10:30 |
0696. |
Concept and realization of
high strength gradients for the Human Connectome Project ![](play.gif)
Ralph Kimmlingen 1, Eva Eberlein 1,
Peter Dietz 1, Sabrina Kreher 1,
Johann Schuster 1, Jörg Riegler 1,
Volker Matschl 1, Volker Schnetter 1,
Andreas Schmidt 1, Helmut Lenz 1,
Ernst Mustafa 1, Daniel Fischer 1,
Andreas Potthast 1, Ludwig Kreischer 1,
Michael Eberler 1, Franz Hebrank 1,
Herbert Thein 1, Keith Heberlein 1,
Philipp Hoecht 1, Thomas Witzel 2,
Dylan Tisdall 2, Junqian Xu 3, Essa
Yacoub 3, Gregor Adriany 3, Edward
Auerbach 3, Steen Moeller 3, David
Feinberg 4, Dietmar Lehne 1,
Lawrence L. Wald 2,5, Bruce Rosen 2,5,
Kamil Ugurbil 3, David van Essen 6,
Van Wedeen 2, and Franz Schmitt 1
1Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 2Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, United States, 3Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University Minnesota,
Minneapolis, United States, 4Helen
Wills Inst. of Neurosc., UC Berkeley, CA, United States, 5Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences Technology, Cambridge,
United States, 6Dept.
of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington U, St. Louis,
United States
10:42 |
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Minimum maximum
temperature gradient coils: experimental analysis ![](play.gif)
Peter T. While1, Michael Poole2,
Larry K. Forbes1, and Stuart Crozier2
1School of Mathematics and Physics,
University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2School
of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland,
The problem of gradient heating is addressed using a
method reported elsewhere for designing gradient coils
with minimum maximum temperature. The behaviour of four
prototype coils is analyzed through experiment and
compared to a minimum power coil and another coil
designed with minimum maximum current density. Each
minimaxT coil is designed to perform optimally for a
specific set of thermal parameters. A thermal imaging
camera is used to record temperature data for all coils
at thermal equilibrium. Results show that with
reasonable estimates of coil parameters the minimaxT
method generates coils with improved thermal performance
and considerably lower maximum temperature.
10:54 |
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Monoplanar gradient system
for imaging with nonlinear gradients ![](play.gif)
Sebastian Littin1, Daniel Gallichan1,
Anna Masako Welz1, Andrew Dewdney2,
Feng Jia3, Chris Cocosco1, Jürgen
Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 3Freiburg
Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Here we present the design and show the process of
building a high performance nonlinear monoplanar PatLoc
gradient system (FlatLoc). This hand build system is
dedicated for imaging the heart, abdomen and pelvis and
was successfully implemented in our 3T whole-body
scanner and first images were acquired.
11:06 |
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Practical design of a
high-power, high-homogeneous, actively-shielded, Bo insert
coil, capable of +/- 1.0 T field-shifts and stand-alone,
low-field imaging ![](play.gif)
Chad Tyler Harris1, William B Handler1,
and Blaine A Chronik1,2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging
Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute,
London, Ontario, Canada
In this work we present a practical design of a
high-powered, actively-shielded, small-animal,
variable-field MR system capable to temporally pulse
magnetic fields up to +/- 1.0 T, yet with sufficient
homogeneity for signal detection for fields up to 0.25
T. This system could be used as a high-power insert
system withing superconducting magnets for dreMR
imaging, or as a stand-alone prepolarized/low-field
small-animal MRI system.
11:18 |
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A stand-alone system for
concurrent gradient and RF sequence monitoring ![](play.gif)
Benjamin Emanuel Dietrich1, David Otto
Brunner1, Christoph Barmet1,
Bertram Jakob Wilm1, and Klaas Paul
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Magnetic field monitoring with NMR probes enables the
observation of the spatio-temporal field evolution
during MR experiments. This work presents a method that
allows a comprehensive measurement of all the externally
induced magnetic fields relevant for the spin dynamics
in the system.
11:30 |
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A 64 channel receive-only
field camera for eddy current and trajectory calibration ![](play.gif)
Veneta Tountcheva1, Boris Keil1,
Thomas Witzel1, Dylan Tisdall1,
Philipp Hoecht2, and Lawrence L. Wald1,3
1A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
MGH, Harvard Medical School, Radiology, Charlsetown, MA,
United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions USA Inc., Charlsetown, MA, United
States, 3Harvard-MIT,
Div. of Health Science and Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States
64ch receive-only field camera has been built to study
the spatial and temporal evolution of the magnetic field
in the presence of eddy currents and gradient
trajectories. The field camera consists of 64 small
solenoids in a 4 x 4 x 4 grid, each with a small (0.9mm
diameter) water sample in a capillary plugged with
susceptibility matched material. The camera was
validated with field maps acquired after inducing eddy
currents on the x-, y-, z-gradients at different time
delays. The eddy currents frequency offsets have been
mapped out as a function of position and time delay for
each x-, y-, z-gradients allowing determination of the
eddy current gradients and gradient cross term’s time
constants and amplitudes for either pre-emphasis
adjustment or inclusion in image reconstruction methods.
11:42 |
0702. |
Real-Time Shim Feedback
for Field Stabilization in Human MRI Systems ![](play.gif)
Y. Dürst1, B. J. Wilm1, B. E.
Dietrich1, S. J. Vannesjö1, and K.
P. Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Field changes stemming from various sources such as
temperature drifts, physiological motion, or any other
external effects can severely degrade results of MRI/MRS
experiments. We implemented a real-time feedback system
where NMR field probes are employed to measure magnetic
field variations and actively compensate field changes
using the shim coils of a whole-body. Successful field
stabilization has been achieved in three experimental
situations of varying effect strength, update rate, and
spatial order of the field control.
11:54 |
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A new PET insert for
simultaneous PET/MR small animal imaging ![](play.gif)
Hans F Wehrl1, Konrad Lankes1,2,
Mosaddek Hossain1, Ilja Bezrukov1,3,
Chih-Chieh Liu1, Petros Martirosian4,
Gerald Reischl1, Fritz Schick4,
and Bernd J Pichler1
1Department for Preclinical Imaging and
Radiopharmacy, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen,
Germany, 2Bruker
BioSpin MRI, Ettlingen, Germany, 3Max
Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen,
Germany, 4Section
on Experimental Radiology, University of Tuebingen,
Tuebingen, Germany
A new small animal PET/MR system is presented with a
performance comparable to stand alone commercial
solutions. A detailed evaluation of the mutual
interference as well as the PET and MR characteristics
is given. Additional in vivo imaging data shows the huge
potential of simultaneous PET/MR.
12:06 |
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Single-Sided Spectrometer
for Magnetic Nanoparticle Detection ![](play.gif)
Lisa Bauer1, Michael Twieg2,
Matthew Riffe3, Yong Wu1, Robert
Brown1, and Mark Griswold1,4
1Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States,4Department
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a new imaging method
that relies on the harmonic response of magnetic
nanoparticles to external, oscillating magnetic fields.
The emergence of MPI has placed an emphasis on the
ability to detect, characterize and distinguish magnetic
nanoparticles in different environments, but
conventional bore-type spectrometers limit the physical
dimensions of nanoparticle sample holders and the
environment in which the samples can be measured. This
compact, single-sided spectrometer provides an
alternative to conventional spectrometers, allowing
nanoparticle detection from arbitrary sample holders.
12:18 |
0705. |
Imaging without Gradients:
First In Vivo MR Images using the TRASE RF Imaging Method ![](play.gif)
Jonathan C Sharp1, Qunli Deng1,
Vyacheslav Volotovskyy2, Randy Tyson1,
Donghui Yin2, Richard Bernhardt2,
Scott King2, and Boguslaw Tomanek1
1Institute of Biodiagnostics (West), National
Research Council of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Institute
of Biodiagnostics, National Research Council of Canada,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
TRASE is an MRI acquisition method which traverses
k-space using refocusing pulses applied with
phase-gradient RF transmit fields. Only a single
transmit channel is used, and the switched-B0 gradient
system is not required. TRASE in vivo images were
collected at 0.2T using a novel RF transmitter coil
array, capable of producing 2-axis encoding. TRASE-encoding
was used in-plane (2D), with B0-phase encoding (1D) to
encode orthogonally. We collected the first in vivo
TRASE images (of wrist and knee). The results are
encouraging and a step towards the development of a
low-cost MR imaging technology.