Electronic Posters
: Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction & Analysis
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Endogenons Contrast: Relaxation, CEST & MT
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 124 |
14:00 |
4484. |
Self-Justification Fitting to Improve
Reliability of Relaxometry Quantification 
Dan Ma1, Kecheng Liu2,
and Mark Griswold1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solution
T1 and T2 quantification have been used for
long time in clinical routine diagnosis.
Diagnosis relies objectively on absolute T1,
T2 quantification rather than subjectively
on gray-scaled images. Therefore, the
reliability of quantified values should be
ensured for clinical diagnosis. In reality,
even a slightly system performance
imperfection will have big impact on
quantified mapping values that may not be
seen on gray scaled images. This work
introduces a self-justification fitting to
improve accuracy of the quantified T2 values
due to system imperfections, and to predict
the measurable quantification range.
14:30 |
4485. |
Quantification of the Arterial Input Function
and Myocardial T1 in Small Animals using
Saturation Recovery Look-Locker 
Wen Li1, Bernadette Erowku2,
Chris Flask2,3, Mark Griswold1,3,
and Xin Yu1,3
1Biomedical Engineering
Department, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Case
Center for Imaging Research, 3Radiology
An ECG-triggered saturation recovery
Look-Locker (SRLL) method was developed for
quantification of arterial input function
and contrast agent in heart by fast T1
mapping of the left ventricular blood and
myocardium in small animals. Validation
study was performed in a two-dose
manganese-enhanced MRI experiment. A good
correlation was observed between the T1
changes measured by SRLL and the absolute
Mn2+ concentration changes measured by
atomic absorption spectroscopy. These
results suggest that SRLL can provide
simultaneous quantification of the arterial
input function and myocardial T1 in mouse at
high temporal resolution (<3 min).
15:00 |
4486. |
brain scans derived from quantitative T1maps:
investigation of SNR, CNR and signal uniformity
in comparison to conventional methods 
Ulrike Nöth1, Steffen Volz1,
and Ralf Deichmann1
1Brain Imaging Center (BIC),
Goethe University Frankfurt/Main,
Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Standard T1-weighted sequences for
anatomical brain imaging generally suffer
from signal non-uniformities due to hardware
imperfections. In contrast, highly uniform
synthetic MR images with arbitrary T1
contrast can be derived from quantitative T1
maps. Purpose of this study was (1) to
determine the noise level in quantitative T1
maps with whole brain coverage and 1mm
isotropic resolution acquired in about
10min, (2) to calculate synthetic MDEFT and
MP-RAGE anatomies with optimum tissue SNR
and CNR, and (3) to compare these results
with literature values for T1-weighted
sequences with the same resolution and
similar scan duration.
15:30 |
4487. |
verification of B1 inhomogeneity correction for
3D-Variable Flip Angle T1 measurements 
Carl Siversson1, Carina Dahlberg2,
Carl Johan Tiderius3, Tallal
Charles Mamisch4, Jonas Svensson1,
and Young jo Kim5
1Department of Radiation Physics,
Lund University, Malmö, Sweden, 2Lund
Bioimaging center, Lund University, Lund,
Sweden, 3Department
of Orthopaedics, Lund University, Malmö,
Sweden, 4Department
of Orthopaedics, University of Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 5Department
of Orthopaedics, Children's Hospital Boston,
Boston, MA, United States
3D Variable Flip Angle (3D-VFA) is a method
for fast 3D T1 quantifications using two
successive gradient echo sequences with
different excitation pulse flip angles. The
3D-VFA method is sensitive to transmit field
B1 variations, which are commonly occurring
in vivo. Recently a technique for correcting
for such B1 variations, using an additional
spin echo type sequence, was introduced. In
this work 3D-VFA with and without B1
correction is evaluated using phantoms, in
an environment with known B1 variation. It
is concluded that the 3D-VFA method with B1
correction generates reliable T1 values even
in areas with severe B1 deviation.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 124 |
13:30 |
4488. |
properties of the VAFI method for fast
simultaneous T1 and B1 mapping from actual
flip-angle imaging (AFI) and variable flip-angle
(VFA) data. 
Samuel Anthony Hurley1, Vasily L
Yarnykh2, and Alexey A Samsonov3
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
VAFI is a method for fast simultaneous T1
and B1 mapping from actual flip-angle
imaging (AFI) and variable flip-angle (VFA)
data. It has been shown that a combination
of RF and gradient spoiling are essential
for accurate T1 quantification, and these
issues are investigated for the new VAFI
14:00 |
4489. |
In vivo
correlation of T1 and methemoglobin in a mouse
model of deep vein thrombosis
Prakash Saha1, Marcelo E Andia2,
Ulrike Blume2,3, Bijan Modarai1,
Matthew Waltham1, Alberto Smith1,
Tobias Schaeffter2, and Andrea J
1Department of Academic Surgery,
Cardiovascular Division, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London,
United Kingdom, 3Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 4Philips
Healthcare, Guildford, United Kingdom
Current imaging methods cannot accurately
assess the organization of deep vein
thrombosis (DVT). The purpose of this study
was to investigate whether the signal
generated from MRI can be used to quantify
thrombus organization without contrast agent
and show that the accumulation of metHb
correlates directly with the T1 of the
14:30 |
4490. |
Model-Based Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer
Michael A Chappell1,2, Manus J
Donahue3, Yee Kai Tee1,
Peter Jezzard2, and Stephen J
1Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 3School
of Medicine, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
Amide Proton Transfer contrast arises from
the exchange of endogenous amide and water
protons. The magnitude of the effect depends
both on the amide proton concentration and
exchange rate, but it is only the latter
that relates to pH. In theory it is possible
to quantify both concentration and exchange
rate using a spectrum sampled at a number of
saturation frequencies and model-based
fitting. We investigated the feasibility of
the approach for in vivo APT using a
probabilistic algorithm and a 3-pool model.
In 7 healthy subjects estimated exchange
rate images were relatively homogenous with
an estimated pH around 6.9.
15:00 |
4491. |
Sensitivity Functions Based Sampling Schedule 
Yee Kai Tee1, Michael A Chappell1,2,
Jingyi Xie2, and Stephen J Payne1
1Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, Department of Engineering
Science, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2Oxford
Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain,
University of Oxford
Quantitative CEST experiments often entail
sampling across a range of saturation
frequency offsets, the sampling schedule
commonly being evenly distributed. Recently,
an uneven sampling schedule, which
empirically placed samples at key parts of
the spectrum and was determined through
repeated MR data acquisition, has been shown
to be superior. In this work, an optimal
sampling schedule which is based on the
sensitivity functions of the parameters of
interest was sought to improve the precision
of parameter estimation. Simulated results
indicate that the resulting OSS offers
improved accuracy for the estimation of
amide proton exchange rate and water centre
frequency offset.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 124 |
13:30 |
4492. |
Enhancement of
endogenous CEST effects by optimizing
pre-saturation pulse train properties 
Moritz Zaiss1, Benjamin Schmitt1,
and Peter Bachert1
1Department of Medical Physics in
Radiology, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany
Endogenous chemical exchange saturation
transfer effects of labile protons localized
in small metabolites like amide protons or
hydroxyl groups have a small spectral
distance from bulk water protons. Therefore,
transfer effects are overlapped by the
direct water saturation effect, the so
called spillover effect, which is eliminated
by asymmetry analysis. Short saturation
times and duty cycles due to clinical
restrictions also distort acquired
z-spectra. In this work, these distortions
are examined by numerical simulations and
phantom studies which lead to an unexpected
optimum of the z-spectrum asymmetry for
small pulse durations of few ms lowering the
pulsed spillover effect.
14:00 |
4493. |
Simulation and
optimization of pulsed RF irradiation scheme for
chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI
– demonstration of pH-weighted pulsed-CEST MRI
in acute ischemic stroke animal model 
Phillip Zhe Sun1, Enfeng Wang1,
Jerry S Cheung1, Thomas Benner1,
and A Gregory Sorensen1
1Radiology, Athinoula. A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH
and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA,
United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
imaging remains promising for clinical
translation. However, CEST contrast also
depends on experimental parameters,
particularly, RF irradiation power and
scheme. Moreover, continuous wave (CW) RF
irradiation is not available on most
clinical systems due to hardware
limitations, for which, the pulsed RF
irradiation scheme must be applied instead.
Our study quantitatively analyzed and showed
that pulsed-CEST provides similar CEST
contrast as CW-CEST MRI for slow chemical
exchange, while it become less efficient for
higher exchange rates. In addition, we
confirmed the simulation with pH-weighted
pulsed-CEST MRI, both in phantom and in
14:30 |
4494. |
Center-corrected gagCEST Assessment of
Intervertebral Disc Degeneration 
Boyang Zhang1, Xiang Xu1,
Jae-Seung Lee1,2, Gil Navon3,
Ravinder R. Regatte2, and Alexej
1Department of Chemistry, New
York University, New York, NY, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3School
of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
The intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration
is an irreversible process, associated with
lower back pain. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) is
one of the major components in discs.
Changes of [GAG] are believed to indicate
the stages of disc degereration. We
demonstrate the validation of
center-corrected gagCEST approach to assess
[GAG] in the disc in vitro. The CEST ratio
showed good correlations both with fixed
charge density and [N-acetyl], respectively
obtained from 23Na and 1H NMR spetra.This
method provides a possible solution to
detect early degenerated disc.
Center-corrected CEST, inspired by the WASSR
approach, is essential to obtain
reproducible results.
15:00 |
4495. |
Exchange Saturation Transfer and R1rho
dispersions of polypeptides with varying
Ke Li1,2, Jared G Cobb1,3,
Jingping Xie1,2, Zhongliang Zu1,2,
Daniel F Gochberg1,2, and John C
1Institute of Imaging Science,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States,3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
imaging techniques have been developed to
detect the proton exchange between water and
mobile solute molecules which contain
exchangeable protons. We hypothesize that
CEST contrast and T1ρ relaxation rates are
sensitive to the complexity of exchanging
molecule and not just the amide content. To
test this idea, preliminary studies were
performed on a poly-L-Lysine (PLL) model
system with different molecular weights,
thus different complexities.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 124 |
13:30 |
4496. |
Characterization of iopamidol chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST) MRI for ratiometric
imaging of pH 
Phillip Zhe SUN1, Dario L Longo2,
and Silvio Aime2
1Radiology, Athinoula. A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH
and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA,
United States, 2Chemistry,
IFM and Molecular Imaging Centre, University
of Torino, Torino, Italy
Whereas chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) MRI is capable of imaging
microenvironment pH, the CEST contrast also
varies with the labile proton concentration.
To solve this confounding factor,
ratiometric CEST MRI has been proposed that
interrogates CEST effects of multiple
distinguishable labile groups so their
concentration effect can be normalized.
Specifically, iopamidol, a widely used CT
agent, has been recently explored for
imaging renal pH. Here, we evaluated
iopamidol CEST MRI with multi-pool chemical
exchange, and showed that both amide and
2-hydrooxypropanamido proton groups are
base-catalyzed exchange, suitable for
imaging pH from 6 to 7.5.
14:00 |
4497. |
In vivo LipoCEST
CA accumulation around U87 mice brain tumor
demonstrated by in
vivo CEST
MRI and ex
vivo fluorescence
Julien Flament1, Françoise
Geffroy1, Boucif Djemaï1,
Benoit Theze2, Aline Perrin1,
Christelle Medina3, Caroline
Robic3, Marc Port3,
Franck Lethimonnier1, Gilles
Bloch1, Denis Le Bihan1,
and Fawzi Boumezbeur1
1NeuroSpin, I2BM, DSV,
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2SHFJ,
I2BM, DSV, Commissariat à l'Energie
Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France,3Guerbet,
Research Division, Roissy-Charles de Gaulle,
LipoCEST are a promising class of contrast
agents for MR-based molecular imaging.
However, recently similar PEGylated
“stealth” paramagnetic liposomes have been
shown to be avidly taken up by macrophages.
For LipoCEST CA, similar cellular uptake
could be extremely detrimental for its
detection in
vivo. In this study, we injected i.v
10mL/kg b.w. of PEGylated LipoCEST CA with
rhodamine on its surface and managed to
detect its accumulation around a U87 mice
brain tumor in
vivo using
CEST-MRI. This result constitutes to our
knowledge the first visualization of
paramagnetic LipoCEST CA after i.v injection
confirmed by ex
vivo fluorescence
14:30 |
4498. |
parameters for a fixed imaging time acquisition
of quantitative magnetization transfer data 
Mara Cercignani1, Gareth J Barker2,
and Daniel C Alexander3
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, Santa
Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 2CNS,
Department of Neuroimaging, King's College
London, Institute of Psychiatry, London,
United Kingdom, 3Centre
for medical image computing, Department of
computer science, UCL, London, United
In this paper the optimal combination of
acquisition parameters (including TR,
imaging flip angle, amplitude and offset
frequency of the saturation pulses) for
quantitative magnetization transfer imaging
is obtained by means of the set which gives
the maximum precision of the estimated MT
parameters, under the constraint of fixed
total scan time. The optimisation is
achieved for a number of sampling points
ranging from 10 to 18 using an algorithm of
an "evolutionary" type, and the optimised
schemes are compared using numerical
simulations and in vivo data.
15:00 |
4499. |
field-dependent magnetisation transfer contrast
MRI with fast field-cycling 
Chang-Hoon Choi1,2, and David J
1Aberdeen Biomedical Imaging
Centre, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen,
Scotland, United Kingdom, 2MR
Solutions Ltd., Guildford, Surrey, United
Magnetisation transfer contrast (MTC) MRI is
normally implemented at a fixed and high
magnetic field (B0) but
has only rarely been studied at a range of B0 due
to the limitations of available MRI
scanners. The use of fast field-cycling with
an actively frequency switchable RF coil
affords the ability to determine the MT
effect over a range of magnetic fields, by
rapidly switching B0 in
concert with the coil’s resonance frequency.
In this work, we used field-cycling to
evaluate the MT effects of 1%, 2% and 4%
agarose samples at the five different B0 levels
by measuring MT ratios.
Posters : Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction & Analysis
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to view the video presentation. |
Endogenons Contrast Relaxometry
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 125 |
14:00 |
4500. |
Magic angle effects on T2,
T2* and T1p relaxation times 
Jiang Du1, Eric Diaz1, Won Bae1,
Sheronda Statum1, Nikolaus Szeverenyi1,
Darryl DLima2, Graeme Bydder1, and
Christine Chung1
1Radiology, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, California, United States, 2Scripps
Reseach Institution, San Diego, California, United
The early stages of OA are associated with breakdown of
collagen, decrease in proteoglycans (PG) and increase in
water content (1). Recent research has focused on
establishing correlations between quantitative MR
parameters (T1, T2, T2*, T1ρ) and biochemical or
biophysical properties of cartilage. Magic angle effects
influence apparent T2 values of tissues with ordered
collagen structure, such as articular cartilage,
menisci, ligaments and tendons. The purpose of this
study was to evaluate the effect of sample orientation
on T2/T2* and T1ρ values of the deep radial layer of
human patellar cartilage and ligaments.
14:30 |
4501. |
Dynamic changes of
on-resonance T1rho dispersion during global ischemia: a 9.4
T study 
Tao Jin1, and Seong-Gi Kim1
1Neuroimaging laboratory, Department of
Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
The spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame
(T1rho) has been reported to be a sensitive indicator of
cerebral ischemia and can provide complementary MR
information of tissue status to water diffusion and
perfusion. T1rho is most sensitive to molecular
fluctuations with correlation time close to the inverse
of the Rabi frequency of the applied spin-locking (SL)
pulse. In biological tissue, previous studies have
demonstrated that the chemical exchange between bulk
water and labile protons of protein or metabolites is an
important contributor for the T1rho relaxation in the
frequency range of below several kHz. The chemical
exchange contrast is related to the difference in the
Larmor frequencies of the exchanging protons which
increases with the magnetic field strength. Thus, to
evaluate whether a large T1rho contrast can be detected
at a high magnetic field of 9.4 T and to obtain some
insight about the ischemia-induced changes in the tissue
microenvironment, we studied the dynamic responses of
T1rho during KCL-induced global ischemia for six
different SL frequencies.
15:00 |
4502. |
Fluid Suppressed T1 Mapping
of Human Liver on Clinical Scanners
Anup Singh1, Mohammad Haris1,
Kejia Cai1, Walter RT Witschey2,
Hari Hariharan1, and Ravinder Reddy1
1CMROI, Department of Radiology, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg,
In the current study, MRI pulse sequence for fluid
attenuated T1ρ mapping of human liver on clinical
scanner was developed and implemented. Using this
technique, we demonstrated the feasibility of single
slice T1ρ mapping in a single breath hold on healthy
volunteers. T1ρ mapping performed in single breath-hold
minimized artifacts related to respiration motion as
well as B0 and
B1 in-homogeneities.
In the normal liver, T1ρ relaxation times were found to
be 45-60 ms and 42-48 ms on 1.5T and 3T scanners,
respectively. Results from this study show the potential
of quantifying biochemical changes in liver pathology
using fluid suppressed T1ρ mapping.
15:30 |
4503. |
T1 Changes
in the Human Brain during Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis 
Hye Young Heo1, Brian J Dlouhy2,
Nader S Dahdaleh2, Daniel R Thedens3,
Bradley D Bolster4, John A Wemmie2,5,
and Vincent A Magnotta1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, United States, 2Neurosurgery,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States, 5Psychiatry,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
The purpose of this study is to assess the ability of
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to measure relative pH
changes in vivo. To evaluate pH changes using T 1 imaging,
T 1 times
were collected for a subject under three conditions: 1)
breathing 5% CO 2, 2) breathing room air, and
3) hyperventilating. We found that widespread increases
in T 1 times
during the 5% CO 2 condition
were consistent with acidosis, whereas reduced T 1 times
during hyperventilation were consistent with alkalosis.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 125 |
13:30 |
4504. |
Age Related Differences in
Brain Iron Detected In Vivo at 3T With Quantitative MRI:
Comparison of R2, R2' and R2* 
Catherine Anusha Mallik1, David J Lythgoe1,
and Gareth J Barker1
1Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute
of Psychiatry, King's College London, London, United
Increasing brain iron concentrations are part of the
normal aging process, with differences in iron levels
between younger and older adults in basal ganglia
structures comparable to differences reported in
pathological cases (compared to age-matched controls).
Using the GESE (Gradient-Echo Spin-Echo) sequence R2,
R2' and R2* were measured in two groups (n=6 in each
group) of different ages. Significant differences (p
<0.05) with age were detected in the substantia nigra
for both R2' and R2*. No significant differences in any
of the measures were found in white matter.
14:00 |
4505. |
Different patterns of
myocardial iron overload by multislice T2* Cardiovascular MR
as markers of risk for cardiac dysfunction in thalassemia
Antonella Meloni1, Pasquale Pepe1,
Maria Chiara Dell'Amico1, Gennaro Restaino2,
Gianluca Valeri3, Massimo Midiri4,
Vincenzo Positano1, Petra Keilberg1,
Antonio Cardinale5, Massimo Lombardi1,
and Alessia Pepe1
1Fondazione G.Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana
and Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy, 2Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy, 3Azienda
Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti "Umberto
I-Lancisi-Salesi", Ancona, Italy, 4Policlinico
“Paolo Giaccone”, Palermo, Italy, 5Ospedale
S Maria alla Gruccia, Montevarchi, Italy
The validated multislice multiecho T2* CMR technique has
permitted to quantify segmental and global myocardial
iron overload (MIO) detecting different patterns.
Biventricular dysfunction is correlated with MIO
distribution decreasing from the patients with
homogeneous MIO (all segments with T2* values <20 ms) to
the patients with no MIO (all segments with T2* values
≥20 ms). Homogeneous MIO and heterogeneous MIO (some
segments with T2* values≥20 ms and other segments with
T2* values <20 ms) with a global heart T2*<20 predicts a
significantly higher risk to develop cardiac dysfunction
evaluated by using CMR.
14:30 |
4506. |
Characterization of
chelation therapies in thalassemia patients by longitudinal
analysis of MRI-assessed cardiac and hepatic iron overload 
Antonella Meloni1, John C Wood2,
Alessia Pepe1, Leila J Noetzli2,
Maria Chiara Dell'Amico1, Gianluca Valeri3,
Claudio Ascioti4, Petra Keilberg1,
Massimo Lombardi1, and Vincenzo Positano1
1Fondazione G.Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana
and Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy, 2Children’s
Hospital, Los Angeles, United States, 3Azienda
Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti "Umberto
I-Lancisi-Salesi", Ancona, Italy, 4P.O.
“Giovanni Paolo II”, Lamezia Terme, Italy
The gradient echo multiecho T2* MRI technique is the
most robust method for the sensitive, fast, and
reproducible quantification of cardiac and hepatic iron
overload in thalassemia patients. Longitudinal analysis
of cardiac and hepatic iron overload by regular MRI
screening allows the characterization of chelation
therapies efficacy and mechanism in thalassemia
15:00 |
4507. |
In Vivo and In Vitro T2*
Quantification of Carious Lesions by Ultra-Short Echo-Time
Anna-Katinka Bracher1, Axel Bornstedt1,
Erich Hell2, Johannes Ulrici2, and
Volker Rasche1
1Department of Internal Medicine II,
University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Sirona
Dental Systems, Bensheim, Germany
The T2* value of dentin and caries lesions was assessed
by ultra-short echo time (UTE) MRI. A significant
difference between the mean T2* values in caries lesions
and healthy dentin was observed. Significant changes in
T2* occur even before the lesions become visible in
conventional X-ray imaging. This indicates the potential
of MRI for very early identification of dental
demineralizations and initial caries lesions.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 125 |
13:30 |
4508. |
Potential Sources for MR
Signal Delay 
Yongxian Qian1, and Fernando E. Boada1,2
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
This work investigates potential sources responsible for
MR signal delay we observed and reported before.
Computer simulations and phantom studies showed that
mobile ions (electrically-charged particles) may be the
source for MR signal delay, rather than imperfect
performance of the MRI system such as gradient
dephasing, B0-field inhomogeneity or chemical shift.
14:00 |
4509. |
Tumor Angiogenesis and
Vasculature MRI with Endogenous BOLD Effect 
Kejia Cai1, Adam Shore1, Anup
Singh1, Mohammad Haris1, Damodar
Reddy1, Hari Hariharan1, Mark
Elliott1, and Ravinder Reddy1
1CMROI, Department of Radiology, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Tumor angiogenesis is the primary facilitator of rapid
tumor growth and metastasis. Current MRI techniques
using endogenous contrast cannot provide sufficient
sensitivity for high-resolution imaging of tumor
vasculature. In this study, we use hypoxic challenge to
generate sufficient BOLD contrast (~40%), with which
high-resolution tumor vasculature maps were able to be
obtained. 3D high-resolution tumor vasculature maps can
be acquired in minutes. This technique allows us to
quantify tumor size, measure tumor vasculature density,
provide early detection of tumor metastasis, monitor the
effectiveness of cancer treatment drugs, and could
potentially characterize tumor grade and aggressiveness.
14:30 |
4510. |
Gradient-Recalled Echo, Asymetric Spin-Echo (GREASE-II) for
Production of High-Resolution Human T1, T2, and T2* Maps 
Daniel Lee Shefchik1, Andrew Scott Nencka1,
Andrzej Jesmanowicz1, and James S Hyde1
1Department of Biophysics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
The gradient-echo asymmetric spin-echo pulse sequence
(GREASE) originally allowed for the production of T2
and/or T2* maps. We have modified GREASE to allow
simultaneous mapping of T2, T2*, and T1. This was
accomplished by accelerating image acquisition by adding
partial k-space and generalized autocalibrating
partially parallel acquisition (GRAPPA) methods, and
utilizing additional excitation and refocusing pulses.
These modifications to the original GREASE pulse
sequence allow the acquisition of six images following
an excitation pulse, enabling the generation of
multi-parametric relaxivity maps.
15:00 |
4511. |
Understanding the effects
of oriented susceptibility inclusions on the phase and
magnitude of gradient echo signals 
Anna Izabella Blazejewska1, Samuel Wharton1,
Penny A. Gowland1, and Richard Bowtell1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Magnetic susceptibility differences generate
inhomogeneities in the local magnetic field which
modulate the magnitude and phase of the signals acquired
in MRI. With the advent of susceptibility mapping it has
become particularly important to understand the
relationship between microscopic structure in the
distribution of susceptibility and the induced variation
in the NMR frequency. We simulated the field
perturbations generated in a uniform matrix containing
oriented ellipsoidal inclusions of different
susceptibility and used this information to explore the
effect of the shape of the inclusions on the phase and
magnitude of the MR signal in the "static dephasing"
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 125 |
13:30 |
4512. |
Determinants of T2*
relaxation in white matter: insights from postmortem
Christian Langkammer1,2, Nikolaus Krebs2,
Walter Goessler3, Eva Scheurer2,
Michaela Soellinger1, Kathrin Yen2,
Franz Fazekas1, and Stefan Ropele1
1Department of Neurology, Medical University
of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute for Clinical-Forensic Imaging, Graz,
Austria, 3Institute
of Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry, University of Graz,
Graz, Austria
This study investigated possible contributions of iron
deposition, myelin density and fiber orientation on R2*
relaxation rates in white matter by using quantitative
MRI of postmortem brains in situ and by assessing
regional iron concentrations with inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry. The results suggest that the
density of myelin is the dominant determinant of R2* in
white matter while the presence of iron additionally has
a strong effect. Our results do not support the
hypothesis that fiber orientation contributes to the
phenomenon of T2* relaxation.
14:00 |
4513. |
Quantitative iron mapping
in human brain based on the apparent transverse relaxation
Fumiyuki Mitsumori1, Hidehiro Watanabe1,
and Nobuhiro Takaya1
1Natl. Inst. Environmental Studies, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan
Iron is an essential element in human body, but its
overabundance is toxic through the production of
reactive oxygen species. We previously reported that the
apparent transverse relaxation rate (R2õ =
1/T2õ) in human brain obtained
using a MASE sequence is well explained by a linear
combination of the regional non-hemin iron concentration
[Fe] and the macromolecular mass fraction fM defined
as 1 - water fraction. In the present study we attempted
the quantitative iron mapping based on the above
relationship between R2õ, [Fe],
and fM. Iron distribution in normal brain and
that with cavernous hemangioma was successfully
14:30 |
4514. |
Effects of Fat Particle
Size on R2* in Fat-Water-SPIO Emulsion Phantoms:
Implications for Fat Quantification with Phantoms 
Catherine D. G. Hines1, Calista Roen1,
Diego Hernando1, and Scott B Reeder1,2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, United States
As iron differentially affects the T2* of water and fat,
the purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of
fat particle size on the behavior of R2* of water and
fat for T2* correction for fat quantification. A
homogeneous fat-water-SPIO phantom of constant
fat-fraction was constructed with varying particle sizes
of fat. Phantom results show that in the presence of
iron, fat and water have different R2* values, which are
highly dependent on fat particle size. Thus, fat
particle size impacts the ability of a quantitative MRI
method that uses T2* correction to quantify fat,
depending on how T2* correction is performed.
15:00 |
4515. |
A Simplified Approach for
Anisotropic Susceptibility Map Calculation 
Sam Wharton1, and Richard Bowtell1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United
Recently, it was shown that the magnetic susceptibility
of white matter has measurable anisotropy, but
calculation of the full anisotropic susceptibility
tensor requires a 6-parameter fit, using phase maps
acquired at multiple orientations to B0. Here, we
present a method for reducing the parameters in the
fitting process to two, based on the assumption of
cylindrical symmetry and a priori knowledge of the
orientation of the principal axis of the susceptibility
tensor. The 2-parameter method is demonstrated on
simulated data and shown to require less sampling
orientations and a smaller range of rotation angles
compared to the 6-parameter method.
: Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction & Analysis
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Novel Tissue Contrast
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 126 |
14:00 |
4516. |
Orientation and
Microstructure Effects on Susceptibility Reconstruction:
a Diffusion Phantom Study 
Johannes Lindemeyer1, Ana-Maria
Oros-Peusquens1, Ezequiel Farrher1,
Farida Grinberg1, and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine -
4, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH
Aachen, Aachen, Germany
The influence of parallel fibre structures on the
static field and on the observed susceptibility are
investigated using a diffusion phantom. A series of
measurements at various orientations with respect to
B0 and comparative simulations are presented. A
bulk-susceptibility appears to be insufficient to
represent a parallel fibre area. A simple
chequerboard fibre-stacking simulation allowed us to
produce good correspondence with observed field
14:30 |
4517. |
Effect of Orientation
of 2D Phase High-Pass Filter on Susceptibility Mapping
of Veins and Microbleeds 
Jaladhar Neelavalli1, Saifeng Liu2,
YuChung Norman Cheng3, Ewart Mark Haacke1,3,
and Zhifeng Kou4
1The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Institute
for Biomedical Research, Detroit, Michigan, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Mcmaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada, 3Academic
Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States
We find that the slice orientation in which 2D
homodyne high pass filter is applied on phase data
strongly influences susceptibility quantification
error. This error also varies with the relative
orientation of vessels with the main field.
15:00 |
4518. |
Dependence of White
Matter Orientation to Magnet Field on Gradient-Echo
Imaging at 17.2 Tesla in Mice. 
Christopher John Wiggins1, Denis Le Bihan1,
and Luisa Ciobanu1
1LRMN, CEA/NeuroSpin, Gif-Sur-Yvette
cedex, France
It has previously been shown in both human and
monkey models that the T2* signal of white matter
tracts are dependent on their orientation with
respect to the applied magnetic field. With the
availability of a 17.2 Tesla 26cm bore MRI system,
there exists the capability to examine this effect
at yet higher fields, while using the higher
sensitivity to provide sufficient resolution to use
a mouse model. The work presented here confirms the
sensitivity of mouse white matter tracts to their
orientation relative to the applied field. When the
tracts are oriented along the axis of the magnet,
the T2* is relatively long compared to when the same
tracts are oriented transverse to the applied field.
15:30 |
4519. |
Use of a non-fixed
brain tissue sample to examine the effect of white
matter orientation to the magnetic field on MRI signals 
Christopher John Wiggins1, and Denis Le
1LRMN, CEA/NeuroSpin, Gif-Sur-Yvette
cedex, France
It has previously been shown in both human and
monkey models that the gradient echo signal of white
matter tracts are dependent on their orientation
with respect to the applied magnetic field. While
in-vivo, both the T2* value and the phase appear to
vary with the orientation, ex-vivo studies appear to
show only a phase variation. In order both to find a
model that allows measurements at multiple
orientations, as well as to examine whether the
formalin fixation process affects these signals, a
sample of non-fixed bovine brain tissue was
examined. This showed both T2* and phase variation,
similar to in-vivo examinations, indicating that it
is the fixation process that alters the T2*
behaviour. In addition, T2 (TSE) weighted imaging
showed no significant variation with orientation,
which thus eliminates a Magic Angle type behaviour.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 126 |
13:30 |
4520. |
Imaging with Phase-Perturbed Differenced SSFP 
R. Reeve Ingle1, and Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States
A novel positive-contrast imaging technique is
presented and analyzed via Bloch simulation and SPIO
phantom imaging. The Phase-Perturbed Differenced
SSFP (PDSSFP) sequence is obtained by perturbing
alternate RF phases of a bSSFP sequence, yielding an
alternating steady-state profile with large signal
deviations localized to specific off-resonant
frequencies. If acquisitions during even and odd TRs
are subtracted, the resulting spectral profile
contains signal peaks at these critical frequencies
with nulls in between. By aligning the nulls with
water and fat resonances, robust background
suppression can be obtained while achieving high
peak contrast from off-resonant spins.
14:00 |
4521. |
Characterizing Tissue
Microstructure Orientation by Multi-Directional
Sub-pixel Enhancement of Nonuniform Tissue (SPENT)
Bailiang Chen1, Bernard Siow2,
David Carmichael3, Freddy Odille2,
Roger Ordidge1, and Andrew Todd-Pokropek1
1Medical Physics and Bioengineering,
University College London, London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Centre
for Medical Image Computing, University College
London, London, London, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, UCL,
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom
At different resolution levels, the net appearance
of the micro-architecture feature different degrees
of tissue homogeneity. This type of information can
be revealed by the recently developed SPENT
sequence, leading to a quantitative measurement of
the direction specific inhomogeniety. When measuring
a sufficient number of directions, a preferred
direction of underlying structure can be identified
by creating a structure tensor. Here a
multi-directional SPENT sequence series was
developed and applied to a chicken femur to
characterize its trabecular bone orientation. The
orientation characterization was further validated
by applying the methodology to a pineapple sample
with an obvious fibre orientation.
14:30 |
4522. |
Macroscopic meets
microscopic: the use of Multi Acquisition Variable
Resonance Image Combination (MAVRIC) for detection of
microscopic objects by means of off-resonance excitation 
Gerrit Hendrik van de Maat1, U A Blume2,
C J den Harder2, Clemens Bos3,
and Chris J Bakker1
1Image Sciences Institute, University
Medical Center, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2MR
CTO, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 3MR
Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare, Best,
We investigated the use of Multi Acquisition
Variable Resonance Image Combination (MAVRIC),
developed for imaging near metallic implants, for
detection of microscopic field disturbers by means
of off-resonance excited. By using MAVRIC, the whole
range of off-resonance frequencies induced by the
disturbers can be covered, which increases the
sensitivity of off-resonance excitation and offers
the opportunity for quantitative measurements. In
addition, the anatomical reference information is
preserved. The method was demonstrated for the
special case of Holmium-166 loaded microspheres but
can also be applied to iron-labeled cells or other
objects that have a susceptibility that differs from
their surroundings.
15:00 |
4523. |
susceptibility weighted contrast using Gradient Echo
Plural Contrast Imaging 
Jie Luo1, Bharathi Jagadeesan2,
and Dmitriy A Yablonskiy2
1Chemistriy, Washington University in
St.Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 2Radiology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
MO, United States
Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging (GEPCI)
technique generates co-registered multiple contrast
MR images (T1 weighted, quantitative R2*, T2* and
frequency maps) with high quality within one scan.
In this study, we demonstrate that utilizing basic
GEPCI images we can also produce GEPCI-SWI images
that are free from T1 weighting and RF field
inhomogeneities (characteristic for standard SWI) at
the same time providing improved SWI contrast.
Combining GEPCI T1w and Frequency map we also
generate GEPCI T1F images with superior grey/white
matter contrast. This can potentially be used for
identifying subtle cortical malformations
associated, for example, with venous anomalies.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 126 |
13:30 |
4524. |
A simple 3D
susceptibility model to simulate magnetic field patterns
in white matter microstructure 
way cherng Chen1, and Karla Loreen Miller1
1FMRIB, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxon, United Kingdom
Recent studies of susceptibility-weighted (GRE)
imaging have revealed significant heterogeneity in
white matter, including dependence on tract
orientation to B0. We have developed a 3D
susceptibility model that explicitly simulates field
patterns generated by tissue microstructure to study
potential sources of the observed signal properties.
Axons and myelin are modeled as concentric cylinders
and oligodendrocytes are modeled as solid spheres
using susceptibility values estimated from
literature. The frequency distribution obtained from
our model provides estimates of the frequency mean
and variance (the source of GRE phase and magnitude
signals) and highlights the potential information
provided by higher-order distribution statistics.
14:00 |
4525. |
Study of Chemical
Exchange Effect on Water MR Frequency Shifts using CEST 
Xiang He1, Jie Luo2, Dmitriy
A. Yablonskiy2, and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Mallinckrodt
Institute of Radiology, Washington University in St
Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States
We investigated the effect of chemical exchange on
water MR frequency through Bloch equation simulation
and by in-vivo brain CEST experiment. Bloch equation
simulation predicted a very small contribution from
slow exchange amide (NH) group proton. The predicted
contribution from faster exchange hydroxyl (OH)
group, if measured with CEST approach, would also be
small. Both statements were confirmed by in-vivo
experiment, which found undetectable absolution
frequency shift and little change on relative GM/WM
frequency contrast by CEST. The effect by hydroxyl
groups can only be detected by CEST if the phase
evolution profile can be acquired with
sub-millisecond echo time.
14:30 |
4526. |
Accurate Determination
of Water-Macromolecule Exchange Independent of Reference
Tobias Leutritz1, Liane Hilfert2,
Karl-Heinz Smalla3, Oliver Speck1,
and Kai Zhong1
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Institute
for Chemistry, Otto-von-Guericke-University,
Magdeburg, Germany,3Leibniz-Institute for
Neurobiology, Magdeburg, Germany
Water macromolecule exchange (WME) plays an
important role in tissue phase contrast. Previous
studies using different NMR references gave
different results for WME shift compared to the
macromolecule susceptibility shift. Here, a
systematic study was carried out and showed that the
WME shift is on the same order compared to that of
the macromolecule susceptibility shift with opposite
sign. The commonly used reference compounds, e.g.
trimethyl-silyl-propionate (TMSP) and 1,4-dioxane
must be used with caution to obtain proper WME and
susceptibility values for tissues.
15:00 |
4527. |
Non-linear evolution
of GRE phase as a means to investigate tissue
Ferdinand Schweser1,2, Andreas Deistung1,
Daniel Güllmar1, Marie Atterbury1,3,
Berengar Wendel Lehr1, Karsten Sommer1,4,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Dept. of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 1, Jena
University Hospital, Jena, Germany, 2School
of Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena,
Jena, Germany, 3Dept.
of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI, United
States, 4School
of Physics and Astronomy, Friedrich Schiller
University of Jena, Jena, Germany
Gradient-echo (GRE) magnetic resonance phase data
are proportional to the magnetic field, providing
useful information for several applications.
However, the sources of the phase contrast and their
relative contributions to the phase signal are still
contentious. In this contribution, we demonstrate
and investigate the occurrence of non-linear phase
evolution in the human brain.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 126 |
13:30 |
4528. |
In vivo acquisition of
CEST MRI using Length and Offset VARiation of Saturation
CEST (LOVARS-CEST) for artifact reduction 
Xiaolei Song1,2, Guanshu Liu1,3,
Amnon Bar-Shir1,2, Michael Gorelik1,2,
Assaf A. Gilad1,2, Peter C.M. Van Zijl1,3,
Jeff W.M. Bulte1,2, and Michael T.
1Division of MR Research, The Russell H.
Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 2Cellular
Imaging Section, Institute for Cell Engineering,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI has
been shown to provide additional information for
assessing the grade of brain tumors. Most existing
CEST acquisitions rely on acquisition of many
saturation frequency offsets to correct for B0
inhomogeneities, which is time-consuming and
inefficient. We developed a scheme termed Length and
Offset VARiation of Saturation (LOVARS-CEST) using
saturation pulse length variation combined with FFT
post-processing to identify CEST contrast and
compensate for field inhomogeneity artifacts. This
was tested on mice with 9L brain tumors. The results
show that LOVARS-CEST imaging can reduce B0
inhomogeneity artifacts and improve CNR.
14:00 |
4529. |
The removal of blood
contributions in phase and susceptibility contrast
Alexandru Vlad Avram1,2, Arnaud Guidon1,2,
Chunlei Liu2, and Allen W Song2
1Biomedical Engineering Department, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, United States
The emerging phase contrast and susceptibility
imaging can be significantly influenced by the
susceptibility within the blood pool. We present
here a method to reduce and remove blood
contributions to the tissue microstructural mapping.
Specifically, a flow-compensated diffusion
preparation pulse was introduced to eliminate the
intravascular blood signal. The extra-vascular
effect is intrinsically suppressed by
voxel-averaging the dipolar field around the vessel.
Given the usual long echo time required for
sufficient phase contrast, the insertion of
diffusion packet does not increase the overall
imaging time. As a result, our method is effective
in removing blood contributions in susceptibility
contrast imaging.
14:30 |
4530. |
Improving contrast to
noise ratio of resonance frequency contrast images
(phase images) using bSSFP 
Jongho Lee1,2, Masaki Fukunaga1,3,
and Jeff H. Duyn1
1Advanced MRI section/LFMI/NINDS,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Biofunctional
Imaging, WPI Immunology Frontier Research Center,
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Resonance frequency shifts as measured from
gradient-echo phase images provide unique detail of
the human brain, in particular at high field. Here
we demonstrate a new method to improve
contrast-to-noise ration (CNR) of phase images using
balanced SSFP. GRE and bSSFP sequences were
individually optimized for maximum phase CNR and
applied to measure contrast between gray and white
matter in normal human brain. The results shows
that, in limited brain regions, bSSFP provides a
2.85 times increased CNR efficiency at 3 T and a
1.71 times increased CNR efficiency at 7 T.
15:00 |
4531. |
Frequency Mapping
without Phase Wraps 
Issel Anne Lei Lim1,2, Jonathan A D
Farrell2,3, Craig K Jones2,3,
Deepti S Vikram2,3, Carlos Augusto
Renjifo4, and Peter C. M. van Zijl2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.
M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain
Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 3Neuroscience
Section, Division of MR Research, Department of
Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4The
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory,
Laurel, Maryland, United States
Susceptibility imaging currently employs gradient
echo imaging (GRE) to measure local field
(frequency) differences from spatial differences in
signal phase. We compare single-echo GRE to the
WAter Saturation Shift Referencing (WASSR) method,
which uses direct water saturation as a function of
RF pulse offset frequency to pinpoint spatial
differences in resonance frequency. Results from
five normal volunteers show comparable frequency
shifts at 3T in frequency maps generated from both
: Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction & Analysis
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Image Analysis Advances
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 127 |
14:00 |
4532. |
An Automated Method
for Scan Geometry Planning for MR Knee Imaging 
Xiaodong Tao1
1Imaging Technologies, GE Global Research
Center, Niskayuna, New York, United States
Consistent scan plane prescription for MR imaging of
knee joint is very important clinically for easy
comparison of images across subjects and in serial
evaluation of longitudinal exams. Typical workflow
requires careful manual slice positioning and
suffers from inter-operator variability. We present
a novel algorithm for determining the orientation of
the knee joint by segmenting the femur bone from a
volumetric localizer image. We have incorporated
this approach in a clinical MR system and
demonstrated its usefulness in automatically
obtaining consistent imaging planes across
examinations irrespective of subject position.
14:30 |
4533. |
Automated scan
prescription for MRI liver scans 
Takao Goto1, and Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Hino-shi, Tokyo, Japan
We present a new method of the automatic scan
prescription in MRI liver scans. 3D dataset acquired
using fast T1 sequence is preprocessed and converted
to 2D coronal projection images to avoid the need
for complicated and time-consuming 3D segmentation.
2D Active Shape Model is applied to the projection
image and the outer shape of the liver is extracted.
The scan plane locations are identified from the
inferior and superior edges of the outer shape. 38
volunteers and 15 patients data was tested and
showed the satisfactory results in the position
accuracy and the computation time.
15:00 |
4534. |
Automatic Derivation
of Scan Plane Angles along the Vertebral Column of the
Human Spine 
Anand Narasimhamurthy1, Akshay Pai1,
Vivek Vaidya2, and Uday Patil1
1GE Global Research Centre, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India, 2GE
Global Research Centre,Bangalore, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India
In this work, a methodology for automated planning
of oblique axial MRI scans along the vertebral
column, using a combined disk and vertebra search
algorithm is presented. Cervical, thoracic and
lumbar examinations are considered. The validation
was done comparing angulations computed
automatically by the algorithm with those made by a
radiologist. In all sections of spine considered,
the average angulation difference was less than 5
degrees, thus demonstrating the robustness of the
proposed method.
15:30 |
4535. |
Automated Scan Plane
Planning for Spine MRI using 2D Scout Images
Suguru Yokosawa1, Yo Taniguchi1,
Yoshitaka Bito1, Hisako Nagao2,
Miki Tachibana2, and Hiroyuki Itagaki2
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi,
Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan, 2Hitachi
Medical Corporation, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
We propose a faster automated scan plane planning
method for the spine using 2D multi-slice orthogonal
three-plane scout images. Our algorithm based method
uses 2D scout images that can be acquired rapidly.
Furthermore, our algorithm can prescribe scan planes
faster than other methods that use 3D data due to
the smaller 2D data size. We applied our proposed
method in experiments with healthy volunteers and
compared the automatically defined scan plane
positions with those manually defined. The results
showed that our method prescribed scan planes
quickly and with acceptable accuracy in clinical
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 127 |
13:30 |
4536. |
Effects of
Multichannel Transmission on DTI Metrics 
Geng Guangqiang1, Roland Henry2,
and Caroline Rae1,3
1Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney,
NSW, Australia, 2Departments
of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Neurology, and
Bioengineering Graduate Group, University of
California, San Francisco, United States, 3UNSW,
Sydney, Australia
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with
multi-transmission of RF pulses achieves a more
homogeneous B1 excitation, improves the
signal-to-noise ratio and reduces specific
absorption rate. This would benefit imaging
methodologies sensitive to noise such as diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI). In order to verify the
improved imaging performance with the
multi-transmission of RF, we have quantified the
uncertainties of DTI measurements for anisotropy
through the bootstrap algorithm. We have proved that
the uncertainties of DTI results are consistently
reduced with multi-transmission of RF, and this will
potentially reduce the necessary scan time and SAR
while maintaining the reliability of DTI
14:00 |
4537. |
Brain tissue
segmentation for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data
using multi-tensor estimation 
Seiji Kumazawa1, Takashi Yoshiura1,
Hiroshi Honda1, and Fukai Toyofuku1
1Kyushu Unversity, Fukuoka, Fukuoka,
To study the cortical/subcortical diffusivity in
neurological diseases, brain tissue segmentation
methods based on DTI data have been proposed.
However, in these methods, fiber crossing regions
might be misclassified into gray matter region
because of denoting low FA values. We present a new
brain tissue segmentation method based on DTI data.
The features of our method include the conducting of
the segmentation in DTI space without any
registration, and using multi-tensor estimation for
fiber crossing regions. The results of the digital
phantom experiment and human DTI data demonstrate
that our method was able to perform a reasonable
segmentation for brain tissue on DTI data.
14:30 |
4538. |
Improved morphological
information using the Dixon technique in conjunction
with DWI for detection of bone metastases 
Matthew David Blackledge1, Duncan Brown1,
Toni Wallace1, Nina Tunariu1,
Martin O Leach1, Dow Mu Koh1,
and David J Collins1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden
Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
The aim of this technical development was to
investigate the use of multiple whole body two point
Dixon imaging as method to acquire high quality
whole body anatomical images in conjunction with
whole body diffusion weighted imaging. Furthermore,
we assess the quality of alignment between Dixon
images and diffusion weighted images acquired in the
same sitting.
15:00 |
4539. |
Diffusion Kurtosis
Imaging (DKI) Reconstruction - Linear or Non-Linear? 
Jiachen Zhuo1,2, Jonathan Simon2,
and Rao Gullapalli1
1Radiology, University of Maryland School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Electrical
& Computer Engineering, University of Maryland
College Park, College Park, MD, United States
Processing for DKI reconstruction originally used
nonlinear least squares methods which were
inefficient. Faster DKI reconstruction using linear
methods have been proposed as a compromise when real
time reconstruction is needed. We investigated
fitting accuracy of both the linear and nonlinear
methods on a clinically relevant short imaging
protocol (2 b-values) and compared the generated DTI
and DKI parameters to the gold standard (5
b-values). Our results suggest that linear fit for
DKI reconstruction with a tensor first approach
provides comparable accuracy to nonlinear fit, hence
could be the method of choice for faster and more
efficient DKI reconstruction.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 127 |
13:30 |
4540. |
A variational approach
to susceptibility estimation that is insensitive to B0
Clare Poynton1,2, and William Wells III1,3
1Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), MIT, Cambridge, MA, United
States, 2Harvard-MIT
Division of HST, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
In MRI, measurements of the magnetic field contain
useful information about the underlying spatial
susceptibility distribution, but estimating
susceptibility by direct inversion of the field is
ill-posed. In addition, bias fields from mis-set
shims and non-local susceptibility sources obscure
the subtle susceptibility differences of interest.
We describe a variational method for susceptibility
estimation that is based on the Laplacian operator.
Using the Laplacian of the field and the L1 norm,
confounding field artifacts are effectively
eliminated and sparse solutions that agree well with
true susceptibility values are obtained.
14:00 |
4541. |
Differentiation of
superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and air
pockets using independent component analysis 
Jason A Langley1,2, Joonsang Lee1,2,
Luning Wang1,2, and Qun Zhao1,2
1Department of Physics & Astronomy, The
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Bioimaging
Research Center, The University of Georgia, Athens,
GA, United States
SPIO nanoparticles (SPIOs) create hypointensities in
the magnitude image that make detection of SPIOs
difficult in vivo. This negative contrast in the
magnitude image can be negated by post-processing
positive contrast algorithms. Unfortunately, the
positive contrast algorithms cannot distinguish
between regions with SPIOs and air pockets. In this
abstract, we use independent component analysis
(ICA) to differentiate regions containing SPIOs and
air pockets in a phantom. Three images of the
phantom, taken with different combinations of echo
times and repetition times, are used in the ICA
procedure. Future studies will attempt to verify
this method in vivo.
14:30 |
4542. |
USPIOs quantification
in brain mice 2D MR images by default field
Delphine Charpigny1, Jean-Christophe
Brisset1, Thomas Grenier1,
Marlene Wiart1, and Hugues Benoit-Cattin1
1CREATIS, Lyon, France
We propose to assess the USPIOs concentration
through the deconvolution of the default field
induced by such nanoparticles. We present results
obtained at 7T on MR images of brain mice after
injection of USPIOs-labeled cells. The obtained
results are promising as we estimate the iron
concentration to 0.35 mM compared to a theoretical
value of O.32 mM.
15:00 |
4543. |
Quantification of
different superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)
concentrations in diffuse medium using 4.7T Magnetic
Resonance Imaging 
Bang-Bon Koo1, Vibhu Sachdev1,
and Ronald J. Killiany1,2
1Multimodal Whole Animal Imaging Core,
National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratories
Institute Boston University Medical Campus, Boston,
MA, United States,2Department of Anatomy
and Neurobiology, Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston, MA, United States
SPIO nanoparticles in nano-molar to micro-molar
concentrations can alter the relaxation rates of
many nearby tissue water protons thereby making them
conspicuous on post contrast enhanced MRI. However,
quantifying in-vivo of SPIO enhanced MRI images in a
diffusely variant tissue medium have not been
adequately addressed: most studies qualitatively
point out the regions with high intensity contrasts
and examine signal properties by averaging signals.
Here, we designed a multi-compartment agarose gel
phantom with 2 different SPIO concentrations to
simulate the effects of different diffuse levels on
SPIO enhanced MRI. Quantitative post processing
techniques were then applied for validations of the
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 127 |
13:30 |
4544. |
Feasibility of
cortical thickness measures in survivors of childhood
acute lymphoblastic leukemia 
Wilburn E Reddick1, John O Glass1,
Qing Ji1, David C Carver1, and
Kevin R Krull2
1Translational Imaging Research, St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United
States, 2Epidemiology
and Cancer Control, St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States
The goal of this study was to determine the
feasibility of assessing cortical thickness
development in survivors of childhood ALL treated
without irradiation. We were able to successfully
extract average cortical thickness values from
regions throughout the brains of 12 childhood cancer
survivors using the FreeSurfer software to analyze
MPRAGE images acquired at 1.5T demonstrating the
feasibility of these measures. Even with this
limited sample size, we demonstrated significantly
thinner cortex in regions of the frontal and
temporal lobes of survivors which were associated
with decreased performance in specific
neurocognitive domains of attention, working memory,
and processing speed.
14:00 |
4545. |
SyN based multimodal
investigation on a small cohort of patients affected
with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment 
Fabrizio Fasano1, Chiara Ganazzoli1,
Simona Gardini1, Fabio Sambataro2,
Letizia Concari1, and Paolo Caffarra1
1Department of Neurosciences, Università
degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy, 2Italian
Institute of Technology, Parma, Italy
The recently developed SyN registration method is
applied to a multimodal investigation (morphometric
+ transverse relaxometry based iron content
evaluation) on a small cohort of patients affected
with Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment. The aim of
the study is to investigate the early stage of the
disease through the help of the attested powerful
registration method combined with the multimodality
approach potentiality. Our morphometric findings,
although not significant at the cluster level, show
reasonable differences between the a-MCI group and
the control group. On the other hand the relaxometry
investigation was not able to find any difference
between groups.
14:30 |
4546. |
Comparison of
Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Cortical Thickness
Kunio Nakamura1, Robert J Fox2,
and Elizabeth Fisher1
1Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland
Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Mellen
Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and
Research, Cleveland Clinic
Longitudinal change in cortical thickness is
clinically relevant in multiple sclerosis and
neurodegenerative disorders but difficult to detect.
CLADA is a new longitudinal method for the
measurement of changes in cortical thickness. CLADA
combines MRIs from all time points and creates
unbiased subject-specific template before generating
a cortical surface model and longitudinally
deforming to each MRI. CLADA is evaluated for its
reproducibility and compared to a cross-sectional
method where each MRI is independently analyzed.
Compared to the cross-sectional method, CLADA
reduced variability, and the results suggest that
CLADA can be used to reliably measure the change in
cortical thickness.
15:00 |
4547. |
Cerebellar GM-WM
segmentation accuracy in assessing brain atrophy 
Sushmita Datta1, Xiaojun Sun1,
and Ponnada A. Narayana1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging,
Medical School, The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, United
Cerebellar atrophy is implicated in a number of
neurological disorders. Accurate gray matter (GM)
and white matter (WM) segmentation of cerebellum is
important for accurate assessment of GM and WM
atrophies and their correlation with clinical
measures. We have developed a fully automated
segmentation technique and applied to brain MRI. The
segmentation results obtained with our technique
were compared with those obtained with SPM,
Freesurfer, and FAST. The results suggest the
superior performance of our method compared to the
other three.
: Pulse Sequences, Reconstruction & Analysis
Click on
to view the abstract pdf and click on
to view the video presentation. |
Image Analysis: Noise, Artifact & Parameter Maps
Monday May 9th
Exhibition Hall |
14:00 - 16:00 |
Computer 128 |
14:00 |
4548. |
Use of the noise
covariance matrix in array coil quality assurance 
Elizabeth Mary Tunnicliffe1,2, Martin John
Graves1,3, and Matthew D Robson4
1Department of Medical Physics & Clinical
Engineering, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 2AVIC,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 4OCMR,
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
The noise covariance matrix of a phased array coil
provides information about both the noise level in
individual channels and the correlations between
channels. It can therefore be useful in quality
assurance procedures as these characteristics are liable
to change in the case of coil failure. This work
presents examples of noise covariance matrices of
functioning and failing arrays and suggests quantitative
limits, beyond which remedial action may be required.
14:30 |
4549. |
Spatially variable Rician
noise in DTI 
Ivan I. Maximov1, Ezequiel A. Farrher1,
Farida Grinberg1, and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4,
Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
We propose a new algorithm for noise correction in DTI
experiments based on the hypothesis of
spatially-variable noise fields. Application of the
robust estimator followed by Rician correction of the
initially assumed Gaussian standard deviation allows us
to produce a more stable and precise scheme for the
noise evaluation at arbitrary signal-to-noise ratio
15:00 |
4550. |
Validity of the noncentral
chi model in multiple-coil systems with noise correlations 
Santiago Aja-Fernandez1, and Antonio
1Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, VA,
Spain, 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Noise in the composite magnitude signal (CMS) from
multiple-coil systems is usually assumed to follow a
noncentral chi distribution. However, this is true only
if the variance of noise is the same for all coils, and
no correlation exists between them. If the covariance
matrix is not diagonal, the distribution of the CMS is
not strictly a noncentral chi. It could be modeled as
such only if the coefficient of correlation is small
enough and effective values are considered. This will
imply a reduced effective number of coils and an
increased effective variance of noise.
15:30 |
4551. |
Modification of the
simulated-multi-image method allows SNR measurement using
sum-of-squares reconstruction 
Elizabeth Mary Tunnicliffe1,2, Martin John
Graves1,3, and Matthew D Robson4
1Department of Medical Physics & Clinical
Engineering, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 2AVIC,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 4OCMR,
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
The simulated-multi-image SNR method allows SNR
measurement when the usual multi-image method is
impractical, for example in vivo. However, it is limited
to linear reconstruction methods, which excludes the
usual root-sum-of-squares reconstruction mechanism.
Here, we show that by using simulated-multi-power
images, this method can be extended to be used with
root-sum-of-squares reconstructed images. The
multi-power image method also has the advantage that it
accounts for noise bias in the signal measurement at
lower SNR, unlike the usual multi-image method.
Tuesday May 10th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 128 |
13:30 |
4552. |
Roemer reconstruction
yields significant SNR gain over Sum-of-Squares @ 7T. 
Anna Andreychenko1, Sjoerd Crijns1,
Ingmar Voogt1, Wouter Koning1,
Peter Luijten1, Jan J.W. Lagendijk1,
and Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
The SNR differences between optimal SNR, magnitude SNR
and Sum-of-Squares (SoS) signal combination methods for
an array of multiple receiver coil are generally thought
to be modest. However, at high fields wave propagation
effects arise which can significantly degrade SNR in the
images reconstructed with the SoS. Here we have
demonstrated both, theoretically and experimentally that
optimal signal combination at high field (7T) is
beneficial as it can considerably increase image SNR
whereas at low field (1.5 T) there is no relevant SNR
14:00 |
4553. |
Tissue-Based Intensity
Standardization Technique: Application to the ADNI
Multi-Centric Dataset 
Nicolas Robitaille1, Abderazzak Mouiha1,
and Simon Duchesne1,2
1Laboratoire MEDICS, Centre de Recherche
Université Laval Robert-Giffard, Québec, Québec, Canada, 2Radiology
Department, Université Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada
Intensity standardization aims at correcting
scanner-dependent intensity variations. Most existing
techniques aim at matching the input image histogram
onto a standard, while we believe the goal should be to
match spatially corresponding tissue intensities. In
this study, we present STI, a novel technique
implementing such approach. We compared STI to an
existing histogram-matching method on the ADNI
multi-centric dataset by evaluating the mean absolute
intensity error (MAE) of the standardized images with
respect to the standard, after non-linear registration
onto the standard. STI gave better results by showing
significantly lower mean MAE for white matter.
14:30 |
4554. |
A New Intensity
Inhomogeneity Correction Method for Improved Segmentation of
Breast Density on MRI 
Muqing Lin1, Siwa Chan2, Jeon-Hor
Chen1,3, Daniel H-E. Chang1, Ke
Nie1, Shih-Ting Chen4, Cheng-Ju
Lin4, Tzu-Ching Shih4, Orhan
Nalcioglu1, and Min-Ying Lydia Su1
1Tu & Yuen Center for Functional Onco-Imaging
and Department of Radiological Sciences, University of
California, Irvine, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Taichung Veterans General Hospital,
Taichung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, China Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, 4Department
of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science, China
Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
The purpose is to test a new bias-field correction
method by combining N3 (nonparametric non-uniformity
normalization) and Fuzzy-C-Means clustering based
methods on breast MR images. The new algorithm is based
on N3 for an initial correction; then FCM-based
correction with smoothing using B-spline surface fitting
was repeated iteratively for gradually refined
improvements. The results indicated that the N3+FCM
correction method performs significantly better than N3
or FCM, and comparable to CLIC. This new bias-field
correction method can be implemented to improve the
segmentation quality of breast density on inhomogeneous
breast MRI, or other images acquired using a surface
15:00 |
4555. |
Joint Restoration of
Bi-contrast MRI Data for Intensity Non-uniformities 
Stathis Hadjidemetriou1, Michael Weiner2,
and Juergen Hennig1
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, VA UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94121, United
MRI assumes a uniform static radio-frequency field.
However, this is not physically possible and results in
an intensity non-uniformity artifact across an image
that complicates its further quantitative data analysis.
Typically, an acquisition protocol provides images of
different contrasts that may suffer from different
non-uniformities. This work presents an effective joint
intensity uniformity restoration method for two such
images. It is performed with Wiener restoration of the
auto-co-occurrence and cross-co-occurrence statistics of
the images together with several regularity constrains.
The effectiveness of the method has been demonstrated
with phantom and real brain data.
Wednesday May 11th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 128 |
13:30 |
4556. |
Fuzzy partial volume
correction of spinal cord DTI parameters 
Torben Schneider1, David L Thomas2,
Carolina Kachramanoglou2, Olga Ciccarelli2,
Daniel C Alexander3, and Claudia AM
1Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair & Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer
Science, UCL, London, United Kingdom
We present a novel correction method for partial volume
effects on the estimation of average parameters derived
from diffusion tensor imaging in the cervical spinal
cord. We demonstrate improved accuracy of our approach
in healthy volunteers and demonstrate that our method
significantly reduces bias from partial volume effects.
14:00 |
4557. |
Adaptive Iterative T2
Mapping with Maximum Pearson Correlation in the Presence of
Stephan William Anderson1, Jorge A Soto1,
Osamu Sakai1, and Hernan Jara1
1Radiology, Boston University Medical Center,
Boston, MA, United States
Purpose: To develop a T2 qMRI algorithm such that the
number of echoes used for semi-logarithmic regression is
adaptively and iteratively determined on a
pixel-by-pixel basis for maximum pixelwise Pearson
correlation. Methods: The adaptive iterative T2
algorithm was programmed and used to process CPMG images
of mouse liver specimen at 11.7T. Results: T2 maps were
generated that provide high anatomical detail as well as
high Pearson correlation coefficients across the field
of view. Processing time for 16 slices was 90s.
Conclusion: Adaptive iterative T2 mapping with short
processing times is feasible. This algorithm could be
useful for monitoring subtle T2 changes caused by
disease in animal models and also for processing in vivo
CPMG data.
14:30 |
4558. |
Accurate T2 Mapping with
Dual Echo-FSE: Effect of Phase Encoding Profile Orders 
Stephan William Anderson1, Osamu Sakai1,
Jorge A Soto1, and Hernan Jara1
1Radiology, Boston University Medical Center,
Boston, MA, United States
Purpose: To develop a method for correcting phase
encoding profile order effects that can increase the
accuracy of T2 qMRI with DE-FSE sequences. Methods:
Algorithm incorporating such effects is developed and
tested with data of the ACR MRI accreditation phantom
and of the brain of a research subject. Results: The
correction method leads to T2 values in excellent
agreement to those reported with CPMG-32 echoes.
Conclusion: Accuracy of T2 qMRI with the DE-FSE pulse
sequence can be improved by correcting for profile order
effects. This work could have implications for large
scale studies using DE-FSE pulse sequences.
15:00 |
4559. |
Elimination of
susceptibility-induced distortion in the T2*-decay curve
with an improved fitting procedure 
Pei-Hsin Wu1, Nan-Kuei Chen2, and
Hsiao-Wen Chung1
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, United States
The accuracy of T2* quantification plays an important
role in many researches and applications. However, when
there exists background susceptibility field gradients,
T2* values may be distorted due to TE-shifting effect
and echo-shifting effect. In this study, we proposed an
improved fitting procedure to quantify the £GTE and £Gky
for correcting TE-shifting effect and avoiding
signal-loss artifact from echo-shifting effect.
Experimental results in the phantom and human brain
suggest that the correction scheme proposed in this
study has potential to help achieving accurate T2*
mapping, particularly at regions with prominent
background field gradient.
Thursday May 12th
13:30 - 15:30 |
Computer 128 |
13:30 |
4560. |
Simultaneous T1, T2,
and B1 Mapping
Using Partially RF-Spoiled Gradient Echo
Yo Taniguchi1, Suguru Yokosawa1,
and Yoshitaka Bito1
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,
Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan
In MR parameter mapping, parameters are estimated from
images obtained with various acquisition parameters. For
the estimation, the intensity function, which defines
the relationship of image intensity to acquisition and
MR parameters, needs to be formulated analytically in a
simple form. A method to formulate the intensity
function numerically by computer simulation based on
Bloch equations is proposed. Intensity functions of
arbitrary pulse sequences are formulated using this
method so that rapid imaging is applied for the mapping.
The intensity function for partially RF-spoiled gradient
echo was formulated numerically, and we confirmed that
T1, T2, and B1 maps were well estimated simultaneously
from images obtained in a phantom experiment.
14:00 |
4561. |
A Simplified Nonlinear
Fitting Strategy for Estimating T1 from
Variable Flip Angle Sequences 
Joshua Trzasko1, Petrice M. Mostardi1,
Stephen J Riederer2, and Armando Manduca1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Mayo
Variable flip angle SPGR imaging, despite challenges due
to transmit field inhomogeneities, remains a widely used
strategy for T1 mapping. Nonetheless, there has been
little work on numerical strategies for computing T1
values from such image series, and most estimations are
performed using either a two-parameter nonlinear least
squares fitting, which is accurate but computationally
intensive, or a linear regression approximation, which
is significantly faster but prone to error. In this
work, we describe a simple numerical optimization
strategy which can accelerate NLLS computation by over
an order of magnitude without compromising its accuracy.
14:30 |
4562. |
Strong Regularization for
Brain Myelin Water Quantification in T2 Relaxation MRI
Obtained in 3.0 T 
Qing Ji1, Junyu Guo1, John O.
Glass1, and Wilburn E. Reddick1
1Radiological Science, St.Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States
Quantification of myelin water fraction (MWF) involves
the calculation of the T2 distributions of relaxation
spectra using a regularized non-negative least square (NNLS)
algorithm. Simulated and experimental T2 decay data were
used to investigate the influence of the NNLS
regularization on the MWF calculation. The relationship
between the MWF and regularization is a “V’ shape curve.
The regularization which gave the most accurate and
stable agreement with the simulated data was on the
strong side of the curve in contrast to previous studies
which suggested a weak regularization. Use of the
stronger regularization was demonstrated for in vivo
15:00 |
4563. |
A Pixel is an Artifact: On
the Necessity of Zero-filling in Fourier Imaging 
Xiaolu Zhu1, Boguslaw Tomanek1,
and Jonathan Sharp1
1Institute for Biodiagnostics (West),
National Research Council of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada
Pixels visible as small square patches of uniform
intensity do not represent object structures – and are
therefore artifacts. To quantitatively evaluate this we
designed a Fourier-based method to decompose a pixelated
visual scene into two parts: one representing the
information in the original MRI k-space data, and the
other the visible structure related to pixelized
patchwork display. Results show that pixelized patchwork
displays: A) attenuate actual high spatial frequency
content (because patchwork display enforces image
uniformity within each patch); and B) introduce
artifactual high spatial frequencies (the patch edges).
The solution is to zero-fill until individual pixels
become invisible.