13:30 |
0438. |
Dynamic 1H-MRS Revealed
Muscle Type Dependent IMCL Storage At Resting State ![](play.gif)
Zhongwei Qiao1,2, Peng Cao1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, Shujuan Fan1,2,
Matthew M. Cheung1,2, Jevin W. Zhang1,2,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,
China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
The relationship between accumulation of
intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) in skeletal muscle and
insulin resistance is not well understood at present
time. IMCL storage in skeletal muscles depends on lipid
oxidative capacity and fatty acid flux rate. With
dynamic 1H-MRS and creatine as the internal reference, a
muscle type dependent IMCL storage at resting state was
observed and quantified in this study. Such functional
IMCL storage quantified by dynamic 1H-MRS could be used
as an indicator for studying and probing the dynamic
balance between IMCL synthesis and utilization during
lipid metabolism in both animal models and humans in
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Time-resolved phosphorous
magnetization transfer of the human calf muscle at 3T and
7T: a feasibility study ![](play.gif)
Ladislav Valkovic1,2, Marek Chmelik1,
Ivica Just Kukurova1, Martin Krák3,
Stephan Gruber1, Ivan Frollo2,
Siegfried Trattnig1, and Wolfgang Bogner1
1MR Centre of Excellence, Department of
Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 2Department
of Imaging Methods, Institute of Measurement Science,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3Department
of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria
The aim of this study was to compare precision of
magnetization transfer (MT) experiments at 3T&7T and to
analyze the potential time resolution of MT at 7T. Calf
muscles of six healthy subjects were consecutively
measured on two MR scanners (3T&7T). The MT protocol was
split to four parts (each 10min 36sec) to compare the
variability of repeated measurements and to test time
resolved MT experiments. No MT experiments of the
skeletal muscle have been performed as yet at 7T. We
were able to show that the time-resolved MT in the
muscle with ~10min temporal resolution is feasible at
13:54 |
0440. |
Investigation of Skeletal
Muscle Lipid Composition by Localized Correlated
Spectroscopy with Weight Loss Intervention: Preliminary
results ![](play.gif)
Suresh Anand Sadananthan1,2, Eric Khoo Yin
Hao3, Melvin K-S Leow1,4, ChinMeng
Khoo3, Lee Yung Seng1,5, Peter
Gluckman1, Tai E Shyong1,3, and S.
Sendhil Velan1,6
1Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences,
A*STAR, Singapore, 2Dept.
of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, 3Dept.
of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 4Dept.
of Endocrinology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, 5Dept.
of Pediatrics, National University of Singapore,6Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, A*STAR, Singapore
Fatty acid composition in individuals with insulin
resistance and metabolic syndrome is typically
characterized by high levels of saturated fatty acids
and low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Recently,
the degree of IMCL unsaturation was shown to
significantly decrease with BMI in overweight and obese
Caucasian men. However, the saturated and unsaturated
components within these lipid pools have not been
thoroughly investigated after a weight loss
intervention. In this study, we employed a 2D localized
correlated spectroscopy (L-COSY) technique to estimate
the degree of unsaturation within IMCL and EMCL in
overweight Chinese subjects after a weight loss
14:06 |
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Spectrally selective 3D
imaging of phosphocreatine in the human calf muscle at 3T
and 7T ![](play.gif)
Prodromos Parasoglou1, Ding Xia1,
Gregory Chang1, and Ravinder R Regatte1
1Center of Biomedical Imaging, NYU Langone
Medical Center, New York, New York, United States
Imaging of a single 31P metabolite has shown great
potential for the study of muscular diseases with much
higher spatial and temporal resolution compared to
chemical shift imaging methods. In this work, we compare
the benefits and challenges of imaging phosphocreatine
in the human calf muscle at 3T and 7T using two
geometrically identical double-tuned (1H/31P) quadrature
coils. Imaging at 7T showed a 2.8 fold increase in SNR
compared to 3T. This allowed imaging of PCr at 7T with
double the resolution compared to 3T. Increased blurring
was observed at 7T that can be compensated by modifying
the acquisition parameters.
14:18 |
0442. |
Fully automated
unsupervised multi-parametric classification of adipose
tissue depots in skeletal muscle ![](play.gif)
Alexander Valentinitsch1, Dimitrios C.
Karampinos1, Hamza Alizai1,
Karupppasamy Subburaj1, Thomas M. Link1,
and Sharmila Majumdar1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States
To introduce and validate a fully automated unsupervised
multi-parametric segmentation method of the subcutaneous
adipose tissue and muscle region to determine
intermuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) and subcutaneous
adipose tissue (SAT) volumes based on the images from a
quantitative chemical shift-based water/fat separation
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0443. |
Evaluation of Muscle
Oxygenation Metabolism by Quantitative BOLD (qBOLD) Approach ![](play.gif)
Xiang He1, Serter Gumus1, Ayaz
Aghayev1, Dmitriy A Yablonskiy2,
and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Mallinckrodt
Institute of Radiology, Washington University in St
Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States
In this study, MR qBOLD (quantitative BOLD) based
approach has been utilized for the first time to provide
regional, in-vivo quantification of the human skeletal
muscle oxygen metabolism, i.e., oxygen extraction
fraction (OEF). Our results in healthy human subjects
demonstrate that the MSK qBOLD approach is capable of
evaluating regional muscle OEF in baseline state, and
oxygen metabolism changes after intensive exercise. The
validness of the MSK qBOLD model has been further tested
in the leg rotation study, which demonstrated the random
orientation for qBOLD sensitive muscle vasculature (venules
and small veins).
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Quantification of skeletal
muscle perfusion using Velocity Selective Arterial Spin
Labeling at 3T ![](play.gif)
James Alastair Meakin1,2, Mark William Little3,4,
Thomas William Okell1, Suzie Anthony3,
Raman Uberoi3, and Peter Jezzard1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Gray
Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology, University
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 4Nuffield
Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom
There is a need for accurate assessment of perfusion to
lower limb skeletal muscle in patients with peripheral
arterial disease to aid diagnosis and management. We
have developed a Velocity Selective ASL (VSASL) sequence
to provide quantitative measures of resting perfusion in
calf skeletal muscle, without the transit delay errors
associated with Continuous ASL. In this study, we
optimised the acquisition and demonstrated the
feasibility of VSASL for quantifying skeletal muscle
perfusion at rest in five healthy volunteers.
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0445. |
MR Skeletal Muscle
Oximetry ![](play.gif)
Jie Zheng1, Xiaodong Zhang2,
Hongyu An2, Andrew Coggan1, Adil
Bashir1, Linda Peterson1, and
Robert J Gropler1
1Washington University, Saint Louis,
Missouri, United States, 2University
of North Carolina, United States
A new non-contrast MRI oximetry method was presented to
quantify absolute skeletal muscle O2 uptake. The
feasibility of the method was evaluated in 7 normal
volunteers, at rest and during an continuous isometric
exercise. Two-fold increase in leg perfusion and
significant decrease in oxygen extraction in skeletal
muscle were observed with no apparent change in oxygen
consumption, due to moderate exercise.
15:06 |
0446. |
Transverse Relaxation Time
(T2) Measurements of the Human Thigh Muscles at High
Magnetic Field using Segmented Echo-Planar imaging. ![](play.gif)
Guillaume Duhamel1, Marc Jubeau1,2,
Michaël Sdika1, Yann Le Fur1,
Sylviane Confort-Gouny1, Christophe Vilmen1,
Alexandre Vignaud3, Patrick J. Cozzone1,
Julien Gondin1, and David Bendahan1
1CRMBM, UMR 6612, CNRS, Aix-Marseille
University, Marseille, France, 2Laboratoire
"Motricité, Interactions, Performance" - EA 4334,
Nantes, France,3SIEMENS Healthcare, Saint
Denis, France
Transverse relaxation time is a relevant parameter used
to distinguish activated from non activated muscles as a
result of exercise. Widely used CPMG-based sequences
suffered from long acquisition time and B1
inhomogeneities sensitivity, especially at high field.
We propose a very simple multislice approach based on
segmented echo-planar imaging to rapidly and accurately
measure muscle T2 values at 3T. The proposed technique
was first validated on a phantom study and then applied
for in vivo T2 measurements in exercising muscle.
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0447. |
Water T2 Values
are Elevated in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Independent of
Fat Infiltration ![](play.gif)
William Rooney1, Sean Forbes2,
James Pollaro1, Dah-Jyuu Wang3,
Soren de Vos2, William Triplett4,
James Meyer3, Rachel Willcocks4,
Barry Byrne5, Richard Finkel6,
Barry Russman7, Lee Sweeney8,
Glenn Walter4, and Krista Vandenborne2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United
States, 2Department
of Physical Therapy, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Department
of Physiology and Functional Genomics, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, 5Pediatrics,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States,6Neurology,
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA,
United States, 7Shriners
Hospital, Portland, OR, United States, 8Department
of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
The purpose of the study was 1) to investigate the
influence of muscle lipid content on MRI determined qT2 values,
and 2) to independently assess the behavior of MRS
determined 1H2O
qT2 values
in DMD as a function of muscle lipid content. 3T MRI
data were acquired from 30 DMD boys and 8 healthy
controls at three institutions. Non-fat suppressed MRI
determined qT2 values
of the soleus increase quadratically with muscle lipid
content. Soleus 1H2O
T2 values
are elevated in DMD before lipid content is
significantly increased, which may reflect a combination
of inflammation, increased sarcolemmal water
permeability, and myofiber degeneration. Lipid content
increases with DMD progression and we find a significant
negative association between soleus 1H2O
T2 and
lipid fraction in DMD, perhaps associated with fibrosis.