ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting
& Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Note: The videos
below are only the slides from each presentation. They do not have
audio. |
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4613. |
25 |
Gender differences in the
effect of acute nicotine administration in rat brain by MRS. 
Tetyana Konak1, Jaivijay Ramu1,
and Serguei Liachenko1
1Neurotoxicology, NCTR / FDA, Jefferson, AR,
United States
There are an indications that males and females might
differ in the development of the tobacco smoke
addiction, women being more susceptible and showing
higher degree of depression disorders during cessation
therapy. We used non-invasive 1H-MRS
to look for the gender differences in the changes of
neurometabolites in rats after single acute nicotine
administration. The differences detected are consistent
with the involvement of the glutamate cycle in the brain
reward circuitry, rendering MRS as a powerful tool for
the development of the addiction biomarkers.
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Brain energy metabolism
measured by 13C
MRS in vivo upon
infusion of [3-13C]lactate 
Joao M.N. Duarte1, Freya-Merret Girault1,
and Rolf Gruetter1,2
1LIFMET, EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Radiology,
UNIL and UNIGE, Lausanne and Geneva, Vaud & Geneva,
It is still not clear how blood-born lactate is utilised
to fuel brain metabolism. We now measured labelling
incorporation into carbons of glutamate and glutamine in
the rat brain with 13C
MRS at 14.1 T upon 13C-lactate
infusion. Metabolic modelling of 13C
MRS data revealed that the rates of brain metabolism
were similar to those measured with 13C-enriched
glucose, the main brain fuel, and that exogenous lactate
led to larger enrichment in neuronal than glial pyruvate,
suggesting that it is mainly utilised by neurons.
4615. |
27 |
CMRO2 quantification
by direct 17O
MRI at 7 T in the macaque brain: assessment of energy
metabolism impairment in
Chloe Najac1,2, Brice Tiret1,2,
Julien Flament1,3, Martine Guillermier1,2,
Diane Houitte1,2, Romina Aron Badin1,2,
Philippe Hantraye1,2, Emmanuel Brouillet1,2,
Vincent Lebon1,2, and Julien Valette1,2
1CEA-MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 2CEA-CNRS
URA 2210, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 3Inserm
US27, CRC-MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
We measured for the first time the cerebral metabolic
rate of oxygen (CMRO2) of one healthy
and one 3-NP treated (used as a model for Huntington’s
disease) macaques using direct 17O
MRI at 7 T. CMRO2 was
quantified voxel-by-voxel (8.75 mm isotropic) using a
three-phase metabolic model. Although values were lower
(< 1.2 μmole/g of brain tissue/min) than expected, a
strong difference in CMRO2 was
observed when comparing values in the healthy and
treated macaque brains. This illustrates the sensitivity
of direct 17O
MRI to detect brain energy metabolism alteration, as
observed in neurodegenerative diseases.
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Activity of Pentose
Phosphate Pathway and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase is decreased in
MPTP Model of Parkinson's Disease: A 13C
NMR Study 
Puneet Bagga1, Komal Kumari Mandal1,
and Anant Bahadur Patel1
1NMR Microimaging and Spectroscopy, Centre
for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Although glycolysis via pyruvate dehydrogenase pathway
(PDH) is the major pathway of glucose metabolism,
pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) accounts for a
significant fraction of glucose oxidation in brain.
Hypometabolism has been reported in patients and in
animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) but the flux
through PPP is not yet evaluated. In this study, we
measured rate of glucose metabolism via PPP and PDH in
cerebral cortex and midbrain of mice treated with MPTP
by 13C-NMR
spectroscopy together with infusion of [1,2-13C2]glucose.
The PDH and PPP fluxes were found to be reduced
suggesting a compromised antioxidant defense system in
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Comparative 1H-MRS
study of IDH1 and IDH2 mutated gliomas in rodent brain at
Hyeong Hun Lee1,2, Sungjin Kim1,2,
Hye Rim Cho1,2, Hwon Heo1,2, Seung
Hong Choi1,2, and Hyeonjin Kim1,2
1Biomedical Sciences, Seoul National
University, Seoul, Korea, 2Radiology,
Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Given the importance of detecting the onco-metabolite
2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG) in vivo in isocitrate
dehydrogenases (IDH)-mutated gliomas and the increasing
availability of high-field clinical scanners, we have
evaluated the feasibility of assessing IDH-mutational
status and metabolic profiling at 9.4T in rodent brains
with IDH-mutated gliomas by using 1H-MRS with a double
inversion sequence module for subject-specific baseline
modelling. Our results support that the in vivo
assessment of IDH-mutational status in gliomas may be
feasible at 9.4T. Our results also support the
feasibility of preclinical animal studies for the
development of novel therapeutic strategies for
IDH-mutated gliomas in vivo.
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In-vivo 13C MRS detects an
increase in lactate production associated with PDH
down-regulation in genetically engineered mutant IDH1 glioma
Jose Luis Izquierdo Garcia1, Marina Radoul1,
Myriam M Chaumeil1, Pia Eriksson1,
Pavithra Luis Viswanath1, and Sabrina M Ronen1
1University California San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States
Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) have been
reported as an early oncogenic event in over 70% of
low-grade gliomas and secondary glioblastomas. We have
recently shown that the introduction of the IDH1 R132H
mutation into U87 genetically engineered cellular model
leads a significant increase in HP lactate production.
The goal of this study was to validate in-vivo our
previous findings in cells. HP 1-13C Piruvic Acid MRS
showed a significant 73% increase in lactate production
in U87 IDH1 mutant tumors associated with a drop in PDH
activity, which likely reflects the metabolic
reprogramming of mutant IDH1 tumors.
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31 |
Determination of fatty acid
profile of intact fish by intermolecular double-quantum
coherence 1H-NMR
Honghao Cai1, Liangjie Lin1,
Xiaohong Cui1, and Zhong Chen1
1Electronic Science Department, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Intermolecular double-quantum coherence (iDQC) 1H-NMR
spectroscopy, which serves as a method in the analyses
of fatty acids compositions, is investigated by
experiments on the intact salmon muscle and the whole
zebra fish. The pure fatty acids spectroscopy of the
intact salmon muscle, whose resonances are overlapped
with metabolites peaks in conventional NMR, is recovered
from the severe intrinsic structural inhomogeneity
without pretreatments in a few minutes. In order to
improve the practicability of iDQC method, a localized
module was combined with iDQC method. By the localized
iDQC method, fatty acids of the whole zebra fish are
detected non-invasively. 1H-NMR
spectroscopy, which serves as a method in the analyses
of fatty acids compositions, is investigated by
experiments on the intact salmon muscle and the whole
zebra fish. The pure fatty acids spectroscopy of the
intact salmon muscle, whose resonances are overlapped
with metabolites peaks in conventional NMR, is recovered
from the severe intrinsic structural inhomogeneity
without pretreatments in a few minutes. In order to
improve the practicability of iDQC method, a localized
module was combined with iDQC method. By the localized
iDQC method, fatty acids of the whole zebra fish are
detected non-invasively.
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Hippocampal dependent
Cognitive dysfunction and Microstructural changes during
Early Delayed phase after Whole Body Radiation Exposure -
video not available
Mamta Aryabhushan Gupta1, Poonam Rana1,
Richa Trivedi1, Seenu Haridas2,
Kailash Manda2, B S Hemanth Kumar1,
and Subash Khushu1
1NMR Research Centre, INMAS,DRDO, Delhi,
Delhi, India, 2Division
of Radiation Biosciences, INMAS,DRDO, Delhi, Delhi,
Hippocampus has been recognized as a key region
sensitive to γ-irradiation. Hippocampal impairment has
been widely studied in cranial irradiation but there are
no reports elucidating impairment after whole body
exposure during early delayed phase. In this study, we
addressed the microstructural, metabolic and behavioral
changes at 5 months post whole body γ-irradiation
exposure in mouse model. Our results demonstrated
altered FA, AD and mI changes in hippocampus along with
reduced cognitive index. The results are suggestive of
radiation induced persistent oxidative stress and
gliosis as the main contributory factor for these early
delayed changes post whole body irradiation.
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Early Hepatic Lipid Changes
in Fatty Liver Rat Model by In Vivo Short-TE 1H-MRS at 3T - permission withheld
Hyeon-Man Baek1,2, Jooyun Kim1,
Youngjae Jeon1, and Mirim Bang1
1Center for MR Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Ochang, Chungbuk, Korea, 2Department
of Bio-Analitical Science, University of Science &
Technology, Daejeon, Chungnam, Korea
1H-MRS permits longitudinal assessment of fat fraction,
saturated and unsaturated. The aim of this study was to
characterize early hepatic lipid changes in fatty liver
rat model by in vivo short-echo time (TE) 1H-MRS. 1H-MRS
permits longitudinal assessment of fat fraction,
saturated and unsaturated [4]. The aim of this study was
to characterize early hepatic lipid changes in fatty
liver rat model by in vivo short-echo time (TE) 1H-MRS.
Therefore, 1H-MRS is useful in detecting and
characterizing various hepatic lipid alterations as
early as 2 weeks for the start high fat diet.
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Regional Cerebral Metabolic
Activity in Genetic Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease: an
NMR Investigation for Biomarkers - permission withheld
Puneet Bagga1, Anup N Chugani1,
Mavuri Suresh Kumar1, and Anant Bahadur Patel1
1NMR Microimaging and Spectroscopy, Centre
for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Pitx3 knockout (Pitx3-/-) mouse model is a
well-established genetic model of chronic Parkinson’s
disease (PD) due to developmental malformation of
substantia nigra, leading to loss of dopamine
innervations in striatum. Striatal metabolite levels
were measured with in vivo 1H
MRS and cerebral metabolism was evaluated by infusion of
[1,6-13C2]glucose for 10 min in
conjunction with 1H-{13C}-NMR
spectroscopy of mice brain tissue extracts. Glu and GABA
level was found to be elevated in the striatum of Pitx3-/- mice
indicating their role as biomarkers. Additionally,
reduced glucose oxidation by glutamatergic and GABAergic
neurons was observed in different brain regions.
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Liver Metabolites in Rat
Model of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Quantification
of Choline-Containing Compounds and Lipid Content by Using
In vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 
Kyu-Ho Song1, Hyeon-Man Baek2,
Do-Wan Lee1, and Bo-Young Choe1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, and
Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering, College of
Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Chungbuk, Korea
Quantification of Choline-Containing Compounds and Lipid
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Investigation of early
biochemical changes in liver fibrosis using an experimental
mouse model 
Jadegoud Yaligar1, Swee Shean Lee1,
Elma Faylon Ilanto2, Sanjay K Verma1,
Kanaga Sabapathy2, and S Sendhil Velan1
1Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Laboratory
of Molecular Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Center,
Singapore, Singapore
Hepatic fibrosis is associated with chronic liver injury
by various stimuli (metabolic, inflammatory, parasitic
and toxins) increasing the risk for hepatocellular
carcinoma. Liver fat and lipid composition tend to play
an important pathogenic role during the progression of
liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. In our current study, we
have investigated the longitudinal alterations in lipid
composition and sodium content at early stage to later
stages of hepatic fibrosis. An alteration in lipid
metabolism was observed as early as 2 weeks of carbon
tetrachloride induction. Lipid fraction, total saturated
and mono-unsaturated lipids contents were higher in
fibrotic livers indicating the reduction in hepatic
fatty acid oxidation and triglyceride export compared to
control livers
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Argon augments Hypothermic
Neuroprotection in a Perinatal Asphyxia Piglet Model:
Evaluation by 31P and 1H MRS 
David Price1, Alan Bainbridge1,
Kevin Broad2, Go Kawano2, Igor
Fierens2, Mojgan Ezzati2,
Magdalena Sokolska3, Aaron Oliver-Taylor2,
Jamshid Rostami2, Robert Sanders4,
Ernest Cady1, Xavier Golay5, and
Nicola Robertson2
1Dept Medical Physics & Bioengineering, UCLH
NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Womens Health, University College London, London,
United Kingdom, 3Dept.
Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Anaesthesia & Surgical Outcomes Research Centre,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Institute
of Neurology, University College London, London, United
The aim of this study was to evaluate whether Argon is
neuroprotective using a piglet model of perinatal
asphyxia; based on 31P and 1H MRS cerebral biomarkers
measured at 9.4T. Results showed a significant
preservation of whole brain NTP/(exchangeable phosphate
pool) at 48hrs post transient hypoxic ishaemia (HI) in a
group exposed to 50% Argon plus therapeutic hypothermia
(TH) versus a group exposed to TH alone. Neuroprotection
occurred predominantly in the white matter as
significantly reduced white matter Lac/NAA was observed
at 24hrs and 48hrs post HI. Argon may provide a cheaper
alternative to Xenon as an augmentation to TH.
38 |
Study of Brain Energy Metabolism in AlCl3 Model
of Alzheimer’s Disease: Improvement of Energy Metabolism
with Rasa-Sindoor Intervention 
Kamal Saba1, Niharika Rajnala1,
Subhash Chandra Lakhotia2, and Anant Bahadur
1Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology,
Hyderabad, India, 2Department
of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by progressive
dementia associated with β-amyloid plaque formation and
intra-neuronal neurofibrillary tangles, and has no
effective treatment. The present study evaluated the
efficacy of Rasa-Sindoor (RS), an Ayurvedic medication,
for the improvement of energy metabolism in AlCl3 model
of AD using 1H-[13C]-NMR
spectroscopy in conjunction with an infusion of [1,6-13C2]glucose.
Chronic AlCl3 exposure
led to reduction in memory and neuronal metabolic
activity, which were restored to the control level by RS
intervention. These data suggest that RS intervention
has potential for the management of memory and
metabolism in AD.
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Local glial energy
metabolism supports glutamatergic neurotransmission during
increased focal cortical activity: a 13C
MRS study in the rat cortex in
- permission withheld
Sarah Sonnay1, Nathalie Just2,
Rolf Gruetter3,4, and João M.N. Duarte1
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging (LIFMET), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Center
for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM) and Laboratory of
Functional and Metabolic Imaging (LIFMET), Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Switzerland, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Geneva and Lausanne,
Brain energy metabolism is compartmentalized between
neurons and astrocytes. However, the exact contribution
of glial pathways coupled to neuronal metabolism during
brain activity is still unclear. In this study, we
investigated the contribution of glial and neuronal
metabolic fluxes by direct 13C
MRS in
vivo during
prolonged cortical activation and [1,6-13C]glucose
infusion. The results indicate that focal brain activity
increases both neuronal and glial oxidative metabolism,
supporting neurotransmission.
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Simultaneous B1 Mapping
and Tissue Sodium Content Quantification by MRI at 3 Tesla 
Jonathan Lommen1,2, Simon Konstandin1,3,
and Lothar R Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Medical
Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3MR-Imaging
and Spectroscopy, Faculty 01 (Physics/Electrical
Engineering), University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
We propose a time-efficient modality for simultaneous B1
mapping and imaging. The phase-sensitive B1 mapping
method, which was shown to yield the most accurate B1
maps for sodium MRI, is used. We compared the proposed
method to the standard double-angle technique and found
13% higher SNR and only small B0 susceptibility. This
protocol allows for faster and more accurate tissue
sodium quantification (TSC) and could allow for a better
clinical applicability of TSC quantification.
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Combined Sodium NODDI:
Towards quantitative in
vivo intracellular
and intraneurite sodium measures at 3T 
Bhavana S Solanky1, Patricia Alves Da Mota1,
Ferran Prados2, Torben Schneider1,
Frank Riemer1, Wallace Brownlee1,
Francesco Grussu1, Manuel Jorge Cardoso2,
Sebastian Ourselin2, Hui Zhang3,
David H Miller1, Xavier Golay4,
and Claudia A M Wheeler-Kingshott1
1NMR Research Unit, Department of
Neuroinflammation, Queen Square MS Centre, UCL,
Institute of Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom,2Translational
Imaging Group, CMIC, Department of Medical Physics &
Biomedical Engineering, UCL, London, England, United
Kingdom, 3CMIC,
Department of Computer Science, UCL, London, England,
United Kingdom, 4Brain
Repair & Rehabilitation, Institute of Neurology, UCL,
London, England, United Kingdom
Total sodium concentration, measured using 23Na-MRI, is
made up of intra- and extra-cellular compartments.
Separating these two compartments, to isolate the
intracellular concentration, using 23Na-MRI is
challenging and requires the use of complex, long, low
resolution scans. Conversely, extracellular sodium in
the human body is tightly regulated at 140mM, therefore,
given knowledge of the intra and extra-cellular volume
fractions of each voxel would enable intracellular
sodium concentrations to be calculated. Here we exploit
NODDI, which uses 1H-DWI to measure intraneurite,
extraneurite and extracellular volume fractions, and
combine this with sodium MRI to obtain intracellular and
intraneurite sodium concentrations in vivo.
4630. |
42 |
Bilateral in vivo mapping
of sodium relaxation times in breasts at 7T 
Stefan Zbyn1, Vladimir Juras1,
Nadia Benkhedah2, Olgica Zaric1,
Vladimir Mlynarik1, Pavol Szomolanyi1,
Wolfgang Bogner1, Armin M. Nagel2,
and Siegfried Trattnig1
1High Field MR Center, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research
Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
To our best knowledge, there is no study reporting fast
(T2*f) and slow (T2*s) component of biexponential T2*
relaxation of glandular tissue in breast. Therefore the
aim of this study was to map sodium T1, T2*, T2*f and
T2*s relaxation times of glandular tissue in breast at
7T. Data analysis resulted in the mean sodium T1=
32.0±3.0ms (R2= 0.994), mean T2*f= 0.54±0.15ms (48%) and
mean T2*s= 16.5±4.0 ms (52%; R2= 0.9929). Presented
results may provide basis for more accurate
quantification of sodium concentration in breast and
could help to optimize sequences for sodium MRI of
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43 |
In vivo Triple
Quantum Filtered Potassium (39K) MR Imaging of
Human Thigh Muscle 
Manuela B. Rösler1, Nadia Benkhedah1,
Armin M. Nagel1, Peter Bachert1,
and Reiner Umathum1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Potassium ions are of fundamental importance for the
physiology of living organisms. First in vivo potassium
(39K) MR images of human muscle and brain
have been published recently. We were able to acquire
first 39K
in vivo TQF images of human thigh muscle with reasonably
high resolution and in an acceptable total acquisition
times. The achieved signal intensity was in the expected
range. In addition, we determined in
vivo the
slow component of transverse relaxation time constant of 39K
in human thigh muscle T2s* =
(8.6 ± 0.3) ms, which due to oscillations in the T2*-decay
was not yet possible.
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Christian Mirkes1,2, G. Shajan1,
Jonas Bause1, Kai Buckenmaier1,
Jens Hoffmann1, and Klaus Scheffler1,2
1High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute
for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, BW, Germany, 2Department
for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of
Tübingen, BW, Germany
Sodium triple-quantum-filtering (TQF) is challenging at
ultra-high field due to the high specific absorption
rate. In order to alleviate this problem, the
feasibility to modulate the flip angle of the TQ
preparation along the partition-encoding direction was
investigated. As demonstrated by simulations, this
approach allowed to increase the efficiency and
sensitivity of the TQ acquisition. TQF images of the
human brain could be acquired at 9.4 T within 20 min
with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio.
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Dynamic 17O-MRI
at 3 Tesla for in vivo CMRO2 Quantification 
Robert Borowiak1,2, Dmitry Kurzhunov2,
Philipp Wagner2, Marco Reisert2,
and Michael Bock2
1German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Dept.
of Radiology · Medical Physics, University Medical
Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
In this work we demonstrate for the first time in two
experiments at nominal resolutions of 10/ 8 mm and for a
temporal resolution of 1 min the feasibility of direct
dynamic 17O-MRI
at a clinical field strength of 3 Tesla. The measurement
setup included a transmit\receive 17O
head coil and a dedicated re-breathing system for
efficient supply of 70%-enriched 17O
gas. For gray matter and white matter and for a voxel
size of 10 mm CMRO2 values
of 1.59 ± 0.16 and 0.71 ± 0.07 [µmol/g*min] were found
to be in good agreement with PET literature values.
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Quantitative sodium breast
MRI: a pilot study for estimating (pseudo) intracellular
sodium concentration and (pseudo) extracellular volume
fraction in vivo 
Guillaume Madelin1, Ryan Brown1,
and Linda Moy1
1Department of Radiology, New York University
Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States
We propose to develop a method based on sodium MRI in
vivo to estimate the (pseudo) intracellular sodium
concentration (C1) and extracellular volume fraction
(alpha2) in breast at 3T. These two parameters could
give new quantitative biochemical information on cell
viability and ion homeostasis in breast tissue
non-invasively. Changes in C1 and alpha2 can correlate
with angiogenesis and cell proliferation, which are
characteristics of tumor malignancy and aggressiveness.
The goal of this project is to increase the specificity
of breast cancer screening in order to reduce
overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
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Quadruple interleaved 23Na
and 1H
acquisition at 7T 
Paul W. de Bruin1, Maarten J. Versluis2,
Peter Koken3, Sebastian A. Aussenhofer1,
Wouter den Hollander4, Ingrid Meulenbelt4,
Peter Börnert1,3, and Andrew G Webb1
1Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips
Healthcare, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 3Philips
Research Hamburg, Germany,4Medical Statistics
and Bioinformatics, Molecular Epidemiology, Leiden
University Medical Center, Netherlands
Interleaving 23Na
and 1H
reduces scan acquisition time. In this work we combine
four scans: a 1H
Dixon, a 1H
T2*, and two 23Na
scans with and without long T2-suppression
prepulse for sodium content quantification. Using
interleaving reduces scan time for these four scans from
39 minutes to 24 minutes.
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Development of theranostics
imaging probe for MRI and EPR imaging 
Miho EMOTO1, Shingo Sato2, and
Hirotada G Fujii1
1Center for Medical Education, Sapporo
Medical University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2Graduate
school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University,
Yamagata, Japan
The new medical approach using gtheranosticsh, defined
as use of materials for both therapy and diagnostic
imaging, can be designed to offer targeted, safe, and
efficient pharmacotherapy. In this study, theranostics
were designed for MRI and EPR imaging and used to treat
septic mice. EPR images show that the novel theranostic
probes work well as brain imaging probes for septic
mice. Biochemical assays of generated NO in the septic
mouse brain indicate that the novel theranostic probes
function as anti-inflammatory drugs. The novel
theranostics acted as therapeutic compounds as well as
diagnostic EPR and MRI imaging probes.
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Interregional associations
between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the
resting human brain 
Marianne Cleve1, Alexander Gussew1,
Lisa Janetzki2, Constanze Borys2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Jena University
Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena,
Germany,2Institute of Psychosocial Medicine
and Psychotherapy, Jena University Hospital, Jena,
We applied MR spectroscopy in 25 healthy volunteers
measuring Glu and GABA to investigate potential
metabolic associations between brain regions revealing
functional connectivity in the resting state.
Significant positive correlations (p < 0.05) of Glu
levels were observed between PC and ACC and between PC
and Ins as well as a trend towards positive correlation
(p < 0.1) between Ins and ACC. Negative associations of
Glu and GABA levels were identified between ACC and Ins
as well as between PC and Ins. These findings suggest a
close interrelation between functional neuronal networks
and the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.
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fMRS of visual cortex at 3T
with periodic averaging of a block design paradigm 
Miguel Martínez-Maestro1, Maria Guidi1,
Laurentius Huber1, Štefan Holiga1,
Jöran Lepsien1, Henrik Marschner1,
Harald E. Möller1, and Christian Labadie1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
In this fMRS study with PRESS TE 30 ms at 3T, a block
design alternating 30 sec rest (R) and 30 sec visual
activation (A) was averaged 16 times during 16.7 min.
The BOLD effect was canceled by estimating
concentrations with water references acquired with the
same paradigm (averaged 4 times). We observed no
significant concentration changes: glutamate (R: 5.60 ±
0.06 mM, A: 5.65 ± 0.07 mM), GABA (R: 1.50 ± 0.04 mM, A:
1.49 ±0.06 mM), and lactate (R: 0.42 ± 0.07 mM, A: 0.39
±0.05 mM). Despite the large variation of the data, a
slight increase of glutamate during activation is in
agreement with previous studies.
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Examination of the
GABA-BOLD relationship in multiple brain regions - permission withheld
Ashley D Harris1,2, Nicolaas AJ Puts1,2,
Brian A Anderson3, Steven Yantis3,
James J Pekar1,2, Peter B Barker1,2,
and Richard A. E. Edden1,2
1The Russell H Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, The John Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Psychological and Brain Sciences, The Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, United States
The relationship between measured GABA and BOLD
activation is examined in 5 regions with 5 relevant
tasks. We do not replicate previously observed
correlations. This appears to indicate additional
complexity not shown in previous models or underlying
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Metabolite Concentrations
in the Basal Ganglia of Depressed Patients with High
Inflammation - permission withheld
Candace C. Fleischer1,2, Xiaoping Hu1,2,
Andrew H. Miller3,4, and Ebrahim Haroon3,4
1Biomedical Imaging Technology Center, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United
States, 3Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 4Winship
Cancer Institute, Atlanta, GA, United States
Chronic inflammation and immune system activation are
believed to be at the basis of many neurological and
behavioral disorders. We hypothesize that the link
between inflammation and resulting behaviors is a
dysregulation of neurotransmitters such as glutamate. We
report a study of 53 subjects diagnosed with major
depression, categorized into three inflammation groups
based on serum C-reactive protein levels. Using
multi-voxel MRS, we show that subjects with high
inflammation, compared to low or average inflammation,
have significantly higher concentrations of
glutamate/creatine and myo-inositol/creatine. These
findings will provide valuable insight into the
immunological basis of neuropsychiatric disorders for
developing future treatments.
4641. |
53 |
Decreased auditory GABA+
concentrations in presbycusis demonstrated by edited
magnetic resonance spectroscopy 
Fei Gao1, Bin Zhao1, Guangbin Wang1,
Wen Ma2, Muwei Li3, Fuxin Ren1,
Bo Liu1, Weibo Chen4, and Richard
A.E. Edden5,6
1Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute,
Shandong University, Jinan, China, 2The
Central Hospital of Jinan City, Shandong University,
Jinan, China,3College of Electronics and
Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu,
China, 4Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 5Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, MD, United States, 6FM
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, MD, United States
Reduced GABA levels were found in auditory regions of
patients with presbycusis. Significant negative
relations between GABA level and auditory function were
4642. |
54 |
Brain Phenylalanine Levels
in Phenylketonuria using 2D Correlated Spectroscopy 
Alexander Peter Lin1, Sai Krishna Merugumala1,2,
Vera Anastosie3, Stephanie Couchell3,
Xi April Long1, Huijun Vicky Liao1,
and Susan Waisbren3
1Center for Clinical Spectroscopy, Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Texas
Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX,
United States, 3Metabolism
Research, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United
In patients with Phenylketonuria (PKU) the blood
Phenylalanine (Phe) level is not always a direct
indicator of neurological and neuropsychological
deficits. Measuring the Phe concentration in the brain
noninvasively with MRS provides a more direct assessment
of the severity of the disease in patients with PKU.
Nine subjects with early treated classic PKU underwent a
protocol that included 2D COSY MRS. The Phe resonance
from the 2D COSY spectrum allows the measurement of Phe
in the brain directly with less signal contamination
from other brain metabolites.
4643. |
55 |
Neurometabolite alterations
in hippocampus in hypothyroid patients: An in-vivo 1H MRS
Subash Khushu1, Sadhana Singh1,
Poonam Rana1, Pawan Kumar1, and L
Ravi Shankar2
1NMR Research Centre, INMAS, DRDO, Delhi,
Delhi, India, 2Thyroid
Research Centre, INMAS, DRDO, Delhi, Delhi, India
The aim of our study was to investigate metabolic
alterations in the brain of adult hypothyroid patients
using in-vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H
MRS). 1H MRS was performed in both control and
hypothyroid subjects (N = 12). Our results revealed
significant decrease of glutamate and myoinositol levels
in the hippocampus of hypothyroid patients as compared
to controls. These findings suggest that the metabolic
alterations in the hippocampus region of brain may
contribute to underlying dysfunction in memory in
4644. |
56 |
Investigation of brain GABA
levels in hypothyroidism patients by MEGA-Editing proton MR
Bo Liu1, Bin Zhao1, Guangbin Wang1,
Fei Gao1, Zhensong Wang1, and
Weibo Chen2
1Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute,
Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China
Thyroid hormones play a critical role in the adult brain
impacting mood and cognition. The accumulated evidence
has indicated that thyroid hormones have effects on
the¦Ã-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system, the main
inhibitory neurotransmitter in human brain . MEGA-PRESS
sequence was used to investigate whether hypothyroidism
is associated with alterations in GABA levels. For the
first time, we found decreased ACC/mPFC GABA+ levels in
hypothyroidism women compared to controls. Altered GABA
neurotransmission may be an important neurobiological
mechanism underlying neuropsychiatric and cognitive
changes in hypothyroidism. Our preliminary findings
could help to better understand thyroid-brain
interaction in hypothyroidism.
4645. |
57 |
The relationship between 1H
MRS and brain morphology at the corresponding locations in
Methamphetamine users 
Nuttawadee Intachai1, Artit Rodkong1,
Suwit Saekho1,2, Napapon Sailasuta3,
Apinun Aramrattanan4, Kanok Uttawichai5,
Mekkla Thomson6, Bangorn Sirirojn 7,
Daralak Thavornprasit7, Sineenart
Taejaroenkul7, Kamolrawee Sintupat7,
Victor Valcour8, and Robert Paul9
1Department of Radiological Technology,
Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2Biomedical
Engineering Center, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 3Huntington
Medical Research Institute, California, United States,4Department
of Family Medicine, Faculty of medicine, Chiang Mai
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5Thanyarak
Hospital, Chaing Mai, Thailand, 6Westat,
Maryland, United States, 7Research
Institute for Health Sciences, Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 8Department
of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco,
California, United States, 9Department
of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, University of
Missouri-St.Louis, St. Louis, United States
The study aims to explore the association between the
change of MRS in 4 voxel locations and the change of
brain morphology at the same brain region in MA users
and HC. The results show that significant increase or
decrease of metabolites in MA correlated to the change
of brain morphology.
4646. |
58 |
7T Brain MRS in HIV
Infection: Effects of Serostatus and Cognitive Impairment 
Mona A Mohamed1, Peter B Barker1,
Richard L Skolasky2, Heidi Vornbrock Roosa3,
and Ned Sacktor3
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Orthopedic
Surgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, MD, United
States,3Neurology, Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions, MD, United States
Synopsis: Using 7T MRS, more reliable in vivo
determination of brain metabolites concentrations (in
particular, compounds such as glutamate and glutamine)
can be achieved than at lower field strengths. In this
study, the feasibility of measuring multiple brain
metabolites in 5 different brain regions in patients
with HIV infection is demonstrated. Differences between
brain metabolites support glial cell proliferation in
HIV+ patients and neuronal white matter involvement in
patients with symptomatic HIV associated cognitive
4647. |
59 |
Diffusion Weighted Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy in different stages of MELAS patient 
Dandan Zheng1, Bing Wu1, Huimao
Zhang2, Jue Zhang3, and Zhenyu
1GE Healthcare China, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 2Radiology
Department, The First Hospital of Jilin University,
Changchun, Jilin, China, 3Peking
University, Beijing, China
MELAS is one of the most common multisystem
mitochondrial disorders. It is characterized by
disorders in mitochondrial function due to point
mutations of mitochondrial DNA. However, the underlying
mechanism of MELAS has not been fully elucidated. DWI
and MRS have respectively been demonstrated to be viable
tools to study the physiopathology of the stroke-like
events in MELAS patients. Diffusion weighted MRS permits
the evaluation of the intrinsic diffusion properties of
the metabolites that may provide valuable information
understanding of pathphysiological process. In this
study, the DWMRS is used to probe the mechanisms
underlying the pathogenesis of MELAS.
4648. |
60 |
Elevated glutamate
concentrations in the visual cortex of migraine without aura
detected at 7 Tesla. 
Jannie P. Wijnen1,2, Ronald Zielman3,
Gerrit L.J. Onderwater3, Andrew Webb2,
Gisela M. Terwindt3, Michel Ferrari3,
Hermien E. Kan2, and Mark C. Kruit2
1University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Zuid Holland,
Netherlands,3Neurology, Leiden University
Medical Centre, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
In this study we assessed the interictal (between
attacks) glutamate concentrations of migraine patients
with and without aura and compared the concentrations to
age and gender matched healthy controls. Ultra high
field Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (7Tesla) of the
visual cortex was performed in 27 migraine patients
without aura, 23 migraine patients with aura and 24
controls. Linear regression of between subject effects
was performed on the glutamate concentration with the
fraction of gray matter (GM) in the voxel as covariate.
This analysis revealed interictal elevated glutamate
concentrations in patients with migraine without aura.
At ultra-high field, glutamate can be robustly detected,
which opens opportunities to study the role of glutamate
in migraine in more detail.
4649. |
61 |
Investigating metabolic and
functional profiles of mild and moderate cervical
spondylotic myelopathy: a MRS and fMRI study 
Izabela Aleksanderek1,2, Todd K Stevens2,
Sandy Goncalves1,2, Robert Bartha1,2,
and Neil Duggal1,3
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 3University
Hospital, LHSC, London, Ontario, Canada
The ideal timing of surgical intervention for cervical
spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) patients, especially with
early, mild symptoms, remains particularly
controversial. Surgical intervention did not reverse the
metabolic profile in mild CSM, nor did it preserve the
normal metabolite level in moderate CSM. Mild CSM
recruited surrounding cortex to enhance motor task
performance prior to surgery. The neurological recovery
experienced by moderate CSM could be associated with
cortical reorganization which equalized to that observed
in mild CSM. We propose that metabolic impairment in the
primary motor cortex may trigger recruitment of adjacent
healthy cortex to achieve functional recovery following
successful surgery.
4650. |
62 |
Increased GABA Levels in
Manganese Neurotoxicity: Biochemical Effect or Mn-induced
Change of GABA T1 Relaxation Time? 
Ruoyun Ma1,2, Anne Lotz3, and
Ulrike Dydak1,2
1School of Health Sciences, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States, 2Department
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 3Center
of Epidemiology, Institute for Prevention and
Occupational Medicine of the DGUV, Institute of the
Ruhr-Universitӓt Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Measuring brain GABA levels is of high interest in
studying Manganese (Mn) neurotoxicity in exposed
subjects. Yet, Mn may decrease the T1 relaxation time of
GABA and thus confound concentration changes. In this
phantom study the effects of Mn2+ on T1 relaxation time
of GABA, NAA and Cr were studied. No significant effect
of Mn on GABA and Cr was observed. However T1 of water
and of NAA decreased significantly with increasing Mn
concentration. These results suggest that GABA and
GABA/Cr measured by MEGA-PRESS may be used to indicate
actual concentration changes in brain GABA levels due to
Mn exposure.
63 |
Evidence of Altered
High-Energy Phosphate and Membrane Phospholipid Metabolism
in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Patients with PLP1 duplications
using ³¹P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 
Anirudha S. Rathnam1, Jasloveleen Sohi2,
Dalal Khatib3, Jeremy J. Laukka4,
John Kamholz2,5, and Jeffrey Stanley3
1Wayne State University School of Medicine,
Detroit, Michigan, United States, 2Center
for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Michigan, United States, 3Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State
University School of Medicine, Michigan, United States, 4Neurosciences,
The University of Toledo, Ohio, United States, 5Psychiatry,
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Michigan,
United States
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) is an X-linked
recessive leukodystrophy of the CNS caused by mutations
affecting the major myelin protein, proteolipid protein
1 (PLP1). To better understand the cellular pathogenesis
caused by PLP1 duplications, ³¹P magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (31P MRS) was used for the first time to
assess high-energy phosphate and membrane phospholipid
(MPL) metabolism. Results showed significant and
widespread increased phosphocreatine (PCr) and decreased
glycerophosphocholine (GPC), as well as some
significantly increased β-ATP. Results may indicate an
environment of chronic hypoxia or a decreased demand in
energy among PMD patients.
4652. |
64 |
characterization of tumor microstructural variations in
response to chemotherapy using temporal diffusion
Xiaoyu Jiang1, Hua Li1, Ping Zhao1,
Jingping Xie1, Stephanie L. Barnes1,
Thomas Yankeelov1, Junzhong Xu1,
and John C. Gore1
1Institute of Imaging Science, vanderbilt
university, nashville, Tennessee, United States
ADC measured with pulse gradient spin echo methods is
insensitive to subcellular structural changes due to the
use of long diffusion time. Also the measured ADC is
influenced by multiple morphological parameters, such as
cell size, density and membrane permeability, resulting
in an insufficient specificity for characterization of a
single structural parameter. Here we show that temporal
diffusion spectroscopy, which measures the variation of
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) over a wide range
of effective diffusion times, can quantify tumor
microstructural variations in response to chemotherapy,
and hence may serve as a specific and early imaging
biomarker of tumor therapeutic response.
65 |
Localized 1H-MRS
of brain phenylalanine in adults with phenylketonuria 
A. J. Bakermans1, A. J. Nederveen1,
C. E. M. Hollak2, J. Booij3, A. M.
Bosch4, L. J. Bour5, S. C. J.
Huijbregts6, R. Jahja7, F. J. van
Spronsen7, D. H. Nieman8, N. G. G.
M. Abeling9, and E. Boot3
1Department of Radiology, Academic Medical
Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Department
of Internal Medicine, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Department
of Nuclear Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 4Department
of Pediatrics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 5Department
of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 6Department
of Clinical Child and Adolescent Studies, Leiden
University, Leiden, Netherlands, 7Department
of Metabolic Diseases, University Medical Center
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands,8Department
of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 9Laboratory
Genetic Metabolic Diseases, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
A noninvasive assessment of brain phenylalanine (Phe)
levels is instrumental for investigations of
phenylketonuria (PKU). Here, we used 1H-MRS
at 3 Tesla to measure brain Phe levels in PKU patients.
We calculated difference spectra by subtracting an
averaged baseline control spectrum (n =
5) from the PKU patient spectra (n =
14), and determined the area under the residual Phe peak
at 7.37 ppm. Brain Phe levels were higher in PKU
patients compared to controls (P =
0.00015), and correlated with plasma Phe concentrations
(r =
0.74, P =
0.003). 1H-MRS
offers a feasible readout of cerebral metabolism in PKU.
4654. |
66 |
Ketone bodies and glucose
in human brain during ketogenic diet and fasting 
Florian Schubert1, Ralf Mekle1,
Bernd Ittermann1, and Markus Bock2
1Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt,
Berlin, Germany, 2ECRC,
Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
We studied the effect of ketogenic diet in human brain
by quantifying beta-hydroxybutyrate (bHb), acetoacetate
(AcAc), acetone (Ac) and glucose in two cortical voxels
by MRS at 3T during mixed diet (M), ketogenic diet (K)
and fasting (F). SPECIAL spectra (TE=8.5ms) were
analyzed using LCModel with a basis set including the
ketone bodies. Ketone bodies increased during ketogenic
diet and were highest at fasting, with decreasing Glc.
T-tests gave p<0.05 for changes in Glc (M>F, K>F) and
bHb, AcAc and Ac (F>K). The method is tested to stratify
patients in terms of response to ketogenic diet in
neurological disorders.
4655. |
67 |
Comparison of Healthy Young
and Elderly: A Study using Automated Whole-Brain N-Acetylaspartate
William E. Wu1, Marc Sollberger2,
Lidia Glodzik3, Andreas U. Monsch2,
Achim Gass4, and Oded Gonen1
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Neurology
and Neuroradiology, University Hospital Basel, Basel,
Switzerland, 3Psychiatry,
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY,
United States, 4Neurology,
University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
Societal and economic burden to U.S. healthcare from
neurological disorders in the elderly is expected to
become staggering. It is therefore advisable to develop
non-invasive biomarkers that can identify brain disease
at its earliest, most treatable stage and monitor
therapy response. Since brain disease often targets
neurons, we measured their MR spectroscopic marker – N-acetylaspartate
(NAA) – in the whole brain (WBNAA) using an automated,
full spectral modeling method, and compared WBNAA in 41
cognitively-intact elderly versus in 20 young controls.
We found no evidence of significant difference in mean
WBNAA despite the effects of ›35 years of normal aging.
4656. |
68 |
Reproducibility and effect
of voxel compartments on cerebellar GABA MRS in an elderly
Zaiyang Long1, Jonathan P Dyke2,
Ruoyun Ma3,4, Chaorui C Huang5,
Elan D Louis6,7, and Ulrike Dydak3,4
1Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York,
NY, United States, 3School
of Health Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
IN, United States, 4Department
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 5Brain
and Mind Research Institute, Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, New York, NY, United States, 6College
of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New
York, NY, United States, 7Mailman
School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York,
NY, United States
This study aimed to explore the feasibility and
reproducibility of GABA MRS in the aging cerebellum at
3T and to examine the effect of voxel compartments on 10
healthy elderly volunteers (mean age 75.2 years). 5
subjects were scanned twice to assess short-term
reproducibility. The MEGA-PRESS sequence was used for
GABA detection in left and right cerebellar dentate.
Averaged coefficients of variation for all GABA
measurements within each individual ranged from 5.0 % to
14.1 %. Cerebral spinal fluid- and relaxation-corrected
GABA significantly correlated with uncorrected GABA
measurements. This information might be useful for
studying GABA changes in aging brains.
4657. |
69 |
Correlation of MRS water
proton resonance frequency with ADC in childhood brain
Ben Babourina-Brooks1,2, Theodoros N
Arvanitis2,3, Andrew C Peet1,2,
and Nigel P Davies1,4
1School of Cancer Sciences, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom, 2Birmingham
Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham,
West Midlands, United Kingdom, 33Institute
of Digital Healthcare, WMG, University of Warwick,
Coventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom, 4Imaging
& Medical Physics, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS
Foundation Trust, West Midlands, United Kingdom
The aim of this study was to investigate the MRS water
proton resonance frequency (PRF) differences found among
childhood brain tumours by combining with ADC measures
from DWI. MRS can provide a measure of the water PRF
relative to reference metabolite peaks, which is
sensitive to temperature and micro-environmental
factors. Separating the factors affecting the PRF is
challenging but may provide unique measures to aid in
tumor characterization. Correlating the ADC, a known
marker for cellular density, with the water PRF will aid
in the understanding of the measure and it's clinical
4658. |
70 |
Altered Macromolecular
Pattern in Aging Brain - permission withheld
Malgorzata Marjanska1, J. Riley McCarten2,
Laura S Hemmy2, and Melissa Terpstra1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Minneapolis
VA Medical Center, Geriatric Research and Clinical
Center, MN, United States
The resonances originating from high-molecular weight
macromolecules (MM) underlie those of metabolites in
brain 1H
NMR spectra. These resonances have different physical
properties from those of metabolites such as shorter T1 and
T2. In this study, we utilized a uniquely
high field of 7 T to investigate differences in the MM
pattern in the aging brain. We found that MM pattern in
clearly different in elderly compared to young human
subjects. This important finding suggests that when a
measured MM spectrum is used in the basis set for
metabolite quantification, it should be measured from an
age matched cohort.
4659. |
71 |
Reproducibility of
glutamate, GABA and glycine in human brain, as measured by
optimized 1H
MRS at 7T 
Zhongxu An1, Sandeep Ganji1, and
Changho Choi1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States
We report in vivo 1H spectroscopy of Glutamate (Glu),
Glutamine (Gln), -aminobutyric acid (GABA), Glycine
(Gly) and other metabolites in human brain using PRESS
at 7T. With test- retest experiment, we present the
ability to reliably detect and quantify these
technically challenging metabolites. Coefficient of
variances were smaller than 0.03 for most of the
metabolites and intra-class correlations of GABA and Gly
were higher than 0.90 while Glu and Gln were slightly
lower (0.81 and 0.88). CRLBs were 2-3% for Glu, 4% for
Gln, 8% for GABA and 6% for Gly.
4660. |
72 |
Towards translation of
advanced MRS methodology to clinical setting 
Dinesh K Deelchand1, Kejal Kantarci2,
Lynn E Eberly3, and Gulin Oz1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Division
of Biostatistics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN, United States
Proton MR spectra were measured using sLASER with
FAST(EST)MAP (FM) shimming and vendor-provided PRESS
with advanced 3D shimming from the posterior cingulate
cortex in 30 healthy elderly subjects at 3T. Clinical MR
technicians were trained to run these protocols in
randomized order. Similar spectral patterns were
observed with both sequences, although the spectral
linewidth was broader with the PRESS protocol.
Quantification precision was higher with the sLASER+FM
protocol. These findings suggest that an advanced MRS
protocol can be utilized in the clinical setting by
trained MR technicians, however further automation is
Computer # |
4683. |
25 |
Comparison of MEGA-PRESS
and A-PRESS for the measurements for GABA concentration in
the brain of healthy volunteers 
Zhengsong Wang1,2, Caroline Rae3,
Guangqiang Geng4, Weibo Chen5, Fei
Gao1, Bo Liu1, Jie Gan2,
Xue Bai6, Bin Zhao1, and Guangbin
1Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute,
Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China, 2Second
Affiliated Hospital of Shandong university of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan, Shandong, China, 3Neuroscience
Research Australia,UNSW, Sydney, Australia, 4Philips
Healthcare MR R&D, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China,5Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 6QIlu
Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, China
¦Ã-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory
neurotransmitter in brain, is present at low millimolar
concentrations and is difficult to resolve at 3T due to
resonance couplings and overlap. Several different
methods have been proposed, the most commonly used of
which involves use of selective editing (MEGA) along
with PRESS, SPECIAL or Semi-LASER. Recently, a
single-shot method optimized for GABA using an
asymmetric PRESS variant (TE1 = 30 ms; TE2 = 75 ms) has
been described. Here, we tested this method alongside
standard MEGA-PRESS acquisitions.
4684. |
26 |
Non uniform sampling for
sparse 2D correlated MRS: a quantitative point of view 
Dimitri Martel1, Dany Merhej2,
Remy Prost1, Denis Friboulet1, and
Helene Ratiney1
Université Lyon 1; INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, 2ISAE
CNAM, Beirut, Lebanon
Localized Correlation Spectroscopy is a 2D MRS method
which allows acquisition of high resolved spectrum,
which can have the property to be sparse, but at the
cost of long acquisition time. Reducing this time is
crucial for application but leads to a reduced
quantitatification accuracy. The aim of this work is to
evaluate a relevant non uniform sampling scheme for this
method using sequential backward selection (SBS) in the
LCOSY time domain indirect dimension.The feasibility to
use such sampling for quantification purpose on in vivo
data acquired in the adipose tissue of an obese mouse is
4685. |
27 |
Line broadening
interference for high-resolution MRS under inhomogeneous
magnetic fields 
Zhiliang Wei1 and
Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
MRS serves an important tool for analyzing biological
metabolites and medical treatments. Unfortunately, in
vivo study inevitably suffers from magnetic-field
inhomogeneity. In this study, a method addressed as line
broadening interference (LBI) is proposed to provide
high-resolution information under inhomogeneous fields
by correlating the field inhomogeneity with gradients
and recovering high-resolution information with the aid
of an inhomogeneity correction algorithm. Experiments
have been carried out on chemical solution to prove the
principle and feasibility of LBI. It offers important
perspectives for in vivo analyses of living
inhomogeneous organisms.
4686. |
28 |
Heteronuclear Single
Quantum Coherence (HSQC) MRS in Humans at 7 T 
Robin A. de Graaf1, Henk M. De Feyter1,
and Douglas L. Rothman1
1MRRC, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United
13C MRS is hampered by an intrinsically low NMR
sensitivity and high RF power deposition, which has
largely prevented 13C MRS at high magnetic fields. 2D
HSQC is a high sensitivity alternative that achieves
intrinsic, broadband 1H decoupling and retains the high
chemical specificity of direct 13C MRS. TR variation, in
combination with controlled aliasing, was used to
accelerate 2D NMR data acquisition 11.8-fold (or 2.4 min
per average). High-quality, high-sensitivity 2D HSQC
spectra were obtained from human leg adipose tissue at
7T. The detection of 19 unique resonances allowed
detailed lipid characterization. 2D HSQC has strong
potential to become a default method in
natural-abundance or 13C-enriched studies of human
metabolism in vivo.
4687. |
29 |
J-difference editing of
GABA with extended echo-times 
Jamie Near1,2 and
Chathura Kumaragamage3
1Department of Psychiatry, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Centre
d'Imagerie Cérébrale, Douglas Institute, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada,3Department of Biomedical
Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
In-vivo brain GABA levels are commonly detected using
the localized J-difference editing method, MEGA-PRESS,
in which the echo time is normally fixed at 68 ms. Here,
we describe a modification to the conventional
J-difference editing scheme to enable detection of GABA
with extended echo times (≥115 ms), and with no loss in
editing efficiency. This method may provide a simplified
framework for the routine measurement of GABA T2 values.
Furthermore the use of long echo times may enable the
removal of macromolecule (MM) contamination from
J-difference edited GABA measures, owing to the short T2
of MM.
4688. |
30 |
Sparse Reconstruction of
Localized Correlated Spectroscopy: From Sub-Sampled Priors
to Fast Acquisition 
Mohammad Abdi-Shektaei1, Abbas Nasiraei
Moghaddam1,2, Rajakumar Nagarajan3,
and M. Albert Thomas3
1BME, Amirkabir University of Technology
(Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2School
of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, 3Radiological
Sciences, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
To address the long signal acquisition problem due to
iterative phase encoding along indirect time dimension
in Localized Correlated Spectroscopy (L-COSY), a novel
reconstruction method is introduced. The proposed method
takes the advantage of high sparsity of L-COSY spectra
for deterministic subsampling as reconstruction priors
to find the location of diagonal and cross peaks. The
amplitude of diagonal and cross peaks then is estimated
through iterative Least-Square problem. Preliminary
application of this method on phantom and in vivo data
demonstrates its ability to the successfully reconstruct
cross peaks which are of much greater interest in
4689. |
31 |
Average weighted
acquisition for faster acquisition of in vivo localized two
dimensional correlation spectroscopy of the brain 
Gaurav Verma1, Michael Albert Thomas2,
and Harish Poptani1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
CA, United States
Two-dimensional localized correlated spectroscopy (2D
L-COSY) offers the capacity to uniquely resolve more
metabolites than conventional 1D techniques at the cost
of longer scan times. This study aims to improve the
acquisition efficiency and versatility of L-COSY by
implementing average-weighting schemes matched to signal
intensity expected from each ∆t1 increment. In three
human brain studies and ten phantom studies, 12:48
duration average-weighted L-COSY sequences produced SNR
comparable to uniformly-averaged sequences of 17:04
duration. Potential for further improvements in SNR
through the selective emphasis of particular metabolites
was also demonstrated. These enhancements could improve
the clinical viability of 2D spectroscopy.
4690. |
32 |
An Optimized PRESS Sequence
for the Detection of Glycine at 9.4 T 
Brennen J. Dobberthien1, Anthony G. Tessier1,2,
B. Gino Fallone1,2, and Atiyah Yahya1,2
1Department of Oncology, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada
The levels of glycine (Gly) can be measured by magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (MRS). However, its resonance is
overlapped by that of myo-inositol (mI), even at 9.4 T.
The presented work optimizes TE1 and TE2 (echo times) of
a Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence to
minimize mI signal in the Gly spectral region by
exploiting the J-evolution of the strongly-coupled mI
protons. Signal from uncoupled spins of Gly at 3.55 ppm
is retained. Using phantom solutions, the optimal {TE1,
TE2} combination was found to be {60 ms, 100 ms}. The
efficacy of the timings was verified on rat brain in
4691. |
33 |
Accurate Compressive
Sensing of 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging in Brain Tumors 
Mohammad Abdi-Shektaei1, Felix Raschke2,
Franklyn A Howe3, and Abbas Nasiraei
1BME, Amirkabir University of Technology
(Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Radiological
Sciences, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, University
of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3Cardiovascular
and Cell Sciences Research Institute, St George's,
University of London, London, United Kingdom,4School
of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran
Long acquisitions in 1H-MRSI that prevents its
widespread clinical application can be accelerated with
Compressive Sensing (CS). CS can reliably reconstruct
MRSI data from non-uniform randomly subsampling of
k-space through meaningful selection of regularizers
that consider spars nature of MRS signals. In this work
CS was implemented based on spatial-spectral sparsity of
1H-MRSI. Total Variation of spatial domain and L1 norm
of spectra were considered in reconstruction. The study
of 10 patients with glioma was performed for proposed
method. Acceleration factors up to 3X were demonstrated
to preserve metabolite content of spectra and abnormal
boundaries of tumors.
4692. |
34 |
Macromolecule Suppressed
GABA Editing with Single Spin-Echo and Out-of-voxel Artifact
Meng Gu1, Ralph Hurd2, Ralph
Noeske3, Ariel Rokem4, Laima
Baltusis5, and Daniel Spielman1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, California, United States, 3MR
Application & Workflow Development, GE Healthcare,
Berlin, Germany, 4Psychology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 5Center
for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States
A macromolecule suppressed GABA editing sequence based
on single spin echo MEGA-SPECIAL is introduced, using 1D
echo planar (EP) SIAM. EP-SIAM is employed as a
sensitive point method for reducing the spatial
subtraction burden created by the 1D ISIS component of
the SPECIAL localization method. The technique was
validated using a GABA phantom, a lysine phantom to
represent the appropriate macromolecule fraction, as
well as in vivo. GABA spectra from the striatum
illustrated the impact of EP-SIAM. The macromolecule
suppression was 93% and the retained GABA signal was
4693. |
35 |
In vivo detection of
lactate at 7T using Long TE sLASER and MEGA-sLASER 
Chen Chen1, Peter Morris1, Susan
Francis1, and Penny Gowland1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre (SPMIC),
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
United Kingdom
This study demonstrates that it is feasible to determine
brain Lac concentration at 7T (B1,max=15uT) with
conventional long TE approaches (TE=144 ms) with and
without spectral editing, in a short acquisition time
(~6 mins), using the optimised sLASER sequence. The
optimised sLASER sequence uses wide bandwidth offset
independent trapezoid (OIT) pulses (BW=4.8 kHz) to
minimise the effect of the chemical shift displacement
artefact (CSDA) on J-modulation of the weakly-coupled
Lac spins. In addition, this work suggests that
MEGA-sLASER gives better reproducibility.
4694. |
36 |
Optimization of MEGA-PRESS
for the simultaneous detection of Glutamate and Glutamine,
and GABA 
Karim Snoussi1,2, Subechhya Pradhan1,2,
Ashley D. Harris1,2, Richard A.E. Edden1,2,
and Peter B. Barker1,2
1Russel H. Morgan Department of Radiology and
Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medidine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States,2Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Editing with MEGA-PRESS at 3 Tesla is often used for the
detection of GABA in the human brain; these experiments
also usually co-edit a certain amount of glutamate and
glutamine (Glx). This abstract explores variation in
editing-pulse frequencies, using both simulations and
experiments, in the MEGA-PRESS sequence in order to
optimize the detection of both GABA and Glx
simultaneously. It is demonstrated in vivo that this
approach can be used to substantially increase the
amplitude of the Glx signal compared to commonly used
frequencies, without much loss in GABA-editing
4695. |
37 |
Improving Robustness for
Voxel Based Transmit Gain Calibration using Bloch-Siegert
Shift Method for MR Spectroscopy at 7T 
Alessandra Toncelli1, Ralph Noeske2,
Mauro Costagli3, and Michela Tosetti3,4
1INFN and Department of Physics, University
of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 2GE
Healthcare, Berlin, Germany, 3Fondazione
Imago7, Italy, 4Stella
Maris Scientific Institute, Italy
A voxel-based implementation of the Bloch-Siegert phase
shift method within a standard spectroscopy STEAM-based
localization sequence that shows a high robustness to
determine transmit gain (TG) for the same volume that is
excited for the spectroscopy experiment is demonstrated
at 7T. Phantom and in-vivo measurements show higher
robustness over a large range of initial TG settings and
voxel locations compared to a previously proposed
PRESS-based approach resulting in a faster and more
reliable calibration procedure to achieve good voxel
selection and spectrum quality.
4696. |
38 |
Metabolite cycled single
voxel 1H
spectroscopy at 9.4T 
Ioannis Angelos Giapitzakis1, Sahar
Nassirpour1, Nikolai Avdievich1,
Roland Kreis2, and Anke Henning1,3
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Departments
of Radiology and Clinical Research, University of Bern,
Bern, Switzerland, 3Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Metabolite cycled proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MC 1H-MRS) has been proved to enhance the frequency
resolution and the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the
spectrum at static magnetic fields ranging from 1.5 to 7
Tesla. The purposes of this study were to: 1) develop a
short duration WS scheme for implementation with a STEAM
sequence [5] 2) examine the performance of MC H-MRS
compared to a WS STEAM sequence and 3) create spectrum
with high frequency resolution at 9.4T enabling the
detection of several metabolites.
4697. |
39 |
Multi-echo Echo-planar
J-resolved spectroscopy of human brain using semi-LASER
Manoj Kumar Sarma1, Rajakumar Nagarajana1,
Paul Michael Macey2, and M. Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los angeles, CA, United States, 2School
of Nursing, UCLA School of Medicine, Los angeles, CA,
United States
Multi-Echo (ME) based technique with two bipolar
echo-planar imaging (EPI) read-out trains to collect
dual phase encoded lines within a single TR has been
used to reduce the scan time of 4D Echo-planar
(EP)-based J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (JRESI).
Like other point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) based in
vivo MRSI techniques with conventional pulses, at 3T
ME-based EP-JRESI pulse sequence also suffers from large
chemical shift displacement error (CSDE), non-uniform
excitation, lipid contamination on the boundary and
additional J-refocused artifactual peaks. In this study,
a localized by adiabatic selective refocusing
(sLASER)-based ME-EP-JRESI sequence was proposed and
successfully implemented on phantoms and human brains.
Compared with ME-EP-JRESI using conventional pulses,
sLASER based ME-EP-JRESI significantly reduced the CSDE,
residual water and achieved better uniform slice
profile. This technique is going to help for more
reliable and accurate quantification of metabolites at
3T and higher field strengths.
4698. |
40 |
High-resolution Spatially
Encoded Intermolecular Double-Quantum Coherence NMR
Spectroscopy for Biological Systems 
Kaiyu Wang1, Hao Chen1, Zhiyong
Zhang1, Yuqing Huang1, and Zhong
1Electronic Science, Xiamen University,
Xiamen, Fujian, China
Benefitting from separating chemical shifts and J
couplings along two distinct dimensions, 2D J-resolved
NMR experiment can be used to alleviate the spectral
congestion in 1D NMR spectra of biological metabolites.
Spatially encoded technique is a common way to reduce
acquisition time in multidimentional experiments.
However, both these two methods are sensitive to field
inhomogeneity in biological systems, caused by
variations in macroscopic magnetic susceptibility. An
NMR approach, based on intermolecular double-quantum
coherences and spatially encoded technique, is proposed
to fast record high-resolution 2D J-resolved spectra
from biological systems. Its feasibility was tested on
pig brain tissue. Compared to magic angle spinning, it
is non-invasive and potential for in vivo and in situ
4699. |
41 |
Volumetric Navigated
MEGA-SPECIAL for real-time motion corrected GABA MRS 
Muhammad Gulamabbas Saleh1, A. Alhamud1,
Lindie Du Plessis1, André J.W. van der Kouwe2,
Jamie Near3, and Ernesta M. Meintjes1
1Department of Human Biology, MRC/UCT Medical
Imaging Research Unit, University of Cape Town, Cape
Town, Western Cape, South Africa, 2Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
States, 3Douglas
Mental Health University Institute and Department of
Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
During GABA spectroscopy acquisition, subject motion may
cause the spectra to be acquired at an incorrect region
of interest (ROI), resulting in an inaccurate metabolite
quantification. This problem is exacerbated if the ROI
is in close proximity to the skull, potentially
introducing large unwanted lipid signal and rendering
the spectrum non-viable. Errors resulting from motion
may, however, be subtle and difficult to assess in the
final spectrum. The purpose of this work was to
incorporate a volumetric navigator after each MRS
measurement to track and correct in real-time subject
motion before the next acquisition.
4700. |
42 |
The effects of gadolinium
on the hyperpolarization of [1-13C]pyruvate at
3.35 T and 5 T 
Michael S Dodd1, Jack J Miller1,2,
and Damian J Tyler1
1Department of Physiology, Anatomy and
Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
When undertaking metabolic studies using hyperpolarized 13C-labelled
pyruvate, it is typical for 1.5 mM of a gadolinium based
contrast agent to be added to the sample to
significantly enhance the level of polarization
achieved. Using the Oxford Instruments Hypersense
polarizer (3.35T/1.2-1.4 K) and the GE Healthcare
SPINlab polarizer (5T/0.8 K), the effect of gadolinium
on polarization enhancement was investigated. The
addition of Dotarem (Gd3+) significantly
increased the polarization at 3.35T/1.2-1.4 K
(Hypersense), whereas this same effect was not seen at
5T/0.8 K (SPINlab). Therefore, there appears to be no
advantage to adding gadolinium to pyruvate samples for
potential clinical applications on the SPINlab system.
4701. |
43 |
13C Signal
Enhancement in Human Brain at 7T by NOE and Stochastic
Proton Decoupling 
Shizhe S Li1, Li An1, Maria
Ferraris Araneta1, Christopher Johnson1,
and Jun Shen1
1NIMH, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
NOE and proton decoupling for traditional 13C
MRS of human brain at 7T are problematic due to safety
concerns. One of the solutions is to detect
carboxylic/amide carbons that have weak couplings with
protons, thus require less decoupling power if broadband
stochastic decoupling is used. 13C
MRS was performed on a phantom and human brains to
quantify signal enhancement at 7 Tesla. The results
showed that 13C
signal peak amplitudes were increased by a factor > 4
when both NOE and broadband stochastic decoupling were
4702. |
44 |
MR Spectroscopy of very
small volumes (<0.4 µl) of 13C-labelled metabolites using
microcoil detection: application to online measurements of
cerebral microdialysate 
Silvia Rizzitelli1, Alan Wong2,
Guillaume Radecki3, Luisa Ciobanu3,
Gerard Raffard1, Stephane Sanchez1,
Veronique Bouchaud1, Leslie Mazuel1,
Anne-Karine Bouzier-Sore1, and Yannick
1CRSMB, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux,
France, France, 2NIMBE/LSDRM,
CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, France, 3CEA
I2BM NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, France
The challenge of this study was to investigate the
ability of a custom-made microsolenoidal coil with an
inner diameter of 600µm, for visualizing very small
volumes (<400 nL) of 13C labeled compounds perfused in
the rat brain through the use of a microdialysis
catheter, carried out with the complementarity of MRI
and MRS techniques. The addition of Gd-DOTA to the
solution, with the aim of shortening the longitudinal
relaxation time of 13C metabolites, allows the
visualization and quantification of the release of the
perfusate solution in brain tissue, while MRS gives us
the possibility of monitoring in real-time the changes
in metabolite concentration
4703. |
45 |
Reproducibility of dynamic
phosphorus MRS of plantar flexion: Influence of ergometer
design, magnetic field strength, and RF-coil design 
Petr Šedivý1, Monika Christina Kipfelsberger2,
Miloslav Drobný1, Martin Krššák2,3,
Jan Rydlo1, Marek Chmelík2,
Marjeta Tušek Jelenc2, Milan Hájek1,
Siegfried Trattnig2, Monika Dezortová1,
and Ladislav Valkovic2,4
1MR-Unit, Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology, Institute for Clinical and
Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic, 2High
Field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Division
of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 4Department
of Imaging Methods, Institute of Measurement Science,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of this study was to assess the impact of
experimental set-up (ergometer and RF-coil) and magnetic
field (3T and 7T) on determination of mitochondrial
capacity by dynamic 31P
MRS. A group of volunteers was measured in three
different MR systems, using two different ergometers and
RF-coil designs at two different workloads. Using the
same ergometer and similar coil at 3 and 7T lead to
improved spectral quality at 7T, but there was no
difference in calculated mitochondrial capacity.
However, the use of different equipment at 3T caused
discrepancies in the results that seem to decrease at
higher workload.
4704. |
46 |
Feasibility and
repeatability of the localized 31P
MRS Four-Angle Saturation Transfer (FAST) of the human
gastrocnemius muscle using surface coil at 7T 
Marjeta Tušek Jelenc1, Marek Chmelík1,
Wolfgang Bogner1, Martin Krššák1,2,
Siegfried Trattnig1, and Ladislav Valkovic1,3
1High Field MR Centre, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division
of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal
Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 3Department
of Imaging Methods, Institute of Measurement Science,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
The aim of our study was to test the feasibility and
repeatability of the DRESS-localized FAST method at 7T
for the measurement of Pi-to-ATP and PCr-to-ATP reaction
rates in the human gastrocnemius muscle. Instead of
adiabatic BIR4 pulses, which showed inhomogeneous
frequency dependent behavior at 7T, conventional sinc
pulse was used for excitation. For the test of
repeatability the FAST measurement was repeated four
times within one session. We could show that
DRESS-localized FAST measurement, taking only 4 minutes,
is highly repeatable at 7T and its results on exchange
rate constants are not different from the results of
conventional localized ST experiment.
4705. |
47 |
Proton Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy Techniques to Measure the Lipid Olefinic
Resonance In Vivo 
Atiyah Yahya1,2
1Department of Oncology, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada
Measurements of lipid unsaturation by proton MRS have
been shown to be relevant to the study of a number of
diseases. The olefinic resonance at about 5.4 ppm
enables measurement of lipid unsaturation. However, its
peak is largely overlapped by that of water at clinical
field strengths. The presented educational abstract
summarizes methods that have been employed to resolve
the olefinic resonance from that of water in vivo. The
role of J-coupling interactions of the lipid olefinic
protons in the design of spectral editing methods is
4706. |
48 |
Potential effects of
superficial fat on metabolite concentrations determined by
water referencing studied with various acquisition settings 
Sreenath Pruthviraj Kyathanahally1, Nicole D
Fichtner1, Victor J Adalid1, and
Roland Kreis1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland
A recent 1H MR spectroscopy study reported that the
metabolite-to-water ratios were strongly reduced in the
presence of superficial fat layers, thus questioning the
clinical use of water as a reference for quantification
and quantitative spectroscopy as a whole. We have
attempted to verify this effect and pinpoint the
potential causes by acquiring data with various
acquisition settings, incl. different water suppression
sequences, RF coils and field strengths. In our hands
and with all settings tested, the reported effect could
not be reproduced.
Computer # |
4707. |
49 |
A Pilot Validation of
Accelerated Multi-echo based Echo-planar Correlated
Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Calf Muscles - permission withheld
Manoj Kumar Sarma1, Zohaib Iqbal1,
Brian Burns1, Rajakumar Nagarajana1,
Cathy C Lee2, and M. Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los angeles, CA, United States, 2Geriatrics,
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Los angeles,
CA, United States
Echo-planar correlated spectroscopic imaging (EP-COSI)
which combines localized correlated spectroscopy (L-COSY)
with echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) readout
has been used to study neurochemical information of
human calf muscles. A limitation of EP-COSI of multiple
skeletal muscles is prolonged scan duration which have
been tried to address using multi-echo (ME) based
acquisition scheme. Using two bipolar readout trains
ME-based EP-COSI, called multi-echo echo-planar
correlated spectroscopic imaging (ME-EP-COSI) achieved a
significant reduction in the total scan, but for
clinical applications, it is still a constraint. In this
study, we have implemented a non-uniform undersampling (NUS)-based
ME-EP-COSI acquisition in human calf muscle at 3T where
NUS was used along the t1 dimension only and
reconstructed the data using compressed sensing (CS). We
have demonstrated that acquisition time of the standard
4D ME-EP-COSI sequence can be reduced by half while
maintaining sufficient spectral/spatial quality enabling
ME-EP-COSI closer to a clinical reality.
4708. |
50 |
MRSI: Fast prostate MR spectroscopic imaging with low SAR on
Bart Philips1, Miriam W. van de
Stadt-Lagemaat1, Mark J. van Uden1,
Eline K. Vos1, Borjan Gagoski2,
Adam B. Kerr3, Marnix C. Maas1,
and Tom W.J. Scheenen1
1Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud
University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland,
Netherlands, 2Fetal-Neonatal
Neuroimaging & Developmental Science Center, Boston
Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States, 3Magnetic
Resonance Systems Research Lab, Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Using spectral-spatial RF pulses in combination with a
spiral MRSI acquisition the advantages of 7T (high SNR
and greater chemical shift dispersion) can be exploited
to perform prostate MRSI on 7T with high spatial
resolution in feasible acquisition times. This method
was tested on 8 prostate cancer patients using an 8
channel body array coil and B1 shimming for locally
homogenous transmit field in combination with an
endorectal receive coil. We obtained whole prostate MRSI
with a true voxel size of 0.48 cc within 7 minutes of
acquisition time.
4709. |
51 |
Rajakumar Nagarajan1, Zohaib Iqbal1,
Manoj K Sarma1, and M.Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, UCLA School of
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United States
This study aims at assessing the performance of
compressed sensing method for faster proton MRSI of
human brain. Non-uniformly under sampled (NUS) three
dimensional (3D) echo planar spectroscopic imaging
(EPSI) data of brain phantom and healthy brain were
acquired in 3T MRI scanner and the data were processed
using MATLAB for CS reconstruction and peak
quantitation. The k-space data was randomly under
sampled, and reconstructed using compressed sensing
algorithm. The metabolites ratios with respect to
creatine in various regions of brain were calculated
using NUS based 3D EPSI. We have presented a technique
combining 3D EPSI (2x under sampling) with compressed
sensing reconstruction using total variation method
showed better spatial profile without compromising
spectral quality.
4710. |
52 |
Fast and Simple Water
Signal Acquisition Sequence for Quantification of 1H
Metabolites in the Brain 
Michal Bittsansky1, Petra Hnilicova1,
and Dusan Dobrota1
1Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius
University, Martin, Slovakia, Slovakia
We propose and test a fast and simple sequence for water
scaling of 3D 1H
spectroscopic imaging. Our 3D FID sequence
(pulse-phase_gradient-acquire, short TE, very low flip
angle) with identical geometry and resolution to the
metabolic sequence has a measurement time under 2
minutes. We tested the sequence in a phantom with brain
metabolites, healthy volunteers and tumor patients. The
method gave us precise quantification in the phantom and
provided consistent brain metabolic mapping in vivo in
the brain and pathological areas like tumors. Our
results suggest usefulness of this approach in systems
with whole-body excitation.
4711. |
53 |
Accelerated Multi-slice 1H
FID-MRSI in the human brain at 9.4 T 
Sahar Nassirpour1, Thomas Kirchner2,
Ioannis Angelos Giapitzakis1, and Anke
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zürich, Zürich,
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) at
ultra-high field strengths is a promising technique for
mapping of the metabolites over the entire brain volume
with a high signal to noise ratio. However, long
acquisition time is a major limitation in MRSI. Along
with short repetition times (TR) [4] parallel imaging
strategies can help accelerate the scan by acquiring
only a fraction of the data points in k-space, but an
appropriate unfolding reconstruction algorithm is
required. To that end, a target driven SENSE [3]
reconstruction algorithm has been introduced [1], which
minimizes the effects of voxel bleeding. This study
represents the first demonstration of short TR twofold
SENSE accelerated multi-slice FID MRSI of the human
brain at 9.4T.
4712. |
54 |
GRAPPA accelerated CSI and
its impacts for metabolites quantifications 
Tiejun Zhao1, Julie W. Pan2, and
Hoby P. Hetherington2
1Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
This work investigated the feasibility of using GRAPPA
to shorten the CSI scan time and its impacts on the
metabolite quantifications. Fully sampled CSI data were
retrospectively undersampled to achieve effective
acceleration rates from 2.3 to 3.0 and the undersampled
data were reconstructed using a modified GRAPPA method
with weighted averaging scheme. Our data suggested a
modest acceleration of 2.3 is feasible and could be
applied to a routine clinical scanner to reduce the CSI
scan time.
4713. |
55 |
To NOE or not to NOE? - A
study about the use of the Nuclear Overhauser Effect in 31P
MRSI of the brain at 7T 
Miriam W van de Stadt-Lagemaat1, Bart L van
de Bank1, Marnix C Maas1, and Tom
WJ Scheenen1,2
1Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud
University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Essen,
The Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) is a technique in 31P
spectroscopy to enhance the intrinsically low signal
intensities. There are however concerns that NOE might
add uncertainty, negating the SNR gain, since
considerable spread is generally observed in NOE
enhancement values. To this end, repeated measurements
of 31P
MRSI without and with NOE were performed. We conclude
that NOE is beneficial for 31P
MRSI in the brain at 7T, it does not introduce variation
for most metabolites, but rather improves their accurate
detection and fitting.
4714. |
56 |
Fast 31P Chemical Shift
Imaging Using Multi-Spiral Acquisition at 9.4T 
Yuchi Liu1, Yun Jiang1, Charlie Yi
Wang1, Mark Alan Griswold1,2, and
Xin Yu1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
In this study, a novel fast 31P chemical shift imaging
(CSI) method using multi-spiral acquisition was
developed. Spiral trajectory was designed and
implemented for quantification of phosphorous
metabolites. The k-space trajectory was measured. Using
a multi-spiral acquisition scheme, an acceleration
factor of 23 was achieved as compared to traditional
Cartesian CSI method with the same spatial resolution.
4715. |
57 |
Implementation and
Comparison of LASER- and Semi-LASER-based MRSI Pulse
Sequences at 9.4T 
Sungjin Kim1,2 and
Hyeonjin Kim1,2
1Radiology, Seoul National University
Hospital, Seoul, Korea, 2Biomedical
Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Given B1 inhomogeneity
being of great concern for successful implementation of
MRSI sequences at high field and the excellent
localization performance of the semi-localized by
adiabatic selective refocusing (sLASER) and the LASER
single voxel MRS pulse sequences, we have implemented
sLASER- and LASER-based MRSI sequences at 9.4T and
compared their performance. Given the comparable volume
localization performance along with the shorter minimum
TE attainable and less SAR with a sLASER-based MRSI
sequence relative to a LASER-based MRSI sequence in our
preliminary study, a sLASER-based MRSI sequence may be
the sequence of choice for in-vivo MRSI at high field.
4716. |
58 |
A surface crusher coil for
human cardiac phosphorus (31P) MR spectroscopic
imaging study at 7 tesla - permission withheld
Benoit Schaller1, William Clarke1,
Stefan Neubauer1, Matthew Robson1,
and Christopher Rodgers1
1Cardiovascular Department, Oxford Centre for
Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
31P-MRS provides direct insights into myocardial energy
supply (ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic
phosphate). However, the translation of more
sophisticated 31P-MRS protocols to 7T is challenged by
increased RF heating of tissue at 7T. In this work, we
introduce the first crusher coil for cardiac 31P-MRS(I)
at 7T. Crusher coil was simulated and designed to
saturate skeletal muscle signal. Crusher coil provided
additional 12-25% signal saturation in vitro and in
vivo, compared to BISTRO saturation band at maximum SAR.
This allows us to saturate more efficiently skeletal
muscle signal removing the RF heating associated with RF
saturation bands. The flexibility offered by using the
crusher coil will allow us to employ sequence modules
that would otherwise be SAR-prohibitive without having
to compromise the skeletal muscle suppression.
4717. |
59 |
Correction for
Off-resonance-induced Displacement in Spectrally
Undersampled Hyperpolarized 13C Echo-planar Spectroscopic
Peng Cao1, Hsin-Yu Chen1, Jeremy
Gordon1, Peter Shin1, Wenwen Jiang1,
and Peder Larson1
1University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States
The typically low bandwidth of the echo planar
spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) requires the under-sampling
of the sparse hyperpolarized 13C spectrum. However, at
high field, the large frequency differences between 13C
pyruvate and metabolites can cause pronounced spatial
displacements along the EPSI readout direction. For the
spectrally oversampled EPSI, this off-resonance-induced
displacement can be corrected in k-t space implicitly by
interpolating the EPSI sampling points onto a Cartesian
grid, but the same algorithm cannot efficiently correct
the spectrally undersampled EPSI. Notably, the
correction for the off-resonance-induced blurring in the
spectrally undersampled spiral CSI was reported
previously. Inspired by these previous studies, this
study aims to characterize the off-resonance-induced
displacement in the spectrally undersampled flyback
EPSI. The analytical result is further utilized to
correct the displacements in both phantom and in vivo
experiments at 7 and 3T.
4718. |
60 |
Quantitative Study of RF
field Transmission and Detection Sensitivity Improvements
for 3D 31P CSI with Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant Material
at 7.0 T - permission withheld
Byeong-Yeul Lee1, Sebastian Rupprecht2,
Xiao-Hong Zhu1, Qing X. Yang3,4,
and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, Department of
Radiology, he Pennsylvania State University College of
Medicine, Hershey, Hershey, PA, United States, 3Center
for NMR Research, Department of Radiology, The
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine,
Hershey, PA, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, The Pennsylvania State University College
of Medicine, Hershey, PA, United States
In vivo X-nuclei MRS for human application at
high/ultrahigh field often suffers from a high SAR
demand and still limited SNR. To overcome the
limitations, a novel technique based on the ultrahigh
dielectric constant (uHDC) materials incorporated with a
RF coil has shown a promise for enhancing SNR and
reducing SAR. In this report, we quantitatively examined
and observed significant SNR enhancement of up to 80%
and 45% reduction of SAR for three-dimensional 31P
chemical shift imaging (CSI) at 7 Tesla by using the
uHDC material. The overall results collectively indicate
that the uHDC technique provides a cost-effective
engineering solution for significantly benefiting
X-nuclear MRS at ultrahigh fields.
4719. |
61 |
In Vivo Application
of 3D Deuterium (2H) CSI for Quantitative Imaging
of Cerebral Glucose Metabolism at Ultrahigh Field - permission withheld
Ming Lu1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1, Yi Zhang1,
and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States
Cerebral glucose metabolism is of importance to brain
function and neuroenergetics. Simultaneous assessment of
cerebral glucose consumption rate and associated TCA
cycle flux is crucial for understanding neuroenergetics
under various physiopathological conditions. Recently,
we developed a novel in
vivoDeuterium (2H) MR (DMR) approach for
noninvasively assessing glucose metabolisms in global
rat brain with superior sensitivity at ultrahigh field.
To evaluate its imaging capability, in this study,
dynamic localized DMR spectra were acquired using
3D-chemical shift imaging (CSI) technique in rat brains
at 16.4 T. Regional brain metabolic rates under two
conditions (deep anesthesia with 2% isoflurane versus
constant morphine infusion) were compared to evaluate
the sensitivity of this new imaging method in detecting
alteration in the metabolic/neuronal states. As
expected, accelerated glucose consumption and labeled
glutamate/glutamine (Glx) turnover were observed in rats
under morphine treatment. The results of this work
demonstrate excellent spectral quality, adequate
sensitivity and temporal resolution of the in
vivo 3D 2H
CSI at ultrahigh field, which provides an opportunity to
simultaneously map the glucose consumption rate and TCA
cycle flux in animal and human brains.
4720. |
62 |
Performance Optimized Lipid
Artifact Removal (POLAR) with BASE-SLIM of Full FOV Human
Brain 1H MRS - permission withheld
Peter Adany1, In-Young Choi1,2,
and Phil Lee1,3
1Hoglund Brain Imaging Center, University of
Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, United States, 2Neurology,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS,
United States, 3Molecular
and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS, United States
The lipid signal in 1H MRS interferes strongly with
spectroscopy in the cortical region. Previously,
spectroscopy localization was demonstrated using a B0
Adjusted Sensitivity Encoded Spectra Localization by
Imaging (BASE-SLIM) technique. BASE-SLIM can also be
applied to eliminate the major lipid signal
contamination that appears in conventional CSI. A
full-width field of view CSI that includes skull and
scalp was used to investigate lipid signal and
metabolite signal separation capability. The capability
of eliminating lipid signal contamination using
BASE-SLIM in the human brain in vivo promises reliable
MRS quantification in the cortical brain regions.
4721. |
63 |
Imaging of Tumor Glycolysis
with 2D Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence:
Accelerated Acquisitions using Compressed Sensing 
Hirohiko Imai1, Kei Sano1, Shota
Momma1, Toshiyuki Tanaka1, and
Tetsuya Matsuda1
1Department of Systems Science, Graduate
School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku,
Kyoto, Japan
We demonstrate the feasibility of compressed sensing
(CS) to accelerate MRSI combined with a 2D 1H-13C
heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) for
imaging metabolic dynamics. The 2D-HMQC MRSI with a
pseudo-random undersampling was performed for
tumor-bearing mice after the injection of [U-13C]glucose.
From the acquired data set, spatio-temporal changes in
densities of glucose, lactate and fat were estimated
using CS. The estimated results showed that the glucose
was decreased with time and the lactate was specifically
accumulated in tumor, reflecting Warburg effect. This
technique provided an 8-fold acceleration factor and
made it possible to image tumor glycolysis in
4722. |
64 |
Human Brain 1H MRS of GM
and WM: a Comparison of BASE-SLIM and CSI Regression - permission withheld
Peter Adany1, Phil Lee1,2, and
In-Young Choi1,3
1Hoglund Brain Imaging Center, University of
Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, United States, 2Molecular
and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS, United States, 3Neurology,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS,
United States
Accurate, robust assessment of 1H MRS in gray and white
matter of the human brain was achieved with the B0
Adjusted Sensitivity Encoded Spectra Localization by
Imaging (BASE-SLIM) technique. BASE-SLIM based 1H MRS
eliminates the need for Cartesian k-space acquisition
and provides MR spectra from GM and WM with improved
quality with minimum B0 and B1 inhomogeneity related
errors. Comparison of metabolite quantification between
BASE-SLIM and the extrapolated CSI regression method
showed general agreement. The capability of spectroscopy
localization using BASE-SLIM further promises 1H MRS
with non-Cartesian k-space acquisition.
4723. |
65 |
A pilot study on
measurement of metabolites in the hippocampal subfields:
based on multivoxel 1HMRS and segmentation from high
resolution volumetric MRI 
Wenqing Liao #1, Wenbo Wu #2, Yu
Sun #1, Renyuan Liu3, Zhenyu Yin2,
Huiting Wang3, Xin Zhang3, Ming Li3,
Chuanshuai Tian3, Kun Wang3,
Haiping Yu3, Weibo Chen4, Bin Zhu3,
Suiren Wan*1, Yun Xu*2, and Bing
1The Laboratory for Medical Electronics,
School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering,
Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2Department
of Neurology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 4Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China
Recent surveys showed higher sensitivity of hippocampal
subfields atrophy over the whole hippocampal atrophy,
and MRS over volumetric atrophy, in early diagnosis of
Alzheimer's Disease.This article presents a method of
studying metabolites in hippocampal subfields combining
MRS and MRI segmentation, aiming at combining the
advantages of both. We segmented the hippocampus and its
subfields with the FreeSurfer Software, and obtained
metabolite concentrations by processing MRS data with
LCModel. After co-registering MRS VOI and freesurfer
segmentation, we were able to label each VOI voxel with
the hippocampal subfield which constitutes its majority
volume. After averaging voxels labeled with the same
subfield, metabolite profile of the subfield was
obtained. Reliability and accuracy of the method was
analyzed and real AD data was used to verify our method.
66 |
Lineshape compensation
methods for modeling of 2DJ spectra 
Victor Javier Adalid1, Chris Boesch1,
Christine S. Bolliger1, and Roland Kreis1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Inhomogeneities in B0 and eddy currents cause the
lineshape for metabolites and water to deviate from the
Lorentzian type. Various approaches have been used to
correct for this distortion in 1D spectra, but this has
not been widely studied for 2D spectra. Restoring the
original lineshape by deconvolution methods modifies the
noise profile and/or introduces spikes. Here, a method
is tested where the reference lineshape is applied to
the model in order to fit the distorted spectra with
equally distorted basis spectra, in particular as
applied to 2DJ data with maximum echo sampling.
4725. |
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Automated pipeline for
processing and analyzing MR Spectroscopic Imaging and
segmentation data of human brain 
Victor E. Yushmanov1, Yoojin Lee1,
Claudiu Schirda1, Hoby P. Hetherington1,
and Jullie W. Pan1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Department
of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States
Reliable automated protocols for standardized,
non-biased, easy-to-execute and rapid analysis of MRSI
of human brain with minimal operator intervention have
been developed, refined and tested. Spectral processing
was performed by LCModel software with subsequent
automated data quality assessment for each voxel.
Integration with tissue content analysis (gray matter
fraction) as ascertained from tissue segmentation allows
one to approach the significance of abnormality.
4726. |
68 |
FID-A: An open-source,
MATLAB-based toolbox for magnetic resonance spectroscopy
simulation and data processing 
Jamie Near1,2, Gabriel A. Devenyi3,
and Robin Simpson4
1Department of Psychiatry, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Centre
d'Imagerie Cérébrale, Douglas Institute, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada,3Centre d'Imagerie Cérébrale,
Douglas Institute, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 4Department
of Medical Physics, Freiburg University, Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
This abstract introduces a new, open-source software
package for simulation of magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS) experiments, design and analysis of
radiofrequency pulses, and processing of MRS data. The
software is called FID-A, and is freely available for
download ( The FID-A
software package is unique in the combination of
functionalities that it provides, and in the way in
which it stores and manages MRS data and header
information together. The functionality of this software
package is demonstrated through simulations of the
MEGA-PRESS sequence with shaped editing pulses, as well
as through processing of in-vivo short echo-time MRS
4727. |
69 |
Spectral Registration: A
simple new method for frequency and phase drift correction
of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data 
Jamie Near1,2, Richard Edden3,
John Evans4, Raphael Paquin5,
Ashley Harris3, and Peter Jezzard6
1Department of Psychiatry, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Centre
d'Imagerie Cérébrale, Douglas Institute, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada,3Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 4Cardiff
University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, 5Healthcare,
Siemens Canada Limited, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 6FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
Frequency and phase drifts in magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (MRS) data cause artifactual line
broadening, lineshape distortion and SNR reduction, if
not properly accounted for. Here, we present a simple
new method of estimating and correcting frequency and
phase drifts in MRS data. This new method is called
spectral registration, and it involves alignment of each
time domain average (FID) to a reference FID (usually
the first FID in the series) via adjustment of frequency
and phase terms. Using simulated data with known
frequency and phase drifts, we demonstrate that spectral
registration performs better than two existing drift
correction methods.
4728. |
70 |
reconstruction in single voxel spectroscopy 
Carlos E Garrido Salmon1,2, Emma Louise Hall1,
Carolina Fernandes1, Chen Chen1,
and Peter G Morris1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Sao
Paulo, Brazil
We applied the SENSE principle, assuming noise
correlation between channels, as a general approach for
SNR optimization of single voxel MRS data. Different
reconstruction techniques were evaluated using phantom
and brain data acquired on a 7T-32channels MR system.
Even with correlated noise, only a very small difference
in SNR was found among correlated, uncorrelated and
sensitivity approaches. The general shape of the
reconstructed spectra is independent of the
reconstruction method; however metabolites with very low
SNR can be affected. For in vivo brain data,
reconstructions performed by the scanner have low SNR
when compared with the weighting methods here discussed.
4729. |
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Spectral fitting using
basis set distorted by measured B0 field distribution 
Ningzhi Li1, Li An1, Shizhe S Li1,
and Jun Shen1
1National Institute of Mental Health,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Quantification of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
signals provides metabolite concentrations of tissues
under investigation. In spectra fitting, lineshape
distortions due to magnetic field inhomogeneity need to
be corrected using a reference signal. The present study
introduces a novel method to spectral fitting in the
presence of large magnetic field distortion. We distort
the basis set based on measured magnetic field
distribution within the MRS voxel and use the distorted
basis set to fit the observed MRS signal. This novel
approach avoids complex division and regularization and
therefore is free of statistical bias inherent in
regularized lineshape deconvolution.
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72 |
Phasing and curve fitting
of highly resolved 2D constant time PRESS spectra for
quantitation of glutamate, GABA and glutamine 
Hidehiro Watanabe1, Nobuhiro Takaya1,
and Fumiyuki Mitsumori1
1Center for Environmental Measurement and
Analysis, National Institute for Environmental Studies,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
While Glu and GABA are major neurotransmitter in human
brain, Gln is a precursor and storage form of Glu, which
plays an important role in the Glu-Gln cycle in brain.
Overlapped peaks of these metabolites on the
conventional 1H
spectra due to strong coupling may lead to difficulty of
accurate quantitation. Constant time (CT) methods have a
feature of good peak resolution through 1H
decoupling along F1. In this work, we first
demonstrate phasing of 2D CT-PRESS spectra of a phantom
and human brain for higher peak resolution. We also
demonstrate curve fitting of these three peak volumes
for quantitation.