ISMRM 21st
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
20-26 April 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (16:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Thermotherapy & Thermometry
MR Sub-Sampling
Strategies for Transcranial MRgFUS Applications 
Henrik Odéen1,2, Nick Todd2,
Mahamadou Diakite1,2, Allison Payne2,
and Dennis L. Parker2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United
Three different k-space subsampling schemes were
implemented in a 3D segmented EPI sequence for
temperature measurements using the PRF shift method.
The three schemes were evaluated by HIFU heating
through a skull imbedded in an agar gel phantom. It
is shown that sampling schemes with sequential
sampling in the phase encode direction perform well,
whereas sampling schemes with centric sampling
underestimate temperatures, due to temperature
induced frequency shifts resulting in a blurring
effect of the focal spot.
1803. |
Towards Real-Time SAR
Measurement with MR Thermometry
Changqing Ye1, An Jing2, Yan
Zhuo1, Rong Xue1, and Jing
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and
Cognitive Science, Beijing MRI Center for Brain
Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China,2Siemens
Mindit Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, Guangzhou,
For ultra-high field imaging, many sequences are
limited by the increased RF energy deposition,
conventionally quantified by Specific Absorption
Rate (SAR) which is an indirect estimation method,
causing lack of subject¡¯s safety guarantee or
unnecessary scan limitations. In this work, we
present a PRF-based MR thermometry method to
supervise temperature increased by the RF energy
deposition directly with real-time temperature
measurement with a very high precision (<0.1¡æ)
within a very short time (2 s). This method might be
used to monitor temperature change in subjects
directly, which would be especially useful for
ultra-high field imaging.
1804. |
Accelerated Real-Time
MR Thermometry Using a New Compressed Sensing Framework
of Nonlinear Filter and K-T FOCUSS 
Feiyu Chen1, Xiaoying Cai1,
Xinwei Shi1, Shuo Chen2, Enhao
Gong3, Kui Ying2, and Shi Wang2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, 3Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
United States
Phase information is significant in temperature
mapping using proton resonance frequency shift
(PRFS) method. Acceleration methods can be applied
to reconstruction in order to shorten the imaging
duration and accomplish real-time temperature
mapping. A method to improve the accuracy of phase
reconstruction in dynamic scans is proposed in our
research. Compressed Sensing with nonlinear filters
such as median filter and k-t FOCUSS are combined in
our method. Phantom experiments have demonstrated
that the proposed method is a promising tool for
real-time temperature monitoring using PRFS method.
1805. |
Direct Reconstruction
of Proton Resonance Frequency-Shift Temperature Maps
from K-Space Data for Highly Accelerated Thermometry 
Pooja Gaur1 and
William A. Grissom2
1Chemical and Physical Biology,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States
Real-time volumetric MR thermometry is desirable for
several applications of MR-guided focused
ultrasound. We propose a constrained temperature
reconstruction method that estimates temperature
changes directly from k-space data. Because we fit
an image model comprising fully-sampled baseline
images to the accelerated k-space data, temperature
maps containing aliasing artefacts are removed from
the solution space, and high acceleration factors
can be achieved without temporal regularization that
sacrifices temporal resolution. The method is
demonstrated in 2D simulations and experiments. The
method will readily extend to 3D, where it will
enable accurate real-time volumetric thermometry at
a high frame rate.
1806. |
Accelerated Phase
Reconstruction Using Sharable Information from Reference
Scan and Its Application for Real-Time MR Thermometry 
Feiyu Chen1, Enhao Gong2, Shuo
Chen3, Xinwei Shi1, Feng Huang4,
Shi Wang3, and Kui Ying3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
United States, 3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, 4Philips
Healthcare, Gainesville, FL, United States
MR thermometry based on proton resonance frequency
shift (PRFS) is a promising method for noninvasive
temperature measurement. In this method, phase
differential information is highly needed during the
acquisition and reconstruction process. Previous
research has demonstrated that the correlation
between different scans could be used for
reconstruction from under-sampled data. Based on
this demonstration, a method for accelerated
temperature mapping using sharable information from
reference scans is proposed in our research. Phantom
experiments have demonstrated the accuracy and
feasibility of our new framework in comparison with
previous parallel imaging methods and parallel¨CCS
1807. |
Extended Kalman
Filtering for Continuous Volumetric MR-Temperature
Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2, Chrit
T.W. Moonen2, and Mario Ries2
1IMB, UMR 5251 CNRS/University Bordeaux
1/INRIA, Talence, Gironde, France, 2Imaging
Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
For the continuous monitoring of High Intensity
Focused Ultrasound interventions using real-time
Magnetic Resonance thermometry, a volumetric
observation of the temperature in the near- and
far-field would be preferable. Here, a continuous
volumetric MR-temperature monitoring is obtained as
follows: 1) The targeted area is continuously
scanned by a multi-slice sequence; 2) Measured data
and a priori knowledge of 3D data derived from a
forecast based on a physical model are combined
using a Kalman filter. A quantitative analysis of
the accuracy of the method is presented when applied
to different temperature increases and when applied
with different spatial resolutions.
1808. |
Real-Time Volumetric MR
Thermometry Aided by Motion Tracking Using Tip Tracking
Peng Wang1 and
Orhan Unal1
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin
- Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
MRI-guided RF ablation is a promising method for the
treatment of atrial fibrillation. Proton resonance
frequency (PRF) shift MR thermometry, which has been
the method of choice, is sensitive to motion. In
this work, a new method utilizing information from
catheter-embedded tip tracking coils and Linear
Phase Model (LPM) is proposed to synthesize
reference phase images for motion correction. This
method utilizes 2D multi-slice acquisition to
facilitate volumetric temperature monitoring of the
target region. The proposed method offers advantages
in the case of irregular through-plane motion and
reduced computation.
1809. |
Co-Registration of MRI
Via a Learning Based Fiducial-Driven Registration (LeFiR)
Scheme: Evaluating Laser Irradiation Changes for
Glioblastomas and Epilepsy 
Tao Wan1, B.Nicolas Bloch2,
Shabbar Danish3, and Anant Madabhushi1
1Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Boston
University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, United
States, 3University
of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey, New
Brunswick, NJ, United States
The purpose of this work is to co-register pre- and
post-ablation MRI images for laser-induced
interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) of neurological
disorders, in order to build an improved model for
therapy planning and evaluating imaging related
treatment changes in terms of MRI markers for LITT.
Despite being a promising treatment option for
multiple brain diseases, the effect of LITT on the
focal site is currently unknown. The objective of
this work is to develop a learning based fiducial
driven registration method (LeFiR) for accurately
registering pre- and post-LITT brain images. The
localized nature of deformation induced by LITT can
be well captured and precisely aligned to pre-LITT
image via a supervised learning scheme. The
identified optimal landmark set is utilized to drive
a thin-plate spline (TPS) image registration. The
LeFiR method was performed to register pre- and
post-LITT brain MR images for treating glioblastoma
multiforme (GBM) and epilepsy with LITT. By using
LeFiR, more accurate and robust registration results
can be achieved according to two registration
experiments performed on brain MRI for GBM and
epilepsy. The local deformation induced by the LITT
procedure can be better captured and recovered by
the identified landmark fiducials than simply
uniformly picking landmarks. Given that only spatial
information is used to determine landmark locations,
the LeFiR method has the potential to be adopted in
various clinical applications for the purpose of
registering different image modalities.
1810. |
MR-Guided Thermotherapy
of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion
Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2, Mario
Ries2, and Chrit T.W. Moonen2
1IMB, UMR 5251 CNRS/University Bordeaux
1/INRIA, Talence, Gironde, France, 2Imaging
Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Thermotherapies can now be guided in real-time using
magnetic resonance imaging. This technique is
gaining importance in interventional therapies for
abdominal organs. An accurate on-line estimation and
characterization of organ displacement is mandatory
to prevent misregistration and correct for motion
related thermometry artifacts. Here we describe the
use of a Principal Component Analysis to detect
spatio-temporal coherences in the physiological
organ motion and to characterize in real-time the
complex organ deformation. During hyperthermia,
incoherent motion patterns could be discarded, which
enabled improvements in the compensation of motion
related errors in thermal maps, as well as in the
motion estimation robustness.
in vivo Evaluation
of Hybrid PRF/T1 Approach for Temperature Monitoring
During Breast MRgHIFU Treatments 
Nick Todd1, Mahamadou Diakite2,
Allison Payne2, and Dennis L. Parker1
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 2Physics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United
The goal is to simultaneously measure temperature
changes in aqueous and adipose tissues to properly
monitor MR-guided HIFU treatments of localized
breast cancer. To achieve this, we have developed a
2D multi-echo hybrid PRF/T1 sequence which measures
PRF changes in water-based tissues and T1 values in
fat-based tissues. The precision of the technique
was evaluated by imaging four female volunteers in
our developed breast-specific MRgHIFU system.
1812. |
A Hybrid PRF/T1/T2*
Sequence for Assessing Tissue Damage 
Nick Todd1, Mahamadou Diakite2,
Allison Payne2, and Dennis L. Parker1
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 2Physics,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United
We present a sequence for simultaneous measurement
of PRF, T1, and T2*. The additional information
provided by T1 and T2* may be helpful for assessing
tissue damage during MR-guided thermal therapies.
These properties are analyzed as a function of
thermal dose during ex vivo HIFU heating of turkey
1813. |
Spectrum-Based and
Least-Square PRF Hybrid Method for MR Temperature
Shuo Chen1, Xinwei Shi2, Feiyu
Chen2, Karen Ying3, and Shi
1Engineering Physics, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Tsinghua, Beijing, China, 3Engineering
Physics, Tsinghua, Beijing, China
A new Spectrum Based/Least-Square PRFS hybrid method
for MR temperature mapping is proposed, which can
measure temperature in water-only and water-fat
mixed tissues simultaneously. In water-only region,
the accuracy of temperature measurement is improved
by modifying traditional PRFS method with least
square fitting. In addition, fat frequency
calculated in water-fat mixed voxels is utilized to
eliminate B0 field drift effect in PRFS method. The
proposed method was validated in phantom experiment.
1814. |
Absolute MR Thermometry
for Near-Field Monitoring During MR-HIFU Heating
Mie Kee Lam1, Martijn de Greef1,
and Lambertus W. Bartels2
1Image Sciences Institute, University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In the application of MR-guided High Intensity
Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) to organs in the
abdomen, the near-field area is at risk of undesired
heat accumulation. Therefore, there is a need for a
temperature mapping technique that can visualize the
cumulative near field heating effects of subsequent
sonications. In this work we show the potential of
using multi-gradient echo (mGE)-based absolute MR
thermometry at the subcutaneous fat-muscle interface
for the assessment of the thermal build-up in the
near-field area.
1815. |
Using a Simple Thermal
Model to Correct Errors in PRFS MR Thermometry Due to
Heat-Induced Tissue Susceptibility Changes
Paul Baron1, Roel Deckers1,
Martijn de Greef1, Job G. Bouwman1,
Chris J.G. Bakker1, and Lambertus W.
1University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
During MR-guided high intensity focused ultrasound (MR-HIFU)
ablation of fat-containing tissues like the human
breast or liver, heat induced susceptibility changes
may give rise to local field disturbances, leading
to errors in PRFS thermometry of the water-based
tissues. A correction method is presented that
combines the initial uncorrected measured
temperature change with a thermal model to estimate
the field disturbance and thus correct for these
errors. The feasibility is shown in a porcine
adipose tissue and ethylene glycol gel phantom. The
maximum temperature error decreased from 3°C before
correction to less than 1°C after the correction.
1816. |
A New Model for
Visualization of Contrast Agent Release from
Thermosensitive Liposomes Induced by Laser Based
Linus Willerding1, Simone Limmer1,
Martin Hossann1,2, Anja Zengerle1,
Maximilian F. Reiser3, Rolf D. Issels1,2,
Lars H. Lindner1,2, and Michael Peller3
1Department of Internal Medicine III,
University Hospital of Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians
University, Munich, Germany, 2CCG
Tumor Therapy through Hyperthermia, Helmholtz
Zentrum München, German Research Center for
Environmental Health, Munich, Germany, 3Department
of Clinical Radiology, University Hospital of
Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich,
Efficacy of systemically applied anti-cancer drugs
is limited by insufficient selectivity and thus dose
is limited by side effects. To improve the
effectiveness of chemotherapy, thermosensitive
liposomes (TSL) in combination with hyperthermia are
used to target and trigger the release of
chemotherapeutics. With MRI contrast agent loaded
TSL (CA-TSL) were used for visualisation. Here we
present a newly developed setup for MR-monitoring of
laser-based hyperthermia in a rat model with CA-TSL
for optimized visualisation of content release.
1817. |
Realtime Temperature and Damage Estimate Maps for
Monitoring Laser Ablation of Hepatic Tumors Under MRI
Anil Shetty1, Hiroumi Kitajima2,3,
Tracy E. Powell2,3, Michael A. Bowen2,3,
and Sherif G. Nour2,3
1Visualase Inc, Houston, Texas, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University
Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 3Interventional
MRI Program, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta,
Georgia, United States
This report demonstrated the feasibility of
percutaneous laser ablation for hepatic tumors with
real-time MRI monitoring within a dedicated
“interventional MRI” suite. The online feedback of
the ablation, along with combination of multiple
fibers and pullbacks, allowed creation of large
ablation volumes. The real-time monitoring, along
with automatic shutoff mechanism with triggering of
safety limits, protected adjacent critical
structures. Advantages of using MR guided laser
ablation include ability to ablate lesions which are
in locations that are difficult to access and
ability to ablate lesions which are only conspicuous
on certain MR weighted sequences.
1818. |
MR-Guided Temperature
Mapping in Prostate Cancer Patients: Stability and
Joyce GR Bomers1, Eva Rothgang2,3,
Christiaan G. Overduin1, Jörg Roland3,
Jelle O. Barentsz1, and Jurgen J.
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Center
for Applied Medical Imaging, Siemens Corporation,
Corporate Research, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, MR, Erlangen, Bayern, Germany, 4MIRA
Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical
Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, Overijssel,
The clinical feasibility and time efficiency of an
integrated workflow for MR-guided transrectal laser
treatment and real-time treatment monitoring were
tested. Furthermore, temperature stability at 3T in
prostate cancer patients using a fast gradient echo
(GRE) echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence was
1819. |
Impact of 3D
Temperature Probe Localization Variability on MR
Thermometry Validation for RF Hyperthermia 
Matthew Tarasek1, Lorne Hofstetter1,
Ruben Pellicer2, Jurriaan Bakker2,
Wouter Numan2, Gyula Kotek2,
Eric Fiveland3, Gavin Houston4,
Gerard van Rhoon2, Maarten Paulides2,
and Desmond Yeo1
1MRI, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY,
United States, 2Erasmus
Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3MRI,
GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, United
States,4GE Healthcare, Rotterdam,
Validation of MR thermometry (MRT) for RF
hyperthermia in a head and neck clinical setup
requires accurate co-registration of the inserted
temperature probes to MRT data. Here, we explore the
use of MR imaging techniques and 3D spline fitting
for probe localization. In addition, we investigate
how uncertainty in the localization affects the
registration of probe and MRT readings. Findings
show that a maximum operator-dependent temperature
probe placement variability of 2mm along the
catheter length accounts for at most a ±0.5 degree
temperature uncertainty in the MRT maps.
1820. |
Human Brain Cooling
During Breath-Holding 
Sébastien Murat1, Jan Weis1,
Francisco Ortiz-Nieto1, and Håkan
1Department of Radiology, Uppsala
University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Controversy exists as to whether humans are capable
of brain-cooling under any circumstances. Based on
previous animal experiments, evidence of brain
cooling was sought during controlled breath-holding.
MR phase-difference method was used for measurement
of human brain temperature changes during
breath-hold. Brain temperature promptly decreased by
ca 1 °C in 1 min. Indications are that humans can
invoke extreme brain cooling to lower metabolic
rate. The study opens-up new in-roads for
potentially treating a wide range of critical
illnesses (e.g., stroke, cardiac arrest, brain
injury) avoiding the limitations of therapeutic
1821. |
Automatic 3D Probe
Localization and Iceball Segmentation for MRI-Guided
Kidney Cryoablation 
Xinyang Liu1, Kemal Tuncali1,
William M. Wells, III1, and Gary P.
1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
MRI-guided cryoablation provides direct
visualization of the target tumor and iceball.
Visual assessment of therapy progress during the
freezing cycle can be challenging, though.
Nonetheless, real-time quantitative assessment of
ablation is needed to ensure safety and
effectiveness. We developed software that includes
methods for: (1) automatic cryoprobe localization,
able to detect multiple inserted probes (in 3D) from
pre-freeze MRI; and, (2) automatic iceball
segmentation, guided by the labeled probes, that can
extract 3D iceball configuration from periodic MRI
scanning during the freezing cycle. Both methods
showed good accuracy when applied to five cases of
3T MRI-guided cryoablation of kidney tumors.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (16:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
1822. |
Effect of Additional
Anatomical Features of the Head from High Resolution 3D UTE
Images on Focal Intensity and Location for Transcranial MR-Guided
Focused Ultrasound Surgery 
Urvi Vyas1, Ethan M. Johnson2,
Michael Marx2, John M. Pauly2, and
Kim R. Butts Pauly1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States
For transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery in
the brain, CT based imaging is used currently for
correcting for distortions in the location and shape of
the beam’s focus due to heterogeneities of the cranium.
In this work we use high resolution UTE images and 3D
ultrasound beam simulations to demonstrate the effect of
additional anatomical features of the head (skin,
subcutaneous fat, galea aponeurotica, marrow) on the
location and intensity of the focal zone. A 2 mm on-axis
shift and a 20% decrease in the focal intensity is
estimated using information from the UTE images.
1823. |
A Method to Improve
Transcostal MR-HIFU Sonication in Presence of Electronic
Beam Steering
Delphine Elbes1,2, Sébastien Roujol2,3,
Mathilde Merle1,2, and Bruno Quesson1,2
1IHU LIRYC/ CRCTB, INSERM U1045, University
Bordeaux Segalen, Pessac, France, 2Laboratoire
d’imagerie fonctionnelle et moléculaire, UMR 5231 CNRS/
University Bordeaux Segalen, Bordeaux, France, France, 3Department
of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United
This study presents a new strategy to perform HIFU
through the rib cage using beam steering under real time
MR thermometry, to track the respiratory movement or to
performed multipoint ablation while avoiding heating of
ribs. This method, used to minimize the energy
deposition around the bones, was based on electronic
deactivation of transducer elements located in front of
the rib so called “binarized apodization law”. This work
sought to demonstrate the necessity of an update of the
binarized apodization law when using HIFU beam steering
in order to increase the safety of the treatment and
improve the focusing.
1824. |
Comparison of Two
Techniques for Estimation of Thermal Diffusivity with
Christopher Reed Dillon1, Allison Payne2,
and Robert Roemer3
1Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, UT, United States, 2Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States,3Mechanical
Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States
Each method has potential to improve patient treatment
planning of MRgHIFU treatments.
1825. |
Real-Time Monitoring of
Inertial Cavitation Effect on Diluted Microbubbles by MRI 
Shih-Chieh Lin1, Chun-Wei Chen1,
Chen-Hua Wu1, Chung-Hsin Wang1,
Shih-Tsung Kang1, Chih-Kuang Yeh1,
Wen-Shiang Chen2,3, and Hsu-Hsia Peng1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Department
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, National Taiwan
University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Division
of Medical Engineering Research, National Health
Research Institutes, Miaoli, Taiwan, Taiwan
Transmitting focus ultrasound (FUS) with usage of
microbubbles (MBs) has been used to increase blood-brain
barrier permeability. In this study, the HASTE sequence
was performed to real-time monitor the inertial
cavitation effect of MBs. At the onset of inertial
cavitation, strong turbulence was produced in solutions.
Therefore, with performing HASTE sequence, it was
difficult to refocus signals and thus signal drops were
revealed. Under the conditions of diluted MBs and
acquisitions with different slice thicknesses,
substantial signal drops were still observable at the
very beginning of FUS transmission, suggesting the
feasibility of applying this scheme for in vivo
1826. |
Automatic Tumor Delineation
by Multiparametric MR Analysis Based on Endogenous Contrast
Stefanie J.C.G. Hectors1, Igor Jacobs1,
Gustav J. Strijkers1, and Klaas Nicolay1
1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, Netherlands
HIFU tumor treatment planning is generally performed
with contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging.
In view of possible toxicity issues of the Gd-chelate
during HIFU, often a wait time is applied before start
of the treatment. It was assessed whether accurate tumor
delineation is also possible by multiparametric MR
analysis solely based on endogenous contrast. k-means
clustering was applied to T1, T2 and
ADC maps of tumor-bearing mice with all feature vectors
and variable numbers of clusters k. Maximum sensitivity
(0.87) and specificity (0.90) were found for feature
vector {T2,ADC} with k=6, indicating
feasibility of tumor delineation based on endogenous MR
1827. |
Cytoreductive Surgical
Treatment of Pleural Mesothelioma: A Comparison Study
Betweem Radiofrequency Ablation and MRgFUS Treatments in a
Swine Model of Mesothelioma 
Marcia Costa1, Carolina Fernandes1,
Arik Hananel2, Matt Eames2, John
Angle3, John P. Mugler, III3,
Talissa A. Altes3, and Jaime F. Mata3
1Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical
Engineering, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Focused
Ultrasound Surgery Foundation, Charlottesville,
Virginia, United States, 3Radiology
and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States
The main aim of this study was to determine and to
compare the feasibility of pleural mesothelioma
debulking with Magnetic Resonance guided Focused
Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) and Radiofrequency Ablation
(RFA), in a swine model of mesothelioma. We were able to
create a successful mesothelioma tumor model in pigs and
study its characteristics in-vivo using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) and post-mortem during necropsy.
Furthermore, it was possible to prove the feasibility of
both techniques, as well as to investigate the best
parameters to apply them in large animal. Therefore, it
was as innovative study in mesothelioma tumor model
development and treatment.
Treatment of Staphylococcus
Aureus Induced
Abscesses Via Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound
David Bates1,2, Birgit Rieck1,
Laura Curiel1,3, and Samuel Pichardo1,3
1Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 2Biology,
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, 3Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lakehead
University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
MR-guided focused ultrasound was investigated as a mode
of treatment for subcutaneous murine Staphylococcus
aureus abscesses. High and moderate temperature
ultrasonication of the abscess centre were investigated,
with high temperature (65˚C) demonstrating a
significantly reduced (p<.05) bacterial concentration
with respect to control four days post-treatment.
Neither level of treatment was shown to increase
inflammation over the baseline elevated abscess
activity, suggesting innate immune system sparing.
1829. |
Initial Experience with
Volumetric MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Ablation in Breast Cancer Patients 
Laura Merckel1, Roel Deckers2,
Thijs van Dalen3, Max Köhler4,
Gerald Schubert4, Joost van Gorp5,
Paul Vaessen6, Willem Mali1, Chrit
T.W. Moonen2, Lambertus W. Bartels2,
and Maurice A.A.J. van den Bosch1
1Radiology, Univeristy Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Images
Sciences Institute, Univeristy Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Surgery,
Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Philips
Heathcare, Vantaa, Finland, 5Pathology,
Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht, Netherlands, 6Anesthesia,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Our initial experiences with a dedicated MR-HIFU breast
platform using a lateral and volumetric ablation
technique are presented. In total, 10 breast cancer
patients will be included. The study is performed
according to a treat-and-resect protocol. In the first
patient, it was difficult to perform a sonication due to
problems with patient positioning and movement. In the
second patient, three sonications were performed,
causing tissue necrosis in the tumor observed during
histopathological analysis. The PRFS-based optimized MR
thermometry sequence had a temporal standard deviation
of 1.86°C after applying the multibaseline method to
correct for temperature errors induced by respiration.
1830. |
Feasibility of MR
Thermometry in Pancreas 
Roel Deckers1, Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2,
Mario Ries1, Hanne D. Heerkens3,
Cornelis A.T. van den Berg3, Marco van Vulpen3,
and Chrit T.W. Moonen1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2CNRS/Université
Bordeaux 1/INRIA, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
UMR 5251, Talence, Gironde, France, 3Radiotherapy,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
MRI guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
might become a new tool for the non-invasive
image-guided treatment of pancreatic cancer. For
ablation as well as hyperthermia treatments accurate MR
temperature measurements are essential. In this study
the accuracy of PRFS based thermometry in the pancreas
was investigated in volunteers. Temperature standard
deviation of 2-3 degrees was obtained in the pancreas
during breath hold and during free breathing (after
correction for motion related errors using a
multi-baseline approach). We conclude that temperature
mapping for guiding a HIFU ablation procedure is
feasible in the pancreas.
1831. |
MR-Based Targeting of
Histotripsy Therapy at 7T 
Steven P. Allen1, Timothy L. Hall1,
Charles A. Cain1, and Luis Hernandez-Garcia1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Here we investigate the feasibility of using HIFU
induced cavitational bubble clouds as a targeting and
steering mechanism for MR-guided cavitation-based
ultrasound therapy. GRE imaging sequences are sensitive
to the presence of the transient bubble cloud. Further,
the transient cloud's associated B0 field perturbation
behaves much like that of a stationary bubble.
1832. |
Feasibility of MR Guided
HIFU on a 7T Animal MR Scanner, to Evaluate Pathologic
Effects of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Mice 
Martijn Hoogenboom1, Martijn den Brok2,
Erik Dumont3, Gosse Adema2, Arend
Heerschap1, and Jurgen J. Futterer1,4
1Department of Radiology, Radboud University
Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland,
Netherlands, 2Department
of Tumor Immunology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 3Image
Guided Therapy, Pessac, France, 4MIRA
Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical
Medicine, University of Twente, Enschede, Overijssel,
High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is the only
known non-invasive ablation technique available to
deliver high energies in a millimeter-sized focus spot.
The local effects of HIFU in tissue can be separated
into thermal and mechanical effects and depends on
different HIFU strategies. These different effects
results in various ways of tumor destruction and can be
created by different HIFU settings. Therefore, this
study has been set up to examine the feasibility of MR
guided HIFU in a 7T animal MR system, to investigate
different settings and to evaluate the corresponding
tumor outcomes.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (16:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Intravascular MR-Guided Interventions
1833. |
3T Intravascular MRI, IVUS
and OCT: A Study in Contrast 
Shashank Sathyanarayana Hegde1, Clifford R.
Weiss2, M. Arcan Erturk3, and Paul
A. Bottomley1,3
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Atherosclerosis is a leading cause of morbidity and
mortality. Typically, it is diagnosed by X-ray
catheterization, which reveals luminal narrowing but is
unsuitable for assessing plaque vulnerability to rupture
or vessel wall thickening. Intravascular (IV)
Ultrasound, IV optical coherence tomography and 3T IV
MRI are non-ionizing alternatives to angiography. We
compare, head-to-head, the performance (the signal- and
contrast-to-noise ratios, spatial resolution, effective
field-of-view, speed, and artifacts) of these modalities
in diseased human vessel specimens and in a stented
vessel in vitro. We show that 3T IV MRI can offer
imaging capability with potentially significant
advantages vs. existing methods.
1834. |
Passive Magnetic Resonance
Catheter Tracking with Spatial Wavelet and Temporal
M. Ethan MacDonald1,2, R. Marc Lebel2,3,
and Richard Frayne1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Radiology
and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Seaman Family MR Research Centre, Foothills Medical
Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada, 3Applied
Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Calgary, AB, Canada
In this work we demonstrate L1 constrained
reconstruction of a variable density under sampled
series, a similar method has been demonstrated for
dynamic susceptibility contrast bolus chase imaging.
Using the positive contrast of gadolinium in an
endovascular catheter we show 3D catheter tracking with
high temporal (4.7 Hz) and spatial resolution (64x64x16
acquisition matrix). An acceleration rate of 12.2x is
achieved with the constrained reconstruction while
maintaining good catheter conspicuity. Maximum intensity
projections and 3D iso surfaces are used for rendering
catheter images.
1835. |
Simultaneous Stereoscopic
3D-Visualization of Vascular Structures and a Passive
Catheter in Real Time 
Alexander Brunner1, Florian Maier2,
Wolfhard Semmler1, and Michael Bock3
1Dpt. of Medical Physics in Radiology, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Dpt.
of Imaging Physics, The University of Texas M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 3Dpt.
of Radiology - Medical Physics, University Hospital
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Conventional 2D-X-ray fluoroscopy or DSA only provide
projection images of the vessels during intravascular
catheter interventions, and expose both patient and
inter-ventionalist to ionizing radiation. To enable
MR-guided intravascular procedures, in this work an
acquisition and display concept for stereoscopic images
is presented that acquires fast projections images at
different stereo angles. These images are displayed on a
modified 3D monitor to visualize vascular structures and
a passive catheter in 3D in real-time.
1836. |
Self-Resonant Swiss Roll
Structures as Semi-Active Device Visualization Method for
Interventional MRI 
Mandy Kaiser1, Markus Detert2,
Urte Kägebein1, Hans-Peter Schulze3,
Bertram Schmidt2, and Georg Rose1
1Department of Healthcare Telematics and
Medical Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke University,
Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, 2Department
of Microsystems Technology, Otto-von-Guericke
University, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, 3Department
of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke
University, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany
During MR-guided minimal-invasive interventions the
precise positioning of the instruments has a high impact
on the treatment outcome. In order to get a visual
verification of the instruments position, several
highlighting methods such as resonant markers have been
developed. This paper investigates the usability of
self-resonant swiss roll structures as semi-active
visualization method. Several resonant markers were
fabricated and analyzed regarding electrical parameters
and visibility within the MR image. The achieved quality
factors range from 40 to 91. Severely high
contrast-to-noise ratios were measured with all markers.
Further investigations should concentrate on a
miniaturization of the fabricated markers.
1837. |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography for Measuring the Compliance of Occlusive
Vascular Disease
Brian S. Kates1, Kevan J. T. Anderson1,
and Graham A. Wright1
1Imaging Research, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Percutaneous arterial revascularization of chronic total
occlusions (CTOs) is hindered by the presence of a hard
proximal fibrous cap and lack of image guidance. A
technique is presented for measuring the stiffness of
occlusive lesions that may facilitate revascularization
by helping the process of guidewire selection and
placement. In this study, static magnetic resonance
elastography is explored as a method of determining the
stiffness of CTOs. The technique is demonstrated in a
CTO phantom made of agar and gelatin, and displacement
images are obtained using a stimulated echo MR imaging
pulse sequence and a pneumatic compression system.
1838. |
LARFET (Low Amplitude RF at
Echo Time) for Catheter Tracking 
Murat Tümer1, Baykal Sarioglu2,
Senol Mutlu2, Arda Yalcinkaya2,
and Cengizhan Ozturk1
1Institute of Biomedical Enginering, Bogaziçi
University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Electrical
and Electronics Enginering, Bogaziçi University,
Istanbul, Turkey
In this work we propose utilization of a very low
amplitude, rectangular and off-center RF pulse applied
during echo detection, LARFET (Low Amplitude RF at Echo
Time), that can be used as the reference for frequency
downconversion at the catheter tip. With frequency
downconversion the signal losses during transmission are
lowered and the frequency analysis to extract the
location information is simplified.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (16:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
MR-Guided Interventions From Head to Toe
1839. |
Fast Preoperative Planning
Method for MR-Guided Laser Ablation in Brain 
Erol Yeniaras1, David T. A. Fuentes2,
Samuel J. Fahrenholtz1, Jeffrey S. Weinberg3,
Florian Maier1, Anil Shetty4, John
D. Hazle1, and R. Jason Stafford1
1Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, United States, 2Imaging
Physics, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX, United States,3Neurosurgery,
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4Visualase,
Inc, Houston, TX, United States
In this work we introduce a new computational
methodology and for minimally-invasive MR-guided
laser-induced thermal therapy for brain tumors. We also
evaluate the viability of the steady-state method on
real human data retrospectively.
1840. |
Enlarged Perivascular
Spaces: How Prevalence Might Influence Gene Therapy Trial
Miles Olsen1, Barbara Bendlin2,
Sterling Johnson2, Jason Huston3,
Benjamin Grabow1, Ethan K. Brodsky1,
and Walter F. Block4
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Neuroscience,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States,3Neuroradiology, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 4Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
Enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) in the brain are
suspected to act as unwanted escape routes for injected
drugs during convection enhanced delivery (CED)
procedures. We examined 155 subjects in an existing
database to determine the prevalence of EPVS in the
putamen, a part of the basal ganglia, with the aim to
offer guidance on the design of Parkinson's disease gene
therapy trials. The subjects in the study (average age
59.8 5.97
years) were at about the age of Parkinson's disease
onset. The prevalence of atypical EPVS in the putamen
(12%) merits consideration.
1841. |
Integrating Clinical
Neurosurgery Workstations Into a Real-Time System for
Conducting MR-Guided Procedures
Ethan K. Brodsky1,2, Karl A. Sillay3,
and Walter F. Block2,4
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
United States, 3Neurosurgery,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 4Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States
We have previously developed and presented a system for
conducting MR-guided and monitored intracerebral
infusions. The system has proven successful, but has
been received critically by practicing clinical
neurological surgeons, who deem it to be more cumbersome
than the stereotactic surgical planning workstations
they are accustomed to. While flexible tools amenable to
performing a variety of surgical procedures are very
useful in the initial stage of experimenting with
real-time MR-guided interventions, simple and polished
systems are much suitable when translating these
techniques to clinical use. We describe here new work to
integrate our real-time targeting tools to work with the
Medtronic StealthStation surgical planning workstation.
1842. |
Robust Feature Based
Pre-Registration of 3D MR Image to 3D B-Mode Ultrasound
Image of the Liver
Chi Jun Weon1, Woo Hyun Nam1,
Jung-Bae Kim2, Youngkyoo Hwang2,
Won-Chul Bang2, and Jong Beom Ra1
1Electrical engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, 2Samsung
Advanced Institute of Technology, Yongin-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Korea
The registration of MR images with real-time US images
is beneficial in various clinical applications. In most
of registration algorithm, a pre-registration scheme to
obtain good initial transformation parameters is
important. However, conventional methods usually require
a time-consuming and inconvenient manual process for
pre-alignment. Furthermore, if anatomical features are
not clearly visible in an abnormal liver, it is
difficult to perform the manual pre-registration
procedure. In this paper, we propose an automatic and
robust pre-registration algorithm of the liver. For
reliable and robust registration, the algorithm uses
patient-independent feature geometries such as IVC and
liver surface rather than vessel bifurcations.
1843. |
Proof of Concept for
Transrectal MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsies Using an Optically
Referenced Targeting Device 
Harald Busse1, Gregor Thörmer1,
Josephin Otto1, Nikita Garnov1,
Tim Riedel1, Arno Schmitgen2, Axel
Winkel3, Thomas Kahn1, and Michael
1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Department, Leipzig University Hospital, Leipzig,
Saxony, Germany, 2Localite
Biomedical Visualization Systems, Sankt Augustin,
Germany,3Invivo Germany, Schwerin, Germany
Prostate carcinoma (PCa) is one of the most common male
cancers in the western world. While digital rectal
examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and
transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies are still the
primary tools for prostate diagnostics, multiparametric
MRI has an emerging role in both imaging diagnostics and
procedural guidance. The purpose of this work is to
present a virtual real-time navigation option for
transrectal MRI-guided prostate biopsies, to estimate
the targeting accuracy, and to report on the preliminary
clinical experience.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013 (16:00-18:00) Exhibition Hall |
Software & Hardware for MR-Guided Interventions
1844. |
A Simple Method to Image
Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Inside the Body Using MRI. 
Luis Hernandez-Garcia1, Krishan Prem Kumar2,
and Jeremy Gam3
1FMRI laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2FMRI
laboratory, university of michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States, 3FMRI
Laboratory, university of michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States
We present a simple method to map time-varying magnetic
fields inside tissue using MRI. The method allows for
imaging the spatial distribution of a broad spectrum of
frequencies and only requires that the device in
question be MR compatible and can be synchronized with
the MR scanner, which can be usually be achieved via TTL
lines. The main constraints of the method are that (1)
it requires knowledge of the temporal characteristics of
the magnetic field under scrutiny, and tight control of
its timing; (2) it can only be used for low field
amplitudes (in the order of a few Gauss) so that the
phase gain can be kept within 0 and 2PI, which means
that in most cases we must image a scaled down version
of the desired field; (3) the frequency content of the
waveform must be below the Larmor frequency of the
tissue’s spins.
1845. |
Multimodality Phantom
Targeting Fluoroscopically Occult Lesions in the Fluoro
Suite Using 3D MRI/CT Overlay Guidance
Ye Tao1, Tina Ehtiati2, Jesse
Klostranec3, Guan Wang1,
AbdEl-Monem M. El-Sharkawy4, Monica S. Pearl1,
William A. Edelstein1, and Martin G. Radvany1
1Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 2SiemensCorporate
Research, Princeton, NJ, United States, 3University
of Toronto School of Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Various medical conditions require biopsy confirmation
or minimally invasive image-guided interventions. MRI
provides excellent visualization of anatomy and disease
without ionizing radiation, but MRI interventional
access is difficult and MRI compatible clinical
equipment limited. CT has few equipment restrictions,
but radiation exposure can be significant.
Fusion/overlay of MRI and fluoroscopy suite cone-beam CT
(CBCT) potentially combine the diagnostic quality of 3D
MRI/CT imaging with the ease and speed of fluoroscopy
and decreased radiation. We have developed a
multimodality phantom containing simulated lesions
occult to fluoroscopy, and have used MRI/CBCT image
fusion guidance for successful simulated lesion
1846. |
Usefulness of the WiiTM Remote
Controller for Image Manipulation of MR-Endoscope System
Akihiro Takahashi1, Etsuko Kumamoto2,
Yuichiro Matsuoka3, and Kagayaki Kuroda3,4
1Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe
University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Information
Science and Technology Center, Kobe University, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan, 3Foundation
for Kobe International Medical Alliance, Kobe, Hyogo,
Japan, 4School
of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University,
Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan
A user interface using a wireless accelerometer-based
controller (WiiTM, Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan)
system was developed for navigation of the MR-endoscope
system. The software enables the MR volume data to
rotate by rolling the controller. The angles of roll and
pitch of the controller acquired by acceleration sensors
were sent to the image processing work station via
Bluetooth. After evaluating the noise in the Bluetooth
communications with phantom examinations, the usefulness
of the controlling device was validated with the porcine
gastric wall MR images. The resultant image process
control indicates an acceleration censor can make the
image manipulation more smooth and intuitive in an
interventional MR suite.
1847. |
A Comparison of MR-Tracking
Methods in the Presence of Severe Metallic Artifacts and
Physiological Motion
Wei Wang1,2, Zion Tse3, Ravi T.
Seethamraju4, Charles L. Dumoulin5,
Tina Kapur1, Akila N. Viswanathan2,
Robert A. Cormack2, and Ehud J. Schmidt1
1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiation
Oncology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Engineering,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 4MR
R&D, Siemens Healthcare, Boston, MA, United States, 5Radiology,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, United
The presence of metal in MR-guided interventional
procedures affects MR-tracking quality by causing static
magnetic field and radiofrequency field inhomogeneities.
A custom-built carbon fiber catheter for radiation
bracytherapy applications was tested using different MR-tracking
methods (zero-phase reference and Hadamard multiplexing
schemes without or with phase-filed dithering (PFD)
strategy). The test environment included surrounding
metallic needles and simulated physiological motions
from a motional platform. Results showed an MR-tracking
capability at 40 fps and 0.6 0.6 0.6
mm 3 and
demonstrated that the Hadamard scheme produced a more
accurate and robust result than zero-phase-reference,
and the use of PFD dramatically enhanced both tracking
1848. |
Remote Tuning and Matching
Adjustment of Intra-Cavitary RF Coil for Integrated MR-Endoscope
Yuichiro Matsuoka1,2, Yoshinori Morita2,
Hiromu Kutsumi2, Takeshi Azuma2,
and Kagayaki Kuroda1,3
1Department of Research and Development,
Foundation for kobe international medical alliance,
Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Department
of Internal Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of
Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 3School
of Information Science and Technology, Tokai University,
Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan
The remote tuning and matching function for intra-cavitary
RF coil placed inside the stomach was developed to
obtain high quality images of the gastric wall by the
integrated MR-endoscope system. The remote tuning and
matching circuit consisted of non-magnetic variable
capacitors and inductors, and it was placed outside the
bore to manually adjust the resonant characteristic of
the coil. The SNR of phantom image was improved up to
131 % by using this function. The basic performance of
the remote tuning and matching was demonstrated and
would be useful for providing high quality images to
help diagnosis of GI disease.
1849. |
Synergy Between K-Space
Inverse-Hanning Filtering and CoRASOR Reconstruction for
Positive Contrast Visualization of Interventional Devices 
Peter R. Seevinck1, Hendrik de Leeuw1,
and Chris J.G. Bakker1
1Imaging department, Image Sciences
Institute, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
The aim of this work is to investigate the possible
synergy between k-space inverse-Hanning filtering and
coRASOR for background suppressed positive contrast
device visualisation. For visualisation of brachytherapy
seeds in ex vivo tissue, Inverse-Hanning filtering of
k-space was demonstrated to be effective in suppressing
background signal, clearly increasing CNR, however, at
the cost of blurring in image space.