Spectroscopy Localization
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Monday May 9th
Room 513A-D |
16:30 - 18:30 |
Moderators: |
Hoby Hetherington and Vladimir Mlynarik |
16:30 |
140. |
In-vivo Proton MR
Spectroscopic Imaging of Glycine in Brain Tumors at 3.0 T 
Sandeep Kumar Ganji1, Ivan E Dimitrov1,2,
Elizabeth A. Maher3, and Changho Choi1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States, 2Philips
Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3Internal
Medicine and Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United States
Abnormality of glycine (Gly) concentrations has been
reported in several brain disorders using single-voxel
localized spectroscopic methods. Spectroscopic imaging
of Gly in vivo is challenging due to its low
concentrations and the spectral overlap, primarily with
myo-inositol. We employed an optimized-TE PRESS-based
chemical shift imaging method for glycine imaging. We
present phantom validation of the technique and
preliminary data from tumor patients together with
single-voxel data for comparison. The concentration maps
of metabolites are also presented.
16:42 |
141. |
Slice with Non-Parallel
Bu S Park1, M J Lizak2, Y Xiang1,
and J Shen1
1National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH),
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS),
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
Adiabatic pulses are widely used for spatial
localization in MR spectroscopy because of their high
immunity to RF inhomogeneity and excellent slice
profiles. Since non-rectangular volume is often
preferred in localized spectroscopy, here we optimized
and experimentally tested a scheme that uses a
time-varying gradient orthogonal to a stationary
slice-selection gradient to generate slices with
nonparallel boundaries.
16:54 |
142. |
Multi-slice MRSI of the
human brain at 7 tesla using dynamic B0 and
B1 shimming 
Vincent Oltman Boer1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1,
Christoph Juchem2, Peter R Luijten1,
and Robin A de Graaf2
1Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2MR
Research Center, Yale University, New Haven, Conneticut,
United States
Multi-slice MRSI of the human brain at ultra high field
is challenging due to both static field inhomogeneity,
spatial B1 variations and SAR limits. In this work it is
shown how a low-power water and lipid suppression can be
combined with pulse acquire-MRSI localization to
generate a high SNR multi-slice MRSI sequence for high
field. Steady state water suppression, RF shimmed lipid
suppression and dynamic B0 and B1 shim updating were
used to improve spectral quality in all slices.
17:06 |
143. |
Spectroscopic Imaging of Rat Brains After Middle Cerebral
Artery Occlusion 
Yoshitaka Bito1, Yuko Kawai2, Koji
Hirata1, Toshihiko Ebisu3, Toru
Shirai1, Satoshi Hirata1,
Yoshihisa Soutome1, Hisaaki Ochi1,
Masahiro Umeda2, Toshihiro Higuchi4,
and Chuzo Tanaka4
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,
Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2Medical
Informatics, Meiji University of Integrative Medicine,
Kyoto, Japan, 3Neurosurgery,
Nantan General Hospital, Kyoto, Japan, 4Neurosurgery,
Meiji University of Integrative Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
A diffusion-weighted echo-planar spectroscopic imaging
with a pair of bipolar diffusion gradients (DW-EPSI with
BPGs) was applied to acquire apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) changes of N-acetylaspartate (NAA)
after a right middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in
rat brains. Acquired changes in ADC maps of NAA after
MCAO were analyzed by using Gaussian mixture
distribution, which can handle many spatial pixels
acquired simultaneously by diffusion-weighted
spectroscopic imaging. It is shown that DW-EPSI with
BPGs is effective for investigating spatially varying
ADC changes of metabolites and that this technique may
be useful for understanding intra-cellular dynamics of
neurons by using NAA as a probe.
17:18 |
144. |
High-resolution mapping of
the neurochemical profile after focal ischemia in mice 
Malte Frederick Alf1,2, Hongxia Lei1,3,
Carole Berthet4, Lorenz Hirt4,
Rolf Gruetter1,3, and Vladimir Mlynárik1
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zürich, Zürich,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne, 4Department
of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Vaudois
We developed a 1H-MRSI
protocol on a 14.1T magnet to investigate the
localization of changes in the mouse neurochemical
profile after 30 minutes of transient ischemia (MCAO
model). Maps with 1.4 microliter effective resolution
were acquired, including e.g. separate glutamate and
glutamine and the, to our knowledge, first in vivo
mapping of GABA and glutathione. Metabolite acquisition
time was 45 minutes. Lactate and NAA concentration
changed in core and penumbra; cholines and glutathione
in the entire MCA-territory. Glutamine was elevated in
ischemic striatum and cortex until 8h/24h after
reperfusion respectively, indicating differences in
excitotoxic effects and secondary energy failure.
17:30 |
145. |
Fast 1H
metabolic imaging of cancer 
Sairam Geethanath1, Hyeon-Man Baek2,
Sandeep K Ganji2,3, Yao Ding3,
Robert D Sims4, Changho Choi2,4,
and Vikram D Kodibagkar1,4
1Joint graduate program in biomedical
engineering, UT Arlington and UT Southwestern Medical
Center, Dallas, Texas, United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 3Graduate
program in radiological sciences, UT Southwestern
Medical Center, 4Radiology,
UT Southwestern Medical Center
MRSI has been shown to provide valuable metabolic
information critical for cancer prognosis. However, the
long acquisition time associated with multidimensional
MRSI is a barrier for translation of this technology to
the clinic. A novel approach to reduce acquisition time
of MRSI has been proposed through the application of
compressive sensing. An application of such a
reconstruction method has been performed for 1H MRSI of
in- vitro brain phantom, in vivo brain (normal, cancer),
and prostate cancer MRSI data. The results of
reconstruction indicate a significant potential to
reduce acquisition times for such studies by 80%.
17:42 |
146. |
Artefact minimized
spectral editing at 7T: quick and accurate in-vivo detection
of GABA 
Anna Andreychenko1, Vincent O. Boer1,
Jannie P. Wijnen1, Catalina Arteaga1,
Peter Luijten1, and Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
Spectral editing techniques rely on subtraction of two
in vivo MR spectra and, therefore, are prone to
artefacts. Here, we implemented and performed an
accurate and efficient spectral editing of the 3 ppm
GABA resonance in-vivo in the human brain at 7 T,
utilizing two editing MEGA pulses in a semi-LASER
localization sequence with a minimal chemical shift
displacement error. The total scan time was ~4 min. High
efficiency of this MEGA-sLASER editing technique
preserves 3 ppm GABA resonance in the edited spectrum
even obtained with an echo time of 222 ms that allowed
us to estimate the T2 relaxation time of GABA.
17:54 |
147. |
Adiabatic Spiral
Correlation Chemical Shift Imaging 
Ovidiu Cristian Andronesi1, Borjan A. Gagoski2,
Elfar Adalsteinsson2, and Gregory A. Sorensen1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Radiology Department, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
The overlap of spectra in magnetic resonance
spectroscopy limits the unambiguous identification and
quantification of metabolites. Novel correlation
chemical shift imaging sequences using optimized low
power adiabatic excitation and fast spiral spatial
encoding are demonstrated on 3T clinical scanners for
two-dimensional COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy) and
TOCSY (Total Correlation Spectroscopy) experiments.
These methods could reveal metabolites that are
otherwise obscured in 1D spectra. To date there has been
limited progress reported towards a feasible and robust
multivoxel COSY. TOCSY imaging is shown for the first
time in this work. Results on phantoms, volunteers and
patients with brain tumors are presented.
18:06 |
148. |
frequency- and phase-corrected spectroscopic averaging using
cross-correlation and singular value decomposition 
Aaron T Hess1, André J.W. van der Kouwe2,
and Ernesta M. Meintjes1
1MRC/UCT Medical Imaging Research Unit, Human
Biology, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South
Africa, 2Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United
In a single voxel spectroscopy scan voluntary and
physiologic movement can induce frequency and phase
variations between consecutive FIDs. These variations
lead to destructive averaging and line broadening. We
present a technique to robustly detect the frequency of
each FID by using its spectral cross-correlation with a
simulated spectrum. Further we recombined them in a
phase-insensitive manner using a set of complex weights
calculated from singular value decomposition. We
demonstrate the spectral quality improvement using this
method from a scan where the subject was particularly
18:18 |
149. |
Short dual-band VAPOR-like
pulse sequence for simultaneous water and lipid suppression
for in vivo MR spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging 
Zenon Starcuk jr.1, Jana Starcukova1,
and Zenon Starcuk1
1Magnetic Resonance and Bioinformatics,
Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
Short VAPOR-like water suppression sequences have been
shown feasible without sacrificing B1 and T1
insensitivity and exhibiting improved excitation
profiles. The same construction principle, i.e.
optimization of flip angles and pulse durations of
chemical-shift selective pulses interleaved with fixed
short delays, is proposed to be applied to fat
suppression as well. Independently optimized water- and
fat-presaturation sequences are superimposed into a
series of customized dual-band presaturation pulses,
followed by B1-insensitive inversion and a spin-echo
localization module. The reduced length and improved
robustness of such a sequence may improve
quantifiability and suit the needs of spectroscopic