The Short of It
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Thursday May 12th
Room 520B-F |
10:30 - 12:30 |
Moderators: |
Garry Gold and Matthew Koff |
10:30 |
561. |

Won C. Bae |
10:42 |
562. |
Clinical ultra-short
TE-enhanced T2* mapping of meniscus 
Ashley Williams1, Yongxian Qian2,
and Constance R Chu1
1Cartilage Restoration Center, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh
UTE-T2* images of menisci were acquired from 32 human
subjects: 10 asymptomatic patients, 9 patients with an
ACL tear but no meniscal tear, and 13 subjects with
medial meniscal tears. UTE-T2* repeatability among
asymptomatics was <10%. UTE-T2* values of menisci in
subjects with clinically diagnosed medial tears were 42%
higher (P=0.005) than asymptomatics. Interestingly,
UTE-T2* values of subjects with an ACL injury but no
meniscal tear were 32% higher (P=0.028) than
asymptomatics, suggesting that UTE-T2* mapping may be
sensitive to sub-clinical meniscus degeneration.
Longitudinal evaluation is needed to assess whether
UTE-T2* mapping of meniscus is predictive of progressive
meniscal degeneration.
10:54 |
563. |
Direct Depiction of Bone
Microstructure Using ZTE Imaging 
Markus Weiger1,2, Marco Stampanoni3,4,
and Klaas Paul Pruessmann3
1Bruker BioSpin AG, Faellanden, Switzerland, 2Bruker
BioSpin MRI GmbH, Faellanden, Germany, 3Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 4Swiss
Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen,
Direct depiction of the microstructure of trabecular
bone is enabled by MRI with zero echo time (ZTE). The
immediate signal acquisition, the maximum encoding speed
in the k-space centre, and the high acquisition duty
cycle of ZTE enable to achieve the required high
resolution, robustness, and SNR efficiency under the
rapid T2 relaxation of bone. A comparison with
high-quality x-ray images shows an excellent agreement
of the two modalities.
11:06 |
564. |
SWIFT Imaging of
Osteochondral Repair in Equine Model with correlation to CT -permission
Mikko Johannes Nissi1, Jari Rautiainen1,
Lauri Juhani Lehto1, Virpi Tiitu1,
Outi Kiviranta1, Hertta Pulkkinen1,
Anne Brunott2, Rene van Weeren3,
Pieter Brama4, Ilkka Kiviranta5,
Jutta Ellermann6, and Miika Tapio Nieminen7,8
1University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio,
Finland, 2Brünott
Equine Surgery and Ortopedics, Netherlands, 3University
of Utrecht, Netherlands, 4University
College Dublin, Ireland, 5University
of Helsinki, Finland, 6University
of Minnesota, United States, 7University
of Oulu, Finland, 8Oulu
University Hospital, Finland
Characterization of osteochondral repair using
conventional MRI techniques is limited due to lack of
signal from important tissues such as calcified
cartilage and the bone matrix. SWIFT is capable of
capturing signal from extremely short T2 species and is
thus a very appealing method for the evaluation of
osteochondral repair. In this study, spontaneous repair
of chondral and osteochondral defects was investigated
in an equine model using SWIFT and findings were
correlated with micro -computed tomography. Results
demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of SWIFT to
reveal a high level of detail in repair tissue,
particularly from calcified structures.
11:18 |
565. |
Free and bound water
evaluation of articular cartilage 
Jiang Du1, Chantal Pauli2, Eric
Diaz1, Won Bae1, Sheronda Statum1,
Darryl DLima2, and Christine Chung1
1Radiology, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, California, United States, 2Scripps
Reseach Institution
Multi-component analysis of CPMG spin echo images has
been performed by several groups to identify and
characterize different water compartments in articular
cartilage. However, CPMG sequences on clinical MR
scanners typically operated in a TE range (>10 ms) that
does not allow detection of short T2 water components,
or water bound to collagen and/or PG. Here we propose a
bi-component T2* analysis of images from ultrashort TE
(UTE) or UTE spectroscopic imaging (UTESI) to quantify
T2* and fractions of the free and bound water components
in cartilage.
11:30 |
566. |
Investigations of The
Origin of Phase Differences Seen with Ultrashort TE Imaging
of Short T2 Meniscal Tissue 
Michael Carl1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, San Diego, CA, United States
We present UTE phase images of the meniscus that show
surprisingly high contrast in spite of the very short
TEs used. We investigated the source of this contrast
using the Bloch equations, simulations, phantom
experiments, and tissue studies. Phase evolution was
shown to occur in UTE sequences primarily during the
finite RF pulse and readout periods, and previously
unrecognized susceptibility differences between fiber
groups were observed in the meniscus.
11:42 |
567. |
High Resolution 3D
Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging: In Vivo Applications 
Jiang Du1, Michael Carl2, Mark
Bydder1, Jing-Tzyh Chiang1,
Richard Znamirowski1, Christine Chung1,
and Graeme Bydder1
1Radiology, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, California, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, San Diego,
California, United States
There are many species or tissue components which have
very short T2 relaxation times and so cannot be detected
with conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
sequences. These include cortical bone, meniscus,
ligaments, aponeuroses, the Achilles tendon, etc. High
resolution in vitro imaging has been reported, together
with in vivo imaging with moderate resolution and
especially limited short T2 image contrast. Here we
report 3D high resolution and contrast imaging of these
short T2 species in vivo on a clinical 3T MR scanner.
11:54 |
568. |
Temporal and Regional
Changes of T2* in the Repaired Meniscus 
Matthew F. Koff1, Lisa A Fortier2,
Scott A Rodeo3, Atsushi Takahashi4,
Suzanne Maher5, Demetris Delos3,
Parina Shah1, and Hollis G. Potter1
1Department of Radiology and Imaging - MRI,
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United
States, 2College
of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
United States, 3Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hospital for Special Surgery,
New York, NY, United States, 4Global
Applied Science Laboratory, General Electric Healthcare,
Menlo Park, CA, United States, 5Department
of Biomechanics, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York,
NY, United States
The poor sensitivity and qualitative nature of clinical
knee meniscus healing evaluation precludes accurate
decisions about return to activities of daily living.
MRI is frequently used to evaluate meniscal repairs, but
visualization of the meniscus is difficult due to short
transverse relaxation times (T2). Qualitative MRI
Ultrashort echo imaging (UTE) allows objective and
quantitative assessment of meniscal healing. This study
evaluated the qMRI technique of T2* mapping using UTE
imaging as a biomarker of meniscal integrity. This goal
was achieved by measuring the regional and temporal
variation in T2* values in an ovine meniscal repair
12:06 |
569. |
Sensitivity of
Quantitative UTE MRI to Degradation of Human
Temporomandibular Discs 
Won C Bae1, Sheronda Statum1, Reni
Biswas2, Koichi Masuda3, Jiang Du1,
Terry Tanaka4, and Christine B Chung1
1Radiology, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA,
United States, 3Orthopaedic
Surgery, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla,
CA, United States, 4School
of Dentistry, Department of Graduate Prosthodontics,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) facilitates jaw
movement. TMJ disorders involve degeneration of the TMJ
disc; early detection using MRI would be useful. TMJ
tissues have inherently short T2 values and their
quantitative evaluation benefits from ultrashort
time-to-echo (UTE) techniques. This study evaluated
sensitivity of UTE T1rho property to biochemical changes
of human TMJ discs incurred by trypsin digestion. UTE
T1rho values increased significantly with digestion
duration, during which glycosaminoglycan loss has also
occurred. Incremental increase in UTE T1rho values
correlated significantly with incremental
glycosaminoglycan loss. UTE T1rho may be useful for
early and longitudinal assessment of TMJ disc
12:18 |
570. |
Tsz Kwun Law1, Dino Samartzis2,
Mina Kim1, Queenie Chan3, Pek-Lan
Khong1, M C Kenneth Cheung2, and
Marina-Portia Anthony1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of, 2Orthopaedics
and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, China, People's Republic of, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of
Early diagnosis of CEP defects by UTE technique may
provide useful information for understanding the
pathogenesis of each of DDD and Schmorl¡¦s nodes (SN).
The objective of this study was to assess CEP integrity
in normal IVD levels, levels with degenerated IVDs and
levels with SNs. Based on the UTE images, CEP defects
were defined as discontinuity of high signal over 4
consecutive slices. Results showed that CEP defects were
found to have a 4.5 fold increased likelihood of having
DDD. No association between CEP defects and SNs was
established. The effects of age and CEP defects were
found to be level dependent.