Electronic Posters
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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ADC & DTI Methods
Wednesday May 11th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 74 |
14:00 |
3891. |
model complexity reduces repeatability in
multiple b-value DWI fitting : Impact of tumour
volume and fitting methodology in a phase I
clinical trial setting 
Matthew R Orton1, David J Collins1,
Christina Messiou1, Jean Tessier2,
and Martin O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging
Centre, Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Formerly
with Early Clinical Development,
AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, Macclesfield,
United Kingdom
Diffusion Weighted Imaging with multiple
b-values is being used more widely in many
application areas, including clinical trials
for assessment of novel cancer therapeutics.
Complex models are being increasingly used
to extract more information from the data,
and the suitability and interpretation of
these is a matter of current debate. In this
abstract we present results obtained from
data acquired in a phase I clinical trial
setting which demonstrate the effect of the
diffusion model complexity, fitting
methodology and tumour volume on the
repeatability of functional parameter
14:30 |
3892. |
Evaluation of
a Novel Continuously Distributed Diffusion Model
in Normal Human Brain 
He Wang1, Yong Zhang1,
and Guang Cao1
1Global Applied Science
Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Shanghai,
Shanghai, China, People's Republic of
A novel continuously distributed exponential
model was explored to quantify diffusion in
normal human brain. Diffusion-weighted
images were acquired with twenty-one
b-values ranging from 0 to 4000 s/mm2 to
calculate the continuous distribution of
diffusion coefficients in white matter, gray
matter and cerebrospinal fluid. White matter
showed different diffusion rates among three
orthogonal orientations as contrast to CSF
and gray matter with similar diffusion rates
in all directions. More widely dispersed
diffusion distribution in white matter
benefits from the application of the
continuously distributed exponential model.
This technique may be used to characterize
diffusion heterogeneity in different types
of tumors.
15:00 |
3893. |
New strategy
for registering DW and non-DW images via tensor
estimation metric 
Cheng Guan Koay1,2, Andrew L.
Alexander1, and M. Elizabeth
1Department of Medical Physics,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, United States, 2STBB,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
United States
Registration of DW and non-DW images is a
critical data-analytics step. In this study,
we proposed a novel DW and non-DW image
registration strategy that provides the much
needed information on the
goodness-of-registration of DWI images to
non-DWI (T2-weighted image or template) in
terms of tensor estimation metric within the
registration process. This strategy requires
very minimal modification to the existing
acquisition of DTI except two distinct
b-values and is built upon weighted linear
least squares estimation for computational
efficiency consideration. Reduction in
registration error as computed from the
metric was about 48.6% for the experimental
data set we tested.
15:30 |
3894. |
Comparison of DT-MRI Interpolation Methods Using
Cardiac DT-MRI Data 
Jin Kyu Gahm1,2, Nicholas
Wisniewski3, William S Klug4,
Alan Garfinkel3,5, and Daniel B
1Department of Radiological
Sciences, University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department
of Computer Science, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Department
of Medicine, University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 4Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 5Department
of Physiological Science, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 6Biomedical
Engineering Interdepartmental Program,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
DT-MRI interpolation is the process of
estimating diffusion tensors at arbitrary
points in space from regularly sampled
tensor data. Tensor interpolation is
important for tensor-based fiber
tractography, registration, volume
rendering, and computational model building.
In this work, we use bootstrap statistical
methods to compare four different DT-MRI
interpolation methods’ accuracies for
recovering the tensor shape (invariants) and
orientation of unknown tensors from known
tensor data. By using a cardiac DT-MRI
dataset, we show the statistical
bootstrapping results for the paired
comparisons, and present recommendations for
the selection of the DT-MRI interpolation
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 74 |
13:30 |
3895. |
Six is Enough?
Examining the Controversy of 6 versus 30
Diffusion Encoding Directions for Deterministic
Tractography of Human Brain 
Catherine Lebel1, Thomas Benner2,
and Christian Beaulieu3
1Biomedical Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Athinoula
Martinos Center for Functional and
Structural Biomedical Imaging, Harvard
University, Boston, MA, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Simulations suggest that using more than the
minimum 6 diffusion-encoding gradient
directions provides more robust DTI
parameter estimates. Deterministic
tractography is often criticized for using
only 6 directions despite the lack of
experimental evaluation. Diffusion
measurements were compared between 6 versus
30 directions in healthy volunteers for 12
major white matter tracts. FA, MD and volume
differences were very minimal (1/12 tracts
had FA or MD differences, 2/12 had different
volumes). These results suggest that
6-direction DTI data with adequate SNR is
sufficient for FA, MD, and volume
measurements and thus should not be
considered inferior for population DTI
14:00 |
3896. |
Effect of SNR
of DTI on the structural network 
Hu Cheng1, Dae-Jin Kim1,
Olaf Sporns1, Yang Wang2,
Jinhua Sheng2, and Andrew Saykin2
1Indiana University, Bloomington,
IN, United States, 2Indiana
University, Indianapolis, IN, United States
DTI has been used for mapping the structural
network of human brain. The network is
constructed by choosing various brain
regions as nodes and fiber tracts connecting
the regions as links. To investigate the
effect of DTI SNR on the constructed
network, a set of DTI data with different
SNR was created from the 48 direction
dataset. The result shows that SNR affects
the accuracy of network while has less
effect on the variation.
14:30 |
3897. |
Reproducibility and Correlation of Phase Errors
in Diffusion Weighted Imaging with the Cardiac
Rafael Luis O'Halloran1, Samantha
Holdsworth1, and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University,
Palo Alto, CA, United States
One of the fundamental problems with
multi-shot diffusion weighted MRI is phase
mismatch between shots. The ultimate source
of these errors is motion, however, one
component of it is reproducible and
correlated with the cardiac cycle. In this
work the reproducibility of cardiac induced
phase is investigated with a rapid
time-resolved single-shot gradient echo
DW-EPI. Phase maps showed that, although
there is a large component of the phase that
is highly correlated with the cardiac cycle,
there are still residual variations in the
phase that do not correlate.
15:00 |
3898. |
Informed RESTORE
for Removal of Physiological Noise Artifacts in
Low Redundancy DTI Data 
Lin-Ching Chang1, Lindsay
Walker2, Babak Behseta3,
and Carlo Pierpaoli2
1Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, The
Catholic University of America, Washington,
DC, United States, 2STBB,
NICHD, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 3Pediatric
& Developmental Neuroscience Branch, NIMH,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland, United States
Artifacts are common in diffusion weighted
images (DWIs) especially those originating
from cardiac pulsation in ungated
acquisitions and from subject motion.
Neglecting to account for them can result in
erroneous diffusion tensor values. The
Robust Estimation of Tensors by Outlier
Rejection (RESTORE) is an effective method
for improving tensor estimation presence of
artifactual data points. However, RESTORE
relies heavily on data redundancy (large
DWIs datasets), which may not be acquired in
some clinical settings. This paper proposes
a method called informed RESTORE (iRESTORE)
that incorporates the notion that
physiological noise artifacts are more
likely to results in signal drops rather
than signal increases to achieve an accurate
rejection of artifactual data points in low
redundancy DWIs datasets.
Posters : Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Methods (DCE-MRI)
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 75 |
14:00 |
3899. |
Arterial Input Functions
in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Magnitude Versus Phase 
Paul Wessel de Bruin1, Maarten J. Versluis1,
Erlangga Yusuf2, Monique Reijnierse1,
and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1Radiology, LUMC, Leiden, ZH, Netherlands, 2Rheumatology,
LUMC, Leiden, ZH, Netherlands
In DCE-MRI contrast agent concentration curves can be
phase- or magnitude-based. We show that neither is
perfect and that a hybrid approach is needed to combine
the advantages of both methods.
14:30 |
3900. |
MR Estimation of Arterial
Input Function (AIF) in Dual Gradient Echo Sequences Using
an Adaptive Model Trained by Standard Radiological AIF 
Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2, Tavarekere N
Nagaraja3, Robert Knight1,2,
Ramesh Paudyal1, Siamak P Nejad-Davarani1,
Stephen Brown4, Sawyam Panda1,
Polly Whitton1, Joseph D Fenstermacher3,
and James R Ewing1,2
1Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Physics,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States, 3Anesthesiology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 4Radiation
Oncology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United
Estimating the arterial input function of a contrast
agent, the time-concentration curve in plasma, has long
presented a problem in MR dynamic contrast Enhanced and
dynamic susceptibility studies. A set of time courses of
radiolabeled-Gd-DTPA CA-concentrations in arterial
plasma (time–activity curve) of 13 animals has been
recently measured and named as Standard-Radiological-AIF
(SRAIF). Herein, an adaptive model was used for
predicting the time trace of AIF from Dual-Gradient-Echo
(DGE) signal measured in the normal area of rat brains.
A set of physically-meaningful extracted features from
DGE sequences, an artificial neural network was trained
to estimate the time-trace of SRAIF.
15:00 |
3901. |
Effects of Artery Input
Function on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Determining
Grades of Gliomas 
Na Zhang1, Lijuan Zhang1, Xin Liu1,
Hairong Zheng1, Jeffrey Carpenter2,
and Bob L Hou2
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced
Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, People's Republic of, 2Radiology,
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States
To select an optimum brain artery for generating an
artery input function (AIF) is the most important step
for differentiating gliomas. We applied a modified
two-compartment Tofts model to calcalate Ktrans and Ve,
and compared the values obtained by using different AIFs
in four grades of gliomas (determined by biopsy) for
evaluating impacts of the AIFs on grading the tumors. We
found that selecting an AIF from MCA is the best
selection for grading gliomas.
15:30 |
3902. |
Construction of a
Model-Based High Resolution Arterial Input Function (AIF)
Using a Standard Radiological AIF and the
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm 
Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2, Azimeh Noorizadeh3,
Siamak P Nejad-Davarani1,4, Ramesh Paudyal1,
Tavarekere N Nagaraja5, Robert Knight1,2,
Stephen Brown6, Joseph D Fenstermacher5,
and James R Ewing1,2
1Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Physics,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States, 3Mechanical
Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, University of Shiraz,
Shiraz, Fars, Iran, 4Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 5Anesthesiology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 6Radiation
Oncology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United
Estimating the arterial input function of a contrast
agent (CA), the time-concentration curve in plasma, has
long presented a problem in MR dynamic contrast Enhanced
and dynamic susceptibility studies. A successful model
based on the blood-circulatory system for the
construction of an algorithm for estimating the CA
time-concentration curve in arterial plasma has been
previously suggested. A set of time courses of
radiolabeled-Gd-DTPA CA-concentrations in arterial
plasma (time–activity curve) of 13 animals has been
recently measured. Herein, the
radiolabeled-time-concentration curve was used to
estimate a set of parameters for constructing a
blood-circulatory model AIF in a high temporal
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 75 |
13:30 |
3903. |
Intraarterial MR Perfusion
Imaging of Meningiomas: Comparison to Digital Subtraction
Steven W Hetts1, Alastair J Martin1,
Christopher F Dowd1, Van V Halbach1,
Randall T Higashida1, Michael McDermott2,
Soonmee Cha1, and David Saloner1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Neurosurgery,
UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
IA MR perfusion techniques appear to be a useful adjunct
to DSA in determining tumor vascularity and the source
of that blood supply during DSA guided preoperative
embolization procedures. IA MR perfusion techniques
appear to be more sensitive than DSA in detecting
residual vascularized tumor. Further correlations with
intraoperative observations and pathologic specimens are
warranted to better assess the overall sensitivity and
specificity of IA MR perfusion and to determine its
overall utility in comparison to DSA and IV perfusion
14:00 |
3904. |
Blood volume fraction
mapping for angiogenesis assessment in a novel human
glioblastoma stem cell model 
Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru1, Feriel
Tiar2, Laurent Pelletier2, Didier
Wion2, Francois Berger2, and Hana
1INSERM U836, functional and metabolic
neuroimaging, Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences,
University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2INSERM
U836, brain nanomedicine group, Grenoble Institute of
Neurosciences, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble,
To assess angiogenesis in a novel orthotopic mouse model
derived from human glioblastoma stem cells, quantitative
blood volume fraction (BVf) mapping was performed using
dynamic Rapid Steady State T1 MRI with the clinically
approved low molecular weight contrast agent Gd-DOTA.
While the tumor occurrence was hardly detectable with
T2-weighted imaging during the 2nd month of tumor
development, the tumor BVf was increased (0.034 ± 0.010)
compared to the contralateral cerebral BVf (0.023 ±
0.004) without increased vascular permeability to
Gd-DOTA. This slowly growing tumor model can be useful
for the preclinical evaluation of antiangiogenic
14:30 |
3905. |
Comparison of the uptake
of Gadolinium contrast agents between pre-clinical
colorectal and other tumour models by dynamic contrast
enhanced magnetic resonance imaging.
Ian Wilson1, G S Almeida1, Huw D
Thomas2, David R Newell2, and Ross
J Maxwell1
1Newcastle MR Centre, Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upopn Tyne, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom, 2Northern
Institute of cancer Research, Newcastle University,
Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and wear, United Kingdom
Our focus is on the development of MR and PET imaging
agents for the evaluation of novel cancer treatments.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the uptake of two
similar gadolinium contrast agents Gadoteridol and
Gadobutrol in various pre-clinical human tumour
xenograph models using dynamic contrast enhanced
magnetic resonance imaging. Colorectal pre-clinical
tumour models show significantly lower Gadolinium
contrast agent uptake than other tumour models. These
provisional DCE MRI experiments helped us to identify
model-specific tumour uptake patterns that we used for
further development of MR contrast agents and PET
15:00 |
3906. |
Quantitative assessment of
perfusion and permeability in osteochrondritis dissecans
lesions: feasibility and initial results 
Andreas P. Arnoldi1, Michael Ingrisch2,
Sandra Utzschneider3, Maximilian F. Reiser1,
and Sabine Weckbach1
1Department of Clinical Radiology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Bavaria,
Germany, 2Josef
Lissner Laboratory, Department of Clinical Radiology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany, 3Department
of Orthopedics, Campus Grosshadern,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany
Our study on perfusion quantification in 6 patients with
OCD lesions of the knee and talus using a two
compartment model shows the feasibility of DCE-MRI to
detect lesions in patients with OCD and to quantify
perfusion and permeability. This quantitative approach
showing elevated perfusion and permeability parameters
provides additional information on the pathophysiology
of OCD, might influence disease management and provide a
non-invasive tool for therapy monitoring.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 75 |
13:30 |
3907. |
Adaptive Neural Network
for Direct Quantification of Longitudinal Relaxation Rate
Change ( R1)
in T One by Multiple Read Out (TOMROP) Sequence 
Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2, Meser M Ali3,
Ali Seyd Arbab3, Malek Makki4,
Siamak P Nejad-Davarani1,5, Sawyam Panda1,
Quan Jiang1,2, and James R Ewing1,2
1Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Physics,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States, 3Radiology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 4Diagnostic
Imaging, University of Children Hospital of Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 5Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States
Direct and accurate measurement of the temporal change
in the longitudinal relaxation rate after injection of a
paramagnetic contrast agent has become increasingly
important in MR perfusion studies. The Look-Locker (LL)
sequence provides accurate T1 estimates which generally
accomplished by nonlinear multi-dimensional curve
fitting. However, these fitting methods are sensitive to
initial guesses, and the errors of the parametric
estimates. Herein, two Adaptive Neural Networks (ANNs)
were trained using an analytical model of the LL signal.
The model-trained ANNs were applied to the MR data
acquired from animal model and human. Results were also
compared with those of conventional methods.
14:00 |
3908. |
A numerical
advection-diffusion model to fit dynamic contrast-enhanced
MRI (DCE-MRI) data 
Nicolas Michoux1, Denis Rommel1,
and Emmanuel Lefrançois2
1IMAG - Radiology Department, Université
Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 2UMR
6253 UTC-CNRS, Université de Technologie de Compiègne,
Compiègne, France
Fitting kinetic models to DCE-MRI data is a useful
method to study mechanisms such as perfusion and
diffusion in tissues. Compartmental models with
well-mixed spaces and diffusion as sole mechanism of
mass transport are commonly used for this purpose.
However, advection mechanism may play an important role
in mass transport. Therefore, we assess a model of
microvascular structure built upon a network of
elementary segments. The advection-diffusion equation is
then solved with a finite element approach to fit
perfusion data. Although the advection-diffusion model
requires a precise dimensioning, preliminary results
suggest that DCE-MRI data can be fitted with such model.
14:30 |
3909. |
Wide variations in
cellular-interstitial water exchange rates are within the
experimental uncertainty of AIF variations in their effect
on uptake curve shapes for DCE-MRI Modelling 
Matthew R Orton1, David J Collins1,
and Martin O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Accurate quantification of DCE-MRI data involves
modelling or measurement of three processes: an AIF;
transfer of contrast between various compartments;
generation of MR signals. Ambiguities between the AIF
and the MR signal generation process on tissue curves
are investigated. Simulations show that only small AIF
changes are needed to account for changes in the signal
curves generated by a very wide range of
cellular-interstitial water exchange rates. We conclude
that the AIF and the MR signal model are strongly
coupled – very accurate characteristaion of the AIF is
needed to have confidence in in-vivo estimates of
cellular-interstitial water exchange rates.
15:00 |
3910. |
A Pharmacokinetic Model
enabling Modelling of DCE-MRI data of normal and cancerous
Matthew R Orton1, David J Collins1,
and Martin O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
We present a combined model that describes the contrast
enhancement patterns seen in liver tissue and in liver
tumours, resulting in a compact but comprehensive
methodology enabling voxel-wise fitting over entire
liver volumes. By modelling the whole organ a more
detailed understanding of liver tumours may be obtained,
in particular the complexities surrounding growth and
infiltration at tumour boundaries that are particular to
metastatic liver disease. The model is demonstrated on
DCE-MRI data of a liver containing neuro-endocrine
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 75 |
13:30 |
3911. |
Bayesian Estimation
Improves Plasma Volume Repeatability with Compartmental
Modelling of DCE-MRI Data 
Matthew R Orton1, David J Collins1,
Christina Messiou1, Jean Tessier2,
and M O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Formerly
with Early Clinical Development, AstraZeneca, Alderley
Park, Macclesfield, United Kingdom
The Extended Kety model is widely used for modelling DCE-MRI
data. It is well known that estimates of the plasma
volume fraction are subject to large errors compared
with other parameters obtained with this model, which
limits the utility of such estimates in trials and
clinical practice. In this abstract we present a
Bayesian estimation methodology that reduces test-retest
repeatability of estimates by around 50% in comparison
to least-squares estimates. This results in a more
reliable measure that has similar repeatability to DC-CT
based measures, and therefore has the potential to
detect smaller changes as a result of therapeutic
14:00 |
3912. |
Comparison of the kinetic
parameters estimated with different numerical methods in
Cing-Ciao Ke1, Shin-Lei Peng1,
Chih-Feng Chen2, Ho-Lin Liu3, and
Fu-Nien Wang1
1Biomedical Engineering and Environmental
Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, 2Radiology,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Chiayi, Taiwan, 3Medical
Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
The previous study only demonstrated that liner
least-squares (LLSQ) method may be more useful method
than nonlinear least ¡Vsquares NLSQ method in solving
modification of Tofts and Kermode. We performed computer
simulations to assess the accuracy of estimating the
kinetic parameters for LLSQ and NLSQ methods in solving
Tofts and Kermode model. At lower signal-to-noise (SNR),
the accuracy of parameters estimated with LLSQ method is
better than NLSQ method. Besides, the calculation
velocity of LLSQ method was seventeen times faster than
NLSQ method.
14:30 |
3913. |
Combined analysis of
perfusion and capillary permeability by parametric analysis
of the tissue residue function from DCE-MRI 
Atle Bjornerud1,2, Tuva Hope1,
Christopher Larsson1, Frederic Courivaud1,
Raimo Aleksi Salo1, Knut Lote3,
and Inge Andre Rasmussen1
1Interventional Centre, Oslo University
Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 2Dept.
of Physics, Univ. of Oslo, Norway, 3Dept.
of Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
We present a method for combined analysis of perfusion
and capillary permeability by parametric analysis of the
tissue residue function obtained by vascular
deconvolution. Transfer constant (Ktrans) and intra/extravascular
volume fractions (vi/ve) were derived and compared to
the same values obtained with a conventional
two-compartment kinetic model (std. analysis) in three
glioma patients undergoing a standard treatment regime,
including a total of 13 longitudinal scans. The proposed
method gave Ktrans and ve values in very good agreement
with those obtained with std. analysis whereas vi values
were systematically higher with the proposed method.
15:00 |
3914. |
Utility of Non-model based
‘Semi-quantitative’ Indices derived from Dynamic Contrast
Enhanced T1-weighted MR Perfusion in Differentiating
Treatment Induced Necrosis from Recurrent Progressive Brain
Jayant Narang1, Rajan Jain1,2,
Syed Ali Arbab3, and Abbas Babajani-Feremi3
1Neuroradiology, Henry Ford Health System,
Detroit, MI, United States, 2Neurosurgery,
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, United States, 3Radiology,
Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, United States
The purpose of this study was to assess the utility of
non-model based ‘semi-quantitative’ indices derived from
dynamic contrast-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance
perfusion (DCET1MRP) in differentiating treatment
induced necrosis (TIN) from recurrent/progressive tumor
(RPT). Practical impact of DCET1MRP on routine neuro-oncologic
imaging practice is limited by the need of complicated
multi-compartment physiological models and intensive
computational requirements to derive pharmacokinetic
metrics and hence, the lack of an easy to use
commercially available software. Our results show that
these non-model based indices which are relatively easy
to derive, robust and reproducible can be effectively
used to differentiate TIN from RPT.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Perfusion & Permeability: DSC - Methods
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 76 |
14:00 |
3915. |
Reliable estimation of
capillary transit time distributions at voxel-level
using DSC-MRI 
Kim Mouridsen1, Leif Østergaard1,
Søren Christensen2, and Sune Nørhøj
1Center for Functionally Integrative
Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Department
of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne,
DSC-MRI has proven very useful for characterizing
tissue perfusion indices such as CBF, CBV and MTT.
However, whereas CBF and MTT only represent average
capillary flow and transit time, important
physiological parameters such as flow heterogeneity
and oxygen extraction capacity depend on the shape
characteristics of the complete distribution of
transit times. We demonstrate in a simulation study,
that by using a Bayesian estimation approach and a
parameterization of the residue function based on a
vascular model, shape characteristics of the residue
function can be reliably estimated for a range of
microvascular flow patterns.
14:30 |
3916. |
Does R2* increase
or decrease when contrast agent extravasates? A
simulation study. 
Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Clément Debacker1,2,
Franck Mauconduit1,2, Thomas Christen1,3,
and Emmanuel Luc Barbier1,2
1U836, INSERM, Grenoble, France, 2Grenoble
Institut des Neurosciences, Université Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble, France, 3Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States
Quantification of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast
MRI remains a challenge when contrast agent (CA)
extravasates into the interstitium. Indeed, CA
extravasation increases tissue R1 relaxation(signal
enhancement) and competes with R2* increase (signal
destruction) used to compute perfusion estimates.
However, the consequences of CA extravasation on R2*
are often overlooked. CA extravasation reduces the
magnetic susceptibility difference at the
intra-/extravascular interface and CA extravasation
yields to the emergence of magnetic susceptibility
differences at the interfaces between cells and
interstitium.In this study, we evaluated these two
competing R2* effects in case of blood-brain barrier
permeability using numerical simulations for various
porosities and cell sizes.
15:00 |
3917. |
Variability of
model-based blood volume correction and vessel
permeability estimation in dynamic susceptibility
contrast MRI: A computer simulation study 
Lin-Wei Hsu1, Yeng-Peng Liao1,
and Ho-Ling Liu1,2
1Institute of Medical Physics and Imaging
Science, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Mathematical models have been previously developed
to correct for T1 and T2 effects originated from
contrast agent extravasations in dynamic
susceptibility contrast MRI, and showed additional
potentials for assessing the vessel permeability.
This study aimed to assess variability of the blood
volume (BV) correction and permeability estimation
using computer simulations based on varied SNR,
permeability and whether baseline T1 is available.
The results showed that quality of BV correction and
permeability estimation depended on both SNR and
severity of contrast agent leakage. Accurate
measurement of baseline T1 is especially helpful for
the situation of high permeability and low SNR
15:30 |
3918. |
An Efficient
Computational Approach to Characterize DSC-MRI Signals
Arising from Heterogeneous Vascular Networks 
Natenael B Semmineh1, Junzhong Xu1,
and Christopher Chad Quarles1
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
Given the heterogeneous nature of blood vessels
within tissue and the dependence of susceptibility
field gradients on vascular geometry the assumption
that a linear relationship, with a spatially uniform
rate constant termed the vascular susceptibility
calibration factor (kp), exists between the CA
concentration and the measured transverse relaxation
rate change, could significantly impact the
reliability of DSC-MRI hemodynamic measurements. We
propose the use of an efficient computational method
to estimate the extent of kp heterogeneity across
normal and tumor tissue and to assess the
reliability of DSC-MRI measures of blood volume and
blood flow.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 76 |
13:30 |
3919. |
Effect of Cerebral
Hemodynamic Changes on DTI Quantitation: A Hypercapnia
Abby Ying Ding1,2, and Ed X Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and
Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,
China, People's Republic of
The accuracy of DTI quantitation can directly affect
the interpretation of underlying biological
microstructures. DTI measurements can be confounded
by the presence of vasculature and blood perfusion.
So far, little is known about the extent of such
effects in quantitative DTI. In this study, we
quantitatively examined the effect of hypercapnia on
quantitative DTI indices in vivo in rodent brains.
DTI indices were found to alter during hypercapnia,
including various diffusivities and FA. These
findings indicated that alterations in physiologic
condition, vascular characteristics and hemodynamic
regulations can affect the in vivo quantitation of
various DTI indices. Therefore, caution must be
taken in designing experiments and interpreting DTI
14:00 |
3920. |
The effects of myelin
in FA and QSI indices: control vs. Long Evans shaker rat
Debbie Anaby1, Ian D Duncan2,
and Yoram Cohen1
1School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2School
of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
The contribution of myelin on the observed diffusion
anisotropy of water in neuronal tissue is not clear.
Here we used high-b-value q-space DWI to probe the
effects of myelin on diffusion indices in Long Evans
shaker (les) and control rat brains. We compared the
QSI indices with the FA which was extracted from the
low-b-value regime of the QSI data. We found that
the QSI indices are significantly different between
the groups while the FA blurs the differences
between them. Therefore, high b-value QSI should be
considered as a means for achieving better
distinction between les and control brain tissues.
14:30 |
3921. |
On the Time to Peak
Factor of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast of
Shin-Lei Peng1, Chih-Kuang Yeh1,
Chung-Hsin Wang1, Hsu-Hsia Peng1,
and Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environme, National Tsing Hua University, Hsin-Chu,
Recently, microbubbles were used as a MR
susceptibility contrast agent because of the
susceptibility differences by the gas-liquid
interface. However, the relationship between rCBV
deriving from Gd-DTPA and that from microbubbles has
not been investigated. In this study, we aim to
investigate correlation between rCBV from both
contrast agents and find the key factor influencing
the correlation. The results showed that the
time-to-peak for microbubbles increases, the
correlation between microbubbles and Gd-DTPA
increases. When time-to-peak of microbubbles
increases, it may mean that more microbubbles
aggregate and trap in local tissue vasculature. As a
result, the stronger susceptibility effect will be
produced and lead to high correlate with Gd-DTPA.
15:00 |
3922. |
DSC MRI on Rat Model:
Choosing the Integration Interval for Measuring CBV 
Yi-Ling Wu1, Chien-Chung Chen1,
Yi-Chun Wu1, Chia-Hao Chang1,
and Fu-Nien Wang1
1Biomedical Engineering and Environmental
Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
In this work, we take a closer look at the different
integrated parts of CT, such as the anterior and
posterior part of CT peak, direct summation of first
pass part, the fitted gamma-variate curve
(conventional CBV map), recirculation part, and
finally the whole curve. Since the extravasation
supposed to be minor in the short duration of DSC
imaging, we confirmed the feasibility of integrating
the total area under the CT curve including both the
first pass and recirculation parts could further
enrich the data points and to enhance the
reliability of measured CBV.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 76 |
13:30 |
3923. |
Altered Hemodynamics
of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis: a Dynamic
Susceptibility Contrast MRI study using a Kernel-Based
Deconvolution Algorithm 
Marco Castellaro1, Denis Peruzzo1,
Massimiliano Calabrese2, Francesca
Rinaldi2, Valentina Bernardi2,
Alice Favaretto2, Irene Mattisi2,
Paolo Gallo2, and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 2Multiple
Sclerosis Centre, Department of Neuroscience,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy
In this Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC-MRI)
study we investigated the hemodynamic changes that
may occur in Cortical Lesions (CLs) in 20 patients
with Relapsing Remitting multiple sclerosis. 91% of
the CLs show a statistical significant decreased CBF
(-53±21%, p<0.001) when compared to the Normal
Appearing Grey Matter CBF values. The remaining 9%
of the CLs show a statistical significant higher CBF
(+39±30% p < 0.05). This confirms neuropathological
observations showing a proportion of active CLs
characterized by a high degree of inflammated cells.
On the other hand, the ipoperfused CLs may suggests
a neuronal damage and loss.
14:00 |
3924. |
Tissue Similarity Map
of Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging in the Study of
Multiple Sclerosis 
E. M. Haacke1, Meng Li1, and
Flavia Juvvigunta1
1Department of Radiology, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory
demyelinating disease of the central nervous system.
The cerebral perfusion in MS is reduced with the
function of severity of the disease. In this study
we use a new approach to processing PWI data that we
call Tissue Similarity Maps. It can identify those
lesions linked by the same vascular response to the
contract agent. Our results showed that the TSM of
nulling the MS lesions is successful in enhancing
specifically MS lesions. It is a very useful means
to reveal information about tissues otherwise
difficult to see with conventional PWI processing
14:30 |
3925. |
Evaluation of signal
formation in local arterial input function measurements
Egbert J.W. Bleeker1, Andrew G. Webb1,
Marianne A.A. van Walderveen2, Mark A.
van Buchem1,2, and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1Radiology, C.J. Gorter Center for high
field MRI, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Local or regional arterial input function (AIF)
measurements aim for voxel specific AIFs from small
arteries. These local AIFs are assumed to reflect
the true input of the microvasculature much better
than global AIFs. However, do the measured local
AIFs reflect the true concentration-time curve of
small arteries? The current study investigated this
question with numerical modeling that simulated
partial volume effects in local AIF measurements. In
addition, local AIF candidates selected using
angiograms were evaluated in vivo. The findings
suggest that local AIF measurements do not reflect
the true concentration-time curve in small arteries.
15:00 |
3926. |
Comparison of
Automatic Localized and Manual Global AIF Perfusion
Imaging from DSC MRI by Vascular Territories 
Adam Martin Winchell1,2, Ralf B Loeffler1,
Ruitian Song1, Himanshu Bhat3,
Michael Hamm3, Alberto Broniscer4,
and Claudia M Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN,
United States,3Siemens Healthcare,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Oncology,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN,
United States
The aim of our study was to compare two DSC methods,
a manual global and an automatic local AIF approach,
and examine their calculated regional perfusion
differences as a function of vascular territory.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Diffusion Acquisition & Pulse Sequences
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 77 |
14:00 |
3927. |
Effect of truncated
sampling on estimated fiber directions in q-space
Bryce Wilkins1, Namgyun Lee1,
and Manbir Singh1
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
California, United States
The effect of truncated-sphere sampling commonly
used in DSI to estimate single fiber orientation
errors is simulated using fully-sampled (7x7x7)
q-space data (343 samples), truncated-sphere (203
samples), zero-padding to (21x21x21), noise-free and
noisy (SNR = 30) scenarios. We show that the error
of resolving a single fiber direction depends on the
fiber orientation, and the “corners of q-space”,
which are not sampled when truncated sampling
schemes are used, help reduce error (mean error
3.5deg versus 3.9deg for the noise case and
zero-padding used). As truncated-sphere sampling
requires 40% less time, its use could justify the
small increase in error.
14:30 |
3928. |
Silvia De Santis1,2, Yaniv Assaf3,
Christopher John Evans1, and Derek K
1CUBRIC, School of psychology, CARDIFF
University, United Kingdom, 2Physics
department, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 3Tel
Aviv University, Israel
We have developed a comprehensive optimised CHARMED
pipeline, comprising an optimised data acquisition
scheme, based on the electrostatic repulsion
algorithm, combined with optimised ordering and
extended to different b-value shells, and an
analysis approach that incorporates a model
parsimony. Marked improvements in data quality are
demonstrated using a bootstrap approach. Our
proposed pipeline clearly improves the data quality
and results in better confidence in the estimated
parameters such as fibre orientation.
15:00 |
3929. |
Harmonic analysis of
spherical sampling in diffusion MRI 
Alessandro Daducci1, Jason McEwen2,
Dimitri Van De Ville3,4, Jean-Philippe
Thiran1, and Yves Wiaux2,4
1Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5),
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute
of Electrical Engineering, École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Bioengineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department
of Radiology and Medical Informatics, University of
Geneva (UniGE), Geneva, Switzerland
Diffusion MRI has become a powerful tool to
non-invasively study white-matter integrity in the
brain. Recently multi-shell spherical acquisitions
have been advocated for mapping the diffusion
signal, notably through its ODF, with a lower number
of q-space samples, hence providing acceleration. In
this context the spherical harmonic (SH) transform
has gained a great deal of popularity. This study
presents a theoretical framework and numerical
simulations aiming to provide initial guidance in
designing efficient multi-shell spherical sampling
strategies in a model independent approach. It is
based on the use of equiangular grids on the sphere,
for which exact sampling theorems exist.
15:30 |
3930. |
Effect of using
super-resolution technique in slice direction on DTI
fiber tractography 
Daniel Güllmar1, Christian Ros1,
and Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Jena University
Hospital, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
2-D multislice Diffusion-MRI typically suffers from
lower resolution in the slice direction compared to
in-plane resolution. Thus, we applied
super-resolution technique in slice direction by
acquiring overlapping slices (negative slice gap).
Based on this dataset we evaluated the effect on DTI
fiber tractography. We observe an overall
improvement in diffusion property maps (FA, ADC,
etc.) as well as in fiber tractography.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 77 |
13:30 |
3931. |
Diffusion Imaging of the In Vivo Human Hippocampus
Michael Zeineh1, Samantha Holdsworth1,
Stefan Skare1, Scott Atlas1,
and Roland Bammer1
1Stanford Univeristy, Stanford, CA,
United States
For clinical entities such as Alzheimer’s disease
and epilepsy, it would be beneficial to perform
diffusion imaging of the medial temporal lobes with
higher resolution than typically acquired for a more
detailed analysis of hippocampal microstructure. In
this study, we have compared 8-channel and
32-channel coil acquisitions at 3T while altering
the direction of phase encoding and use of
GRAPPA-accelerated echo-planar imaging. We
demonstrate that an optimal balance of SNR,
distortion, and symmetry is achieved using the
32-channel coil utilizing parallel imaging with
phase-encoding in the supero-inferior direction.
14:00 |
3932. |
Comparison of two
alternative approaches for diffusion-weighted
Readout-Segmented (RS)-EPI 
Samantha J Holdsworth1, Stefan Skare2,
Murat Aksoy1, Rafael O'Halloran1,
and Roland Bammer1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 2Clinical
Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,
Two approaches for Readout-Segmented (RS)-EPI have
purported to increase the SNR for DWI. One fills
k-space with full readout segments (RS-EPI-X), and
the other which minimizes the TE with partial
readout segments (RS-EPI-Y). Here we explore the
scan efficiency of RS-EPI-Y and RS-EPI-X. Human
brain data show that SNR efficiency is about
equivalent, except for the case of a higher matrix
size combined with twice-refocused DW preparation –
whereby RS-EPI-Y has 1.6 times better scan
efficiency than RS-EPI-X.
14:30 |
3933. |
Multi Slice Localized
Parallel Excitation for Abdominal and Pelvic EPI
Applications in Humans 
Denis Kokorin1,2, Martin Haas1,
Frederik Testud1, Jürgen Hennig1,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Medical Physics, University Medical
Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2International
Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Parallel transmission in combination with spatially
selective excitation allows a reduction of field of
view in the phase encoding direction. In this study
this novel principle is examined for multi slice
inner volume imaging and the advantages for artifact
suppression in EPI are presented. The method was
successfully implemented for DWI applications on
Siemens MAGNETOM TRIO human system.
15:00 |
3934. |
spatial-resolution DTI using 32 channel head coil at
human 7 T 
1Vanderbilt University Institute of
Imaging Science, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
High spatial-resolution DTI at 7 T has not been
commonly implemented using single-shot methods due
to technical difficulties in reducing the effects of
geometric distortions and/or blurring artifacts and
B1-inhomogeneities that cause SNR decreases in some
regions. We have previously suggested methods for
diffusion-weighted multi-shot SENSE acquisitions
with 2-D navigators and image-domain
column-by-column reconstructions using a point
spread function. With a 32 channel head coil, the
B1-inhomogeneity induced regional SNR decrease can
be ameliorated, and diffusion-weighted single-shot
and multi-shot images show higher SNR compared with
16 channel coil data. Moreover, the suggested
approach can delineate tiny white matter fiber
structures at sub-millimeter resolution even in
regions with relatively high B1-inhomogeneity, where
conventional single-shot methods do not perform
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 77 |
13:30 |
3935. |
MR measurements of
anomalous diffusion indices and by
means of PGSTE techniques at varying of time and of
gradient strength in phantoms 
Marco Palombo1, Andrea Gabrielli2,
Silvia De Santis1, and Silvia Capuani1,3
1Physics Department, Sapienza University
of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2ISC,
CNR, Rome, Italy, 3IPCF
UOS Roma, CNR, Rome, Italy
This work introduces a novel method to give more
insides on anomalous diffusion processes of water in
heterogeneous systems, by means of PGSTE techniques.
When a competition between subdiffusive and
superdiffusive processes occurs, it is possible to
introduce a pseudo-RMS  t / for
which  / grater
or smaller than 1 defines superdiffusion and
subdiffusion processes respectively. Experimental
data obtained in micro-beads water suspension
samples, demonstrate that and reflect
some additional microstructural information which
cannot be obtained using conventional diffusion
procedures based on Gaussian diffusion.
Specifically, can
provide information on the degree of order and/or
disorder within the investigated systems.
14:00 |
3936. |
Concatenated Double
Wave Vector Diffusion Weighting Experiments 
Martin A. Koch1, and Jürgen Finsterbusch1
1Systems Neuroscience, University Medical
Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Double wave vector diffusion weighting may help to
assess pore size and shape in tissue. It employs two
successive diffusion weighting periods with
independent gradient direction. With a short delay
between the periods, the signal difference between
parallel and antiparallel gradient orientation for
restricted diffusion depends on the mean pore size.
It is often very small when whole body gradients are
employed, hampering routine application. Recently, a
"concatenated" experiment was proposed where the
double diffusion weighting is applied multiple
times. It should provide a larger
antiparallel-parallel difference. The predicted
increase is investigated experimentally in excised
pig spinal cord.
14:30 |
3937. |
Human Brain Mapping of
Orientationally Invariant Axonal Diameter Using Q-space
Diffusion Tensor MRI 
Jun-Cheng Weng1,2
1School of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Chung Shan Medical
University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Fundamental relationships between diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) and q-space imaging can be derived
which establish conditions when these two
complementary MR methods are equivalent. When the 3D
displacement distribution is measured by q-space
imaging with large displacement and small q vector,
the result is similar to 3D Gaussian assumed in DTI.
Combing displacement information from q-space
imaging and fiber direction from DTI, distribution
of axonal diameters and directions could be derived
at the same time. Based on the assumption, the study
proposed a novel technique, q-space diffusion tensor
imaging (qDTI), to map orientationally invariant
axonal diameter distribution of human brain. The
goal could be achieved with any of two image
reconstruction methods described below. One was
tensor-based method. The 3D Gaussian displacement
distribution could be obtained directly from the
displacement tensor. The other was displacement
projection method. The fiber directions were first
calculated from conventional DTI, and the mean
displacement as well as maximum diffusivity of water
molecules along specific direction were then
obtained with q-space imaging. The effective axonal
diameter was defined as the average of several
displacements projected to the direction of the
fiber cross section. Our results demonstrated that
two qDTI methods both produced reasonable
distribution of orientationally invariant axonal
diameters in human brain.
15:00 |
3938. |
Measurement of axon
radii distribution in orientationally unknown tissue
using angular double-pulsed gradient spin echo
(double-PGSE) NMR
Wenjin Zhou1, and David Laidlaw1
1Brown University, Providence, RI, United
We present an analytical diffusion model for
measuring axon properties in biological tissue of
unknown orientation using low-q angular
double-pulsed gradient spin echo (d-PGSE) NMR. The
axon properties we aim to recover are axon radii
distribution, axon orientation, and axon volume
fraction. Our simulation results demonstrate that
clinically feasible acquisition protocols are
sufficient to accurately recover these axon
properties in typical human brain tissue range
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 77 |
13:30 |
3939. |
Diffusion Tensor
Imaging with View Angle Tilting Technique for Distortion
Sinyeob Ahn1, Ki Sueng Choi1,
and Xiaoping Hu1
1Biomedical Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology and Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, United States
Distortion in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) causes
inter-subject variance and intensity modulation,
which hinders an accurate analysis of diffusion
characteristics. View angle tilting (VAT) technique
has been used to correct distortion in the readout
direction in spin echo imaging. This work describes
a method for correcting image distortion along the
phase-encode (PE) direction using the VAT technique
in twice-refocused DTI. Phase generated by the VAT
gradient concurrently applied with the PE gradient
offsets an unwanted phase by field inhomogeneity,
leading to the correction of image distortion. B0
images and tractography were used to evaluate the
performance of the proposed method.
14:00 |
3940. |
Geometric Distortion
Correction of DTI using Accelerated PSF Mapping based
Reconstruction at 7 Tesla 
Myung-Ho In1, and Oliver Speck1
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany
Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) allows the
observation of molecular diffusion in tissues, it
severely suffers from distortions due to B0 field
inhomogeneity, susceptibility, chemical shift, as
well as eddy current effects, especially at ultra
high field such as 7T. These artifacts cause
geometric and intensity distortions in MR image
formation. Moreover, the distortions vary with the
diffusion gradient direction. In this study, an
acceleration point spread function (PSF) mapping
based reconstruction is proposed in order to correct
for direction-dependent distortions in diffusion
tensor imaging. The results demonstrate that the
proposed method can fully correct the
direction-dependent distortions with high fidelity.
14:30 |
3941. |
Robustness of echo
planar imaging (EPI) distortion correction in diffusion
tensor imaging using forward/reverse phase encode
directional b=0 scans 
Wanyong Shin1, Erik B Beall1,
Ken Sakaie1, Mingyi Li1,
Dominic Holland2, Anders M Dale3,
and Mark Lowe1
1Radiology, Imaging Institute, Cleveland
Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neuroscience,
University of California, San Diego, CA, United
States, 3Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, CA, United
Recently, Holland et al. (Neuroimage, 2010)
presented a fast, highly computationally efficient
unwarping method using forward and reverse phasing
encode (PE) directional EPI scans. In this study, we
propose a single diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) scan
in which a forward / reverse PE direction scan with
b = 0 is implemented as a first acquisition. We test
the reproducibility and robustness of the proposed
unwarping technique from voxel-wise fractional
anisotropy comparison using the proposed DTI
15:00 |
3942. |
Implementation of real
time motion correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
ALKATHAFI ALI Alhamud1, Aaron Hess1,
Matthew Dylan Tisdall2, Ernesta M.
Meintjes1, and Andre J. van der Kouwe2
1University of Cape Town, Cape Town,
South Africa, 2Department
of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, MA, United
This paper presents a novel technique to correct, in
real time, spatial misalignment of diffusion
volumes. A 3D low resolution navigator based on T1
weighted imaging is inserted between the diffusion
volumes to compensate for rotation and translation
in all 6 degrees of freedom using PACE. The DTI
sequence was modified and ran three (Moco, NoMoco
and Baseline) on a subject. The results show a
substantial improvement in the diffusion tensor
parameters with Moco, also the FA histogram shows a
shift and a broadening in the FA distribution with
NoMoco data, while a significant recovering with
Moco was noted.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Diffusion Applications, Non-Gaussian Diffusion & Diffusion
Related Contrasts
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 78 |
14:00 |
3943. |
The drum is visible in
nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion experiments 
Frederik Bernd Laun1, Wolfhard Semmler1,
and Bram Stieltjes2
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging-based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
While nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion experiments
are widely used to resolve the structure of cells and
porous media, it has been elusive whether they can
reveal the exact shape of boundaries confining the
diffusion process. This question is mathematically
closely related to Kacs “hear the drum” problem.
Although the shape of the drum is not “hearable”, we
show that the confining boundary in closed pores can
indeed be detected using modified Stejskal-Tanner
magnetic field gradients. These modified gradients can
act like imaging gradients, and potentially allow novel
imaging contrasts.
14:30 |
3944. |
Diffusion Relaxation
Correlation Spectroscopy at Ultra Short Echo Times Reveals
Two Major Compartments in Human Cadaver Brain White Matter 
Bibek Dhital1, Marcel Gratz2, and
Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Faculty
of Physics and Geoscienes, Department of Interface
Sciences, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Measuring multi-compartmental diffusion in brain tissue
and estimating relative fractions of these compartments
is complicated due to the influence of relaxation,
restriction and exchange. Identifying different
compartments with their relative fraction requires a
wide range of echo times. Effects of restriction and
exchange can be minimized by shortening the diffusion
time. We performed Diffusion Relaxation Correlation
Spectroscopy (DRCOSY) measurements with very short
diffusion time (Δ = 1.2 ms) on excised human corpus
callosum. Data were analyzed using a two dimensional
inverse Laplace transform. Our results show that
diffusion is multi-compartmental and that the fast
diffusing compartment has a faster relaxation.
15:00 |
3945. |
Renormalization Group
Method: Effects of Diffusion Retarding on Intracellular
Oleg Posnansky*1, Yuliya Kupriyanova1,
and N. Jon Shah1,2
1Medical Imaging Physics, Institute of
Neurosciences and Medicine - 4, Forschungszentrum Jülich
GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
Proton self-diffusion demonstrates superb sensitivity to
the biological properties of living tissue. A complex
interplay between different compartments and structures
poses different amounts of hindrance to diffusing spins.
The presence of restricting cellular structures, and
variation in the integrity of the underlying neural
tissue lead to non-Gaussian dynamics of the signal.
Retarding effects on axon membranes were included in
renormalization-group method. Microparameters of
diffusivity in neurons were investigated. It is shown
that the presence of axon membranes leads to
non-Gaussian diffusion. A physical model determining
intracellular properties from diffusion-weighted imaging
is described.
15:30 |
3946. |
Efficient numerical
solution of the Bloch-Torrey equation for modeling multiple
compartment diffusion 
Jing Rebecca Li1, Donna Calhoun2,
Chun-Hung Yeh3, Cyril Poupon4, and
Denis Le Bihan4
1INRIA-Saclay, Palaiseau Cedex, France, 2CEA,
Saclay, France, 3National
Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, 4CEA
Neurospin, Saclay, France
We propose a numerical method for solving the
Bloch-Torrey partial differential equation to compute
the bulk magnetization of a sample under the influence
of a diffusion gradient. We couple a mass-conserving
finite element discretization in space with a stable
time discretization using an explicit
Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev method [1] . We are able to solve
the Bloch-Torrey PDE in multiple compartments rapidly
and accurately, making it a reasonable candidate as the
forward solver in the inner iterative loop of an inverse
problem solver going from signals to biological
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 78 |
13:30 |
3947. |
Constrained maximum
likelihood estimator for more accurate diffusion kurtosis
tensor estimates 
Jelle Veraart1, Wim Van Hecke2,3,
Dirk H. J. Poot4, and Jan Sijbers1
1Vision lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium, 2Dept.
of Radiology, University Hospitals of the Catholic
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 3Dept.
of Radiology, University Hospital Antwerp, Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium, 4Biomedical
Imaging Group Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
A computational framework to obtain an accurate
quantification of the Gaussian and non-Gaussian
component of water molecules’ diffusion through brain
tissues with diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is
presented. The DKI model quantifies the kurtosis on a
direction-dependent basis, constituting a higher order
diffusion kurtosis tensor, which is estimated in
addition to the diffusion tensor. To reconcile with the
physical phenomenon of molecular diffusion, both tensor
estimates should lie within a physically acceptable
range. We therefore suggest to estimate both diffusional
tensors by maximizing the joint likelihood function of
all Rician distributed diffusion weighted images while
imposing a set of constraints.
14:00 |
3948. |
Characterization of neural
tissues in humans using diffusion kurtosis imaging 
Wenshu Qian1, Zhongping Zhang1, Ed
Xuekui Wu2, Matthew M. Cheung2,
Queenie Chan1,3, Pek-Lan Khong1,
and Mina Kim1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of, 2Electrical
and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's
Republic of
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) was recently proposed
to probe non-Gaussian diffusion property. The recent
study demonstrated that various kurtosis estimates can
reveal information different from diffusivity estimates
by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, it has never
been reported whether directional kurtosis analysis in
addition to DTI estimates improves tissue
characterization in various human brain tissues. We
aimed to characterize human neural tissues using
kurtosis estimates and to compare them with conventional
diffusivity estimates. Our results demonstrate that
kurtosis estimates may help to better characterize
neural tissues and detect their microstructural
alterations complementary to the conventional
diffusivity estimates.
14:30 |
3949. |
Apparent Kurtosis in the
Motional Narrowing Regime: Analytic Results for Closed
Frederik Bernd Laun1, Wolfhard Semmler1,
and Bram Stieltjes2
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging-based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
We study the link between apparent kurtosis and
eigensystem of the confining domain. It is shown that
the fourth cumulant of the phase distribution for closed
domains in the motional narrowing regime is properly
described by a series expansion in inverse powers of the
diffusion time. The coefficients are proportional to the
product of two constants. One of them is solely
determined by the eigensystem, while the other is solely
determined by the temporal profile of the diffusion
gradients. In conclusion, a clear relation between the
apparent kurtosis and the eigensystem is established.
15:00 |
3950. |
Estimation of the Axonal
Density Using DKI: a Validation Study 
Els Fieremans1, Jens H Jensen1,
Ali Tabesh1, and Joseph A Helpern1,2
1Center of Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New
York, NY, United States, 2Center
for Advanced Brain Imaging, Nathan S. Kline Institute,
Orangeburg, NY, United States
Diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) has been proposed as
a clinically feasible extension of DTI to probe
restricted water diffusion in biological tissues. We
exploit here the DKI information to estimate the axonal
water fraction (AWF), a measure of axonal density. We
validate its measurement against the fraction as
obtained from bi-exponential fitting in healthy
controls, showing a very good agreement. Whereas other
advanced diffusion models typically require high
b-values, we propose a DKI WM model based on b-values up
to 2000 s/mm2. Assessing the axonal density using DKI is
clinically feasible and could potentially provide
important information on neurodegenerative disorders.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 78 |
13:30 |
3951. |
Electrically Active
In-Vitro Spinal Cords for the Study of Functional Diffusion
Weighted Imaging 
Nitzan Tirosh1, and Uri Nevo1
1Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, Israel
DWI is explored in the last years as a tool for imaging
brain activity. However the actual interaction between
brain function and water is not yet understood and
intensive investigation is therefore needed. We suggest
the use of isolated and perfused spinal cords of newborn
rats as a novel model for the study of the response of
vital, mammalian neuronal tissues in the MRI
simultaneously to electrical activity recording. This
model enables to acquire high resolution and high SNR
images and good ADC maps while extracting out multiple
physiological factors that are not related to the
neuronal mechanisms under question.
14:00 |
3952. |
Brain tissue water comes
in 2 pools: Evidence from diffusion and R2 measurements with
USPIOs in non human primates 
Denis Le Bihan1,2, Olivier Joly3,
Toshihiko Aso2, Lynn Uhrig3, Cyril
Poupon1, Naoki Tani3, H Iwamuro3,
Shin-ichi Urayama2, and Bechir Jarraya3
1I²BM, NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2HBRC,
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 3NeuroSpin,
INSERM-AVENIR unit, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Water diffusion in biological tissues is not free, as
the signal attenuation is not monoexponential with
diffusion-weigthing (b value). Some groups have
successfully characterize this attenuation with a
biexponential model, which suggests the presence of 2
water pools (fast and slow) in slow or intermediate
exchange. However, this model is still controversial and
the nature of the 2 remains elusive. Here we show that
this 2 pools model also explains the T2 behavior of
USPIO contrast agents in the non-human primate brain.
This mechanism which also applies to blood
deoxyhemoglobin may have implications for the
interpretation of BOLD experiments. Finally, the
possibility to target USPIO effects to a specific water
pool using diffusion-weighting might offer new contrast
avenues, especially for molecular imaging.
14:30 |
3953. |
Magnetic susceptibility
local variations affect γ-weighted maps contrast in brain 
Silvia De Santis1,2, Andrea Gabrielli3,
Emiliano Macaluso4, Marco Bozzali4,
and Silvia Capuani2,5
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, CARDIFF, South
Glamorgan, United Kingdom, 2Physics
department, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy, 3via
dei Taurini 19, ISC-CNR, Rome, Italy, 4Neuroimaging
Laboratory Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 5IPCF
UOS Roma, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
The goal of the work was to investigate the correlation
between the stretching exponential parameter, introduce
to account for anomalous diffusion in brain tissue, and
the magnetic susceptibility difference at tissue
interface. A significant correlation was found between
the two measurements, suggesting that local variations
in magnetic susceptibility affect the diffusive motion.
These results offer an innovative interpretation of
water diffusion decay, and suggest that the peculiar
contrast obtained using the stretched exponential model
can be further explored and correlated to specific local
15:00 |
3954. |
increase in apparent diffusion coefficient 
Dmitry S Novikov1, and Valerij G Kiselev2
1Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Uniklinikum Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
NMR diffusion measurements are confounded by microscopic
tissue heterogeneity. A known phenomenon is the
underestimation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
in the presence of susceptibility-induced microscopic
magnetic field when the diffusion length is shorter than
the field correlation length. This study demonstrates
for the first time that the effect is opposite in the
case of long diffusion length: The ADC overestimates the
genuine diffusion coefficient. This effect is
anomalously strong for effectively two-dimensional
disordered objects, such as blood capillaries, which
agrees with experimental data on hypercapnia and
diffusion fMRI. Conversely, heterogeneous transverse
relaxation rate results in a decrease of ADC.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 78 |
13:30 |
3955. |
Gene therapy evaluated
using in vivo diffusion tensor imaging 
Joong Hee Kim1, Adarsh S. Reddy2,
Mark S. Sands2, and Sheng-Kwei Song1
1Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis,
Missouri, United States, 2Internal
Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri,
United States
Globoid-cell Leukodystrophy (GLD) is an inherited
demyelinating disease caused by a deficiency of the
lysosomal enzyme Galactosylceramidase (GALC). A previous
study demonstrated dramatic synergy between CNS-directed
AAV2/5 gene therapy and myeloreductive bone marrow
transplantation (BMT) in the murine model of GLD (twitcher).
In the present study, in vivo DTI was employed to
evaluate the effect of gene therapy of twitcher mice
demonstrating the treatment induced recovery of white
matter integrity.
14:00 |
3956. |
Quantitative DTI of White
Matter Abnormalities upon Early Postnatal Visual Impairments 
Kevin C. Chan1,2, Joe S Cheng1,2,
Shu Juan Fan1,2, Matthew M Cheung1,2,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong, China, People's Republic of, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China, People's
Republic of
This study examines in vivo the effect of 4 types of
early postnatal visual impairments [binocular
enucleation (BE), monocular enucleation (ME), monocular
deprivation (MD), and dark-rearing (DR)] on the
development and plasticity of the rat visual pathways
using diffusion tensor imaging. Compared to age-matched
control rats at 6 weeks old, results indicated a
significantly lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in the
visual pathways projected from both eyes in the BE rats,
and from the enucleated right eye in the ME rats. A
small but significantly lower FA could also be observed
in the left posterior optic tract of MD rats monocularly
deprived in the right eye, whereby a significantly
higher FA was found in the left prechiasmatic optic
nerve in the monocularly enucleated rats. No apparent
difference was observed in DR rats along either visual
pathway. The results of this study documented in vivo
the varying degrees of microstructural alterations along
the visual pathways in the 4 rat models. Future DTI
studies are envisioned that measure the development and
reorganization of the impaired visual pathways after
early interventions in longitudinal studies.
14:30 |
3957. |
Neuroregenerative effect
of Mesenchymal Stem Cell following Hypoxia-Ischemia in the
pup mouse brain assessed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
Yohan van de Looij1,2, Cindy T van Velthoven3,
Rolf Gruetter2,4, Petra S Hüppi1,
Annemieke Kavelaars3, Cobi J Heijnen3,
and Stéphane V Sizonenko1
1Division of Child Growth & Development,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3Lab.
for Neuroimmunology and Developmental Origins of
Disease, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands,4Department of Radiology,
Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, Geneva and
Lausanne, Switzerland
Premature infants are at risk of white matter injury and
altered development resulting in a chronic disturbance
of myelination. Cerebral Hypoxia-Ischemia/Reperfusion in
the premature infant represents a major cause for
perinatal white matter injury. Recently, it has been
shown that Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) treatment after
neonatal HI had neuroregenerative effects. The goal of
this study was to assess the neuroregenerative effect of
MSC treatment in neonatal mouse brain following HI by
DTI derived parameters. This study confirmed white
matter damages following neonatal HI on mouse brain as
well as neuroregenerative effect of MSC on HI induced
white matter damages.
15:00 |
3958. |
Can Diffusion Kurtosis
Imaging Provide Better Ischemic Lesion Delineation? 
Edward S. Hui1, Fang Du1, Qiang
Shen1, Shiliang Huang1, and
Timothy Q. Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas, United States
Conventionally, lesion core is defined as the region
with reduced apparent diffusion coefficient. It has been
reported that diffusion-weighted images (DWI) acquired
with high b-value allowed better delineation of ischemic
lesion. In other words, advanced diffusion techniques
that make use of DWI with high b-value might potentially
provides more reliable ischemic tissue staging. One of
which is diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) model which
measures non-Gaussianity of water diffusion. DKI was
thus performed in an established transient middle
cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) rat model during the
hyperacute, acute and subacute phases. Comparisons were
made with perfusion, conventional diffusion techniques.