10:45 |
Measuring lymph node
swelling using MRI to act as a biomarker for tumour
Kim Brewer1,2, Drew DeBay3, Kerry
Lake3, Iulia Dude3,4, Genevieve
Weir1, Marc Mansour1, and Chris
1Immunovaccine Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada, 2School
of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada, 3Institute
for Biodiagnostics (Atlantic), National Research Council
of Canada, Halifax, NS, Canada, 4Physics,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Immunotherapies are aimed at potentiating the body’s
immune response. DepoVaxTM is
an immunotherapy vaccine that encapsulates the
tumor-associated antigens in liposomes, which are then
suspended in oil. The oil acts as an adjuvant, which
improves the potency of the peptides and aids in
eliciting a strong immune response. This work
investigated whether an increase in the draining lymph
node (LN) volume (right inguinal LN) could be used as a
biomarker for successful vaccination (i.e. successful
tumor suppression). This was done by performing
longitudinal LN volumetry using MRI to evaluate changes
using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
10:57 |
Chronic and acute anti-angiogenic
treatment effects detected by arterial spin labeling in
mouse tumor 
Reshmi Rajendran1, Mei Yee Tang1,
Huang Wei1, Jie Ming Liang1,
Stephanie Choo1, Torsten Reese2,
Hannes Hentze2, Susan van Boxtel2,
Brian Henry2, and Kai Hsiang Chuang1
1Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, 2Merck
Sharp and Dohme, Singapore
We applied optimized Flow-sensitive Alternating
Inversion Recovery (FAIR) ASL to non-invasively quantify
tumor perfusion in a mouse xenograft model, in which
acute (24-hour) and chronic (43-day) treatment effects
of the VEGF inhibitor (Avastin®) was investigated. Our
data indicate that significant reduction in tumor
perfusion was seen after acute dosing (p<0.05 vs. the
control group), suggesting FAIR ASL perfusion could be
used as an early biomarker for treatment response.
Similarly, the chronic treatment of Avastin also led to
a decrease in tumor size and perfusion; however, the
drug effect varied significantly among the animals,
possibly due to the heterogeneity of tumor progression.
11:09 |
Mapping water exchange in
rat tumour xenografts: using multiple flip angles during
late-uptake stages following contrast agent injection 
Colleen Bailey1,2, Firas Moosvi1,2,
and Greg J Stanisz1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
ON, Canada
Intra-to-extracellular water exchange has been shown to
increase during apoptotic cell death in vitro. To map
exchange in vivo, four flip angles were used during the
late near-constant stages of uptake following three
separate injections of Gd-DTPA-BMA in rat tumour
xenografts. High extracellular water fraction
corresponded to low cellularity on H&E. Regions of low
water exchange were negative on TUNEL staining, while
regions of high water exchange were positive, indicating
apoptosis. High water exchange was observed even in
cases where cells had not cleared and water fraction did
not yet show a change.
11:21 |
A New Biomarker for the
Assessment of Early Tumor Response to Chemotherapy Using MR
Elastography (MRE) 
Kay Pelletier1, Kiaran McGee2, Jun
Chen2, Kevin Glaser2, Stephen
Ansell3, and Richard Ehman2
1Mayo Graduate School, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota, United States, 2Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Hematology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
It is appreciated that a significant delay exists from
the initiation of chemotherapy to the detection of a
response as assessed by changes in tumor volume. In vivo
serial measurements in a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma mouse
tumor model have demonstrated that tumor stiffness
measured with MR Elastography (MRE) decreases following
chemotherapy administration in comparison to
saline-treated (placebo) tumors. This difference is
statistically significant 48 hours following drug
administration. These data suggest that tumor stiffness
may be an earlier and more sensitive biomarker of
therapeutic response than the current imaging-based
methods such as FDG-PET, MRI and CT
11:33 |
Characterisation of a novel
orthotopic mouse model of multiple myeloma and therapeutic
response by quantitative MRI 
Timothy J Graham1, Rosemary A Fryer2,
Yann Jamin1, Emma M Smith2, Simon
Walker-Samuel3, Faith E Davies2,
and Simon P Robinson1
1Cancer Research UK & EPSRC Cancer Imaging
Centre, The Institute of Cancer Research, London,
Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Haemato-Oncology
Research Unit, Division of Molecular Pathology, The
Institute of Cancer Research, London, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 3Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
With the development of more targeted therapeutics to
treat malignant bone disease has come the associated
challenge of developing more clinically relevant
pre-clinical models, and identifying new non-invasive
techniques capable of assessing the tumour phenotype and
treatment response. To this end, a novel mouse model of
multiple myeloma, propagated by direct intraosseous
injection of cells, has been investigated by
quantitative MRI. Tumour growth was localised to the
skeleton, and assessed using high-resolution T2-weighted
and diffusion-weighted imaging. Response to Bortezomib
and Tosedostat was also assessed. Bioluminescence
imaging , weekly Igλ serum levels, histology and flow
cytometry provided qualification of the MRI data.
11:45 |
Parameterizing the Logistic
Model of Tumor Growth by DW-MRI and DCE-MRI to Predict
Breast Tumor Cellularity During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy 
Nkiruka C Atuegwu1,2, Lori R Arlinghaus1,2,
Xia Li1,2, E Brian Welch1,2, A
Bapsi Chakravarthy3, and Thomas E Yankeelov1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiation
Oncology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
Sequential diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) and dynamic
contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) data were acquired on
twelve patients with localized invasive breast cancer
undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The DW-MRI and DCE-MRI
data were incorporated into the logistic model of tumor
growth to extract the proliferation rates of the tumors
and this was then used to calculate the number of cells
at the conclusion of therapy. The simulated and the
experimentally estimated number of cells at the
conclusion of therapy were then compared.
11:57 |
0042. |
Multi-parametric approach
for the assessment of tumor response to chemotherapy in
locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) patients: Sequential
MRI, DWI and in-vivo MRS study 
Naranamangalam Raghunathan Jagannathan1, Rani
G Sah1, Uma Sharma1, Rajinder
Parshad2, and Vurthaluru Seenu2
1Department of NMR & MRI Facility, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
of Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi, Delhi, India
Sequential MRI and MRS before therapy and after I, II
and neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) was carried out in
41 breast cancer patients to evaluate the potential of
total choline (tCho), ADC and tumor volume to predict
tumor response. Our data revealed significant decrease
in tCho and ADC after I NACT compared to pre-therapy in
responders compared to non-responders. Percentage
reduction in tCho was significantly higher compared to
ADC and volume in responders after I NACT, which
demonstrated early change in metabolic activity compared
to structural changes. The combined specificity of all
the 3 parameters was higher than the individual
12:09 |
0043. |
Transcatheter Intraarterial
Perfusion MRI is an Intra-procedural Imaging Biomarker to
Predict Survival during Chemoembolization of Hepatocellular
Dingxin Wang1,2, Ron Gaba3, Brian
Jin4, Robert Lewandowski4,5,
Robert Ryu4, Kent Sato4, Laura
Kulik6, Mary Mulcahy5,7, Andrew
Larson4,5, Riad Salem4,5, and Reed
1Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 5Robert
H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern
University, Chicago, Illinois, United States,6Department
of Hepatology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 7Department
of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois,
United States
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that TRIP-MRI
monitored tumor perfusion changes during TACE can
predict overall survival in patients with unresectable
HCC. Our study shows the evidence of association between
intra-procedural tumor perfusion reduction during TACE
and overall survival. TACE provided better survival
benefit when relative perfusion reduction was 35-85%.
The present results also suggest that TRIP-MRI performed
within an integrated MR-DSA unit may serve as an
intra-procedural imaging biomarker to predict survival
in patients with unresectable HCC at the time of TACE
12:21 |
0044. |
Diffusion weighted magnetic
resonance imaging for pathological response prediction after
neo-adjuvant radiochemotherapy for locally advanced rectal
Martijn Intven1, Onne Reerink1,
and Marielle E.P. Philippens1
1Radiation Oncology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Standard therapy for rectal cancer is neo-adjuvant
therapy followed by resection. Evidence for
organ-sparing therapy for good treatment responders
after neo-adjuvant therapy is growing. Reliable
selection of candidates for organ-sparing treatment is
vital to prevent undertreatment of patients. In this
study in 44 patients the predictive potential of
diffusion-weighted MR Imaging for the selection of
favorable responders was assessed. Both low pre-therapy
ADC values and high relative ADC change (ÄADC) after
neo-adjuvant therapy corresponded with pathological good
response. The positive predictive value for predicting a
good response was 89% for the ÄADC.
12:33 |
0045. |
The DCE-MRI Ktrans Biomarker
Provides Early Prediction of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Response to
Anti-Angiogenic Therapy 
Janelle M Meyer1, Brooke R Beckett1,
Xin Li1, Luminita A Tudorica1,
Aneela Afzal1, Stephanie Hemmingson1,
Yiyi Chen1, Megan L Holtorf1,
William J Woodward1, Charles S Springer1,
Christopher W Ryan1, and Wei Huang1
1Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Nine soft-tissue sarcoma patients underwent DCE-MRI
scans during the course of a phase I trial of
antiangiogenic potentiatiated preoperative
chemoradiotherapy. MRI data were acquired before
therapy, after two weeks of antiangiogenic therapy only,
and after eight more weeks of antiangiogenic therapy
plus chemoradiotherapy. The % changes in tumor ROI and
histogram median ÄKtrans values after two weeks provided
superior early prediction of therapy pathologic response
compared to those in tumor size, ADC, and other DCE-MRI
parameters. ROI and median ÄKtrans changes after two
weeks also exhibited a linear relationship with the %
necrosis at surgery after ten weeks.