Electronic Posters
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 79 |
14:00 |
3959. |
A new
comprehensive framework for probabilistic
tractography of fanning fibres 
Jennifer Campbell1, Parya
MamayyezSiahkal2, Peter Savadjiev3,
Ilana R. Leppert1, Kaleem Siddiqi2,
and G. B. Pike1
1McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Centre
for Intelligent Machines, McGill University,3Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Harvard University
The objective of the current work was to develop
an improved probabilistic tractography framework
that could handle, in addition to crossing
fibres, information on more complex subvoxel
geometries, such as fanning fibres. The
technique incorporates a residual bootstrap
probabilistic processing step, followed by a
tractography process that results in the
assignment of an index of connectivity, at each
voxel in the volume, to the region of interest
of the user's choice. This connectivity index is
derived using a weakest link approach, and
solves many of the problems inherent in popular
connectivity indices that are based on frequency
of connection.
14:30 |
3960. |
A Full Bi-tensor
Neural Tractography Algorithm Using the Unscented
Kalman Filter 
Stefan Lienhard1, James Malcolm2,
Carl-Frederik Westin3, and Yogesh
1Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Zürich,
Switzerland, 2Harvard
Medical School, Psychiatry Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Boston, MA, United States, 3Harvard
Medical School, Laboratory of Mathematics in
Imaging, Boston, MA, United States
We introduce a tractography method by extending
an existing framework which models the signal
with Gaussian tensors. At each fiber point an
unscented Kalman filter finds the most
consistent direction as a mixture of previous
estimates and of the local model. In the
existing framework the diffusion tensor’s second
and third eigenvalues are identical. We extend
the tensor representation so that the diffusion
tensor can be an arbitrary ellipsoid. Synthetic
experiments show better angular resolution at
fiber crossings. Tests on in vivo data show that
our new model finds fibers in areas where the
simpler model stops.
15:00 |
3961. |
Advanced Fiber
Tracking Using ODF Based Force Fields 
Robert Stefan Vorburger1, Carolin
Reischauer1, and Peter Boesiger1
1Institute for Biomedical
Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
High angular resolution diffusion-weighted
imaging techniques have been developed to
resolve complex intravoxel fiber structure.
Until now, just a few dedicated algorithms have
been introduced. The current work presents a
novel tracking approach that simulates particle
motion in a force field which is derived
directly from the so-called orientation
distribution function using principles of
classical mechanics. On the basis of the derived
particle tracts, connectivity maps and virtual
fibers are subsequently generated. The benefit
of the algorithm is demonstrated by presenting
tracking results in a healthy volunteer.
15:30 |
3962. |
feasible crossing fiber tractography based on
additional local HARDI
Kenji Ito1, Yoshitaka Masutani1,2,
Yuichi Suzuki2, Shigeki Aoki3,
Osamu Abe4, Akira Kunimatsu1,2,
and Kuni Ohtomo1,2
1Graduate School of Medicine Univ. of
Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2Univ.
of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 3Radiology,
Juntendo Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 4Radiology,
Nihon University Itabashi Hospital, Itabashi-ku,
Tokyo, Japan
Although HARDI (High Angular Resolution
Diffusion Imaging) acquisition techinique is
essential for crossing fibers analysis, its
limitation for clinical situation is the long
scan time. We propose a clinically feasible
scheme; local-HYDI (Hybrid Diffusion Imaing),
which combines whole brain imaging using LARDI
(Low Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging) and
local brain imaging with HARDI for crossing
fibers volume. Using the local-HYDI data, we
also present a Hybrid Tractography (HT)
technique based on local switching of
deterministic and probabilistic techniques
according to data type (LARDI or HARDI) of the
location. In this abstract, we evaluated the
feasibility of our local-HYDI and HT.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 79 |
13:30 |
3963. |
Morphometric Analysis of Fiber Tract Volume of
Corpus Callosum Using Large Deformation
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping and Diffusion Spectrum
Hsiao-Chin Cheng1, Yung-Chin Hsu2,
and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,3
1Center for Optoelectronic
Biomedicine, National Taiwan University College
of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental
Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
We normalized diffusion spectrum imaging data
sets, acquired from 7 males and 7 females, to a
template using 6D Large Deformation
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) algorithm.
Voxel-based analysis was performed to compute
the gender difference in tract volume of the
corpus callosum. The males¡¦ tract volume was
generally larger than the females¡¦, but there
was a spatial variation in the difference. The
most prominent difference was found in frontal
and temporal lobes, whereas little difference
was found in parietal and occipital lobes. Our
study demonstrates the feasibility of 6D LDDMM
in the analysis of tract volume using
voxel-based morphometric approach.
14:00 |
3964. |
Fiber Bundle
Segmentation Using Major Diffusion Orientations in
Reduced Position Orientation Space 
Esmail Davoodi-Bojd1, Mohammadreza
Nazem-Zadeh2, Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh1,
and Quan Jiang2
1Control and Intelligent Processing
Center of Excellence, School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Tehran,
Tehran, Iran, 2Neurology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States
Position Orientation Space (POS) is composed of
three dimensions for position and two dimensions
for orientation information in each voxel. The
POS can be very helpful in low resolution
datasets. If two fiber tracts are irresolvable
sharing crossing area in three dimensional
space, they may be resolvable in five
dimensional POS. Since four distinct peaks of
the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) are
adequate for extracting the fibers, we propose a
novel strategy to the compute major directions
from the ODF, then they are employed for
segmenting fiber bundles by an algorithm similar
to that of Hagmann et al.
14:30 |
3965. |
framework for the large scale Cluster analysis Of
Major Equivalent Tracts 
Christia Ros1, Daniel Güllmar1,
and Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Department of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
To cope with large tractography data sets, we
propose COMET – a new framework that is capable
to perform autonomous, high quality Cluster
analysis Of Major Equivalent Tracts (COMET). The
framework facilitates exploratory data analysis
of fiber tracts and enables the exploration of
axonal pathways and connections, as well as
quantitative analysis in large groups of
subjects. By exploiting the capabilities of
modern multiprocessor system and using new
clustering techniques as well as a variety of
similarity measures, our toolkit is able to
cluster large data sets on the order of minutes.
15:00 |
3966. |
Clustering Method
for Estimating Principal Diffusion Directions 
Mohammadreza Nazem-Zadeh1, Kourosh
Jafari-Khouzani2, Abbas
Babajani-Fermi2, Siamak Pourabdollah
Nejad-Davarani1, Hamid
Soltanian-Zadeh2,3, and Quan Jiang1
1Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, MI, United States, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 3Control
and Intelligent Processing Center of Excellence,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Using High angular resolution diffusion imaging
(HARDI), the fiber orientation distribution
function (ODF) on the unit sphere is calculated
and used to extract the principal diffusion
directions (PDDs). Fast and accurate estimation
of PDDs is a prerequisite for tracking
algorithms that deal with fiber crossings. In
this paper, a clustering approach to estimate
PDDs is proposed which is an extension of fuzzy
c-means clustering developed for orientation
coordinates of points on a sphere. Experimental
results illustrate that the proposed clustering
algorithm is more accurate, more resistant to
noise, and faster than the techniques currently
being utilized.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 79 |
13:30 |
3967. |
Estimation of Local Fiber Orientations for Groupwise
Pew-Thian Yap1, John H. Gilmore2,
Weili Lin1, and Dinggang Shen1
1Radiology and BRIC, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Psychiatry,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC,
United States
Tractography in an atlas space allow the
reconstructed trajectories to form a common
geometry onto which diffusion properties from
the individual images can be projected for
tract-based comparison. We show, however, that
conventional average-atlas-based approach, when
applied to HARDI data, causes significant
deviation of the estimated local orientations
from the 'true' orientations, inevitably
jeopardizing subsequent trajectory
reconstruction. In our approach, local fiber
orientation information is estimated by
harnessing orientation information
simultaneously from all images in a population.
We model the orientation statistics at each
voxel location by employing the bipolar Watson
distribution, which will capture the mean
orientations of the fiber bundles and also the
related degrees of orientation dispersion. This
distribution information, when fed into a
stochastic tractography algorithm allows
reconstruction of fiber trajectories which are
consistent across images in the population.
14:00 |
3968. |
Auditory tracts
identified with the combined use of fMRI and DTI 
Laura Mancini1,2, Faiza Javad2,
Jason D Warren3, John S Thornton1,2,
Xavier Golay1,2, Tarek Yousry1,2,
and Caroline Micallef1,2
1Lysholm Dept of Neuroradiology,
National Hospital for Neurology and
Neurosurgery, UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, London,
WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom, 2Academic
Neuroradiological Unit, Dept Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of Neurology,
London, WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom, 3Dementia
Research Centre, UCL Institute of Neurology,
London, WC1N 3BG, United Kingdom
This is the first combined DTI/fMRI study to
investigate pathways connecting cortical and
sub-cortical structures in the auditory system.
Auditory pathways connect the inferior
collicular nucleus (ICN) and medial geniculate
body (MGB) to the auditory cortex. These tracts
are particularly difficult to identify because
they intersect the optic radiation and numerous
other fascicles. 2.3mm isotropic DTI (64
gradient directions, b-value=1400s/mm 2)
were analyzed with probabilistic, 2-tensor model
tractography. ICN and MGB were identified
anatomically, while auditory cortices were
identified by fMRI using sparse acquisition and
amplitude-modulated iterated-ripple-noise pitch
as stimuli. Our results successfully identified
sub-cortical auditory projections in 14 healthy
14:30 |
3969. |
Are larger
pathways faster ? a spherical deconvolution
tractography study on the visuo-spatial pathways 
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten1,2,
Flavio Dell'Acqua1,3, Stephanie
Forkel1,4, and Marco Catani1,3
1Natbrainlab, Institute of
Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, 2Hopital
de la Salpêtrière, CRICM-INSERM UMRS 975, Paris,
France, 3Department
of Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute of
Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Forensic and Neurodevelopmental Sciences,
Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
Little is known about how the size of tract can
modify the speed of conduction. Larger tract
volumes could depend on a number of factors,
including greater fibre myelination, higher
number of axons and larger axonal diameter.
Experimental physiology has shown that the
conduction speed of larger diameter, or more
myelinated axons is faster. A higher number of
axons would also boost the speed of conduction
by assuring a parallel processing. So, are
larger pathways faster ? In this study we found
a direct correlation between tract volume and
the speed of detection visual events.
15:00 |
3970. |
histogram analysis of tractography streamline length
for assessing brain injury 
Kerstin Pannek1, Thomas Kampf2,
Jane Mathias3, Greg Brown4,
Jamie Taylor5, Olivier Salvado6,
and Stephen Rose7
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia, 2Department
of Experimental Physics 5, University of
Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 3School
of Psychology, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
South Australia, Australia, 4MRI
Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia, 5Radiology,
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South
Australia, Australia, 6Biomedical
Imaging, Australian eHealth Research Centre,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 7Centre
for Clinical Research, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Streamline number and streamline length are
quantitative tractography metrics that are
influenced by white matter pathology. We propose
to assess streamline length in a fully automated
voxel-wise manner. The length distribution
within an individual voxel can be described by a
mixture of Gaussian distributions, and compared
across subjects. Voxel-wise length distributions
appear to be highly reproducible over time. We
demonstrate how this new method can be used to
identify fibre populations affected by white
matter pathology.
Posters : Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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to view the video presentation. |
Brain Across Species
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 80 |
14:00 |
3971. |
In vivo measurement
of T2 relaxation
times in mouse brain at 17.6 Tesla 
Firat Kara1, Fu Chen1, Jörg
Matysik1, and Alia Alia1
1Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden
University, Leiden, South holland, Netherlands
Knowledge of T2 relaxation
times for mouse brain at ultra high field (17.6 T) can
be important to optimize imaging parameters for optimum
contrast to noise and higher sensitivity and to observe
changes induced by various pathological conditions. In
this work in vivo T2 relaxation
parameters for mouse brain have been measured at 17.6 T
and compared with those measurements at 9.4 T. Phantom
solutions were used to quantify and validate changes in
T2 relaxation
time at different field strengths. A decrease in T2 relaxation
time was found in several regions of mouse brain at 17.6
T as compared with 9.4 T. Phantom results validated a
decrease in T2 relaxation
time at higher field strengths.
14:30 |
3972. |
High-resolution zebrafish
white matter fibertracks 
Nyoman Dana Kurniawan1, Gary Cowin1,
Shaun P. Collin2,3, and Jeremy F.P. Ullmann3
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2School
of Animal Biology, The University of Western Australia,
Crawley, Western Australia, Australia, 3School
of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Zebrafish is an important model in development and
neuroscience research. However due to its extremely
small size (4x2x1mm), ultra-high resolution MR diffusion
images are required to obtain meaningful information.
Here we present the white matter tracks of the zebrafish
brain reconstructed using Track Density Imaging at
5-micron resolution and comparison with conventional
high-resolution anatomical MRI.
15:00 |
3973. |
Characterizing Brain
Development in the Ferret in
vivo Using
Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
Yulin V Chang1, and Philip V Bayly1
1Mechanical Engineering, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO, United States
We investigated the relationships between cortical
folding, T2,
average ADC, and diffusion anisotropy in a developing
ferret brain using diffusion tensor imaging. Our results
show that brain folding is accompanied by the vanishing
of the diffusion anisotropy in the gray matter. We
observed that the white matter has not been fully
myelinated by the last time point (P30) of measurement,
which suggests that cortical folding and white matter
myelination are independent processes during brain
15:30 |
3974. |
MRI Assessment of the
Effect of Different Resuscitation Fluids on Cerebral Blood
Flow and Edema Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury
and Hemorrhagic Shock in Mice 
Lesley M Foley1, T Kevin Hitchens1,2,
John A Melick3, Nancy T Ho2, Tusey
C Tam2, Chien Ho1,2, and Patrick M
1Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical
Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 2Department
of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Safar
Center for Resuscitation Research, University of
Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United
States, 4Departments
of Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics and
Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Using MRI we assessed brain and pulmonary edema and
cerebral blood flow (CBF) after resuscitation, from
TBI+HS using two conventional solutions, namely the
crystalloid Lactated Ringers (LR), the colloid hextend
(Hex), and an octomeric recombinant hemoglobin (rHb).
MRI assessment of edema using 1/T1 seemed to provide a
more sensitive measurement than wet weight/dry weight
values. Recombinant hemoglobin whilst increasing CBF
initially also produces slightly more edema than either
LR or Hex. One possibility is that rapid restoration of
CBF in the damaged brain with rHb results in perfusion
of severely damage tissue and edema.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Diffusion Phantoms
Tuesday May 10th
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 81 |
13:30 |
3975. |
A Diffusion Tensor
Resolution Phantom 
Michael Bach1, Bram Stieltjes2,
Klaus Fritzsche3, Wolfhard Semmler1,
and Frederik Bernd Laun1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German
Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging-based Disease Characterization, German
Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Medical
Imaging and Biological Informatics, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
Recently, several different diffusion phantoms have
been proposed but a dedicated resolution phantom is
lacking. Here we present a circular phantom
consisting of four 2mm wide tracts separated by a 2
mm space. The phantom was measured at isotropic
resolutions of 2x2x2 mm3 and 3x3x3 mm3. A high FA of
0.7 was obtained. Fiber tracking clearly shows a
resolution effect; at 2x2x2 mm3, the individual
bundles can be separated whereas at 3x3x3 mm3, no
separation can be obtained. The presented resolution
phantom may be used to investigate various
parameters influencing the obtainable effective
resolution of the used DTI-sequence and
14:00 |
3976. |
A Selectable Diffusion
Coefficient Phantom Based on Restricted Diffusion 
Joseph P. Hornak1, Hongmei Yuan2,
Scott Kennedy3, and Edmund Kwok3
1Imaging Science, RIT, Rochester, NY,
United States, 2Chemistry,
RIT, Rochester, NY, United States, 3University
of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States
Quantitative MRI studies of diffusion require a
phantom to calibrate an imaging system. One
convenient diffusion phantom consists of a set of
hydrocarbon liquids with diffusion coefficients (D)
between that of water and approximately 0.5x10-9 m2/s.
Regional, national, and international shipping
constraints make commercializing phantoms containing
flammable hydrocarbons more costly. We propose a
diffusion phantom based on the restricted diffusion
of water within tightly packed glass fibers. This
phantom gives a range of diffusion coefficients
between Dwater and
0.5x10-9 m2/s
using only water as the NMR signal baring liquid.
14:30 |
3977. |
Characterization of
the TE Dependence of IVIM Biomarkers in a Flow Phantom
and In
Gene Young Cho1, Daniel K Sodickson1,
and Eric E Sigmund1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging -
Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, New
York, United States
Recent applications of IVIM diffusion-weighted
imaging produce biomarkers of tissue structure and
vascularity. However, these biomarkers may show
dependence on echo time (TE). Recent observations
have shown TE dependence of perfusion fraction,
attributable to differential relaxation weighting.
There may be dependence of the pseudo-diffusion rate
on TE when such times are similar to transit times
for a vessel branch. With proper modeling, this
dependence could be exploited for quantification of
vessel parameters useful for characterization of
tumors or highly perfused organs. We explore the
dependence of IVIM parameters upon TE in a phantom
and human kidney in a clinical scanner.
15:00 |
3978. |
Regional Biomechanical
Property of Intracranial Tissue using Dynamic Diffusion
MRI: A Phantom Study
Hirohito Kan1, Tosiaki Miyati1,
Mitsuhito Mase2, Masaki Hara3,
Makoto Kawano3, Yuta Shibamoto3,
Harumasa Kasai3, Nobuyuki Arai3,
Akihiro Kitanaka1, and Risa Yorimitsu1
1Division of Health Sciences, Graduate
School of Medical Science, Kanazawa University,
Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, 2Department
of Neurosurgery and Restorative Neuroscience,
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City
University, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, 3Department
of Radiology, Nagoya City University Hospital,
Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
To clarify the mechanism, i.e., the fluctuation of
the water molecules in the intracranial tissue, we
determined the temporal ADC waves obtained with
diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using a
hemodialyzer phantom. Our original phantom makes it
possible to analyze the change in ADC due to the
volume loading, assess the biomechanical property,
and verify the mechanism of the fluctuation of water
molecules in the intracranial tissue.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
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to view the video presentation. |
Arterial Spin Labeling - Methods
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 82 |
14:00 |
3979. |
Velocity Selective
Arterial Spin Labeling Using an Inversion Pulse Train 
Ruitian Song1, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
Adam M. Winchell1, and Claudia M.
1Radiological Sciences, St Jude
Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United
A new velocity selective ASL using an inversion
pulse train was developed. Because inversion
labeling was achieved with our new VSASL method, the
labeling efficiency can be improved by approximately
a factor of 2, compared to saturation labeling. The
diffusion b value was the same in both label and
control scans, therefore diffusion contamination was
eliminated in the perfusion images.
14:30 |
3980. |
Optimization of
Tagging Efficiency Using ECG-gated Velocity-matched
B1-increased Pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Wen-Ming Luh1, Eric C. Wong2,
S Lalith Talagala3, and Peter A.
1Functional MRI Facility, NIMH, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Departments
of Radiology and Psychiatry, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3NMRF,
NINDS, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
United States
In conventional pseudo-continuous arterial spin
labeling (PCASL) techniques, a train of short RF
pulses with constant amplitude are played out over
entire labeling period. However, changes in velocity
throughout the cardiac cycle can compromise tagging
efficiency especially during systolic phases with
high velocity and volume throughput. To minimize
mismatch between RF amplitude increase and systolic
phase, here we employed ECG triggering and short
labeling period to be within a typical cardiac
cycle. Moreover, RF B1 modulation was implemented in
a pair-wise interleaved fashion to minimize
run-to-run differences.
15:00 |
3981. |
Territorial Arterial
Spin Labelling at 7T using PICORE 
Rebecca Susan Dewey1,2, Dorothee P Auer1,
and Susan T Francis3
1Division of Academic Radiology, The
Univeristy of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Kingdom, 2Sir
Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, The
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Kingdom, 3Sir
Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, The
Univeristy of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Perfusion territory maps provide unique information
for the characterisation of cerebral haemodynamics.
Ultra-high field (7T) provides increased image SNR
and perfusion sensitivity. Territorial Arterial Spin
Labelling (TASL) performance relies on good coil
coverage and B1 homogeneity,
both issues at 7T. PICORE (Proximal Inversion with a
Control for Off-Resonance Effects) based TASL with a
FOCI pulse is implemented to address these
limitations. We assess sharpness and efficiency of
the inversion profile of the FOCI pulse. Selective
inversion slabs are positioned to perform
Territorial Arterial Spin Labelling of the LICA,
RICA and BA at 7T, providing maps of the three
vascular territories.
15:30 |
3982. |
Pulsed ASL with Single-Shot FSE Readout for the In
Vivo Measurement
of the T1 of
Arterial Blood 
David Thomas Pilkinton1,2, John A Detre2,3,
and Ravinder Reddy1,2
1Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 3Center
for Functional Neuroimaging, Unversity of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United
To accurately quantify CBF with ASL, it is necessary
to have an estimate of the T1 of
arterial blood (T1a). However, it is very
challenging to measure T1a in
vivo because
of the high flow velocity in arteries and the
relatively small artery diameters, particularly in
small animals. A PASL approach for measuring T1a has
been suggested in the literature to avoid these
problems. We implemented an similar PASL approach to
measure T1a in
vivo which
increases the dynamic range, avoids possible venous
signal contamination, and maximizes the SNR in the
presence of static field inhomogeneities.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 82 |
13:30 |
3983. |
Acquisition Strategy
for 3D GRASE with a Sharp Point Spread Function Towards
Whole Brain ASL Perfusion Mapping at 3T 
Qin Qin1,2, Alan J Huang2,3,
Jun Hua1,2, Matthias J.P. van Osch4,
and Peter CM van Zijl1,2
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 4Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
3D GRASE acquisition is a natural choice for whole
brain ASL perfusion mapping. In GRASE, however, a
long echo train is often used that not only causes
blurring but also leads to signal loss due to T2
decay during acquisition. An acquisition strategy
that can achieve a sharper point spread function
would require an echo train of length comparable to
tissue T2. In this work, this is theoretically
derived and subsequently demonstrated experimentally
for whole brain perfusion mapping with both high
resolution and high SNR efficiency.
14:00 |
3984. |
Look-Locker 3D-EPI ASL
at 7T 
Emma Louise Hall1, Penny A Gowland1,
and Susan T Francis1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Look-Locker ASL provides a technique for the
simultaneous assessment of transit time for accurate
assessment of perfusion. However, due to the limited
time between readout pulses volume coverage of this
method is generally limited to a few slices. Here we
implement LL-FAIR combined with a 3D-EPI readout at
7T. We show that 3D-EPI provides a significant
increase in the number of slices that can be
acquired due to parallel imaging along two
directions, improved SNR and identical perfusion
weighting across all slices. This allows a larger
volume coverage without compromising on the temporal
or spatial resolution.
14:30 |
3985. |
Turbo-flash based
Arterial Spin Labeling at 7T 
Zhentao Zuo1,2, Rui Wang1,2,
Dapeng Liu1,2, Rong Xue1, Yan
Zhuo1, and Danny JJ Wang3
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and
Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, People's
Republic of, 2Graduate
University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
China, People's Republic of, 3Neurology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) at 7T is attractive due
to prolonged blood T1 as well as increased SNR at
ultrahigh field. In the present study, turbo-flash
based pulsed and pseudo-continuous ASL sequences
were performed at both 7 and 3T, with different
spatial resolutions and post-labeling delays. High
quality perfusion images were obtained at 7T even
with the spatial resolution of 0.85 X 1.7mm2 and
with post-labeling delays up to 3s. Motor cortex
activation was further demonstrated which precisely
located the primary motor cortex to the precentral
gyrus, with the spatial resolution of 0.85 X 1.7mm2.
15:00 |
3986. |
Dual-Density and
Parallel Spiral ASL for Motion Artifact Reduction 
Craig H. Meyer1,2, Li Zhao1,
Michael Lustig3, Manal Jilwan-Nicolas2,
Max Wintermark2, John P Mugler III2,
and Frederick H Epstein2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, VA, United States, 3Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, United States
This study compares single-shot and interleaved
constant-density spiral arterial spin labeling (ASL)
sequences to their dual-density analogs. Single-shot
dual-density parallel spiral ASL reconstructed using
the SPIRiT parallel image reconstruction algorithm
had the best combination of motion robustness,
spatial resolution, and resistance to suceptibility
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 82 |
13:30 |
3987. |
Full Model-Based
Analysis of QUASAR Arterial Spin Labelling 
Michael A Chappell1,2, Esben T Petersen3,
Mark W Woolrich2, Xavier Golay4,
and Stephen J Payne1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 3Clinical
Imaging Research Center, NUS-A*STAR, Singapore, 4Institute
of Neurology, University College, London, United
The QUASAR Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) approach is
unique in making use of a variety of flow suppressed
and non-suppressed data. This makes ‘model-free’
analysis feasible, it also is advantageous for
‘model-based’ strategies, since the different
regimes can be used to model more accurately the
arterial and tissue signals. Here a novel
model-based strategy is proposed that models the
contribution of label in the arteries as magnitude
and dominant direction of arterial blood flow. This
provides a more appropriate comparison to model-free
approaches and also permits different models of
label dispersion to be more rigorously tested.
14:00 |
3988. |
Absolute Regional Gray
Matter Perfusion Measured with Arterial Spin Labeling
Calibrated using Phase Contrast MRI 
Ahmet Murat Bagci1, Sang Lee1,
David Adams1, Clinton Wright1,
Birgit Ertl-Wagner2, and Noam Alperin1
1University of Miami, Miami, FL, United
States, 2University
of Munich, Munich, Germany
Absolute values of cerebral blood flow (CBF)
measurements obtained using arterial spin labeling
(ASL) methods depends on the implementation of the
technique, the imaging parameters, and also
influenced by subject’s hemodynamics. This report
presents early results from the incorporation of
phase contrast measurements of total cerebral blood
flow to obtain calibrated regional CBF in deep gray
matter and cerebral cortex obtained with 2D- whole
brain PASL. The calibrated regional CBF values are
more consistent with previously reported values. The
CBF measurements using ASL in combination with PCMRI
may help overcome the limitations of ASL in
providing reliable absolute CBF values.
14:30 |
3989. |
Detection of MR
perfusion transit time effects in pulsed arterial spin
labeling using a ‘model validity metric’ 
Yang Wang1, Josef Pfeuffer2,
Gary D Hutchins1, and Andrew J Saykin1
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis,
Indiana, United States, 2MR
Applications Development, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany
Standard acquisition and processing of MR perfusion
using Q2TIPS PASL images is extended by an
additional acquisition and a metric analysis. A
transit time compensation between slices and
perfusion model validity measures are introduced to
reduce artifacts by prolonged bolus transit time
15:00 |
3990. |
Coherence-based Denoising (RECODE) for Arterial Spin
Labeled Perfusion MRI 
Ze Wang1, and John A Detre2
1Dept of Psychiatry, U of Penn,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Dept
of Neurology, Univ of Penn, Philadelphia, PA, United
This work presents a novel denoising method for ASL
perfusion MRI. Regional data coherence as well as
the systematic tag-control spin labeling paradigm
are explicitly utilized to reduce noise in ASL data
in order to improve the SNR of ASL MRI. As compared
to standard denoising routine based on spatial
smoothing, the proposed method remarkably improved
the CBF quantification results.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 82 |
13:30 |
3991. |
14:00 |
3992. |
A Total Variation
spatial prior for the estimation of perfusion and
transit time maps in PASL-MRI 
Nuno Santos1,2, João M. Sanches1,
Inês Sousa1,2, and Patricia Figueiredo1
1Institute for Systems and Robotics,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens S.A., Portugal
Maps of perfusion and transit time can be measured
using PASL, by fitting a kinetic model to
magnetization difference images acquired at multiple
inversion times. Here, a total variation (TV)
spatial prior is incorporated into a Bayesian
estimation method, based on the maximum a posteriori
criterion, which also incorporates knowledge
regarding the model physiological parameters. Monte
Carlo simulations using different test objects
showed reduced estimation errors when including the
TV prior relative to commonly used Euclidean
distance spatial priors and physiological priors
only. Application to data collected from healthy
subjects at 3T also showed improved performance for
the TV prior.
14:30 |
3993. |
Absolute CBF
Quantification with PASL During Hyperoxia Corrected with
the Simultaneous Measurement of the T1 of
Arterial Blood 
David Thomas Pilkinton1,2, John A Detre2,3,
and Ravinder Reddy1,2
1Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 3Center
for Functional Neuroimaging, Unversity of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United
A number of studies have used ASL approaches to
investigate the regional CBF changes with hyperoxia.
Although it is well-known that inhaled oxygen
creates a significant reduction in the T1 of
arterial blood (T1a), only a minority of
these studies have incorporated T1a changes
in their ASL calculations. In this study, we
simultaneously measured CBF and T1a in
vivo during
hyperoxia using a PASL approach in the rat brain at
3T. These data allow for correction per subject
basis to quantify the degree to which the reduction
in CBF measured with ASL is due to the reduction in
15:00 |
3994. |
Comparison of Arterial
Transit Times Estimated Using Arterial Spin Labeling 
Yufen Chen1, Danny J.J. Wang2,
and John A. Detre1
1Center for Functional Neuroimaging,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
States, 2Department
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Transit time refers to the time needed for labeled
spins to travel from the label region to the imaging
region in ASL. Here, we investigate the effects of
labeling position on the arterial and microvascular
transit times of two efficient transit time mapping
techniques: LL-ASL and FEAST. Our results
demonstrate a linear relationship between label
position and arterial transit time, with the slope
related to the average blood velocity from label to
image region. A 650ms discrepancy was observed
between arterial and microvascular transit times,
likely the result of controlled oxygen transport to
facilitate exchange at the capillary bed.
: Diffusion & Perfusion - Neuro
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Arterial Spin Labeling - Applications
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 83 |
14:00 |
3995. |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
of Blood Flow of the Human Retina 
Qi Peng1,2, Yi Zhang1,2, Oscar San
Emeterio Nateras1,2, and Timothy Q Duong1,2
1Radiology, UT Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, UT Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
Blood flow (BF) measurement of the human retina is
challenging because the thin retina is located in a
region of high magnetic susceptibility, is susceptible
to eye motion and requires high spatial resolution. This
study successfully demonstrated the feasibility of high
spatial-resolution (500x800¦Ìm) retinal BF measurement
under baseline and hypercapnia. Pseudo-continuous
arterial spin-labeling technique with background
suppression and single-shot turbo spin-echo acquisition
were employed to improve BF sensitivity, suppress
vitreous signal, and achieve high spatial resolution
free of image distortion and signal dropout. This
approach could open up new avenues for retinal research
and may have important clinical applications.
14:30 |
3996. |
Blood Flow MRI of the
Human Retina during Isometric Exercise-Induced Increase in
Blood Pressure 
Yi Zhang1, Oscar San Emeterio Nateras2,
Qi Peng1,2, Carlos A. Rosende3,
John M. Johnson4, and Timothy Q. Duong1,2
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States, 3Ophthalmology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States,4Physiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
This study investigated the relation between perfusion
pressure and blood flow (BF) in the human retina using
MRI during rest and isometric exercise (squeezing a
tennis ball inside the MRI scanner). Basal BF in the
posterior retina was 137±47mL/100mL/min (±SD, N=4).
Isometric exercise increased mean BF, heart rate, mean
arterial pressure, and ocular perfusion pressure
(P<0.05), but not intraocular pressure, arterial oxygen
saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide, or respiratory
rate (P>0.1). A MRI approach provides objective
quantitative BF with a large field of view without depth
limitation. BF MRI during isometric exercise provides a
unique means to study retinal physiology and
autoregulation free of adverse pharmacological effects.
15:00 |
3997. |
Layer-Specific Blood-Flow
MRI of Retina Degeneration at 11.7T 
Guang Li1, Bryan De La Garza2,
Yen-Yu I Shih2, Eric R Muir2,3,
and Timothy Q Duong2
1Radiology, UT Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 2UT
Health Science Center at San Antonio, United States, 3Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Vision loss due to retinal degeneration is a major
problem in ophthalmology. We developed blood flow (BF)
MRI (44x44x600 μm3) using continuous arterial
spin labeling at 11.7T to image layer-specific,
quantitative retinal BF (RBF) and choroidal BF (ChBF) in
the rat eye. This method was used to investigate BF
changes in an animal model of progressive retinal
degeneration, the Royal-College-of-Surgeons (RCS) rat.
In this model, RBF and ChBF were affected differently by
retinal degeneration. RBF was attenuated in RCS rats as
the retina degenerated, while ChBF likely was not. BF
MRI provides layer-specific quantitative BF data of the
retina without depth limitation and with a large
field-of-view, potentially opening up new avenues for
retinal disease research in animal models.
15:30 |
3998. |
Layer-Specific Retinal and
Choroidal Blood-Flow MRI in a Mouse Model of Glaucoma 
Eric R Muir1, William Lavery2,
Jeffrey W Kiel2, René C Rentería3,4,
and Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United
States, 2Department
of Ophthalmology, University of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 3Department
of Physiology, University of Texas Health Science
Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 4Center
for Biomedical Neuroscience, University of Texas Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States
Glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, is
characterized by progressive degeneration of retinal
ganglion cells and the optic nerve. Elevated intraocular
pressure, which is associated with glaucoma, may reduce
blood flow (BF) in the eye. The retina is nourished by
two separate vasculatures, the retinal and choroidal
vessels. Arterial spin labeling MRI was used to image
layer-specific retinal and choroidal BF in the DBA/2J
mouse model of glaucoma at different stages of disease.
Retinal and choroidal BF were distinctively reduced at
different ages in DBA/2J mice. MRI provided a
non-invasive method to monitor vascular changes in
rodents in vivo.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 83 |
13:30 |
3999. |
Calibrated fMRI using
simultaneous EEG and fMRI and the effect of hypercapnia on
Andrea Federspiel1, Ariane Orosz1,
Martinus Hauf2, Roland Wiest2,
Danny JJ Wang3, Thomas Dierks1,
and Kay Jann1
1Department of Psychiatric Neurophysiology,
University Hospital of Psychiatry, Bern, Switzerland, 2Institute
of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology,
University of Bern, Switzerland, 3Department
of Neurology, UCLA, Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping
Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Calibrated fMRI is performed with simultaneous EEG and
fMRI recording. In the fMRI setting a set of ASL and
BOLD images are acquired with hypercapnia condition and
a set of ASL and BOLD images during visual stimulation
(checkerboard 2Hz). Calculation of CMRO2 during
hypercapnia was performed and revealed values in line
with previous findings. Visual evoked potentials showed
latency of P100 peak at 116 ms. During hypercapnia a
reduced power in frequency bands theta and alpha 2 are
observed. These findings suggest that during hypercania
CMRO2 may not be constant. These findings may have
implication in future calibrated fMRI setting.
14:00 |
4000. |
Coupling between resting
cerebral perfusion and EEG power 
Lars Michels1, Ernst Martin1,
Daniel Brandeis2, Rafael Lüchinger2,
Peter Klaver3, Ajit Shankaranarayanan4,
David C Alsop5,6, and Ruth L O'Gorman1
1University Children's Hospital, Zürich,
Switzerland, 2Department
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University of
Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 3Department
of Psychology, University of Zürich, Zürich,
Switzerland, 4Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States, 5Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, United
States, 6Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
This study examines the relationship between resting EEG
power fluctuations in low, medium, and high frequency
bands and resting cerebral perfusion. EEG and ASL data
were acquired in separate measurement sessions in a
group of 12 healthy adults. Peak EEG power correlated
positively with perfusion in a widespread network
including both cortical and sub-cortical regions. After
controlling for whole-brain ASL perfusion, significant
correlations were restricted to a smaller network of
regions, and predominantly negative correlations were
found for alpha frequencies, whereas higher frequencies
(gamma) exhibited predominantly positive correlations.
14:30 |
4001. |
Dynamics of CBF and BOLD
responses to a Cued Deep Breathing paradigm 
Inês Sousa1,2, Pedro Vilela3, and
Patricia Figueiredo1
1Institute for Systems and Robotics,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens, S.A., Lisbon, Portugal, 3Imaging
Department, Hospital da Luz, Lisbon, Portugal
An approach for the optimization of a Gamma impulse
response function to be used in a GLM analysis ASL
perfusion and BOLD data, collected during a Cued Deep
Breathing paradigm, is proposed. The optimal parameter
values of the Gamma function were determined, for the
whole-brain in terms of maximum number of active voxels,
and on a voxel-by-voxel basis in terms of the maximum Z
score. The results obtained indicate that a
voxe-by-voxel optimization may be preferable due to the
spatial heterogeneity of the parameters, yielding
optimal lag and width maps and contributing to more
sensitive and accurate cerebrovascular reactivity
15:00 |
4002. |
Dosage-dependent effects
of isoflurane on cerebral blood flow in rhesus monkeys 
Chun-Xia Li1, Sudeep Patel1, Eddie
Auerbach2, and Xiaodong Zhang1
1Yerkes Imaging Center, Yerkes National
Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 2Center
for MR Research, School of Medicine, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States
Non-human primates were widely used as various disease
models and examined under isoflurane
anesthesia.Isoflurane is believed to increase the
cerebral blood flow in general but the detailed effects
in the monkey brain still remain unknown. In this study,
the dosage effects of isoflurane (0.6 to 1.2 MAC) on CBF
in the different brain regions of monkey brain were
investigated with the continuous arterial-spin-labeling
(CASL) technique.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 83 |
13:30 |
4003. |
Memory performance is
negatively correlated with resting CBF level in hippocampus
in healthy elderly 
Siyuan Hu1, Hengyi Rao1, Lauren
Mancuso1, John A. Detre1, and
David Wolk1
1Department of Neurology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
The medial temporal lobe (MTL) plays a critical role in
episodic memory function, and is activated by episodic
memory tasks. Deficits in episodic memory performance
are also seen in aging and in Alzheimer's disease. Here
we correlated resting MTL function as measured by
arterial spin labeled (ASL) perfusion MRI with episodic
memory performance in 31 cognitively normal elderly
participants. After controlling for age, years of
education, gender, and global CBF values, we found a
negative correlation between episodic memory
performances and resting CBF in left hippocampus. These
findings suggest that resting MTL perfusion provides a
biomarker of memory performance phenotype, and that
increased CBF may represent a compensatory response to
memory decline.
14:00 |
4004. |
Temporal and
extra-temporal perfusion abnormality in mesial temporal lobe
epilepsy revealed by arterial spin labeling(ASL)-based MRI 
Guangming Lu1, Zhiqiang Zhang1,
Cuiping Yuan1, and Lianfang Shen1
1Department of Radiology, Jinling hospital,
Nanjing University School of Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu,
China, People's Republic of
Interictal single-photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) studies have demonstrated that there is
hypoperfusion within the extra-temporal structures
besides to the temporal lobe in mesial temporal lobe
epilepsy (mTLE), which contributes to the proposal of
concept of the mesial temporal lobe epilepsy network
[1]. The purpose of this study was to determine the
feasibility of detecting perfusion abnormalities in mTLE
using arterial spin labeling (ASL)-based MRI, which is a
noninvasive method for calculating regional cerebral
blood flow (rCBF).
14:30 |
4005. |
Quantification of Cerebral
Blood Flow (CBF) in Acute-on Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
patients with 3D Pseudo continuous Arterial Spin Labeling 
Abhishek Yadav1, Rakesh Kumar Gupta1,
Santosh Kumar Yadav1, M Rangan2, V
A Saraswat3, M A Thomas4, and R KS
1Radiodiagnosis, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Pediatric
Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute
of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow, UP, India, 3Pediatric
Gastroenterology, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute
of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India, lucknow, UP, India, 4Department
of Radiological Sciences, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India,
California, Los Angels, United States, 5Department
of Mathematics & Statistics, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kanpur, UP, India
Acute-on-chronic liver (ACLF) failure develops in
patients with previously well-compensated chronic liver
disease following an acute precipitating event. It is
known that the cerebral autoregulation may be defective
in patients of liver failure, and raised ICP is often
seen in ALF patients. Ammonia and cytokines are known to
increase in ACLF, and have synergistic role in
pathogenesis of HE. The current data suggest that ASL
demonstrates the increase in CBF various grey matter
regions in ACLF and may be used in the in initial and
follow up study of these ACLF patients.
15:00 |
4006. |
Combined Dynamic
Susceptibilty Contrast (DSC) Imaging and Arterial Spin
Labeling (ASL) for Quantitative Perfusion Measurements in
Children with Diffuse Pontine Glioma 
Brian A Taylor1, Adam Winchell1,2,
Jan Sedlacik1, Alberto Broniscer3,
Ruitian Song1, Ralf B Loeffler1,
and Claudia M Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, United
States,3Oncology, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States
An algorithm that combines dynamic susceptibility
contrast (DSC) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) imaging
for quantitative perfusion measurements was evaluated in
a large clinical study in children with diffuse pontine
glioma. DSC measurements were calibrated to ASL
measurement in voxels with low transit times. An
alternative method was evaluated which calibrated DSC to
ASL in the gray matter.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 83 |
13:30 |
4007. |
Reproducibility Assessment of CBF Measurements with 3D GRASE
ASL at 1.5 T in Aged Population with Alzheimer’s Disease 
Alexandre Coimbra1, Dai Feng2,
Sonia Apreleva2, Peter Hu3, S
Ramana4, A Bernstein5, Matthias
Guenther6, William Cho7, Mark
Forman8, Ajay Verma9, Gary Herman10,
Richard Baumgartner2, and David Feinberg4
1Imaging, Merck & Co, Inc, West Point, PA,
United States, 2Biometrics,
Merck & Co, Inc, Rahway, NJ, United States, 3BARDS,
Merck & Co, Inc, Upper Gwynedd, PA, United States, 4Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States, 5Redwood
Regional Medical Group, Santa Rosa, CA, United States, 6Fraunhofer
MEVIS-Institute for Medical Image Computing, Bremen,
Germany, 7Experimental
Medicine, Merck & Co, Inc, Upper Gwynedd, PA, United
States, 8Clinical
Pharmacology, Merck & Co, Inc, Upper Gwynedd, PA, United
States, 9Translational
Neurology, Biogen Idec, Cambridge, MA, United States, 10Clinical
Research, Merck & Co, Inc, Rahway, NJ, United States
In this contribution we assessed the test-retest
reproducibility of 3D GRASE ASL technique at 1.5 T and
in populations of AD patients and age matched control.
Assessment of measurement reproducibility was done using
graphical methods as well as quantitative metrics such
as Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and within subject
coefficient of variability. Our findings suggest that
the test-retest reproducibility varies between ROIs, and
overall moderate to very good reproducibility can be
achieved. Assessment of reproducibility is an important
first step to inform design (e.g. parallel versus
cross-over) of future studies of disease progression and
treatment effect.
14:00 |
4008. |
A Comparison Study of
Imaging Absolute CBF Change in Rat Brain with SR-T1app
method and CASL technique
Xiao Wang1, Xiao-hong Zhu1, Yi
Zhang1, and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota Medical
School, Minneapolis, MN, United States
In the present study, the absolute CBF increase induced
by transient mild hypercapnia in the rat brain was
directly compared using the SR-T1app method and the CASL
technique. The results revealed good agreement in both
magnitude and spatial patterns of CBF change measured by
these two techniques. In addition, both techniques
showed great sensitivity to the variation of hypercapnia
level and the associated CBF change. Our results also
show that the SR-T1app method could also provide
absolute CBF value once the intrinsic R1 (R1int) was
determined. Therefore, the SR-T1app method should
provide a noninvasive, simple and efficient way to
determine both absolute CBF and CBF change induced by
physiological and pathological perturbations in the rat
14:30 |
4009. |
Intersubject variability
in cerebral blood flow is great than structural variability 
Yufen Chen1, Hengyi Rao1, and John
A. Detre1
1Center for Functional Neuroimaging,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is tightly coupled to brain
metabolism and is known to be modulated by age and
gender. But little is known about intersubject
variability in CBF, which may be reflective of
individual phenotypic differences. Here, we
retrospectively analyzed arterial spin labeling (ASL)
data from 136 subjects to test the hypothesis that
metabolic variance exceeds structural variance. F-tests
showed gray matter (GM) CBF had higher variance than GM
volume. Linear model of age and gender showed reduced R2 fit
to GM CBF compared to GM volume, suggesting the presence
of additional sources of variability.
15:00 |
4010. |
An Online Shared Database
of ASL-based CBF Measures with Integrated Processing
David Dongsuk Shin1, Burak Ibrahim Ozyurt2,
and Thomas T Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Department
of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, United States
A rapidly growing number of CBF measures are being
collected both in clinical and research settings around
the world. Here we present an online CBF database with
an integrated analysis pipeline for CBF quantification (CBFDAP).
To date, we have successfully processed and accumulated
several hundred CBF datasets acquired with FAIR and
OptPCASL protocols for a range of subject populations.
The number of datasets is expected to grow rapidly as we
begin to make the CBFDAP available to the general
public. The CBFDAP provides an infrastructure for the
easy upload, processing, storage, retrieval, and
exploration of ASL-based CBF data.