13:30 |
A Multi-Resolution
Anatomical Atlas of the Human Brainstem Based on Diffusion
Tensor Imaging at 11.7T 
Manisha Aggarwal1, Jiangyang Zhang1,
Olga Pletnikova2, Barbara Crain2,
Juan Troncoso2, and Susumu Mori1
1Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 2Department
of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
A three-dimensional anatomical atlas of the human
brainstem based on ultra-high resolution (125-255 µm)
DTI at 11.7T is developed. DTI contrasts in our study
revealed unprecedented level of microscopic
neuroanatomical details in the postmortem brainstem,
comparable to histological myelin-staining. Tractography
enabled reconstruction of fine fiber tracts, including
interleaved fascicles of the corticospinal and
transverse pontine fibers, and decussation of pyramidal
tract fibers. Additionally, strong grey-white matter
contrasts in ADC maps allowed precise reconstruction of
grey matter nuclei. We also demonstrate mapping of the
high-resolution postmortem DTI data to an in vivo whole
brain atlas to construct a 3D brainstem atlas registered
to the MNI stereotaxic space.
13:42 |
0265. |
Comparison with Histology of
Quantitative MR Properties of the Brain Stem Tissue in 3T
and 7T 
Anna I. Blazejewska1, Samuel J. Wharton1,
Stefan T. Schwarz2, James Lowe3,
Dorothee P. Auer2, Richard W. Bowtell1,
and Penelope A. Gowland1
1SPMMRC, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, Notts, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Radiological and Imaging Sciences, Nottingham
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, Notts,
United Kingdom, 3Division
of Pathology, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Nottingham, Notts, United Kingdom
The substantia nigra (SN) is important in motor control
and is known to be affected in Parkinson’s disease.
Quantifying MR properties of this region of the brain
stem and relating them to histology stains will assist
in understanding tissue changes in disease and in image
optimization. In this study we characterized R2* and MTR
values for key regions in the brain stem at 3T and 7T.
We also found correlations between those values and the
appropriate post mortem stains which suggest that R2*
and MTR are good indicators of iron and myelin content
respectively in the brain stem.
13:54 |
0266. |
Exploring Cortical
Cytoarchitecture in High Resolution R1 Maps 
José P. Marques1 and
Rolf Gruetter2,3
1CIBM, University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 2LIFMET
- Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne and Geneva,
Lausanne, Switzerland
In this work we explore the cytoarchitectonic
information present in high-resolution (0.65mm
isotropic) R1 maps at 7Tesla. We observe that R1 values
decay from white matter (WM) surface to the pial surface
and that the average R1 maps show a consistent
qualitative agreement with the known myelin distribution
throughout the brain. We further explore the spatial
patterns of the R1 variation from WM to the pial surface
and observe that it is possible to differentiate
Brodmann areas, such as V1, from the shape of the decay.
14:06 |
High-Resolution Quantitative
T1 Maps of the Human Stria of Gennari at 7 Tesla 
Christine Lucas Tardif1, Miriam Waehnert1,
Juliane Dinse1, Andreas Schäfer1,
Pierre-Louis Bazin1, and Robert Turner1
1Department of Neurophysics, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
The stria of Gennari, a densely myelinated tangential
band in the primary visual cortex V1, has been shown in
several high-resolution post-mortem and in-vivo MRI
studies. We report the first estimates of T1 times in
the stria of Gennari in-vivo. We scanned 2 subjects
using the MP2RAGE sequence at 7 Tesla at an isotropic
resolution of 0.5 mm. Using a novel volume-preserving
cortical layering approach, we calculated the average
cortical profile of T1 times in V1. We also sampled the
cortex at the depth of the stria of Gennari and report
the T1 times.
14:18 |
Motion-Corrected 350 m
Isotropic MPRAGE at 3 T Using Volumetric Navigators (VNavs) 
Matthew Dylan Tisdall1,2, Jonathan R.
Polimeni1,2, and André J. W. van der Kouwe1,2
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
350 um isotropic imaging at 3 T requires very long scan
times, and subject motion is a critical impediment. We
demonstrate the use of volumetric navigators (vNavs) for
prospective motion and frequency correction, and the use
of inner-loop GRAPPA in a MPRAGE to maintain desirable
contrast as seen at 1mm. Combined, these techniques
allow successful 350 um isotropic imaging of a healthy
volunteer without additional restraint.
14:30 |
0269. |
A Simple Method to Denoise
Kieran O'Brien1, Gunnar Krueger2,3,
François Lazeyras1, Rolf Gruetter1,4,
and Alexis Roche2,5
1CIBM, University of Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 2Advanced
Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare IM S AW,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 3CIBM,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne & University of
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4CIBM,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland,5CIBM, CHUV, Lausanne,
MP2RAGE provides a self-bias corrected image by taking
the image ratio of two image volumes; however due to the
inherent numerical instability of a ratio calculation,
this causes the signal to diverge when low and the noise
in the ratio image to be amplified. To remove the
numerical instability we modified the image ratio
calculation with a tunable parameter, gamma, that can be
optimized for individual data sets to suppress noise
without affecting voxels with signal. When applied to
MP2RAGE scans, the ratio results in customary T1w
14:42 |
0270. |
How Much Resolution Is
Needed for in-vivo Analysis
of Cortical Myeloarchitecture? 
Miriam Waehnert1, Juliane Dinse1,2,
Christine Lucas Tardif1, Andreas Schäfer1,
Stefan Geyer1, Pierre-Louis Bazin1,
and Robert Turner1
1Department of Neurophysics, Max-Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 2Faculty
of Computer Science, OvGU Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Intra-cortical T1 contrast reflects myeloarchitecture in
the living human brain. Profiles can be constructed on
MRI of quantitative T1 maps in 3D and used to detect
cortical areal boundaries. Here we explore the effect of
spatial resolution on the distinguishability of cortical
architecture. We compare cortical profiles from the
neighbouring Brodmann areas 1, 3b and 4 from T1 maps
with isotropic resolutions of 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm. The
standard deviations of the average profiles are mostly
smaller at higher resolution. Moreover, the shapes of
cortical profiles are similar at 0.7 mm, whereas they
are Brodmann-area specific at 0.5 mm.
14:54 |
0271. |
The Fixation Protocol Alters
Brain Morphology in ex-vivo MRI
Mouse Phenotyping 
A. Elizabeth de Guzman1,2, Michael D. Wong1,2,
Jacqueline A. Gleave1, and Brian J. Nieman1,2
1Mouse Imaging Centre, Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Despite the common use of chemically fixed tissue for
MRI morphometric analysis of the rodent brain, limited
details are available describing how the fixation
protocol may alter brain morphology. In this study,
fixed mouse brain samples were imaged repeatedly during
fixation in order to determine the effect that changes
in fixation time has on structure volume. Each structure
in the brain changed in volume at different rates with
fixation time, where structures near the ventricular
system decreased in size while the ventricles expanded.
Caution should be taken to maintain consistency with
fixation protocols, as within study changes may
masquerade as phenotypic differences.
15:06 |
0272. |
MRI of Cell Layers in Mouse
Brain in Vivo Using
Intra- And Extra-Cellular Contrast Agents 
Takashi Watanabe1, Jens Frahm1,
and Thomas Michaelis1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am
Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie,
Goettingen, Germany
This work demonstrates a use of manganese or Gd-DTPA for
MRI of the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and cerebellum
of anesthetized mice. Systemic manganese administration
improves the contrast between tightly packed cellular
layers and surrounding layers not only in T1-weighted
but also in T2-weighted MRI. Intracranial Gd-DTPA
administration reverses the contrast in T1-weighted MRI
and generates a contrast similar to that in T2-weighted
MRI. With manganese or Gd-DTPA, 12-min T1-weighted MRI
provides a higher contrast-to-noise ratio than 161-min
T2-weighted MRI at 30×30×300 µm3 resolution.
The contrast-enhanced MRI at 25×25×250 µm3 shows
anatomical contrast in unprecedented ways.
15:18 |
0273. |
Magic Angle Enhanced MR
Microscopy of Fibrous Structures in the Eye 
Kevin C. Chan1,2, Zion Tse3,
Ning-Jiun Jan4, Joel S. Schuman2,
Seong-Gi Kim1,5, and Ian A. Sigal2,4
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Departments
of Ophthalmology and Bioengineering, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 3College
of Engineering, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia,
United States, 4Laboratory
of Ocular Biomechanics, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 5Department
of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States
This study explored the use of high-field magic-angle
enhanced MR microscopy to evaluate the layer-specific
tissue properties of the fibrous microstructures in the
eye using the 9.4T scanner. Distinct fibrous
microstructures and differential T2*-weighted signal
intensity profiles were observed layer-specifically in
the anterior and posterior sclera, cornea, lens and
optic nerve head at different orientations to Bo. When
orientating the tissue samples from 0o to 90o relative
to Bo, maximum signal intensity was found for all
sclera, cornea and tendon samples at the magic angle
(55o to Bo) by 82%, 24% and 220% respectively. The
results of this study may open up new areas on
non-invasive assessments of biomechanical and
biochemical properties of collagen fiber distribution
and deformation and remodeling in the eye, and may
potentiate future studies on longitudinal monitoring of
functional microstructures in diseases involving the
corneoscleral shell and optic nerve fibers such as
glaucoma, myopia and aging.