Whole brain cerebral flow
territory mapping using vessel selective dynamic arterial
spin labeling within 30 seconds 
Xingxing ZHANG1, Eidrees Ghariq1,
Sophie Schmid1, Wouter Teeuwisse1,
and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Vessel selective dynamic arterial spin labeling (VS-DASL)
combined with 3D Turbo-Field Echo-Planar Imaging (TFEPI)
was proposed to achieve fast whole brain flow territory
mapping. The results showed good agreement with
traditional vessel selective ASL (VS-ASL) as proven by
the Dice similarity coefficient. These results imply
that 3D VS-DASL has the potential to map whole brain
flow territories within 30 seconds, enabling clinical
use both in standard cerebrovascular imaging protocols
as well as in the acute setting, i.e. patients with
acute stroke.
0716. |
Arterial Spin Labeling with
Simultaneous Multi- Slice EPI compared to EPI and 3D GRASE 
David Feinberg1,2, Liyong Chen1,2,
and Alexander Beckett1,2
1Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute,
University of California, Berkeley, California, United
States, 2Advanced
MRI Technologies, LLC, Sebastopol, California, United
Simultaneous multi-slice EPI has been combined with
pulsed ASL to record several times more images than
conventional EPI. Comparison of quantitative CBF maps
and perfusion weighted images show good agreement to EPI.
Comparisons to segmented 3D GRASE ASL shows differences
in scan times and susceptibility artifacts with
advantages of background suppression and higher SNR in
3D GRASE, while both achieve whole brain slice coverage.
0717. |
Whole Brain Perfusion Using
Dynamic pCASL with Multiband Look-locker EPI 
Ke Zhang1, Seong Dae Yun1, and N.
Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4,
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 2Faculty
of Medicine, Department of Neurology, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
To quantitatively measure CBF with ASL, multiple readout
with different post-labeling delay is preferred incase
of various blood arrival time. One approach for sampling
the tracer kinetics curve with increasing post-labeling
delays is using Look-Locker imaging. Due to the signal
recovery of the labeled blood, the slice number in the
readout is limited. In this study, multiband excitation
technique was applied in Look-locker readout to triple
the readout slices for the dynamic pCASL. Preliminary
results show that the quantitative CBF can be acquired
with whole brain coverage using multiband technique in
the same measurement time as using singleband
0718. |
Cerebral arterial blood
quantification with simultaneous multi-slice acquisition 
Tae Kim1, Yoojin Lee1, and
Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Multi-band (MB) excitation for data acquisition was
successfully implemented into cerebral arterial blood
volume (CBVa) and evaluated on healthy volunteers at 3T.
CBVa quantification for MB excitation was highly
comparable with that of a conventional single-band
acquisition. Our study demonstrates that the MB
technique facilitates an accelerated acquisition of high
resolution, whole-brain CBVa quantification maps
Time efficient and robust
perfusion measurement using Walsh-reordered time encoded
Federico von Samson-Himmelstjerna1, Jan
Sobesky2, and Matthias Günther1
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 2Center
for Stroke Research (CSB), Charité University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Time encoded (a.k.a Hadamard) pseudo continuous ASL
decodes N-1 time steps from N image acquisitions. All N
images are necessary for correct decoding. This means,
that corrupted images, e.g. by motion, can lead to
erroneous decoding and, thus, complete loss of data. To
overcome this limitation a Walsh-ordered and extended
Hadamard matrix is proposed for encoding. It allows the
reconstruction of perfusion data from the second image
acquisition on and a time resolution that increases with
the number of acquisitions. This renders the technique
robust against complete loss of data e.g. by motion of
agitated patients in the clinical setup.
0720. |
Simultaneous acquisition of
perfusion maps and 4D MR angiography by means of arterial
spin labeling MRI 
Yuriko Suzuki1, Wouter M Teeuwisse2,
Sophie Schmid2, Peter Koken3, Marc
Van Cauteren4, Michael Helle3, and
Matthias JP van Osch2
1Philips Electronics Japan, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 2C.J.Gorter
Center for High Field MRI, Departement of Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 3Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 4Philips
Healthcare Asia Pasific, Tokyo, Japan
Both 4D magnetic resonance angiography (4D-MRA) and
perfusion imaging have proved their value in the
characterization of hemodynamic pathology in
cerebrovascular disease, and their complementary
information provides a complete picture of the
hemodynamic status, which may prove especially important
in conditions such as acute stroke. In this study, we
propose the simultaneous acquisition of ASL-based
perfusion image and MRA by combining a time-encoded ASL
preparation with two sequential readout modules which
have different spatial resolution: a high-resolved
sequence for 4D MRA immediately followed by low
resolution sequence for perfusion imaging.
Optimised encoding scheme
for vessel-encoded pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling 
Eleanor S K Berry1, Peter Jezzard1,
and Thomas W Okell1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
An automated method of calculating optimised encodings
to label vessels using vessel-encoded pseudo-continuous
arterial spin labelling is presented. The resulting
encoding schemes have greater simulated SNR efficiency
than those from other methods for a variety of vessel
numbers and geometries. Preliminary healthy subject
scans have resulted in images with higher SNR. The
method requires further validation in subjects and more
vessel scenarios.
Simultaneous measurement of
microvascular and macrovascular blood flow and oxygenation
in the leg 
Erin K Englund1, Zachary B Rodgers2,
Michael C Langham3, Emile R Mohler III4,
Thomas F Floyd5, and Felix W Wehrli3
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States,3Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 4Department
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 5Department
of Anesthesiology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,
NY, United States
A method to simultaneously measure perfusion, arterial
velocity, venous oxygen saturation, and skeletal muscle
T2* using an interleaved pulsed arterial spin
labeling and velocity-encoded multi-echo GRE sequence is
presented. The method, termed velocity-encoded
Perfusion, Intravascular Venous Oxygen saturation and T2*
(velocity-encoded PIVOT) was assessed in healthy
subjects during a series of ischemia reperfusion
paradigms. Results demonstrate that the method is
capable of faithfully measuring all four parameters at
3-second temporal resolution. Dynamic measurement of
these parameters was also completed during isometric
plantar flexion contractions. Results suggest that this
technique may be useful in developing biophysical models
of muscle metabolism.
0723. |
Brain tumor oxygen
saturation mapping with magnetic resonance imaging corrected
by a local hematocrit mapping assessed by nuclear imaging 
Benjamin Lemasson1,2, Alexis Broisat3,4,
Pauline Busieau1,2, Régine Farion1,2,
Mitra Ahmadi3,4, Sandrine Bacot3,4,
Catherine Ghezzi3,4, Chantal Rémy1,2,
and Emmanuel Barbier1,2
1U836, Inserm, GRENOBLE, France, 2Grenoble
Institut des Neurosciences, Université Joseph Fourier,
GRENOBLE, France, 3U1039,
Inserm, GRENOBLE, France, 4Radiopharmaceutiques
Biocliniques, Université Joseph Fourier, GRENOBLE,
We evaluated the impact of the local hematocrit (Hct)
when mapping the brain tumor oxygen saturation (StO2).
A multimodal experiment (MRI and autoradiography of 2
different isotopes) was performed on 8 rats bearing a
brain tumor. The tumor Hct level, assessed by
autoradiography, was significantly reduced as compared
to healthy striatum. Using, for each animal, the Hct to
compute the StO2 voxel-wise
led to a significant reduction in tumor oxygenation in
comparison to that of the healthy striatum. Our results
indicate that change in Hct should not be overlooked
when assessing oxygenation in brain tumors or in other
brain diseases.
0724. |
Pseudo Extravasation Rate
Constant of Dynamic Susceptibility Enhanced Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Determined From Pharmacokinetic First
Xin Li1, Csanad Varallyay2, Seymur
Gahramonov2, William D Rooney1,
and Edward A Neuwelt2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Department
of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Though widely adopted for brain perfusion measurement,
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) with low molecular weight Gadolinium (Gd)
contrast reagent (CR) is often confounded by CR’s
leakage into intersitium space. Based on pharmacokinetic
first principles, we demonstrate a fast leakage
correction method similar to that of the Patlak plot.
This linearization approach uniquely identifies the
leakage rate constant and significantly simplifies
relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) quantification.
0725. |
Simutaneous measurement of
pharmacokinetic model parameters and T1/B1 using
Active Contrast Encoding MRI 
Jin Zhang1 and
Sungheon Kim1
1Radiology, New York University, New York,
New York, United States
In DCE-MRI studies, accurate estimation of
pharmacokinetic model parameters requires B1-corrected
T1 values.
However, it is not trivial to measure B1and T1 accurately
in addition to the long scan time. In this study, we
proposed a novel approach, namely active contrast
encoding (ACE) MRI, to measure both B1 and
T1 values
along with kinetic parameters from a single DCE-MRI
data. A proof-of-concept study was conducted to
demonstrate the proposed method using numerical
simulations and an in vivo mouse study, and to show that
ACE-MRI can eliminate the need to have separate B1 and
T1mapping procedures.
0726. |
The Transfer Constant Ktrans in
Glioblastomas is Limited by Permeability and not Perfusion 
Atle Bjornerud1,2, A. Gregory Sorensen3,4,
Patrick Y Wen5, Tracy T Batchelor6,7,
Rakesh K Jain6, and Kyrre E Emblem1,3
1The Intervention Centre, Oslo University
Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 2Dept
of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 3Department
of Radiology and Athinoula A. Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States, 4Siemens
Healthcare Health Services, Pennsylvania, United States, 5Center
for Neuro-Oncology, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s
Cancer Center and Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts,
United States, 6Department
of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts, United
States, 7Department
of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Massachusetts, United States
Tumor perfusion (CBF) and capillary permeability
transfer constant (Ktrans) have been proposed as
sensitive biomarkers to monitor the effect of
vascular-targeting and anti-angiogenic agents. Possible
inter-dependence of these two metrics may, however
complicate their interpretation in clinical data. We
used dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI to
estimate both CBF, Ktrans and the initial contrast agent
extraction fraction (E) in 30 patients with recurrent
glioblastomas undergoing anti-angiogenic treatment. The
results suggest that E is on average below 10% in this
patient group and hence Ktrans and CBF can be considered
independent parameters in glioblastomas.
Flow and permeability
estimation from DCE data: 2-compartment exchange and Tofts
models comparison 
Guy Nadav1,2, Gilad Liberman2,3,
Moran Artzi2,4, Nahum Kiryati1,
and Dafna Ben Bashat2,4
1School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2Functional
Brain Center, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel
Aviv, Israel,33Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain
Research Center, Bar Ilan University, Israel, 4Sackler
Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
In order to extract flow from DCE data, a 2-compartment
exchange model (2CXM) is needed. In this study we show
that flow is misinterpreted as permeability using the
standard 1-compartment model (ETM) on simulated data
that is based on 2CXM parameters. In real data, obtained
from a patient with brain tumor, highly vascularized
brain areas (veins and tumor) showed high flow and no
permeability using 2CXM, but high permeability using ETM.
This study shows that when utilizing ETM, care should be
taken when interpreting permeability maps and when
temporal resolution allows, the 2CXM should be used.
0728. |
Estimation of the True
Arterial Input Function using a Physiological Model in
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI 
Dennis Lai-Hong Cheong1, Bo Zhang1,
Limiao Jiang1,2, and Thian C Ng1,2
1Clinical Imaging Research Center, A*STAR &
National University of Singapore, 117456, Singapore, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, National University of
Singapore, 119074, Singapore
It is challenging to find an appropriate AIF in DCE MRI
studies. Ideally, AIF is the contrast concentration time
curve in incoming blood at the tissue of interest, but
this is not measurable directly with current
technologies. We estimated the true AIF using a
physiological model for AIF that we have developed
recently. The model gave good fittings to all
concentration time curves measured at vessels. The
estimated true AIF was used in tracer kinetic analysis
using both a distributed parameter model and the
modified Tofts model. This method offers a way to
estimate the true AIF at the tissue of interest.
0729. |
The arterial response
function: A new concept demonstrated in a simulation study
investigating the influence of the injection rate on the
quantification of plasma flow 
Michael Ingrisch1, Steven Sourbron2,
Felix Schwab1, Mike Notohamiprodjo3,
Maximilian F Reiser3, Michael Peller1,
and Olaf Dietrich1
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, München, Germany,2Division
of Medical Physics, University of Leeds, Leeds, United
Kingdom, 3Institute
for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, München, Germany
The arterial input function (AIF) can be interpreted as
the response of the arterial system to the injection of
contrast agent, characterized by an unknown ‘arterial
response function’ (ARF). This function can be
determined from a measured AIF by numerical
deconvolution and can be utilized for the generation of
synthetic AIFs for arbitrary injection schemes. In this
work, we use this approach for a simulation study,
investigating the hypothesis that fast injections are
required for the determination of plasma flow in tissues
with short plasma transit times, whereas in tissues with
long transit times slower injections suffice.