Proton vs Hyperpolarized-Gas MRI for Evaluating the Lung
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Thursday May 12th
Room 513A-D |
10:30 - 12:30 |
Moderators: |
Per A.G. Åkeson and Kiarash Emami |
10:30 |
541. |
Validation of ventilation-
and perfusion-weighted Fourier Decomposition MRI with
hyperpolarized 3He-MRI
and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in an animal experiment 
Grzegorz Bauman1, Alexander Scholz2,
Julien Rivoire2, Maxim Terekhov2,
Janet Friedrich2, Andre de Oliveira3,
Wolfhard Semmler1, Laura M Schreiber2,
and Michael Puderbach4
1Division of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Section of Medical Physics, Johannes
Gutenberg University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 4Division
of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg,
Regardless of physical and technical difficulties, MRI
offers a broad spectrum of methods for the relative or
absolute evaluation of the lung function. Recently, a
technique of Fourier decomposition MRI (FD-MRI) was
proposed to obtain regional lung perfusion and
ventilation-related information during a single
acquisition series. FD-MRI is based on a non-invasive,
untriggered and contrast media free image acquisitions.
The purpose of this study was the validation of this
lung functional imaging technique against Dynamic
Contrast-Enhanced MRI and hyperpolarized 3He-MRI
in an animal experiment under controlled conditions.
10:42 |
542. |
Heterogeneity of the
ventilation–perfusion ratio in lung disease using OE-MRI 
Penny Louise Hubbard1,2, Geoff J M Parker1,2,
Dave Singh3, Eva Bondesson4, Lars
E Olsson5, Lars Wigström5, Simon S
Young6, and Josephine H Naish1,2
1Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United
Kingdom, 2The
Biomedical Imaging Institute, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Airway
Pharmacology Group, School of Translational Medicine,
University Hospital of South Manchester Foundation
Trust, Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, 4AstraZeneca
R & D, Lund, Sweden, 5AstraZeneca
R & D, Möndal, Sweden, 6AstraZeneca
R & D, Charnwood, United Kingdom
We present the results of an oxygen-enhanced (OE-) MRI
study in subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease (COPD) and age-matched healthy subjects. Our
approach allows quantitative maps of the
ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) ratio to be determined using
a novel two-compartment physiological model. Dynamic
OE-MRI data is acquired whilst the subjects move from
breathing medical air to 100% oxygen and back to air.
On-air T1 maps reveal higher T1 in healthy subjects and
those with COPD. In addition, V/Q maps and histograms
reveal significant heterogeneity in COPD and show
similarities to work previously published in the SPECT
and PET literature.
10:54 |
543. |
Assessment of Relative
Regional Lung Compliance in Patients with Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 
Alexandra Rose Morgan1,2, Geoff J. M. Parker1,2,
Penny L. Hubbard1,2, David Singh2,3,
Jørgen Vestbo2,3, Simon S Young4,
Eva Bondesson5, Lars Wigström5,
Lars E Olsson6, Marietta L.J. Scott7,
and Josephine H. Naish1,2
1Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Manchester, Manchester, Greater
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical
Imaging Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester,
Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Airway
Pharmacology Group, School of Translational Medicine,
University Hospital of South Manchester, Manchester,
Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, 4AstraZeneca
R&D, Charnwood, United Kingdom, 5AstraZeneca,
Lund, Sweden, 6AstraZeneca,
Mölndal, Sweden,7AstraZeneca, Alderley Park,
Macclesfield, United Kingdom
An MRI method to obtain measures of relative regional
compliance and local lung dynamics has been developed.
The method utilizes free-breathing proton MRI images and
image warping to illustrate regions of altered lung
mechanics in disease. The method has been applied in a
cohort of healthy volunteers and patients with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with varying
disease severity, the results of which are presented
here. Clear differences between COPD patients and
healthy volunteers could be seen in the majority of
cases, with patients exhibiting regions of reduced and
asymmetrical lung motion and an increased heterogeneity
in relative regional compliance.
11:06 |
544. |
Non-Contrast-Enhanced High
Resolution MRI of the Pulmonary Blood Volume Using a Two
Compartment Model and T1 Mapping 
Thomas Gaass1,2, Julien Dinkel3,
Grzegorz Bauman2, Moritz Zaiss2,
Axel Haase1, and Frederik Laun2
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Technical
University Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Division
of Medical Physics, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany,3Division of Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
The accurate assessment of the pulmonary blood
distribution is becoming increasingly important for
specific diagnostic problems. Since the current standard
clinically applied techniques pose an increased patient
risk an alternative non-contrast-enhanced MRI method is
highly desirable. The introduced novel technique (TCIR)
uses a two-compartment model and inversion recovery with
alternating inversion times to produce high resolution
maps of the fractional pulmonary blood volume. The
purpose of this work was to evaluate the reproducibility
and sensitivity of TCIR. Comparing TCIR with dynamic
contrast enhanced MRI, the feasibility of the proposed
technique is additionally shown on a patient.
11:18 |
545. |
Pulmonary Blood Volume
Mapping using a Modified T1 Weighted,
Steady State MRI Technique in a Rodent Model of Hypoxic
Pulmonary Vasoconstriction 
Ronn P Walvick1,2, Austin L Reno2,
Alexei A Bogdanov2, and Mitchell S. Albert2
1Radiology, New York University Langone
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester,
MA, United States
The purpose of this study was to develop a magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) technique for measurement of
pulmonary blood volume (PBV). The proposed imaging
technique consisted of acquiring images of lung
parenchyma with a cardiac and respiratory gated
inversion recovery, T1 weighted spin-echo sequence
before and after the injection of a long circulating,
intravascular contrast agent. This technique was used to
the measure PBV in a rodent model of pulmonary hypoxic
vasoconstriction. Results revealed a significant
decrease in the PBV in animals breathing gas with low
oxygen content. The measured PBV increased with
increasing inversion time due to water exchange.
11:30 |
546. |
Acquisition of
Spatially-registered Helium-3 and Proton 3D Image Sets of
the Lung in less than 10 seconds using Compressed Sensing 
Kun Qing1, Talissa A. Altes2,
Nicholas J. Tustison2, Jaime F. Horta Coelho
Mata2, Grady W. Miller2,3, Eduard
E. De Lange2, William A. Tobias3,
Gordon D. Cates3, James R. Brookeman2,
and John Philip Mugler1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, 3Physics,
University of Virginia
Random undersampling combined with compressed-sensing
reconstruction permits acquisition of 3D helium-3 and
proton data sets, with isotropic 3.9-mm spatial
resolution, during a 7-second breath hold. The resulting
image quality is very similar to that obtained using a
fully-sampled acquisition that requires almost 20
seconds. This capability should be valuable for
quantitative assessment of ventilation defects in
diseases such as asthma, CF or COPD.
11:42 |
547. |
Highly Accelerated Dynamic
3D Hyperpolarized Lung Imaging 
Sebastian Kozerke1,2, Salma Ajraoui3,
Thomas Eykyn4, Reza Razavi4, and
Jim M Wild3
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Unit
of Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield, United
Kingdom, 4Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, United Kingdom
Dynamic hyperpolarized helium-3 imaging has been shown
to provide assessment of air trapping in obstructive
lung disease. A key requirement for imaging ventilation
heterogeneity concerns dynamic volumetric coverage of
the lung at sufficient spatiotemporal resolution. The
present work introduces feedback-regularized k-t PCA for
dynamic hyperpolarized gas imaging. It is demonstrated
that the synergistic combination of partial Fourier and
k-t sampling allows for more than 12-fold net increases
in scan efficiency relative to fully sampled 3D lung
imaging. In-vivo dynamic 3D data acquired during
inhalation and wash-out of hyperpolarized helium-3 gas
illustrate the value of the method proposed.
11:54 |
548. |
Pulmonary 3He
MRI of Pediatric Subjects with Risk Factors for Asthma 
Robert V. Cadman1, Jionghan Dai1,
Michael D Evans2, Daniel J. Jackson3,
James E. Gern3, Robert F. Lemanske Jr.3,
and Sean B. Fain1
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Biostatistics
and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States,3Pediatrics,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
Pulmonary 3He
MRI was performed on 9- and 10-year-old subjects who had
been enrolled at birth in a longitudinal study of asthma
development. Separate diffusion-weighted radial
stack-of-stars and 3-dimensional radial dynamic series
were acquired for each subject. Root-mean-square
diffusion length of 3He
was found to correlate with both current asthma
diagnosis and history of human rhinovirus infection
associated with wheezing illnesses during preschool
ages. Ventilation defects observed in dynamic images
were correlated with current asthma diagnosis.
12:06 |
549. |
Imaging of Lung
Micromechanics with Hyperpolarized Gas Diffusion MRI:
Regional Compliance 
Yi Xin1, Kiarash Emami1, Stephen
J. Kadlecek1, Puttisarn Mongkolwisetwara1,
Nicholas N. Kuzma1, Harilla Profka1,
Yinan Xu1, Hooman Hamedani1,
Benjamin M. Pullinger1, Rajat K. Ghosh1,
Jennia N. Rajaei1, Stephen Pickup1,
Masaru Ishii2, and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Otolaryngology–Head
& Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Measurements of 3He
apparent diffusion coefficient as a function of lung
inflation level reveal a more drastic relative increase
in regional ADC values at lung pressures above 12 cmH2O
in an elastase model of rat emphysema compared to the
healthy animals. This altered ADC imaging protocol can
potentially serve as a sensitive marker for changes in
regional lung compliance induced by lung diseases such
as emphysema.
12:18 |
550. |
Quantitative Scoring of
Hyperpolarized 129Xe
Ventilation Imaging: Correlation with Pulmonary Function
Testing and Age 
Bastiaan Driehuys1,2, Zackary I Cleveland1,2,
John Nouls1,2, S. Sivaram Kaushik2,3,
Gary P. Cofer2, Santiago Jimenez-Martinez1,
Jan Wolber4, Monica Kraft5, and H.
Page McAdams1
1Department of Radiology, Duke University,
Durham, NC, United States, 2Center
for in vivo Microscopy, Duke University, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Duke University, 4GE
Healthcare, 5Pulmonary
and Critical Care Medicine, Duke University
As part of a recently completed phase I clinical trial,
44 subjects underwent hyperpolarized (HP) 129Xe
ventilation imaging. Here we report quantitative
analysis of these129Xe ventilation images
using a simple reader-based scoring system. We show that
xenon ventilation scores correlate significantly with
pulmonary function tests and readily separate subjects
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from
age-matched controls. Moreover, in the healthy subject
population, we show that defects scores correlate
significantly with age, a finding that may suggest that 129Xe,
with its high resistance to flow, is more sensitive to
minor obstruction than 3He.