Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014 10-16 May 2014 Milan, Italy

Translational Pathways & Validation
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
ORGANIZERS: Kevin M. Bennett, Ph.D. & C. Chad Quarles, Ph.D.
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
This course is an introduction to histology and molecular biology methods will be presented as well as applications in pre-clinical MRI data.
Non-Biologists interested in an introduction to non-MRI methodologies that can be used to validate pre-clinical MRI data. The goal of this course is to provide non-Biologists with an introduction to non-MRI methodologies that can be used to validate pre-clinical MRI data.

As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:

  • Apply the principles of multiple molecular biology and histological methodologies; and
  • Differentiate which of the molecular biology and histological methodologies may be appropriate to validate different pre-clinical MRI datasets.


Moderators: Robia G. Pautler, Ph.D. & C. Chad Quarles, Ph.D.

      Molecular Biology: Validation with Molecular Biological Methods  
07:00 Histology & Molecular Biology Techniques Scott C. Beeman, Ph.D.
07:25 Interpreting Your MR Images Using Molecular Biology Louise van der Weerd, Ph.D.
07:50     Adjournment