16:00 |
Eddy Current Compensated
Trevor P. Wade1,2, Curtis N. Wiens3,
and Charles A. McKenzie1,3
1Medical Biophysics, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada, 3Physics
and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
In chemical shift imaging, eddy current induced phase
errors in the first echo of multi-echo fat-water
separation techniques result in clinically significant
biases in the estimates of proton density fat fractions
(PDFF). Previously, this bias has been removed by
modifying the reconstruction at a cost of reduced noise
performance. Instead, we propose using additional
gradient pulses to induce similar eddy currents for all
echoes. The proposed modification to the pulse sequence
was tested on the liver of a healthy volunteer and
showed reduced bias in PDFF.
16:12 |
Linear Phase Shift
Correction for Field Map Estimation with Bipolar Gradient
Dual-Echo Sequence Using the Noise PDF 
Hiroyuki Takeda1 and
Boklye Kim2
1Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Michigan, ann arbor, MICHIGAN, United
We propose a field map acquisition method using a
dual-echo fast field echo (DEFFE) sequence. It is
advantageous that the DEFFE sequence measures an image
pair with different echo times simultaneously.
Consequently, there is little displacement between the
images unlike the image pair measured by two separated
echo sequences. However, the DEFFE introduces linear
phase errors to the image pair. In this work, we present
an appropriate probability density function (PDF) of
nonuniform noise in the field map. Our phase correction
method derived from the PDF properly removes outliers
and works fine even in the presence of the wrapping
16:24 |
0551. |
Rapid Method of Mapping
Eddy Current Fields 
Andrew J. Wheaton1 and
Wayne R. Dannels1
1Toshiba Medical Research Institute USA,
Mayfield, OH, United States
The purpose of this investigation is to develop a rapid
method of volumetric field mapping for the purpose of
measuring linear and higher-order eddy current-induced
gradient fields. The method includes a novel pulse
sequence using a grid tag module to sensitize the
magnetization to eddy-induced moment accumulation. Any
conventional sequence can be used for detection thus
enabling fast acquisition. Results are shown on a
commercial scanner demonstrating eddy current maps with
higher order spherical harmonic terms acquired in less
than 20 seconds.
16:36 |
Image Reconstruction Using
the Gradient Impulse Response for Trajectory Prediction 
Nadine N. Graedel1, Signe Johanna Vannesjo1,
Lars Kasper1, Simon Gross1,
Benjamin E. Dietrich2, Christoph Barmet1,3,
and Klaas P. Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2University
and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Skope
Magnetic Resonance Technologies, Zurich, Switzerland
Assuming that the gradient chain behaves as a linear
time-invariant system, a gradient impulse response
function (GIRF) can be determined. A measured GIRF was
used in this work to predict the actual k-space
trajectories for EPI image reconstructions. This allowed
for reduction of ghosting caused by encoding field
imperfections. Some residual artifacts remain as
compared to using trajectories obtained with concurrent
field monitoring. The GIRF method however does provide a
simple tool for artifact reduction for arbitrary
k-trajectories, and depending only on a one-time
calibration of the system.
16:48 |
Automatic Reconstruction of
Gradient Echo Imaging Sequences by Concurrent and Continuous
Monitoring of Gradient and RF Waveforms 
David Otto Brunner1, Benjamin E. Dietrich1,
Christoph Barmet1,2, Simon Gross1,
Bertram J. Wilm1, and Klaas P. Pruessmann1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Skope
Magnetic Resonance Technologies, Zurich, Switzerland
Two major shortcomings of conventional monitoring are
limited image resolution (≈probe diameter/2) as well as
finite acquisition and dead time due to the relaxation
properties of the field probes. Therefore the monitoring
approach needed to be closely entangled with the image
acquisition and was bound to sequences with low
repetition times. These limitations are overcome by fast
re-excitation of the field probes and further recording
the stray-coupled high power RF signals of the scanner.
Such comprehensive information about the spin dynamics
is the used for a automatic reconstruction of various
gradient echo based sequences.
17:00 |
Correction of Dynamic B0
Field Changes in MRSI of the Prostate at 7T Using an
Internal Field Probe 
Catalina S. Arteaga de Castro1, Vincent
Oltman Boer1, Mariska P. Luttje1,
Marco van Vulpen1, Peter R. Luijten1,
Uulke A. van der Heide2, and Dennis W.J.
1Imaging Division, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiotherapy,
The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
Physiological and patient dependent susceptibility
effects take place during the MR sessions, particularly
in the human body at high field strengths. Without prior
knowledge of where the effects originate, these B0 field
dynamic variations can be monitored and corrected as
demonstrated by using an internal field probe for MRSI
of the human prostate. Correcting MRSI data with the
simultaneously acquired field probe data, line width
sharpens, artifacts levels are reduced and peaks are
better resolved compared to the non-corrected data.
17:12 |
0555. |
Sliding Interleaved
Cylinder (SLINCY) Imaging with Dynamic Center Frequency
Kie Tae Kwon1, Adam B. Kerr1, Bob
S. Hu2,3, and Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Palo
Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 3HeartVista
Inc., Los Altos, CA, United States
A sliding interleaved cylinder (SLINCY) acquisition uses
a 3D concentric cylinders trajectory to reduce venetian
blind artifacts. Previously, we employed the SLINCY
acquisition for a non-contrast-enhanced
magnetization-prepared 3D SSFP sequence to improve
artery-vein contrast in the lower extremities. One
challenge for this approach is to cover a large FOV
without SSFP banding artifacts to yield a uniform
arterial signal. In this work, we exploited the
thin-slab-scan nature of SLINCY to dynamically adjust
the center frequencies of slabs for banding artifact
reduction using a separately acquired 2D field map. In
vivo studies on healthy volunteers demonstrated the
feasibility of this approach.
17:24 |
0556. |
An Improved Maxwell Term
Compensation Method for FSE Images 
Weiwei Zhang1, Yongchuan Lai1, and
Xiaocheng Wei1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China
We proposed an improved method for Maxwell compensation
which compensates slice gradient (Gx) and readout
gradient (Gy) mutually. This method has 3 benefits
compared to traditional methods: (1) Special attention
is paid on minimizing the ESP prolonging. (2) The
gradients are derated as much as possible without
prolonging the ESP, which helps to reduce the cross axis
Maxwell term and eddy current. (3) Mutual compensation
makes the Maxwell compensation for FSE with flow
compensation more effective.
17:36 |
Fast Imaging of Metallic
Implants by Data Subsampling 
Bragi Sveinsson1, Pauline W. Worters2,
Garry E. Gold1, and Brian Andrew Hargreaves1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact Correction (SEMAC)
corrects for magnetic field variations by applying
view-angle tilting in the readout direction to avoid
in-plane distortion, and phase encoding in the slice
direction to resolve distorted slice profiles. Phase
encoding in the y and z directions can lead to long scan
times. We demonstrate a way to reduce the scan time by
50% by subsampling ky-kz space in a checkerboard
fashion. The resulting aliased copies do not interfere
with the desired image because of the shape of the slice
profile and can be removed during post-processing. We
demonstrate the feasibility of this approach on a
phantom and for in vivo scans, in combination with
partial Fourier and parallel imaging.
17:48 |
Accelerating Sequences in
the Presence of Metal by Exploiting the Spatial Distribution
of Off-Resonance 
Matthew R. Smith1, Nathan S. Artz1,
Kevin M. Koch2, and Scott B. Reeder1,3
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Applied
Sciences Laboratory, General Electric, Waukesha, WI,
United States, 3Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
To successfully image near metallic implants, multiple
independent acquisitions are often required at different
RF offsets and combined. This dramatically increases
scan time. However, each frequency bin contains unique
spatial information that is analogous to the spatial
sensitivity of multi-channel receiver coils. We
demonstrate that this behavior can be exploited to
accelerate k-space encoding using a reconstruction
similar to parallel imaging. This work demonstrates
feasibility of acceleration using a femoral stem of a
titanium hip implant in a phantom. Independent
acquisition of each off-resonance bin provides a
distinct advantage to optimize acceleration by enabling
off-resonance dependent reduction factors.