ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting
& Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1251. |
Veterinary Diagnostic MRI
at an Academic Medical Center: Tips, Tricks, and
Pathological Confirmation 
Dara L Kraitchman1,2, Larry Gainsburg3,
Jan Fritz2, Patrick R Gavin4,
Nathan Pate5, Elizabeth Ihms5,
Joseph Mankowski5, and Rebecca Krimins1,2
1Center for Image-Guided Animal Therapy,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Russell
H Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 3Mid-Atlantic
Veterinary Neurology and Neurosurgery, Catonsville, MD,
United States, 4M.R.
Vets, Sagle, ID, United States,5Molecular and
Comparative Pathobiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
MRI of client-owned pets as a diagnostic tool in
veterinary medicine is becoming more prevalent. As in
human medicine, the vast majority of MRI studies are
neurological or musculoskeletal. In this education
e-poster, we will present several MRI studies where
pathological correlation was obtained to confirm common
interpretations of MRI studies. We will also present
useful information for performing veterinary diagnostic
MRI in an academic medical center.
1252. |
Assessment of Experimental
Cerebral Malaria Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging at
Ultra-High Magnetic Field 
Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru1,2, Bruno
Miguel de Brito Robalo1,3, Emilie Pecchi1,2,
Georges Emile Raymond Grau4, Monique Bernard1,2,
and Angèle Viola1,2
1Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et
Médicale, CRMBM UMR CNRS 7339, Marseille, France, 2Aix-Marseille
Université, Marseille, France, 3University
of Lisbon, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical
Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 4Department
of Pathology, Sydney Medical School, The University of
Sydney, Camperdown, Australia
Changes in brain tissue microstructure in murine
cerebral malaria were investigated with DTI. Mice were
imaged before disease and after infestation with
Plasmodium Berghei ANKA. A segmented EPI technique was
used for brain DTI acquisitions. S0, FA, ADC,
λ1, λ2 and
λ3 maps
were generated. Early after infestation, FA was
significantly deceased in specific white matter tracts,
when the neurological signs were not yet detectable.
Increases in ADC and radial diffusitivities occurred
during the peak of the disease. Loss of tissue
anisotropy is a new hallmark of the disease that may
help improve our understanding of CM pathogenesis.
1253. |
Custom-Fit, 3D-Printed
Marmoset Brain Holders for Comparison of Histology with MRI 
Joseph Guy1,2, Pascal Sati1,
Steven Jacobson3, Afonso C Silva4,
and Daniel S Reich1
1Translational Neuroradiology Unit,
Neuroimmunology Branch, National Institute of Neurologic
Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Department
of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 3Viral
Immunology Section, Neuroimmunology Branch, National
Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 4Cerebral
Microcirculation Unit, Laboratory of Functional and
Molecular Imaging, National Institute of Neurologic
Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, United States
MRI and histology are two very different but uniquely
useful approaches to investigate diseases in cerebral
tissues. However, due to the inherent differences
between the methods (particularly image resolution), it
is difficult to combine them together to investigate
small-scale features/pathology. This can be overcome
with the use of custom-fit, 3D-printed cradles/slicers
that maintain alignment and orientation of brains
between MRI and tissue cutting. We applied this method
in marmoset brains and obtained a highly precise
comparison between in vivo MRI, ex vivo MRI, and
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1254. |
Imaging the human brain
with dissolved xenon MRI at 1.5T 
Madhwesha Rao1, Neil Stewart1,
Graham Norquay1, Paul Griffiths1,
and Jim Wild1
1University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hyperpolarized 129Xe when inhaled into the lungs,
dissolves into the blood and is transferred to the brain
by systemic circulation. The aim of this work was to
demonstrate high-resolution spectroscopy and 2D gradient
echo imaging of Hyperpolarized 129Xe dissolved in the
human brain at 1.5 T for the first time. In this study,
we demonstrate HP 129Xe as a safe, non-invasive contrast
agent for imaging of xenon (blood) delivery to different
compartments of the human brain in vivo.
4D Phase Contrast EPI for
assessing 3D volumetric strain rate in the human brain over
the cardiac cycle 
Nils Noorman1, Sebastian Hirsch2,
Jürgen Braun3, Peter R. Luijten1,
Ingolf Sack2, and Jaco J.M. Zwanenburg1
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany,3Institute of Medical
Informatics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
The pulsating heart induces volumetric strain pulsations
in the brain, which drive the interstitial transport of
metabolites and waste products. This feasibility study
mapped these volumetric strain rates for the first time
with a time resolved 3-dimensional phase contrast (3D
PCA) sequence (0.3 cm/s encoding velocity), over the
entire brain and cardiac cycle (74 ms temporal
resolution). The shapes of the strain rate curves
obtained in four volunteers were similar to previous
studies using different techniques. However, the
magnitude was approximately 5 times larger, requiring
further validation before using this technique as a tool
for studying brain (patho)physiology.
1256. |
Kinetic oscillatory
stimulation (KOS) in the nasal cavity studied by
resting-state fMRI 
Tie-Qiang Li1, Rolf Hallin2, and
Jan-Erik Juto3
1Department of Medical Physics, Karolinska
University Hospital, Karolinska Huddinge, Stockholm,
Sweden, 2Department
of Neurophysiology, Karolinska University Hospital,
Karolinska Huddinge, stockholm, Sweden, 3Department
of CLINTEC, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, stockholm,
Kinetic oscillatory stimulation (KOS) in the nasal
cavity has been shown to be effective for treating acute
migraine and inflammation. We aimed to better understand
the neurological mechanisms underlying KOS treatment. We
used a resting-state fMRI protocol that fits the
treatment inside MRI scanners and a metric based on the
number of significant functional connections to quantify
BOLD response to KOS treatment. Our results demonstrate
that migraine is associated with enhanced functional
modulations within the control network of the autonomous
nervous system and KOS treatment results in
significantly different responses between normal
controls and migraine patients.
1257. |
Influence of Respirations
on Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Movement Using bSSFP
Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP) 
Shinya Yamada1, Yuichi Yamashita2,
Masao Yui2, Cheng Ouyang3, Masao
Nakahashi2, and Mitsue Miyazaki3
1Toshiba Rinkan Hospital, Sagamihara,
Kanagawa, Japan, 2Toshiba
Medical Systems Corp., Tochigi, Japan, 3Toshiba
Medical Research Institute, Illinois, United States
The effect of respiration on CSF movement was
investigated using a non-contrast time-spatial labeling
inversion pulse (Time-SLIP) with balanced steady-state
free precession (bSSFP) cine readout. CSF moved cephalic
(16.4 ± 7.7 mm) during deep inhalation and caudal (11.6
± 3.0 mm) during deep exhalation in the prepontine
cisternal area. Small but rapid cephalic (3.0± 0.4 mm)
and caudal (3.0 ± 0.5 mm) movement was observed in the
same region during breath holding. Time-SLIP bSSFP cine
presents for non-invasive visualization of CSF movement
associated during deep expiration and expiration to a
degree not previously reported.
1258. |
A first insight in regional
brain changes after parabolic flight: a voxel-based
morphometry study. 
Angelique Van Ombergen1, Ben Jeurissen2,
Floris Vanhevel3, Dirk Loeckx4,
Vincent Dousset5, Paul M. Parizel3,
and Floris L. Wuyts1
1Antwerp University Research centre for
Equilibrium and Aerospace, University of Antwerp,
Edegem, Antwerp, Belgium, 2iMinds/Visionlab,
Department of Physics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp,
Belgium, 3Department
of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem,
Antwerp, Belgium, 4icoMetrix,
Leuven, Belgium,5Neuroradiology Department,
CHU Pellegrin, Bordeaux, France
This study is a part of a larger study where we
investigate for the first time ever the possible effects
of gravity transitions on brain connectivity and
morphology. We used voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to
assess anatomical differences throughout the brain in 16
healthy and first-time parabolic flyers. MRI
investigations were carried out before and immediately
after the parabolic flight. Our results suggest that
gravity shifts have an impact on brain morphology and
possibly also connectivity, in regions that are know to
play a pivotal role in the integration of neurosensory
information (vestibular, visual and proprioceptive
Evaluating Artifact
Introduced by Intra-Subject Motion Correction in Functional
Lisha Yuan1, Jianhui Zhong1, and
Hongjian He1
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and
Technology, ZheJiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
In addition to magnetic susceptibility, a potential
source of motion artifact could be image-processing
operations. As one of most typical image process,
spatial resampling is demanded by head-motion correction
of functional images. It deals with interpolation among
neighboring voxels, and could be problematic when local
signal is not homogeneous. The goal of this study was to
evaluate the spatial resampling process during motion
correction, and to verify that this artifact occurs at
areas can be easily affected by the partial volume
effect. In order to exclude the effect of motor-related
neural activity, simulation experiments were designed
and three types of data were created corresponding to
common types of head motion.
1260. |
Reliability and
reproducibility of arterial transit time-corrected
whole-brain pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling 
Kazunobu Tsuji1, Tatsuro Tsuchida1,
Yasuhiro Fujiwara1,2, Masayuki Kanamoto1,
Tsuyoshi Matsuda3, R. Marc Lebel4,
and Hirohiko Kimura1
1Radiology, University of Fukui, Yoshida-gun,
Fukui, Japan, 2Medical
Imaging, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, 3Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Tokyo,
Japan, 4Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, AB, Canada
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) signals reflect blood flow
delivery to local brain tissue, but may be affected by
arterial transit time (ATT). Low-resolution ATT pre-scan
has been proposed as a means of reducing the ATT
contribution1. Reproducibility studies have recently
been reported from several groups using different ASL
schemes, but no reports have described the
reproducibility of ATT and ATT-corrected CBF. This study
was to assess the reproducibility and reliability of ATT
and ATT-corrected CBF maps compared with those of
uncorrected CBF calculated using fixed transit time
1261. |
Inspiration drives
cerebrospinal fluid flow in humans 
Steffi Dreha-Kulaczewski1, Arun Jospeh2,3,
Klaus-Dietmar Merboldt2, Hans Ludwig4,
Jutta Gaertner1, and Jens Frahm2,3
1Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent
Medicine, Division of Pediatric Neurology, University
Medical Center, Goettingen, Germany, 2Biomedizinische
NMR Forschungs GmbH am Max-Planck-Institut fuer
biophysikalische Chemie, Goettingen, Germany, 3partner
site Goettingen, German Center for Cardiovascular
Research, Germany,4Department of
Neurosurgery, Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery,
University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany
The mechanisms behind cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in
humans are still not fully known. We applied a novel
real-time MRI technique at high spatial and temporal
resolution in healthy subjects to study through-plane
CSF flow in the third ventricle. Significant CSF flow
was observed exclusively with inspiration (forced
breathing protocol), whereas breath hold suppressed it.
A small modulating flow component was ascribed to
cardiac pulsation. The present results unambiguously
identify inspiration as the most important driving force
for CSF flow. This approach opens new opportunities to
study the pathophysiology of various forms of
hydrocephalus and to design appropriate therapeutic
1262. |
superresolution MR imaging using dual dictionaries 
Jean-Christophe Brisset1, Riccardo Otazo1,
and Yulin Ge1
1Department of Radiology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Clinical imaging is always longing for increased image
resolution to obtain superior details of biological
structural changes at micro levels. SuperResolution is
the process of reconstructing a High Resolution image
from a Low Resolution image and has been predominantly
used in digital photography and picture enhancement.
Superresolution techniques have been proposed previously
for MRI but with limited success due to scan time and
SNR challenges. In this study, we propose to bring this
idea to brain MRI for supersolved subvoxel
microstructural diffraction. Coupled-sparsity
superresolution may be very useful for identifying
microstructures that are not well visualized with
current MRI techniques.
1263. |
thermometry using subarachnoid space cerebrospinal fluid in
subacute carbon monoxide poisoning patients 
Shunrou Fujiwara1, Yoshichika Yoshioka2,
Tsuyoshi Matsuda3, Hideaki Nishimoto1,
Toshiyuki Murakami1, Akira Ogawa1,
Kuniaki Ogasawara1, Makoto Sasaki4,
and Takaaki Beppu1,5
1Department of Neurosurgery, Iwate Medical
University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan, 2WPI
Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University,
Suita, Osaka, Japan, 3MR
Applications and Workflow Asia Pacific, GE Healthcare
Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 4Division
of Ultrahigh Field MRI, Institu, Iwate Medical
University, Yahaba, Iwate, Japan,5Hyperbaric
Medicine, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Iwate,
We investigate the potential of cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) based DWI-thermometry measured in the subarachnoid
space, where the CSF flow quietly changes comparing with
the lateral ventricle, to estimate brain temperature
(BT) in subacute carbon monoxide (CO) poisoned patients
who show the strong imbalance between perfusion and
metabolism in the brain. Our results suggested that the
higher BT measured in the subarachnoid space by DWI than
that measured in white matter by MRS might substantially
reflect the brain metabolism in the subacute CO-poisoned
patients because the CSF in the subarachnoid space
directly lies on the cortex.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1264. |
MRI based semi-automatic
volumetric measurements of the fetal brain 
Daphna Link1,2, Michael Braginsky3,
Leo Joskowicz3, Liat Ben Sira4,
Gustavo Malinger5, Ariel Many6,
and Dafna Ben Bashat1,7
1Functional Brain Center, The Wohl Institute
for Advanced Imaging, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center,
Tel Aviv, Israel, 2Sackler
Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Israel, 3School
of Engineering and Computer Science, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 4Division
of Pediatric Radiology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 5Obstetrics
and Gynecology US Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical
Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lis Maternity Hospital,
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, 7Sackler
Faculty of Medicine and Sagol school of neuroscience,
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Accurate volumetric measurements of the fetal brain are
clinically important to assess fetal development. In
this study a novel semi-automatic segmentation method
was used to extract and measure fetal brain volumes from
high resolution MR images in fifteen typically developed
and seven IUGR fetuses, and tested against manual
segmentation validated by a senior neuro-radiologist. A
good correlation was obtained between the algorithm and
manual segmentation results (mean: 4.77% volume
difference; 18.13% volume overlap difference) and with
significantly reduced time taken (~99% less than manual
segmentation). Furthermore, significant differences were
detected between brain volumes of normal and IUGR
1265. |
Mapping the preterm newborn
brain: a diffusion tensor study of the cerebellum’s early
neural connections 
Lillian Gabra Fam1,2, Jeanie LY Cheong1,3,
Alexander Leemans4, Christopher L Adamson1,
Richard Beare1, Marc L Seal1,2,
Peter J Anderson1,2, Lex W Doyle1,3,
Alicia J Spittle1,3, and Deanne K Thompson1,5
1Murdoch Childrens Research Institute,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2Department
of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 3Royal
Women’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 4Image
Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Netherlands, 5Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
Altered development of the white matter pathways linking
the cerebellum and cerebrum may underlie some of the
neurodevelopmental deficits in preterm infants. Few
studies have reconstructed these tracts in the neonate
brain. This study used probabilistic diffusion
tractography to reconstruct the corticopontocerebellar
and dentatothalamic tracts at term-equivalent age in 40
very preterm infants (<31 weeks’ gestation), 40 moderate
and late preterm infants (32-36 weeks’ gestation) and 40
full-term controls (>37 weeks’ gestation). The
corticopontocerebellar tracts were successfully
reconstructed with clear delineation of their cortical
projections. The dentatothalamic tracts were
consistently reconstructed to the level of the superior
cerebellar peduncle decussation.
1266. |
Diffusion MRI identifies
enhanced connection of neural pathways in toddlers with
Autism Spectrum Disorder 
J. Mitra1, E. Conti2,3, K-K. Shen1,
J. Fripp1, O. Salvado1, S.
Calderoni2, A. Guzzetta2,3, and S.
1Australian e-Health & Research Centre, CSIRO
Digital Productivity Flagship, Herston, QLD, Australia, 2Dept.
of Developmental Neuroscience, Stella Maris Scientific
Institute, Pisa, Italy, 3University
of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous group
of neuro-developmental diseases and is characterized by
impairment in socio-communicative abilities, as well as
restricted and stereotyped behaviours. There is a
growing interest in identifying structural and
functional neuro-anatomical correlates of the disorder
that has the potential to predict early behavioural
assessment impacting tailored rehabilitation
intervention. In this study we analyse the diffusion MRI
of ASD and developmental delay (DD) infants below 36
months of age and compare the differences in neural
pathways using network based statistics. Further we
analyse the asymmetry between the two cohorts from the
obtained neural pathways.
1267. |
Hye Jin Jeong1, So-Yeon Shim2,
Dong Woo Son3, Mira Chung4,
Sukyoung Park4, and Zang-Hee Cho1
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Namdong-gu,
Incheon, Korea, 2Ewha
Womans University, Division of Neonatology, Seoul,
Korea, 3Gachon
University, Division of Neonatology, Incheon, Korea, 4Gachon
University, Department of Early Childhood Education,
Gyeonggi Province, Korea
Our aim was to compare serial diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) data from preterm infants on magnetic resonance
imaging with those from term controls and to investigate
the white matter (WM) region associated with neuromotor
1268. |
Pituitary Perfusion
Characteristics In Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty:
Evaluation with Dynamic contrast Enhanced T1-weighted MR
Imaging Using Brix Pharmacokinetic Model 
Chao-Ying Wang1, Shih-Wei Chiang2,3,
Ping-Huei Tsai4,5, Hua-Shan Liu4,5,
Hsiao-Wen Chung2, Hung-Wen Kao3,
Chun-Jung Juan3, and Cheng-Yu Chen4,5
1Department of Biology and Anatomy, National
Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 4Imaging
Research Center, Taipei Medical University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 5Department
of Medical Imaging, Taipei Medical University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan
To quantitatively investigate the perfusion
characteristics of the adenohypophysis using DCE MR
imaging in a group of ICCP children with normal
pituitary morphology.
1269. |
The Reduction of Flow
Artifacts in T1W Spiral Spin-Echo Imaging: A Preliminary
Study in Children 
Zhiqiang Li1, Houchun H Hu2,
Dinghui Wang1, Jeffrey H Miller2,
John P Karis3, and James G Pipe1
1Imaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Radiology,
Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 3Neuroradiology,
Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United
Cartesian SE or TSE sequence suffers from flow-related
artifacts in post-contrast T1-weighted imaging. A spiral
SE technique has been proposed to reduce the flow
artifacts while providing faster scan speeds. In this
preliminary study, the spiral SE sequence was evaluated
and compared to Cartesian TSE mDixon in the pediatric
group. Both independent radiologists rated spiral SE as
superior to Cartesian TSE on flow artifact reduction and
overall quality. Spiral SE also provides advantages such
as fast scan speed and dark vascular signal. Therefore,
spiral SE provides a viable alternative in post-contrast
T1-weighted imaging.
1270. |
Arterial spin labeling
perfusion imaging performed in acute perinatal stroke
reveals hyperperfusion in association with cerebral ischemic
Christopher G. Watson1,2, Mathieu Dehaes3,
Borjan A. Gagoski3, P. Ellen Grant3,4,
and Michael J. Rivkin1,4
1Neurology, Boston Children's Hospital,
Boston, MA, United States, 2Graduate
Program for Neuroscience, Boston University, Boston, MA,
United States, 3Newborn
Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital, MA, United States, 4Radiology,
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) has not been extensively
used in the acute stage of neonatal stroke. We aimed to
establish whether acquiring ASL in neonatal stroke is
feasible, and determine if distinct perfusion patterns
are evident in arterial and venous stroke types. Of 23
neonates with acceptable ASL data, we found that
hyperperfusion was more common in arterial stroke, and
hypoperfusion was only present in venous stroke.
Additionally, clinical seizures occurred only in
arterial stroke. We conclude that ASL acquisition is
feasible in neonates with acute stroke. Hyperperfusion
may be due to reperfusion or to increased neuronal
activity in seizures.
1271. |
fMRI Measures of the Dorsal
Visual Cortex Correlates with Behavioral Performance and
Cortical Thickness 
Tanya Poppe1, Myra Leung1, Anna
Tottman2, Jane Alsweiler3, Frank
Bloomfield2, Jane Harding2, and
Ben Thompson1,4
1Department of Optometry and Vision Science,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 2Liggins
Institute, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand,3Department of Paediatrics: Child and
Youth Health, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand, 4Department
of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
This study revealed that a higher order visual pathway,
thought to be sensitive to abnormal neurodevelopment,
could be assessed using fMRI in seven-year-old children.
Furthermore, the fMRI results were correlated with
cortical thickness and performance of a visual task
outside of the scanner environment. These findings are
consistent with electrophysiology (in non-human
primates), electroencephalography (EEG), and
magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies in adults. fMRI of
visual brain areas may provide a sensitive biomarker for
abnormal neurodevelopment in children.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1272. |
Longitudinal Cortical
Maturation in Typically Developing Infants and Children 
Justin M Remer1, Douglas C Dean III1,2,
Sara D'Arpino1, Elise Croteau-Chonka1,
Holly Dirks1, and Sean C.L. Deoni1,3
1Advanced Baby Imaging Lab, School of
Engineering, Brown University, Providence, RI, United
States, 2Waisman
Lab for Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 3Department
of Pediatric Radiology, Children's Hospital Colorado,
Aurora, CO, United States
Cortical development is a rapid and dynamic process that
has been shown been shown to be a predictive measure of
cognitive development in adolescents. Longitudinal
developmental trajectories of cortical thickness from
163 healthy, typically developing infants and children
were characterized using non-linear mixed effects
modeling and shown to exhibit both linear and non-linear
behavior. In addition, differential cortical development
based on early learning composite, a surrogate measure
of IQ, was observed in three specific brain regions. Our
results provide insight into the complexities behind
cortical maturation and provide an important foundation
for understanding typical cortical development.
1273. |
Clustering analysis of
human infant brain maturation based on multi-parametric MR
Jessica Lebenberg1, Cyril Poupon2,
Bertrand Thirion3, François Leroy1,
Jean-François Mangin4, Ghislaine
Dehaene-Lambertz1, and Jessica Dubois1
1Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit U992, INSERM-CEA,
Gif-Sur-Yvette, Essonne, France, 2UNIRS,
CEA, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Essonne, France, 3Parietal,
INRIA, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Essonne, France, 4UNATI,
CEA, Gif-Sur-Yvette, Essonne, France
The human brain rapidly matures during the first
post-natal weeks. Microstructural and physiological
changes considerably affect MRI parameters offering the
possibility to non-invasively follow brain maturation in
healthy infants. Here, we propose to combine
complementary quantitative parameters related to DTI and
relaxation times to characterize maturation without
spatial a priori across the brain, including both the
cortex and white matter. We reproduced results obtained
in post-mortem studies: the first mature regions
included primary regions; the maturation progressed
rapidly but differently depending on brain regions. In
future analyses, we will propose new brain partitions
based on such maturation patterns.
1274. |
Mapping the myelin g-ratio
during neurodevelopment 
Douglas Dean 1,2,
Elise Croteau-Chonka2, Holly Dirks2,
Andrew L. Alexander1, and Sean Deoni2,3
1Waisman Center, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Engineering,
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United
States, 3Children’s
Hospital Colorado, Dever, Colorado, United States
Myelination is a critical process of white matter
development. While several neuroimaging techniques have
been used to study white matter development, no prior
studies have directly examine the microstructural
properties of myelin. In this work, we present an
alternative approach, combining multicomponent
relaxometry and NODDI data, to measure the myelin
g-ratio and for the first time present developmental
trajectories of the myelin g-ratio during
1275. |
Neural Correlates of the
Longitudinal Development of Phonological Processing in Early
Andrea S. Miele1,2, Holly Dirks2,
Dannielle John Whiley2, Terry
Harrison-Goldman1,3, Viren D'Sa3,
and Sean Deoni2,4
1Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Alpert
Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode
Island, United States, 2Advanced
Baby Imaging Laboratory, Brown University, Providence,
Rhode Island, United States, 3Pediatrics,
Neurodevelopmental Center, MHRI, Pawtucket, Rhode
Island, United States, 4Pediatric
Radiology, Children's Hospital Colorado, Colorado,
United States
Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability
characterized by deficits in phonological processing, a
set of skills considered essential for reading
acquisition. To our knowledge, no study has yet
investigated the relationship between myelin maturation
in toddlers and later phonological awareness skills.
Participants were grouped by level of performance on a
well-researched and validated measure of phonological
awareness (PA), and mixed effects modeling utilized to
plot MWF growth curves. Longitudinal trajectories
revealed increasing MWF by age. High PA performers had
greater myelin content (p<.05) in the temporal lobe but
less myelin content (p<.05) in the frontal lobe compared
to low performers.
1276. |
18q- Brain Development with
Age and the Effect of Deletion Size 
Xi Tan1, Jannine Cody2, and Jack L
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States, 2Department
of Pediatrics, University of Texas Health Science Center
at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
18q- is a chromosomal disease. People with 18q- miss
part of the long arm (q arm) of one copy of chromosome
18. Since people with 18q- are typically mental retarded
and developmental delayed, this study investigated whole
brain volume, grey matter volume and white matter volume
development on the age rang 0-25 years old, and the
linear effect of deletion size on the these volumes. It
proved that deletion size have a negatively linear
effect on these volumes, and 18q- volumes grow quicker
to reach equilibrium volumes, but their equilibrium
volumes are smaller than normally developed control
1277. |
A metabolic study of normal
mouse brain maturation using hyperpolarized 13C 
Yiran Chen1, Robert Bok1,
Subramanian Sukumar1, Hosung Kim1,
Xin Mu1, Ann Sheldon1, A James
Barkovich1, Donna M Ferriero1, and
Duan Xu1
1University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States
In this study, we applied dynamic nuclear polarization
(DNP) technique to investigate C1 labeled 13C pyruvate
to lactate conversion and T2-weighted MRI for brain
volume analysis across maturation in mice in vivo.
Normal mice were scanned starting on postnatal day 18
and repeated every 10 days. Lactate level was
significantly higher at younger ages, and decreased with
increase in age. No significant global brain volume
growth was observed after P18.
1278. |
Developmental changes in
neurochemical profiles of the mouse midbrain and hippocampus 
Ivan Tkac1, Kathleen Czerniak2,
Lanka Dasanayaka2, Biplab Dasgupta3,
and Raghavendra Rao2
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Department
of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States, 3Division
of Hematology/Oncology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital,
Cincinnati, OH, United States
Mouse models are often used in studies of the brain
development. Rapid postnatal changes in neural cell
populations, their size and their maturation result in
major changes in metabolite levels. Therefore, the
knowledge of regionally specific neurochemical changes
in normal mouse brain development is required. In this
study we use 1H
MRS at 9.4T to quantify neurochemical profiles of the
midbrain and hippocampus in a common C57BL/6 mouse
strain at postnatal days (P)10 and P28. These
neurochemical profiles and their changes are
distinctively different. Relatively high levels of urea
were detected in the brain at P10.
1279. |
Metabolite distributions in
human aging brain - a study with short-TE whole brain MR
spectroscopic imaging 
Xiao-Qi Ding1, Helen Maghsudi1,
Andrew A. Maudsley2, Mohammad Sabati2,
Sulaiman Sheriff2, Martin Schütze1,
Paul Bronzlik1, and Heinrich Lanfermann1
1Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional
Neuroradiology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Lower
Saxony, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Miami School of Medicine,
Miami, FL, United States
Metabolite concentrations in multiple brain structures
of 60 healthy adults (21 - 70 years) were measured by
using a short TE (17.6 ms) whole brain MR spectroscopic
imaging (wbMRSI). The distributions as well as the
age-related changes of brain metabolites NAA, tCho, tCr,
mI, and Glx were regional and metabolite dependent. The
most age-related changes were observed in metabolite NAA
with age-related decreases in seven of thirteen selected
brain structures and the cerebrum revealed more local
metabolic changes than that in cerebellum.
1280. |
Novel probabilistic
neonatal cortical brain atlas 
Bonnie Alexander1, Andrea Murray1,
Jian Chen1,2, Wai Yen Loh1,3,
Claire Kelly1, Richard Beare1,
Lillian Gabra Fam1,4, Peter Anderson1,4,
Lex Doyle1,5, Alicia Spittle1,5,
Jeanie Cheong1,5, Marc Seal1,4,
and Deanne Thompson1,3
1Murdoch Childrens Research Institute,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2Dept
of Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 3Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne,
Australia, 4Dept
of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Australia, 5Royal
Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
This project addresses the need for a high quality
neonatal brain atlas attuned to accommodate tissue types
and morphological subtleties characteristic of this
developmental stage. T2 MRI scans of 3 healthy term-born
neonates were used. Cortical gray matter was segmented
using an in-house pipeline incorporating the unified
segmentation process implemented in SPM8. 33 cortical
areas per hemisphere were manually traced corresponding
to those in the Desikan-Killiany adult brain atlas. A
structural template was generated using symmetric
diffeomorphic transformation, and structure probability
maps were constructed. The atlas produced will be
incorporated into a freely accessible infant
segmentation and parcellation toolbox.
1281. |
Characterisation of
sensori-motor CBF and BOLD functional responses during early
development with dual-echo pCASL and fMRI 
Thomas Alderliesten1,2, Esben Thade Petersen3,
Manon JNL Benders1,2, Petra MA Lemmers2,
Alessandro Allievi4, Julia Wurie1,
Serena J Counsell1, Etienne Burdet4,
A. David Edwards1,4, Jo V Hajnal1,5,
and Tomoki Arichi1,4
1Centre for the Developing Brain, King's
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Neonatology, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Department
of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Department
of Bioengineering, Imperial College London, London,
United Kingdom, 5Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom
Functional MRI (fMRI) is being increasingly used in
infants. However, the underlying blood oxygen level
dependent (BOLD) contrast is qualitative in nature, and
its biophysical origins in this population are poorly
understood. By measuring cerebral blood flow, Arterial
Spin Labeling (ASL) can add a quantitative dimension to
fMRI. We therefore aimed to simultaneously measure
functional ASL and BOLD responses following
somatosensory stimulation (passive wrist movement) in
infants during their first year by using a dual echo
pCASL sequence. Eight infants were studied; ASL
responses largely overlaid BOLD responses, but were less
diffuse and more localized to the cortex.
1282. |
Functional network
interactions during typical development in infancy and early
Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh1,2, Douglas C Dean3,
Lindsay Walker4, Nicole Waskiewicz4,
Holly Dirks4, and Sean Deoni4,5
1Department of Neuroimaging, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
London, United Kingdom,3Waisman Center,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, United
States, 4School
of Engineering, Brown University, Rhode Island, United
States, 5Department
of Pediatric Radiology, Children's Hospital Colorado,
Denver, Colorado, United States
We report on cross-sectional study interrogating
coupling between functional networks using resting-state
fMRI in a technically challenging group, infants and
young children aged 3 months to 5 years. We investigate
the relationship between coupling between these
functional networks and maturity. In addition we also
interrogate the relationship between cognitive ability
and connectivity. We demonstrate extensive positive and
negative relationships in coupling between resting state
functional networks, the relationship with cognitive
ability is subtle and restricted. These results add to
the growing literature on functional network
interactions during development.
1283. |
Modulation of resting-state
brain networks in newborns by heel prick 
Lara Lordier1, Frédéric Grouiller2,
Dimitri Van de Ville2,3, Ana Sancho Rossignol4,
Maria Isabel Cordero4, François Lazeyras2,
François Ansermet4, and Petra S. Hüppi1
1Division of Development and Growth,
Department of Pediatrics, University of Geneva, Geneva,
Geneva, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology and Medical Informatics, Geneva University
Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Bioengineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Division
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of
Pediatrics, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Previous studies in adults reported that spontaneous
brain activity can be modulated by learning, training,
but also by behavioral states, which is supporting the
idea that low-frequency BOLD signal fluctuations are
modulated by recent experience. We mapped resting state
networks (RSNs) in nine newborns and investigate if
these low-frequency BOLD signal fluctuations were
modified after a heel prick. We observed RSNs similar to
those previously found in adults and infants.
Furthermore, we showed an increased connectivity between
basal ganglia and orbitofrontal components reflecting
the integration and modulation of the pain experience.
1284. |
Differences in Brain
Activation Associated with Infant Diet: An fMRI Study 
Xiawei Ou1,2, R.T. Pivik1,3, Aline
Andres1,3, Mario Cleves1,3, and
Thomas Badger1,3
1Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center, Little
Rock, AR, United States, 2Radiology
and Pediatrics, University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Little Rock, AR, United States,3University
of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, AR, United States
The aim of this study was to evaluate brain function in
healthy 8-year-old children who were fed predominantly
breast milk or cow’s milk formula during the first year
of life. Our hypothesis was that infant diet has
significant effects on brain functioning in school aged
children. To test this hypothesis, we performed a visual
perception/language fMRI to compare brain activation in
these two diet groups. Our results showed that breastfed
and milk formula-fed children utilize their brain
differently when processing the visual perception and
language tasks.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
Reduced cerebral blood flow
in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy 
Nathalie Doorenweerd1,2, Eve M Dumas2,
Eidrees Ghariq1,3, Sophie Schmid1,3,
Chiara S.M. Straathof2, Pietro Spitali4,
Ieke Ginjaar5, Beatrijs H Wokke2,
Debby G.M. Schrans6, Janneke C van den Bergen2,
Erik W van Zwet7, Andrew G Webb1,
Mark A van Buchem1, Mathias J.P. van Osch1,3,
Jan J.G.M. Verschuuren2, Jos G.M. Hendriksen6,8,
Erik H Niks2, and Hermien E Kan1,3
1Department of Radiology, C.J. Gorter Center
for High Field MRI, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 2Department
of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 3Leiden
Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden, Zuid Holland,
Netherlands, 4Department
of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 5Department
of Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 6Department
of Neurological Learning Disabilities, Kempenhaeghe
Epilepsy Center, Heeze, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands, 7Department
of Medical Statistics, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 8Department
of Neurology, Maastricht University Medical Center,
Limburg, Netherlands
In addition to muscle weakness, Duchenne muscular
dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by specific learning
and behavioral disabilities. DMD is caused by mutations
in the DMD gene leading to absence of one or more
isoforms of the dystrophin protein, which is expressed
in muscle, brain, vascular endothelial and smooth muscle
cells. We used pCASL to show a reduction in cerebral
blood flow in DMD patients compared to healthy controls.
These changes were most profound in patients missing
both full length dystrophin and Dp140, which suggests
that full length and Dp140 play supplementary roles in
the vascular involvement in DMD brain pathophysiology.
1286. |
Reciprocal alterations of
white matter microstructure in carriers of deletions versus
duplications at the 16p11.2 chromosomal locus are associated
with cognitive and behavioral impairment 
Yi-Shin Chang1, Julia P Owen1,
Tony Thieu1, Nicholas Pojman1,
Polina Bukshpun1, Mari Wakahiro1,
Elysa Marco1, Jeffrey Berman2,
John E Spiro3, Wendy Chung4, Randy
Buckner5, Timothy Roberts2,
Srikantan Nagarajan1, Elliott Sherr1,
and Pratik Mukherjee1
1University of California in San Francisco,
San Francisco, California, United States, 2Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States, 3Simons
Foundation, New York, New York, United States, 4Columbia
University, New York, New York, United States, 5Harvard
University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Copy number variants (CNVs) at the 16p11.2 chromosomal
locus are associated with several neuropsychiatric
disorders, including autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar
disorder. In this study, we demonstrate widespread and
opposing white matter alterations in pediatric and adult
human carriers of the 16p11.2 deletion versus the
reciprocal duplication. We further show associations of
cognitive and behavioral impairment with deviation in
either direction from normative microstructural white
matter values. These results support the view that
specific genetic variations may be more strongly
associated with changes in brain structure, including
macrostructure and microstructure, than shared
neuropsychiatric diagnoses.
1287. |
Altered tract integrity of
the social communication network and its functional
correlations in high-functioning autism: a diffusion
spectrum imaging (DSI) study 
Yu-Chun Lo1, Yu-Jen Chen1,
Yung-Chin Hsu1, Susan Shur-Fen Gau2,3,
and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,4
1Center for Optoelectronic Medicine, National
Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National
Taiwan University College of Medicine, Department of
Psychiatry, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan, 4Molecular
Imaging Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Impaired performance in social communication has been
consistently found in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We
used diffusion spectrum imaging to measure white matter
property of the social communication network, and
investigated its relationships with social communication
and social awareness for 56 ASD and 44 neurotypicals.
ASD showed reduced white matter integrity of the social
communication network as compared to neurotypicals.
Unique correlations were found between white matter
integrity and the social communication ability in ASD.
Our results indicate altered functional and structural
roles of cores of the social communication network in
1288. |
Subcortical rather than
cortical changes mediate the clinical profile on ADHD boys
at an earlier stage 
Qi Liu1, Lizhou Chen1, Ying Chen2,
Xinyu Hu1, Ming Zhou1, Fei Li1,
Lanting Guo2, Qiyong Gong1, and
Xiaoqi Huang1
1Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), Department
of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University,
Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2Deptmeny
of Psychiatry, West China Hospital of Sichuan
University, P.R.China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one
of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in
childhood. The present study aimed to explore the brain
structural changes between medicated-naïve male ADHD and
healthy controls. Finally, we found that subcortical
volumes of bilateral putamen and amygdala were smaller
in ADHD group, and those changes were significantly
correlated with clinical measurements for behavioral
problems and some specific executive domains. This
suggested that putamen and amygdala may play key roles
in ADHD.
1289. |
Age Related Changes of the
Interrelationships of White Matter in Autism Spectrum
Douglas Dean 1,
Brittany Travers1, Erin Bigler2,
Molly Prigge3, Alyson Froehlich3,
Nicholas Lange4, Janet Lainhart1,
and Andrew Alexander1
1Waisman Center, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 3University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 4Harvard
School of Medicine and McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA,
United States
Brain imaging findings in children with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) suggest the disorder is associated with
altered brain development and disrupted structural and
functional brain “connectivity," which implies atypical
white matter microstructure in at least some parts of
the brain in ASD. However, it is unclear how homogeneous
the structural organization of the white matter
microstructure is within the brains of individuals with
ASD at different ages. In this work, we examine
correlations among the microstructure of different white
matter tracts in childhood and adulthood in ASD compared
to typical development.
1290. |
Functional connectivity of
altered grey matter regions in Autism Spectrum Disorder:
correlations with clinical testing 
Letizia Casiraghi1,2, Fulvia Palesi2,3,
Gloria Castellazzi2,4, Andrea De Rinaldis2,4,
Carol Di Perri5, Claudia AM Wheeler-Kingshott6,
and Egidio D'Angelo1,2
1Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences,
University of Pavia, Pavia, PV, Italy, 2Brain
Connectivity Center, C. Mondino National Neurological
Institute, Pavia, PV, Italy,3Department of
Physics, University of Pavia, Pavia, PV, Italy, 4Department
of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Pavia, Pavia, PV, Italy,5Department
of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia,
Pavia, PV, Italy, 6NMR
Research Unit, Department of Neuroinflammation, Queen
Square MS Centre, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
England, United Kingdom
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children present atypical
brain functioning. We assessed the functional
connectivity of altered grey matter (GM) regions. Areas
of increased volume in ASD presented FC increments and
reductions whereas reduced density areas presented FC
reductions only. Correlations between FC and clinical
scores indicate that the more extreme the FC the more
severe the impairment. Our results support the idea that
temporal and subcortical areas are responsible for the
sensory integration and emotional deficits while
occipital areas and insula are strongly involved in
deficit linked to the integration of visual stimuli and
self-awareness information.
1291. |
Altered Functional
Connectivity of Emotional Network in Children with
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 
Lizhou Chen1, Ning He2, Qi Liu1,
Xinyu Hu1, Lanting Guo2, Xiaoqi
Huang1, and Qiyong Gong1
1Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), West China
Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2Department
of Psychiatry, West China Hospital of Sichuan
University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
To explore the emotional network in children with
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. We
demonstrated abnormal functional connectivity which
involved the amygdala, basal ganglia and cerebellum,
providing new evidence to the pathophysiology of emotion
dysregulation in this disorder.
1292. |
Multi-parametric Magnetic
Resonance to Investigate Aggression: A Study at 11.7T on the
BALB/cJ Mouse Model 
Houshang Amiri1,2, Amanda Jager2,
Sjaak J. A. van Asten1, Arend Heerschap1,
and Jeffrey Glennon2
1Department of Radiology, Radboud University
Medical Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Department
of Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Aggressive behaviour is a key symptom of conduct
disorder (CD). Therefore, animal models of aggression
could provide more knowledge about the neural substrates
underlying CD and could provide new insights in possible
treatments to treat or prevent this disorder. We first
extensively phenotyped the BALB/cJ mice (as an
aggressive model) in terms of aggression, anxiety,
impulsivity, compulsivity and attention. Then, a
multiparametric MR experiment including DTI, ASL, and
MRS was performed. Our findings suggest that
pathological aggression observed in the BALB/cJ mice is
likely related to structural and neurochemical changes
leading to inattention and anxiety.
1293. |
Altered functional and
structural connectivities within defalut mode network in
adolescents with autism spectrum disorder 
Hsiang-Yun Sherry Chien1, Susan Shur-Fen Gau2,
Yu-Jen Chen1, Yu-Chun Lo1,
Hsiang-Yuan Lin2, Yung-Chin Hsu1,
and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,3
1Center for Optoelectronic Medicine, National
Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University College of
Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Molecular
Imaging Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan
In the present study, we investigated the functional
connectivity (FC) and structural connectivity (SC)
within default mode network (DMN) simultaneously in
normal adolescents and adolescents with autism spectrum
disorder (ASD). We found that all the indices tended to
be lower in adolescents with ASD compared to TD,
especially in the SC of the right cingulum. Furthermore,
the FC-SC correlation patterns showed opposite
directions on both sides and were significantly
different on the right side between the two groups. This
might imply the abnormal DMN development in individuals
with ASD during their adolescence.
1294. |
Investigating Brain
Connectomic Alterations in Autism using Reproducibility of
Independent Components derived from Resting State fMRI 
Mohammed Syed1, Zhi Yang2, and
Gopikrishna Deshpande3,4
1Department of Computer Science and Software
Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United
States, 2Key
Laboratory of Behavioral Sciences, Institute of
Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn
University, Auburn, AL, United States,4Department
of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United
Autism is a heterogeneous spectrum disorder, hence fMRI
connectivity metrics derived from the autism group may
not be highly reproducible within that group, leading to
poor generalizability which in turn leads to lower
classification accuracies. We hypothesize that
functional brain networks that are most reproducible
within autism and healthy control groups separately, but
not when the two groups are merged, may possess the
ability to distinguish effectively between the groups.
We characterize reproducibility of networks using
‘generalized Ranking and Averaging Independent Component
Analysis by Reproducibility’ (gRAICAR) algorithm and
provide evidence in support of the above hypothesis.
1295. |
A T2 MR Study of Brain
Development in a Valproic Acid Model of Autism 
Loredana Sorina Truica1, Sarah Raza1,
J. Keiko McCreary1, Ian Q. Whishaw1,
and Robbin Gibb1
1Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge,
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Human neuroimaging studies have shown abnormal
regulation of brain growth in autism spectrum disorders
(ASD), suggesting that processes governing apoptosis and
synaptic pruning are highly implicated. This study
investigates brain tissue changes in the valproic acid
(VPA) animal model of ASD and placental transfer of the
drug. Brain and placental in vivo T2-relaxometry
measurements were conducted. Results showed differences
between VPA and control groups in the prefrontal cortex,
suggesting that prenatal exposure to VPA altered the
expected neuronal density. Placental transfer was
evident in the T2 maps. This outcome supports the
evidence that VPA impacts fetal development pre and
1296. |
Diffusion tensor imaging
metrics may be less sensitive than volumetry/morphology in
measuring differences in mouse models related to autism. 
Jacob Ellegood1, Jan Scholz1, Mark
Henkelman1,2, and Jason P Lerch1,2
1Mouse Imaging Centre, Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Current research has shown volumetric differences in 26
different mouse models related to autism. The purpose of
this work is to use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to
further examine the structural connectivity differences
in 13 of those mouse models to further investigate the
white matter differences. Surprisingly only 3 of the 13
models had differences in fractional anisotropy and mean
1297. |
Diffusion tensor imaging to
assess gray and white matter microstructural brain
abnormalities in a feline model of alpha-mannosidosis 
Manoj Kumar1, Jeff T Duda1,
Sea-Young Yoon2, Jessica Bagel3,
Patricia O’Donnell3, Charles Vite3,
Stephen Pickup1, James C Gee1,
John H Wolfe2, and Harish Poptani1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Research
Institute of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 3School
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, Pennsylvania, United
Alpha-mannosidosis is an autosomal recessively inherited
lysosomal storage disorder, caused by deficiency of the
enzyme alpha mannosidase. We performed ex-vivo diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) and in vivo DTI on AMD affected and
wild type cat brains to assess brain abnormalities. A
multi-atlas approach was used to generate a brain
template and process the ex vivo DTI data. The
probabilistic label method was used to measure
fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD)
values from gray and white matters from whole brain.
Region of interest based DTI data analysis was also from
ex vivo and in vivo DTI from six gray and five white
matter regions. Significantly reduced FA was observed
from both the ex vivo and in vivo DTI data from all the
white matter in AMD affected cats may be suggestive of
gliosis or demyelination. Some of the analyzed gray
matter also demonstrates significantly reduced FA in AMD
affected cats.
1298. |
Increased frontal
irregularity of resting state fMRI in children with autism
spectrum disorders 
Robert X Smith1, Devora Beck-Pancer2,
Rosemary McCarron2, Kay Jann1,
Leanna Hernandez2, Mirella Dapretto2,
and Danny JJ Wang1
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Psychiatry
and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
We investigate the relationship between local neural
activity and network organization in a cohort of
children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and
typically developing children. We employ wavelet-based
regularity analysis, a recently developed measure of
resting-state functional MRI signal dynamics, in
conjunction with seed-based functional connectivity. We
find widespread regions across the prefrontal cortex in
children with ASD that exhibit 1) increased signal
irregularity, 2) bilateral decreases in long-range
correlations to posterior areas, and 3) disorganized
increases to local frontal regions. These results
provide strong evidence implicating atypical neural
activity in the disruption of long-range association
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1299. |
The healthy human
cerebellum engaging in complex patterns: An fMRI study 
Adnan A.S. Alahmadi1,2, Matteo Pardini1,3,
Rebecca S Samson1, Karl J Friston4,
Ahmed T Toosy1,5, Egidio D’Angelo6,7,
and Claudia A.M. Wheeler-Kingshott1
1NMR Research Unit, Department of
Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Institute
of Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Applied Medical
Science, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3Department
of Neurosciences, Ophthalmology and Genetics, University
of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, 4Wellcom
Centre for Imaging Neuroscience, UCL, Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 5NMR
Research Unit, Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 6C.
Mondino National, Neurological Institute, Pavia, Italy, 7Department
of Brain and Behavioural Sciences, University of Pavia,
Pavia, Italy
We explored non-linear BOLD responses in the cerebellum
using a grip task, with five grip forces. Linear
responses were observed in the anterior lobules and
non-linear responses were localized in the posterior
lobules. Previous studies have shown that the cerebellum
is involved in different non-motor functions and
interestingly our findings confirm that the cerebellum
behavior in response to a complex paradigm reflects the
presence of an organized structure, similarly to what
has been suggested by cortical fMRI studies. In
particular, higher order effects are localized in the
posterior of the cerebellum known to be involved in
executive and sensory functions.
fMRI Demonstrates Response
Selectivity to the Behaviorally Relevant Sounds in the
Jevin W. Zhang1,2, Patrick P. Gao1,2,
Shu-Juan Fan1,2, Dan H. Sanes3,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong SAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3Center
for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY,
United States
The BOLD response in the inferior colliculus (IC) was
stronger to the forward than to the inverted
vocalizations despite their identical frequency
spectrum, clearly demonstrating response selectivity.
The selectivity was prominent in the external cortex of
IC, but was not observed in the lateral lemniscus (LL).
The response selectivity was nearly abolished following
atropine injection. The results suggest that the
auditory midbrain is the first place in the ascending
auditory pathway to display response selectivity to
vocalizations, and highlights the ability of fMRI in
investigating the processing of behaviorally relevant
1301. |
Hierarchical intra-network
organization of the visual network from resting-state fMRI
Yanlu Wang1 and
Tie-Qiang Li1,2
1Clinical Sciences, Intervention and
Technology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Stockholms
Län, Sweden, 2Medical
Physics, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge,
Stockholms Län, Sweden
We have previously extracted functional connectivity
networks from resting-state fMRI data using hierarchical
clustering at voxel-level while retaining full-brain
coverage. Hierarchical clustering algorithm is not only
a data-driven analysis method, but also naturally
stratifies data in a hierarchical structure. Using this
inherent property of the algorithm, we investigated the
intra-network hierarchical organization of the visual
network and showed that the intra-network connectivity
conforms to the two-stream hypothesis of visual
processing. This suggests that functional sub-division
of resting-state functional connectivity networks
through hierarchical clustering reflects the
intra-network organization of resting-state functional
connectivity networks.
1302. |
Causal brain correlates of
autonomic nervous system outflow 
Andrea Duggento1, Marta Bianciardi2,
Lawrence L. Wald2, Luca Passamonti3,
Riccardo Barbieri4,5, Maria Guerrisi1,
and Nicola Toschi1,2
1Medical Physics Section, Department of
Biomedicine and Prevention, University of Rome "Tor
Vergata", Rome, Italy, 2Department
of Radiology, A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, MGH and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States, 3Institute
of Bioimaging and Molecular Physiology, National
Research Council, Catanzaro, Italy, 4Department
of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 5Department
of Brain and Cognitive Science, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States
We use 7T fMRI with simultaneous physiological signals
acquisitions to investigate the causal interactions
between resting state brain activity and autonomic
nervous system (ANS) outflow as quantified through a
probabilistic heartbeat model. We demonstrate the
existence of significant causal links between
cortical/subcortical brain regions and ANS outflow for
(para)sympathetic modulation as well as sympathovagal
balance, with a prominent involvement of cerebellar
regions and Sensory Motor, Default Mode, Left executive
and Right executive networks. 7T functional imaging
coupled with Granger causality estimates is able to
quantify directed brain-heart interactions reflecting
directed central modulation of ANS outflow.
1303. |
Silvia Francesca Storti1, Ilaria Boscolo
Galazzo2, Francesca Pizzini2,
Stefania Montemezzi2, Paolo Manganotti3,
and Gloria Menegaz1
1Department of Computer Science, University
of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, AOUI of Verona, Verona, Italy, 3Department
of Neurological and Movement Sciences, University of
Verona, Verona, Italy
The recent dual-echo arterial spin labeling (DE-ASL)
technique has been proposed for the simultaneous
acquisition of cerebral blood flow and blood oxygenation
level dependent (BOLD) responses to brain activation. In
order to compare the performance of DE-ASL and
conventional BOLD-fMRI sequences for identifying regions
involved in active and imagery movement, single-subject,
group and statistical analysis were computed on a group
of volunteers. DE-ASL has shown to be suitable for
mapping brain functions as well as the fMRI-BOLD both
during the movement task and during the imagination of
the movement.
1304. |
Cortical Modulation of
Binaural Interaction on the Midbrain 
Shu-Juan Fan1,2, Jevin W. Zhang1,2,
Patrick P. Gao1,2, Dan H. Sanes3,
and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong SAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, 3Center
for Neural Science, New York University, New York, NY,
United States
Binaural interaction is important for recognizing
complex sound cues. This preliminary fMRI study probed
such cortical modulation effect in the major auditory
midbrain structure, inferior colliculus, in experimental
rodents with unilateral primary AC ablation. BOLD
response is significantly lower to binaural stimulation
than to uniaural stimulation, and such decrease was more
obvious in the right IC than in the left IC. These
results provide further evidence of descending
modulation of binaural interaction from AC. Further
experiments will be pursued in normal animals and other
auditory disorders to shine light on the understanding
of cortical modulation of binaural midbrain sound
Contrast and duration
dependence of the negative BOLD response to visual
stimulation in visual and auditory cortical regions at 7T 
João Jorge1,2, Patrícia Figueiredo2,
Rolf Gruetter1,3, and Wietske van der Zwaag4
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Bioengineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon,
Portugal, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne and University of
Geneva, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Biomedical
Imaging Research Center, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Negative BOLD responses to stimulation are often found
in various brain regions, and growing evidence supports
their association with neuronal deactivation. The aim of
this study was to characterize, in humans, positive (PBRs)
and negative BOLD responses (NBRs) to visual
checkerboard stimulation of varying contrast and
duration, focusing on NBRs occurring in both visual and
auditory cortical regions. Across subjects, visual PBRs
and both visual and auditory NBRs were found to
significantly depend on stimulus contrast and duration.
Interestingly, for stimulation periods above 16s, visual
and auditory NBRs tended to exhibit earlier returns to
baseline than the visual PBR.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1306. |
Accelerated 2D J-Resolved
MRS through Non-Uniform Sampling and Iterative Soft
Andrew Prescot1, Xianfeng Shi2,
and Perry Renshaw2,3
1Department of Radiology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 2Department
of Psychiatry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States, 3VISN
19 MIRECC, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Two-dimensional (2D) proton (1H) magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques effectively
enhance spectral resolution by separating metabolite
resonances over a 2D surface. However, full uniform
sampling (FUS) of the indirectly detected frequency
dimension requires long measurement times thus rendering
the methods unsuitable for many clinical applications.
The present work investigates the combination of
non-uniform sampling (NUS) strategies and iterative soft
thresholding to reduce measurement times associated with
2D J-resolved 1H
MRS data acquired from human brain. A quantitative
assessment of FUS and NUS situations is presented, and
our preliminary data suggests that total measurement
time can be reduced to 25%.
1307. |
Developmental changes of
neurochemical profile in rat retrosplenial cortex measured
by in vivo 1H-MRS 
Hui Zhang1 and
Hao Lei1
1State Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance
and Atomic and Molecular Physics, Wuhan Institute of
Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wuhan, Hubei, China
In this work, we measured metabolic profile in rat
retrosplenial cortex (RSC) at preadolescence,
adolescence and adulthood with in vivo 1H-MRS.We found
that the changes for NAA, Tau, Ins and tPC levels were
statistically significant across all three developmental
ages. While the development-related changes of GABA, Glu
and tCr levels were statistically significant only
between adulthood and adolescence. The increased Glu and
GABA levels from adolescence to adulthood, suggestive of
that this developmental stage may be the critical period
for the maturation of glutamatergic/GABAergic
neurotransmission and/or dendritic stabilization in rat
1308. |
Usefulness of LCModel
Analysis with an Experimental Basis Set in Brain 1H-MRS at
Hyeon-Man Baek1,2, Youngjae Jeon1,
Jooyun Kim1, Mirim Bang1, Gyunggoo
Cho1, and Chaejoon Cheong1
1Center for MR Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Ochang, Chungbuk, Korea, 2Department
of Bio-Analytical Science, University of Science &
Technology, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
In this study, in vivo 1H-MRS data and basis sets were
acquired in-house on the same scanner. To test the
performance of in-house basis sets, Cramer-Rao Lower
Bounds (CRLB) were calculated. We also investigate how
many and which metabolites can be reliably quantified in
human prefrontal cortex using short-echo time (TE)
1H-MRS at 3T. LCModel with in-house basis sets reliably
quantified 8 of 16 metabolites in the prefrontal cortex
of healthy subjects at 3T. However, GABA and Tau showed
relatively high CRLBs because these two peaks have
low-concentration.This means that LCModel using in-house
basis sets may be especially useful for short-TE and
metabolites characterized by strongly coupled
resonances, namely Ins, Glu, Gln, GSH, and Asp.
1309. |
The intraoral stimulus
increases the regional brain temperature in the insular
cortex of rats: a proton MR spectroscopy study 
Chizuko Inui-Yamamoto1,2, Tsuyoshi Shimura3,
Izumi Ohzawa2, and Yoshichika Yoshioka1,2
1Laboratory of Biofunctional Imaging, WPI
IFReC, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, 2Graduate
School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, Suita,
Osaka, Japan,3Graduate School of Human
Sciences, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
The increases in the rBTs and neuronal activities in the
IC are simultaneously induced by the intraoral
stimulation. The intraoral stimulus-induced alterations
in peak values of a chemical shift shown by MRS
measurement indicate the changes in rBTs.
1310. |
Choline – a differential
marker of glutamatergic neurotransmission ? 
Anke Henning1,2, Simone Grimm3,4,
Erich Seifritz3, and Milan Scheidegger2,3
1Max Planck Institut for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department
of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics,
University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 4Clinic
for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charite Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
In this work, we demonstrate that the cerebral Cho
concentration is related to adaptive changes in
neurotransmitter and more specifically glutamate
secretion. To this we used the NMDA-receptor antagonist
ketamine as a tool compound, which was previously shown
by invasive methods to largely increase synaptic
glutamate release.
1311. |
Bilateral sensorimotor GABA
correlation is not driven by voxel segmentation 
Nicolaas AJ Puts1,2, Stephanie Heba3,
Ashley D. Harris1,2, David J. McGonigle4,5,
C. John Evans5, Hubert Dinse6,
Martin Tegenthoff3, Tobias Schmidt-Wilcke3,
and Richard A. Edden1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Dept. of Radiology and
Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3Dept.
of Neurology, BG-klinikum Bergmannsheil, Ruhr -
University, Bochum, Germany, 4School
of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 5CUBRIC/School
of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 6Neural
Plasticity lab, Institute for Neuroinformatics, Ruhr -
University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Recent GABA MRS studies have shown links between brain
GABA and behavior, brain activity, and disease. However,
no studies to date have shown correlations in GABA
concentration between regions, suggesting regional and
functionally specificity. In this study, we measure GABA
levels in left and right sensorimotor (SM1) cortex, two
homologous regions known to be functionally connected.
In two separate cohorts and sites, we found that GABA
levels correlate significantly between left and right
SM1. Although voxel tissue composition is highly
correlated between sides, this does not explain
significant variance in the GABA concentration or its
bilateral correlation. This strongly supports the idea
that individual differences in GABA reflect differences
in tissue microstructure (e.g. density of GABAergic
neurons) rather than bulk tissue properties. This work
is important for understanding brain connectivity as
well as brain plasticity.
1312. |
Preserved Whole Brain
N-acetylaspartate during Mild Hypercapnia Challenge 
Sanjeev Chawla1, Yulin Ge1,
Hanzhang Lu2, Olga Marshall1, Ke
Zhang1, Brian J Soher3, and Oded
1Radiology, New York University Langone
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United
States, 3Radiology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United
To ascertain the effect of mild hypercapnia (5%carbon
dioxide) on whole brain N-acetylaspartate (WBNAA), and
brain hemodynamics, twelve healthy male adults underwent
non-localized whole-brain proton MR spectroscopy,
T2-relaxation under spin tagging and pseudo continuous
arterial spin labeling under both normocapnia and
hypercapnia conditions. There was non-significant 0.2%
change in WBNAA from normocapnia to hypercapnia
condition. However, there was significant increase in
global gray-matter cerebral blood flow (45.22±6.81
ml/100g/min vs 62.82±8.7 ml/100g/min) and venous
oxygenation (56.31±7.33% vs 72.0±4.17%) from norcapnia
to hypercapnia condition. Our study suggests that
neuronal metabolism and vascular hemodynamics may have
different response to mild hypercapnia.
1313. |
T2 estimation
of downfield metabolites in human brain at 7T 
Nicole D. Fichtner1,2, Anke Henning2,3,
Niklaus Zoelch2, Chris Boesch1,
and Roland Kreis1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
The upfield part of the spectrum has thus far been
well-characterized using magnetic resonance
spectroscopy; however, the downfield part at 5-10ppm
remains less so, particularly in humans. This work aims
to improve metabolite characterization by calculating
the T2’s of peaks downfield in grey matter at
7 T. We fitted downfield spectra to a heuristic model
and obtained T2’s for several peaks of
interest; the T2’s are all fairly similar,
but significantly shorter than those reported for
upfield peaks in the brain, which are approximately 70ms
or longer depending on the structure.
1314. |
Specificity of task-active
modulation of hippocampal glutamate in response to
associative learning: A 1H
functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy study 
Jeffrey A. Stanley1, Ashley Burgess1,
Dalal Khatib1, Karthik Ramaseshan1,
Noa Ofen1, David R. Rosenberg1,
and Vaibhav A. Diwadkar1
1Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States
Glutamate (Glu) plays a major role as an excitatory
neurotransmitter in the hippocampus and the purpose of
this study was to investigate whether Glu is modulated
in the hippocampus during associative learning but not
working memory (WM). Using ¹H fMRS study design, results
provide the first ever evidence of neurochemical
dynamics of the in vivo Glu signal in the hippocampus.
Heightened hippocampal Glu signal was observed during
associative learning followed by decreasing levels in
response to learning proficiency. During the WM task,
which is a predominantly PFC task, did not show any
significant differences in hippocampal Glu compared to
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1315. |
Age-related microstructural
changes quantified using myelin water imaging and advanced
diffusion MRI 
Thibo Billiet1,2, Mathieu Vandenbulcke3,
Burkhard Mädler4,5, Ronald Peeters6,
Thijs Dhollander7,8, Hui Zhang9,
Sabine Deprez1,2, Bea RH Van den Bergh10,11,
Stefan Sunaert1,2, and Louise Emsell1,2
1Translational MRI, KU Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 2Radiology,
University Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium, 3Old
Age Psychiatry, KU Leuven, Belgium, 4Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany, 5Neurosurgery,
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 6University
Hospitals, Leuven, Belgium, 7Florey
Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 8Elektrotechniek
- ESAT, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 9Computer
Science & Centre for Medical Image Computing, University
College London, London, United Kingdom, 10Psychology,
Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands, 11Health
Psychology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Using a combination of diffusion MRI (DTI/DKI/NODDI) and
myelin water imaging, normal development of the brain
can be assessed with increased specificity. This study
explores signs of normal ageing between the age of 20
and 70.
1316. |
NODDI Measures Appear to be
Sensitive to Both Age and Gender 
Chandana Kodiweera1, Andrew Alexander2,
and Yu-Chien Wu3
1Dartmouth Brain Imaging Center, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH, United States, 2Waisman
Brain Imaging Lab, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States,3Center for
Neuroimaging, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana,
United States
Fractional anisotropy (FA) may depend not only on the
fiber orientation but also on the axonal density. In the
case of a white matter disease, a change in either fiber
orientation or axonal density will result a change in FA
value. The orientation dispersion index and
intra-cellular volume fraction, two tissue specific
measures from NODDI model, can be used to study changes
in fiber orientation and axonal density. In this study,
aging data collected using a multiple shell acquisition
scheme (HYDI) was analyzed using FA, odi and icvf to see
how age and gender affect in these measures.
1317. |
Age Related Differences in
Myelin Content Assessed Using Myelin Water Fraction Imaging 
Muzamil Arshad1,2, Jeffrey A. Stanley3,
and Naftali Raz4,5
1Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences,
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2MD/PhD
Program, Wayne State University School of Medicine,
Detroit, MI, United States, 3Psychiatry
and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University
School of Medicine, MI, United States, 4Psychology,
Wayne State University, MI, United States, 5Institute
of Gerontology, MI, United States
Age related reduction in myelin content of axons in
white matter tracts connecting association cortices has
been hypothesized as a potential substrate of age
related cognitive decline in normal healthy aging.
However, the most commonly used imaging methods to test
this hypothesis are not specific to myelin content.
Using multi-compartment T2 modeling we demonstrate
Myelin Water Fraction Imaging is sensitive to age
differences in myelin content in a healthy aging cohort.
1318. |
Adapting a white matter
lesion segmentation algorithm for large cohort studies 
Leonie Lampe1,2, Alexander Schaefer1,3,
Christopher J. Steele1, Katrin Arélin1,2,
Dominik Fritzsch4, Matthias L. Schroeter1,2,
Arno Villringer1,2, and Pierre-Louis Bazin1
1Department of Neurology, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 2Leipzig
Research Centre for Civilization Diseases & Clinic of
Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 3Clinical
Imaging Research Centre & Singapore Institute for
Neurotechnology, National University of Singapore,
Singapore, 4Department
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Leipzig, Germany
Here we adapted and validated a lesion segmentation
algorithm previously aimed at MS lesions for white
matter lesions (WML) segmentation within the general
population. WML in the normal aging brain display
diversity in pattern, intensity and extent. By means of
iteratively re-normalising the contrast of the FLAIR
images to better separate lesions from healthy tissue a
dice coefficient of 0.63 was obtained. The validation
was performed with 5 subjects with diverse lesions. The
algorithm was applied to a large cohort study (age range
19-80 years) with approximately 1200 subjects.
1319. |
Group analysis of
threshold-free cluster enhancement score with application to
normal ageing white matter study by diffusion spectrum
PIN-YU CHEN1,2, Yu-Ling Chang3,
Yu-Jen Chen1, Yu-Chun Lo1,
Yung-Chin Hsu1, and Wen-Yih I Tseng1,4
1Center For Optoelectronic Medicine, National
Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Life Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Psychology, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 4Molecular
Imaging Center, National Taiwan University, Taiwan,
Diffusion MRI is a powerful tool to probe the
microstructural integrity of the white matter. This
study used template-based diffusion spectrum imaging
(DSI) tractography to analyze the microstructural
integrity of 74 fiber tracts over the whole brain, and
applied TFCW to evaluate the age effect on the tract
integrity. Detailed investigation of the fiber tracts
shows that the patterns of the white matter degeneration
are heterogeneous. Our study supports some previous DTI
literature that the microstructural integrity of the
ageing brain decreases with age and the frontal part of
the brain is the most severe region. In conclusion, our
study provides detailed degenerative patterns of the
white matter tracts in normal ageing which can serve as
a useful reference for neurodegenerative diseases.
1320. |
Characterization of white
matter change and the adjacent white matter with diffusion
tensor MRI 
Shuzhong Chen1, Vincent Mok2,
Yi-Xiang Wang1, Ka Sing Wong2, and
Winnie CW Chu1
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
N.T., Hong Kong, 2Department
of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is elevated and
fractional anisotropy (FA) is reduced in age-related
white matter changes (WMC) regions has been reported.
This study is to determine the FA, relative anisotropy
(RA), volume ration (VR) and ADC in the regions of WMC
and the adjacent white matter tissue. A voxel expanded
label map was created to detect the change of adjacent
white matter tissue of the WMC regions. The FA, RA, VR
and ADC shows progressively change as the region
1321. |
Cerebrospinal fluid
volumetric MRI mapping as a simple measurement for
evaluating brain atrophy. 
Jill Britt De Vis1, Jaco J Zwanenburg1,
Jolanda M Spijkerman1, Geert J Biessels1,
Jeroen Hendrikse1, and Esben T Petersen1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
In this work we hypothesized that a fast and easy
implementable volumetric cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) MRI
sequence can be used as a surrogate for brain atrophy
assessment. The obtained results were compared to
clinically used atrophy rating scales and it was
demonstrated that the CSF MRI sequence can be an
alternative for brain atrophy assessment.
1322. |
Neural and cognitive
substrates of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation: a
voxel-based morphometry study in aged mice 
Marco Pagani1,2, Debora Cutuli3,4,
Adam Liska1, Paola Caporali3,4,
Daniela Laricchiuta3,4, Francesca Foti3,4,
Cristina Neri4, Laura Petrosini4,
and Alessandro Gozzi1
1CNCS, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT,
Rovereto, TN, Italy, 2CIMeC
- Center for Mind and Brain Sciences, UNITN - Università
di Trento, Rovereto, TN, Italy, 3University
“Sapienza”, Rome, Rome, Italy, 4Santa
Lucia Foundation, Rome, Rome, Italy
Human studies have revealed a neuroprotective effect of
omega-3 polyunsaturated acids (n-3 PUFA) in aging, with
a positive correlation between peripheral n-3 PUFA
levels and hippocampal volume. Consistently, higher
dietary n-3 PUFA levels have been associated with
delayed/reduced cognitive decline. To demonstrate a
causal relationship between n-3 PUFA intake, cognition
and brain morphology, we mapped gray-matter volume and
recorded cognitive performance in aged mice upon
8-week-treatment with n-3 PUFA or control fatty acid. We
show that n-3 PUFA treated-mice exhibit better cognitive
performance and greater hippocampal and prefrontal
volume, an effect that was strongly correlated with
brain n-3 PUFA concentration.
1323. |
Altered antioxidant profile
in the healthy elderly occipital and posterior cingulate
cortices measured via 7 T 1H
Malgorzata Marjanska1, J. Riley McCarten2,
Laura S Hemmy2, Dinesh K Deelchand1,
and Melissa Terpstra1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Minneapolis
VA Medical Center, Geriatric Research and Clinical
Center, MN, United States
Oxidative stress occurs at an early stage of age related
cognitive decline. Ascorbate (Asc, vitamin C) and
glutathione (GSH) are key contributors to the
antioxidant network. We utilized short echo time 1H
MRS at 7 T to reliably quantify these antioxidant
concentrations in the aging brain in the occipital
cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex, which is
pertinent to the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. Asc
was higher and GSH lower in elder subjects in both brain
regions. The Asc difference in the PCC were the most
significant (p =
1.8 x 10-5). This work has important
implications for ongoing development of antioxidant
based diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cognitive
1324. |
Consistency of 1H-MRS
in the putamen of healthy adult controls over six years. 
Bretta Russell-Schulz1, Terri L Petkau2,
Blair R Leavitt2,3, and Alex L MacKay1,4
1Radiology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Centre
for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, Child & Family
Research Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Medical
Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, 4Physics
and Astronomy, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Here we present 1H-MRS
results for the putamen over 6 years, 7 timepoints for
healthy adult controls. There were no significant
differences in the metabolite concentrations over the 7
visits, showing the validity of using these controls to
compare to pathological data of the Huntington Disease
over this timescale. The potential effects of age on
metabolite concentration were also examined.
1325. |
Serum BDNF correlates with
connectivity in the (pre)motor hub in the aging human brain:
A resting state fMRI study 
Karsten Mueller1, Harald E Möller1,
Katrin Arelin1,2, Jürgen Kratzsch3,
Tobias Luck4, Steffi Riedel-Heller4,
Arno Villringer1,2, and Matthias L Schroeter1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Clinic
for Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany, 3Institute
of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular
Diagnostics, University of Leipzig, Germany, 4Institute
of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public
Health, University of Leipzig, Germany
We investigated an interaction between plasticity
processes, brain connectivity and healthy aging by
measuring levels of serum BDNF and resting-state fMRI
using eigenvector centrality (EC) mapping. The analysis
revealed a positive correlation between serum BDNF and
EC in premotor and motor regions in elderly subjects in
contrast to young subjects, where we did not detect any
association. This positive relationship between serum
BDNF and EC appears to be specific for elderly subjects.
Our results might indicate that the amount of physical
activity, leading to higher BDNF levels, increases brain
connectivity in (pre)motor areas in healthy aging in
agreement with rodent animal studies.
1326. |
The sensitivity of
olfactory fMRI in quantifying olfactory performance during
normal aging 
Brittany Martinez1, Jianli Wang1,
Prasanna Karunanayaka1, Megha Vasavada2,
Paul J Eslinger3, and Qing X Yang1,4
1Radiology, Penn State College of Medicine,
Hershey, PA, United States, 2Neurology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Neurology,
Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United
States, 4Neurosurgery,
Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate
the effect of aging on olfactory system function using
fMRI and to establish its relationship with olfactory
behavior results. Younger and older subjects
participated in an olfactory fMRI task and were asked to
complete the UPSIT. Younger subjects had significantly
greater activation in the POC and insula during odor
conditions. Age was found to be negatively correlated
with olfactory-related activation, while UPSIT scores
were found to be positively correlated. The results
support that olfactory fMRI is sensitive in the
detection of age-related decline in olfactory function.
1327. |
The effect of age on
wide-view retinotopic mapping of central and periphery
visual areas 
Wei Zhou1,2, Eric R Muir1,3, Jinqi
Li1, Crystal Franklin1, and
Timothy Q Duong1,2
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas, United
States, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio,
Texas, United States, 3Ophthalmology,
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio,
Texas, United States
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects
of age on retinotopic mapping measurements with a
relatively wide view to include central and periphery
vision areas. By setting up wide-view checkboard
stimulation, the boundaries of visual fields were
defined. Our results demonstrated that central visual
areas of older subjects exhibited weaker BOLD responses
for central stimulation (0°~45°) but stronger BOLD
responses for periphery stimulation (45°~90°), compared
to younger subjects. These findings indicated there are
central vision loss and neural reorganization with age.
1328. |
The Effect of Behavioral
Performance during Multistep Cognitive Processing on the
Extraction of Age-Related Changes from Resting State Network
Toshiharu Nakai1, Ayuko Tanaka1,
Mitsunobu Kunimi1, Sachiko Kiyama1,
and Annabel SH Chen2
1Neuroimaging & Neuroinformatics, National
Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Ohbu, Aichi,
Japan, 2Division
of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
In order to establish a classification of elderly with
potential cognitive decline, we investigated the effect
of introducing behavioral performance on extracting
age-related change from resting state network (RSN)
activities. Two types of covariates derived from one
goal-oriented operation, but representing different
steps were employed. The age-related change was
differently affected in the anterior part of default
mode network depending on the covariate, while such
change was not observed in its posterior part. It may be
suggesting that classification of RSN activities in
elderly may be related to the performance level of the
1329. |
Age-Related Changes in
Default Mode Sub-Networks 
Xueli Wang1, Jin Xu1, XiuFen Zhang1,
Xiaolong Peng1, and Pan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Xi'an
Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Default mode network(DMN) plays an important role in
neural cognitive research. Previous studies have
suggested that functional connectivity of DMN will
decrease with age, which may also cause cognitive
decline. However, there is still lack of studies on
age-related changes in default mode sub-networks such as
anterior default mode network (aDMN) and posterior
default mode network (pDMN). The aim of this study was
to investigate the age-related effects on functional
connectivity between aDMN and pDMN during resting state.
1330. |
Brain Expansion Capacity:
measuring brain volume adaptation to water loading in the
human brain 
Jack Knight-Scott1
1Radiology, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta,
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Based on age-related differences in the response of
animals to experimentally-induced water intoxication, we
hypothesize that the degree of tissue swelling is an
intrinsic, age-dependent property of brain tissue that
we have named the expansion capacity,  .
The expansion capacity is a measure of the capability of
tissue to accomodate osmotically induced volume
increases in the CNS. This includes the effects of the
osmotic regulatory systems (both local and systemic) and
the biomechanical properties of the tissue. Here we
introduce the basic concept of the expansion capacity
and attempts to measure it in a group of healthy adults.
1331. |
Age-related increased R2
and R2* correlates with increased brain iron in a normal
ageing mouse model 
Thomas Walker1, Christos Michaelides1,
Harry Parkes2, William Crum1, Tina
Geraki3, Amy Herlihy4, and Po-Wah
1Department of Neuroimaging, Institute Of
Psychiatry, King's College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2CR-UK,
Clinical MR Research Group, Institute of Cancer
Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Diamond
Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,
Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 4Agilent
Technologies, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Brain iron accumulation with ageing may play a role in
senescent processes, with age-related increases in basal
ganglia R2 and R2* observed in man and associated with
increased iron. Here, we show similar increases in R2
and R2* in the basal ganglia of ageing C57BL/6J mice.
Quantitatively measured increased iron by synchrotron
radiation X-ray fluorescence elemental iron mapping
suggests the increased R2 and R2* values may indeed
arise from higher iron concentrations. Thus, iron
dyshomeostasis may play a role in ageing and MR
relaxometry may be used to monitor these ageing
1332. |
Age associated iron
deposition in basal ganglia increases with physical fitness 
Adam G Thomas1,2, Andrea Dennis2,
Nancy B Rawlings2, Charlotte J Stagg2,
Helen Dawes3, Heidi Johansen-Berg2,
and Peter A Bandettini1
1NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2FMRIB,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Movement
Sciences Group, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford,
United Kingdom
Susceptibility shows a positive correlation with fitness
1333. |
Determinants of iron
accumulation in the normal ageing brain 
Lukas Pirpamer1, Edith Hofer1,
Paul Freudenberger2, Stephan Seiler1,
Christian Langkammer3, Franz Fazekas1,
Stefan Ropele1, and Reinhold Schmidt1
1Department of Neurology, Medical University
of Graz, Graz, Styria, Austria, 2Molecular
Biology and Biochemistry, Medical University of Graz,
Styria, Austria, 3MGH/HST
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States
This study analyzed R2* relaxomentry data from 314
healthy volunteers in various gray matter regions of the
brain with the goal to find determinants for brain-iron
accumulation. 18 factors were analyzed, which were
related to lifestyle, cerebrovascular risk factors,
serum levels of iron and iron-associated gene-snips. BMI
seemed to be the most relevant determinant for increased
R2* values, especially in the hippocampus. This finding
stands in line with the hypothesis that BMI is an
independent risk factor for dementia.
1334. |
Iron content of functional
networks in the aged human cortex 
Valerie C. Anderson1, Manoj K. Sammi1,
Yosef A. Berlow1, Jeffrey A. Kaye2,
Joseph F. Quinn2, and William D. Rooney1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United
States, 2Department
of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, OR, United States
Brain iron concentration, [Fe], was quantified in 20
healthy subjects (63 9
yrs) based on 7T 1H 2O
R 1 and
R 2 measurements
and relaxivity models that incorporate terms for both
macromolecular volume fraction and [Fe]. Pial surface
iron maps were prepared and the extent and spatial
distribution of iron in 6 functional networks was
determined. We find that [Fe] varies throughout the
cortex in older individuals and is highest in
frontoparietal and default networks. These findings
suggest that the vulnerability of age-related changes in
these networks may be related to increased iron content.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1335. |
Separation of VLF
fluctuations from periodic cardiorespiratory noise with
critically sampled magnetic resonance encephalography. 
Vesa Kiviniemi1, Xindi Wang2, Vesa
Korhonen1, Tuija Keinänen3, Yu-Feng
Zang4, Pierre LeVan5, and Shella
1Diagnostic Radiology, MRC, Oulu University
Hospital, Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Beijing
Normal University, Beijing, China, 3Clinical
Neurophysiology, MRC, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu,
Oulu, Finland, 4Hangzhou
Normal University, Hangzhou, China, 5University
of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
We imaged whole brain with magnetic resonance
encpehalography using a 100 ms TR under-sampled k-space
trajectory. This critical sampling enabled separation of
cardiac pulse and respiratory effects from very low
frequency BOLD signal sources. We show that
physiological noise has a unique spatiotemporal patterns
of noise propagation pattern throughout the brain. The
results suggest that conventional averaged external
estimates of physiological noise need to be replaced by
critically sampled brain data.
1336. |
Short- and long-term
effects of hormonal contraceptives use on the default mode
Timo De Bondt1,2, Dirk Smeets3,
Pim Pullens4,5, Wim Van Hecke3,
Yves Jacquemyn6,7, and Paul M Parizel4,5
1Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital,
Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Radiology,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 3icoMetrix,
Leuven, Belgium, 4Radiology,
Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium, 5Radiology,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 6Gynaecology
and Obstaetrics, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp,
Belgium, 7Gynaecology
and Obstaetrics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Resting-state fMRI images were acquired in 18 women with
natural menstrual cycle (NC) during the follicular
phase. 19 Subjects using hormonal contraception (HC)
were scanned during pill free week and during pill
intake. Data were analyzed with spatially constrained
ICA. We show long term alterations in bilateral
cingulate gyrus due to HC use and short term effects in
bilateral insula. Our results support previous,
non-resting-state fMRI-based, literature. Importantly,
HC-use is never corrected for in this and other
MRI-subfields. Consequently, researchers introduce
heterogeneity in their data, which will lead to loss of
accuracy and precision.
1337. |
Oleksii Omelchenko1 and
Zinayida Rozhkova2
1Human and Animal Physiology, Taras
Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Kyiv,
Ukraine, 2Radiology,
Medical Clinic BORIS, Kyiv, Ukraine
Some regions of DMN remain active during the task
execution. We propose TID and functional connectivity
analysis under the execution of motor tasks with various
complexities for DMN heterogeneity study. Motor task
fMRI was done for DMN deactivation and connectivity
analysis. Despite the unified pattern of brain
activation across different motor tasks, deactivation
pattern differ depending on the complexity of the
movements and their cognitive demand. Nodes of DMN may
function simultaneously in the TID and task independent
regimes during the movements. Obligatory PCC involvement
in TID and task independent patterns of DMN functioning
supports its possible ‘hub’ function.
1338. |
Coupling between the
Salience Network and Default-mode Network Predicts
Task-induced Deactivation through Regional Glutamate and
GABA Concentrations 
Hong Gu1, Yuzheng Hu1, Xi Chen1,
and Yihong Yang1
1National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH,
Baltimore, MD, United States
The coupling between the salience network (SN) and the
default mode network (assessed by the SN-PCC
connectivity) was negatively correlated with the
regional excitation and inhibition balance (expressed as
ratio of glutamate over GABA R_Glu/GABA) in PCC. Both of
the SN-PCC connectivity and the R_Glu/GABA predicted the
working memory task-induced deactivation in the PCC. The
mediation analysis showed the relationship between the
SN-PCC coupling and PCC deactivation was completely
mediated by the local balance of the excitation and
inhibition R_Glu/GABA.
1339. |
Investigating Task-Based
Activation and Functional Connectivity in the White Matter
using fMRI at 3 Tesla 
Don Marciel Ragot1,2, Erin Mazerolle3,
and J. Jean Chen1,4
1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Engineering
Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3University
of Calgary, Ontario, Canada,4Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Recent studies have used BOLD to detect white-matter
functional activation in the largest white matter
structures in the brain while subjects are performing
interhemispheric tasks. While these studies lay the
foundation for white-matter fMRI, they also used custom
acquisition techniques unavailable on most scanners.
Also, they report focal brain activity, but do not
assess functional connectivity. In this work, we
investigate the feasibility of detecting white-matter
activation using conventional gradient- or spin-echo EPI
at 3 Tesla. Spin-echo EPI produced robust white-matter
activation in the corpus callosum, but not
gradient-echo. We also demonstrate task-related
white-matter fMRI connectivity using spin-echo EPI.
1340. |
BrainVR: the virtual
reality brain connectivity navigator 
Ricardo Ribeiro1, Inês Neiva1, and
Hugo Alexandre Ferreira1
1Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical
Engineering, Faculty of Sciences of the University of
Lisbon, Lisboa, ., Portugal
An application for visualizing brain connectivity data
was developed based on a virtual reality (VR)
head-mounted display and a gesture recognition (GR)
human-computer interface. The application makes uses of
volumetric T1-weighted data and connectivity matrices
(structural, functional or effective) to compute a brain
graph that is superimposed on corresponding brain
anatomy. Additionally, the application can import both
imaging and connectivity metrics. The VR application is
able to create an immersive experience in which the user
can navigate outside and inside the brain graph and
visualize global or region-specific imaging and
connectivity metrics using nothing more than his/hers
own gestures.
1341. |
High Frequency Coherence in
Pediatric Primary Motor Cortices 
Karolina J Urban1,2, Karen M Barlow3,4,
Laronna Sewell2, Bradley G Goodyear1,5,
and Jeff F Dunn1,5
1Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Neurosciences,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3Pediatrics
and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 4Alberta
Children's Hospital Research Institute, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 5Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1342. |
FcMRI maps genomic
influence on acute alterations of Caudate Putamen functional
networks with consomic rat strategy 
Zhixin Li1, Chenxuan Li2, and
Christopher P Pawela2,3
1Plastic Surgery, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 2Plastic
Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United
States, 3Biophysics,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United States
was to reveal the region-specific effects of genetic
differences between two inbred rat strains, Brown Norway
(BN) and Dahl salt-sensitive (SS/Mcwi), on a biologic
measure in brain using BOLD-fMRI under a
well-established task paradigm
1343. |
Inter-vender and
Inter-session Reliability of Resting State Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rsfMRI): Implications for
Multicenter Studies 
Won-Jin Moon1, Hyeong Su An2,
Jae-Kyun Ryu3, Ju Yeon Park4, Won
Sung Yun4, Jin Woo Choi4, Geon-Ho
Jahng5, and Jang-Yeon Park6
1Department of Radiology, Konkuk University
School of Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 21.
Department of Radiology, Konkuk University School of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 32.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Konkuk University,
Seoul, Korea, 4Konkuk
University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 5Kyunghee
University, Seoul, Korea, 6Konkuk
University, Seoul, Korea
This study evaluated inter-vender reliability and
inter-session reliability of rsfMRI by using temporal
signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR) and connectivity of
default-mode network (DMN).Although tSNR of rsfMRI was
relatively good-to-excellent on three different 3-T MRI
(from three different venders) on two different
occasions, some inter-vender and inter-session
differences in connectivity of the DMN were observed.
Therefore, researchers using rsfMRI should be aware of
these limitations especially in case of longitudinally
designed multicenter studies.
1344. |
Task-induced deactivation
in medial structures of the default mode network varied
according to task types 
Kayako Matsuo1, Katsuaki Suzuki1,
Keisuke Wakusawa2, Kiyokazu Takebayashi1,
Yasuo Takehara3, and Norio Mori1
1Department of Psychiatry, Hamamatsu
University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka,
Japan, 2Research
Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu
University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka,
Japan, 3Department
of Radiology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine,
Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
Task-induced deactivation (TID) is recently a focus of
fMRI research. It typically demonstrates maps of the
default mode network, showing relevance to cognitive
impairments. We investigated the changes of the TID in
the medial structures using visual, visuomotor and
counting tasks and the combination of the tasks. Demands
for cognitive processing affected the medial prefrontal
cortex, whereas task types modulated the posterior
cingulate cortex (PCC) and the precuneus. Hand action
reduced the TID of the area adjacent to the parieto-occipital
sulcus, which included the region frequently used as a
“seed” in functional connectivity analyses of
resting-state fMRI.
1345. |
characterization of a robust survival rodent fMRI method 
Hanbing Lu1, Julia K Brynildsen1,
Li-Ming Hsu1, Thomas Ross1, Elliot
A Stein1, and Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Baltimore, MD, United
Proper choice of anesthetics is of critical importance
for the success of an fMRI experiment. An anesthetic
regime that uses low dose of dexmedetomidine in
combination with low dose of isoflurane, permitted fMRI
data acquisition for several hours. The rat default mode
brain network has been successfully identified with this
preparation, indicating that this protocol minimally
disturbs brain network functions. However, medetomidine
is known to cause peripheral vasoconstriction,
respiratory suppression and bradycardia, confounding the
fMRI signal. The goal of this study is to systematically
characterize and to optimize physiological conditions
for fMRI experiment under this anesthetic regimen.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
Does the interpretation of
task-based BOLD activation in adolescent bipolar disorder
require TRUST? 
Arron W.S. Metcalfe1, Benjamin I. Goldstein2,3,
David E. Crane1, Antonette Scavone3,
Hanzhang Lu4, and Bradley J. MacIntosh5,6
1Brain Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Psychiatry
& Pharmacology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3Psychiatry,
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 4University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States, 5Department
of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 6Department
of Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with both increased
cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and medial-frontal
cortex dysfunction. Potential interaction between oxygen
availability and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD)
signal during motor-inhibition was examined in BDs and
healthy controls. Base-rate cerebral venous oxygen
availability (Yv) was analyzed as a covariate. Yv group
means were similar. Lower Yv should be associated with
larger potential increase in task signal and this was
supported in distributed regions for both groups.
Importantly, a positive relationship emerged in task
related medial cortex only for BDs, possibly suggesting
dampened vascular response. Overall, model corrections
for Yv were modest.
1347. |
Leif Oltedal1,2, Ute Kessler1,3,
Nathan S White4, Hauke Bartsch5,
Bjarne Hansen3, Lars Ersland6,
Renate Grüner2, Joshua Kuperman4,
Dominic Holland7, Kenneth Hugdahl3,8,
Ketil J Ødegaard1,3, and Anders M Dale4,5
1Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2Department
of Radiology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen,
Norway, 3Division
of Psychiatry, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen,
Norway, 4Department
of Radiology, University of California, San Diego,
California, United States, 5Multi-Modal
Imaging Laboratory, University of California, San Diego,
California, United States, 6Department
of Clinical Engineering, Haukeland University Hospital,
Bergen, Norway, 7Department
of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego,
California, United States, 8Department
of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is by many clinicians
regarded as the most effective acute treatment of major
depressive disorder. At the group level, ECT has been
shown to induce structural changes in the hippocampus,
supporting a neurotrophic hypothesis. Here we
demonstrate that ECT-induced structural changes may be
appreciated at the level of the individual patient after
appropriate preprocessing and co-registration of
longitudinal intra-individual images. At the group level
(n=6; 3D T1 volumes at 3 time points) quantification
with FreeSurfer and Quarc, suggests structural changes
in various ROIs in the subcortical gray matter, in
addition to the hippocampus.
1348. |
Multiparametric MRI
assessment of chronic social defeat-induced changes in mouse
brain function, metabolism, and structure 
Joanes Grandjean1, Damiano Azzinnari2,
Aline Seuwen1, Erich Seifritz2,
Christopher Pryce2, and Markus Rudin3,4
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH
and University Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Psychiatric
University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and University Zurich,
Zurich, Select, Switzerland, 4Institute
of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
A chronic social defeat (CSD) mouse model has
demonstrated that chronic social stress induces
depression-relevant behavior as well as changes related
to the immune and dopamine systems. We have
characterized the functional, metabolic, and structural
changes occurring in mice following CSD using
fMRI/MRS/MRI. We report alterations in the functional
networks, in particular in the cingulate and prefrontal
cortex. Fractional anisotropy was increased in the
cingulum fibers of CSD mice compared to controls.
Finally, inositol concentration was increased in the CSD
mice. These reports compare well reports of functional
alteration in the default mode network in humans with
depressive disorders.
1349. |
Altered topographical
organization of the default-mode network in first-episode
remitted geriatric depression. 
Zan Wang1, Yonggui Yuan2, Hao Shu1,
Feng Bai1, Jiayong You3, and
Zhijun Zhang1
1Neurology, Affiliated ZhongDa Hospital of
Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2Psychosomatics
and Psychiatry, Affiliated ZhongDa Hospital of Southeast
University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 3Psychiatry,
Nanjing Brain Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical
University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Altered topographical organization of the default-mode
network in first-episode remitted geriatric depression.
1350. |
Trait and State-Dependent
Abnormalities of Bipolar Disorder Detected by Quantitative
T1rho Mapping 
Casey P. Johnson1, Lois A. Warren2,
Gary E. Christensen3, Jess G. Fiedorowicz2,
Vincent A. Magnotta1, and John A. Wemmie2,4
1Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
IA, United States, 2Psychiatry,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 3Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
IA, United States, 4Veterans
Affairs Medical Center, Iowa City, IA, United States
Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of
depressed and manic mood states. Little is known about
what triggers and perpetuates these moods. We applied a
new technique to study mood states in bipolar disorder:
whole-brain quantitative T1ρ mapping. Average T1ρ maps
were compared between groups of 9 depressed, 15
euthymic, 11 manic, and 25 control participants.
Cerebellar T1ρ values were abnormally elevated in all
three mood states compared to controls. Furthermore,
putamen T1ρ values were reduced in depression compared
to euthymia and controls. These findings point to both
trait and mood-state-dependent abnormalities in bipolar
disorder, possibly due to abnormal metabolism.
1351. |
A pilot fMRI study of the
effect of negative stressful factors on the onset of female
bian haiman1, ji shengzhang2, zhuo
chunjun3, li gongying4, and ren
1the Fourth Central Hospital of Tianjin,
tianjin, tianjin, China, 2the
Fourth Central Hospital of Tianjin, tianjin, China, 3Tianjin
Anning Hospital, tianjin, China, 4Department
of psychiatry, Jining Medical University, shandong,
If negative stressful life events (NSLEs), such as
bereavement, accidental disasters play a key role in the
onset and maintenance of depression?Our experiment
adopted a block pattern design and use a 3.0 T MRI
system to obtain the fMRI data. Our study found that
drug-naïve female patients with their first major
depressive episode who had experienced NSLEs prior to
the onset of depression had abnormal activation of
several brain regions involved in emotional perception,
memory, evaluation, and regulation.These results were
consistent with the negative cognitive theory of
depression, which proposes that negative stimulation is
an important factor in the onset and maintenance of
1352. |
Neurostructural correlates
of NCAN, a genome-wide significant risk gene for psychiatric
Harald Kugel1, Udo Dannlowski2,3,
Dominik Grotegerd2, Ronny Redlich2,
Janina Suchy2, Nils Opel2, Thomas
Suslow2,4, Carsten Konrad3,
Patricia Ohrmann2, Jochen Bauer2,
Tilo Kircher3, Axel Krug3, Andreas
Jansen3, Bernhard T Baune5, Walter
Heindel1, Katharina Domschke6,
Volker Arolt2, Christa Hohoff2,
Marcella Rietschel7, and Stephanie H Witt7
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University
of Münster, Muenster, NRW, Germany, 2Department
of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Muenster, NRW,
Germany,3Department of Psychiatry, University
of Marburg, Marburg, HE, Germany, 4Department
of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University
of Leipzig, Leipzig, SN, Germany, 5Discipline
of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide School of
Medicine, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 6Department
of Psychiatry, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, BY,
Germany, 7Department
of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute
of Mental Health, Mannheim, BW, Germany
Neurocan (NCAN) rs1064395 genotype is associated with
psychiatric disorders as major depression,
schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. In risk allele (A)
carriers, compared to carriers of the non-risk allele G,
voxel based morphometry (VBM) revealed reduced gray
matter volume in hippocampus and amygdala, in healthy
volunteers as well as in major depression patients. We
conclude that the increased risk for psychiatric
disorder may be mediated by structural deficits in
amygdala and hippocampus.
1353. |
Decreased posterior default
mode network for depression patients 
Hu Cheng1, Rui Yang2, Hongbo Zhang2,
Xiaoping Wu2, Junle Yang2, Mingyue
Ma2, Yanjun Gao2, Hongsheng Liu2,
and Shengbin Li2
1Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana
University, Bloomington, Indiana, United States, 2Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shanxi, China
In this study, we combined Independent Component
Analysis (ICA) and seed based connectivity analysis to
study the posterior DMN network between patients and
normal controls, as well as pre-treatment and
post-treatment conditions. Our results showed
significant difference of the posterior default mode
sub-network between major depression patients and normal
controls. Specifically, normal controls exhibited higher
connectivity between PCC and frontal/temporal regions.
The treatment does improve the connectivity strength of
patients, especially in the anti-correlated network.
These differences were unlikely induced by difference in
head motion.
1354. |
Cognitive control for
processing and inhibition of facial emotional expressions 
India, 2Centre
of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, UNIVERSITY OF
ALLAHABAD, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
In today’s world of stress induced impairments
regulation of the emotions is essential demand. The
demands comparative to habits need selective attention,
planning, response suppression and response selection
for decision making. A central interest in the study of
emotions is the interplay between emotional expressions,
inhibitions and cognitive regulations. There is little
corresponding literature on facial emotion perception so
the study was planned to observe the interference and
inhibition during facial (happy, sad and neutral)
expressions. The results indicate that suppression of
automatic action in favor of controlled less automatic
facial expression required higher order visual
processing system including occipito-temporal-parietal
neural pathway.
1355. |
Reproducibility of
metabolite measurements in patients with schizophrenia at 7T 
Subechhya Pradhan1, Joseph S Gillen1,2,
S. Andrea Wijtenburg3, Ashley D Harris1,
Laura M Rowland3, and Peter B Barker1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3Department
of Psychiatry, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
MR spectroscopy is an important tool for the
non-invasive measurement of brain metabolite levels in
various neuropsychiatric disorders. Knowledge of the
reproducibility of metabolite measurements in patients
is important in studying metabolite changes due to
disease progression and/or treatment. In this study, we
assess the 1-week reproducibility of the metabolite
concentration measurements made at 7 Tesla using the
semi-LASER and STEAM sequences, in a cohort of subjects
with stable, chronic schizophrenia.
1356. |
Condition Specific
Frequency Patterns in rs-fMRI measurement of a
Neurodevelopmental Rat Model of Schizophrenia 
Ekkehard Küstermann1, Vani Thimmashetty1,
Jannis Gundelach2, and Lena Wischhof2
1"In-vivo-MR" AG, FB2, Universität Bremen,
Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 2Department
of Neuropharmacology, Brain Research Institute,
University of Bremen, Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Maternal exposure to infection during mid-gestation
increases the risk for the offspring to develop
schizophrenia. Resting-state fMRI was performed with
adult rats from the offspring and analysed by ICA. The
average power spectrum over all estimated ICs collected
from the entire brain was calculated and revealed highly
condition specific characteristics. The observed
differences of these signals may reflect altered network
connectivities in the offspring. Our study supports the
notion that rsfMRI provides an attractive tool for
defining biomarkers of neuropsychiatric disorders in
preclinical animal models as it is non-invasive,
undemanding and limited in scanning time.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1357. |
Global Brain Network
Alterations in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and
Post-Concussion Syndrome 
D Rangaprakash1, Gopikrishna Deshpande1,2,
D Narayana Dutt3, Thomas A Daniel2,
Adam Goodman2, Jeffrey S Katz1,2,
Nouha Salibi1,4, Thomas S Denney Jr1,2,
and MAJ Michael N Dretsch5,6
1AU MRI Research Center, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL, United States, 2Department
of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United
States, 3Department
of Medical Electronics, Dayananda Sagar College of
Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 4MR
R&D, Siemens Healthcare, Malvern, PA, United States, 5National
Intrepid Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States, 6U.S.
Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, AL,
United States
Global characterization of functional segregation and
integration were obtained by estimating transitivity and
global efficiency values from directional connectivity
networks obtained from resting state fMRI data acquired
in Soldiers with PTSD, with both post-concussion
syndrome (PCS) and PTSD, and matched military controls.
These measures were higher in controls compared to both
PTSD and PCS+PTSD groups, suggesting abnormalities in
functionally specialized modular structures as well as
integration between such units in PTSD. However no
significant differences were found between PTSD and
PCS+PTSD groups, suggesting that there is localized
impact on only certain brain regions in individuals with
1358. |
functional and anatomical connectivity abnormalities in
traffic accident-induced PTSD: a study combining fMRI and
Yawen Sun1, Yan Zhou1, Wang Zhen2,
Zhenyu Zhou3, Yong Zhang3, Jieqing
Wan4, and Jianrong Xu1
1Department of Radiology, Ren Ji Hospital,
School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2Shanghai
Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 3GE
Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 4Department
of Neurosurgery, Ren Ji Hospital, School of Medicine,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
In this manuscript, we report the current study to
identify the possible alteration in inter-hemispheric
interactions in trauma-exposed victims who went on to
develop PTSD before diagnosis using resting-state fMRI
and diffusion tractography techniques. The victims with
PTSD exhibited an abnormal homotopic pattern with
decreased voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity (VMHC)
in the superior/middle frontal gyrus before diagnosis.
Structural connectivity changes were in accordance with
the alterations in functional connectivity in corpus
callosum genu. Our results may be potential markers
showing predisposition towards developing PTSD.
1359. |
Assessment of
Stress-induced Neurochemical Alterations in a Rat Model of
Chronic Stress using in
vivo 1H
MRS at 11.7 Tesla 
Fawzi Boumezbeur1, Riccardo Magalhães2,
Ashley Novais2, Sébastien Mériaux1,
Michel Bottlaender1, Arnaud Cachia3,
Thérèze Jay3, and Nuno Sousa2
1NeuroSpin, DSV/I2BM, Commissariat à
l'Energie Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2ICVS/3B's-PT,
School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga,
Portugal, 3Inserm
U894, Center for Psychiatry and Neurosciences,
University Paris-Descartes, Paris, France
In this study, stress-induced neurochemical alterations
were explored in the hippocampus of chronically stressed
rats using in
vivo 1H
MRS at 11.7 T; concomitantly potential correlations with
the plasma level of corticosterone as a biomarker of
stress were investigated. Our observations are
consistent with a moderate neuronal metabolic stress
(NAA: -3%) and the up-regulation of GABAergic
neurotransmission (GABA: +14%) to limit the HPA axis
hyperactivation due to our 3 week-long chronic stress
paradigm. Notably, resilience to longitudinal stress
(i.e. low corticosterone) in stressed rats is associated
to a likely “neuroprotective” glial activity (Glu/Gln:
-27% and Ins: +7%).
1360. |
Amygdala Functional
Connectivity after Real-time fMRI Neurofeedback Emotional
Training in Combat-Related PTSD 
Raquel Phillips1, Vadim Zotev1,
Kymberly Young1, Chung Ki Wong1,
Brent Wurfel1, Matthew Meyer1,2,
Frank Krueger1,3, Matthew Feldner1,4,
and Jerzy Bodurka1,5
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research,
Tulsa, OK, United States, 2Laureate
Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital, Tulsa, OK, United
States, 3Dept.
of Psychology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA,
United States, 4Dept.
of Psychological Science, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR, United States, 5College
of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK,
United States
We performed emotion regulation training in veterans
with combat-related PTSD using real-time fMRI
neurofeedback (rtfMRI-nf). Seven subjects in the
experimental group learned to upregulate left amygdala
activity using rtfMRI-nf based on retrieval of happy
autobiographical memories, while seven subjects in the
control group performed the rtfMRI-nf task with feedback
from the left horizontal segment of the intraparietal
sulcus. Functional connectivity analysis showed that for
the experimental group activity in the left amygdala was
more correlated with other regions of the brain during
positive memory recall following three sessions of
neurofeedback than it was in the control group.
1361. |
Decoding of phobic content
with multivoxel pattern analysis in patiens with spider
Simon Schwab1, Leila M Soravia1,
Yosuke Morishima1,2, Masahito Nakataki1,3,
Thomas Dierks1, Thomas E Nichols4,
and Andrea Federspiel1
1Dept. of Psychiatric Neurophysiology,
University Hospital of Psychiatry, University of Bern,
Bern, Switzerland, 2Japan
Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO, Japan,3Department
of Psychiatry, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima,
Japan, 4Department
of Statistics & WMG, University of Warwick, Coventry,
United Kingdom
In the present work we presented spider pictures during
an event-related fMRI experiment to nine patients with
spider phobia. We implemented multivoxel pattern
analysis (MVPA) using the searchlight procedure, and a
Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier to decode brain areas
predicting phobic content. We found significant positive
classification accuracies across subjects in the
cingulate gyrus, the insula, and the postcentral gyrus.
A region in the middle cingulate gyrus demonstrated the
highest mean classification accuarcy across subjects.
Thus, the present study shows that MVPA seems to be a
sensitive approach to find brain areas predicting phobic
1362. |
Neural mechanism on
hypofunction of working memory maintenance with
anxiety-provoking distracter in patients with obsessive
compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder 
Gwang-Won Kim1, Jong-Chul Yang2,
and Gwang-Woo Jeong1,3
1Research Institute of Medical Imaging,
Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwang-ju,
Korea, 2Psychiatry,
Chonbuk National University Hospital, Jeong-ju, Korea,3Department
of Radiology, Chonnam National University Medical
School, Gwang-ju, Korea
Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are associated with
abnormalities in the processing and regulation of
anxiety as well as cognitive deficits. The purpose of
this study was to discriminate the brain activation
patterns associated with the anxiety-provoking
distracter during the working memory (WM) maintenance
for the human faces between patients with OCD and GAD,
and healthy controls by using a function magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI).
1363. |
Alterations of cerebral
white matter volume and metabolite concentration in patients
with generalized anxiety disorder: A voxel-based morphometry
and 1H-MRS 
Chung-Man Moon1 and
Gwang-Woo Jeong1,2
1Radiology, Research Institute for Medical
Imaging, Gwangju, Gwangju, Korea, 2Radiology,
Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam Natioanl
University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by
excessive, pervasive and uncontrollable anxiety in daily
life. Recent studies demonstrated that the symptoms of
GAD are associated with neural dysfunction related with
cognition and emotional regulation. However, it is
unclear how the white matter (WM) volume and cerebral
metabolites are associated with the typical symptoms of
GAD without other comorbid psychiatric disorders. The
purpose of this study was to investigate the
abnormalities in WM volumes and cerebral metabolite
concentrations in patients with GAD using the
voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and localized 1H-MR
spectroscopy (1H-MRS).
1364. |
Diagnositic prediction for
social anxiety disorder via multivariate pattern analysis of
the regional homogeneity 
Wenjing Zhang1, Xun Yang1, Su Lui1,
Yajing Meng2, Li Yao1, Yuan Xiao1,
Wei Zhang2, and Qiyong Gong1
1Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), Department
of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University,
Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2Department
of Psychiatry, West China Hospital of Sichuan
University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
A multivariate pattern analysis was used to characterize
local coherence of fMRI bold signals implicated in
individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD). By
identifying the inter-group differences in whole brain
ReHo pattern with high classification accuracy at the
individual level, the present study suggests local
connectivity and synchronization extracted from fMRI
bold signal could be a potential biomarker to identify
SAD patients. On this condition, future studies with the
integration of ReHo with other different imaging
modality measurements may give a better insight into the
imaging biomarkers of the condition.
1365. |
Morphologic and cellular
metabolic abnormalities in DLPFC in patients with
obsessive-compulsive disorder: A voxel-based morphometry and
1H-MRS study 
Shin-Eui Park1 and
Gwang-Woo Jeong1,2
1Interdisciplinary Program of Biomedical
Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju,
Jeollanamdo, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Chonnam National University Hospital,
Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju,
this study utilized 1H MRS and VBM analysis to
investigate the brain volume and metabolite changes in
the patients with OCD.
1366. |
Real-time fMRI
Neurofeedback with Simultaneous EEG in Combat-related PTSD:
Identification of EEG Measures of PTSD Severity and
Treatment Response 
Vadim Zotev1, Raquel Phillips1,
Masaya Misaki1, Chung Ki Wong1,
Brent Wurfel1, Matthew Meyer1,2,
Frank Krueger1,3, Matthew Feldner1,4,
and Jerzy Bodurka1,5
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research,
Tulsa, OK, United States, 2Laureate
Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital, Tulsa, OK, United
States, 3Neuroscience
Dept., George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United
States, 4Dept.
of Psychological Science, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, AR, United States, 5College
of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK,
United States
We have performed emotion regulation training in
veterans with combat-related PTSD using real-time fMRI
neurofeedback (rtfMRI-nf) with simultaneous EEG. Six
PTSD patients learned to upregulate their left amygdala
activity using rtfMRI-nf during a positive emotion
induction task based on retrieval of happy
autobiographical memories. We observed task-dependent
variations in frontal EEG asymmetry (FEA) in the upper
alpha band that correlated with PTSD severity (CAPS).
Individual changes in CAPS ratings significantly
correlated with changes in FEA variations. The results
suggest that variations in FEA during rtfMRI-nf training
may provide a sensitive measure of PTSD severity and
individual response to treatment.
1367. |
Metabolic and
microstructural alterations associated with individual
differences in trait anxiety: Preliminary evidence from
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and DTI based tractography
Subash Khushu1, Shilpi Modi1,
Poonam Rana1, and Richa Trivedi1
1NMR Research Centre, Institute of Nuclear
Medicine and Allied Sciences, Delhi, Delhi, India
Trait anxiety affects brain functioning and cognition as
suggested by various neuroimaging and behavioural
studies. In order to identify individuals that are at
risk for the development of clinical anxiety disorders
and depression, identifying hallmarks of trait anxiety
becomes important, to fascilitate timely preventive
interventions. Based on our invivo 1H MRS and diffusion
tensor Tractography findings we suggest that the
alterations in neurometabolite levels in Anterior
Cingulate Cortex and strength of the two major white
matter fibres of the limbic system namely uncinate
fasciculus and fornix, in relation with the trait
anxiety levels may be possible markers of trait anxiety.
1368. |
Biophysical modeling of
high field diffusion MRI demonstrates micro-structural
aberration in Chronic Mild Stress (CMS) rat brain 
Ahmad Raza Khan1, Andrey Chuhutin1,
Brian Hansen1, Ove Wiborg2,
Christopher D Kroenke3, and Sune Nørhøj
1Center of Functionally Integrative
Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Centre
for Psychiatric Research, Aarhus University Hospital,
Risskov, Denmark,3Advanced Imaging Research
Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton,
Oregon, United States
CMS is one of the leading causes of depression, but the
underlying pathology can be verified only by microscopy.
This study was performed on CMS model of rat to explore
sensitivity of diffusion weighted MRI to microstructural
alterations in different brain regions. We utilized
biophysical modelling and diffusion kurtosis (DKI)
imaging to characterize microstructural aberrations in
CMS brains. The study reveals significant increases in
neurite density and mean kurtosis, and significant
decreases in MD and extracellular diffusivity in the
prefrontal cortex. We conclude that biophysical
modelling and DKI modalities are able to detect
preclinical alterations in CMS brains.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1369. |
Disrupted modular
organization of structural cortical network topology in
new-onset pediatric epilepsy 
Jie Zheng1, Rushi Rajyaguru1,
Jeffery Riley1, Gultekin Gulsen1,
Bruce Hermann2, and Jack Lin1
1University of California, Irvine, Irvine,
California, United States, 2University
of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health,
Wisconsin, United States
Our structural brain network will change topologically
with time. Our study focuses on revealing the difference
between growing teenagers from healthy group and
epilepsy group during brain network shaping procedure. A
control study has been set up over the first two years
after epilepsy onset among children with localization
related epilepsy (LRE) group and idiopathic generalized
epilepsy (IGE) group. Then we introduced graph theory
method to demonstrate the difference of global graphical
properties alternation among three groups. Based on our
results, the new-onset pediatric epilepsy leads to
abnormal neurodevelopment structural trajectories with
less network efficiency and less optimal small world
1370. |
Characteristic MR findings
in seizures associated with nonketotic hyperglycemia (NKH):
diagnostic value of contrast enhanced FLAIR imaging
Eun Kyoung Lee1 and
Eun Ja Lee1
1Radiology, Dongguk University Ilsan
Hospital, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Nonketotic hyperglycemia (NKH) have been reported to
induce seizures, and may cause transient signal changes
on MRI. The aim of our study was to describe the
characteristic MRI abnormalities in patients with NKH
complicated with seizures and to evaluate the diagnostic
value of CE-FLAIR. We retrospectively studied MRI
abnormalities in 10 patients with seizures associated
with NKH. The MRI abnormalities observed acutely were
focal subcortical hypointensities on T2WI/FLAIR imaging
in all patients with overlying cortical hyperintensities
in 2 patients. Focal overlying cortical or
leptomeningeal enhancement on CE-T1WI or CE-FLAIR was
observed in all patients. CE-FLAIR was superior to
CE-T1WI for detecting characteristic leptomeningeal
enhancement. Although these MRI abnormalities pose a
broad differential diagnosis, recognition of these
radiologic abnormalities in NKH is important in
restricting unwarranted investigations and to institute
early therapy.
1371. |
Multimodal quantitative
imaging detects functional but not structural abnormalities
in idiopathic generalized epilepsy 
Megan L. McGill1, Orrin Devinsky2,
Xiuyuan Wang2, Brian T. Quinn2,
Heath Pardoe2, Chad Carlson2,
Tracy Butler2, Ruben Kuzniecky2,
and Thomas Thesen2
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Comprehensive
Epilepsy Center, Neurology, New York University School
of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
This study employs functional and anatomic analysis of
MRI scans to detect focal and network abnormalities in
Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy (IGE), a diffuse
neurologic disorder characterized by normal appearing
clinical MRI scans. Analysis of resting state functional
MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and quantitative
morphometric analysis shows that focal functional
differences can be detected in the thalamo-prefrontal
network, though no morphometric differences were
detected between IGE subjects and normal controls. Our
results both point to underlying functional
abnormalities in IGE and highlight the power of MRI to
better characterize neurological disease.
1372. |
Improve lateralizing
sensitivity in temporal lobe epilepsy by combining
structural MRI with regional cerebral blood flow and
apparent diffusion coefficient 
Xiaoqin GUO1,2, Shangchen XU3,
Guangbin WANG1, Yi ZHANG4, Lingfei
GUO1, and Bin ZHAO1
1MRI, Shandong Medical Imaging Research
Institution, Jinan, Shandong, China, 2Medicine,
Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, 3Neurosurgery,
Shandong Provincial Hospital, Shandong, China, 4Medical
Imaging Processing Center, Shandong Medical Imaging
Research Institution, Shandong, China
Structural MRI contributes a lot in the lateralization
of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with mesial temporal
sclerosis (MTS), especially FLAIR sequence. However, 1/3
TLE patients appear normal on structural MRI. MRI
perfusion and DWI have been reported helpful for
lateralization of non-MTS TLE patients. Our study aims
to explore their performance of lateralization in TLE
using ASL and DWI techniques by calculating asymmetry
indices of regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) and
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. The
sensitivity/specificity of lateralization in TLE is
55.6%/100% by only FLAIR images, and can reach to
85.2%/100% and 70.4% /100% by adding asymmetry indices
of CBF and ADC values as covariates for ROC curves
respectively. We concluded that ASL and DWI can help for
lateralization in TLE and ASL is better.
Different Epileptic Brain
Networks in Unilateral Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with
Hippocampal Sclerosis Identified by the Whole Brain
Tract-Based Automatic and Surface-based Analyses 
Yao-Chia Shih1,2, Yu-Jen Chen2,
Yung-Chin Hsu2, Yu-Chun Lo2,
Hong-Huei Liu3, and Wen-Yih Issac Tseng2,4
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Center
for Optoelectronic Medicine, National Taiwan University
College of Medicine, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital,
College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taipei, Taiwan,4Molecular Imaging Center,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with HS
was regarded as a network disorder. In the present
study, we proposed a surface-based analysis and a
tract-specific analysis over the whole brain to detect,
respectively, the GM and WM alterations in unilateral
MTLE with HS. Since the sclerotic hippocampus may
generate epileptic activities and spread via the WM
tracts to other extratemporal regions, we hypothesized
that the WM alterations due to MTLE with HS might affect
the averaged cortical thickness of the connected GM
regions. In addition, we assumed that left and right
MTLE with HS should exhibit different epileptic
networks. Using the surfaced-based analysis and TBAA
method to assess, respectively, the WM and GM
alterations over the whole brain, this work demonstrated
different epileptic brain networks between left and
right MTLE with HS.
1374. |
MR-microscopy of human
hippocampi: Multiparametric characterization of hippocampal
Clarissa Gillmann1, Roland Coras2,
Michael Uder1, Ingmar Blümcke2,
and Tobias Bäuerle1
1Institute of Radiology, University Hospital
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Institute
of Neuropathology, University Hospital Erlangen,
Erlangen, Germany
Purpose of this study was to investigate whether
sclerotic and non-sclerotic hippocampal subfields can be
discriminated by high-resolution, multiparametric
MR-microscopy at 7T ex vivo. T1-, T2- and T2*-relaxation
times, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and
fractional anisotropy (FA) were determined in
hippocampal subfields CA1-CA4 for both, a resected
non-sclerotic and a resected sclerotic hippocampus. On
morphologic images, distinct differences in the pyramid
cell layer between both hippocampi are clearly visible.
With respect to multiparametric imaging, ADC is most
promising for differentiation of sclerotic and
non-sclerotic subfields.
1375. |
Machine learning approach
for lateralization of temporal lobe epilepsy utilizing DTI
structural connectome 
Kouhei Kamiya1, Yuichi Suzuki2,
Shiori Amemiya1, Naoto Kunii3,
Kensuke Kawai4, Harushi Mori1,
Akira Kunimatsu1, Nobuhito Saito3,
Shigeki Aoki5, and Kuni Ohtomo1
1Department of Radiology, The University of
Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2Department
of Radiological Technology, The University of Tokyo
Hospital, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3Department
of Neurosurgery, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo,
Japan, 4Department
of Neurosurgery, NTT Medical Center Tokyo, Shinagawa,
Tokyo, Japan,5Department of Radiology,
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Bunkyo, Tokyo,
This study aimed to investigate the utility of machine
learning approach with DTI structural connectome for
lateralization of epileptogenicity in TLE. DTI (b=0,
1000 s/mm2; 13 MPGs; 3mm iso-voxel) and 3D-T1WI were
obtained in 41 patients with TLE (right/left 13/28). For
each patient, an 83x83 connectome matrix was generated
and graph theoretic regional network measures (degree,
clustering coefficient, local efficiency, and betweeness
centrality) were calculated. The regional measures were
used to train the classifier using the sparse linear
regression and support vector machine (SVM). SVM
demonstrated excellent discrimination between left and
right TLE, with 92.7% accuracy in leave-one-out cross
1376. |
Graph-theoretical analysis
of DTI reveals disruption in global and regional structural
networks in children with localization-related epilepsy 
Mojdeh Zamyadi1, Carter Snead1,
Sam Doesburg1, Mary Lou Smith1,
and Elysa Widjaja2
1Neurosciences and Mental Health, The
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Diagnostic
Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
The aims of this study were to investigate the
structural whole brain networks using graph theoretical
measures in children with localization-related epilepsy,
including subgroups with frontal and temporal lobe
epilepsy relative to healthy controls. We also assessed
the relation between graph measures of structural
connectivity with and intelligence quotient (IQ) as well
as other clinical parameters. We found disruption in
global and regional networks, and reduced connectivity
between multiple lobes in children with
localization-related epilepsy. No associations was found
between global network properties, IQ and clinical
A longitudinal study of MR
correlates during epileptogenesis in a mouse model of
temporal lobe epilepsy 
Niels Leonard Schwaderlapp1, Philipp Janz2,
Jochen Leupold1, Ute Häussler2,
Thomas Lange1, Dominik v. Elverfeldt1,
Carola Haas2, Jürgen Hennig1,
Laura-Adela Harsan1, and Pierre LeVan1
1Medical Physics, University Medical Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, BW, Germany, 2Exp.
Epilepsy Research, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, BW, Germany
Epileptogenesis involves metabolic and micro structural
alterations within subfields of the brain. Non-invasive
in-vivo monitoring of these processes provide deeper
insights and might reveal MR biomarkers for epilepsy. In
this longitudinal study, we employed 1H MR spectroscopy
and high-resolution diffusion imaging in combination
with tractography to monitor the developments during
epileptogenesis in a mouse model of temporal lobe
epilepsy. We identified early changes of relevant
metabolites (GABA, Glu, Lac, NAA, Ins) and tracked the
progression of structural changes (gliosis) in
hippocampal subfields which were validated by subsequent
in-vivo EEG recordings and immunohistochemistry.
1378. |
MR spectroscopic studies of
early post status epilepticus in rats 
Yijen Lin Wu1,2, Patrice Pearce1,
Amedeo Rapuano3, T. Kevin Hitchens4,
Nihal deLanerolle3, and Jullie W Pan1,5
1Neurology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Developmental
Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 3Neurosurgery,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 4Pittsburgh
NMR Center for Biomedical Research, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 5Radiology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
The development of spontaneous recurrent seizures
(epilepsy) is a complex process that commonly ensues
after an initial cerebral insult. We used MR
spectroscopy and T2 relaxometry in a rodent model to
understand how moderate variability in status
epilepticus influences such metabolic injury in early
epileptogenesis. The nature of the injury can be
considered to be classified as neuronal, glial or joint
pathophysiological processes. The MR spectroscopic and
imaging can be informative towards individual
identification of injury severity and may enable
identification of a MR based biomarker to predict the
development of epilepsy.
1379. |
The Use of Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Epilepsy in
Pediatric Patients 
Marisa Blitstein1, Sandra Rincon1,
Paul Caruso1, Ronald Thibert2,
Ramon Gilberto Gonzalez1,3, and Eva-Maria
1Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology
Division, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Neurology
/ Pediatric Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MA, United
The purpose of our study was to retrospectively evaluate
MRI, MRS, and clinical data to determine how often MRS
added information to conventional MRI for evaluation of
seizure in pediatric patients. A database search between
1/1/2011 and 12/31/2013 to identify patients <18 years
old with both MRI and MRS for evaluation of seizure
resulted in 241 cases. In our series, MRS yielded
additional information for 40% (96/241) of all patients.
The largest subsets of patients that had MRS exams
yielding additional information were patients with
hypoxic ischemic injury, distinguishing dysplasia from
neoplasm, and prompting metabolic or genetics workup.
Investigating Longitudinal
Metabolite and Electrophysiologic Changes Associated with
Epileptogenesis in
vivo in a Rat
Model of Interictal Spiking Using1H MRS at 7
Helen Wu1,2, Danielle Senador3,
Matthew Galloway4, Jeffrey Loeb5,
and Jeffrey Stanley4
1Wayne State University School of Medicine,
Detroit, MI, United States, 2MD/PhD
Program, Wayne State University School of Medicine,
Detroit, MI, United States, 3Wayne
State University School of Medicine, MI, United States, 4Psychiatry
and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University
School of Medicine, MI, United States,5Neurology
and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Illinois at
Chicago, IL, United States
We used a chronic tetanus toxin rat model of interictal
spiking as a platform to investigate longitudinal
metabolite changes associated with epileptogensis. Our
1H MRS performed in vivo at 7T provides the opportunity
to examine neocortical metabolite changes associated
with the epileptogenic process in context of concurrent
long term EEG changes. The goal of this study is to
identify key noninvasive biomarkers associated with
epileptogensis in the neocortex and characterize the
potential interplays between metabolite and
electrophysiologic changes during epilepsy development.
1381. |
Functional connectivity in
nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy: an fMRI resting state study 
Stefania Evangelisti1, Laura Ludovica
Gramegna1, Claudia Testa1, David
Neil Manners1, Stefano Zanigni1,
Claudio Bianchini1, Francesca Bisulli2,3,
Laura Licchetta2, Ilaria Naldi2,
Lorenzo Ferri2, Paolo Tinuper2,3,
Caterina Tonon1, and Raffaele Lodi1
1Functional MR Unit, Policlinico
S.Orsola-Malpighi, Department of Biomedical and
NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna,
Italy, 2Department
of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of
Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 3IRCCS
Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna, Bologna,
Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) is a
heterogeneous disorder characterized by sleep-related
motor events of various semiology, intensity and
duration. The pathophysiology of the seizures has not
yet been completely elucidated. This study evaluated
fMRI resting state functional connectivity in NFLE
patients compared to controls. NFLE patients showed
greater functional connectivity between precuneus,
superior parietal lobe, primary and supplementary motor
areas, and thalamus. The thalamus is a structure
involved in non-REM spindles and the generation of
k-complexes. Our results may suggest an alteration of
the arousal regulatory system, with a particular
excitability of the cortex during non-REM sleep.
1382. |
The Value of Resting State-fMRI
for Detecting Epileptogenic Zone in Patients with Focal
Jianzhong Yin1,2, Bofeng Zhao1,
Zhijuan Chen3, Weidong Yang3, Yu
Qing4, Li Cai5, Panli Zuo6,
Hongyan Ni1,2, and Wen Shen1,2
1Radiology Department, Tianjin First Central
Hospital, Tianjin, Tianjin, China, 2Tianjin
Medical Imaging Institution, Tianjin, China, 3Department
of Neurosurgery, Tianjin Medical University General
Hospital, Tianjin, China, 4Department
of Neurology, Tianjin Medical University General
Hospital, Tianjin, China, 5Clinical
PET-CT Center, Tianjin Medical University General
Hospital, Tianjin, China, 6MR
Collaboration, Siemens Healthcare China, Beijing, China
We made systematic comparison of the findings of resting
state fMRI with other localization techniques, including
VEEG, PET, and MRI, for epileptogenic zone. It revealed
that RS-MRI based on those analysis methods has almost
the same sensitivity of PET, and almost the same
specificity of VEEG for localization of epileptogenic
zone. Although there are still some way off for routine
usage, our findings suggest that RS-fMRI, which has the
advantages of non-invasiveness, fairly high spatial
resolution and easy implementation, could be a powerful
and efficient tool for further clinical application.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1383. |
Moments of the T2 spectrum
as a marker of resolving edema in new MS lesions 
Sneha Pandya1, Elizabeth Monohan2,
Michael Dayan1, Susan A. Gauthier2,
and Ashish Raj1
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College,
New York, NY, United States, 2Neurolgy,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United
Myelin water fraction (MWF) can be measured using
multi-echo MR T2 relaxometry. MWF was shown to
correspond closely with the integrity of myelin in white
matter tissue, and is a sensitive marker of
demyelination. However, whole brain MWF quantification
in a routine clinical setting does not account for acute
events accompanied by new lesions, including
inflammation and edemation, and is therefore rather
sensitive to those effects in addition to measuring
myelin loss.We have developed a sensitive measure of
these effects by computing the first and second moments
of the intra/extra-cellular T2 distribution obtained
from the fitted T2 spectrum.
1384. |
Different MRI measures
predict clinical deterioration and cognitive impairment in
MS: a 5 year longitudinal study 
Elisabetta Pagani1, Maria A. Rocca1,2,
Paolo Preziosa1,2, Sarlota Mesaros3,
Massimiliano Copetti4, Melissa Petrolini1,
Jelena Drulovic3, and Massimo Filippi1,2
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San
Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele
University, Milan, MI, Italy, 2Department
of Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy, 3Neurology
Clinic, Clinical Centre of Serbia, University of
Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 4Biostatistics
Unit, IRCCS-Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San
Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
The identification of imaging biomarkers for monitoring
disease progression in multiple sclerosis is an unmet
need. In this study, we assessed the value of
conventional and quantitative MRI measures of brain and
spinal cord in predicting disability and cognitive
worsening in multiple sclerosis patients after 5 years.
A random forest analysis was performed to identify
predictors of neurologic deterioration, phenotype
modification and cognitive worsening at followup. The
results showed that, while disability deterioration
seems mainly due to disruption of white matter
integrity, cognitive dysfunction is the result of a
complex interplay between white matter and grey matter
1385. |
Optimizing gray-matter
white-matter contrast on three-dimensional double inversion
recovery MRI using patient-specific inversion times 
Refaat E Gabr1, Xiaojun Sun1, Amol
S Pednekar2, and Ponnada A Narayana1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Imaging, The University of Texas Health Science Center
at Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OK, United States
Optimization of double inversion recovery protocols is
usually performed based on the expected relaxation times
in a certain class of patients. Natural and
disease-related variations in tissue relaxation cause
inconsistent tissue suppression and suboptimal contrast
across studies. In this work we explore a
patient-specific approach for maximizing tissue contrast
based on fast relaxation scout and pseudo-real-time
image processing pipeline integrated into a clinical
scanner. Experiments in healthy subjects show that
subject-specific optimizations produce large gains in
tissue contrast without scan time penalty, with only one
minute of processing time.
1386. |
Comparative Study of
Quantitative MRI Markers of Disease Progression in Primary
Progressive Multiple Sclerosis 
Govind Nair1, Danish Ghazali1,
Blake Snyder1, Joan Ohayon1,
Daniel S Reich1, Irene Cortese1,
and Bibiana Bielekova1
1NINDS, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, United States
Quantitative MRI (qMRI) markers of disease progression
such as tissue volume, DTI, and quantitative T1 (qT1)
from the brain and cervical spinal cord were assessed
for their sensitivity to disease progression in primary
progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS). Thirty-one PPMS
patients were assessed twice longitudinally using qMRI
and clinical scores. Among the qMRI parameters that
showed change at 1 year were qT1 from the upper cervical
spinal cord, thalamic and ventricular volumes, FA from
the corpus callosum, and MD from caudate. A majority of
the qMRI from brain did not show any changes, probably
reflecting the pathophysiology of PPMS.
1387. |
Highly reproducible whole
brain myelin water mapping with FAST-T2 in 4 minutes using
geometric echo time sampling 
Thanh D Nguyen1, Kofi Deh1, Sneha
Pandya1, Elizabeth Monohan1,
Ashish Raj1, Yi Wang1, and Susan A
1Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY,
United States
The objective was to develop fast and reproducible whole
brain myelin water mapping for longitudinal study of
multiple sclerosis. A 4 min Fast Acquisition with Spiral
Trajectory and T2prep (FAST-T2) sequence together with a
robust multi-voxel Spatially constrained Nonlinear
(SPAN) data fitting algorithm enabled highly
reproducible myelin water fraction measurements between
repeated scans (negligible bias with  2%
limits of agreement on a per voxel basis).
1388. |
Barbara Basile1,2, Laura Serra1,
Barbara Spanò3, Valeria Studer4,
Silvia Rossi4, Diego Centonze4,
Carlo Caltagirone5, and Marco Bozzali1
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, Santa Lucia
Foundation, Rome, Italy, 2Association
of Cognitive Psychotherapy, School of Cognitive
Psychotherapy, Roma, Italy, 3Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Roma, Italy, 4Department
of Neuroscience, University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’, Rome,
Italy, 5Institute
of Neurology, Università Cattolica, roma, Italy
"Cognitive Reserve" (CR) postulates the existence of
functional brain mechanisms that are able to cope with
cerebral damage. Cognitive functioning is impaired in
multiple sclerosis (MS), but some patients are able to
withstand considerable disease burden, without cognitive
impairment. The aim of this study was to investigate the
association between functional connectivity (FC),
measured with Resting-state-(RS)fMRI method, and levels
of CR, in patients with MS. Correlation analyses between
levels of CR and those RS-networks that are likely to be
affected in MS (i.e., Sensory-Motor and Default-Mode)
revealed specific significant associations, suggesting
the relevance of CR in modulating impairment in MS.
1389. |
Statistical Brain Network
Analysis in Female Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Patients Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
AmirHussein Abdolalizadeh1,2, Arash Nazeri2,
Tina Roostaei2, Mohammad Ali Sahraian2,
Shokufeh Sadaghiani2, Bahram Mohajer1,
and Mohammad Hadi Aarabi1
1Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Research
Program (INRP), Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Multiple
Sclerosis Research Center (MSRC), Tehran, Iran
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease causing
neuronal injury. Diffusion Weighted Imaging have been
used to investigate different aspects of MS, and
structural connectivity studies have shown alterations
in brain connectivity parameters of MS patients. We used
Network Based Statistics to investigate changes in white
matter structural networks of Relapsing Remitting MS
patients using diffusion tensor imaging and graph
theories. It has been shown that, compared to healthy
controls, MS patients have significantly lower linear
anisotropy, number of tracts, average tract length and
tract volume. Supplementary Motor Areas (Right and Left)
and Right Precuneus were the main regions involved.
1390. |
The Influence of Surgical
Correction on White Matter Microstructural Integrity in
Rabbits with Familial Coronal Suture Craniosynostosis 
Lesley M Foley1, Shinjini Kundu2,
Wendy Fellows-Mayle3, T Kevin Hitchens1,4,
Gustavo K Rohde2, Ramesh Grandhi3,
Christopher M Bonfield3, and Mark P Mooney5
1Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical
Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Department
of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 4Department
of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 5Department
of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
PA, United States
Craniosynostosis is where one or more of the calvarial
sutures fuse prematurely. This work examines
microstructural integrity of white matter, using DTI.
Rabbits were assigned to one of nine groups, wild type
(WT), complete fusion of the coronal suture (BC), and
surgically corrected (BC-SU) at 12, 25 or 42 days. As
age increased neurophysiological differences between WT,
BC, and BC-SU groups become more pronounced, especially
in the corpus callosum, cingulum and fimbriae. Using a
linear support vector machine classifier, classification
into WT, BC, and BC-SU groups was possible with high
accuracy. DTI revealed differences between
craniosynostotic and surgically corrected animals.
1391. |
Central sulcus and
pericentral cortical changes in multiple sclerosis 
Louise Pape1, Artem Mikheev1,
Jeffrey Huang1, Joseph Herbert1,
Henry Rusinek1, and Yulin Ge1
1Radiology/Center for Biomedical Imaging, NYU
Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States
Cortical atrophy is a key imaging hallmark of multiple
sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study was to investigate
the differences in sulcal volume, width and depth of the
central sulcus as well as pericentral cortical gray
matter (Pc-CGM) thickness between MS patients and
healthy controls. Results showed increased volume and
width of the central sulcus and decreased Pc-CGM in
patients. The sulcal changes correlated with the local
atrophy measure of Pc-CGM in patients. Since CS metrics
are correlated with clinical disability measure, there
is potential to use them as quantitative markers of
1392. |
Resting State Fluctuation
Amplitude Indicates Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in
Multiple Sclerosis 
Mark J. Lowe1, Katherine A. Koenig1,
Xiaopeng Zhou1, Wanyong Shin1,
Robert Bermel2, Lael Stone2, and
Micheal D. Phillips1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neurologic
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
It is known that multiple sclerosis results in decreased
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen and blood flow. Both
of these are critical elements in cerebrovascular
reactivity to neuronal activation. It has been shown
that resting state fluctuation amplitude (RSFA) can be a
surrogate to hypercapnic challenge as a measure of
cerebrovascular reactivity. We show that the correlation
between BOLD activation and RSFA is much weaker in MS
patients than in healthy controls, indicating that
cerebrovascular reactivity may be compromised in MS
1393. |
Hippocampi and epilepsy in
MS patients: a diffusion weighted imaging study with NODDI. 
Alberto De Luca1,2, Marco Castellaro1,
Stefania Montemezzi3, Massimiliano Calabrese4,
and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroimaging, Scientific Institute, IRCCS "Eugenio
Medea", Bosisio Parini, LC, Italy, 3Radiology
Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona, Verona, Italy, 4Neurology
Section, Department Of Neurological and Movement
Sciences, University Hospital of Verona, Verona, Italy
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) population presents higher
prevalence of temporal lobe epilepsy than the healthy
population. In this work we investigate if the
combination of a multi-shell diffusion weighted
acquisition with the NODDI model can provide insights of
the differences between the hippocampi of epileptic and
non-epileptic subjects in a MS population. Results show
that while the fractional anisotropy index is not
statistically different, the NODDI derived quantities
ODI and Kappa reveal statistical differences in both the
left and right hippocampi, that appear to link epileptic
episodes with alterations of the fibers in these areas.
1394. |
Volumetric cervical spinal
cord atrophy differs between younger and older onset
relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and correlates
with disability 
Courtney A Bishop1,2, Emma McCarthy3,
Richard Nicholas2, Lesley Honeyfield4,
Paolo A Muraro2,5, Adam D Waldman2,4,
and Rexford D Newbould1,6
1Imanova Centre for Imaging Sciences, London,
United Kingdom, 2Division
of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, London,
United Kingdom, 3University
of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Imaging, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust,
United Kingdom, 5Department
of Clinical Neurosciences, Imperial College Healthcare
NHS Trust, United Kingdom, 6Division
of Experimental Medicine, Imperial College London,
United Kingdom
T1-weighted volumes covering the entire cervical cord
were acquired on 162 RRMS patients with an average EDSS
of 3.5 and average disease duration of 4.4 years, but
separated as two age groups (mean difference of 13.8
years). Semi-automated delineation of the spinal cord
along the C2-C5 region revealed mean cross-sectional
area (CSA) measures were significantly smaller in the
older MS patients compared to the young (P=0.007) after
accounting for clinical covariates, and correlated
moderately well with disability (R=-0.37-0.38).
1395. |
Relationship of resting
state functional connectivity and visual acuity in MS
patients with optic neuritis 
Blessy Mathew1, Mark J. Lowe1, and
Rob Bermel1
1Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
ON affects almost 50% of MS patients. It involves
inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve leading to
partial or complete loss of vision. Recovery from ON is
variable, and a minimum of six months were required to
have passed after onset of unilateral ON for recovery to
have reached a plateau. In our study we explored the
application of fcMRI in MS patients with ON, between LGN
and V1 correlation to visual acuity. We show that visual
acuity is related to LGN-V1 functional connectivity
using fcMRI. This relationship appears to be reduced or
non-existent when visual acuity is very poor.
1396. |
Longitudinal analysis of
advanced and conventional magnetic resonance imaging
measures of disease impact in multiple sclerosis 
Guillaume Bonnier1,2, Bénédicte Mortamet1,2,
Jean-Philippe Thiran2, Gunnar Krueger1,2,
Tobias Kober1,2, and Cristina Granziera1
1Siemens ACIT – CHUV Radiology, Siemens
Healthcare IM BM PI & Department of Radiology CHUV,
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2LTS5,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland
Conventional magnetic resonance imaging of patients with
multiple sclerosis provides only limited insights into
the nature of brain tissue damage with modest
clinical-radiological correlations. In this study, we
evaluated the 2 years longitudinal evolution of
conventional and non-conventional markers of MS disease,
in a cohort of patients with relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis. Our cohort of patients did not show
any longitudinal evolution of microstructural properties
in brain normal-appearing tissue and no correlation was
found between individual plaques changes and
microstructural properties of brain. Our study provides
evidence of the complementary nature of conventional and
unconventional MRI measures for proper MS patients
1397. |
A novel Double Inversion
Recovery MRI pulse sequence: improved lesion
characterization for demyelinating WM and cortical lesions
in Multiple Sclerosis? 
Jan-Mendelt Tillema1, John Port2,
Pascal Atanga1, Yunhong Shu2,3,
Claudia Lucchinetti1, and Istvan Pirko1
1Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States, 2Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering and Medical Physics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
MN, United States
In this study, a novel double inversion recovery pulse
sequence was applied in patients with Multiple
Sclerosis, suppressing signal from CSF and gray matter.
We show a new ring pattern of signal change surrounding
WM lesions that is not seen on standard DIR.
Approximately 50% of the identified lesions reveal this
rim pattern of hypo-intense signal change, most
prominent in larger and periventricular lesions.
1398. |
Application of vector QSM
for imaging multiple sclerosis lesions 
Lijie Tu1,2, Cynthia Wisnieff3,
Susan Gauthier4, David Pitt5, Yi
Wang1, and Tian Liu6
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College,
New York, NY, United States, 2Applied
& Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
United States, 3Tufts
University, MA, United States, 4Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 5Neurology,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 6Medimagemetric,
LLC, New York, NY, United States
To image multiple sclerosis lesions in white matter, a
tensor model may be needed to account for the
anisotropic susceptibility effect. In this study, we
applied a vector model for quantitative susceptibility
mapping in human brain, which only requires a single
scan. Comparison with histology confirmed that this
method is able to detect spatial changes of
susceptibility anisotropy. In vivo results suggest that
the susceptibility observed in multiple sclerosis
lesions arise primarily from iron instead of
1399. |
Are outer cortical MTR
changes caused predominantly by MR-visible cortical lesions
or abnormalities in the normal-appearing grey matter? 
Rebecca Sara Samson1, Manuel Jorge Cardoso2,3,
Nils Muhlert1, Varun Sethi1,
Oezguer Yaldizli1, Maria A Ron1,
Sebastian Ourselin2,3, David H Miller1,
Claudia A M Wheeler-Kingshott1, and Declan T
1NMR Research Unit, Department of
Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Institute
of Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Medical Image Computing, UCL Department of Computer
Sciences, London, England, United Kingdom, 3Dementia
Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative
Diseases, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, England,
United Kingdom, 4NIHR
University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research
Centre, London, United Kingdom
Outer cortical magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) has
the potential to be a sensitive measure of pathology
linked to clinical disease progression in relapse-onset
multiple sclerosis (MS). We investigated whether inner
and outer cortical grey matter (GM) magnetization
transfer ratio (MTR) changes are associated with
MR-visible lesions, normal-appearing GM (NAGM)
abnormalities, or both, in MS patients, by examining the
co-localisation of cortical lesions marked on phase
sensitive inversion recovery images with inner and outer
cortical bands. Our findings indicate that reductions in
outer cortical MTR are mostly due to changes beyond
MR-visible lesions.
1400. |
Detection of demyelination
and remyelination in multiple sclerosis by analysis of T2*
relaxation at 7T 
Xiaozhen Li1,2, Peter van Gelderen1,
Pascal Sati3, Jacco de Zwart1,
Daniel Reich3, and Jeff Duyn1
1Advanced MRI Section, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2Dept.
NVS, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden,3Translational
Neuroradiology Unit, DNN, NINDS, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating
disease of the central nervous system characterized by
the formation of focal demyelinated (‘plaques’, or
‘lesions’). To detect this ongoing demyelination in MS
patient brains in newly forming (Gadolinium-enhancing)
lesions, we studied changes in T2* relaxation over
serial scans covering a 6-month time span. Use of a
three-component model-fit to the data allowed us to
monitor changes in myelin water (and thus indirectly
myelin content), axonal water and interstitial water.
Our results showed the changes for R2* (1/T2*) of axonal
water at different lesion evolution stages, which may
help further understand the disease evolution in MS.
1401. |
Brain temperature is
elevated in relapsing-remitting relative to progressive
multiple sclerosis 
Victoria M Leavitt1, Alayar Kangarlu2,
Feng Liu2, Claire S Riley3, and
James F Sumowski4
1Columbia University Medical Center, New
York, New York, United States, 2New
York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York,
United States, 3Columbia
University Medical Center, New York, United States, 4Kessler
Foundation, New Jersey, United States
We hypothesize that elevated body and brain temperature
in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
(RRMS) indicates clinically-silent disease activity,
i.e., inflammatory processes. MRS thermometry was used
to measure brain temperature in RRMS and
progressive-type MS patients. Brain temperature was
elevated in RRMS patients relative to progressive-type
patients. Monitoring brain and body temperature may
allow us to detect clinically-silent inflammatory
processes in patients with RRMS.
1402. |
Mapping the g-ratio within
MS lesions 
Mara Cercignani1, Giovanni Giulietti2,
Barbara Spano'2, and Marco Bozzali2
1CISC, Brighton and Sussex Medical School,
Brighton, East Sussex, United Kingdom, 2Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy
The g-ratio is a reliable index of axonal myelination,
and can be related to the physiology and function of an
axon. Here we combine diffusion and magnetization
transfer to map the MS lesion g-ratio and relate it to
variable pathological substrates.
1403. |
Detecting Iron Deposition
In Multiple Sclerosis Using Susceptibility Contrast Imaging 
Bing Yao1,2, Sarah Wood1,3, Zhiguo
Jiang4, Glenn Wylie1,2, and John
1Rocco Ortenzio Neuroimaging Center, Kessler
Foundation, West Orange, NJ, United States, 2Department
of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Rutgers
University, Newark, NJ, United States, 3Psychology
Department, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ,
United States, 4Human
Performance Engineering Lab, Kessler Foundation, West
Orange, NJ, United States
Hypointensity of deep brain gray matter structures in
T2*-weighted images (T2WI) of multiple sclerosis (MS)
patients has been reported and suggested to represent
increased iron deposition. However, these findings are
difficult to generalize as the contrast in T2WI depends
on several MR parameters including TE, TR, and others.
Here, we explored using quantitative susceptibility
contrast imaging including R2* and quantitative
susceptibility map to identify characteristic regions
suggestive of increased iron deposition in MS patients.
1404. |
Neurite orientation
dispersion and density Imaging (NODDI) in Multiple Sclerosis 
Sourajit Mitra Mustafi1, Chandana Kodiweera2,
Jennifer S Randolph3, James C Ford3,
Heather A Wishart3, and Yu-chien Wu1
1Center for Neuroimaging, Indiana Univeristy,
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 2Dartmouth
College, NH, United States, 3Dartmouth
Medical School, Lebanon, NH, United States
Conventional MR imaging, including T1-weighted
(pre-/post- contrast), T2-weighted, and T2-weighted
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery scans, are used in
the diagnosis and monitoring of MS but leave the
underlying micromechanisms of tissue damage unclear.
Diffusion MRI measures water diffusion behaviors in
biological systems, and is sensitive to microstructural
white matter (WM) changes in MS. In this study, we used
neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging
(NODDI) to study the brain in humans with MS. NODDI
hypothesizes WM microstructures in three compartments:
extracellular, intracellular and cerebrospinal fluid
compartment. NODDI information may help explain the
microstructural changes in MS at cellular level.
1405. |
Quantitative Susceptibility
Mapping (QSM) indicates disturbed brain iron homeostasis in
Neuromyelitis Optica 
Thomas Martin Doring1, Vanessa Granado2,
Gustavo Tukamoto3, Fernanda Rueda3,
Andreas Deistung4, Juergen Reichenbach5,
Emerson Gasparetto6, and Ferdinand Schweser7
1Radiodiagnostic Imaging, DASA, Rio de
janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Radiologia,
CDPI, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3CDPI,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4Medical
Physics, Uni Jena, Thueringen, Germany, 5Medical
Physics Group, Uni Jena, Thueringen, Germany, 6DASA,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 7CTRC
and Buffalo Neuroimaging Analysis Center, University of
NY, Buffalo NY, United States
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a severe, inflammatory
demyelinating disease that typically affects optic nerve
and spinal cord. The purpose of the current study was to
investigate brain iron and myelin in NMO patients using
two quantitative imaging techniques, R2* mapping and the
relatively new Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.
Advanced neuroimaging techniques have recently been
explored to discover new diagnostic criteria to detect
NMO and to overcome the problem to distinguish this
disease from MS.
1406. |
Comparison of segmentation
techniques to measure tissue-specific atrophy in Multiple
Patricia Alves Da Mota1, Ferran Prados2,
Wallace J Brownlee1, Manuel Jorge Cardoso2,
Matteo Pardini1, Nicolas Toussaint2,
Declan T Chard1, Sébastien Ourselin2,
David H Miller1, and Claudia AM
1NMR Research Unit, Department of
Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL Institute
of Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Medical Physics and Bioengineering Wolfson House,
Translational Imaging Group CMIC, London, England,
United Kingdom
Brain atrophy is a well established pathologically
feature of multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we compare GIF,
a novel segmentation technique which has not been
previously applied in people with MS, to SPM12 results.
Acknowledging the small number of subjects, statistical
measures and qualitative assessment showed that GIF
provides a relatively significant improvement in
segmentation accuracy when compared to SPM12, with an
improved agreement between observers (r=0.740 VS
r=0.203). GIF was also found to be more robust (i.e.
lower standard deviations) at estimating brain atrophy
(i.e. volume fractions) on both HC and MS subjects.
1407. |
An 8 month longitudinal
study of T1 measures in MS patients using 3D MPnRAGE 
Steven R Kecskemeti1, Andrew L Alexander1,2,
and Aaron S Field3
1Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States, 3Radioilogy,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
This study presents a longitudinal study of 8 monthly
scans using 3D MPnRAGE of two volunteers with multiple
sclerosis. T1 maps of normal appearing white matter and
gray matter are highly reproducible as determined by the
temporal coefficient of variation. Coefficient of
variation for a WM lesion that appeared during the study
was approximately 8x larger than normal appearing WM,
suggesting coefficient of variation of T1 across time
may be a useful biomarker to describe progression or
treatment of MS.
1408. |
Single-Image T2 White Matter Hyperintensity Mapping and
Quantification with FSL 
Nathan C Wetter1,2, Elizabeth A Hubbard3,
Robert W Motl3, and Bradley P Sutton1,2
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, United
States, 3Kinesiology
and Community Health, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States
T2 white matter hyperintensities are a defining clinical
feature of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and T2 Lesion
Volumes (T2LV) have been an important biomarker in MS
research. Numerous methods have been proposed for T2LV
quantification, but they usually require human
intervention and multiple images, and are not easily
accessible. We propose, to the best of our knowledge,
the first fully-automated, single-image T2LV
quantification method. It is based upon the widely
popular open-source imaging toolkit FSL, combining its
components in an intuitive way to produce reliable,
consistent lesion volumes and masks.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1409. |
Experimental TBI Results in
Pathophysiology Resembling Motor Neuron Disease 
David K Wright1,2, Chris Van Der Poel3,
Li Yang4, Stuart McDonald3, Roger
Ordidge1, Terence J O'Brien4,
Leigh A Johnston5, and Sandy R Shultz4
1Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, The
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2The
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3Department
of Human Biosciences, La Trobe University, Victoria,
Australia, 4Department
of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, 5NeuroEngineering
Laboratory, School of Engineering, The University of
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been controversially
proposed as a risk factor for the later onset of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Here we studied the
potential relationship between TBI and ALS in an
experimental model of TBI using MRI, pathology and
behavioural analyses. TBI rats had significant motor
cortex atrophy, corticospinal tract degeneration,
increased expression of TDP-43, motor neuron loss,
increased expression of m-calpain and atrogin-1, muscle
atrophy and behavioural impairments. Taken together,
these findings resemble the pathological and functional
abnormalities common in ALS, and support the notion that
TBI can induce a progressive ALS-like disease process.
1410. |
High Spatial Resolution MRI
Unveils the Mystery of Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury 
Qiang Shen1, Lora Talley Watts1,
Shiliang Huang1, Michael O'Boyle1,
Justin Alexander Long1, and Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, The University
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX, United States
Although traumatic brain injury has been investigated
using variable imaging techniques, including MRI, the
relatively low spatial resolution has limited the
ability to determine tissue injury type and to predict
the tissue fate. Results previously reported are
controversial, and are seemingly dependent on the
severity of injury. Furthermore, prediction of tissue
fate in TBI using low resolution data is very difficult.
This study employed high spatial resolution MRI to
investigate moderate TBI longitudinally up to one month
post injury. This study provides a better delineation of
tissue injury types and assists in the prediction of
tissue fate following TBI.
1411. |
Multimodal Imaging of
Functional Alterations of the Thalamus Following Mild
Traumatic Brain Injury 
Chandler Sours1,2, Elijah George1,2,
Steven Roys1,2, Jiachen Zhuo1,2,
and Rao P Gullapalli1,2
1Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 2Magnetic
Resonance Research Center, Baltimore, MD, United States
The aim of this study is to investigate the acute
functional alterations in the thalamus following mild
traumatic brain injury (mTBI) using resting state fMRI
(rs-fMRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging
(MRSI). Results suggest that in addition to reduced
NAA/Cr in the thalamus, acute mTBI patients have
increased thalamo-cortical connectivity, including both
cortical areas associated with primary sensory
processing and cortical areas associated with the
Default Mode Network. These results provide evidence for
a functionally damaged thalamus in the initial days
following mTBI and may be associated with common post
concussive symptoms experienced by these patients.
A Comparative Study of
Diffuse and Focal Traumatic Brain Injury using Multi-echo
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in Rodent Model 
Sanjay Verma1, Bhanu Prakash KN1,
Sankar Seramani1, Enci Mary Kan2,
Kian Chye Ng2, Mui Hong Tan2, Jia
Lu2, and S Sendhil Velan1
1Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, 2Defence
Medical and Environmental Research Institute, DSO
National Laboratories, Singapore
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious and global
public health issue. Focal and diffuse are the two ways
to classify brain injuries. Multi-echo Susceptibility
weighted imaging provides phase with better SNR and CNR
and R2*, making it a sensitive technique for brain
injury. A comparative study of focal (fluid percussion
injury) and diffuse (open field blast) TBI using multi
echo SWI has been made in this study.
Longitudinal Analysis of
Structural and Functional Connectivity of the Thalamus and
Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 
Armin Iraji1, Natalie Wiseman1,
Robert Welch1, Brian O'Neil1,
Andrew Kulek1, Syed Imran Ayaz1, E
Mark Haacke1, and Zhifeng Kou1
1Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,
United States
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a significant
public healthcare burden that costs the nation billions
of dollars each year. Most mTBI patients have normal
findings in clinical neuroimaging; however, there are
several cognitive and emotional symptoms that can impact
patients’ quality of life. Therefore, we expected to see
changes in brain regions associated with higher order
functions. The thalamus and anterior cingulate cortex
(ACC) are the two main centers of information
processing, cognitive and affective functions, and
regulation in the brain, and are structurally and
functionally connected to each other. Thus, the
connections between these regions was investigated
Axonal alterations at acute
stage of a non-impact, blast-induced rat brain injury model
by in vivo diffusion
tensor imaging 
Shiyu Tang1,2, Su Xu1,2, William L
Fourney3,4, Ulrich H Leist3,4,
Julie L Proctor5,6, Gary Fiskum5,6,
and Rao P Gullapalli1,2
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2Core
for Translational Research in Imaging @ Maryland,
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 4Center
of Energetics Concepts Development, University of
Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States, 5Department
of Anesthesiology, University of Maryland, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 6Shock,
Trauma, and Anesthesiology Research Center, University
of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States
Blast-induced traumatic brain injury (bTBI) is the
hallmark injury of recent wars that includes injuries
associated with underbody blasts caused by vertical
acceleration. However, it is unknown if blast-induced
hyper-acceleration (BIH) alone can cause bTBI in the
absence of mechanical injury. This study investigated
axonal alterations using in
vivo DTI
at 2-hours after under-vehicle BIH in rat brains using a
novel recently introduced model of bTBI. Significantly
elevated axial diffusivity, decreased mean and radial
diffusivities were observed in multiple brain regions
which indicated early axonal injury following bTBI. This
unique model of bTBI can provide insights into pure
underbody bTBI.
1415. |
DTI predicts functional
deficit in professional boxers. 
Wanyong Shin1, Blessy Mathew1,
Katherine Koenig1, Banks Sarah2,
Mark J Lowe1, Michael Phillips1,
Michael Modic3, and Charles Bernick2
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Lou
Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Cleveland Clinic
Foundatoin, Las Vegas, Nervada, United States, 3Neurological
Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundatoin, Cleveland, Ohio,
United States
The Professional Fighters’ Brain Health Study (PFBHS) is
a longitudinal study to monitor a cohort of active
professional fighters including boxers and mixed martial
arts (MMA) fighters annually over 4 years. In this
study, we analyzed data from the baseline visits of 305
male boxers and MMA fighters, and ran voxelwise DTI
group analysis to investigate the correlation between
whole brain DTI findings and results from a computerized
cognitive test battery (CNS Vital Signs). We found that
transverse diffusivity in white matter is highly
correlated with CNS vital measures in boxers, but not in
MMA fighters. This finding might be due to the increased
number of head blows in boxing, compared to MMA.
1416. |
Evidence for abnormal
venous drainage in a closed head model of pediatric mild
traumatic brain injury using 9.4T MRI 
Elizabeth Imhof1, Michael Esser1,2,
Carolyn JoAnne MacMillan1, Richelle Mychasiuk1,2,
and Jeffrey F. Dunn1,2
1University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 2Alberta
Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada
Mild traumatic brain injury and concussion are becoming
increasingly recognised as a growing health problem,
making it important to understand the pathophysiology
and MRI metrics that correlate with injury. We studied a
mild, closed head model of pediatric concussion using
9.4T MRI. Rats were imaged 24h post-injury with
perfusion, T2, and T2* and anatomical scans. There was
no change in quantitative metrics, confirming this is a
model of mild injury. The key finding was enlargement of
venous sinuses. This provides evidence for abnormal
venous calibre in mTBI which highlights the needs to
understand venous involvement in mTBI.
1417. |
Parametric response map
(PRM) is a promising tool for the monitoring of post
traumatic cerebral edema 
Jules Grèze1,2, Pierre Bouzat1,2,
Jean-François Payen1,2, Emmanuel Barbier2,
and Benjamin Lemasson2
1CHU Grenoble, Grenoble, France, 2equipe
5, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience, Grenoble, France
Post-traumatic cerebral edema in preclinical trials is
usually assessed using the Apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) measured by diffusion-weighted
magnetic resonance imaging. One generally estimates ADC
as the average value inside specific regions of interest
(ROI). Parametric response map (PRM), a voxel-based
analysis, is a tool to investigate spatially dispersed
changes of ADC over time. It allows to detect edematous
processes that are not necessarily detected by the mean
ADC value approach. PRM gives some spatial and
chronologic details that could distinguish different sub
population based on their ADC evolution. This technique
is promising in the field of traumatic brain injury.
1418. |
Comparison of DTI group
analysis using non-linear and linear registration techniques 
Blessy Mathew1, Wanyong Shin1,
Mingyi Li1, Mark J. Lowe1, Sarah
Banks2, Michael Phillips1, Michael
T. Modic1, and Charles Bernick2
1Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2Cleveland
Clinic, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
From the longitudinal professional fighter's brain
health study of active professional fighters, ROI based
DTI result has been published to show the fight history
or number of knock outs (NKO) predicts DTI changes in 74
of boxers and 81 mixed martial arts fighters (MMA). In
this study, we ran voxel-wise DTI group analysis to
replicate the previous finding from ROI analysis and to
expand predefined ROIs to whole brain using linear and
nonlinear registration methods. We conclude that, in a
large cohort of subjects at risk for brain trauma, the
non-linear technique is better at detecting group-level
structural changes than the linear technique.
1419. |
Fractal analysis of the
brain blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal in the
left putamen of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients 
Olga Dona1 and
Michael Noseworthy2
1Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a common condition
that affects many people around the world. While some
cases resolve without long-term side effects, others
have to live with permanent disabilities such as
learning difficulties, behavioral issues, and memory
loss [1]. Conventional imaging techniques are unable to
detect abnormalities in the brain of mTBI patients that
have shown delayed functional response on
neuropsychological evaluation. Therefore, the main
objective of this study was to explore a novel analysis
approach involving measurement of the temporal fractal
nature of the resting state blood oxygen level depending
(rsBOLD) signal
1420. |
Connectome-scale Assessment
of Structural and Functional Connectivity in Mild Traumatic
Brain Injury at the Acute Stage 
Armin Iraji1, Hanbo Chen2, Natalie
Wiseman1, Tuo Zhang2, Robert Welch1,
Brian O'Neil1, Andrew Kulek1, Syed
Imran Ayaz1, Xiao Wang1, Conor Zuk1,
E. Mark Haacke1, Tianming Liu2,
and Zhifeng Kou1
1Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,
United States, 2University
of Georgia, Georgia, United States
Mild traumatic brain injury is a public healthcare
burden that costs the nation billions of dollars each
year. Numerous data using diffusion tensor imaging have
reported widely spread damage in major white matter
tracts, in suggestion of large-scale network disruptions
or alternations. However, very limited data investigated
the scale and extent of brain network changes after
mTBI. We used a novel approach to identifying the
large-scale brain network alternations in both structure
and function in mTBI patients at the acute stage. This
work represents the first effort to investigate the
scale and extent of brain network changes after mTBI.
1421. |
Default-mode network
functional connectivity progression in the days following a
single sports concussion 
Victoria L Morgan1, Andrew J Gregory2,
and Allen K Sills3
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Ortho-Sports
Medicine, Vnderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States,3Neurosurgery, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
The purpose of this work is to quantify the functional
brain network changes in college student-athletes within
one week of a single sports concussion compared to
healthy college students. The results show that within
days of injury there were focal increases in functional
connectivity (FC) in parts of the default-mode network
(DMN) including the bilateral hippocampus, precuneus and
ventromedial prefrontal cortex. The average FC across
the whole DMN linearly increased over the first week,
but eventually returned to the range of the healthy
subjects in three subjects. Together these results
suggest a progression of DMN FC impairment and recovery.
1422. |
Brain Injury and Mechanisms
of Action of HBO2 for Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms
after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (BIMA): Auditory
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Baseline 
Priya Santhanam1, Peter Cartwright2,
Thomas G Perkins3,4, Terrence R Oakes1,
John Graner1, Gerard P Riedy1,5,
Lindell K Weaver6,7, and William W Orrison2,8
1National Intrepid Center of Excellence
(NICoE), Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Imgen,
LLC, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Perkins
Consultative Resources LLC, Fort Collins, CO, United
States, 5Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda,
Maryland, United States,6Department of
Hyperbaric Medicine, Intermountain LDS Hospital and
Intermountain Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT, United
States, 7School
of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States, 8Department
of Health Physics, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las
Vegas, NV, United States
This study seeks to examine alterations in brain
activity during an auditory task in patients with mild
traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Study participants
completed a word-listening task that was presented
unilaterally in each ear as well as bilaterally.
Comparison of three evaluation methods (clinical
radiological read, clinical computer analysis, and full
GLM analysis) was performed. Radiological score and
clinical computer analysis yielded a high degree of
concordance, and furthermore, clinical computer analysis
and GLM analysis had significant correlations. This
study demonstrates the reliability and reproducibility
of the task for evaluation of auditory deficits in an
mTBI population.
1423. |
Resting-State Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Connectivity and Behavioral
Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injury 
Shiliang Huang1, Qiang Shen1, Lora
Talley Watts1, Justin Alexander Long1,
Wei Li1, and Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, The University
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San
Antonio, TX, United States
Resting state functional MRI studies have reported
disrupted functional connectivity after traumatic brain
injury (TBI) in humans. The types, time after injury,
extent and location of TBI in humans are heterogeneous.
Animal models of TBI offer a means to study the effects
of injury on rsfMRI under controlled conditions. The
goal of this study was to use independent component
analysis (ICA) method to investigate longitudinal
changes of functional connectivity in moderate traumatic
brain injury in rats. Comparisons were made with
functional outcomes measured by forelimb placement
asymmetry and foot fault behavioral tests.
1424. |
Anomalous cognitive and
re-experiencing Networks in recent onset Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder 
Shun Qi1, Panli Zuo2, langlang Gao1,
Ying Liu1, Mathias Nittka3, and
Hong Yin1
1Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical
University, xian, shaanxi, China, 2Siemens
Healthcare, MR Collaborations NE Asia, shaanxi, China, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Germany, Germany
Networks of PTSD patients exhibited a less efficient
organization involving decreased and increased regional
connectivity compared with control subjects. Regional
connections related to the fear-processing and
re-experiential-processing cortex may play a role in
maintaining or adapting to PTSD pathology.
1425. |
Eva M Palacios1, Alastair J Martin1,
Frank Ezekiel1, Esther L Yuh1,
Geoffrey T Manley2, and Pratik Mukherjee1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States, 2Neurological
Surgery, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco,
California, United States
Each year, an estimated 1.7 million Americans sustain
traumatic brain injury (TBI), often resulting in
devastating neurological disabilities. TRACK-TBI is an
NIH-funded study with the goal to create a large, high
quality neuroimaging and clinical database. Diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) has shown promise in prior
single-center studies and a major objective of TRACK-TBI
is to validate its utility. A critical need for a
multicenter imaging study is to minimize the inter-site
variability of quantitative neuroimaging biomarkers. In
this work, we present initial results that suggest the
feasibility of standardizing DTI across 3T scanners in a
large-scale neuroimaging research study.
1426. |
High school football
athletes with a history of concussion have relatively
vulnerable and faster aging resting state brain network than
those without 
Kausar Abbas1, Trey E Shenk1, and
Thmoas M Talavage1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
United States, 2Weldon
School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN, United States
The aim of this study is to characterize the
differential long-term effects of sub-concussive brain
injury on high school football athletes with and without
a history of concussion (HoC and NoHoC). For this
purpose, group differences in various graph-theoretical
network measures were computed to characterize their
network’s segregation, integration and resilience
properties. HoC athletes exhibited significantly lower
segregation than NoHoC athletes. Reduced segregation is
expected with aging over healthy adult life span, thus
suggesting a relatively faster aging brain for HoC
athletes. HoC athletes also exhibited lower
assortativity values suggesting relatively more
vulnerable highly-connected brain regions.
1427. |
Quantitative susceptibility
mapping using three dimensional segmented echo-planar
Wen-Tung Wang1, Dzung Pham1, and
John A Butman1,2
1National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD,
United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, MD, United
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) provides
unique image contrast based on differences in tissue
magnetic susceptibilities. 3D single shot echo-planar
imaging (EPI) with 1 mm isotropic resolution and 2D
single shot EPI QSM with resolution of 1.8×1.8×2 mm3 has
been demonstrated to be statistically equivalent to 3D
GRE QSM at 1.5 T. In this work we applied 3D segmented
EPI [4] for QSM of whole brain with anisotropic
resolution and whole head with isotropic resolution at 3
1428. |
Single-subject diffusion
tensor imaging changes after concussion 
Kathryn Yvonne Manning1, Arthur Brown2,
Robert Bartha2, Gregory A. Dekaban3,
Christy Barreira3, Tim Doherty4,
Lisa Fischer5, Sandra Shaw5,
Douglas Fraser6, and Ravi S. Menon2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Centre
for Functional and Metabolic Mapping, Robarts Research
Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 4Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 5Primary
Care Sport Medicine, Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine,
London, Ontario, Canada, 6Paediatrics
Critical Care Medicine, London Health Sciences Centre,
London, Ontario, Canada
Changes in fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity of
major white matter tracts in young hockey players after
concussion. These changes remained significantly
different from an independent control group 3-months
1429. |
Metabolic alterations at
the interface of brain matters in mTBI patients: 1H MRSI
Eva Heckova1, Michal Bittsansky1,2,
Stefan Sivak3, and Dusan Dobrota1
1Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin,
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Radiodiagnostic
Clinic, Martin University Hospital, Martin, Slovakia, 3Clinic
of Neurology, Martin University Hospital, Martin,
1H MRSI is a suitable in vivo technique for studying
brain neurometabolism of mild traumatic brain injury
patients. The motion caused by hit accompanying mTBI can
lead to different acceleration of white and gray matter
due to their different density. For this reason
interface of these substancies can be promising region
for detecting any changes caused by injury.
1430. |
Diffusion tensor imaging
changes in rugby players without diagnosed concussion 
Kathryn Yvonne Manning1, Gregory A. Dekaban2,
Christy Barreira2, Sandra Shaw3,
Robert Bartha4, Lisa Fischer3,
Arthur Brown4, and Ravi S. Menon4
1Medical Biophysics, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Primary
Care Sport Medicine, Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine
Clinic, London, Ontario, Canada, 4Centre
for Functional and Metabolic Mapping, Robarts Research
Institute, London, Ontario, Canada
Diffusion tensor imaging is able to detect FA and MD
changes in rugby players between the beginning and end
of season without any diagnosed concussion.
1431. |
Suppression of streak
artifacts in quantitative susceptibility mapping 
Wen-Tung Wang1, Dzung Pham1, and
John A Butman1,2
1Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative
Medicine, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Radiology
and Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, United States
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) offers unique,
quantitative information about the magnetic
susceptibility of tissues. While multi-orientation QSM
can faithfully reconstruct susceptibility maps, it is
computationally demanding and impractical for clinical
scans. Single-orientation QSMs mitigate computational
load and patient discomfort, but streak artifacts in
susceptibility maps may still appear due to mathematical
approximations. We propose to apply the
single-orientation QSM twice, one at chin-up and the
other chin-down orientation, using fast 3D segmented EPI
to reduce streak artifacts while maintaining accuracy of
the susceptibility measurements. The average of the two
orientations substantially eliminates the artifacts as
compared to a single orientation.
1432. |
Recovery of consciousness
in brain injury: insights from the structural and functional
Amy Kuceyeski1, Sudhin Shah2,
Jonathan Dyke3, Stephen Bickel4,
Farras Abdelnour3, Nicholas Schiff5,
Henning Voss5, and Ashish Raj5
1Radiology and Brain and Mind Research
Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY,
United States, 2Neurology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, NY, United States,3Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, NY, United States, 4Neurology,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, United States, 5Weill
Cornell Medical College, NY, United States
Subjects with severe brain injury suffer widespread
deafferentation and connectivity loss across brain
regions, at times resulting in disorders of
consciousness. We test if parameters from a mathematical
model of linear network diffusion predicting functional
networks from structural networks (extracted from MRI)
relate to level of consciousness in 26 severe brain
injury patients. A strong Pearson’s correlation was
found between level of consciousness and the model
parameter describing the amount of time the predicted
functional connectivity was allowed to diffuse along the
structural connectivity network (r=0.79, p=0.0016).
These findings invite further consideration of
underlying biological mechanisms in recovery of
1433. |
Prediction of Recovery from
mild TBI using Genetic Programming analysis of DTI Data 
Richard Watts1, Margaret J. Eppstein2,
Alex Thomas3, Joshua P. Nickerson1,
Hugh Garavan4, Trevor Andrews1,5,
Christopher G. Filippi6, and Kalev Freeman3
1Department of Radiology, University of
Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, United
States, 2Department
of Computer Science, University of Vermont, Burlington,
VT, United States, 3Department
of Surgery, University of Vermont College of Medicine,
Burlington, VT, United States, 4Department
of Psychiatry, University of Vermont College of
Medicine, Burlington, VT, United States, 5Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 6University
of Vermont College of Medicine, Department of Neurology,
Burlington, VT, United States
Genetic programming (GP) was used to generate and
evaluate expressions predicting symptom scores at one
week following mild TBI, based on patients’ initial
symptoms and changes in fractional anisotropy (FA) over
a week following injury. High correlation between
predicted and observed values (R2=0.916,
n=36) was found. The resulting expression was linear
with initial symptom score and a quadratic function of
the change in FA in the splenium of corpus callosum. GP
may be a useful technique to elicit such non-linear
relationships in neuroimaging data.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1434. |
Non-invasive measurement of
cerebral arterial compliance during post exercise ischemia 
Esther Warnert1, Emma Hart2, Kevin
Murphy1, Adele Babic3, Judith Hall3,
and Richard Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2BHI
Cardionomics Research Group, Bristol University,
Bristol, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
It is still unclear whether the decrease in
cerebrovascular compliance under stress occurs at the
level of the major brain feeding arteries or of the
cerebral arterioles because of the difficulty of in vivo
measurement of cerebral arterial compliance in humans.
In this experiment we use our novel MRI based method to
measure cerebral arterial compliance to investigate the
differential response of the cerebrovasculature to post
exercise ischemia (PEI), which elevates blood pressure
and sympathetic nerve activity. We found a decrease in
compliance of the major brain feeding arteries, while
compliance of arterioles distal to the Circle of Willis
remained unchanged, during PEI compared to rest.
1435. |
Test-retest reproducibility
of BOLD-CVR measures in children using a computer-controlled
CO2 challenge 
Jackie Leung1, Junseok Kim2, and
Andrea Kassner1,3
1The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 2Institute
of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 3Medical
Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) is a form of a
cerebrovascular 'stress test' that offers insight into
the function of cerebrovasculature and has shown
applicability in the clinical assessment cerebrovascular
disease. Good reproducibility has previously been shown
in adults using blood-oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) MRI
measures in combination with a model-free prospective
end-tidal targeting (MPET) system. However,
reproducibility in children using this method has not
yet been established. Our study shows good within-day
and between-day reproducibility of BOLD-CVR measures
using the MPET that is comparable to the adult data.
1436. |
Characterization of
Vascular Response in White Matter to Hypercapnia and
Binu P Thomas1, Virendra Mishra1,
Shin-Lei Peng1, Hao Huang1, and
Hanzhang Lu1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States
WM dysfunction is typically imaged using structural MRI
techniques such as DTI, magnetization transfer and
T2weighted-MRI. Unfortunately, these techniques do not
provide physiological information. The goal of this
study is to perform a thorough examination of WM
vascular physiology. WM was classified into 10 major
fibers, and layers with increasing depth from the
cortical surface, and their vascular response to O2 and
CO2 was measured. Results suggest that with increase in
depth in the WM, blood supply and reactivity of blood
vessels decreases. Data also suggest that fiber tracts
have their own blood supply and that reactivity of these
blood vessels is different.
1437. |
Comparing Cerebrovascular
Reactivity Measured using BOLD and Cerebral Blood Flow at
Various Vascular Tension Levels 
Sheliza Halani1, Jonathan B Kwinta2,
Ali M Golestani2, Yasha B Khatamian2,
and J. Jean Chen1,3
1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Rotman
Research Institute, Baycrest, Ontario, Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
In this work, we use simultaneous BOLD-CBF acquisitions
with vasodilatory (hypercapnic) and vasoconstrictive
(hypocapnic) stimuli to measure CVR, and imposed
different levels of baseline vascular tension. We saw
significant and diverse dependencies on vascular
stimulus and baseline condition in both BOLD and CBF CVR
measurements: (i) BOLD-based CVR is more sensitive to
vascular tension than CBF- CVR; (ii) using a combination
of vasodilatory and vasoconstrictive stimuli reduces the
vascular-tension dependence of both BOLD- and CBF-CVR.
As vascular tension can often be altered by potential
pathology, our findings are important considerations
when interpreting CVR measurements in health and
1438. |
Investigating the effect of
cardiorespiratory fitness on cerebrovascular reactivity
using breath-hold fMRI 
Hannah Furby1, Molly G Bright1,
Esther AH Warnert1, Chris J Marley2,
Damian M Bailey2, and Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Neurovascular
Research Laboratory, University of South Wales,
Pontypridd, United Kingdom
Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) is a potential
biomarker of neurovascular health and tool for measuring
the therapeutic effects of physical exercise on the
brain. FMRI methods have not been used to investigate
whether physical fitness can predict CVR in healthy
young adults. Using PASL, hemodynamic changes in
response to breath-holds were combined as a measure of
CVR in young adults of varying physical fitness. CVR
decreased, albeit non-significantly, in those who were
physically fitter. However, BOLD and CBF measurements
were significantly correlated across fitness levels,
suggesting that CBF and BOLD MRI are useful tools for
measuring CVR.
1439. |
T2, Diffusion, and
Perfusion Abnormalities are associated with Impaired
Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the Normal-appearing White
Matter of Elderly Subjects with Leukoaraiosis. 
Kevin Sam1,2, Boris Peltenburg2,
Adrian P. Crawley2, Julien Poublanc2,
Olivia Sobczyk2, Diem Pham3, David
E. Crane3, Christopher J.M. Scott3,
Alicia A. McNeely3, Daniel M. Mandell2,
Joseph A. Fisher1, Sandra E. Black3,
and David J. Mikulis2
1Department of Physiology, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 3Brain
Sciences Research Program, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cerebrovascular reactivity in the normal-appearing white
matter was assessed by using the BOLD MRI signal in
response to a consistently applied step change in the
arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide. We examined
quatitative T2, diffusion, and perfusion maps in the
white matter and found subtle abnormalities in these
metrics that were associated with impaired
cerebrovascular reactivity.
1440. |
Evaluation of respiratory
fluctuation in cerebral venous blood oxygenation for
diagnosis of arteriolar function 
Keigo Nishi1, Minghui Tang1, and
Toru Yamamoto2
1Graduate school of health Sciences, Hokkaido
university, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2Faculty
of Health Sciences, Hokkaido university, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan
Venous blood oxygenation in the resting-state fluctuates
because of neuronal activity and arteriolar vasomotion
driven by respiratory PaCO2 changes. These fluctuations
of venous blood oxygenation at respiratory range reflect
arteriolar function. Deterioration of arteriolar
function can be used to diagnose dementia an early
stage. To obtain information of arteriolar function, MR
signals fluctuation from the sagittal sinus was
measured. However, the turbulence in the sinus prevents
the proper measurement of the fluctuation of blood
oxygenation. We developed a method to achieve precise
measurement by using blood velocity mapping, and
evaluated respiratory fluctuation of blood oxygenation.
Monday 1 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 18:30 |
1441. |
Validating a power
relationship between cerebral blood volume and cerebral
blood flow 
Jie Huang1
1Department of Radiology, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI, United States
Cerebral blood volume (CBV) is related with cerebral
blood flow (CBF), and knowing this relationship may play
an important role in quantitative BOLD-fMRI studies. A
recent MRI study reports a sex-dependent CBV-CBF power
relationship in the human visual cortex. In this study,
we computed CBV for each CBF using the power function
and the CBF values at both rest and activation states.
Comparisons of these computed CBV values with their
corresponding measured CBV values for each sex revealed
significant differences (max P=0.0014), suggesting the
CBV-CBF relationship may not be best characterized by
the power function.
1442. |
Mapping Human Cerebral
Vascular/Metabolic Activity Coupling at High-Resolution 
William D. Rooney1,2, Xin Li1,
Dennis N. Bourdette3, and Charles S.
Springer, Jr.1,2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Knight
Cardiovascular Institute, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, Oregon, United States, 3Department
of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
The unidirectional rate constant for equilibrium capillary
water efflux, kpo, has been mapped with high
resolution in the normal and normal-appearing MS human
brain. It is the reciprocal of the mean capillary water
molecule lifetime. The rate constant kpo is
greater in white matter than in gray matter. Comparison
with literature spectroscopic imaging of metabolites and
metabolic fluxes shows that kpo tracks
the oxidative phosphorylation flux per capillary. The kpo quantity
detects whole-brain compromise in early stage MS.
1443. |
The effects of Hypo-baric
pressure on Cerebral Blood flow 
Damon Philip Cardenas1, Eric R Muir1,
and Timothy Q Duong1
1University of Texas Health Science Center at
San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States
High altitude sickness (experienced by mountain climbers
and U2 pilots) could lead to a broad spectrum of
disorders in the brain and other organs as a result of
low pressure and oxygen. This research uses a custom
made, MRI compatible negative pressure chamber to
observe the effects of hypobaric pressure on cerebral
blood flow and neurovascular reactivity to hypercapnia.
1444. |
Preliminary study of
hypoxic exposure effect on cerebral blood perfusion of
pilots using 3D ASL 
Jie Liu1, Wanshi Zhang2, Long Qian3,
Mingxi Liu1, Xianrong Xu2, and
Limin Meng2
1The Fourth Military Medical University,
Xi'an, Shanxi, China, 2Air
Force General Hospital, Beijing, China, 3GE
Healthcare China, Beijing, China
Pilots often need to face and overcome hypoxia at upper
atmosphere due to low oxygen concentration and low
pressure. In this study we mimicked hypoxic environment
equal to 3000m altitude and obtained the CBF of the
participant pilots before and after hypoxic exposure
using 3D pcASL. Lower CBF values were observed in pilots
after hypoxic exposure in various regions, mostly
happened at right hemisphere, which might be due to that
the right one is more involved in visual-space and the
right hemisphere was sensitive to hypoxia, which may be
related to the pilots¡¯ professional characteristics
1445. |
Quantification of perfusion
and xenon-transport across the blood-brain barrier in humans
with hyperpolarized 129Xe
brain MR at 1.5T 
Madhwesha Rao1, Neil Stewart1,
Graham Norquay1, and Jim Wild1
1University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
When inhaled into the lungs, xenon dissolves in blood,
and is carried to the brain via the systemic
circulation, where it, crosses the blood-brain barrier
and dissolves into brain tissue. 129Xe has large
chemical shift providing contrast for cerebral blood,
grey-matter, white-matter and lipid. In this work, using
hyperpolarized xenon we measure the transfer rate of
xenon from cerebral blood to brain tissue across the
blood-brain barrier. The transit response of the
blood-brain barrier is demonstrated and proposed as a
physiological indication of intrinsic permeability to
1446. |
The impact of fluctuated
tCBF induced by cardiac pulsation on the global CMRO2
Chou-Ming Cheng1,2, Hsiao-Wen Chung2,
Jen-Chuen Hsieh1,3, Shing-Jong Lin1,
and Tzu-Chen Yeh3,4
1Department of Medical Research, Taipei
Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Institute
of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan,
Taiwan, 4Department
of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan,
Recently, the total cerebral blood flow (tCBF) and
venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) levels are measured
noninvasively with the MRI approaches to quantify the
global cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2). In
this research, the ROI analysis with the cardiac gating
sequence is applied in healthy subjects to demonstrate
the impact of fluctuated tCBF induced by cardiac
pulsation on the global CMRO2 measurement.
1447. |
Comparative Analyses of
Magnetic Field Correlation Imaging, Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping and Transverse Relaxation Rate R2*
Indices of Brain Iron in Healthy Adults 
Vitria Adisetiyo1, Jens H. Jensen1,
Chu-Yu Lee1, Donna R. Roberts1,
Maria V. Spampinato1, and Joseph A. Helpern1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Science, Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States, 2Neuroscience,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC,
United States
The disruption of brain iron homeostasis has been
implicated in many neuropathologies. Investigation of
such iron-related neuropathologies may, therefore,
benefit from in vivo brain iron MRI methods. Although
relaxation rates R2, R2* and R2' are commonly used to
measure brain iron, their limitations have been well
documented. In this study, we directly compare R2* with
magnetic field correlation imaging and quantitative
susceptibility mapping in healthy adult brains and
correlate these metrics with previously reported
putative postmortem iron concentrations (CPM). All
metrics significantly correlate to CPM when all brain
regions are assessed together but within regions, the
metrics show differential correlations.
1448. |
Time Course and
Distribution of Feraheme in the Normal Human Brain at 7T 
Michael Zeineh1, Samantha Holdsworth1,
Michael Moseley1, and Brian Rutt1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States
Feraheme is an intravenous ultra-small iron oxide
particle potentially useful for studying
neuroinflammation with MRI. Ultra-high field MRI should
be exquisitely sensitive to Feraheme. However, the
distribution and timecourse of Feraheme has not been
explored at ultra-high field. In this study, we examined
the uptake and washout of Feraheme in a single volunteer
at 7T. Low signal was identified Day 1 after injection
in the occipital and parietal lobes, presumbably from
Feraheme within small blood vessels. This low signal
only partially resolved by Day 4. The remainder of the
brain demonstrated minimal if any low signal in the
1449. |
The relative contributions
of the transition metals iron and manganese to T1 and
T2 in
white and gray matter 
Kimberly L. Desmond1,2, Alia Al-Ebraheem1,
Rafal Janik2,3, Wendy Oakden2,4,
Jacek M. Kwiecien5, Wojciech Dabrowski6,
Kalotina Geraki7, Greg J. Stanisz2,4,
Michael Farquharson1, and Nicholas A. Bock1
1Medical Physics and Radiation Sciences,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada,3Medical Biophysics,
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 5Pathology
& Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, 6Anaesthesiology
and Intensive Therapy, Lublin Medical University,
Lublin, Poland, 7Diamond
Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus,
Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
In vivo, quantitative, T1 and
maps in gray and white matter of the severely
myelin-deficient Shaker rat and age-matched controls
were combined with metal maps of iron and manganese
obtained with synchrotron radiation X-Ray fluorescence
(XRF). Given the relaxivities of the transition metals
and their concentrations from XRF, it was found that a
substantial proportion of 1/T1 was
due to the transition metals, and a much lesser
proportion of 1/T2. These results suggest
that T1 and
T2 could
be combined to disentangle the effects of myelin, Fe and
Mn in demyelinating diseases with suspected transition
metal involvement.
1450. |
Assessing Reproducibility
and Changes in Oxygenation with R2’ during Clinical
Hypercapnic and Hypoxic Gas Challenges 
Wendy W Ni1,2, Thomas Christen2,
and Greg Zaharchuk2
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States
R2’-based oxygenation mapping with gas challenges is a
promising area of research in clinical neuroimaging.
Currently, there are few published studies on
reproducibility, which is a crucial factor for clinical
applicability. In this study, we rigorously evaluated
reproducibility and changes of two R2’ measurements in
normal young subjects, using a multi-echo modified
GESFIDE sequence during hypercapnia and hypoxia, with
extensive concurrent physiological monitoring. We
observed statistically significant reduction in R2’
during hypercapnia and slight increase during hypoxia,
providing a strong platform for further MR-based studies
in quantification and validation of regional brain
tissue oxygenation.