10:45 |
0072. |
High resolution HARDI of
early embryonic mouse brain development 
Dan Wu1, Ilan Gobius2, Linda J
Richards2, Susumu Mori3, and
Jiangyang Zhang3
1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 2Queensland
brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, 3Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Diffusion MRI is an ideal tool to characterize the
microstructures in the embryonic mouse brain, and high
resolution is key to delineate these fine structures.
Using a 3D diffusion-weighted gradient and spin echo
sequence, we were able to acquire HARDI data of the
embryonic mouse brains at 30 to 45 µm isotropic
resolution and 30 diffusion directions. The
high-resolution data from embryonic day 10.5 (E10.5) to
E15.5 (n=5 per stage) revealed the dynamic changes in
the early gray and white matter structures with
unprecedented details.
10:57 |
0073. |
Sex Differences in
Structural and Functional Network Topology are Present at
Birth: A Multi-modal Graph Theory Study 
Vincent Jerome Schmithorst1, Jessica
Wisnowski1, and Ashok Panigrahy1
1Radiology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
We investigated possible sex differences in structural
and functional network topology in healthy neonates
using DTI and intrinsic-connectivity fMRI, respectively.
While structural network topology is similar, females
show greater modularity due to a more developed frontal
interhemispheric subnetwork. Functionally, females show
more developed frontal and fronto-temporo-parietal
interhemispheric subnetworks, resulting in greater
modularity, efficiency, and small-worldness. Results
show that at least some brain sex differences arise
during prenatal development. Moreover, these differences
may account for the greater risk of white matter injury
and poorer neurocognitive outcomes in males following
perinatal stressors such as preterm birth or congenital
heart disease.
11:09 |
0074. |
Development of visual
cortex in infants 
Laura Biagi1, Sofia Allegra Crespi2,3,
Michela Tosetti1, and Maria Concetta Morrone1,4
1IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation, Calambrone,
Pisa, Italy, 2Department
of Psychology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University,
Milan, Italy, 3CERMAC
and Neuroradiology Unit, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan,
Italy, 4Department
of Translational Research on New Technologies in
Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
There is little information about the developmental
timelines of the cortical areas comprising the neural
network that analyses visual motion. We measured at 1.5T
cortical bold response in 11 full-term awake 7-weeks-old
infants, contrasting coherent flow motion to blank or
random noise. Areas MT and V6 respond well to motion at
7 weeks. Correlation analysis suggests weak connectivity
between V1 and MT in young infants, but a stronger
functional connectivity between the cuneus/MT and V6.
The fast development and immature connectivity between
V1 and MT points to a possible alternative
V1-independent input to MT.
11:21 |
0075. |
Molecular MRI detection of
the brain development in normal children with magnetization
transfer (MT) and amide proton transfer (APT) imaging 
Hong Zhang1,2, Xuna Zhao3, Jinyuan
Zhou2, and Yun Peng4
1Imaging Center,Beijing Children’s Hospital,
Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2Neurosection,
Division of MR Research, Department of Radiology, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Peking
University, Beijing, China, 4Beijing
Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical University,
Beijing, China
MT-MRI is sensitive to a semi-solid macromolecular phase
in tissue, and APT-MRI is sensitive to the amide protons
of mobile proteins and peptides, both accomplishing
detection using the water signal. We detected brain
development patterns in normal children using MT and APT
imaging at 3T. Our preliminary results showed that
MTRasym(3.5ppm) decreased exponentially and MTR
increased exponentially with age, with the most
significant changes occurring within the first 2 years
of life. MT and APT imaging may be useful to assess the
progress of myelination.
11:33 |
Investigation of
Longitudinal Neurodevelopment using Quantitative MRI 
Douglas C Dean1, Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh1,2,
Holly Dirks1, Nicole Waskiewicz1,
Lindsay Walker1, and Sean C.L. Deoni1
1School of Engineering, Brown University,
Providence, RI, United States, 2Neuroimaging,
King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, United
Quantitative MRI affords a unique opportunity to map the
dynamic patterns of neurodevelopment and provide insight
into the relationships between brain maturation and
emerging cognition. Longitudinal developmental
trajectories of quantitative T1, T2, and the myelin
water fraction (VFM) from 103 typically developing
children are presented and characterized using
non-linear mixed effects modeling. We furthermore
examine the relationships between changes in these
quantitative parameters and measures of cognition. Our
results reflect the coincident development of myelinated
white matter and cognitive ability; providing an
important step for understanding the typical patterns of
normative white matter maturation and its relationship
to emerging function.
11:45 |
Concurrent ASL and BOLD
FMRI of Working Memory in Typically Developing Population 
Lirong Yan1, Emily Kilroy2, Mayank
Jog1, and Danny JJ Wang1
1University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2University
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Due to the lack of assays of baseline function and
absolute quantification of task-induced effect size, it
is hard to interpret developmental BOLD fMRI findings.
In this study, a concurrent ASL/BOLD fMRI paradigm of
working memory tasks was employed to investigate the
relationship between CBF and BOLD responses in 57
children and adolescents aged 7 to 17. Our results
showed that while the percentage of BOLD response
increases with age, both baseline CBF and absolute
task-induced CBF decrease with age, suggesting more
efficient use of oxygen of the brain during development.
11:57 |
0078. |
Affective context affects
the response of the fusiform gyrus: fMRI investigations of
the face processing network in adolescence 
Marta Re1, Vaibhav Diwadkar2, and
Paolo Brambilla1
1RUBIN, ICBN, University of Udine and
University of Verona, Udine, Italy, 2Dept
of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State
University SOM, Detroit, MI, United States
Emotion processing and the ability to decode facial
expressions is crucial for normal emotional development
but the evolution of these processes and of the neural
systems associated with this over the adolescence
remains unclear. Moreover, understanding cognitive
top-down effects during affective processing is of
relevance as these mechanisms may modulate the response
of the face processing network. In this study, by means
of an fMRI task, we evaluated differential top-down
effects on the modulation of the face processing network
and founded an affected response of the fusiform gyrus
in adolescents.
12:09 |
0079. |
Age-dependent diffusion and
perfusion normal values in gray matter brain structures in
children -
permission withheld
Nils Daniel Forkert1, Zhaoying Han1,
Matthew Daniel Li1, Roland Bammer1,
and Kristen Yeom1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
The extraction of diffusion and perfusion parameters
from MRI is of high clinical utility in various
neurological diseases. However, adult normal values
cannot be applied directly to pediatric patients due to
age-dependent parameter changes. The aim of this work is
to investigate the age-dependent change of ADC and CBF
values in healthy children over the entire pediatric age
range by applying an atlas-based analysis of ASL and ADC
datasets in different brain regions. Overall,
logarithmic relations between age and ADC as well as CBF
values were found, which may help to identify
neuropathological conditions of childhood in future.
12:21 |
0080. |
Cortical maturation in the
preterm period revealed using a multi-component
diffusion-weighted MR model. 
Zach Eaton-Rosen1, Andrew Melbourne1,
Eliza Orasanu1, Alan Bainbridge2,
Giles S. Kendall3, Nicola J. Robertson3,
Neil Marlow3, and Sebastien Ourselin1
1CMIC, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 2Medical
Physics, UCH, London, United Kingdom, 3Academic
Neonatology, EGA UCL Institute for Women's Health,
London, United Kingdom
During normal cortical development, there is a period of
high fractional anisotropy (FA) measured in the cortex
as revealed by diffusion tensor imaging. In a
longitudinal study of a preterm neonatal population, we
fitted the NODDI model to multi-shell diffusion MR and
separated the FA into contributions from orientation
dispersion (ODI) and from the volume fraction of the
intra-cellular component (vic). We found that the
decrease in FA is predominantly attributable to
increased ODI rather than changing vic. Establishing
biomarkers of cortical maturation from
diffusion-weighted data will aid in developing measures
of cognitive outcome in this at-risk population.
12:33 |
0081. |
Substructural Topographic
Map of the Interhemispheric-Cortices Connectivity in Neonate
Boys And Girls. 
Malek I Makki1 and
Cornelia Hagmann2
1MRI Research, University Children Hospital
of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Neonatalogy,
University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Using fiber tracking we draw a topographic map of the
interhemispheric-cortices pathways in healthy neonates
by segmenting the corpus callosum in 5 substructures:
genu, rostral body, body, isthmus and splenium. The
connectivity of the genu and rostrum to premotor cortex,
the body to the motor cortex as well as the splenium to
occipital and temporal occipital lobes were more
developed in girls compared to boys (significantly lower
mean and radial diffusions in girls). The isthmus
connectivity to the superior temporal and posterior
parietal is similar in both groups and is the last
substructure to develop (lowest anisotropy, and axial