Cell Tracking & Gene Expression
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Thursday May 12th
Room 520B-F |
16:00 - 18:00 |
Moderators: |
Eric Ahrens and Piotr Walczak |
16:00 |
661. |
CEST MRI for monitoring
bacteriolytic tumor therapy 
Guanshu Liu1,2, Chetan Bettegowda3,
Assaf A. Gilad2,4, Michael T McMahon1,2,
Kannie W.Y. Chan2,4, Kenneth W. Kinzler3,
Bert Vogelstein3, Jeff WM Bulte2,4,
Shibin Zhou3, and Peter CM van Zijl1,2
1F.M. Kirby center, Kennedy Krieger
Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Ludwig
Center, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Sidney
Kimmel Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States,4Institute
for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
Bacteriolytic therapy has recently emerged as a
promising approach for cancer therapy, in which
anaerobic bacteria are utilized to selectively destroy
the hypoxic cores of solid tumors. To facilitate its
clinical translation, we sought to develop a
non-invasive MR imaging method that is capable of
monitoring infection with Clostridium novyi-NT. An
inherent Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST)
signal at 2.6 ppm from the water proton signal was found
in cultures of this bacterium in vitro. Using this
signal, we were able to detect the germination of the
anaerobic bacteria in vivo.
16:12 |
662. |
Magnetization Transfer
Contrast MRI detects Pseudomonas
aeruginosa bacterial
infection bacterial
infection a
mouse burn model 
Valeria Righi1,2, Melissa Starkey3,
Laurence G. Rahme3, Ronald G. Tompkins4,
and Aria A. Tzika1,2
1Department of Surgery, NMR Surgical
Laboratory, MGH and Shriners Burn Institute, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center of Biomedical
Imaging, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department
of Surgery, Molecular Surgery Laboratory, MGH and
Shriners Burn Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA, United States, 4Department
of Surgery, MGH and Shriners Burn Institute, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
We report an in
vivo study
of GFP-tagged Magnetization Transfer Contrast (MTC) MRI
in burn mouse infected with Pseudomonas
aeruginosa. The goal of this methodology is to
visualize bacterial infections in
vivo in
real time, and to study the impact of novel therapeutics
on bacterial proliferation and viability within the host
system. Furthermore, the expression of relevant
bacterial genes can be monitored during infection by
expressing GFP under the control of appropriate
bacterial promoters. This approach provides a flexible,
non-invasive in
vivo molecular
MRI imaging strategy that is dependent upon the presence
and concentration of the GFP reporter.
16:24 |
663. |
High-Efficiency Targeting
of Glial Precursor Cells to Inflammatory Brain Lesions Using
the VLA4-VCAM1 Cell Adhesion Pathway: Real-Time MR
Monitoring of Instant Cell Engraftment 
Inema Orukari1,2, Mike Gorelik2,3,
Joann Wang2,3, Shashikala Galpoththawela1,2,
Heechul Kim1,2, Douglas A Kerr4,
Michael Levy5, Andre Levchenko3,
Jeff Bulte1,2, and Piotr Walczak1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Science, Division of MR Research, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Cellular
Imaging Section, Vascular Biology Program, Institute for
Cell Engineerin, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4Biogen-IDEC,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 5Neurology,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United
Stem cells offer hope for treatment of incurable
neurological diseases. Efficient systemic delivery of
stem cells to brain lesions is an important but still
not achieved goal. We evaluated a novel intra-arterial
method for targeted stem cell delivery based on genetic
engineering of cells to express VLA-4 while performing
real-time in vivo MRI monitoring of cell engraftment.
Using a microfluidics cell adhesion assay, we
demonstrated that VLA-4+ cells preferentially adhered to
activated VCAM1+ endothelium. Using a rat model,
SPIO-labeled, VLA-4+ cells efficiently homed to
activated brain endothelium with MRI being an excellent
method to monitor this process in real-time.
16:36 |
664. |
In vivo magnetic resonance
imaging of ferritin-based reporter visualizes native
neuroblast migration 
Bistra Iordanova1,2, and Eric T Ahrens1,2
1Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Pittsburgh
NMR Center for Biomedical Research, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
Adult neurogenesis research in mammals presents a
challenge as most stem cells and progenitors are located
deep in opaque brain tissues. Here, we report the
application of ferritin-based MRI reporter to label
murine subventricular zone progenitors and visualize in
vivo the endogenous neuroblast migration towards the
olfactory bulb. This MRI reporter gene platform can
facilitate the study of native or transplanted stem cell
migration and associated neurogenic or therapeutic
molecular events in live animals.
16:48 |
665. |
In vivo visualization of
pancreatic islets in the mouse 
David Z Balla1, Sven Gottschalk1,
G Shajan1, Sandra Ueberberg2,
Stephan Schneider2, Rolf Pohmann1,
and Jörn Engelmann1
1High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute
for biological cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Universitätsklinikum
Bergmannsheil, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Detection of single pancreatic islets has many
applications in diabetes research, but can be achieved
in vivo with proton MRI only after transplantation of ex
vivo labeled islets. Recently, successful visualization
of islets in the excised mouse pancreas at 16.4T
following i.v. injection of a novel beta-cell specific
paramagnetic contrast agent was reported. Here we
present the methodical optimization for in vivo
experiments. Signal efficient 2D acquisition methods
were considered. Best results were obtained with a two
slice navigator based sequence. Single islets are
visualized for the first time in vivo in mice after i.v.
administration of a labeling agent.
17:00 |
666. |
Monitoring of transplanted
pancreatic islets in humans by MRI 
Daniel Jirak1, Frantisek Saudek2,
Monika Dezortova1, Peter Girman2,
Vit Herynek1, Jan Kriz2, Zuzana
Berkova2, Klara Zacharovova2, Jan
Peregrin1, and Milan Hajek1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Institute for Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Diabetes
Center, Institute for Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic
We tracked iron-labeled pancreatic islets in type-1
diabetic recipients and quantified the islet loss in
liver tissue by MR imaging during 6 months after
transplantation. Hypointense islet spots and their area
in the liver were counted and outlined manually.
Function of transplanted islets was confirmed by
C-peptide production. A dramatic loss of hypointense
spots occurred in the 1st week following the
transplantation. Then the number of spots and their area
stabilized. Our data suggest that post-transplant MR
monitoring might be of importance for assessment of the
islet fate following clinical transplantation.
17:12 |
667. |
Divalent Metal
Transporter, DMT1: A Novel MRI Reporter 
Benjamin Bay Bartelle1, Kamila Urzula Szulc2,
and Daniel H Turnbull2,3
1Structural Biology, Skirball Institute for
Biomolecular Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Skirball
Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, 3Radiology,
New Yor University School of Medicine
Here we present a novel reporter gene which functions in
concert with Mn enhanded MRI. Based on an observed
correlation between DMT1 expression and endogenous Mn
enhanced contrast, we characterized the protein’s effect
on T1 in cells using saturation recovery based
relaxometry and quantitative expression assays. We went
on to ectopicly express DMT1 in the brain of a neonate
mouse and image gene expression in vivo using standard
MEMRI methods. These early experiments demonstrate
DMT1’s robust potential as a reporter of gene expression
for MRI.
17:24 |
668. |
Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance as a new sensitive tool to assess the iron content
in cells and tissues for MRI cell labeling studies 
Pierre Danhier1, Geraldine Depraeter1,
Sebastien Boutry2, Isabelle Mahieu2,
Robert N Muller2, Pierre Sonveaux3,
Caroline Bouzin3, Olivier Feron3,
Philippe Leveque1, Julie Magat1,
Benedicte Jordan1, and Bernard Gallez1
1Louvain Drug Research Institute, Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance Research Group, University of
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 2University
of Mons, Mons, Belgium, 3Institute
of Experimental and Clinical Research, University of
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
We propose here to implement Electron Paramagnetic
Resonance (EPR) as a very sensitive method to quantify
iron oxide concentration (in cells and tissues). Iron
oxide particles exhibit an EPR spectrum, which directly
reflects the number of iron oxide particles in a sample.
In order to compare EPR with existing methods (Perl’s
Prussian blue reaction, and fluorimetry), we labeled
tumor cells (Melanoma B16F10-luc, fibrosarcoma KHT-luc)
and fibroblasts (3T3) with fluorescent iron oxide
particles, and defined the limit of detection of the
different techniques. EPR is a fast, easy, and highly
sensitive method (compared to other methods) to quantify
iron oxide content after magnetic labelling.
17:36 |
669. |
In vivo monitoring of
anti-inflammatory Atorvastatin-effects in reperfused
myocardial infarction using integrated cellular fluorine
19F-MRI and 1H-cardiac MRI -permission
Yu-Xiang Ye1, Thomas Christian
Basse-Luesebrink1, Paula Arias2,
Thomas Kampf1, Vladimir Kocoski3,
Elisabeth Bauer2, Kai Hu2, Valerie
Jahns4, Peter M Jakob1,5,
Karl-Heinz Hiller1,5, Roland Jahns2,
and Wolfgang Rudolf Bauer2
1Department for Experimental Physics 5,
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Department
of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Würzburg,3Institute
for Virology & Immunobiology, 4Institute
for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Würzburg, 5MRB
Research Center, Magnetic Resonance Bavaria
In acute myocardial infarction (MI) blood monocytes play
a key role in wound healing. Non-invasive imaging
strategies are required to better understand and
translate this knowledge into clinics. We investigated
the value of integrating 19F-MRI cell trafficking with
1H-cardiac MRI to monitor an anti-inflammatory
therapeutic approach of Atorgastatin in a MI rat model.
The combined 19F/1H MRI found reduced myocardial
monocyte infiltration and revealed a possible mechanism
of action by Atorvastatin. Our platform provides a novel
view on tissue injury and its innate immune response
after ischemia-reperfusion, and thus contribute to gain
new insights of anti-inflammatory therapy in MI.
17:48 |
670. |
In vivo MRI Signal
Features of Transgenic Grafts Overexpressing Ferritin in the
Murine Myocardial Infarction Model 
Anna Naumova1,2, Vasily Yarnykh1,2,
Hans Reinecke2,3, Charles Murry2,3,
and Chun Yuan1,2
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 2Center
for Cardiovascular Biology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 3Pathology,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
This study showed possibility of non-invasive
visualization and quantification of transgenic C2C12
grafts overexpressing MRI gene reporter ferritin in the
infarcted mouse heart. T2*-weighted gradient echo
sequence was most sensitive for imaging of ferritin-tagged
grafts capturing about 30% change in MRI signal
intensity. Unlabeled wild-type C2C12 cells transplanted
to the mouse heart did not change MRI signal intensity
in T2*-weighted images. The important advantage of this
approach is that the gene reporter divides with each
round of cell division retaining a desired MRI contrast
over the entire volume of growing grafts.