Traditional & Electronic Posters, simultaneous presentations
Investigators Poster Competition: |
17:15 |
Traditional Poster Presentations |
Non-Invasive MR Oxygen Mapping of Primary Central Nervous
System Tumors |
Mara Safronova, M.Sc.
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium |
Tracking Tissue Oxygenation Status & Response using
Diffusion-Weighted Functional MRI |
Zhongwei Zhang, M.D.,
UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA |
Tetra-Manganese Polyoxometalates: A New Candidate Contrast
Agent for MRI |
Xiaoyong Zhang, Ph.D.
Emory University, USA |
Quantification of Dendritic Cells Entering the Lymph Nodes
in Mice using 19-F MRI |
Conrad S. Martin, B.A.
Max Delbruck Ctr for Molecular Medicine, Germany |
Gradient & Spin-Echo Radial Acquisition for Hyperpolarized
13C MRSI |
Marc S. Ramirez, Ph.D.
UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA |
Thermosensitive Biodegradable Hydrogels for Sustained
Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins: MRI-Based Monitoring of In
Vitro & In Vivo Protein Release |
Geralda A. F. van Tilborg,
University Medical Center
Utrecht, The Netherlands |
17:15 |
Electronic Poster Presentations |
Exploring the Inherent CEST MRI Signal of Anticancer Drug
Gemcitabine |
Yuguo Li, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA |
Contributions to Susceptibility from Iron & Demyelination in
Multiple Sclerosis Lesions |
Cynthia Wisnieff, Ph.D.
Cornell University, USA |
Natural Abundance In Vivo 17O Measurements
at 9.4T |
Klaus Möllenhoff, M.Sc.
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany |
Design of Novel Synthetic Antiferromagnets for Nano-RF
reporters for Single Cell Tracking |
Karl F. Stupic, Ph.D.
National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA |
Safety & Efficacy Evaluation of a Novel Graphene-Based
Nanoparticles as an MRI Blood Pool Agent |
Shruti Kanakia, M.Sc.
Stony Brook University, USA |
Single-Shot Acquisition of [1-13C]Pyruvate &
Lactate on a 3T Clinical Scanner |
Benjamin J. Geraghty,
McMaster University, Canada |
17:55 |
Closing Remarks |
E. Jim Delikatny, Ph.D.,
University of Pennsylvania, USA |
18:00 |
Adjournment |