0552. |
unsupervised-supervised classification of multiparametric
PET/MRI imaging data of the prostate 
Sergios Gatidis1, Petros Martirosian1,
Thomas Küstner1, Ilja Bezrukov2,
Marcus Scharpf3, Christina Schraml1,
Nina F Schwenzer1, and Holger Schimdt1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Tübingen, Tübingen, BW, Germany, 2Department
of Preclinical Imaging and Radiopharmacy, University of
Tübingen, Tübingen, BW, Germany, 3Department
of Pathology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, BW,
In this study we implemented and evaluated a combined
unsupervised-supervised classification algorithm for the
analysis of multiparametrc PET/MRI data that allows for
robust classification in cases where prior knowledge
about the data is limited. We applied the proposed
method to [11C]-Choline-PET/MRI data of the prostate and
observed high classification accuracy compared to manual
tumor delineation and to histological slices. Numerous
applications of this approach are conceivable,
especially in areas where histopathological correlation
is difficult (e.g. brain imaging) and thus knowledge
about ground truth is limited.
0553. |
Diffusion-weighted MRI of
advanced ovarian cancer: evaluation of the variability of
overall disease burden assessment methods 
Jennifer C Wakefield1,2, Stavroula Kyriazi1,
Jessica M Winfield1, Veronica A Morgan2,
Sharon L Giles2, David J Collins1,2,
and Nandita M deSouza1,2
1Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Royal
Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, United
Variability of tumor volumetry and ADC in ovarian cancer
metastases was assessed in order to establish their
value as response biomarkers. Three tumor burden
assessment methods were employed (semi-automated region
growing and manual segmentation of DW-MRI data and
RECIST measurements on CT) and tumor volume and median
ADC determined in 16 patients with primary ovarian
cancer by a single radiologist. A second radiologist
assessed the tumor burden using an identical
semi-automated region growing method. Intra- and
inter-observer variabilities were evaluated by
calculating the Coefficient of Variation (CV). Volume
variability was: intra-observer CV 12.3%, inter-observer
CV 17.4%, median ADC variability was lower:
intra-observer CV 4.3%, inter-observer CV 4.2%.
0554. |
Sharon L Giles1, Nandita M DeSouza2,
David J Collins2, Veronica A Morgan1,
Sharon West3, Faith E Davies3,
Gareth J Morgan3, and Christina Messiou4
1Clinical Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal
Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Clinical
Magnetic Resonance Unit, Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Haemato-oncology
Department, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom, 4Department
of Radiology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom
WB-DWI offers an alternative to SS for detection of
myeloma bone disease. This prospective study compared
extent of disease shown by WB-DWI and SS by body region
(measured by image scores) and correlated the imaging
burden of disease (measured by scores and ADC metrics)
with the pathological assessment of disease (measured by
serum paraprotein and bone marrow histology). WB-DWI
scores were significantly higher than SS scores per
patient and in every body region except the skull. WB-DWI
scores were higher in those with a high disease burden,
but there were no significant correlations between
imaging and pathological measures of disease. |
0555. |
Exploration of change of
T2* of metastatic and normal cervical lymph nodes caused by
100% oxygen breathing 
Chiara Tudisca1, David Price2,
Martin Forster3, Heather Fitzke3,
and Shonit Punwani1
1University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2University
College London Hospital, United Kingdom, 3University
College London, United Kingdom
We explore T2* changes induced by breathing 100% oxygen
in metastatic and normal lymph nodes in patients with
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and healthy
0556. |
Measuring human glomerular
morphology and pathology with MRI 
Scott C. Beeman1, Luise Cullen-McEwan2,
Min Zhang3, Teresa Wu3, Edwin J.
Baldelomar4, John P. Dowling2,
Jennifer R. Charlton5, Michael S. Forbes5,
Amanda Ng2, Qi-zhu Wu2, James A.
Armitage2, Victor G. Puelles2,
Gary F. Egan2, John F. Bertram2,
and Kevin M. Bennett4
1Washington University in St Louis, St Louis,
Missouri, United States, 2Monash
University, Victoria, Australia, 3Arizona
State University, Arizona, United States, 4University
of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii, United States, 5University
of Virginia, Virginia, United States
Nephron number and size are correlated with risk for
chronic cardiovascular and kidney disease and may
predict renal allograft viability. Unfortunately, there
are no techniques to assess total glomerular number and
volume in intact human kidneys. This work demonstrates
the use of cationized ferritin as a glomerulus-specific
MRI contrast agent to measure glomerular number, volume,
and spatial distribution and to detect arterial and
glomerular damage in human kidneys.
0557. |
CT-like 3D
Isotropic Fat-Suppressed Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR
Ivan E. Dimitrov1,2, Ananth J. Madhuranthakam2,3,
Qing Yuan3, William A. Grissom4,5,
Takeshi Yokoo2,3, and Ivan Pedrosa2,3
1Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas,
TX, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 5Radiology,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States
Acquisition of clinical dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)
MR Enterography is challenged by: (1) need for
breath-held high-resolution imaging of the entire
abdomen and pelvis; (2) homogenous fat suppression over
large FOVs; (3) preferred positioning of patient’s arms
along the side of the abdomen to increase compliance. To
address these challenges we combine: (a) massive
parallel imaging acceleration in two directions; with
(b) aggressive reduction of the left-to-right FOV with
suppression of out-of-FOV signals by combining sagittal
3D excitation for coronal imaging with custom-designed
RF pulses having near-zero stopband excitation. These
pulses allow for shorter TEs such that the mathematical
conditions for proper DIXON-based water/fat separation
are maintained. High-resolution fat-suppressed 3D
isotropic, CT-like DCE
acquisitions of the abdomen/pelvis were achieved.
0558. |
On Contrast-Enhanced MR
Imaging in the Presence of Pathological Plasma-Protein
Daniel Nanz1, Stefan Götschi2,
Johannes M Froehlich3,4, Natalie Chuck2,
Raffaele Curcio5, Val Murray Runge2,
Gustav Andreisek2, and Andreas Boss2
1Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, University Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Zürich,
Switzerland, 2Institute
for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University
Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland, 4Guerbet
AG, Zürich, Switzerland, 5Institute
of Clinical Chemistry, University Hospital Zürich,
Zürich, Switzerland
In an in-vitro study with dilution series of
commercially available gadolinium-based MR imaging
contrast agents, human-serum albumin and human-serum
immunoglobulin G, and based on a multi-variate
protein-specific evaluation of the experimental
relaxivity data, it could be shown that pathological
deviations from normal blood-serum concentration levels
of both proteins strongly alter the signal enhancement
induced by gadolinium-based MR contrast agents, which
may have implications for a wide range of (quantitative)
gadolinium-based contrast-enhanced MR imaging
Improved fast multi-station
water-fat imaging at 3T 
Melissa Hooijmans1, Oleh Dzyubachyk2,
Kay Nehrke3, Peter Koken3, Maarten
Versluis1, Hermien Kan1, and Peter
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid-holland, Netherlands, 2Division
of Image Processing, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid-holland, Netherlands, 3Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
Whole body MR screening could be interesting in future
clinical practice especially for tumor patients or
patients at risk for diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
One disadvantage of high field imaging in the clinic is
the fact that it is highly affected by in homogeneities
of the transmit RF field (B1+) resulting in a reduction
in the diagnostic confidence. In whole-body imaging the
RF penetration can change station by station and
therefore the most ideal situation would be to apply
fast B1+ shimming for each individual stack. However,
the current B1+ mapping methods are time consuming and
are limited by SAR constraints. The recently introduced
DREAM technique is very fast and can fill this gap in
clinical practice as demonstrated in this whole-body
water-fat resolved study. Future applications of this
approach to whole body multi-contrast imaging including
TSE are conceivable.
0560. |
Measurement of Lagrangian
strain and Eulerian flow in the abdomen using Continuously
Single Shot Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
André M.J. Sprengers1, Matthan W.A. Caan2,
Stijn J. Buitink3, Kevin M. Moerman2,
Marije P. van der Paardt2, Aart J. Nederveen2,
and Jaap Stoker2
1Orthopaedic Research Lab, Radboud University
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Noord Holland,
Netherlands, 3Kernfysisch
Versneller Instituut, University of Groningen,
Groningen, Netherlands
Continuously tagged imaging (CTI) expands the
application range of tagged imaging from cardiac
research to non-repeatable motion such as motility. By
sampling every tag pattern just once before refreshing,
the registered information of tagline displacement in
the temporal direction changes from the Lagrangian to
the Eulerian perspective. This study shows how,
analogous to conventional triggered tagged imaging,
complementary measures can be extracted from tagline
variation in spatial and temporal direction. The two
measures were demonstrated in a simulated CTI
acquisition in a numerical Shepp-Logan phantom and
applied to bowel motion during free breathing in one
healthy volunteer.
Magnetic resonance
fingerprinting (MRF) for rapid quantitative abdominal
Yong Chen1, Yun Jiang2, Dan Ma2,
Katherine L Wright2, Nicole Seiberlich2,
Mark A Griswold1,2, and Vikas Gulani1,2
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States
Quantitative MR imaging in the abdomen is challenging
due to the need for large organ coverage, field
inhomogeneities, and respiratory motion. In this study,
a rapid and robust MR fingerprinting (MRF) technique was
developed for abdominal imaging using the previously
introduced MRF framework in combination with a FISP
acquisition and a Bloch-Siegert B1 mapping method. This
technique allows accurate and simultaneous
quantification of T1, T2 and proton density within one
clinically feasible breath-hold.
0562. |
Efficient measurement of
liver T1, T2 and PDFF by multi-TR, multi-TE single
breath-hold 1H
MR spectroscopy. 
Gavin Hamilton1, Michael S Middleton1,
Lisa Clark1, Tanya A Chavez1,
Rohit Loomba2, and Claude B Sirlin1
1Department of Radiology, UC San Diego, San
Diego, California, United States, 2Department
of Medicine, UC San Diego, San Diego, California, United
We developed a rapid multi-TR, multi-TE 1H
MRS sequence for in
vivo hepatic
fat quantification and characterization that acquires 32
single-average spectra in a single breath-hold. Spectra
were acquired without contrast at 3 Tesla in 252 adult
subjects. T1 and T2 of liver fat and water, and liver
liver proton density fat fraction (PDFF) were measured.
Water and fat T1 values were strongly correlated,
whereas water and fat T2 values were uncorrelated. For
water, T2 increased with increasing T1, whereas for fat,
T2 decreased with T1. For increasing PDFF, water T2
decreased and fat T2 increased.
0563. |
Clinical Effectiveness of
Three Noninvasive Methods for Detecting Hepatic Fibrosis 
Jun Chen1, Meng Yin1, Jennifer
Oudry2, Jayant Talwalkar1, Kevin
Glaser1, Thomas Smyrk1, and
Richard Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Echosens,
Paris, France
Since liver biopsy -the reference method- has some
significant limitations for detecting hepatic fibrosis,
noninvasive technologies have been developed, such as MR
Elastography (MRE), Fibroscan and FIBROSpect II. The
purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical
effectiveness of these three methods in a single patient
population with a consideration for interobserver
variations of liver pathology. ROC analysis shows a
diagnostic accuracy (>= F2) of 90.7%, 88.9% and 83.0%
for MRE, FIBROSpect II and Fibroscan, respectively. MRE
has the highest negative predictive value (90.0%),
indicating patients without clinically significant
fibrosis could be diagnosed by MRE and avoid liver
Assessment of fetal lung
maturation from diffusion weighted MRI at 3T 
Onur Afacan1, Ali Gholipour1,
Robert V. Mulkern1, Carol Barnewolt2,
Sigrid Bairdain3, Judy Estroff2,
Susan Connolly2, and Simon K. Warfield1
1Department of Radiology, Boston Children's
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States, 2Advanced
Fetal Care Center, Department of Radiology, Boston
Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States, 3Department
of Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
The aim of the study is to establish the normal range of
fetal lung diffusion values measured at 3T in fetuses
with normal lung development. We have found a high
correlation between ADC and gestational age in fetuses
with normal lung development. This study will help to
determine whether the diffusion coefficient can be used
to assess fetal lung development, which may lead to an
improved understanding of the risk factors for adverse
outcome, and ultimately facilitate successful fetal
intervention in fetuses most at risk of adverse outcome.
0565. |
Pulmonary MRI in Neonatal
Jean A Tkach1, Alan H Jobe2, Suhas
G Kallapur2, Jeffrey A Whitsett2,
Robert J Fleck1, Stephanie L Merhar2,
Charles L Dumoulin1, and Jason C Woods1,3
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 2Neonatology
and Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 3Pulmonary
Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Respiratory pathologies are common in premature infants.
Pulmonary MRI h has the potential to provide detailed
diagnostic information about pulmonary anatomy and
function. In this study, its potential utility in
neonatal medicine was evaluated. Two identical small
footprint 1.5T MR systems designed for imaging neonates
and installation within the neonatal intensive care unit
were employed to perform pre-clinical and neonatal
pulmonary MRI exams. The results demonstrate the
feasibility and utility of this neonatal imaging
platform to obtain detailed diagnostic thoracic MRI in
the neonate, perform longitudinal studies of normal and
abnormal lung development, and to evaluate treatment
response to therapy.
0566. |
Functional lung MRI for
non-invasive monitoring of regional effects of inhaled
hypertonic saline in children with cystic fibrosis 
Sajoscha A. Sorrentino1, Julius Renne1,
Christian Schoenfeld1, Jan Hinrichs1,
Marcel Gutberlet1, Andreas Voskrebenzev1,
Burkhard Tuemmler2, Frank Wacker1,
and Jens Vogel-Claussen1
1Radiology, Hannover Medical School,
Hannover, Germany, 2Pediatric
Pulmonology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
This study shows for the first time a significant
increase in pulmonary blood flow and oxygenation after a
single treatment with inhalation of hypertonic saline
(7% NaCl) in patients with cystic fibrosis, assessed by
functional lung MRI, making it a promising,
non-invasive, radiation-free tool for visualization and
quantification of regional effects in the treatment of
patients with cystic fibrosis.