16:30 |
Imaging the relationship
between tumour interstitial fluid velocity and microvascular
perfusion with convection MRI
Simon Walker-Samuel1, Jake Burrell2,
Rajiv Ramasawmy1, Peter Johnson3,
Jack Wells1, Bernard Siow1, Simon
P. Robinson2, Barbara Pedley3, and
Mark F. Lythgoe1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2CR-UK
& EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, The Institute of Cancer
Research, United Kingdom, 3Cancer
Institute, University College London, United Kingdom
High tumour interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) is
hypothesised to be caused by raised vascular
permeability and thus driven by microvascular pressure.
We have developed a novel method for measuring tumour
interstitial fluid velocity (IFV) named convectionMRI
that can map the path of fluid transport through the
tumour interstitium. By combining this technique with
arterial spin labelling to evaluate vascular perfusion,
we have shown a correspondence between IFV spatial
distribution, vascular perfusion and spatial pressure
gradients that are consistent with this microvascular
pressure hypothesis. We discuss the potential for the
non-invasive assessment of barriers to drug delivery.
16:42 |
Mapping the systemic
recruitment of ferritin expressing fibroblasts to the
angiogenic rim of ovarian tumors
Moriel Vandsburger1, Batya Cohen1,
Yoseph Addadi1, Marina Radoul1,
and Michal Neeman1
1Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel
Recruitment of fibroblasts by solid tumors plays a
critical role in initiation, progression and metastatic
dissemination. As such, cancer associated fibroblasts
are attractive as potential avenues for novel
anti-cancer therapies. MRI of fibroblast recruitment
could enable assessment of drug efficacy on the cellular
level, but is hindered by limitations of cell labeling
techniques. We examined the potential of ferritin
over-expression for quantitative MRI tracking of
fibroblasts recruitment to human ovarian carcinoma both
in vitro, and in vivo. Our results indicate even under
conditions of sparse populations of tagged cells,
over-expression of ferritin can be used for quantitative
cell tracking.
16:54 |
0164. |
Tumor location is a major
determinant of macromolecular transport, collagen fiber
morphology, and metastasis
Marie-France Penet1, Samata Kakkad1,
Arvind P. Pathak1, Venu Raman1,
Meiyappan Solaiyappan1, and Zaver M.
1JHU ICMIC Program, The Russell H. Morgan
Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, The
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States
Prostate cancers growing orthotopically in the prostate
result in metastasis to lymph nodes, lungs and liver,
and malignant ascites. In contrast, identical xenografts
growing heterotopically in the flank rarely result in
metastasis. Here we used noninvasive MRI and optical
microscopy to characterize interstitial fluid transport
and the extracellular matrix in metastasis-permissive or
preventive environments using human prostate cancer
cells engineered to fluoresce under hypoxia. We observed
significant differences in macromolecular transport and
collagen I fiber morphology between tumors implanted
orthotopically and subcutaneously. These insights may
lead to strategies to prevent prostate cancer
17:06 |
Investigating tumour
vascular connectivity with resting state MRI and independent
component analysis
Miguel R. Gonçalves1,2, Simon Walker-Samuel1,
Sean P. Johnson2, Rosamund B. Pedley2,
and Mark F. Lythgoe1
1UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
Division of Medicine and Institute of Child Health,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2UCL
Cancer Institute, London, United Kingdom
Solid tumours were found to exhibit oscillating patterns
of hypoxia and reoxygenation due to microregional
instabilities in blood flow and oxygen delivery. This
phenomenon has been linked to a chemotherapy and
radiotherapy resistance, and a correlation has been
found between these fluctuating regions and measurements
of tumour vascular functionality. Independent Component
Analysis (ICA) is a computational technique previously
used in the brain to identify patterns of activation
during resting state. Given the similarity between
oscillations in oxygenation in tumours and brain we
investigated the utility of ICA to study and
characterise these cyclical events in tumours.
17:18 |
Assessing Breast Cancer
Angiogenesis In
Vivo: Which MRI Biomarkers are Relevant?
Eugene Kim1, Jana Cebulla2, B.
Douglas Ward3, Kevin Rhie2,
Jiangyang Zhang2, and Arvind P. Pathak2,4
1The Whitaker Biomedical Engineering
Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2The
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and
Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University, 3Department
of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, United States, 4The
Johns Hopkins University In Vivo Cellular and Molecular
Imaging Center Program
There is a crucial need for noninvasive biomarkers of
breast cancer angiogenesis to evaluate the efficacy of
new anti-angiogenic therapies in
vivo. Here, we validated in
vivo steady-state
susceptibility contrast (SSC)-MRI biomarkers of
angiogenesis in an orthotopic human breast cancer model
against the 3D vascular morphology obtained from
high-resolution micro-computed tomography (µCT). Based
on cross-validation analysis, the simple parameters that
only require ΔR2and ΔR2*
measurements were better predictors of their µCT analogs
than were the complex parameters that require additional
measurements. Thus, a stand-alone SSC-MRI experiment
provides promising candidates for noninvasive, in
vivo biomarkers
of breast cancer angiogenesis.
17:30 |
0167. |
Mapping in vivo Tumor
Oxygenation within Viable Tumor using 19F
MRI and Multispectral Analysis
Yunzhou Shi1, David Finkle2,
Franklin Peale3, Jed Ross1, Maj
Hedehus1, Nicholas Van Bruggen1,
Suzanna Clark2, Rayna Venook2,
Sarajane Ross2, and Richard Carano1
1Biomedical Imaging, Genentech Inc.(Roche
group), South San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Translational
Oncology, Genentech Inc.(Roche group), South San
Francisco, CA, United States, 3Pathology,
Genentech Inc.(Roche group), South San Francisco, CA,
United States
A novel approach that combines 19F
MRI oximetry with diffusion-based multispectral analysis
was developed. The current study demonstrates that pO2measurements
can be restricted to the viable tumor and that the
necrotic tissue classes contribute erroneous data to
whole-tumor estimates of the pO2response
during a breathing gas challenge experiment on mice.
This novel approach provides a means to measure pO2 within
tissue of therapeutic interest and address the issue of
tumor heterogeneity that complicates pO2 tumor
17:42 |
MRI Describes Mitigation of
Radiation Necrosis
Xiaoyu Jiang1, John A Engelbach2,
Jeremy Cates3, Dinesh K Thotala3,
Robert E Drzymala3, Dennis E Hallahan3,
Joseph JH Ackerman2, and Joel R Garbow2
1Chemistry, Washington University in St.
louis, St. louis, MO, United States, 2Radiology,
Washington University in St. louis, St. louis, MO,
United States,3Radiation Oncology, Washington
University in St. louis, St. louis, MO, United States
Radiation necrosis is a severe, but late occurring,
injury to normal tissue, within and surrounding a
radiation treatment field. Increases in vascular
permeability (“leakiness”) and acute vascular apoptosis
have both been suggested as possible causes of radiation
necrosis. Bevacizumab may help to repair “leaky”
capillaries and thereby mitigate radiation necrosis.
Specific inhibitors of GSK-3 ,
a serine/threonine kinase, are known to ameliorate
apoptosis. We have recently developed a novel mouse
model of radiation necrosis using Gamma Knife
irradiation. Here, we use small-animal MRI to measure
the mitigation of radiation necrosis by bevacizumab and
SB415286, an inhibitor of GSK-3 ,
in this mouse model.
17:54 |
MRI characterization of a
novel mouse model of sporadic medulloblastoma
Giselle Alexandra Suero-Abreu1,2, G. Praveen
Raju3, Diane Pham3, Luis Barraza4,
Kamila U. Szulc1,2, Edward J. Houston2,
Alexandra Joyner4, and Daniel H. Turnbull1,2
1Biomedical Imaging Department, NYU School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Skirball
Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, NYU School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Department
of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York,
NY, United States, 4Developmental
Biology Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute, New
York, NY, United States
Preclinical brain tumors models have the ability to
provide insights on the etiology and pathogenesis of the
human disease. Since studies performed in end-stage
tumors may not accurately reflect their critical genetic
alterations, there is a need for sensitive imaging
methods in order to analyze the early stages of
tumorigenesis. In our study, we optimized an in vivo
high resolution MEMRI protocol for the characterization
of tumor progression in a novel mouse model of sporadic
Medulloblastoma. We successfully detected early pre-neoplastic
lesions, longitudinally assessed their progression and
analyzed the molecular and imaging features of
advanced-stage tumors.
18:06 |
Biphasic clearance of depot
vaccine antigen and substrate visualized using SPIO MRI
Kim Brewer1,2, Kerry Lake3, Nicole
Pelot3,4, Drew DeBay3, Andrea
Penwell1, Genevieve Weir1, Marc
Mansour1, and Chris Bowen2,3
1Immunovaccine Inc., Halifax, NS, Canada, 2School
of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada, 3Institute
for Biodiagnostics (Atlantic), National Research Council
of Canada, Halifax, NS, Canada, 4Electrical
Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
DepoVaxTM is
a liposome-in-oil-based vaccine platform that uses
tumor-associated antigens (TAA) encapsulated in
liposomes and suspended in oil. The oil acts as an
adjuvant that increases the potency of the vaccine. By
attaching superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) to the TAA
and then encapsulating in liposomes, one can visualize
the longitudinal biodistribution of the TAA and evaluate
whether the TAA slowly clears from the depot site,
resulting in a potentiated immune response. To evaluate
the longitudinal clearance of the DepoVaxTM vaccine
components, mice underwent a C3 (HPV16 model) challenge
using SPIO conjugated to the TAA or associated with the
18:18 |
Osteopontin is associated
with tumor malignancy revealed by multi-parametric MRI
Nai-Wei Yao1,2, Chiao-Chi V. Chen1,
Yi-Hua Hsu1, Hsiu-Ting Lin1, Jeou-Yuan
Chen1, and Chen Chang1
1Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academic
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Gliomas are aggressive brain tumors with a poor
prognosis and remain refractory to treatment.
Osteopontin (OPN) is strongly expressed in high-grade
and metastatic brain tumors and plays a major role in
cancer progression. It is hypothesized in this study
that OPN is associated with tumor malignancy. OPN
knockdown of rat C6 glioblastoma cells was used as a
tactic to investigate the roles of OPN in tumor
malignancy. The present study demonstrates that the
tumor with OPN-knockdown exhibited lower malignancy than
control tumors, including decreased T2 signal intensity
of tumor, lower vascular permeability, and the changes
of tumor-related metabolites.