Body Diffusion: Beyond ADC?
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Tuesday May 10th
Room 518-A-C |
13:30 - 15:30 |
Moderators: |
Dow-Mu Koh and Thomas C. Kwee |
13:30 |
254. |

David J. Collins |
13:42 |
255. |
Short term measurement
reproducibility of perfusion fraction (f), pseudo-diffusion
coefficient (D*) and diffusion coefficient (D) in colorectal
liver metastases derived by intravoxel incoherent motion
analysis of respiratory-triggered diffusion-weighted MR
Adrian Andreou1, Matthew Orton2,
David J Collins1,2, Martin O Leach2,
and Dow-Mu Koh1
1Department of Radiology, Royal Marsden
Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2CRUK-EPSRC
Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Applying the principles of intravoxel incoherent motion
(IVIM) allows quantitative parameters which reflect
tissue microcapillary perfusion and tissue diffusivity
to be derived. We evaluated the short term measurement
reproducibility of the perfusion fraction (f),
pseudo-diffusion (D*) and diffusion coefficients (D) of
normal appearing liver and colorectal liver metastases
in patients. We found that D showed good to moderate
measurement reproducibility in liver and metastases.
However, the reproducibility of f and D* was relatively
poor but using a Bayesian method for analysis
significantly improved the reproducibility of f and D*
in metastases and D* in the liver.
13:54 |
256. |
Intravoxel Incoherent
Motion (IVIM) Analysis of Liver Fibrosis in an Experimental
Mouse Model 
April M. Chow1,2, Darwin S. Gao1,3,
Shu Juan Fan1,3, Gladys G. Lo4,
Siu Ki Yu2, and Ed X. Wu1,3
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of, 2Medical
Physics & Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium &
Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's
Republic of, 3Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's
Republic of, 4Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong
Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong SAR,
China, People's Republic of
Early diagnosis of liver fibrosis could facilitate early
interventions and treatments, preventing its progression
to cirrhosis. Recently, diffusing imaging has been shown
to be promising in characterization of liver fibrosis.
In this study, using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)
analysis and a mouse model of CCl4-induced
fibrosis, we showed that both molecular water diffusion
and blood microcirculation contribute to the alteration
in apparent diffusion changes in liver fibrosis. Among
all parameters studied, blood pseudodiffusion
coefficient (D*) showed largest percentage change at 2
weeks after CCl4 insult.
IVIM analysis can be valuable in characterizing liver
fibrosis at early phase and monitoring its progression.
14:06 |
257. |
Assessment of
Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Fresh Liver Explants Using a
Non-Gaussian Diffusion Kurtosis Model 
Andrew B Rosenkrantz1, Eric E Sigmund1,
Benjamin E Niver1, Glyn R Morgan2,
Bradley Spieler1, Anthony G Gilet1,
and Cristina H Hajdu3
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, New York, United States, 2Transplant
Surgery, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New York,
United States,3Pathology, NYU Langone Medical
Center, New York, NY, United States
Eight fresh liver explants in patients with
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) underwent ex-vivo 1.5T
MRI, including diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI). ADC
using mono-exponential (ADC) and non-Gaussian (D) fit,
as well as mean kurtosis (K), were calculated. There was
significant correlation between ADC and D, but not
between ADC or D with K. Relative contrast between liver
and HCC was greater for K than for ADC or D. ADC and D
were lowest in non-necrotic HCC, while K was not
different between viable and necrotic HCC. Alternate
diffusion protocols may have potential for DKI of HCC
following chemo-embolization in a clinical setting.
14:18 |
258. |
correlation of IVIM-derived true diffusion constant in
patients with pancreatic carcinoma and chronic pancreatitis 
Miriam Klauss1, Matthias Gaida2,
Andreas Lemke3, Katharina Grünberg3,
Dirk Simon3, Stefan Delorme3,
Hans-Ulrich Kauczor2, Lars Grenacher2,
and Bram Stieltjes3
1Diagnostic Radiology, University of
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2University
of Heidelberg, 3DKFZ
Fibrosis is the most characteristic histopathological
feature of pancreatic carcinoma and chronic
pancreatitis. It was shown that the IVIM-derived
parameter D (true diffusion constant) did not show
differences between these two entities. The aim of this
study was to compare differences in D with the
histopathological grade of fibrosis in pancreatic
diseases. We compared the histopathological grade of
fibrosis with the true diffusion constant D calculated
from diffusion data in 24 patients. We found significant
differences between the D-values for moderate and severe
fibrosis. The pure diffusion constant could serve as
parameter to monitor tumor response in pancreatic
14:30 |
259. |
Association of the
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Bladder Cancer with
Metastatic Disease: Preliminary Results 
Thais C Mussi1, Bradley Spieler1,
and Andrew B Rosenkrantz1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, New York, United States
19 patients with urothelial carcinoma of the bladder who
underwent MRI including DWI at 1.5T were included. Among
these, 8 had nodal or distant metastatic disease, and 11
had an absence of metastatic disease (mean follow-up 434
days). ADC was measured for each lesion and was
significantly lower among those cases with metastatic
disease (p=0.0012). Using ADC for prediction of
metastatic disease, ROC analysis identified an AUC of
0.920, sensitivity of 87.5%, specificity of 100%, PPV of
100%, and NPV of 91.7%.
14:42 |
260. |
Towards Repeatable ADC
Mapping of the Liver: Some Guidance for Clinical Use 
Paul Summers1, Antonio Gregoraci2,
Giuseppe Petralia1, Anna Caroli3,
Roberto Di Filippi1, Luca Antiga3,
and Massimo Bellomi1
1Department of Radiology, European Institute
of Oncology, Milan, Italy, 2Faculty
of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan, Milan,
Italy, 3Mario
Negri Institute, Bergamo, Italy
We examined the impact of prandial status, choice of
b-values in one or three directions, and ROI definition
on repeatability of whole liver ADC measurements in 10
healthy subjects. The inclusion of the b=0 image or
limiting the b-values used to those greater than 700
s/mm2 significantly increased both the estimated mean
ADC and its variability between subjects. Excluding
these choices of b-values, intra- and intersubject
standard deviations were similar (< 10%, and 15-22%
respectively) for both 1 and 3 encoding directions.
Prandial status and exclusion of visible vessels from
the ROI had little effect on ADC.
14:54 |
261. |
Quantitative analysis of
the diffusion-weighted steady-state free-precession signal
in vertebral bone-marrow lesions 
Olaf Dietrich1, Andreas Biffar1,
Andrea Baur-Melnyk2, Gerwin Schmidt2,
and Maximilian F. Reiser1,2
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Department
of Clinical Radiology, Ludwig Maximilian University of
Munich, Munich, Germany
Diffusion-weighted steady-state free-precession (DW-SSFP)
sequences are extremely valuable for the differential
diagnosis of benign osteoporotic and malignant
neoplastic vertebral compression fractures. The purpose
of the present study was to provide a detailed
theoretical and experimental analysis of the DW-SSFP
signal in the spine. It could be demonstrated that the
main reasons for the different lesion contrasts are an
opposed-phase readout in combination with the differing
fat fractions and T2*-values
in the fractures as well as in normal-appearing VBM of
both entities. The observed signal contrast is therefore
rather fat- and T2*-weighted
than diffusion-weighted.
15:06 |
262. |
Parallel RF excitation for
diffusion-weighted whole body MR imaging with background
body signal suppression at 3.0 Tesla -permission
G. M. Kukuk1, M. Kaschner1, F.
Träber1, D. Skowasch2, J. Gieseke1,3,
H. H. Schild1, W. A. Willinek1,
and P. Mürtz1
1Department of Radiology, University of Bonn,
Bonn, NRW, Germany, 2Department
of Pneumology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
High field MRI has introduced new challenges for DWIBS
body imaging with respect to susceptibility artefacts,
fat suppression, dielectric shading, and longer
acquisition times. Dual-source parallel RF excitation
has been shown to allow for a more homogeneous
excitation. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of this
technique on DWIBS in 40 patients. Shorter acquisition
times by 33%, significantly improved signal homogeneity
and fat suppression, and reduced dielectric shading
without influencing ADC values was found by using
parallel RF excitation in DWIBS at 3.0 T.
15:18 |
263. |
Diffusion-Prepared Fast
Imaging with Steady-State Free Precession (DP-FISP): A Rapid
Diffusion MRI Technique at 7T 
Lan Lu1, Bernadette Erowku1,
Gregory R Lee1, Katherine Dell2,3,
and Chris A Flask1,4
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Pediatrics,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 3MetroHealth
Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States
Diffusion MRI applications typically utilize rapid
Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) acquisition techniques.
However, EPI techniques are susceptible to off-resonance
distortion and eddy current artifacts, especially for
high field MRI applications. We have developed a rapid
Diffusion Prepared - Fast Imaging with Steady-State Free
Precession (DP-FISP) MRI acquisition for a 7T small
animal MRI scanner that combines a diffusion preparation
scheme with a rapid FISP imaging readout to provide
diffusion-weighted images in less than 500 ms and DTI
data (7 directions) in less than 1 minute. Herein, DP-FISP
results validated in a water phantom and in vivo
polycystic rat kidneys.