Receive Coils & Arrays
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Monday May 9th
Room 520B-F |
16:30 - 18:30 |
Moderators: |
Hiroyuki Fujita and Tamer Ibrahim |
16:30 |
160. |
A 64-Channel Array Coil
for 3T Head/Neck/C-spine Imaging
Boris Keil1, Stephan Biber2,
Robert Rehner2, Veneta Tountcheva1,
Kathrin Wohlfarth2, Philipp Hoecht3,
Michael Hamm3, Heiko Meyer2,
Hubertus Fischer2, and Lawrence L Wald1,4
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA,
United States,2Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen,
Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
MA, United States
Highly parallel array coils have been applied to the
brain to improve sensitivity of accelerated and
non-accelerated imaging, but also offer the possibility
to extend the coverage to the neck and C-spine. We have
developed a new head-neck-Cspine coil with 60 elements
(with 4 additional elements used from the spine array)
to improve the sensitivity of integrated head, neck and
C-spine examinations. We validate the array with SNR and
g-factor maps and accelerated imaging up to R=9
16:42 |
161. |
Millimeter Isotropic
Resolution Volumetric Pediatric Abdominal MRI with a
Dedicated 32 Channel Phased Array Coil 
Shreyas S Vasanawala1, Thomas Grafendorfer2,
Paul Calderon3, Greig Scott4,
Marcus T Alley1, Michael Lustig5,
Anja C Brau6, Arvind Sonik1, Peng
Lai6, Vijay Alagappan7, and Brian
A Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2ATD
Coils, GE Healthare, Stanford, CA, United States, 3MR
Hardware Engineering, GE Healthcare, Fremont, CA, United
States, 4Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 5Electrical
Engineering & CS, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United
States, 6Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States, 7ATD
Coils, GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States
Pediatric abdominal MRI is challenged by small anatomy
and limited patient cooperation. This work investigates
the feasibility of utilizing a dedicated high-density
pediatric body array to permit high resolution imaging
with slices thin enough for adequate multiplanar
reformatting. With IRB approval, 8 pediatric patients
underwent abdominal MRI with a high-density coil,
including coronal 3D T2, axial 2D T2, coronal 3D T1, and
navigated axial 3D T1. 3D acquisitions were assessed for
adequacy of SNR and reformat quality and found to be of
diagnostic quality. Thus, a high-density coil may enable
a rapid MRI protocol at millimeter resolution for
pediatric body imaging.
16:54 |
162. |
A 7T Coil System for
Imaging Humans in the Sphinx Position to Evaluate the Effect
of Head Orientation Relative to B0 for MR Imaging 
Bei Zhang1, Ryan Brown1, Chris
Wiggins2, Daniel K Sodickson1,
Bernd Stoeckel3, and Graham Wiggins1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New
York, NY10016, United States, 2CEA/NeuroSpin,
Saclay, France,3Siemens Medical Solutions USA
Inc, New York, NY, United States
We present a 7T coil system which allows the head to be
rotated by greater than 90 degrees to investigate the
effect of orientation upon the T2* contrast and B0
distribution in the brain. A patch antenna is used to
create traveling wave excitation. The subject is placed
in the ¡°sphinx¡± position with face towards the patch
antenna. A six-element U-shaped receive coil was built
to wrap over the crown of the head providing high enough SNR for high resolution T2* imaging. Imaging in regular
supine position was also done for comparison.
17:06 |
163. |
Multiplexed RF
Transmission for Transceiver Arrays at 7T 
Hoby Patrick Hetherington1, Nikolai I
Avdievich1, and Jullie W Pan1
1Neurosurgery, Yale University, New Haven,
CT, United States
At 7T single drive volume coils suffer from poor
homogeneity and low efficiency. Transceiver arrays using
small surface coils provide improved homogeneity and
transmission efficiency; however their use is limited by
longitudinal coverage. This can be overcome by using
multiple rows of coils along the z axis. However this
approach requires an increasing number of independent
transmit channels (one per coil), which is not available
on most clinical platforms and is expensive. The goal of
this work was to develop pulse sequence methods that
enable small numbers of independent transmit channels to
drive transceiver arrays with larger numbers of coils.
17:18 |
164. |
Human Brain Imaging at 9.4
Tesla Using a Combination of Traveling Wave Excitation with
a 15-Channel Receive-Only Array 
Jens Oliver Hoffmann1, Gunamony Shajan1,
and Rolf Pohmann1
1High-Field Magnetic Resonance Center, Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
BW, Germany
Traveling wave imaging using a Tx/Rx patch antenna has
the potential to provide a more homogeneous B1+ field
over a large field-of-view compared to circularly
polarized volume coils. However, the method suffers from
poor sensitivity which prevents the application to
routine imaging. Therefore, we combined a patch antenna
for transmission with a 15-channel receive-only array
inside a narrow head gradient for human brain imaging at
9.4 Tesla. The setup can provide spin excitation
covering the whole brain for low flip angle
applications; high SNR and simple usage. However,
anticipated advantages were spoiled by B1+ artifacts in
our initial results.
17:30 |
165. |
32-Channel Receive Only
Array for Cardiac Imaging at 7T 
Carl Jason Snyder1, Lance DelaBarre1,
Gregory Metzger1, Kamil Ugurbil1,
and J. Thomas Vaughan1
1University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
A 32-channel receive-only array was designed and built
for cardiac imaging. The parallel imaging performance,
namely g-factors, was evaluated on the male pelvis.
Short axis T-GRAPPA and four-chamber FLASH cines were
17:42 |
166. |
Highly accelerated 7 T
prostate imaging using parallel imaging 
Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers1, Ozlem Ipek1,
Wouter Koning2, Hugo Kroeze2,
Cecilia Possanzini3, Paul R. Harvey3,
Dennis Klomp2, Peter R. Luijten2,
Jan J.W. Lagendijk1, and Cornelis A.T. van
den Berg1
1Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Radiology,
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Philips
Medical Systems, Best, Netherlands
Prostate imaging at 7 Tesla suffers from high SAR levels
and B1 signal attenuation. An array of 8 single-side
adapted dipole antennas shows good signal coverage and
is able to reduce the SAR levels by a factor of 4. In
this work the parallel imaging performance of this array
is characterized. The reference image is obtained by
travelling wave imaging. GRE images are obtained using
SENSE and reduction factors varying from 1 to 8. No
folding artefacts are observed up to a reduction factor
of 6 and g-factor values in the prostate stay within
reasonable bounds for all reduction factors.
17:54 |
167. |
Dual Mouse 8-Element Coil
Array and Bed for Sequential Multimodality PET, SPECT, CT
and MRI of Multiple Mice 
Marcelino Bernardo1,2, Gabriela Kramer-Marek3,
Nalini Shenoy4, Jurgen Seidel1,
Michael V Green1, Jacek Capala5,
and Peter L Choyke1
1Molecular Imaging Program, NCI, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 2SAIC-Frederick,
Frederick, MD, United States, 3Radiation
Oncology Branch, NCI, United States, 4Image
Probe Development Center, NIH, United States, 5Radiation
Oncology Branch, NCI, Bethesda, MD, United States
An 8-channel receive-only coil array for imaging two
mice simultaneously and a two-mouse bed compatible with
PET, SPECT, CT and MRI for use in doubling the
throughput of sequential multimodality imaging of mice
is described. Results of phantom tests and in vivo PET-MR
imaging of a mouse tumor xenograft model are presented.
18:06 |
168. |
A Novel Radiolucent Phased
Array Design Suitable for MR Guided Radiation Therapy 
Kirk Champagne1, Wayne Schellekens1,
Mehran Fallah-Rad1, Hongxiang Yi1,
Haoqin Zhu1, and Labros Petropoulos1
1IMRIS Inc., Winnipeg, MB, Canada
A novel design of an 8-channel radiolucent phased array
for MR guided Radiation Therapy is presented. The
proposed design exhibits superior MR performance
characteristics when compared with the equivalent
aluminum design. In addition, the proposed design
exhibits a uniform X-ray transparency image with no
apparent distinction between the copper and its
surrounding substrate. Volunteer imaging was also
performed indicating that the proposed structure can be
ideal for abdominal imaging.
18:18 |
169. |
Design Criteria of an MR-PET
Array Coil for Highly Parallel MR Brain Imaging 
Christin Y Sander1,2, Boris Keil2,
Ciprian Catana2, Bruce R Rosen2,3,
and Lawrence L Wald2,3
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States, 2A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 3Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States
The construction of a parallel phased array MR brain
coil that is compatible with the state of the art
simultaneous MR-PET Brain scanners requires unique
material and design specifications. In this study, we
evaluate the design criteria of a 32-channel MR-PET coil
(including conductor materials, cable thicknesses and
component placements with experiment and simulation) to
improve SNR and parallel imaging of MR while minimizing
the interference with 511 keV  -ray
detection from the PET camera.