10:30 |
MR Spectroscopy in Acute
Brain Injury - What We Can Offer the Clinician Now 
Stefan Blüml, Ph.D.
11:00 |
Diffusion kurtosis imaging
quantifies the effects of mild traumatic brain injury in
football players 
Daniel Olson1, Melissa Lancaster2,
Ashley LaRoche3, Volkan Arpinar3,
Michael McCrea3, and L Tugan Muftuler3
1Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 2Neurology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United States,3Neurosurgery,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United States
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a prevalent injury
for athletes in contact sports. In order to study
changes in brain tissue microstructure after mTBI, we
used Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI), an extension of
DTI. DKI complements DTI by estimating non-Gaussianity
of the molecular diffusion in complex tissue
microstructures; therefore, it is hypothesized to be
more sensitive and specific to subtle microstructural
changes due to mild concussion. Radial kurtosis was
significantly reduced in athletes with concussions.
11:20 |
Altered Cortical and
Subcortical Functional Connectivity in a Single Football
Bryson B. Reynolds1, Todd M. Chatlos1,
Donna K. Broshek2, Max Wintermark3,
Susan F. Saliba4, Howard P. Goodkin5,
and T. Jason Druzgal1
1Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of
Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States, 2Psychiatry
and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of Virginia
School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia, United
States, 3Radiology,
Stanford School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 4Kinesiology,
University of Virginia Curry School, Charlottesville,
VA, United States, 5Neurology,
University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville,
VA, United States
Biomechanical head impact data shows that football
players receive significantly more severe and more
numerous subconcussive impacts than lacrosse players.
Our data shows that in football players (N=21) there are
significant increases in cortical-cortical functional
connectivity and significant decreases in subcortical-cortical
functional connectivity during the span of a season as
measured by rs-fMRI (p<0.001), however there were no
observed changes in lacrosse players during a practice
season (N=30). Our preliminary data presents a
compelling argument that rs-fMRI is capable of detecting
and demonstrating physiologic changes in a single
football season, likely caused by subconcussive impacts.
11:40 |
0831. |
Longitudinal blood-brain
barrier permeability, cerebral flood flow, T2 and diffusion
changes following mild traumatic brain injury 
Wei Li1,2, Justin Long1, Lora
Watts1, Qiang Shen1, Robert Boggs1,
Zhao Jiang1, Yunxia Li1, and
Timothy Q. Duong1,2
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States, 2Ophthalmology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
We previously reported CBF and vascular reactivity
dysfunction, T2, ADC, and FA abnormality following mild
TBI in a rat model. However, it is unclear how the
widespread blood-brain barrier permeability changes
affect tissue outcome within and lateral to the impact
site. This study evaluated the effects of changes in
blood-brain barrier permeability described as the Ktrans
rate constant on CBF, T2, ADC, and FA diffusion, and by
longitudinally monitoring changes of these parameters in
the tissue within the impact area and its surrounding.
Multimodal MRI measurements were made longitudinally
from 1 hour and up to 7 days post TBI.
12:00 |
MR in Acute Brain Injury -
What's on the Horizon

Karen A. Tong, M.D.
12:30 |
Adjournment & Meet the
Teachers |