10:00 |
0389. |
Miniaturized Patch Antenna
for Traveling-Wave Excitation: Pilot Study at 7 T MRI 
Sukhoon Oh1, Elena Semouchkina2,
Thomas Neuberger3, Michael T. Lanagan4,
Bei Zhang1, Cem Murat Deniz5, and
Christopher Michael Collins1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, School of
Medicine, New York University, New York, New York,
United States, 2Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan
Technological University, Houghton, MI, United States, 3Department
of Bioengineering, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania, United States, 4Engineering
Science and Mechanics, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United
States, 5New
York University, New York, New York, United States
Traveling-wave excitation in ultra-high field MRI has
been introduced in an effort to increase field of view
and to enhance RF transmit field homogeneity. Here we
present initial results at 300 MHz using a
recently-developed patch antenna for excitation. The
antenna is 80% smaller in size than conventional patch
antenna and has an asymmetric design to produce a
circularly-polarized field with only a single feed.
10:12 |
Designing a Practical
Dielectric Lining for a Whole Body Traveling Wave Setup at
7T: Tradeoff Between RF Performance and Ease of Handling 
Anna Andreychenko1, Hugo Kroeze1,
Wouter Koning1, Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers1,
Froukje E. Euwe2, Jan J.W. Lagendijk1,
Peter R. Luijten1, Dennis W.J. Klomp1,
and Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1
1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Medical
Technology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
A multi-mode coaxial waveguide was proposed as an
alternative to volume body coil at 7T. However, use of
the initial design in clinical practice was not
feasible. Here, the design was adapted to use together
with the patient table in the bore of a clinical MR
scanner. With the first in-vivo MR experiments a
sufficient RF shimming performance and B1+ efficiency of
the modified design was demonstrated. The modified
multi-mode coaxial waveguide is significantly easier to
handle and, thus, can be effectively applied in clinical
practice as a high field “body coil” at 7T.
10:24 |
Mode Matching for the
Modeling and Safety Assessment of Multiple-Channel Waveguide
Jan Paška1, David Otto Brunner2,
Juerg Froehlich1, and Klaas P. Pruessmann2
1Laboratory for Electromagnetic Fields and
Microwave Electronics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
Travelling wave with multiple channels (TWM) is a new RF
system. First experimental results in phantoms exist.
For in-vivo imaging a careful safety assessment is
necessary. EM-simulations of the TWM are difficult due
to the large setup. In a previous work, the EM-domain
was divided into subdomains and combined in a
post-processing step, the FDTD method was used for EM-simulations,
which has difficulties in modeling evanescent modes and
the waveguide discontinuity. In this work this approach
was extended. FEM was used for the simulation of all
subdomains. The improved method yields more precise EM-simulations
and a less conservative power limit.
10:36 |
0392. |
A Travelling Wave Antenna
with Matched Waveguide for Head Imaging at 7 T 
Daniel James Lee1 and
Paul M. Glover1
1SPMMRC, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
The travelling wave approach to MRI uses an antenna to
propagate a TW through the bore of a 7T+ scanner. A
novel design where the antenna is incorporated into a
dielectric waveguide which then matches the incident
wave into the head is presented. Such a set up has been
constructed and tested in
10:48 |
Combined Loop + Dipole
Arrays for 7 T Brain Imaging 
Yigitcan Eryaman1,2, Bastien Guérin3,
Robert Kosior1,2, Elfar Adalsteinsson4,5,
and Lawrence L. Wald2,5
1Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 2Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, MGH,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 4Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 5Harvard-MIT
Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, United
We compared the trade-off between local SAR and
excitation fidelity for three 7T head transmit array
configurations to determine if the approximate
orthogonality between the loop coil and dipole element
field patterns could be exploited for pTx. Using
simulated E and B fields for 8 and 16 element loop
arrays and an 8 loop + 8 dipole array, we calculated SAR
constrained pTx and RF shimming pulses. Our results show
that an array composed of both loop and dipole elements
outperforms an array that is composed of loops only in
SAR and excitation fidelity.
11:00 |
0394. |
Towards Ultimate SNR:
Combination of a Multi-Element TX/RX Dipole Antenna Array
with Nested and Meander Shaped RX Dipole Antenna at 7.0
Celal Özerdem1, Lukas Winter1,
Katharina Fuchs1, and Thoralf Niendorf1,2
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Faciliy (BUFF), Max
Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Berlin-Buch,
Germany, 2Experimental
and Clinical Research Center, a joint cooperation
between the Charité Medical Faculty, Berlin, Germany
This work demonstrates use of meander formed RX dipoles
to improve the receive capability of an array consisting
of TX/RX bow tie dipole antennas.For this purpose
numerical field simulations and phantom experiments are
performed to characterize the transmit behavior of the
array and to measure the SNR of the proposed array.
11:12 |
A Two-Dimensional 16
Channel Dipole Transceiver Array for Cardiac MR at 7.0 T:
Design, Evaluation of RF Shimming Behavior and Application
in CINE Imaging 
Andreas Graessl1, Lukas Winter1,
Celal Özerdem1, Fabian Hezel1,
Katharina Fuchs1, Harald Pfeiffer2,
Werner Hoffmann2, and Thoralf Niendorf1,3
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility, Max-Delbrueck-Center
for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 2Physikalisch-Technische
Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, Germany, 3Experimental
and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Charité Campus Buch,
Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany
A two-dimensional 16-channel transceiver array based on
dipole elements is designed and applied to Cardiac MR (CMR)
at 7.0 Tesla. Dipole Antennas are a promising approach
to provide a homogeneous B1+ field distribution and good
transmit efficiency in the short wavelength regime of
Ultrahigh field MRI. RF efficiency optimization is
applied and assessed for slice-by-slice shimming based
on simulation data. The transition to in-vivo studies
succeeded and revealed excellent B1+-homogeneity and a
high myocardium/blood contrast over the whole cardiac
region with a single RF shim setting and without
subject-specific B1+-shimming or element retuning.
11:24 |
0396. |
Drastic Enhancement and
Manipulation of RF Field with Ultra High Dielectric Constant
(UHDC) Material at 3T 
Sebastian Rupprecht1, Christopher T. Sica1,
Raffi Sahul2, Seongtae Kwon2,
Michael T. Lanagan3, and Qing X. Yang1,4
1Department of Radiology, The Pennsylvania
State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA,
United States, 2TRS
Technologies Inc., State College, PA, United States, 3Department
of Engineering Science and Mechanics, The Pennsylvania
State University, State College, PA, United States, 4Department
of Neurosurgery, The Pennsylvania State University
College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States
Utilization of monolithic materials with ultra high
dielectric constant ( r =
800 -1200) to generate a drastically focused and
enhanced transmission field in the sample of interest
(up to 500% increased) and reception field (up to 4 fold
increased) with standard hardware at 3T. Currently this
translates to at least 40 % higher signal to noise ratio
with strong potential higher values. Additionally the
transmission power was reduced to 1/3 ( r =800)
and respectively 1/27 ( r =1200)
of the initial power with no uHDC material.
11:36 |
0397. |
Practical Methods for
Improved B1+-Homogeneity in 3T Breast Imaging 
Simone Angela Winkler1 and
Brian K. Rutt1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
3T MRI is increasingly used because of its intrinsic SNR
benefits compared to 1.5T MRI. Increased B1+
inhomogeneities in 3T MRI can lead to left-right
B1+-asymmetry in the breast. This abstract presents
simulations of several different methods for
compensating left-right B1+-asymmetries in the breast
region by means of 1) 2-channel RF shimming
(I/Q-phase/amplitude adjustments); 2)
dielectric-absorptive shimming; or 3) a combination.
Both approaches are adaptable to a wide range of MR
systems to yield a simple, practical, and inexpensive
procedure without SAR penalty for uniform contrast and
quantitative parameter estimates, and ultimately, more
accurate detection and monitoring of breast cancer.
11:48 |
Design of a Resonant
Ceramic Array for Cardiac Imaging at High Field Strengths 
Sebastian A. Aussenhofer1, Maarten J.
Versluis1, and Andrew Webb1
1Department of Radiology Leiden University
Medical Center, CJ Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands
Most high field imaging coils are based on lumped
elements and copper strips or transmission line
elements. Recently an alternative design was presented
using dipole antennas mounted on high permittivity
non-resonant ceramic blocks in order to force the
penetrating wave into the far field region. In this
current work a new concept is presented which uses
unilaterally shielded high permittivity ceramic discs
which, when coupled to the body, are designed to
resonate in the TE01 mode.