
signal-dependent noise sources. In this work, the
ability of regressors based on simultaneously
acquired physiological signals to explain the signal
variance of fMRI data acquired with these two
sequences was evaluated. The use of a physiological
signal-based correction method improved the temporal
SNR and BOLD sensitivity of the segmented EVI data
to levels superior to those of conventional EPI.
15:30 |
3595. |
The Effect of Cardiac
Synchronization on the Temporal Characteristics of 3D
Rob Hendrikus Tijssen1, and Karla Loreen
1FMRIB Centre, Oxford University, Oxford,
Oxon, United Kingdom
Recently, several groups have re-visited the
potential of low-distortion sequences like 3D SSFP
and SPGR sequences for high-field FMRI. This is
particularly relevant for sub-cortical structures,
which require high resolution to resolve small
nuclei. 3D acquisitions however are susceptible to
flow-induced instabilities and show reduced temporal
SNR in inferior regions of the brain. Our results
suggest that cardiac synchronization could
significantly improve the tSNR of both SSFP and SPGR
in these regions.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 54 |
13:30 |
3596. |
Feasibility of
quantitative measurements for regional cerebral
metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) during
functional change with visual stimulus using MRI 
Audrey Peiwen Fan1, Jonathan R Polimeni2,
Bruce R Rosen2,3, and Elfar Adalsteinsson1,3
1Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States
Phase-based regional oxygen metabolism (PROM) is an
MRI method to quantify regional cerebral metabolic
rate of oxygen (CMRO2). The technique combines
measurements of oxygen saturation (Yv) from MR
susceptometry in cerebral veins and local cerebral
blood flow (CBF) from arterial spin labeling to
estimate regional CMRO2. Using this method at rest
and during visual stimulation, baseline CMRO2 in the
visual cortex was estimated 158±23 μmol/100g/min and
increased by 13.1% to 178±18 μmol/100g/min with
functional activation (p=0.02).
14:00 |
3597. |
A new approach for
venous blood oxygenation and calibrated BOLD using
Ian Driver1, Emma Hall1, Susan
Pritchard1, Susan Francis1,
and Penny Gowland1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Current methods for BOLD calibration assume Grubb’s
coupling constant between cerebral blood flow and
blood volume, which is poorly characterised,
measured for total blood volume and likely to vary
between brain regions and subjects. Here we present
a new method based on hyperoxia for the measurement
of venous blood volume (vCBV), blood oxygenation and
oxygen metabolism (CMRO2) changes on neuronal
activation without the need to assume any
flow/volume coupling relationship. Data is presented
for a motor task where changes were of 32±2% for
vCBV, 38±3% for blood oxygenation, and 30±6% for
CMRO2 which is in close agreement to literature.
14:30 |
3598. |
Breathing gas
calibration for MR CMRO2 measurements:
comparative effects on functional brain networks 
Dimo Ivanov1, Gabriele Lohmann1,
Stefan Kabisch1,2, Ilona Henseler1,
Haiko Schloegl1,2, Wolfgang Heinke3,
Chloe Hutton4, and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive
and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Department
of Medicine, University Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig,
Germany, 3Department
of Anestesiology and Intensive Care Therapy,
University Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 4Wellcome
Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
Regional changes in the cerebral metabolic rate of
oxygen (CMRO2) associated with neural
activation can be estimated with MRI using the
deoxyhaemoglobin dilution model, whose application
requires the calibration of resting-state BOLD
signal with a gaseous challenge. In this study we
used eigenvector centrality mapping (ECM) to assess
whether the brain network connectivity is influenced
by commonly used calibration gases. The results
suggest that these functional brain networks are
only slightly modulated, confirming the
applicability of the CMRO2 mapping
methodology across most of the brain.
15:00 |
3599. |
High resolution CMRO2 in
visual cortex of macaca mulatta
Yvette Bohraus1, Nikos K Logothetis1,2,
and Jozien Goense1
1Dept. Physiology of Cognitive Processes,
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics,
Tübingen, Germany, 2University
of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Current fMRI-methods are based on changes in
cerebral blood flow and/or oxygenation. Since these
methods measure hemodynamic signals, changes in BOLD
or CBF may not always accurately reflect changes in
the actual energy use of the brain. We determined
CMRO2 in
macaques during visual stimulation at high
resolution. The CMRO2values and the ratio
of fractional CBF and CMRO2 changes
were consistent with those reported in the
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 54 |
13:30 |
3600. |
Differences in
neurovascular coupling in areas with positive and
negative BOLD signal
Jozien Goense1, and Nikos K Logothetis1,2
1Dept. of Physiology of Cognitive
Processes, Max-Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Division
of Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
While the dynamics and mechanism of the positive
BOLD response have been well studied, much less is
known about the mechanism of the negative BOLD
response. We studied the properties of the negative
BOLD response by comparing the BOLD-, functional
CBV- and CBF-responses in regions exhibiting
positive and negative BOLD in primary visual cortex
(V1) of anesthetized monkeys. Both positive and
negative BOLD signals were accompanied by increases
in CBV, although CBF was decreased in the
unstimulated region.
14:00 |
3601. |
Neurovascular coupling
and uncoupling in negative fMRI response 
Chiao-Chi V Chen1,2, Yen-Yu I. Shih3,
Yi-Hua Hsu1,2, Bai-Chuang Shyu1,
and Chen Chang1,2
1Institute of Biomedical Sciences,
Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Functional
and Micro-magnetic Resonance Imaging Center,
Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan,3Research
Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States
Negative fMRI response is less well understood in
fMRI studies. Elucidating its coupling and
uncoupling to brain activity is important for
referring the negative fMRI signals to a correct
source. Afferent activity and local processing is
recognized as the activity source of fMRI signals,
but their role in negative fMRI signals with respect
to neurovascular coupling and uncoupling remains
unclear. The present study characterized a negative
fMRI response occurring in the striatum, triggered
by nociceptive electrical stimulation. We found that
the negative fMRI response was uncoupled to the
local neuronal activity yet coupled to afferents via
14:30 |
3602. |
The source of the
early-negative blood oxygenation signal 
Hiro Fukuda1, Alberto Vazquez1,
and Seong-Gi Kim1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Relationships between changes in oxygen saturation
level in emerging veins and the presence of early
dip in blood oxygenation signal was examined. When
oxygen consumption increases in active parenchyma,
it causes oxygen saturation levels to decrease and
increases deoxyhemoglobin in blood. These changes
are expected to be observed in emerging pial veins
because of blood draining. We found that an increase
in CBV contributes dominantly to the early dip when
CBF response is fast while a decrease in blood
oxygen saturation level due to an increase in tissue
oxygen consumption also contributes to the dip when
CBF response is slow.
15:00 |
3603. |
post-stimulation undershoot in human primary motor
cortex is not caused by elevated CBV 
Peter Dechent1, Gunther Helms1,
Dietmar Merboldt2, and Jens Frahm2
1MR-Research in Neurology and Psychiatry,
Universitymedicine Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, 2Biomedizinische
NMR Forschungs GmbH am MPI für biophysikalische
Chemie, Göttingen, Germany
The post-stimulation undershoot in BOLD fMRI may be
due to a delayed recovery of elevated CBV or CMRO2.
To exclude the possibility that contradicting
results in humans and animals originate from studies
of different cortical systems, we performed
contrast-enhanced T1-weighted fMRI in humans to
evaluate CBV during a motor task. The results
confirm a CBV increase during finger movements and
reveal CBV baseline levels in the post-stimulation
phase. This finding is in line with previous results
from human visual cortex. It renders discrepant
findings from human and animal studies unlikely to
be caused by the specific cortical system
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 54 |
13:30 |
3604. |
Vascular-space-occupancy (VASO) MRI in human brain at 7T 
Jun Hua1,2, Craig K Jones1,2,
and Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2
1Neurosection, Div. of MRI Research,
Dept. of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United
VASO-MRI exploits the difference between blood and
tissue T1 to null blood signal and measure CBV
changes using residual tissue signal. At 7T,
VASO-MRI faces two challenges: converging blood and
tissue T1, and a large positive BOLD effect
counteracting the negative VASO change.
Off-resonance (>20ppm) MT effects are large in
tissue but minimal in blood, which was used to
magnify tissue signal while nulling blood, and boost
SNR by 112+/-33% at 7T. A 3D turbo-field-echo (TFE)
sequence with short TE (1.77ms) is employed to
minimize the BOLD effect, and provide whole brain
coverage (2mm isotropic) for VASO fMRI at 7T.
14:00 |
3605. |
Quantification of Absolute Cerebral Blood Volume 
Pelin Aksit Ciris1, Maolin Qiu1,
and Robert Todd Constable1
1Yale University, New Haven, CT, United
Non-invasive absolute CBV quantification could
foster improved understanding of fMRI signal
mechanisms, and potentially find clinical utility in
evaluating vascular state, damage, and monitoring
treatments. A non-invasive method based on a
biophysical model and multi-slice acquisition with
varying contrast weightings, with efficient
multi-slice imaging using a rotating slice
acquisition, is introduced. The method was evaluated
by fitting to a slight change in data and model
parameters with activation. Consistent and
physiologically expected CBV estimates were obtained
in mL of blood / 100mL of parenchyma in normal human
volunteers. Results indicate feasibility of
non-invasive quantification applicable to the whole
human brain.
14:30 |
3606. |
Cerebral arterial and
venous blood volume changes during the post-stimulus
BOLD undershoot period 
Tae Kim1, and Soeng-Gi Kim1
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, Radiology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United
Sources of post-stimulus BOLD undershoots were
investigated by measuring cerebral arterial and
venous blood volume changes in isoflurane-anesthetized
cats. After the cessation of 40-s visual
stimulation, arterial CBV showed post-stimulus
undershoots, similar to BOLD, while venous CBV
returned to baseline slowly. Both CBF undershoot
(due to arterial CBV undershoot) and slow venous CBV
return contribute to the post-stimulus BOLD
15:00 |
3607. |
CBV Measurements-Gd_DTPA
vs. VASO- and Their Relationship with CBF in Activated
Human Visual Cortex 
Ai-Ling Lin1, Hanzhang Lu2,
Peter T Fox1, and Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University
of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX,
United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United
The purpose of the study was to compare the VAcular
Space Occupancy (VASO) techniques and a contrast
agent-based (Gd-DTPA) method in determining CBV
changes during multi-frequency visual stimulation (4
and 8 Hz). Specifically, we aimed to indentify the
impact of repetition time (TR) on CBV changes
determination using VASO. With additional
measurements in cerebral blood flow (CBF), the
flow-volume coupling relationship (£\ value) and
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) were
further determined. The results showed that with
short TR (2s), the CBV changes determined by VASO
were overestimated and thus caused the
underestimated of CMRO2 changes with a fMRI
biophysical model. With Long TR (6s), CBV changes
determined by VASO were consistent with those
obtained with the Gd-DTPA method. In addition, the
results showed that tasked-induced CBF-CBV coupling
was stimulus frequency-dependent, i.e., £\ =
0.35-0.38 at 4 Hz and £\ = 0.51-0.53 at 8 Hz.
: Functional MRI
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Improving fMRI Acquisition
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 55 |
14:00 |
3608. |
Multi-echo EPI with
parallel transmission z-shimming for increased sensitivity
Benedikt A Poser1, Cungeng Yang1,
Weiran Deng1, Vijayanand Alagappan2,3,
Lawrence L Wald2,4, and V Andrew Stenger1
1University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School
of Medicine, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 2A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Tufts University, Medford,
Massachusetts, United States,4Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States
Signal loss remains the most obdurate problem in
gradient-echo BOLD fMRI. Here we address the issue by
merging two highly promising techniques,
parallel-transmission z-shimming and multi-echo EPI
acquisition. ME-EPI has previously been shown to
increase BOLD sensitivity over the entire brain; however
it does not actively compensate for through-plane
dephasing. This makes multi-channel transmission for the
application of local corrective z-shims is highly
complementary. The combined method is found to be more
effective in reducing susceptibility artifacts than each
individual approach; In vivo experiments reveal improved
sensitivity in the frontal lobe, demonstrating the
method’s potential for fMRI application.
14:30 |
3609. |
fMRI with concurrent
magnetic field monitoring 
Christoph Barmet1, Bertram Jakob Wilm1,
Lars Kasper1, Christian C Ruff2,
Klaas Enno Stephan2,3, and Klaas Paul
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zürich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Laboratory
for Social and Neural Systems Research, University of
Zurich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Wellcome
Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College of
London, London, London, United Kingdom
In fMRI it is attractive to precisely know the
spatio-temporal magnetic field evolution in the imaging
volume during the scan. On the one hand, such knowledge
can be taken into account for image reconstruction; on
the other hand, it could be a useful means of subject
surveillance and of monitoring the course of a study for
retrospective analysis. Recent advances in field
monitoring hardware and methods actually promise to
offer such capability. The present work aims to explore
this proposition, using recent concurrent magnetic
monitoring technology.
15:00 |
3610. |
Slice-Specific Gradient
Compensation of Magnetic Field Inhomogeneities to Improve
T2*-Weighted Imaging of the Human Spinal Cord 
Jürgen Finsterbusch1,2, and Falk Eippert1,2
1Department of Systems Neuroscience,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Neuroimage
Nord, University Medical Centers Hamburg-Kiel-Lübeck,
Hamburg-Kiel-Lübeck, Germany
BOLD-based spinal cord imaging suffers from the magnetic
field inhomogeneities induced by the different
susceptibilities of the vertebrae and the surrounding
tissue. In T2*-weighted acquisitions, these
inhomogeneities cause a signal dephasing that varies
between different transverse sections. In this study, it
is shown that applying slice-specific gradient
compensation moments reduce the signal variations and
drop outs which could help to improve the detectability
and reliability of BOLD-based functional neuroimaging of
the spinal cord.
15:30 |
3611. |
Parallel Imaging with
Asymmetric Acceleration (ASYA) to Reduce Susceptibility
Artifacts in BOLD fMRI 
Kwan-Jin Jung1, and Tiejun Zhao2
1Scientific Imaging Brain Research (SIBR),
Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Medical Solutionsn USA,
Siemens Healthcare, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Parallel imaging with acceleration was noted to
pronounce the ripple artifact near the
susceptibility-affected region in the gradient echo EPI
for BOLD fMRI. Using the extended EPI sequence, which
collected extended readouts outside the regular data
acquisition window, the pronounced ripple artifact was
analyzed and found to be caused by an increased echo
shift in the pre-TE period in accelerated parallel
imaging. This was also confirmed by theoretical
derivation of the echo shift due to the magnetic field
susceptibility. A new EPI sequence was developed to
reduce the ripple artifact as well as to restore the
signal level to the level of un-accelerated parallel
imaging by applying the acceleration asymmetrically only
to the post-TE period. The un-accelerated portion in the
pre-TE period utilized the delay for the optimum BOLD
sensitivity at 3T, maintaining the same slice coverage
as the conventional acceleration in both pre- and
post-TE periods.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 55 |
13:30 |
3612. |
Comparison of fMRI with
Accelerated Variable Density Spiral and EPI 
Wei Lin1, Enrico Simonotto1, Feng
Huang1, Charles Saylor1, George R
Duensing1, and Arne Reykowski1
1Invivo Corporation, Philips Healthcare,
Gainesville, FL, United States
A recently proposed rapid k-space-based parallel imaging
method for variable-density (VD) spiral, Generalized
GRAPPA for wider spiral bands (GROWL) is applied to
fMRI. When compared with standard EPI images acquired
with identical scan parameters, VD spiral-in images
shows significantly less signal dropout in the frontal
orbital region. A second potential advantage is to
achieve higher temporal/spatial resolution and larger
volume coverage with highly undersampled VD spiral
14:00 |
3613. |
Effects of a
slice-dependent template-based gradient compensation method
on the BOLD sensitivity
Jochen Rick1, Oliver Speck2,
Jürgen Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke University,
Magdeburg, Germany
Anatomy-related susceptibility gradients in the human
head lead to artefacts in echo planar imaging (EPI). The
use of a slice-dependent template-based gradient
compensation method improves BOLD sensitivity (BS) in
areas affected by strong susceptibility-induced field
gradients. Here, an evaluation of BS changes is
performed for a compensated measurement in relation to
an uncompensated measurement. It is shown that the ratio
of signal loss to signal gain is well balanced, but the
method allows the sensitivity to be optimized in target
areas. These results are affirmed in a functional
experiment and shows that the method can be used for
event-related functional experiments.
14:30 |
3614. |
Optimizing EPI for
Functional MRI using Multi-directional Shimming in a Single
Shot Acquisition 
Jaemin Shin1, Sinyeob Ahn1, and
Xiaoping P Hu1
1Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech/Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States
Susceptibility-induced field inhomogeneity is a major
cause of signal loss in functional MRI. Z-shimming has
been widely used in the slice selection (SS) direction.
Shimming technique has been extended to the phase
encoding (PE) direction. However, the gradient of a
fixed amplitude in PE direction may not achieve the
optimal signal recovery of whole brain. In this work, we
describe a single shot EPI sequence that can optimally
compensate for the inhomogeneity in both SS and PE
directions. Signal recovery with only Z- shimming was
only 38% of the optimal shimming in the two directions.
In conclusion, multi directional shimming is better than
Z-shimming alone for signal recovery in fMRI.
15:00 |
3615. |
Dependence of acquisition
trajectory on BOLD sensitivity changes due to magnetic
susceptibility differences in the brain 
Thomas Le Paine1,2, and Brad P Sutton1,2
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States
Magnetic susceptibility differences between air and
tissues lead to magnetic field inhomogeneity in the
brain that can cause artifacts during functional
neuroimaging using the BOLD mechanism. When a gradient
echo acquisition is used, gradients in the magnetic
field inhomogeneity can cause effective echo time shifts
that result in spatial variations in the sensitivity of
BOLD. With a measured field map, these variations can be
calculated and used to calibrate BOLD maps. We show BOLD
maps from a breath hold task for four different
acquisition trajectories on the same subject and compare
them to the expected BOLD sensitivity maps.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 55 |
13:30 |
3616. |
Implementation of
navigator phase correction in multi-echo non-balanced SSFP
at 7T 
Pål Erik Goa1,2, Benedikt Andreas Poser2,3,
and Markus Barth2,3
1Department of Medical Imaging, St.Olav
University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Donders
Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud
University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Navigator phase correction is used in GRE sequences to
remove respiration induced global phase variations.
Non-balanced Steady-state free precession might also
benefit from phase correction. Here we investigate the
phase variation in S1 and S2 signals individually and
evaluate two different navigator methods. Results show
that the S2 phase is different from S1 phase and cannot
be corrected using a single S1 navigator. An interleaved
scheme where navigator echoes for both S1 and S2 are
sampled every m TR will successfully correct both
signals individually. BOLD-fMRI experiments on 7T shows
significant increase in number of activated voxels using
the interleaved scheme.
14:00 |
3617. |
Impact of TE on Short-TR
Pass-band b-SSFP BOLD Contrast at 3T 
Qi Peng1,2, Yi Zhang1,2, Oscar San
Emeterio Nateras1,2, and Timothy Q Duong1,2
1Radiology, UT Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, UT Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
Pass-band balanced steady-state free precession (pbSSFP)
fMRI offers high BOLD sensitivity and is less
susceptible to physiological noise compared to
traditional gradient echo planar imaging sequences.
However, the contrast mechanism is still under
investigation, and the impact of TE on commonly used
short-TR (<10ms) pbSSFP on BOLD sensitivity has not been
experimentally investigated at 3.0T. In this study, we
demonstrated that a TE/TR ratio approaching unity had
much higher BOLD compared to the same pbSSFP with
TE/TR¡Ü0.5. Therefore, k-space trajectories leading to
larger TE have advantages in short-TR pbSSFP fMRI
studies to obtain high BOLD sensitivity.
14:30 |
3618. |
A Real-Time Cardiac
Synchronization Method for Reducing Flow-Induced
Instabilities in SSFP FMRI of the Brainstem 
Rob Hendrikus Tijssen1, Thomas William Okell1,
and Karla Loreen Miller1
1FMRIB Centre, Oxford University, Oxford,
Oxon, United Kingdom
Low distortion and high signal-to-noise ration make
Steady-state free precession (SSFP) FMRI an attractive
pulse sequence for high resolution brainstem FMRI.
Unfortunately the multi-shot character of the readout
makes the sequence highly susceptible to flow-induced
instabilities that correlate with the cardiac cycle. We
present a readout method that achieves real-time cardiac
synchronization without varying frame rate, based on
GRAPPA and partial-Fourier reconstruction. This method
significantly improves temporal stability in the
15:00 |
3619. |
Balanced Steady State Free
Precession fMRI Using Intravascular Susceptibility Contrast
Iris Yuwen Zhou1,2, Matthew M. Cheung1,2,
Kevin C. Chan1,2, Condon Lau1,2,
and Ed X Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,
China, People's Republic of, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of
The major challenges in EPI-fMRI are the image
distortions and constraint in spatial resolution, thus
limiting accurate and high resolution mapping of brain
functions especially in small animals at high fields. To
overcome these limitations and also to achieve high CNR
and robust signal changes, we investigated the
feasibility of fMRI using bSSFP together with
intravascular susceptibility contrast agent MION in
rodent brains. We also compared with the conventional
SE-EPI and GE-EPI based fMRI. The results demonstrated
that bSSFP in combination with intravascular contrast
agent provides a robust CBV based fMRI approach. Such
brain functional mapping is distortion free and can be
of high resolution, and it is particularly suited for
high field fMRI study of animal models.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 55 |
13:30 |
3620. |
Dynamic changes in the
tissue microenvironment induced by hypercapnia and
hyperoxia: a T1rho dispersion study at 9.4 T 
Tao Jin1, and Seong-Gi Kim1
1Neuroimaging laboratory, Department of
Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
The spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame
(T1rho) has been applied in many pathological studies,
including cartilage degradation, cerebral ischemia, and
neurodegeneration diseases. Recently, it has also been
reported that the T1rho contrast can detect dynamic
changes in the tissue microenvironment induced by
hypercapnia, hyperoxia challenges, or neuronal
activation. T1rho is most sensitive to molecular
fluctuations with correlation times close to the inverse
of Rabi frequency of the applied spin-locking (SL)
pulse. Thus, the T1rho relaxation time, measured with
different SL frequencies, which is termed T1rho
dispersion, provides valuable information about the
underlying physiological mechanisms. Previous studies
have demonstrated that the chemical exchange between
labile protons of proteins and the bulk water may be an
important contributor to T1rho dispersion in biological
tissues in the low-frequency range of below several kHz.
In order to gain more insight about the underlying
mechanisms of dynamic T1rho changes, we investigated the
T1rho response during hypercapnia and hyperoxia for two
different SL frequencies.
14:00 |
3621. |
diffusion fMRI signals during hypercapnia and hyperoxia 
Tao Jin1, and Seong-Gi Kim1
1Neuroimaging laboratory, Department of
Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
Recently, diffusion-weighted fMRI (DfMRI) signals of
brain water were reported to increase with the degree of
diffusion sensitization during human visual stimulation,
indicating a decrease of the apparent water diffusivity;
however, the interpretation of the signal origin was
controversial. Le Bihan et al. attributed the
activation-induced change of the apparent water mobility
to a functional expansion of neuronal cell membrane.
Miller et al. found similar DfMRI signal change during a
hypercapnia challenge, which was also dependent on the
direction of diffusion-sensitizing gradients, thus
suggesting that the DfMRI signal change might be due to
residue intravascular signals. In this preliminary
study, we measured the direction-dependent change of
DfMRI signal i) during intravascular susceptibility
change without changes in vascular physiology by the
intravascular injection of a small amount of iron oxide
nanoparticle, and ii) during global hypercapnia and
hyperoxia stimulations in anesthetized rats after the
suppression of the intravascular signals.
14:30 |
3622. |
Assessment of hemodynamic
effects in functional diffusion-weighted MRI 
Umesh Suryanarayana Rudrapatna1, Maurits P A
van Meer1, Annette Van der Toorn1,
and Rick M Dijkhuizen1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
As diffusion-based functional imaging schemes are being
introduced as alternatives to BOLD fMRI, it is
imperative to assess their resilience to hemodynamic
effects. We report our findings from a cerebrovascular
challenge study in rats, where DTI was applied with
relatively high diffusion-weighting. Data reveal that
hemodynamic changes significantly influence signals in
diffusion-weighted data even at high b-values, in gray
as well as white matter. The changes were similar in
different directions, suggesting a common vascular
origin. This highlights the difficulty of discriminating
hemodynamic and cellular responses with
diffusion-weighted fMRI during stimulus-induced brain
15:00 |
3623. |
Magnetization transfer
fMRI in humans at 7T 
Sung-Yeon Park1, Dae-Hoon Kang1,
Se-Hong Oh1, Myoung-Kyun Woo1,
Joshua H. Park1, Jun-Young Chung1,
Young-Bo Kim1, Zang-Hee Cho1, and
Seong-Gi Kim2
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon
University of Medicine and Science, Incheon, Korea,
Republic of, 2Radiology,
University of Pittsburgh, United States
Recently a magnetization transfer (MT)-varied fMRI
technique was proposed to simultaneously measure
stimulus-induced arterial CBV (CBVa) change and BOLD
response. In previous 9.4-T animal MT fMRI contradicts
to previous 1.5-T human MT studies, in which MT reduced
the percentage signal change (i.e., increased MTR). This
discrepancy can be due to different magnetic field (9.4
T vs. 1.5 T), different spatial resolution (0.3 mm vs.
3.7 mm), different MT pulse scheme (long CW vs. one
short pulse), or different species. Thus, in order to
investigate the source of discrepancy, we performed MT
fMRI with high spatial resolution in humans at 7 T.