16:00 |
0674. |
Anna Moore
16:24 |
Transforming the herpes
simplex virus type-1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) into an MRI
reporter gene 
Amnon Bar-Shir1,2, Guanshu Liu1,3,
Nirbhay N Yadav1,3, Yoshinori Kato1,
Galit Pelled1,3, Piotr Walczak1,2,
Michael T McMahon1,3, Martin G Pomper1,
Marc M Greenberg4, Peter C van Zijl1,3,
Jeff W Bulte1,2, and Assaf A Gilad1,2
1Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Cellular
Imaging Section, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 4Department
of Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
By modifying a substrate for herpes simplex virus type-1
thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk), an existing PET reporter
gene, we successfully transformed it into a CEST-MRI
reporter gene. Thymidine analogues were synthesized with
higher pKa values for imino protons, thus reducing their
exchange rate to an optimum range for CEST detection.
The substrate 5-methyl-5,6-dihydrothymidine provided the
highest contrast after saturation at 5 ppm from the
water protons. It is efficiently phosphorylated by
HSV1-tk but not mammalian thymidine kinase, making it a
specific reporter. Transplanted cells expressing HSV1-tk
were easily detected in vivo following i.v.
administration of 5-methyl-5,6-dihydrothymidine.
16:36 |
Imaging tumor colonization
with an oncolytic Vaccinia virus strain (GLV-1h68) in a
melanoma model by 19F
Thomas Christian Basse-Lüsebrink1,2,
Stephanie Weibel2, Elisabeth Hofmann2,
Johanna Langbein2, Volker Jörg Friedrich
Sturm1, Thomas Kampf1, Peter
Michael Jakob1, and Aladár Szalay2,3
1Experimental Physics 5, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Biochemistry,
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 3Genelux
Corporation, San Diego, CA, United States
In recent years, it was shown that oncolytic virus
strains such as attenuated vaccinia virus have a
promising therapeutic potential in the treatment of
cancer. Importantly, the infection of tumors with viral
agents often induces massive inflammation within the
tumor microenvironment. In the past, 19F
markers have shown their potential for visualizing
inflammation in vivo using 19F
MRI. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to
monitor in vivo inflammation by employing 19F
3D MRI in a vaccinia virus treated melanoma model and to
compare the spatial 19F
patterns to non-infected controls. Furthermore, ex vivo 19F
MRI and immunohistochemistry were performed to verify in
vivo results.
16:48 |
0677. |
TIM2: A Reporter Gene for
T1 and
T2 weighted
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
Stephen Patrick1, Tiago B. Rodrigues1,2,
Scott K. Lyons2, Mikko I. Kettunen1,2,
and Kevin M. Brindle1,2
1Department of Biochemistry, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Research UK, Cambridge, United Kingdom
A new MRI reporter gene system is described based on
TIM2, which is a receptor protein for the heavy-subunit
of ferritin and which mediates its endocytosis. Ferritin,
which produces negative contrast in T2 weighted
images, can also be emptied of iron and filled with
manganese, making it an effective T1 contrast
agent as well. We demonstrate here that expression of
TIM2 results in detectable changes in image contrast in
vitro and in
vivo following
addition of ferritin.
17:00 |
0678. |
Imaging Structure and
Function of Stem Cell Grafts in the Mouse Brain by combining
19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Bioluminescence Imaging
permission withheld
Philipp Böhm-Sturm1, Markus Aswendt1,
Laura Breucker1, Nadine Henn1,
Luam Mengler1, Joanna Adamczak1,
Eberhard D. Pracht1, Annette Tennstaedt1,
Laura Mezzanotte2, Clemens Löwik2,
and Mathias Hoehn1
1In-Vivo-NMR, Max-Planck-Institute for
Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany, 2Department
of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
Stem cells are a promising candidate for new therapeutic
approaches of acute and degenerative disorders of the
brain. MRI of prelabeled cells allows to follow their
spatio-temporal dynamics after implantation, however
this provides little information on cell graft function.
We present here a novel bimodal approach of
bioluminescence imaging (BLI) and 19F MRI to track 19F
labeled, luciferase+ stem cells in the mouse brain. As
the luciferase is only expressed in viable cells, BLI
gives information on cell graft vitality in addition to
the purely structural information given by 19F MRI.
17:12 |
0679. |
In vivo multimodal
tracking of macrophages labelled with Yeast Cell Wall
Sara Figueiredo1,2, Silvia Rizzitelli1,
Juan Carlos Cutrin3, João Nuno Moreira4,
Carlos F. G. C. Geraldes2, Silvio Aime1,
and Enzo Terreno1
1Department of Chemistry IFM and Molecular &
Preclinical Imaging Centers, University of Turin, Turin,
Turin, Italy, 2Department
of Life Sciences, FCTUC and Center for Neurosciences and
Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra,
Portugal, 3Department
of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of
Turin, Turin, Turin, Italy, 4Laboratory
of Pharmaceutical Technology Faculty of Pharmacy and CNC,
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Yeast cell wall particles (YCWPs) are a promising class
of nature-inspired biocompatible microcarriers that can
be used for the delivery of amphipathic/lipophilic
imaging reporters. The new loading procedure applied to
YCWPS yields the highest longitudinal relaxivity per
particle ever reported for Gd-based systems.
Furthermore, these particle display high affinity
towards antigen presenting cells, namely macrophages and
dendritic cells, potentiating their use in cell tracking
17:24 |
0680. |
Cell Motility of Neural
Stem Cells is Reduced after SPIO-Labeling which is Mitigated
after Exocytosis
permission withheld
Stacey M. Cromer Berman1, Kshitiz Gupta2,
C. Joanne Wang2, Inema Orukari1,
Andre Levchenko2, Piotr Walczak1,
and Jeff W.M. Bulte1
1Dept. of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Time-lapse microscopy of cell division and random
cellular motility assays were performed on SPIO-labeled
neural stem cells. Both the maximum and average speed of
NSCs were reduced as compared to unlabeled controls.
Following transplantation into mouse brain, rapid
exocytosis of SPIO by live (as determined by BLI) cells
was observed as early as 48 hours post-engraftment, with
SPIO-depleted cells showing the farthest migration
distance. As label dilution is negligible at this early
time point, we conclude that MRI underestimation of cell
migration can occur as a result of reduced cell
motility, which is mitigated following SPIO exocytosis.
17:36 |
Glioma cells transfected
with the gene mms6 produce
a strong increase in transverse relaxivity in
Brenda Robledo1, Xiaoyong Zhang1,
Steve Harris1, and Xiaoping Hu1
1Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States
The gene mms6, originally identified in magnetotactic
bacteria, expresses a protein thought to initiate
magnetite crystal formation inside specialized
organelles. Genetic loss-of-function studies suggest the
protein also regulates the size of the iron-oxide
crystals. We hypothesized that cells transfected with
mms6 would store increased levels of iron and thereby
produce MR contrast. In vitro, we found that mms6
positive glioma cells stored 2.8 times more iron than
control cells and also showed a 90.6% increase in
transverse relaxivity at 9.4 Tesla compared to control
cells. Our results suggest that mms6 may function as an
MR reporter gene in cancer studies.
17:48 |
Mitochondrial ferritin
with cytoplasmic localization as an MRI reporter in
olfactory sensory neurons 
Bistra Iordanova1,2, T K Hitchens2,
C S Robison1, L K Pusateri1,2, and
Eric T Ahrens1,2
1Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Pittsburgh
NMR Center for Biomedical Research, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
The blood-brain barrier presents a unique challenge for
introducing therapeutic molecules. The olfactory
epithelium in mammals circumvents this barrier and is a
suitable target for therapeutic agents. Here, we report
the design of improved MRI reporter gene. We modify
mitochondrial ferritin to localize to the cell
cytoplasm. We demonstrate its high iron loading
efficiency in mammalian cells. We use this new reporter
to image gene expression in native olfactory sensory
neurons in the mouse epithelium. This MRI reporter can
facilitate the study of molecular mechanisms of
olfaction as well as monitoring the success of
intranasal gene therapy in live animals.