ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting
& Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Note: The videos
below are only the slides from each presentation. They do not have
audio. |
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 11:00 |
Computer # |
49 |
Nonlinear Dimensionality
Reduction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with
Application to Partial Volume 
Debra McGivney1, Anagha Deshmane2,
Yun Jiang2, Dan Ma2, and Mark
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) is a technique
that can provide quantitative maps of tissue parameters
such as T1 and T2 relaxation times through matching
observed signals to a precomputed complex-valued
dictionary of modeled signal evolutions. Since each
dictionary entry is uniquely defined by two real
parameters, specifically T1 and T2, we propose to
compress the dictionary onto a real-valued manifold of
three dimensions using the nonlinear dimensionality
reduction technique of kernel principal component
analysis. Once the compression is achieved, we explore
new computational applications for MRF, namely solving
the partial volume problem.
50 |
A Bayesian Approach to the
Partial Volume Problem in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting 
Debra McGivney1, Anagha Deshmane2,
Yun Jiang2, Dan Ma2, and Mark
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) can produce
quantitative maps of tissue parameters such as T1 and T2
relaxation times by matching acquired signals to a
predefined dictionary of signal evolutions. One inherent
issue is that all voxels are assigned only one
dictionary entry, even if they exhibit the partial
volume effect. We apply a Bayesian statistical framework
to solve the general partial volume problem for MRF
without assigning in advance the specific dictionary
entries that comprise a signal from one of these mixed
voxels, rather, assumptions are made on the probability
distributions of the mixed signals and their component
3382. |
51 |
MR fingerprinting based on
realistic vasculature in mice: identifiability of
physiological parameters 
Philippe Pouliot1,2, Louis Gagnon3,
Tina Lam4, Pramod Avti5, Michèle
Desjardins1, Ashok Kakkar4, Sava
Sakadzic3, David Boas3, and
Frédéric Lesage1
1Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique
Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Research
Centre, Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, MA, United
States, 4Chemistry
Department, McGill University, QC, Canada, 5Montreal
Heart Institute, QC, Canada
MR vascular fingerprinting is a novel approach to
estimate cerebral blood volume, vessel radius and
oxygenation. To our knowledge, this approach has not yet
been fully validated. Here we implemented the sequence
in mice and exploited a dictionary built on simulations
of the MR signal based on realistic vasculature built on
2-photon angiograms. A dictionary for fingerprint
extraction was generated by sampling along 5 parameters:
hemoglobin saturation, vessel radius, capillary density,
SPION concentration and magnetic field inhomogeneity.
Following linearization, the dictionary eigensystem was
characterized. This confirmed that all its eigenvalues
are positive and distinct, and therefore all parameters
studied are theoretically identifiable.
3383. |
52 |
Uncertainty Volume Analysis
- A Measure for Protocol Performance 
Cristoffer Cordes1 and
Matthias Günther1,2
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany, 2MR-Imaging
and Spectroscopy, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
In order to extract the information density of images
acquired with a given protocol, data was parameter
mapped (T1, T2, M0) using an objective function based on
a simulated signal model, minimized with a variation of
the simulated annealing algorithm. Calculating the
uncertainty volumes based on an uncertainty condition of
the objective function reveals a contrast that is able
to rank the performance of the utilized sequences by
eliminating the sequence of least preferable impact in a
greedy fashion. It also reveals the voxel-wise shape of
the remaining flaws. The algorithm was tested on a
series of TSE acquisitions.
3384. |
53 |
Tier-specific weighted echo
sharing technique (WEST) for extremely undersampled
Cartesian magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) 
Taejoon Eo1, Jinseong Jang2, Minoh
Kim2, Dong-hyun Kim2, and Dosik
1Yonsei University, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Yonsei
University, Seoul, Korea
Proposed tier-specific WEST method could sufficiently
suppress the noise-like artifacts in the maps obtained
by the conventional WEST. Consequently, this method
enables acquisition of accurate maps from extremely
undersampled Cartesian MRF data.
3385. |
54 |
3D Balanced-EPI Magnetic
Resonance Fingerprinting at 6.5 mT 
Mathieu Sarracanie1,2, Ouri Cohen1,
and Matthew S Rosen1,2
1MGH/A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United
2D MR Fingerprinting has recently been shown at low
magnetic field. Here, we demonstrate MRF in 3D at 6.5
mT, using an optimized set of 15 flip angles and
repetition times (FA/TR), in a Cartesian acquisition of
k-space with a new hybrid b-SSFP-EPI sequence. We
measure quantitative parameters in 3D, and generate
several image contrasts in a single acquisition (proton
density, T1, T2) in less than 30 minutes. The
combination of 3D MRF with low field MRI scanners has
great potential to provide clinically relevant contrast
with portable low cost MR scanners.
55 |
Pulse Sequence Optimization
for Improved MRF Scan Efficiency 
Jesse Ian Hamilton1, Katherine L Wright1,
Yun Jiang1, Luis Hernandez-Garcia2,
Dan Ma1, Mark Griswold1,3, and
Nicole Seiberlich1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 3Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
A flexible framework for MR Fingerprinting pulse
sequence design is presented that includes the MRI
signal encoding, gridding, and pattern recognition
directly in the optimization. The method was validated
in a phantom study by designing sequence for mapping T1,
T2, and M0 in under 3s using a highly undersampled
spiral trajectory. Parameter maps obtained with the
optimized sequence have fewer artifacts and higher
agreement with spin echo measurements compared to
unoptimized sequences. The optimization framework is
easily generalizable to other MRF applications.
56 |
Multiple Preparation
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MP-MRF): An Extended MRF
Method for Multi-Parametric Quantification 
Christian Anderson1, Ying Gao1,
Chris Flask1,2, and Lan Lu2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
States, 3Urology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) offers rapid
simultaneous multi-parametric quantification, and also
provides the potential to generate maps of other
parameters. We have developed a novel scheme named
"Multi-Preparation MRF" (MP-MRF) that implements
adaptable magnetization preparations periodically during
the dynamic MRF acquisition. Our initial simulations of
the MP-MRF methodology show sensitivity to diffusion and
perfusion contrast and reasonable estimates of T1, T2,
and velocity in Shepp-Logan phantoms.
3388. |
57 |
Quantitative evaluation of
the effect of reduction of signal acquisition number in MR
Te-Ming Lin1, Su-Chin Chiu1,
Cheng-Chieh Cheng1, Wen-Chau Wu1,2,
and Hsiao-Wen Chung1
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics
and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Oncology, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan
The signal acquisition number is related to the
computational complexity during signal analysis in MR
fingerprinting. In this study, we develop a contour area
index and demonstrate a quantitative method to evaluate
the mapping precision under different signal acquisition
numbers. It has potential in evaluating different RF
excitation schemes in MR fingerprinting.
3389. |
58 |
Kd-tree for Dictionary
Matching in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting 
Nicolas Pannetier1,2 and
Norbert Schuff1,2
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, California,
United States, 2VAMC,
San Francisco, CA, United States
We evaluate the use of kd-tree (a space partitioning
data structure) to speed-up the matching process in
magnetic resonance fingerprinting. We found that, in
combination with PCA reduction, the matching time can be
reduced by 2 to 3 order of magnitude while preserving
the accuracy. The matching time, however, increases with
noise level and the PCA threshold remains a key element
to tune to achieve the best performance.
3390. |
59 |
Three-Dimensional MR
Fingerprinting (MRF) and MRF-Music Acquisitions 
Dan Ma1, Eric Y Pierre1, Yun Jiang1,
Kawin Setsompop2, Vikas Gulani3,
and Mark A Griswold3
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2A.A
Martinos Center for Biomedical Engineering, MGH, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
The purpose of this study is to extend the 2D MR
Fingerprinting (MRF) and MRF-Music framework to 3D
acquisitions. Both methods were originally implemented
in 2D acquisitions and have shown high scan efficiency
for quantifying multiple tissue properties
simultaneously. In addition to the multi-parameter
quantification in MRF, the MRF-Music sequence was
proposed to provide musical sounds that can dramatically
improve the patients’ experience in the MR scanner. In
this study, the MRF and MRF-Music sequences were
implemented to achieve 3D coverage while still
maintaining a high scan efficiency and providing
desirable sounds. T1 and T2 values from phantom studies
of the 3D slab selective MRF and MRF-Music methods
showed good agreement to the values from the standard
measurements. The T1, T2, off-resonance and M0 maps from
3D non-selective MRF and MRF-Music also showed promising
results of achieving 3D isotropic quantitative mapping.
3391. |
60 |
PET-MRF: One-step 6-minute
multi-parametric PET-MR imaging using MR fingerprinting and
multi-modality joint image reconstruction 
Florian Knoll1,2, Martijn A Cloos1,2,
Thomas Koesters1,2, Michael Zenge3,
Ricardo Otazo1,2, and Daniel K Sodickson1,2
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research (CAI2R), NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY,
United States, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New
York, NY, United States, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Malvern, PA, United States
Despite the extensive opportunities offered by PET-MR
systems, their use is still far from routine clinical
practice. While it is feasible to acquire PET data in
about 5 minutes, collecting the clinically relevant
variety of traditional MR contrasts requires
substantially more time. This bottleneck formed by the
traditional MR paradigm leads to inefficient use of the
PET component. This work proposes a one-step procedure
that merges the MR fingerprinting framework with the PET
acquisition, and employs a dedicated multi-modality
reconstruction to enable a 6 minute comprehensive PET-MR
exam, which can provide the majority of clinical MR
contrasts alongside quantitative parametric maps of the
relaxation parameters (T1,T2) together with improved PET
3392. |
61 |
Comparison of accuracy and
reproducibility of MR Fingerprinting with conventional T1
and T2 mapping 
Bernhard Strasser1, Wolfgang Bogner1,
Peter Bär1, Gilbert Hangel1,
Elisabeth Springer1, Vlado Mlynarik1,
Mark A Griswold2,3, Dan Ma2, Yun
Jiang2, Mathias Nittka4, Haris
Saybasili4, and Siegfried Trattnig1
1MRCE, Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, University of Vienna, Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, United
States, 4Siemens
Healthcare USA, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, United States
Previously, MR Fingerprinting (MRF) has been presented
as a new method for simultaneous quantitative mapping of
different physical MR properties. In this study, the T1
and T2 values of MRF were compared to conventional T1-
and T2-mapping methods in the brains of five volunteers
at 1.5T. Each volunteer was measured five times with a
TrueFISP and a FISP based spiral MRF sequence, an
MP2RAGE and a multi echo spin echo sequence for
conventional T1 and T2 maps, respectively. Both MRF
sequences showed a similar reproducibility but seemed to
slightly underestimate the T2-values in comparison to
the conventional sequences.
3393. |
62 |
Lower Bound Signal-to-noise
Ratios and Sampling Durations for Accurate and Precise T1
and T2 Mapping with Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting 
Zhaohuan Zhang1,2, Zhe Wang2,3,
Subashini Srinivasan2,3, Kyunghyun Sung2,3,
and Daniel B. Ennis2,3
1Department of Physics & Astronomy, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 2Department
of Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los
Angles, CA, United States, 3Department
of Bioengineering, University of California, Los Angles,
CA, United States
The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy
and precision of pseudorandom inversion recovery
balanced steady-state free precession magnetic resonance
fingerprinting (MRF) relaxometry (T1 and T2) estimates
over a range of SNRs and the number of acquired TRs
(NTR) using Bloch equation simulations. Under the
condition of perfect sampling, the Bloch simulations
defined a lower-bound acquisition requirement of SNR¡Ý5
and NTR¡Ý400 for accurate and precise T1 and T2
estimates when using MRF. This work also concluded that
MRF provides nearly equivalent T1 and T2 estimates.
3394. |
63 |
Comparison of Different
Approaches of Pattern Matching for MR Fingerprinting - permission withheld
Thomas Amthor1, Mariya Doneva1,
Peter Koken1, Jochen Keupp1, and
Peter Börnert1
1Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
We present a comparison of different pattern matching
algorithms for tissue characterization based on Magnetic
Resonance Fingerprinting. The applicability of a simple
dot product approach and a number of machine learning
algorithms is investigated for different parameter
regimes. We find that, in many cases, machine learning
algorithms can offer higher accuracy and faster
3395. |
64 |
Accuracy Analysis for MR
Mariya Doneva1, Thomas Amthor1,
Peter Koken1, Jochen Keupp1, and
Peter Börnert1
1Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
In this work we demonstrate a comprehensive accuracy
analysis exemplified on a bSSFP-based MRF sequence,
which allows predicting the accuracy of MRF in different
parameter ranges and defining confidence areas for the
performance of MRF.
65 |
Undersampled High-frequency
Diffusion Signal Recovery Using Model-free Multi-scale
Dictionary Learning 
Enhao Gong1, Qiyuan Tian1, John M
Pauly1, and Jennifer A McNab2
1Electrical Engineering, STANFORD UNIVERSITY,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California, United States
Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), especially at high
b-values, is a critical problem for Diffusion MRI
(dMRI). Methods with different signal models may fail to
reconstruct under-sampled data from noisy measurement.
Diffusion MRI signal contains redundancy as a
multi-dimensional signal in both k-space and q-space.
Here we proposed a novel approach to recover signal
without explicitly enforcing any physical signal model.
The method is model-free but learns the
multi-dimensional redundancy, including the redundancy
between neighborhood voxels, different directions and
low\high b-values, from training samples. A Dictionary
Learning approach is used to recover under-sampled
signals in q-space. Quantitative results demonstrate the
method can more accurately predict high b-value signal
(>3000s/mm2) from low b-value signal. Also it produces
more accurate physiological metrics such as Generalized
Fractional Anisotropy (GFA) and Orientation Distribution
Function (ODF) that potentially help to resolve
intra-voxel crossing fibers.
3397. |
66 |
Limitations of T2-contrast
3D-Fast Spin Echo Sequences in the Differentiation of
Radiation Fibrosis versus Tumor Recurrence 
Andrea Vargas1, Laurent Milot2,
Simon Graham1, and Philip Beatty1
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Sunnybrook
Research Institute, Toronto, Canada
The use of variable flip angles for 3D fast spin echo
sequences (3DFSE) have shown to alter contrast in
T2-weighted images relative to conventional 2DFSE. While
these alterations of contrast may be minimal in brain
tissues, they can have a great consequences in body
applications that encompass a wide range of T2 values.
In this study we evaluate the performance of current
methods that aim to correct T2-contrast in a cervix
cancer application which has a wide range of T2 values
(35 ms < T2 < 84 ms). We show that the differentiation
between recurrent tumor and radiation fibrosis may be
ambiguous at clinical echo times using 3DFSE.
3398. |
67 |
Optimization of
Magnetization-Prepared Rapid Gradient-Echo (MP-RAGE)
Sequence for Neonatal Brain MRI 
Lili He1, Jinghua Wang2, Mark
Smith3, and Nehal A. Parikh1,4
1Center for Perinatal Research, The Research
Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus,
Ohio, United States, 2Center
for Cognitive and Behavioral Brain Imaging, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 3Radiology
Department, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus,
Ohio, United States, 4Department
of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University College of
Medicine, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Three-dimensional T1-weighted sequences such as MP-RAGE
are extremely valuable to evaluate neonatal and infant
brain injury/development. Yet, the lack of complete
myelination and smaller head size results in
comparatively lower quality images as compared to adult
brains. In this study, we consider WM-GM contrast
efficiency as an objective function to optimize neonatal
MP-RAGE parameters under optimal k-space sampling by
means of computer simulation. Quantitative analysis
indicated that WM-GM contrast to noise efficiency of
images acquired with our optimal parameters was 20%
higher than those using parameters recommended by a
published protocol; similarly, mean SNR efficiency was
increased by approximately 150%.
3399. |
68 |
T2 Shuffling: Multicontrast
3D Fast Spin Echo Imaging 
Jonathan I. Tamir1, Weitian Chen2,
Peng Lai2, Martin Uecker1, Shreyas
S. Vasanawala3, and Michael Lustig1
1Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley,
CA, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Fast Spin Echo (FSE) is widely used in MR imaging due to
its speed and robustness to image artifacts. However,
blurring due to T2 decay inhibits its use for 3D
musculoskeletal imaging. By compensating for signal
decay and reconstructing a time series of images, the
blurring can be reduced. In this work we resample and
reorder phase encodes over a longer echo train length to
improve scan efficiency. We add a locally low rank
constraint to improve the conditioning of the
reconstruction, producing multicontrast 3D FSE images at
clinically feasible scan times.
3400. |
69 |
High contrast-to-noise
ratio brain structural images using magnetization
preparation and trueFISP acquisition 
Yi-Cheng Hsu1, Ying-Hua Chu1,
Shang-Yueh Tsai2, Wen-Jui Kuo3,
and Fa-Hsuan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Applied Physic, National Chengchi University, Taipei,
Taiwan,3Institute of Neuroscience, National
Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
A MP trueFISP sequence for brain structural imaging was
implemented and tested. Compared with MP RAGE using the
same acquisition time, it improves the contrast from 40%
to 80% with 37.8% noise increase due to a wider readout
3401. |
70 |
Rapid whole brain T1 rho
Bing Wu1, Nan Hong2, and Zhenyu
1GE healthcare China, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 2Peking
university people's hospital, Beijing, China
T1 rho acquisition is often constrained to single slice
due to the long TSL needed, which makes the
cross-examination with other measurements such as
resting state fMRI difficult. In this work, we develop a
rapid T1-rho mapping method that utilizes single-shot
EPI acquisition and multi-band excitation that completes
a 2mm isotropic whole brain T1 rho mapping within 5
minutes, which allows this acquisition to be added in a
Parkinson disease related clinical study.
3402. |
71 |
Suppression of Artifacts in
Simultaneous 3D T1 and T2*-weighted Dual-Echo Imaging 
Won-Joon Do1, Seung Hong Choi2,
Eung Yeop Kim3, and Sung-Hong Park1
1Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Daejeon, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea,3Department of
Radiology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon,
Dual-echo sequence allows us to acquire 3D T1 and
T2*-weighted images simultaneously. The conflicting
parameter conditions of T1and T2* contrasts can be
resolved by echo-specific k-space reordering schemes.
However, abrupt changes in scan conditions for the
echo-specific k-space reordering can cause ringing
artifacts. In this study, we propose a new approach of
smooth transition in the regions of abrupt changes, to
suppress the artifacts. The ringing artifacts in the
echo-specific k-space reordered dual-echo sequence
without the smooth transition could be effectively
suppressed with the proposed approach and thus the image
qualities became closer to those acquired with
conventional single-echo sequences.
3403. |
72 |
2D Reduced Field of View
Spiral Inversion Recovery Sequence for High Resolution
Multiple Inversion Time Imaging in a Single Breath Hold - permission withheld
Galen D Reed1, Reeve Ingle1, Ken O
Johnson1, Juan M Santos1, Bob S Hu2,
and William R Overall1
1Heartvista, Menlo Park, California, United
States, 2Cardiology,
Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Menlo Park, California,
United States
High resolution inversion recovery imaging of myocardium
within small breath hold durations is challenging due to
the need for segmented acquisitions and short readout
windows. By combining the efficiency of parallel spiral
imaging with a 2-dimensional field-of-view reduction, we
designed a sequence that acquires 1.7 mm in-plane
resolution images in a 7 heartbeat breath hold. The
short acquisition window enabled repeating the sequence
to obtain a series of images with different inversion
times. The efficacy of multiple TI imaging with and
without 2D outer volume suppression was demonstrated.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 11:00 |
Computer # |
3404. |
73 |
An Approach to Improve the
Effectiveness of Wavelet and Contourlet Compressed Sensing
Paniz Adipour1 and
Michael R. Smith1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Truncation artifacts appear in DFT reconstructions
through discontinuities across the ends of the data set
which mathematically is cyclic in k-space.
A suggestion indicates that similar position dependent
distortions will be present in CS reconstructions which
repeatedly use the DFT. A comparison is made between
standard Wavelet and Contourlet CS reconstructions and
proposed high k-space extrapolation enabled (Hi-KEE)
variants of these approaches. The CS-Contourlet
outperforms the common CS-Wavelet in providing a better
sparse representation of contour-shaped objects and
detailed textures. The Hi-KEE-CS-Contourlet
is shown to outperform the CS-Contourlet by providing a
better position independent resolution solution.
3405. |
74 |
Enhanced reconstruction of
compressive sensing MRI via cross-domain stochastically
fully-connected random field model 
Edward Li1, Mohammad Javad Shafiee1,
Audrey Chung1, Farzad Khalvati2,
Alexander Wong1, and Masoom A Haider3
1Systems Design Engineering, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 3Sunnybrook
Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Compressive sensing reduces MRI acquisition times but
requires advanced sparse reconstruction algorithm to
produce high-quality MR images. We propose a novel
sparse reconstruction method using a cross-domain
stochastically fully-connected random field (CD-SFCRF)
for improved reconstruction from compressive sensing MRI
data. Peak-to-peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) analysis
of CD-SFCRF and other methods using a prostate training
phantom demonstrate that CD-SFCRF has the highest PSNR
across all under-sampling ratios of radial MRI
acquisitions. A visual comparison using real patient
cases illustrate that CD-SFCRF can improve fine tissue
detail and contrast preservation while eliminating
under-sampling artifacts.
3406. |
75 |
Overcoming the Image
Position-Dependent Resolution Inherent in DFT and CS
Michael R. Smith1,2, Jordan Woehr1,
Mathew E. MacDonald2,3, and Paniz Adipour1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3Seaman
MR Family Research Centre, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Truncated k-space
data sets provide higher temporal resolution but
compromise spatial resolution during DFT reconstruction.
Compressed sensing, using under-sampled data, is used to
improve spatial resolution while retaining temporal
resolution. Certain Fourier domain properties can
produce MRI CS reconstruction with resolutions that are
dependent on the position of an object in the final
reconstructed image. We demonstrate this position
dependent resolution and propose two approaches to
overcome it: Fourier Shift (FS) and Area Specific
Additional Truncation (ASAT) image resolution
enhancement pre-processing techniques.
3407. |
76 |
Simultaneuos Magnitude and
Phase Regularization in MR Compressed Sensing using
Multi-frame FREBAS Transform 
Satoshi Ito1, Mone Shibuya1, Kenji
Ito1, and Yoshifumi Yamada1
1Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Tochigi,
It is difficults to apply CS to images with rapid
spatial phase variations, since not only the magnitude
but also phase regularization is required in the CS
framework. An iterative MRI reconstruction with separate
magnitude and phase regularization was proposed for
applications where magnitude and phase maps are both of
interest. Since this method requires the approximation
of phase regularizer to cope with phase unwrapping
problem, it is roughly 10 times slower than conventional
CS and the convergence is not guaranteed. In this
article we propose a novel image reconstruction scheme
for CS-MRI in which phase regularizer or symmetrical
sampling trajectory are not required in the rather
standard CS reconstruction scheme, but highly robust to
rapid phase changes. The proposed method uses
multi-frame complex transforms to introduce sparseness
for the complex image data.
3408. |
77 |
Extended Phase Graphs:
Understanding a Common Misconception of the Framework which
Leads to the Failure of Programming It Correctly 
Matthias Weigel1
1Radiological Physics, Dept. of Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine, University of Basel Hospital, Basel,
The extended phase graph (EPG) concept is a favorite
approach for the rapid quantitation of magnetization
response. However, users frequently have problems to
properly program the framework. One major reason may be
that care has to be taken with the complex Fourier
domains of the transverse magnetization and their
inherent symmetry relations. The present educational
abstract depicts these issues and shows how RF pulses
and gradients act differently on the magnetization
components. Solutions to overcome the described issues
are presented and discussed. Additionally, the author
provides representative EPG software demonstrating the
3409. |
78 |
Acquisition strategy for
limited support Compressed Sensing 
Pavan Poojar1, Bikkemane Jayadev Nutandev1,
Amaresha Sridhar Konar1, Rashmi R Rao1,
Ramesh Venkatesan2, and Sairam Geethanath1
1Medical Imaging Research Centre, Dayananda
Sagar Institutions, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2Wipro-GE
Healthcare, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Cardiac MRI scans demands rapid acquisition of images to
avoid motion artifacts. Region of interest (ROI)
selected will be sparse and leads to arbitrary k-space
shape. Active contour in combination with convex
optimization leads to new ROI based acquisition strategy
which gives arbitrary k-space trajectories and optimized
gradients based on the constraints for given ROI.
Retrospective studies were carried out on six cardiac
datasets for different accelerations (3x, 4x, 5x and
10x) and Normalized Root Mean Square Error was
calculated. Future work includes reconstruction of image
using ROI Compressed Sensing.
3410. |
79 |
MRI Constrained
Reconstruction without Tuning Parameters Using ADMM and
Morozov's Discrepency Principle 
Weiyi Chen1, Yi Guo1, Ziyue Wu2,
and Krishna S. Nayak1,2
1Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
We propose a method for MRI constrained reconstruction
using ADMM framework that is data-driven, and does not
require manual selection of tuning parameters. We use
Morozov's discrepancy principle as a criterion to
iteratively determine the tuning parameter. Tests with
T2w brain data show that the reconstruction quality is
comparable with reconstructions using manually selected
3411. |
80 |
A fast algorithm for tight
frame-based nonlocal transform in compressed sensing MRI - permission withheld
Xiaobo Qu1, Yunsong Liu1, Jing Ye1,
Di Guo2, Zhifang Zhan1, and Zhong
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2School
of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen
University of Technology, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging (CS-MRI)
is to reconstruct MR images from undersampled k-space
data by enforcing the sparsity of MR images. Patch-based
nonlocal operator (PANO) is proposed as a linear
operator to exploit the nonlocal self-similarity of MR
images to further sparsify them. However, the original
PANO is a frame and its numerical algorithm for CS-MRI
problem is solved by the alternating direction
minimization with continuation (ADMC). These two aspects
lead the reconstruction to be time consuming. In this
work, we first convert the PANO into a tight frame, and
then applied the alternating direction method of
multipliers (ADMM) algorithm to accelerate the image
reconstruction. The empirical convergence demostrates
that the new approach significantly accelerate the image
reconstruction in compressed sensing MRI and can
accomplish the reconstruction of one 256256 within
several seconds.
3412. |
81 |
A novel non convex sparse
recovery method for single image super-resolution, denoising
and iterative MR reconstruction 
Nishant Zachariah1, Johannes M Flake2,
Qiu Wang3, Boris Mailhe3, Justin
Romberg1, Xiaoping Hu4, and
Mariappan Nadar3
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technoloy, Atlanta,
GA, United States, 2Department
of Mathematics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ,
United States, 3Imaging
and Computer Vision, Siemens Corporate Technology,
Princeton, NJ, United States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University and Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States
Increasing MR image resolution, decreasing MR
instrumentation noise and reconstructing high quality MR
images from under sampled measurements are open
challenges. In this paper we tackle these three problems
under a novel non convex framework. We show that our
method out performs state of the art techniques
(quantitatively and qualitatively) for image
super-resolution, denoising and under sampled
reconstruction. In addition, we are able to recover
regions of clinical interest with greatest fidelity
thereby substantially aiding the clinical diagnostic
process. Our powerful generic framework lends itself to
tackling additional future applications such as image
in-painting and blind de-convolution.
3413. |
82 |
Momentum optimization for
iterative shrinkage algorithms in parallel MRI with
sparsity-promoting regularization 
Matthew J. Muckley1, Douglas C. Noll1,
and Jeffrey A. Fessler2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
MRI scan times can be accelerated by combining parallel
MRI with sparse models. These models give rise to
optimization problems that are traditionally minimized
with variable splitting algorithms that require tuning
of penalty parameters. We review a new algorithm,
BARISTA, that circumvents penalty parameter tuning while
preserving convergence speed. We then propose a new
optimized momentum update term for BARISTA that gives a
theoretically-predicted factor of 2 increase in
convergence speed of the cost function, terming the new
algorithm OMBARISTA. Our optimization experiments agreed
with the theory predictions, and we propose using
OMBARISTA in place of BARISTA in general settings.
3414. |
83 |
Parameter-Free Sparsity
Adaptive Compressive Recovery (SCoRe) 
Rizwan Ahmad1, Philip Schniter1,
and Orlando P. Simonetti2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 2Internal
Medicine and Radiology, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Redundant dictionaries are routinely used to exploit
rich structure in MR images. When using a redundant
dictionary, however, the level of sparsity may vary
across different groups of atoms, i.e., across
“subdictionaries.” In this work, we propose a method,
called Sparsity Adaptive Compressive Recovery (SCoRe),
that adapts to the inherent level of sparsity in each
subdictionary. Moreover, the proposed adaptation is
data-driven and does not introduce any tuning
parameters. For validation, results from digital phantom
and real-time cine are presented.
3415. |
84 |
Graph-based compressed
sensing MRI image reconstruction: View image patch as a
vertex on graph 
Zongying Lai1,2, Yunsong Liu1, Di
Guo3, Jing Ye1, Zhifang Zhan1,
Zhong Chen1, and Xiaobo Qu1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Department
of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, Fujian,
China,3School of Computer and Information
Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen,
Fujian, China
Compressed sensing MRI can speed up imaging by
undersampling k-space data. However, the sparse
representation of magnetic resonance images affects the
quality of reconstructed images. In this work, a
graph-based compressed sensing MRI image reconstruction
method is proposed. This method views an image patch as
a vertex on graph and reorders the pixel to be smooth by
traveling this graph with shortest path. Image
reconstruciong from compressively sampled data shows
that the proposed reconstruction method outperforms
conventional wavelets in terms of visual quality and
evaluation criteria.
85 |
MR Image Reconstruction
with Optimized Gaussian Mixture Model for Structured
Zechen Zhou1, Niranjan Balu2, Rui
Li1, Jinnan Wang2,3, and Chun Yuan1,2
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Vascular
Imaging Lab, Department of Radiology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 3Philips
Research North America, Briarcliff Manor, NY, United
Parallel Imaging (PI) and Compressed Sensing (CS) enable
accelerated MR imaging. However, the actual PI-CS
reconstruction performance is usually limited by noise
amplification and image boundary/structure blurring
particularly at high reduction factor. In this work, a
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) was optimized to promote
structured sparsity and it was further merged into the
SPIRiT framework as a regularization constraint. The
proposed algorithm has demonstrated its improved
performance for image boundary and detail structure
preservation in accelerated 3D high resolution brain
3417. |
86 |
Partial discreteness: a new
type of prior knowledge for MRI reconstruction 
Gabriel Ramos-Llordén1, Hilde Segers1,
Willem Jan Palenstijn1, Arnold J. den Dekker1,2,
and Jan Sijbers1
1iMinds Vision-Lab, University of Antwerp,
Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Delft
Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, Netherlands
In MRI reconstruction, undersampled data sets lead to
ill-posed reconstruction problems. To regularize these
problems, prior knowledge is commonly exploited. In this
work, we introduce a new type of prior knowledge,
partial discreteness, where part of the image is assumed
to be homogeneous and can be well represented by a
constant magnitude. We introduce this prior in the
common algebraic reconstruction problem and propose an
iterative algorithm to approximately solve it. It
combines a penalized least squares reconstruction with
an internal Bayesian segmentation. Results with
synthetic data demonstrate that more detailedly restored
images are obtained when partial discreteness is
3418. |
87 |
Novel Non-Local Total
Variation Regularization for Constrained MR Reconstruction 
Andres Saucedo1,2, Stamatios Lefkimmiatis3,
Stanley Osher3, and Kyunghyun Sung1,2
1Department of Radiological Sciences, David
Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States, 2Biomedical
Physics Interdepartmental Graduate Program, University
of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California,
United States, 3Department
of Mathematics, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California, United States
This study introduces a novel constrained reconstruction
technique that exploits both the local correlation of
image data across multiple coils and the inherent
non-local self-similarity property of images. Our
approach is based within a non-local total variation
regularization framework. The proposed method is
applicable to both compressed sensing and parallel
imaging, and demonstrates substantial advantages with
regard to high levels of noise.
3419. |
88 |
Highly Undersampling MR
Image Reconstruction Using Tree-Structured Wavelet Sparsity
and Total Generalized Variation Regularization 
Ryan Wen Liu1, Lin Shi2, Simon
C.H. Yu1, and Defeng Wang1,3
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
N.T., Hong Kong, 2Department
of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering and Shun Hing Institute of
Advanced Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
In this study, we propose to combine L0 regularized
tree-structured wavelet sparsity (TsWS) and second-order
total generalized variation (TGV2) to
reconstruct MR image from highly undersampled k-space
data. In particular, the L0 regularized
TsWS could better represent the measure of sparseness in
wavelet domain. TGV2 is
capable of maintaining trade-offs between artefact
suppression and tissue feature preservation. To achieve
solution stability, the corresponding minimization
problem is decomposed into several simpler subproblems.
Each of these subproblems has a closed-form solution or
can be efficiently solved using existing optimization
algorithms. Experimental results have demonstrated the
superior performance of our proposed method.
3420. |
89 |
META: Multiple Entangled
denoising and Thresholding Algorithms for suppression of MR
image reconstruction artifacts 
Johannes F. M. Schmidt1 and
Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, United Kingdom
A statistical approach to combine multiple denoising
algorithms in MR image reconstruction to suppress
reconstruction artifacts.
3421. |
90 |
Double Smoothing
Method-based Algorithm for MR Image Reconstruction with
Partial Fourier Data 
Xiaohui Liu1, Jinhong Huang1,
Wufan Chen1, and Yanqiu Feng1
1Guangdong Provincial Key Laborary of Medical
Image Processing, School of Biomedical Engineering,
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Undersampled MRI reconstruction techniques based on
Compressed Sensing (CS) exploiting sparsity which is
implicit in MR images can provide significant help in
reducing the scan time during clinical period, but
remains challenging due to the requirement of high
reconstruction accuracy. A novel algorithm is developed
and tested in vivo for solving the MR image
reconstruction problem due to Nesterov¡¯s smoothing
scheme and convex conic optimization.
3422. |
91 |
MR Image Reconstruction
from under-sampled measurements using local and global
sparse representations 
MingJian Hong1, MengRan Lin1, Feng
Liu2, and YongXin Ge1
1ChongQing University, ChongQing, ChongQing,
China, 2ITEE,
The University of Queensland, QLD, Australia
This work presented a new model by enforcing both local
and global sparsity, which captures both the patch-level
and global sparse structures of the anatomical images.
Using a model split approach, the image reconstruction
quality can be iteratively further improved. Our
simulation results demonstrate that, the proposed method
outperform those existing methods using only the
patch-level or global sparse structure.
3423. |
92 |
Balanced sparse MRI model:
Bridge the analysis and synthesis sparse models in
compressed sensing MRI 
Yunsong Liu1, Jian-Feng Cai2,
Zhifang Zhan1, Di Guo3, Jing Ye1,
Zhong Chen1, and Xiaobo Qu1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Department
of Mathematics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
United States, 3School
of Computer and Information Engineering, Xiamen
University of Technology, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Compressed sensing (CS) has shown to be promising to
accelerate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There are
two different sparse models in CS-MRI: analysis and
synthesis models with different assumptions and
performance when a redundant tight frame is used. A new
balance model is introduced into CS-MRI that can achieve
the solutions of the analysis model, synthesis model and
some in between by tuning the balancing parameter. It is
found in this work that the typical balance model has a
comparable performance with the analysis model in
CS-MRI. Both of them achieve lower reconstructed errors
than the synthesis model no matter what value the
balancing parameter is. These observations are
consistent for different tight frames used CS-MRI.
3424. |
93 |
Joint MR-PET reconstruction
using vector valued Total Generalized Variation 
Florian Knoll1,2, Martin Holler3,
Thomas Koesters1,2, and Daniel K Sodickson1,2
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research (CAI2R), NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY,
United States, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New
York, New York, United States, 3Department
of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of
Graz, Graz, Austria
It was recently shown that simultaneously acquired data
from state-of-the-art MR-PET systems can be
reconstructed simultaneously using the concept of joint
sparsity, yielding benefits for both MR and PET
reconstructions. In this work we propose a new dedicated
regularization functional for multi-modality imaging
that exploits common structures of the MR and PET
images. The two modalities are treated as single
multi-channel images and an extension of the second
order Total Generalized Variation functional for vector
valued data is used as a dedicated multi-modality
sparsifying transform.
94 |
A New Region Based Volume
Wised Method for PET-MR Imaging Using Artificial Neural
Chenguang Peng1, Rong Guo1,
Yicheng Chen1, Yingmao Chen2,
Quanzheng Li3, Georges El Fakhr3,
and Kui Ying1
1Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation
Imaging, Ministry of Education, Department of
Engineering, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Nuclear Medicine, The general hospital of Chinese
People's Liberation, Beijing, China, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular
Imaging, Harvard Medical School, Boston, United States
PET is a practical medical imaging technique for brain
function diagnosis. However, the low spatial resolution
limits the use of PET in neurology and disease like
Alzheimer's disease. With the help of MRI-PET, people
can use high resolution MRI to provide anatomical
information to correct partial volume effect of PET
image which is a great cause for low resolution.
Nevertheless, traditional partial volume effect
correction method requires an accurate MRI segmentation
and PVE model estimation which are not usually
applicable. In this work, we proposed a method that is
insensitive to PVE model estimation error and
segmentation error.
3426. |
95 |
Reliability of MR sequences
used for attenuation correction in PET/MR - permission withheld
Mathias Lukas1, Anne Kluge2, Jorge
Cabello1, Christine Preibisch2,3,
and Stephan Nekolla1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Klinikum
rechts der Isar, TU München, Munich, Germany, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München,
Munich, Germany, 3Department
of Neurology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München,
Munich, Germany
Attenuation correction (AC) in quantitative PET/MR is
affected by SNR and CNR of underlying MR sequences. In
this work, the quality of MR data currently used for
attenuation correction in PET (UTE, DIXON, MPRAGE) was
observed in-vivo under changing clinical conditions over
3 months to investigate the reliability and robustness
for in-house established MR based AC methods. In spite
of its semi quantitative character, all sequences were
found to be very invariant in SNR and CNR and can be
used without any concerns.
3427. |
96 |
PET attenuation correction
for PET/MR by combining MR segmentation and selective-update
joint estimation 
Lishui Cheng1, Sangtae Ahn1,
Dattesh Shanbhag2, Florian Wiesinger3,
Sandeep Kaushik2, and Ravindra Manjeshwar1
1GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United
States, 2GE
Global Research, Bangalore, India, 3GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany
Attenuation correction is critical to accurate PET
quantitation. In PET/MR, MR-based attenuation correction
(MR-AC) has challenges in bone, air, lung and implant
regions. To address the problem, we combined 1) a
segmentation-based MR-AC method, which works well in
soft-tissue regions, and 2) a selective-update joint
estimation approach, which reconstructs both attenuation
and activity from PET emission data, to resolve the
attenuation in the challenging regions. The method was
evaluated on clinical data from a PET/MR scanner with
TOF information and it was demonstrated that the method
can distinguish between abdominal air and spinal
implant/bone regions, otherwise hidden in MR.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Computer # |
3618. |
1 |
Self-calibrated radial
sampling parallel imaging reconstruction with iterative k-x
Yi-Cheng Hsu1, Ying-Hua Chu1, and
Fa-Hsuan Lin1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
We propose an iterative k-x method to estimate weights
to reconstruct missing radial sampling k-space data
points using individually reconstructed coil images from
the under-sampled data directly. Once missing k-space
data were estimated, individually reconstructed coil
images used in the last estimation were replaced by coil
images in this reconstruction for the next iteration.
Our method can successfully reconstruct human brain
images with 2 mm spatial resolution and minimal
streaking artifacts using 22 radial projections at 3T
using a 32-channel head coil array.
3619. |
2 |
Effective Rank for
Automated Parallel Imaging Regularization 
Stephen F Cauley1,2, Kawin Setsompop1,2,
Lawrence Wald1,2, and Jonathan R Polimeni1,2
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, MGH/HST, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Dept.
of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Regularization of parallel imaging (PI) reconstruction
has a significant impact on signal-to-noise and image
artifact levels. Attempts have been made to
automatically determine the correct balance between
stability and data consistency. We introduce effective
rank as a proxy to be used for automated PI
regularization. Unlike condition number, effective rank
correlates with the number of dominate basis vectors
that are contributing to the reconstruction. Line search
algorithms can quickly sweep regularization levels to
determine the appropriate parameter. We demonstrate the
benefits of our approach for GRAPPA reconstruction with
two classes of regularization using typical array coils
and acceleration factors.
3620. |
3 |
Squashing the g-factor:
Ultra high scan acceleration factors in reduced Field of
Excitation imaging 
Ronald Mooiweer1, Alessandro Sbrizzi1,
Alexander Raaijmakers1, Cornelis A. T. van
den Berg1, Peter R. Luijten1, and
Hans Hoogduin1
1UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Including the rFOX in the SENSE reconstruction results
in a substantial reduction of the g-factor penalty in
SNR and enables highly accelerated scans. Images of good
quality were obtained at a 25-fold acceleration, using a
32-channel receive coil. This is shown by calculations
and measurements using 2D SSE in
vivoat 7T.
3621. |
4 |
Accelerated CEST MRI using
parallel imaging acquisition of golden-angle radial ordering
scheme and compressed sensing reconstruction 
Jinsuh Kim1, Casey P Johnson2,
Dingxin Wang3, and Philip Zhe Sun4
1University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United
States, 2University
of Iowa, IA, United States, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, United
States, 4Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Charlestown, MA,
United States
CEST imaging generally requires long scanning time which
significantly hampers clinical translation. In this
work, we introduce an accelerated CEST imaging using a
compressed sensing image reconstruction of radial
acquisition trajectory with a golden-angle ordering
scheme combined with parallel imaging technique. We
tested this method in a creatine phantom and in
vivo muscle
before and after exercise. This work provides a
proof-of-concept of new method for future clinical
3622. |
5 |
self-calibrated reconstruction scheme for 3D multi-phase
respiratory cine 
Cihat Eldeniz1, Wolfgang Rehwald2,
Brian Dale3, Yasheng Chen1, and
Hongyu An1
1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Malvern, PA, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Cary, NC, United States
One key objective for MR/PET motion correction is to
obtain 3D MRI images at multiple respiratory phases in
order to derive 3D motion fields. In this study, we
developed a reconstruction method that can yield
multiple 3D respiratory phase images during free
breathing. This method takes advantage of the redundant
information provided by multiple coils and the
neighboring respiratory phases to fill out the missing
partitions. Since the reconstruction is performed in the
k-vs-phase space, the proposed method is named as
3623. |
6 |
Pyramidal representation of
block Hankel structured low rank matrix (PRESTO) for high
performance parallel MRI 
Kyong Hwan Jin1, Dongwook Lee1,
and Jong Chul Ye1
1Dept. of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST,
Daejeon, Daejeon, Korea
In this paper, we propose a novel parallel imaging
method called PRESTO (pyramidal representation of block
Hankel structure low rank matrix) that do not require
any calibration data but still outperform all the
existing parallel imaging methods such as GRAPPA, SAKE
(irregularly sampled k-space without calibration
region), etc. In multi coil k-space, we reveal that the
set of k-space data from several multi coils have novel
annihilation properties between different coils as well
as within coils. These annihilation properties lead us
to a block Hankel structured matrix whose rank should be
low dimensional. Accordingly, similar to SAKE, the
parallel imaging problem becomes a low rank matrix
completion of missing k-space data. However, unlike the
SAKE, which exploits the low rankness from all k-space
data or needs to combine E-SPIRiT to reduce the
complexity, we demonstrate that the low rankness needs
to be exploited in a pyramidal representation of block
Hankel structured matrix to improve image quality as
well as to reduce the complexity.
7 |
An Image Domain Low Rank
Model for Calibrationless Reconstruction of Images with
Slowly Varying Phase 
Evan Levine1,2 and
Brian Hargreaves2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Calibrationless constrained reconstruction methods
employing low-rank models have attracted recent
attention due to their high accuracy and sampling
flexibility. Recently, k-space-based methods LORAKS and
P-LORAKS were proposed for calibrationless
reconstruction of images with slowly varying phase from
single-channel and multi-channel parallel imaging data.
For the same settings, we propose an image-domain
locally low rank model to exploit slow phase variation.
The model can be used to augment other image-domain
constrained reconstruction models to exploit slow phase
variation with little overhead.
3625. |
8 |
Parallel Imaging
Acceleration beyond Coil Limitation using a k-space Variant
Low-rank Constraint on Correlation Matrix 
Yu Y. Li1
1Radiology, Imaging Research Center,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
This work introduces a mathematical model that converts
k-space parallel imaging into the function of a low-rank
Toeplitz-like correlation matrix formed from auto- and
cross-channel correlation functions. By applying a
k-space variant low-rank constraint to this correlation
matrix, missing data can be reconstructed in a
region-by-region fashion. Imaging acceleration can be
improved if a higher undersampling factor is used in
those regions with a more stringent constraint. It is
demonstrated that this approach permits the use of a net
acceleration factor higher than the number of coil
elements in the phase-encoding direction.
3626. |
9 |
GRAPPA-accelerated coronary
MRA benefits from an outer volume suppressing 2D-T2-Prep 
Andrew J Coristine1,2, Jérôme Yerly1,2,
and Matthias Stuber1,2
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
(CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, VD,
Switzerland, 2CardioVascular
Magnetic Resonance (CVMR) research centre, Centre for
Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
Two dimensional (2D) spatially selective radiofrequency
(RF) pulses may be used to constrain the location from
which an MR signal is obtained. T2-Preparation,
or T2-Prep, is a magnetization preparation
scheme used to improve blood/myocardium contrast. By
incorporating a "pencil beam" 2D pulse into a T2-Prep
module, one may create a "2D-T2-Prep" that combines
T2-weighting with the intrinsic spatial selectivity of a
2D pulse. This may be of particular benefit to parallel
imaging techniques such as GRAPPA, where artefacts can
originate from residual foldover signal. As the 2D-T2-Prep
suppresses signal from outside the area of interest,
parallel imaging artefacts may likewise be reduced. In
this abstract, we present numerical simulations, phantom
validation, and in vivo MRA of the right coronary
artery, demonstrating that GRAPPA accelerated images may
be dramatically improved through the use of a 2D-T2-Prep.
3627. |
10 |
reconstruction strategy for 3D single breath-hold isotropic
cine imaging 
Nils Nothnagel1, Rodrigo Fernandez-Jiménez2,
Gonzalo Lopez-Martin2, Manuel Desco3,
Valentin Fuster2, Borja Ibañez2,
and Javier Sánchez-González1
1Philips Healthcare Spain, Madrid, Spain, 2Atherothrombosis
in Experimental Imaging, Centro Nacional de
Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Spain, 3Departamento
de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Aerospacial, Universidad
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
In this work, we developed a new image reconstruction
algorithm that enable the possibility to acquire
isotropic 3D cardiac cine imaging in a single
breath-hold. This technique use the data redundancy to
reach acceleration factors up to 13.5 allowing 3D cine
acquisition in a single breath-hold. In addition the
reconstruction strategy allows for total reconstruction
time around 3 mins for a whole 3D data set
(2.0x2.0x2.0mm3 isotropic resolution, 16 cardiac
phases). In the abstract the acquisition and
reconstruction strategy are presented and in-vivo
results are shown in pig model.
3628. |
11 |
Pseudo-Polar trajectories
achieve high acceleration rates with high image fidelity:
experiments at 3T and 7T 
Ali Ersoz1 and
L Tugan Muftuler2,3
1Department of Biophysics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 3Center
for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Conventional radial imaging requires interpolation onto
Cartesian grid, which might degrade image quality.
Pseudo-Polar Fourier Transform (PPFT) is a direct, exact
and fast transformation between the k-space data in
pseudo-polar (PP) grid and image in Cartesian grid. In
this study, we incorporated GRAPPA into PPFT
reconstruction and compared it with the conventional
radial GRAPPA using simulations, 3T phantom experiments
and 7T human experiments. Both simulation and
experimental results demonstrated that PP trajectory
provides images with significantly reduced
reconstruction errors and sharper edge resolution
compared to conventional radial trajectory even at high
acceleration rates.
3629. |
12 |
UTE MRI versus Dual-Energy
CT for Imaging Different Kidney Stones Types 
El-Sayed H. Ibrahim1,2, Robert Pooley2,
Mellena Bridges2, Joseph Cernigliaro2,
James Williams3, and William Haley2
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 2Mayo
Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, United States, 3Indiana
Unicersity, IN, United States
CT is established as the method of choice for imaging
kidney stones, especially with dual-energy CT (DECT)
that can identify uric-acid (UA) from non-UA stones.
With the advent of ultra-short echo-time (UTE) MRI,
adequate imaging of kidney stones becomes possible. The
purpose of this work is to compare MRI versus DECT
imaging of 114 kidney stones, representing different
stone types and sizes, in phantom experiments using
different surrounding materials and scan-setups. The
results showed that MRI is capable of imaging kidney
stones of different types and sizes. However, no
significant differences were observed in relaxation
times from different stone types.
3630. |
13 |
SAR reduced Neuro-imaging
at 7T using radial GRASE - permission withheld
Melisa Okanovic1, Robert Trampel2,
Martin Blaimer1, Felix Breuer1,
and Peter Michael Jakob1,3
1MRB Research Center for
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 3Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria,
The radial GRASE hybrid sequence is presented for
high-resolution Neuro-imaging at 7T. In this sequence,
the number of refocusing pulses is reduced by additional
readout gradients while keeping the number of acquired
echoes per excitation constant. The number of refocusing
pulses and thus SAR is reduced by the additional readout
gradients compared to conventional TSE sequences.
Furthermore, the radial readout allows for the
reconstruction of different T2-weighted images from one
3631. |
14 |
Fast Isotropic Banding-Free
bSSFP Imaging Using 3D Dynamically Phase-Cycled Radial bSSFP
Thomas Benkert1, Philipp Ehses2,3,
Martin Blaimer1, Peter Jakob1,4,
and Felix Breuer1
1Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria,
Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Department
for Neuroimaging, University of Tübingen, Tübingen,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 3High-Field
MR Center, Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
Dynamically phase-cycled radial bSSFP (DYPR-SSFP) is a
recently proposed method for fast, banding-free bSSFP
imaging. Based on a dynamically changing phase-increment
in combination with a (quasi-) randomly sampled radial
trajectory, images without banding artifacts can be
obtained from one single acquisition. Up to now, the
DYPR-SSFP concept has been combined with a 2D radial
trajectory, yielding slight artifacts due to the applied
dynamic phase-increment. Here, the combination with a 3D
radial trajectory is proposed, effectively mitigating
this drawback and allowing the generation of 3D
banding-free bSSFP images with high isotropic
15 |
A Self-Calibrated
Through-time radial GRAPPA Method 
Ozan Sayin1, Haris Saybasili2, M.
Muz Zviman3, Mark Griswold4,5,
Nicole Seiberlich5, and Daniel A. Herzka1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare USA, Inc., Chicago, IL, United States, 3Department
of Medicine, Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 5Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States
Recently, a well-established parallel imaging technique
GRAPPA, has been successfully extended to radial imaging
via an improved calibration scheme that extends the
calibration to the time dimension (through-time radial
GRAPPA calibration), and has demonstrated high
acceleration factors in real-time imaging. The current
study aims to eliminate calibration scans while
preserving image quality. A novel self-calibration
method is proposed and validated in real-time cardiac
imaging in swine and normal subjects. Parameters related
to self-calibration are explored for optimal image
reconstruction of high acceleration rates (R=9-12).
3633. |
16 |
Random Delayed Spirals for
Compressive Sensing cine MRI 
Giuseppe Valvano1,2, Nicola Martini2,
Dante Chiappino2, Luigi Landini1,2,
and Maria Filomena Santarelli2,3
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Pisa, Pisa, PI, Italy, 2Fondazione
G. Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana, Massa, MS, Italy, 3Institute
of Clinical Physiology, CNR, Pisa, PI, Italy
A new sampling strategy for Compressive Sensing cardiac
cine MRI based on variable density spirals is presented.
The low coherence needed for a good reconstruction in
Compressive Sensing was achieved delaying the gradient
waveforms starting from random positions. To further
reduce the coherence we rotated with random angles each
spiral. The proposed strategy was validate by means of
off-line reconstruction of a cardiac cine dataset. With
this approach we were able to reconstruct the dataset
with good image quality up to a 5-fold acceleration.
3634. |
17 |
Navigator Echo Collection
for Sliding Interleaved Cylinder Acquisition 
Kie Tae Kwon1, Adam B Kerr1, and
Dwight G Nishimura1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
A sliding interleaved cylinder acquisition has
previously been incorporated into a steady-state free
precession sequence to achieve improved artery-vein
contrast in the lower extremities. In this work, we
extended the sequence to acquire navigator echoes
without additional scan time to allow more flexibility
in selecting an RF excitation pulse. A set of in vivo
experiments on healthy volunteers demonstrated that the
proposed scheme allowed the use of a non-linear-phase RF
excitation pulse with a shorter TR and a sharper slab
profile, which improved the robustness of the sequence.
3635. |
18 |
3D MP-RAGE with Distributed
Dinghui Wang1, Zhiqiang Li1, and
James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
3D MP-RAGE was implemented with distributed spirals (DS)
to increase scan efficiency and flexibility of scan
parameters. Water and fat were separated and deblurred
using data collected from two interleaved TEs. Data were
acquired with different readout times. Compared to
Cartesian reference images, spiral images showed similar
overall contrast and sharpness, and higher signal to
noise ratio (SNR) despite of shorter scan times. As the
spiral readout time increases, the SNR increases and the
total scan time decreases. The results suggest the
feasibility of 3D DS MP-RAGE with readout time up to
20ms for high-resolution anatomical neuroimaging.
3636. |
19 |
Modulo-Prime Spoke (MoPS)
Interleaving for k-Space Segmented Radial Acquisition
Keigo Kawaji1, Hui Wang2,
Sui-Cheng Wang1,3, Akiko Tanaka4,
Takeyoshi Ota4, Roberto M. Lang1,
and Amit R. Patel1
1Medicine, Section of Cardiology, The
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Philips
Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio, United States,3Biomedical
Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston,
Illinois, United States, 4Surgery,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United
In k-space segmented radial sampling strategies, radial
trajectories can be acquired repeatedly over multiple
consecutive cycles. In this study, we propose a novel
interleaving method for 2D or 3D stack-of-stars imaging
that uses the property of prime numbers and modular
arithmetic (Modular Prime Spokes: MoPS) to provide
efficient coverage of k-space within any desired
temporal reconstruction window. The MoPS interleaving
was demonstrated in a 3-minute cardiac scan with 3D
stack-of-stars covering a large >1R-R acquisition
window. 15ms temporal resolution reconstructions with
2ms sliding windows were used to investigate filtering
methods in the temporal frequency domain for removing
streaking artifacts.
3637. |
20 |
A simple BOLD contrast
model based on functional activation pattern and k-space
Vimal Singh1 and
David Ress2
1Electrical Engineering, University of Texas
at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States, 2Neuroscience,
Baylor College of Medicine, Hosuton, Texas, United
This work presents a simple theory that accounts for the
interaction of any k-space trajectory and echo time on
BOLD contrast. The theory quantifies the need for
different TEs to obtain best contrast for different
acquisition trajectories. It also allows comparison of
BOLD contrast available from different trajectories over
various echo times. The theory was tested by performing
high-resolution fMRI in superior colliculus using a
variety of single- and dual-echo spiral trajectories and
EPI as echo time was varied. . The proposed theory shows
a satisfactory fit to the empirical data.
21 |
Tiny Golden Angles: A Small
Surrogate for the Radial Golden Angle Profile Order 
Stefan Wundrak1,2, Jan Paul1,
Johannes Ulrici2, Erich Hell2, and
Volker Rasche1
1Ulm University, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg,
Germany, 2Sirona
Dental Systems, Bensheim, Hessen, Germany
In golden angle radial MRI a constant azimuthal radial
profile spacing of 111.246...° guarantees a nearly
uniform azimuthal profile distribution in k-space for an
arbitrary number of radial profiles and was recently
used in various real-time imaging methods. However, in
combination with balanced SSFP sequences the large
azimuthal angle increment may lead to strong image
artifacts, due to the varying eddy currents introduced
by the rapidly switching gradient scheme. We introduce a
sequence of smaller angles (49.750…°, 32.039... °,
27.198... °, 23.628...°, ... ), based on a generalized
Fibonacci sequence, that guarantee the same sampling
efficiency as the golden angle.
3639. |
22 |
Fast Non-Cartesian
Reconstruction with Pruned Fast Fourier Transform 
Frank Ong1, Martin Uecker1, Wenwen
Jiang2, and Michael Lustig1
1Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley,
California, United States, 2Bioengineering,
UC Berkeley/UCSF, Berkeley, California, United States
We present a method to accelerate almost all
non-Cartesian MR reconstruction methods using pruned
FFT. Contrary to common belief, we show that no memory
overhead is required for any oversampling factors in
non-Cartesian reconstruction. For iterative methods, we
also propose partial pruning to approximate the
non-Cartesian Fourier Transform operator to speed up
each iteration while guaranteeing convergence. We apply
our proposed method on compressed sensing and parallel
imaging reconstruction of in vivo datasets and show that
our proposed method reduces the computation time for
non-Cartesian image reconstruction with gridding and
toeplitz-circulant embedding.
3640. |
23 |
Accelerated Multiband SSFP
Imaging with Controlled Aliasing in Parallel Imaging and
integrated-SSFP (CAIPI-iSSFP) 
Thomas Boyd Martin1,2, Yi Wang2,
Steen Moeller3, Kyung Sung4, and
Danny JJ. Wang2
1Biomedical Physics Interdepartmental
Program, University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States, 2Neurology,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California, United States, 3Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minnesota, United States, 4Radiological
Sciences, University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States
CAIPIRINHA is an acceleration technique that uses phase
modulated multiband excitation pulses to simultaneously
acquire slices. Its application in balanced-SSFP
(CAIPI-bSSFP), however, has been limited because the
phase modulation of CAIPIRIHNA results in shifted
off-resonance profiles and subsequent banding artifacts
in simultaneously excited slices. A unique case of an
SSFP-FID sequence allows for removing banding artifacts
while maintaining the unique bSSFP tissue contrast by
averaging the bSSFP signal profile (integrated-SSFP or
iSSFP). This study demonstrates the combination of
CAIPIRINHA and iSSFP techniques (CAIPI-iSSFP) up to 4
times acceleration while removing the banding artifacts
seen in CAIPI-bSSFP imaging.
24 |
In-Vivo Fully Phase-Encoded
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Presence of Metal using
Multiband RF Excitation 
Nathan S Artz1,2, Curtis N Wiens1,
Matthew R Smith1, Diego Hernando1,
Alexey Samsonov1, and Scott B Reeder1,3
1Department of Radiology, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Department
of Radiological Sciences, Saint Jude Children's Research
Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 3Department
of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States
A spectrally-resolved, fully phase-encoded (SR-FPE) 3D
FSE technique can avoid artifacts near metal due to
frequency-encoding, but long scan times have limited
work to phantoms. The purpose of this work was to
translate SR-FPE to the in-vivo setting using multiband
RF excitation to accelerate imaging. In a volunteer with
a total knee replacement, an interleaved tri-band SR-FPE
approach successfully acquired six RF offsets in
13:19min. In a volunteer with the head of a hip
prosthesis placed posterior to the knee, 24 RF offsets
were acquired in 34:38min. This work demonstrates the
feasibility of in-vivo, multiband SR-FPE near metallic
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Computer # |
3642. |
25 |
Can high-resolution T1W
3-Dimensional (3D) gradient recalled echo (GRE) with 2-Point
Dixon derived fat-water separation (FLEX) replace
conventional T1W Turbo Spin-Echo (TSE) imaging for
assessment of prostate cancer? 
Karim B Samji1,2, Abdulmohsen Alrashed1,2,
Wael M Shabana1,2, Matthew DF McInnes1,2,
and Nicola Schieda1,2
1Department of Medical Imaging, The Ottawa
Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2University
of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
T1W TSE imaging is fundamental for prostate cancer
staging with MRI. This study compared a modified
high-resolution free breathing 2-Point Dixon GRE
sequence with fat-water separation (FLEX-LAVA) to T1W
TSE as a potential time saving measure. There was no
difference in detection of nodal or skeletal metastases
and image quality was comparable or slightly improved
with FLEX-LAVA. Our results suggest that T1W TSE can be
safely replaced in prostate cancer MRI examinations
using a high resolution 2-Point Dixon GRE sequence
therefore decreasing examination time.
3643. |
26 |
Water-Fat Separation with a
Dual-Echo Two-Point Dixon Technique for Pencil Beam
Navigator Echo 
Yuji Iwadate1, Kunihiro Miyoshi2,
Masanori Ozaki2, and Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan, 2MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Pencil beam navigator echo is sensitive to
off-resonance, and undesired excitation of subcutaneous
fat is caused at 3T. We modified a previously reported
2-point Dixon reconstruction for pencil beam navigator
with dual-echo acquisition. Volunteer scans were
performed on a 3 T imaging system with the proposed
method, and dark bands was reduced in the navigator
signal, which resulted in accurate motion detection.
3644. |
27 |
Hepatic Fat Quantification
for suspected NAFLD Patients Using 3 Different Methods:
HISTO, 3D Multi-Echo GRE DIXON and Invasive Liver Biopsy - permission withheld
Wei Wang1, Xiuzhong Yao1, Hongmei
Yan2, Hua Bian2, Xiaodong Zhong3,
Radhouene Neji4, Caixia Fu5, Hui
Liu6, Dehe Weng5, Ignacio Vallines6,
and Mengsu Zeng1
1Radiology Department, Zhongshan Hospital,
Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2Endocrinology
Department, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University,
Shanghai, China, 3MR
collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States, 4MR
collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Frimley, Camberley,
United Kingdom, 5Application
Department, Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 6MR
collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai, China
Accurate non-invasive detection and quantification of
proton density fat fraction (PDFF) as a marker for liver
fat in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) is gaining increasing interest. The aim of this
study was to evaluate both rapid single breath-hold,
multi-echo, T2 corrected single-voxel spectroscopy(
HISTO ), and a recently developed, multi-echo 3D
gradient echo acquisitions using a hybrid multi-step
fitting approach (Advanced Dixon, AD) with conventional,
invasive liver biopsy as a reference for hepatic fat
quantification in NAFLD patients.
3645. |
28 |
Two-Point Dixon with Single
Species Domination Assumption 
Kang Wang1, Ken-Pin Hwang2,
Zachary Slavens3, and Ersin Bayram2
1Global Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States, 2Global
Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Houston, TX,
United States,3MR Engineering, GE Healthcare,
Waukesha, WI, United States
Conventional 2-pt Dixon water-fat separation method
requires the input source echo images to be close to
in-phase (IP) and out-of-phase (OOP). This makes no
assumptions about the water-percentage (or
fat-percentage) of the pixel data. In this work, the
assumption that in vivo pixels are either very
water-dominant or fat-dominant was used, and it was
experimentally demonstrated that the input echo source
images can substantially deviate from the ideal IP and
OOP echo times while still obtaining robust water-fat
separation using the unchanged IP-OOP signal model for
water-fat separation. Theoretical analysis is also
3646. |
29 |
Robust two-point Dixon
water/fat separation using graph cut algorithm 
Dong Zhou1, Jianwu Dong2, Pascal
Spincemaille1, Ashish Raj1, Martin
Prince1, and Yi Wang1
1Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY,
United States, 2Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China
In this work, we present a two-point Dixon method with
flexible echo times where the smoothness of the
inhomogeneity field is imposed as an non-convex energy
minimization problem, solved by Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean
Optimization (QPBO). Robust water/fat separation is
achieved in in contrast enhanced dynamic liver imaging
at 1.5T.
3647. |
30 |
Olefinic fat suppression in
skeletal muscle DTI with combined 6- and 2-point Dixon 
Jedrzej Burakiewicz1, Melissa T. Hooijmans1,
Erik H. Niks2, Jan J.G.M. Verschuuren2,
Andrew G. Webb1, and Hermien E. Kan1
1Department of Radiology, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, Zuid Holland, Netherlands, 2Department
of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Zuid Holland, Netherlands
Robust olefinic fat suppression is of great importance
in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of skeletal muscle.
Current methods may be susceptible to main field
inhomogeneities or reduce image quality. We propose a
novel use of combined 6- and 2- point Dixon techniques
with shortened echo time to eliminate olefinic fat
signal in skeletal muscle and demonstrate the
feasibility of the new method in healthy volunteers.
3648. |
31 |
Dixon Imaging with Golden
Angle Stack of Stars Acquisition 
Jan Hendrik Wülbern1, Mariya Doneva1,
Holger Eggers1, Christian Stehning1,
and Peter Börnert1
1Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Hamburg,
Combined radial stack of stars k-space sampling with
dual-echo readout Dixon water-fat separation is
demonstrated. This is enabled by a radial phase
correction, which is performed on-the-fly without
requiring pre-scan calibrations relying on imaging data
only. Two types of radial sampling schemes are
considered: uniform angular sampling with alternating
readout directions and golden angle sampling. The phase
correction method preserves phase information for Dixon
methods, is robust to radial undersampling, stable over
long scan durations, and works for golden angle
3649. |
32 |
A novel partial averaging
approach for reducing motion ghosting in Dixon TSE 
Gabriele Beck1, Alan Huang1, Gert
van Ijperen1, Lars van Loon1, and
Marko Ivancevic1
1Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Despite its superb fat suppression characteristics,
Dixon TSE is known to be sensitive to motion artifacts.
In this study we investigated a novel partial averaging
approach for Dixon TSE acquisition, where the k-space
center was sampled denser compared to the k-space
periphery and randomization was used. Simulation,
phantom and volunteer experiments demonstrate the
reduced motion ghosting and show that it outperforms the
longer two average scans.
3650. |
33 |
Dixon Fat Suppression for
Off-resonant Water Imaging of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide
Dirk Krüger1, Silvia Lorrio González1,
and René M. Botnar1
1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
The aim of this project is to improve and validate a fat
saturation technique for MR imaging with magnetic
nanoparticles (MNPs). Inversion Recovery with
ON-resonant water suppression (IRON) has been shown to
produce reliable positive contrast images with MNPs. The
most common fat saturation technique in combination with
IRON is a spectrally selective pre-saturation pulse
(SPIR). We used a two echo Dixon method instead of SPIR
to achieve fat saturation in a phantom study. The Dixon
method demonstrated superior fat suppression ability
compared to SPIR while achieving the same positive
contrast of MNP rich areas of the phantom.
3651. |
34 |
A Fast Water-Fat Separation
Method using Multi Echo Time Encoding and Nonlinear Least
Squares Estimation 
JaeJin Cho1, Changheun Oh1, Kinam
Kwon1, and HyunWook Park1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon,
Chungcheong, Korea
Water-fat separation is essential technique for accurate
diagnosis in many area of MRI. If a parallel imaging
method is applied to water-fat separation in the
spectral direction, imaging time can be reduced.
However, conventional water-fat separation methods
including IDEAL cannot use sensitivity difference of
multichannel RF coil because water and fat images share
the same FOV. In this paper, a new water-fat separation
method is proposed by using the coil sensitivity map and
by encoding difference of resonant frequency between
water and fat.
3652. |
35 |
Water-Fat Separation Using
a Locally Low-Rank Enforcing Reconstruction 
Felix Lugauer1, Dominik Nickel2,
Jens Wetzl1, Berthold Kiefer2, and
Joachim Hornegger1
1Pattern Recognition Lab, Department of
Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Siemens
AG, Healthcare, Imaging & Therapy Systems, Magnetic
Resonance, Erlangen, Germany
Multi-contrast water-fat separation based on the Dixon
method is gaining importance in clinical routine. A
combination with iterative reconstruction also
addressing field inhomogeneities, relaxation and eddy
current effects is, however, not straightforward as the
optimization is rendered non-convex. Here we demonstrate
that water-fat separation can be decoupled by first
reconstructing the multiple echos using a locally
low-rank regularization. This enforces a representation
of the contrast images with as few chemical components
as possible, assuming a low-resolution phase evolution.
Both are common assumptions. The approach allows bipolar
acquisitions, varying sampling patterns across contrasts
and promises superior image quality over conventional
3653. |
36 |
Multi-scale graph cut
algorithm for water/fat separation 
Johan Berglund1
1Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Several water/fat separation techniques use graph cuts
to resolve the B0 field map prior to water and fat
component estimation in each voxel separately. These
algorithms have demonstrated robustness to severe field
inhomogeneity, but the tolerance to noise has not been
well examined. A graph cut based algorithm was modified
to operate at multiple resolution levels in order to
resolve the field map in a coarse-to-fine manner. The
algorithm was evaluated on benchmark datasets with added
noise to synthesize a range of SNR levels. The
multi-scale approach was demonstrated to increase the
tolerance to noise in the input data.
3654. |
37 |
Chemical shift
encoding-based water-fat imaging of skeletal muscle in the
presence of fat resonance shift and phase errors 
Stefan Ruschke1, Holger Eggers2,
Hendrik Kooijman3, Pia M. Jungmann1,
Axel Haase4, Ernst J. Rummeny1,
Thomas Baum1, and Dimitrios C. Karampinos1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Technische Universität München, Munich,
Bayern, Germany, 2Philips
Research, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 4Zentralinstitut
für Medizintechnik, Technische Universität München,
Garching, Bayern, Germany
Chemical shift encoding-based water-fat imaging has been
emerging for quantifying skeletal muscle fat content. In
regions with low fat content, magnitude-based techniques
have been used to overcome the sensitivity of
complex-based techniques to phase errors. However,
magnitude-based techniques can become unstable for
certain combinations of echo times, when the chemical
shift separation between water and fat is not known,
e.g. due to the susceptibility-induced fat resonance
shift effects in skeletal muscle. The present study aims
to characterize complex-based and magnitude-based
methods for water-fat separation in skeletal muscle,
where both fat resonance shift and phase errors can be
3655. |
38 |
Accelerating water-fat
separation for intragastric fat distribution with a signal
model-based dictionary 
Dian Liu1, Jelena Curcic1,2,
Andreas Steingoetter1,2, and Sebastian
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
For quantifying the dynamics of gastrointestinal fat
digestion, imaging efficiency of multipoint gradient
echo methods must be improved. A reconstruction of fat
fraction (FF) maps for parallel MRI using signal
model-based dictionaries is proposed and studied for the
prospective and retrospective data acquisition of
intragastric fat distribution, resulting in improved
reconstruction. The performance is subject to variations
due to different echo times. FF of undersampled data was
found to be in good agreement with FF of the fully
sampled acquisition. Underestimation occurred at higher
fat fractions, which is however tolerable in terms of
the relative error.
3656. |
39 |
Fat water separation and
field map estimation with multiresolution region growing
Chuanli Cheng1,2, Chao Zou1,
Hairong Zheng1, and Xin Liu1
1Paul C. Lauterbur Biomedical Imaging
Research Center, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 2University
of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China
A novel multiresolution region growing algorithm is
introduced for robust fat water separation and accurate
field map estimation from three-point non-equally spaced
multi-echo images. The non-equally spaced TEs scheme
decreases the number of false local minimum and
therefore the probability of fat water swap. The seed
region finding and regional growing are executed in
multiple resolutions independently, which avoids the
premature convergence in field search due to drastic
field change in the finer resolution. The algorithm was
tested on c-spine and ankle data and shown to be robust
in large field inhomogeneity and disjoint areas.
40 |
Addressing phase errors in
quantitative water-fat imaging at 3 T using a
time-interleaved multi-echo gradient-echo acquisition 
Stefan Ruschke1, Holger Eggers2,
Hendrik Kooijman3, Thomas Baum1,
Marcus Settles1, Axel Haase4,
Ernst J. Rummeny1, and Dimitrios C.
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Technische Universität München, Munich,
Bayern, Germany, 2Philips
Research, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 4Zentralinstitut
für Medizintechnik, Technische Universität München,
Garching, Bayern, Germany
Phase errors are known to cause significant bias in fat
fraction estimation using complex-based water-fat
separation. Time-interleaved multi-echo gradient-echo
(TIMGE) acquisitions (where echoes are time interleaved
and acquired in multiple TRs) are highly desirable at 3
T, as they enable high spatial resolution while
maintaining short echo time steps. However, their phase
error behavior has not been previously addressed. The
present study aims to decompose the phase errors in
TIMGE and propose a methodology to correct for the
effect of phase errors in TIMGE acquisitions.
3658. |
41 |
Time-domain calibration of
fat signal dephasing from multi-echo STEAM spectroscopy for
multi-gradient-echo imaging based fat quantification - permission withheld
M. Dominik Nickel1, Stephan A.R.
Kannengiesser1, and Berthold Kiefer1
1MR Applications Development, Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
Advanced multi-gradient-echo imaging based proton
density fat fraction estimation requires complex-valued
fat signal dephasing factors, which are typically
derived from a multi-peak fat spectral model. Several,
slightly differing models have been published, but may
not be universally applicable. We show how the dephasing
factors can be easily derived in the time domain from
well-known single-breath-hold multi-echo single-voxel
STEAM spectroscopy, making individualized calibration
feasible. Based on liver data acquired in one volunteer,
it is shown that the dephasing factors from spectral
model and spectroscopy match very well, and produce very
similar results when applied to 3D multi-gradient-echo
fat fraction imaging.
3659. |
42 |
An Efficient Chemical-shift
Encoded Imaging for Liver Fat Quantification 
Abraam S Soliman1,2 and
Charles A McKenzie1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, Imaging Research Laboratories,
London, Ontario, Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
Chemical-shift encoded-water fat imaging is usually
performed using multi-gradient-echo sequence. Unipolar
echoes are acquired over multiple TR in order to achieve
optimal echo-spacing. Although bipolar acquisitions are
more efficient than the unipolar ones, they suffer from
phase and magnitude errors that disrupt the fat
quantification process. We have recently proposed a new
bipolar sequence that can overcome these errors and
provide accurate fat measurement. In this work we
demonstrate the efficiency of this sequence for whole
liver imaging, commonly used for the diagnosis of
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
3660. |
43 |
Modulation (SPM): an Efficient Fat Suppression Technique for
STEAM-based Cardiac Imaging Sequences 
Ahmed Fahmy1, El-Sayed H. Ibrahim2,
and Nael Osman3
1Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 3Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
Stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) is a key pulse
sequence in MRI in general, and in cardiac imaging in
particular, as it allows for marking the modulated
magnetization and saving it from rapid T2 relaxation.
Speeding up the temporal-resolution of STEAM-based
sequences is desirable, although it is compromised in
cases when fat-suppression is applied. In this work, we
present an efficient fat-suppression technique
(Spectrally-Presaturated Modulation (SPM)) for
STEAM-based sequences without affecting the
temporal-resolution, scan-time, or SAR-level compared to
other fat suppression techniques (e.g. spectral-spatial
selective-pulses (SSSP) and chemical-shift selective
(CHESS)), which could result in accurate parameter
measurement and improved image analysis.
3661. |
44 |
T1 corrected fat
quantification using a dual flip angle acquisition and joint
fit reconstruction 
Xiaoke Wang1, Diego Hernando2, and
Scott B. Reeder2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
States,3Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
The estimation of PDFF by CSE imaging may be biased by
T1 relaxation. T1 related bias can be minimized by using
a small flip angle (SFA) approach. SFA results in
reduced SNR and residual bias. T1 bias can also be
corrected using a dual flip angle method (standard DFA),
which redundantly estimates R2* and B0 twice. In this
study, we propose a joint fitting of T1, B0, R2* and
PDFF based on dual-flip-angle acquisition (joint DFA).
Joint DFA slightly reduced noise in R2* and PDFF
estimates compared with standard DFA as shown by
Cramer-Rao lower bound and Monte Carlo simulation.
3662. |
45 |
Self-Navigated 3D Whole
Heart Coronary MRI with VARPRO Fat-Water Separation 
Davide Piccini1,2, Peter Kellman3,
Diego Hernando4, Simone Coppo2,
Gabriele Bonanno2, and Matthias Stuber2
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology,
Siemens Healthcare, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and University
of Lausanne (UNIL) / Center for Biomedical Imaging
(CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Laboratory
of Cardiac Energetics, National Institutes of
Health/NHLBI, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
Respiratory self-navigation (SN), using a modified 3D
radial trajectory has successfully been tested for
whole-heart coronary MRA achieving 100% scan efficiency.
However, radial imaging in combination with standard
CHEmical Shift Selective (CHESS) pulses exhibits a
compromised fat-suppression performance due to fat
magnetization recovery during the acquisition. A
multi-echo version of SN 3D radial MRA was combined with
the VARiable PROjection method (SN-VARPRO) for
Dixon-like fat-water separation with flexible echo-times
and compared to the SN-CHESS acquisition in volunteers.
Increased fat suppression was achieved with SN-VARPRO. A
trend for increased vessel sharpness and similar
visualized length was obtained with respect to SN-CHESS.
3663. |
46 |
Thermal Noise Propagation
in Water-fat Imaging and Fat Fraction Measurement 
Weiyi Chen1 and
Krishna S. Nayak1
1Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
We propose a fast and efficient method to determine the
effects of thermal noise in water-fat separation. Field
map is estimated using graph-cut algorithm prior to the
least square separation. We measured coil covariance
matrix with a no-RF acquisition, then derived pixel-wise
standard deviation maps for separated water and fat
image by concatenating the corresponding linear
operators. Finally we use Taylor approximation method to
assess the variability of quantitative fat fraction
measurement in ROIs. The proposed method is validated
against the pseudo-replica technique, and is 300 times
3664. |
47 |
Rapid Isotropic Shoulder
MRI using 3D SPACE with Incoherent Undersampling and
Iterative Reconstruction 
Esther Raithel1, Gaurav Thawait2,
Shadpour Demehri2, Shivani Ahlawat2,
Heiko Meyer1, Wesley Gilson3, and
Jan Fritz2
1Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen,
Bavaria, Germany, 2Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare USA, Baltimore, MD, United States
High-spatial-resolution isotropic 3D MRI can eliminate
partial volume effects and enable multi-planar and
curved reconstructions, as well as interactive 3D
interpretation. In the shoulder, however, 3D MRI
requires time-consuming oversampling steps in phase and
slice encoding directions, which can result in
clinically impractical acquisition times. K-space
undersampling and iterative reconstruction is a method
that can yield substantial acceleration of 3D data
acquisition. We show the implementation of this method
into a comprehensive, 11 min clinical 3D SPACE protocol
that can produce similar image qualities as a 21 min
standard 2D TSE protocol.
3665. |
48 |
Triglyceride content and
fatty acid composition in mice: quantification with 7.0T MRI - permission withheld
Benjamin Leporq1, Simon Auguste Lambert1,2,
Francois Cauchy1,3, Imane Boucenna4,
Pierre Colinart4, Maxime Ronot1,5,
Valerie Vilgrain1,5, Valerie Paradis1,6,
and Bernard Edgar Van Beers1,5
1Center of research on inflammation, Paris 7
University; INSERM U1044, Paris, France, 2BHF
Centre of Excellence, Division of Imaging Sciences and
Biomedical Engineering, King’s College London King’s
Health Partners, St. Thomas’ Hospital, London, United
Kingdom, 3Department
of HPB and liver transplantation, Beaujon University
hospital Paris Nord, Clichy, France, 4Matière
et systèmes complexes, Paris 7 University; CNRS UMR
7057, Paris, France,5Department of Radiology,
Beaujon University hospital Paris Nord, Clichy, France, 6Department
of Pathology, Beaujon University hospital Paris Nord,
Clichy, France
This work report a MRI method able to quantify both fat
content and fatty acid composition on preclinical
systems at 7.0T. MR acquisition was based on a spoiled
multiple gradient echoes sequence with bipolar readout
gradient. After phase unwrapping, complex images were
rebuilt. By using a model including water and eight fat
resonances each expressed according to ndb, nmidb and
CL, parametric images such as PDFF, SFA, MUFA and PUFA
were reconstructed. Results suggest that it possible to
follow diet effects on fat content and fatty acid
compositions in mice with this method.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Computer # |
3666. |
49 |
Reverse Retrospective
Motion Correction

Benjamin Zahneisen1, Aditya Singh2,
Michael Herbst2, and Thomas Ernst2
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 2University
of Hawaii, HI, United States
One of the barriers for using Prospective Motion
Correction (PMC) in the clinic is the unpredictable
nature of a scan because of the direct interference with
the imaging sequence. Here, we suggest using the
framework of retrospective motion correction to reverse
the effects of prospective motion correction (“reverse
retrospective correction”) for brain scans. The most
important impact will most likely be in the clinical
application, where our approach guarantees that a data
set can be presented whose quality is at least as good
as a scan acquired without PMC.
3667. |
50 |
Non Rigid-Body Motion
Detection Using Single 6-DOF Data From Skin Based Markers
for Brain Imaging 
Aditya Singh1, Brian Keating1,
Benjamin Zahneisen1, Michael Herbst1,
and Thomas Ernst1
1John A. Burns School of Medicine, University
of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Prospective motion correction for brain MRI using
external tracking systems with skin-attached markers may
suffer from errors in head tracking data introduced by
changes in facial expressions, such as squinting. We
demonstrate the feasibility of detecting non rigid-body
motion events using single 6-DOF information, with an
algorithm that is validated on motion data obtained from
a trained volunteer and seven clinical subjects who
performed involuntary motion. The receiver operation
characteristic of the algorithm was calculated to show a
mean false positive rate of 0.09, true positive rate of
0.38 and a positive predictive value of 0.86.
3668. |
51 |
Evaluation of TrackDOTS
potential to perform motion tracking and dynamic shimming 
José P. Marques1 and
Daniel Gallichan1
1CIBM, EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
tracking Discrete Off-Resonance markers with Three
Spokes (trackDOTS) allows the localization of a large
number of markers (12 in the current implementation)
with very high temporal resolution (24ms). Additionally,
with the same acquisition, the background frequency
fluctuations can be monitored. In this work we evaluate
the motion tracking accuracy and precision of trackDOTS
when using 12 spherical markers filled with acetic acid.
Additionally we demonstrate its potential to perform
dynamic shimming by showing its sensitivity to
respiration induced frequency fluctuations.
3669. |
52 |
Camera placement for
optical prospective motion correction: mechanical tolerance
Julian Maclaren1, Murat Aksoy1,
Benjamin Zahneisen1, and Roland Bammer1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
Optical prospective motion correction requires that the
position and orientation of the tracking system
(typically a camera) is known relative to the reference
frame of the MRI scanner. This provides a challenge for
systems where the camera is frequently removed and
reinstalled. One such example is when the camera is
mounted on the head coil, which then moves in and out of
the scanner with the patient table. In this work, we use
simulations and in vivo measurements to investigate how
precisely the camera needs to be repositioned in order
to maintain good quality prospective motion correction.
3670. |
53 |
Tracking Motion and
Resulting Field Fluctuations Using 19F
NMR Field Probes 
Martin Eschelbach1, Yu-Chun Chang1,
Jonas Handwerker2, Jens Anders2,
Anke Henning1,3, and Klaus Scheffler1
1High-Field Magnetic Resonance Center, Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
BW, Germany, 2Institute
of Microelectronics, University of Ulm, Ulm, BW,
Germany, 3Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zürich, Zurich,
In this work, 19F
NMR field probes are used to track subject head motion
and field fluctuations due to motion and breathing at a
9.4 T human scanner. The field probes are rigidly
attached to the subject’s head via a bite bar. A custom
made transmit/receive chain using a PCB and external
signal processing prevents the use of scanner receive
channels. With this setup, position measurements are
possible with a standard deviation of 57 µm or smaller
depending on the axis as well as field measurements with
a standard deviation of 3 Hz.
3671. |
54 |
Motion Estimation from
Noise Intrinsic Correlation between RF Channels (MECHANICS) 
Enhao Gong1, Qiyuan Tian1,
Jennifer A McNab2, and John Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, STANFORD UNIVERSITY,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Stanford, California, United States
Accurate and efficient motion estimation is critical in
MRI studies to achieve better anatomical resolution and
faithful physiological analysis. However, most of the
existing quantitative motion estimation methods require
great amount of extra time cost for acquisition,
post-processing, extensive registration or additional
hardware/equipment. Here we propose an innovative method
that accurately estimates motion using the noise
correlation information intrinsically existing in all
multi-channel MRI signals. This approach enables both
real-time and prospective motion estimation without
modifying acquisition or adding equipment. The proposed
method is named: Motion Estimation from Noise Intrinsic
Correlation between RF Channels (MECHANICS)
3672. |
55 |
Optimizing a
highly-accelerated FatNav for high-resolution
Daniel Gallichan1, José P Marques2,
and Rolf Gruetter1,3
1CIBM, EPFL, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Dept.
of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 3Depts.
of Radiology, Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, Vaud,
We recently introduced the concept of a very highly
accelerated fat-excitation 3D-GRE acquisition as a
motion-navigator to detect very small involuntary
head-motion of compliant subjects for high-resolution
imaging applications. In this study we investigate the
accuracy and precision of the navigator at various
resolutions and acceleration factors. At the highest
acceleration factor used (2mm resolution, 8x8=64
acceleration) the FatNav still gives reasonable image
quality, but estimated motion parameters become biased.
At matched TR per volume, a 4mm resolution, 4×4=16
acceleration gave the best compromise between bias and
accuracy, resulting in a robust navigator in 288ms.
3673. |
56 |
Quantitative framework for
prospective motion correction evaluation 
Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Theano Stavrinos2,
Peter Ng2, Michael Herbst3,4,
Maxim Zaitsev4, Karl Young1,
Gerald Matson1,2, and Norbert Schuff1,2
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2VAMC,
San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
JABSOM, Honolulu, HI, United States, 4Radiology,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We provide a framework to quantitatively evaluate the
image quality improvement provided by prospective motion
correction (PMC) techniques while considering the
intrinsic motion variations between MRI acquisitions. We
tested this framework to compare 2 marker setups and we
show that considering the intrinsic motion as a
covariate changes the statistical significance of the
comparison. This framework could be used in larger
studies to compare efficiently different PMC setups and
fixation markers.
3674. |
57 |
Motion Navigation using
Non-Linear Gradient Fields

Emre Kopanoglu1, Gigi Galiana1,
and Robert Todd Constable1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New
Haven, Connecticut, United States
Nonlinear gradient fields vary along multiple spatial
directions. Therefore, spatial information along
multiple directions is encoded simultaneously. By using
an array of receiver coils, the spatial variation along
different directions can be recovered. In this study,
this encoding capability is exploited to reconstruct
low-resolution images every TR, using a second-order
gradient field and an 8-channel receiver-array. The
reconstructed images were then used to track
translational and rotational rigid in-slice motion, with
sub-pixel precision. Limited to the same field strength
inside the field-of-view as the linear gradient fields
typically available clinically, the motion navigator
lasts only 500 us, including rewinding.
3675. |
58 |
Removal of EPI Ghosts in
the Presence of Prospective Motion Correction 
Murat Aksoy1, Julian Maclaren1,
Eric Peterson1, and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
EPI ghost correction often involves the acquisition of
calibration data at the beginning of the scan with phase
encoding turned off. This method works well in most
cases, but does not handle the scenario where the
gradient axes are rotated during the scan, such as
during prospective motion correction. In this case, a
more robust technique is required. In this study, we
compared three different techniques in order to assess
the importance of performing EPI ghost correction
individually for each readout during prospective motion
3676. |
59 |
Simultaneous MPRAGE and
Non-Contrast MRA with Prospective Motion Correction using
Volumetric Navigators 
John W Grinstead1, Himanshu Bhat2,
M. Dylan Tisdall3, Andre van der Kouwe3,
William Rooney4, and Gerhard Laub2
1Siemens Healthcare, Portland, USA, United
States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, USA, United States, 3A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, MA, United States, 4Advanced
Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, OR, United States
The MPRAGE pulse sequence is commonly used for T1 -weighted
imaging. Previous work showed that the relative signal
intensity of blood in MPRAGE is dominated by the IR
pulse, and by controlling the selectivity of this pulse
across multiple measurements one could generate a
subtraction MR angiogram (MRA) in addition to a standard
However, such a subtraction technique is sensitive to
motion between the multiple measurements, limiting its
applicability. Here we address this shortcoming with the
addition of volumetric navigators for prospective motion
correction, enabling simultaneous MPRAGE and
non-contrast MRA even in the presence of subject motion.
3677. |
60 |
A Novel Profile/View
Ordering (NINJA-STAR) for High-Resolution 3D Volumetric T1
Sui-Cheng Wang1,2, Amit R. Patel2,
Akiko Tanaka3, Hui Wang4, Xiang
Zhu5, Dianwen Zhang6, Takeyoshi
Ota3, Roberto M. Lang2, and Keigo
1Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern
University, Evanston, Illinois, United States, 2Medicine,
Section of Cardiology, The University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3Surgery,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United
States, 4Philips
Medical Systems, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 5College
of Information and Electrical Engineering, and College
of Economics & Management, China Agricultural
University, Beijing, China, 6Imaging
Technology group, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science
and Technology, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, United States
Myocardial T1 mapping, which is used to detect diffuse
fibrosis and quantify extracellular volumes, often
employs 8-10 mm 2D slice acquisitions. However, this
approach may be unsuited for accurate quantification of
small tissues samples. 3D T1 mapping is desirable, and a
FAN-type view ordering has recently been shown to
improve through-plane resolution over multiple
breath-holds. In this study, we propose a new view order
method called NINJA-STAR (or NJS), which allows
efficiently acquisition of 3D MRI k-space in a reduced
number of breath-holds, and examine this approach in
both phantom experiments and in-vivo.
3678. |
61 |
MRI of the moving TMJ using
Contour Fitting in the Correlation Matrix (CoFi-CoMa) 
Stefan Wundrak1,2, Jan Paul1,
Johannes Ulrici2, Erich Hell2,
Margrit-Ann Geibel1, and Volker Rasche1
1Ulm University, Ulm, Baden-Württemberg,
Germany, 2Sirona
Dental Systems, Bensheim, Hessen, Germany
Assessment of the motion of the temporomandibular joint
is of interest for a variety of pathologies. The dynamic
visualization of the TMJ under realistic mastication is
still limited by the poor spatiotemporal resolution. In
this contribution we combine the advantages of
self-gating and adaptive averaging by using contour
fitting in the correlation matrix (CoFi-CoMa) to
increase the achievable temporal resolution and SNR.
Moving images of the TMJ at this fast opening / closing
cycle rate in combination with the achieved high
temporal resolution and high SNR have not been shown
3679. |
62 |
Estimating dynamic 3D
abdominal motion for radiation dose accumulation mapping
using a PCA-based model and 2D navigators 
Bjorn Stemkens1, Rob HN Tijssen1,
Baudouin Denis de Senneville2,3, Jan JW
Lagendijk1, and Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1
1Department of Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Image
Science Institute, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3IMB,
UMR 5251 CNRS/University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
The introduction of MR-guided radiotherapy allows
real-time tracking of mobile tumors using fast 2D image
navigators. In this work, a PCA-based motion model is
introduced which characterizes the dynamic 3D motion of
tissue outside the field-of-view of the 2D image
navigators in order to estimate the deposited radiation
dose. The PCA model was formed based on a 4D-MRI
(training data) and updated using a coronal 2D navigator
(imaging during treatment) and independently reviewed
using a sagittal 2D navigator. The root-mean-squared
error was below 2 mm in all directions. Both intra- and
inter-cycle respiratory motion was visible in the motion
3680. |
63 |
Prospective respiratory
motion gating using a flexible external tracking device 
Robin Simpson1, Benjamin Knowles1,
Marius Menza1, Michael Herbst1,2,
Cris Lovell-Smith1, Maxim Zaitsev1,
and Bernd Jung3
1Medical Physics, University Medical Centre,
Freiburg, Germany, 2John
A. Burns School of Medicine, Hawaii, United States, 3University
Hospital of Bern, Switzerland
Removing respiratory motion is an important challenge
for cardiac MRI. This abstract presents initial work to
apply a novel method of prospective respiratory gating
using ShapeTape, a bend-sensitive optical-fibre-based
motion detection system. Gating can be performed without
interrupting imaging, and motion is sampled at high
rates. This allows gating separately for each cardiac
frame, improving image quality towards the end of the
cardiac cycle.
3681. |
64 |
Motion Detection
Improvement of Pencil Beam Navigator Echo with Gradient
Reversal Method 
Yuji Iwadate1, Kunihiro Miyoshi2,
Masanori Ozaki2, and Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan, 2MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Pencil beam navigator echo suffers from undesired
excitation outside the beamfs area when the tracker
placement is inappropriate. We developed a signal
combination method with gradient reversal to cancel out
the effects of the side-lobe with the smallest radius
from the beam center. The proposed method diminished the
undesired signal contamination in both phantom and
volunteer scan, and the resultant navigator-gated
3D-SPGR image had less motion artifacts than the
conventional method.
3682. |
65 |
Motion Robust Abdominal
Imaging with Complementary Poisson-disc Sampling and
Retrospectively Reduced View-sharing 
Evan Levine1,2, Shreyas Vasanawala2,
Brian Hargreaves2, and Manojkumar Saranathan2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
In many imaging scenarios, data is corrupted by motion
and signal intensity changes, the exact severity and
characteristics of which are not known a priori. To
enable motion robust abdominal imaging, we employ a new
ky-kz-t sampling trajectory based on complementary
Poisson-disc sampling that allows viewsharing to be
reduce retrospectively using compressed sensing parallel
imaging reconstruction. Like golden angle approaches for
radial imaging, the trajectory allows reduced
viewsharing data from any of several time frames and
temporal footprints chosen retrospectively to be
effectively reconstructed. In poor breath holding
scenarios, motion-free images can be recovered with
schemes that reduce temporal footprint.
3683. |
66 |
5DMRI of Moving Organs 
Zarko Celicanin1 and
Oliver Bieri1
1Radiological Physics, University of Basel
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
Imaging of the organ dynamics is an important
pretreatment step in interventional MR and radiotherapy.
A novel 2D multislice 5DMRI acquisition method is
presented, in which retrospective sorting based on
principle component analysis was used to gate the
acquired images. Simultaneous respiratory- and cardiac-
resolved imaging was demonstrated in a feasibility
3684. |
67 |
self-navigated RUFIS lung imaging with motion compensated
image reconstruction 
Anne Menini1, Vladimir Golkov1,2,
and Florian Wiesinger1
1DIBT, GE Global Research, Garching b.
München, Germany, 2Department
of Computer Science, Technical University Munich,
Garching b. München, Germany
In lung imaging, high-resolution 3D imaging is highly
desirable but requires motion management. Previous
studies have proposed prospective gating solutions but
suffer from low scan efficiency. Here, based on the 3D
radial zero-TE RUFIS sequence, we propose a new sampling
pattern associated with a motion compensated
reconstruction to take advantage of the whole scan time.
Compared to more classical motion management methods,
the proposed method shows better sharpness, bronchial
tube depiction and SNR. The proposed method presents
potential benefits for PET/MR since it provides
high-resolution anatomical imaging, renders the lung
density, and extracts a custom motion model within
1min45s of free-breathing acquisition.
3685. |
68 |
Improved motion compensated
reconstruction for 3D abdominal MRI using a self-navigated
non-rigid motion model 
Gastao Cruz1, David Atkinson2,
Tobias Schaeffter1, and Claudia Prieto1
1Division of Imaging Sciences & Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
London, United Kingdom
Respiratory motion is a major challenge in 3D abdominal
MRI, creating ghosting and blurring. Bin-to-bin motion
correction techniques have been proposed to overcome
these problems and reduce the scan time. However,
intra-bin motion is unaccounted for resulting in,
potentially significant, residual motion artifacts. Here
we propose an intra-bin motion correction approach based
on the assumption of a linear relation between the
non-rigid motion of each acquired data within the bin
and the inter-bin non-rigid motion model. The proposed
method is compared with the conventional gated
reconstruction, showing significantly improved sharpness
and image quality.
3686. |
69 |
Simple motion correction
strategy reduces respiratory-induced motion artifacts for
k-t accelerated CMR perfusion imaging 
Wei Huang1, Yang Yang2, Xiao Chen2,
and Michael Salerno1,3
1Medicine, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville,
Virginia, United States,3Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States
While k-t accelerated CMR perfusion techniques (k-t PCA)
and CS techniques (k-t SLR) enable highly accelerated
acquisition, their image quality is significantly
degraded by respiratory motion which frequently occurs
in clinical studies. Non-rigid motion correction
techniques which are applied iteratively can reduce
motion artifacts, but the repeated application of
spatial interpolation causes blurring. We describe a
technique which derives rigid motion estimates from the
heart region and performs a single linear phase shift of
the acquired k-space data. We demonstrate that this
motion correction strategy greatly improves k-t PCA and
k-t SLR in the setting of respiratory motion.
3687. |
70 |
Cylindrical Labeling
Inversion Pulse for Reduction of Cardiac/Pulsatile Motion
Artifacts in Contrast-Enhanced Breast/Thoracic MRI 
Masami Yoneyama1, Masanobu Nakamura1,
Makoto Obara1, Tomoyuki Okuaki1,
Tetsuo Ogino1, Yuriko Suzuki1,
Yuriko Ozawa2, Takashi Tabuchi2,
Satoshi Tatsuno2, Ryuji Sashi2,
and Marc Van Cauteren1
1Philips Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2Yaesu
Clinic, Tokyo, Japan
In breast or thoracic-spine MRI, motion artifacts due to
cardiac- or aortic-pulsation inevitably appear,
particularly in the images after contrast media
injection. Such artifacts can impede the diagnosis. In
this study, we proposed a new technique for simply and
effectively reducing cardiac/pulsatile motion artifacts
on contrast-enhanced images by using a cylindrical
labeling inversion pulse which can be combined with
various sequences.
3688. |
71 |
A fast and novel groupwise-non-rigid
registration methodology for freezing motion in DCE-MRI - permission withheld
KS Shriram1, Dattesh D Shanbhag2,
Sheshadri Thiruvenkadam2, Venkata
Veerendranadh Chebrolu2, Sandeep N Gupta3,
and Rakesh Mullick4
1Biomedical Signal Analysis Laboratory, GE
Global Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2Medical
Image Analysis Laboratory, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 3Clinical
Systems & Signal Processing, GE Global Research,
Niskayuna, NY, United States, 4Diagnostics
& Biomedical Technologies, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
We have introduced a fast group-wise registration scheme
for correction of non-rigid motion in prostate DCE
exams. We demonstrate the robustness of the algorithm in
correcting motion even in presence of coil shine through
artifacts, and retaining signal characteristics.
Overall, motion correction results in lower dispersion
of pK parameters in a given tissue ROI and improved
confidence in interpretation of DCE data.
3689. |
72 |
Time-Resolved Fetal Cardiac
MRI Using Compressed Sensing and Metric Optimized Gating 
Christopher W. Roy1, Mike Seed2,3,
and Christopher K. Macgowan1,3
1Medical Biophysics and Medical Imaging,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Labatt
Family Heart Centre, Division of Cardiology, Department
of Paediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Ontario,
Canada, 3Diagnostic
Imaging, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
A reconstruction method for undersampled time resolved
fetal cardiac imaging is presented. First, Metric
Optimized Gating is used to reduce artifact from
non-gated cardiac motion. Second, Compressed Sensing is
employed to reduce artifact from random undersampling.
The accuracy of this approach is investigated through a
numerical simulation of a prospectively undersampled
CINE cardiac MRI acquisition comprised of realistic
cardiac motion, heart rate variability, and image noise.
Initial feasibility in the fetal population is presented
through retrospectively undersampled in utero MRI data.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Computer # |
3690. |
73 |
Fast Aortic Input Function
Extraction at High Temporal Resolution for DCE-MRI 
Umit Yoruk1,2, Manojkumar Saranathan1,
Tao Zhang1, Brian A Hargreaves1,
and Shreyas S Vasanawala1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
Many pharmacokinetic models in DCE-MRI need
subject-based aortic input function (AIF). Accurate AIF
measurement requires high temporal resolution images,
which compromises the image spatial resolution. A
recently developed low-rank reconstruction technique
allows reconstruction of two sets of images, a high
temporal resolution image for quantitative analysis and
a high spatial resolution image for clinical evaluation,
at a cost of increased reconstruction time. We present a
faster method for extracting high temporal resolution
AIF from DCE-MRI data and compare it to the low-rank
reconstruction. The feasibility of this method was
demonstrated on a pediatric subject.
3691. |
74 |
Improving temporal
resolution in fMRI using low-rank plus sparse matrix
Vimal Singh1, David Ress2, and
Ahmed Tewfik1
1Electrical Engineering, University of Texas
at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States, 2Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United States
High spatial resolution in fMRI generally improves its
sensitivity to brain activation signals by reducing
partial volume effects. However, the long acquisition
times required for high spatial resolution limit the
temporal resolution in fMRI studies. Consequently, the
low temporal sampling bandwidth leads to increase in
physiological noise and poor temporal modeling of the
functional activation dynamics. This paper presents an
under-sampled fMRI recovery using low-rank plus sparse
matrix decomposition signal model. The preliminary
results on in-vivo fMRI data show recovery of BOLD
activation in superior colliculus with contrast-to-noise
ratio > 4.4 (85% of reference) up to acceleration
factors of 3.
3692. |
75 |
A Variational Approach for
Coil-Sensitivity Estimation for Undersampled Phase-Sensitive
Dynamic MRI Reconstruction 
Matthias Schloegl1, Martin Holler2,
Kristian Bredies2, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Styria, Austria, 2Department
of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of
Graz, Graz, Styria, Austria
Optimal coil sensitivity estimation for the
phase-consistent array combination and SENSE like
reconstruction for undersampled dynamic and static MR
data remains a challenge. The best possible quality for
advanced reconstruction methods is bounded by the
quality of coil-sensitivity estimation. Furthermore a
growing number of MR applications require acceleration
together with measurement of phase and changes in phase.
We propose an iterative variational approach that takes
advantage of a-priory knowledge for the magnitude and
phase of the coil sensitivities and also for the complex
transverse magnetization.
3693. |
76 |
Real Time Phase Contrast
MRI With Radial K-space Sampling With Golden Angle Ratio and
Block Wise Low Rank Constraint 
Hassan Haji-Valizadeh1, Elwin Bassett2,
Ganesh Adluru3, Edward DiBella4,
and Daniel Kim4
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt lake
city, Utah, United States, 2University
of Utah, Utah, United States, 3Ucair,Radiology,
Salt lake city, Utah, United States, 4Ucair,Radiology,
Utah, United States
Widespread clinical use of phase contrast MRI is
restricted due to this modalities low data acquisition
efficiency. Low efficiency may lead to low temporal and
spatial resolution within a clinically acceptable breath
hold. Compressed sensing in combination with low Rank
Block Wise constraint is a promising strategy in
increasing acquisition efficiency. The goal of this
study is to characterize the efficacy of Low Rank Block
Wise reconstruction by reconstructing retrospectively
undersampled data, and comparing maximum velocity
measure from reconstruction to maximum velocity obtained
from fully sampled data sets. Agreement between maximum
velocities will be achieved by using Bland Altman plots.
3694. |
77 |
Simultaneous quantification
of intravascular blood T1 and
T2 with
multiple-readout TRUST (mTRUST) 
Zachary B Rodgers1 and
Felix W Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Simultaneous measurement of intravascular blood T1 and
T2 is
a promising approach for fast, accurate quantification
of whole-brain venous oxygen saturation (Yv),
as the T1 values
can be used to determine hematocrit, which is needed to
convert measured T2 to
Yv. We describe a modification of the
recently developed TRUST T2-quantification
method, with addition of multiple EPI readouts (mTRUST)
to allow concurrent measurement of T1. mTRUST
was applied in four subjects, demonstrating good
precision for T1 and
T2 estimation.
T1 values
were slightly lower than recent literature, potentially
due to incomplete inversion of blood present in the
later EPI readouts.
3695. |
78 |
Compressed sensing
reconstruction of prospectively under-sampled cardiac
diffusion tensor MRI 
Darryl McClymont1, Irvin Teh1,
Hannah Whittington1, and Jurgen Schneider1
1University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
Compressed sensing offers a means to decrease the long
scan times of diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) by acquiring
only a subset of k-space. In this work, we present and
evaluate an algorithm for the reconstruction of
diffusion signals using data-driven dictionaries. Data
from one ex-vivo rat heart were prospectively
under-sampled with accelerations of two to five using a
novel k-space sampling scheme. Results indicate that
this approach is able to reconstruct DTI with minimal
compromise to image quality. To the authors’ knowledge,
this is the first study using compressed sensing to
reconstruct prospectively under-sampled cardiac DTI.
3696. |
79 |
Quantitative 19F
MR Molecular Imaging with B1-Mapping Compensation 
Matthew Goette1,2, Shelton Caruthers1,
Gregory Lanza1, and Samuel Wickline1
1Cardiology, Washington University in St.
Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 2Pediatric
Radiology, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX,
United States
This study presents a strategy to more accurately
quantify the sparse 19F
signal from   3integrin
targeted perfluorocarbon nanoparticle emulsions with a 1H
image-based actual flip angle B 1-mapping
correction to the 19F
and 1H
images, acquired with a simultaneous dual-frequency
ultra-short echo time balanced steady state free
precession sequence, in a phantom and an in
vivo setting
using a VX2 tumor model implanted into rabbits.
3697. |
80 |
Ina Vernikouskaya1, Alexander Pochert2,
and Volker Rasche1
1Internal Medicine II, University Hospital of
Ulm, Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Inorganic
Chemistry II, University of Ulm, Ulm,
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
In contrast to conventional MR contrast agents, 19F
signal can be directly measured, instead of indirect
measuring the impact on the surrounding environment.
However inhomogeneous profile of the excitation field
can lead to wrong quantitative results. Therefore B1
mapping has to be performed prior to quantification.
Adaptation of one of the existing B1 technique to the
problem of 19F signal quantification is proposed in this
work. In vitro results are in a good correlation with
the simulation prediction. Estimation error for the
relative quantification after B1 correction is within
3698. |
81 |
Spline Temporal Basis for
Improved Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation in SENSE
Mai Le1 and
Jeffrey A. Fessler1
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States
This work explores a fast convolution-based temporal
basis for DCE-MRI image reconstruction.
3699. |
82 |
PRAIRIE: Accelerating MR
Parameter Mapping Using Kernel-Based Manifold Learning and
Yihang Zhou1, Chao Shi1, Yanhua
Wang1, Jingyuan Lyu1, and Leslie
1Department of Electrical Engineering, State
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United
States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, State University of New York
at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States
In this study, a novel reconstruction method using
kernel-based manifold learning and regularized
pre-imaging is proposed to accelerate the MR parameter
mapping. The parametric-weighted image at a specific
time point is assumed to lie in a low-dimensional
manifold and is reconstructed individually. The
low-dimensional manifold is learned from the training
images generated by the parametric model. The underlying
optimization problem is solved using kernel trick and
split Bregman iteration algorithm. Our preliminary
result demonstrated that the proposed method is able to
accurately recover the T2 map at high reduction factors
when the conventional compressed sensing methods with
linear models fail.
3700. |
83 |
In vivo pulse sequence
design for acceleration of T2 mapping using Compressed
sensing with Patch-based Low-Rank Penalty 
Dongwook Lee1, Sunghong Park1,
Chuan Huang2, Eung Yeop Kim3, and
Jong Chul Ye1
1KAIST, Daejeon, Daejeon, Korea, 2Harvard
Medical School, Boston, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Gachon University Gil Hospital, Incheon,
Purpose of this study is in vivo acceleration of T2
parameter mapping. To achieve this purpose, random
undersampled mask is applied on the pulse sequence of 2D
multi-echo spin echo. The images are reconstructed using
compressed sensing algorithm with patch based low-rank
penalty. And common mono-exponential fitting is used to
generate T2 map. The acceleration times are remarkably
3701. |
84 |
Automatic Tissue
Decomposition using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for
Noisy MR Magnitude Images 
Daeun Kim1, Joong Hee Kim2, and
Justin P. Haldar1
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States, 2Department
of Neurology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO,
United States
This work proposes a novel data-driven method for
automatically decomposing a multi-contrast MRI dataset
into a mixture of constituent spatially-overlapping
tissue components. The approach is non-parametric (no
physical models are necessary), instead relying on a
combination of low-rank matrix modeling, sparsity, and
nonnegativity constraints through the nonnegative matrix
factorization (NMF) framework. We demonstrate that NMF,
when combined with an appropriate non-central chi noise
model, can be used to automatically decompose diffusion
and relaxation MRI datasets, yielding partial volume
maps of white matter, gray matter, cerebrospinal fluid,
and abnormal/injured tissue components.
3702. |
85 |
Model-based compressed
sensing method using weighted data consistency coeffcient

Jinseong Jang1, Taejoon Eo1, and
Dosik Hwang1
1Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Model-based compressed sensing for multi-contrast
imaging using weighted data consistency coefficient.
3703. |
86 |
Fast non-local means
reconstruction for multi-contrast compressed sensing 
Kourosh Jafari-Khouzani1, Berkin Bilgic1,
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer1, and Kawin
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States
This abstract proposes a non-local means technique to
reconstruct partially sampled images in MRI compressed
sensing. Instead of imposing total variation constraint,
we use a fully-sampled contrast as a prior estimate to
reconstruct other undersampled contrasts. Partial volume
information is extracted from the prior estimate by a
feature-based non-local means approach and then applied
as constraint to the undersampled images. Experiments
show that the proposed method is comparable to M-FOCUSS
with prior estimate in terms of normalized
root-mean-square (NRMSE) error while being up to 30×
faster. It also attains 50% NRMSE reduction and 20×
speed-up relative to the sparseMRI algorithm.
3704. |
87 |
A Fast Look-Locker Imaging
Technique for Quantitative Tissue Oximetry 
Rohini Vidya Shankar1 and
Vikram D Kodibagkar1
1Biomedical Engineering, Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ, United States
Tissue oximetry studies using MRI can play a key role in
the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of cancer.
PISTOL is a novel oximetry technique that maps the T1 of
administered HMDSO (1H reporter molecule) to obtain the
tissue oxygen tension (pO2) at different locations. The
aim of this study was to accelerate PISTOL acquisitions
by developing a HMDSO-selective Look-Locker sequence
with EPI readout. The new oximetry sequence, PISTOL-LL
speeds-up 1H MR oximetry by 4X, enabling rapid pO2
mapping in under one minute. Results from in vivo
studies demonstrate the successful application of the
new technique in fast MR oximetry.
3705. |
88 |
The comprehensive
contrast-enhanced neuro exam 
R. Marc Lebel1,2, Yi Guo3, Yinghua
Zhu3, Sajan Goud Lingala3, Richard
Frayne2, Linda B Andersen2, Jacob
Easaw4, and Krishna S Nayak3
1GE Healthcare, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3Electrical
Engineering, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, California, United States, 4Oncology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
We describe the use of sparse data sampling and
constrained iterative reconstruction to provide a
comprehensive contrast-enhanced brain exam. Data
acquisition is performed with a 3D Cartesian radial
trajectory that is amenable to retrospective definition
of the temporal resolution. Multiple image
reconstructions are performed to obtain all salient
pieces of information desired from a contrast enhanced
brain exam. We demonstrate that pre- and post-contrast
anatomical T1-weighted images, dynamic angiography,
quantitative permeability mapping, and quantitative
perfusion mapping can all be achieved simultaneously -
with high spatial resolution and full brain coverage.
3706. |
89 |
Direct parametric
reconstruction from (k, t)-space data in dynamic contrast
enhanced MRI 
Nikolaos Dikaios1, Shonit Punwani2,
and David Atkinson2
1Centre of Medical Imaging, UCL, London,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
of Medical Imaging, UCL, Greater London, United Kingdom
Direct parametric reconstruction (DPR), offers a new
perspective in MR, setting the model parameters as the
aim of reconstruction by estimating them directly from
k-space using a Bayesian inference algorithm. DPR was
implemented to derive model parameters (i.e. plasma
volume vp, extracellular extravascular volume (EES) ve,
transfer rate between plasma and EES (min-1) Ktrans)
from dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) (k,t)-space data.
Its performance was evaluated against the current
“indirect” approach where (k,t)-space DCE data are
reconstructed (either with a Fourier Transform or with
kt-FOCUSS when undersampling was present) to images and
then fitted using a pharmacokinetic (PK) model2. The
purpose of this work is to address some of the
limitations of the DPR algorithm, namely the suggested
modifications are to jointly reconstruct proton density,
and native T1 map, T10 from multi-flip angle and DCE
data along with the PK parameters. Further, DPR was
implemented for different PK models so as the
enhancement at each pixel (“tissue”) is described by the
appropriate PK model.
3707. |
90 |
Reconstruction using Neural Network for Higher Acceleration 
Kinam Kwon1, Dongchan Kim1,
Hyunseok Seo1, Jaejin Cho1, and
Hyunwook Park1
1KAIST, Guseong-dong, Daejeon, Korea
Clinical diagnosis requires several examinations to
present various characteristics of organs, which are
very time-consuming. To reduce total imaging time, many
techniques have been proposed. Among them, parallel
imaging techniques utilize sensitivity difference
between multichannel RF coils. However, it is difficult
to apply these techniques to higher acceleration due to
SNR degradation. In this study, it is a key concept that
each image in clinical protocols has different contrast,
but shares similar structure information, and they are
helpful for reconstructing each other. We propose a
reconstruction model based on artificial neural network
to allow to use higher acceleration factors.
3708. |
91 |
Multi-contrast, parametric
and artifact-free images reconstructed from gradient-echo
and spin-echo (GRASE) imaging data using projection onto
convex sets based multiplexed sensitivity encoding
Mei-Lan Chu1,2, Hing-Chiu Chang1,
Koichi Oshio3, and Nan-kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina,
United States, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Keio University School of
Medicine, Japan
A novel procedure is developed to produce high-quality
single-shot and multi-shot GRASE images without aliasing
artifacts, in which coil sensitivity profiles and
inter-CPMG-echo signal variation models are used as the
constraints in reconstruction. With the developed
POCSMUSE method, multi-contrast images can be
reconstructed from a single set of GRASE data, reliably
enabling parametric T2 mapping.
3709. |
92 |
DELTAMap: A web enabled
multi-parameter-multi-time-point analysis tool for imaging
biomarker discovery - permission withheld
Chandan Kumar Aladahalli1, Dattesh D Shanbhag2,
Venkata Veerendranadh Chebrolu2, Patrice
Hervo3, Sandeep N Gupta4, and
Rakesh Mullick5
1Biomedical Signal Analysis Laboratory, GE
Global Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2Medical
Image Analysis Laboratory, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 3GEHC,
Buc, France, 4Clinical
Systems and Signal Processing, GE Global Research,
Niskayuna, NY, India, 5Diagnostics
& Biomedical Technologies, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A web-enabled tool to allow generic collaborative
exploration of multi-parameter-multi-time-point data is
conceptualized and completed components of this tools
are presented. The tool also allows clinicians to
quickly apply existing biomarkers definitions using
prior data and offers pre-set visualization templates
for broad based diagnostics and therapeutic evaluation
of longitudinal studies.
3710. |
93 |
A Fast Reconstruction
Algorithm for Accelerated Multi-Contrast MRI 
Itthi Chatnuntawech1, Berkin Bilgic2,
Adrian Martin1,3, Kawin Setsompop2,4,
and Elfar Adalsteinsson1,5
1MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MA, United
States, 3Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain,4Harvard
Medical School, MA, United States, 5Harvard-MIT
Heath Sciences and Technology, MA, United States
We present an efficient algorithm to jointly reconstruct
a set of images with different contrasts that has faster
reconstruction time and better quality as measured by
the normalized root-mean-square error (RMSE). To
efficiently solve the 2,1-regularized
optimization problem, our proposed algorithm first
adopts the Split-Bregman (SB) technique to break down
the problem into sub-problems. We efficiently compute a
closed-form solution to each of the sub-problems with
the help of a finite difference operator in k-space. The
proposed algorithm (SB-L21) offers up to 32x faster
reconstruction with up to 30% reduction in an average
RMSE of the reconstructed images across all contrasts
and slices, compared to other methods, including
M-FOCUSS and SparseMRI.
3711. |
94 |
Accelerated MR Parameter
Mapping Using Robust Model-Consistency Reconstruction 
Alexey Samsonov1
1University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States
Model-based reconstruction of undersampled data is a
popular strategy to accelerate MR parameter mapping. In
practice, however, the model-based strategy may lead to
sub-optimal performance because actual signal may
deviate from the model in many voxels (e.g., due to
modeling simplifications, partial voluming, motion,
etc). In this work, we propose a new model-based
reconstruction technique, whose intrinsic insensitivity
to the model mismatch in such voxels results in improved
reconstruction of MR parameter maps.
95 |
Spin TomogrAphy in Time
domain: the MR-STAT project 
Alessandro Sbrizzi1, Annette van der Toorn1,
Hans Hoogduin1, Peter R Luijten1,
and Cornelis A van den Berg1
1UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
We present a new approach of quickly measuring MR
parameter maps by treating the quantitative MR problem
as a dynamic system identification process. The system
equations are inverted to match the response of the MR
scanner to the data in time domain. Due to advances in
numerical optimization and computing power, this
approach has become possible and it is routinely
applied, for instance, to seismology. For the first
time, we apply it to MR and we recover all the desired
parameters, for example: T1, T2, B1, B0, M0. Data
acquisition takes just a few seconds.
3713. |
96 |
High resolution T1 mapping
within seconds: model-based reconstruction without
Volkert Roeloffs1, Xiaoqing Wang1,
Tilman Sumpf1, and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max
Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen,
Niedersachsen, Germany
In this work we present a model-based reconstruction
algorithm for the reconstruction of high resolution T1
maps from a fast spoiler-gradient free radial IR-FLASH
sequence. By using minimal TR and formulating the
problem in the parameter domain, no further
regularization techniques are necessary. The resulting
non-linear optimization problem is solved by the
Gauss-Newton method. A phantom study revealed good
agreement of the T1 values with the gold standard and a
first in vivo experiment using the same parameter set as
in the phantom study proofed the proposed technique to
be robust.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Computer # |
3714. |
1 |
Phantom study for boundary
artifact reduction in MREPT 
Sungmin Cho1, Joonsung Lee2,
Jaewook Shin1, Min-Oh Kim1, and
Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Yonsei University, SeodaemunGu, Seoul,
Korea, 2Severance
Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Magnetic resonance electrical properties tomography (MREPT)
is a technique which estimates conductivity and
permittivity by measuring B1 information. Previous MREPT
assumed that electrical properties are locally
homogeneous so this assumption incurred the "Boundary
Artifact". Lee¡¯s proposed method reduces boundary
artifact by iterative process. However, this method was
verified just for simulation data with high SNR
condition. To verify the practical applicability of this
method, in this study, the iterative boundary artifact
reduction algorithm is implemented for a phantom
3715. |
2 |
Eliminating image shading
in 3D FSE with hybrid RF 
Moran Wei1, Weiwei Zhang1,
Yongchuan Lai1, and Bing Wu1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China
In hybrid 3D FSE, the close proximity of pre-phaser and
the first refocus pulse makes the first refocus RF very
vulnerable to the short-term eddy current induced by the
pre-phaser. This causes image shadings in regions
distant from the magnet center. We propose to shift the
position of pre-phaser to post of the first refocus RF
to eliminate the image shading of hybrid 3D FSE
3716. |
3 |
Cardiac Susceptibility Bite
Mark Artifact: Resolving the Conflict 
Candice A. Bookwalter1, Samir D. Sharma1,
and Scott B. Reeder1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Department
of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
A commonly seen “bite mark” susceptibility artifact in
the inferolateral and anteroseptal myocardial wall in
cardiac cine SSFP images can degrade morphologic and
functional evaluation, particularly for R2* mapping. Two
explanations have been previously proposed, that these
artifacts originate from 1) the heart-lung interface or
2) deoxygenated blood in adjacent cardiac veins. The
purpose of this study was to determine whether the
geometry of the heart-lung interface alone accounts for
"bite mark" artifacts in vivo.
3717. |
4 |
A noval method of
correcting off-center errors for radial acquisition with
arbitrary angle. 
Ming Yang1, Haikun Qi2, Shuo Zhang3,
Guang Qiang Geng1, Chen Guang Zhao1,
Huijun Chen2, and Feng Huang1
1Philips Healthcare, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging Research, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, 3Philips
Healthcare, Singapore, Singapore
This abstracts introduces a method to correct the
off-center issue caused by gradient delays in radial
arbitrary-angle acquisition. Instead of using 0º-180º
and 90º-270º projection pairs, this method only requires
a number of pairs of pseudo anti-parallel projections
and then applies Linear regression method such as least
square method to estimate the gradient delays.
Therefore, the off-center error can be compensated
during the reconstruction for arbitrary-angle, such as
golden-angle radial acquisition. This method is tested
on phantom and human Golden-angle radial MR images and
result shows the image quality is improved with
off-center error corrected using this method.
3718. |
5 |
Designing a Hyperbolic
Secant Excitation Pulse to Reduce Signal Dropout in 2D
Gradient Echo Imaging at 7T 
Stephen James Wastling1, Mark Symms2,
Mauro Costagli3,4, Laura Biagi3,4,
Mirco Cosottini3,5, Gareth John Barker1,
and Michela Tosetti3,4
1Department of Neuroimaging, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2GE
Healthcare, Pisa, Italy, 3Imago7,
Pisa, Italy, 4IRCCS
Stella Maris, Pisa, Italy, 5Department
of Translational Research and New Technologies in
Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
A method of reducing signal drop-out in Gradient Echo
imaging using a Hyperbolic Secant pulse was developed
and tested at 7T. The coronal images showed reduced
signal drop-out in the brain-stem, inferior temporal
lobe, and the cerebellum, producing images of superior
visual quality in human subjects.
3719. |
6 |
Non-Cartesian MR Image
Reconstruction with Integrated Gradient Nonlinearity and Off
Resonance Correction 
Shengzhen Tao1, Joshua D Trzasko1,
Yunhong Shu1, John Huston III1,
Paul T Weavers1, and Matt A Bernstein1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States
Due to engineering limitations, achieving perfect
gradient linearity across the imaging field-of-view is
infeasible. Gradient nonlinearity(GNL), if not accounted
for, causes image geometrical distortion, which is
conventionally corrected by image-domain interpolation.
Direct interpolation techniques, however, exert
smoothing effects on corrected images which results in
resolution loss. In non-Cartesian MRI, B0 inhomogeneity
can also cause image blurring. In this work, a
non-iterative gridding reconstruction framework with
integrated GNL and B0 off-resonance correction is
developed for non-Cartesian MRI. The proposed strategy
can mitigate the image blurring that occurs in standard
interpolation-based GNL-correction and from B0
inhomogeneity while still effectively correcting
geometrical distortion.
3720. |
7 |
Partial Fourier Homodyne
Reconstruction with Non-iterative, Integrated Gradient
Nonlinearity Correction 
Shengzhen Tao1, Joshua D Trzasko1,
Paul T Weavers1, Yunhong Shu1,
John Huston III1, and Matt A Bernstein1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States
Partial Fourier homodyne reconstruction is a widely used
method to reduce the amount of data required to form an
image in MRI by up to 50%. Recently, a non-iterative MR
image reconstruction method with integrated gradient
nonlinearity (GNL) correction was proposed. The method
was shown to be able to mitigate the image blurring and
resolution loss introduced by conventional, image-domain
interpolation based GNL correction, while still
correcting the GNL-induced image geometrical distortion.
In this work, we discuss the addition of partial Fourier
acquisition to this integrated reconstruction paradigm
to allow for similar maintenance of spatial resolution
while reducing acquisition time.
8 |
Adaptive Averaging of
Non-Identical Image Series in the Wavelet Space 
Henrik Marschner1, André Pampel1,
and Harald E. Möller1
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany
We investigate a novel averaging approach for MRI series
that does not rely on repetitions of an image. The
principle is based on complex averaging but translated
into the wavelet space where conservation of signals is
possible that are not meant to be averaged out. The
novel averaging is applied for a qMTI experiment which
consists of a series of images with different contrasts.
The observed effect of the averaging for the
investigated post-mortem brain is similar to twofold
averaging but without the need for repetitions of any
3722. |
9 |
Real-time concomitant
gradient field correction. 
Kevin Perkins1,2, Reeve Ingle2,
Juan Santos2, Galen Reed2, Ken
Johnson2, and William Overall2
1BYU, Provo, Utah, United States, 2HeartVista,
Menlo Park, Ca, United States
One source of artifacts in spiral scans is concomitant
gradient fields (CGFs), which are higher order field
terms that accompany linear gradients. Demodulation is a
zero-order CGF correction method that has been
implemented in real-time. However, this simple approach
does not effectively correct CGF effects in non-axial
slices. Multi-frequency binning is a more advanced
technique that requires more computational time. We
propose an intermediate, first-order solution that
retains the non-axial correction capabilities of the
multifrequency approach along with the speed of simple
demodulation correction. This first-order approach is
shown to eliminate blurring artifact inside a
user-defined FOV.
3723. |
10 |
Effective removal of
aliasing artifacts in interleaved diffusion weighted EPI
using integrated 2D Nyquist correction and multiplexed
sensitivity encoded reconstruction 
Hing-Chiu Chang1 and
Nan-Kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina,
United States
In addition to minuscule motion induced aliasing
artifacts, interleaved EPI based DWI are also
susceptible to Nyquist artifact. 1D Nyquist correction
is routinely used for single-shot and interleaved DWI.
However, in many cases (e.g., oblique-plane EPI), the
Nyquist artifacts due to phase errors along the
phase-encoding direction are significant, which can only
be suppressed with The 2D phase correction Nyquist
correction methods for Nyquist ghost reduction reveal
significant improvement of image quality for both
single-shot and segmented EPI data acquired in oblique
plane or in the presence of cross-term eddy current.
Unfortunately, existing 2D Nyquist correction procedures
are not compatible with interleaved DWI data. To address
this limitation, here we report a novel integrated
approach to simultaneously remove 2D Nyquist artifact
and shot-to-shot phase variations in interleaved DWI
3724. |
11 |
A Generic Referenceless
Phase Combination (GRPC) Method: Application at High and
Ultra-High Fields 
Francesco Santini1, Carl Ganter2,
Philipp Ehses3, Klaus Scheffler3,
and Oliver Bieri1
1Radiological Physics, University of Basel
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar,
Munich, Germany, 3Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen,
Phase imaging is especially important at high to ultra
high fields to both map local field inhomogeneities and
highlight important anatomical structures. Obtaining a
proper coherent phase image from the combination of
multiple receiver coils, however, is challenging. Here,
we introduce a generic referenceless phase combination
approach able to eliminate most artifacts in phase
imaging without the need of a special acquisition
protocol or geometric assumptions for the coils.
3725. |
12 |
Automatic identification of
motion in multishot MRI using convolutional neural networks 
Shayan Guhaniyogi1, Mei-Lan Chu1,
and Nan-Kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States
A major concern of multishot MRI acquisitions is the
effect of subject motion, which can result in
undesirable image artifacts. In order to discard or
correct these images, the first step is to identify the
images which have been corrupted. We describe an
automated machine-learning method to identify
motion-corrupted multishot images using unsupervised
feature learning and a convolutional neural network. We
demonstrate that the method can accurately classify
motion-corrupted images of different contrasts and
different multishot acquisition types. The result is an
effective technique which eliminates the need for manual
identification of motion artifacts in multishot images.
3726. |
13 |
An Efficient MR
Inhomogeneity Corrector Using Regularized Entropy
Bo Zhang1, Hans Peeters2, Ad
Moerland2, Helene Langet1, and
Niccolo Stefani3
1Philips Research, Suresnes, France, 2Philips
Healthcare, Netherlands, 3Philips
Healthcare, OH, United States
MR images are usually degenerated by artifact of
intensity inhomogeneity, or bias field, undesirable for
perception and diagnosis. In this work, we present an
optimized 3-dimensional retrospective nonparametric
inhomogeneity correction method by minimizing a
regularized-entropy criterion. The inhomogeneity
estimator is numerically particularly efficient,
scalable and parallelizable compared to exisiting
entropy-based approaches. Its effectiveness and
robustness have also been validated by vast clinical
evaluations on 1.5T and 3T scans of brain and breast
3727. |
14 |
A Regularly Structured 3D
Printed Grid Phantom for Quantification of MRI Image
Maysam Mahmood Jafar1, Christopher Dean2,
Malcolm J Birch1, and Marc E Miquel1
1Medical Physics, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Radiotherapy,
Barts Health NHS Trust, London, London, United Kingdom
Radiotherapy treatment planning (RTTP) necessitates
accurate delineation of tumor volume and adjacent
structures at risk. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
offers superior soft-tissue contrast compared with CT
but suffers from inherent geometric distortions. The
problem is exacerbated at higher field strengths where
there is an increase in inhomogeneties in the main B0
magnetic field as well as the B1 RF field. Furthermore,
non-linearities in the applied gradients add a further
element to these distortions. In this study, we propose
a cost-effective regularly structured three-dimensional
3D printed grid phantom, which enables one to quantify
machine-related MR distortion by comparing the locations
of corresponding features in both MR and CT data sets.
3728. |
15 |
Noise-compensated bias
correction of MRI via a stochastically fully-connected
conditional random field model 
Ameneh Boroomand1, Mohammad Javad Shafiee,1,
Alexander Wong1, Farzad Khalvati2,
Paul Fieguth1, and Masoom Haider3
1System Design Engineering, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada,3Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The bias field inhomogeneity in Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) often makes difficulties for the
physicians who interpret and analyze the MR images. One
important challenging aspect of the most bias field
correction methods is the presence of MRI noise which
should be handled. Here, we propose a Bayesian based
image reconstruction framework which concurrently
corrects for the MRI bias field as well as compensates
for MRI noise in the final reconstructed MR image.
3729. |
16 |
Combination of integrated
slice-specific dynamic shimming and pixel-wise unwarping of
residual EPI distortions 
Alto Stemmer1 and
Berthold Kiefer1
1Healthcare, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
The acquisition of a field map is integrated into a
diffusion-weighted single shot EPI prototype sequence.
The field information retrieved from the unwrapped and
calibrated field map is used at run time for
slice-specific center frequency update and gradient
offset shimming and during the reconstruction for
pixel-wise unwarping of remaining distortions.
3730. |
17 |
Reduced eddy current
induced artifact in 7T single shot diffusion weighted echo
planar imaging 
Se-Hong Oh1 and
Mark J Lowe1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, OH, United States
DWI sequences based on single-shot EPI have an
additional source of N/2 ghosting artifacts that are
associated with B0 field perturbations resulting from
diffusion gradient-induced eddy currents. Hence,
diffusion gradient-induced phase error must be
considered in DWI. In this study, we investigate the
impact of navigator echo acquisition locations. In
addition, the effect of a dummy diffusion gradient is
investigated as an alternative method reduces eddy
3731. |
18 |
Spatio-temporal Artifact
Correction of Multi-dimensional Spectroscopic Imaging Data 
Brian Burns1, Neil Wilson2, and M.
Albert Thomas2,3
1Department of Bioengineering, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2Medical
Physics, IDP, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Current phase correction techniques in multi-dimensional
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) do not take into account
the spatio-temporal nature of phase errors because they
were designed for single voxel methods. This work
categorizes phase errors in 4D MRSI (2D spatial+2D
spectral) as time, space, or space and time varying, and
proposes a post-processing pipeline that decouples these
errors so they are removed in the appropriate domain.
The Interleaved Navigator Scan corrected Echo-Planar
J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging (INSEP-JRESI) sequence
is proposed. Results from gray matter phantom scans
using this new sequence and pipeline demonstrate the
viability of this technique compared to MRSI-adapted
Klose's methods.
3732. |
19 |
Compressed sensing
reconstruction with higher-order off-resonance correction
using the cross-sampling and the time-segmented method 
Daiki Tamada1 and
Katsumi Kose1
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
To design incoherent trajectories is important to
achieve an efficient compressed sensing (CS)
reconstruction. However, in practice, CS reconstruction
using non-Cartesian sampling trajectories suffer from
the off-resonance effect, which makes image distortion
and artifacts. To overcome this problem, we developed a
new CS reconstruction strategy using a cross-sampling,
and a time-segmented off-resonance correction method. A
B0 distribution
map used for the off-resonance correction was estimated
using an image registration based method. And a wavelet
regularized split Bregman method was used for the
reconstruction. Imaging experiments of a chemically
fixed mouse demonstrated usefulness of our method.
20 |
Title: A Fast Algorithm to
Correct Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging 
Cheng Li1, Jeremy F. Magland1,
Alan C. Seifert1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Zero echo-time (ZTE) sequence is a promising technique
for short-T2 imaging. However, the presence of an
imaging gradient during excitation causes blurring and
shadow artifacts due to limited RF pulse bandwidth. Our
previous work proposed an approach by applying
phase-modulated RF excitation and iterative
reconstruction to correct the artifacts. However, this
iterative method is computationally intensive. In this
work, we developed a fast non-iterative correction
algorithm to dramatically reduce the computation time
while maintaining image quality. Results from phantom
and in vivo scans demonstrate the effectiveness of the
method. The proposed method allows online ZTE
reconstruction with artifact correction on clinical
21 |
Regularized Inversion of
Metallic Implant Susceptibility from B0 Field Maps 
Xinwei Shi1, Daehyun Yoon2, Kevin
Koch3, and Brian Hargreaves2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, WI, United States
3D Multi-Spectral Imaging techniques have made
significant advancements toward imaging near metal, with
their ability to correct for most of the distortion and
signal loss. However, in close vicinity of implants,
artificial signal voids and dark tissues are
indistinguishable with lack of signal in the location of
the actual implant, and this makes it challenging to
visualize the implant geometry or to examine the
tissue/implant interface. In this work, we demonstrate a
regularized inversion approach to estimate the
susceptibility map from the B0 field maps and thereby
differentiate the metallic voxels from artificial signal
void or dark tissues.
3735. |
22 |
Phantom-Based Iterative
Estimation of MRI Gradient Nonlinearity 
Joshua Trzasko1, Shengzhen Tao1,
Jeffrey Gunter1, Yunhong Shu1,
John Huston III1, and Matt Bernstein1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Gradient nonlinearity (GNL) correction is a standard
process performed on MRI scanners to eliminate geometric
spatial distortion that arises from imperfect hardware
performance. Typically, the gradient field is estimated
via electromagnetic (EM) simulation for a scanner type,
but does not account for scanner-specific variations due
to hardware construction (e.g., winding) or siting.
Recently, a phantom-based calibration procedure was
developed that enables accurate individual field
estimation without needing proprietary information. In
this work, we develop a new iterative estimation
strategy — based on post-GNL correction distortion mean
square error (MSE) minimization — that further improves
scanner-specific gradient field estimation accuracy.
3736. |
23 |
Gradient Unwarping for
Phase Imaging Reconstruction 
Paul Polak1, Robert Zivadinov1,2,
and Ferdinand Schweser1,2
1Department of Neurology, Buffalo
Neuroimaging Analysis Center, State University of New
York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States, 2Molecular
and Translational Imaging Center, MRI Center, Clinical
and Translational Research Center, Buffalo, NY, United
Images reconstructed by direct Fourier transform from
k-space data are hindered by gradient non-linearities
which result in imaging voxel distortions. Correction of
these effects, or gradient unwarping, is provided by MR
manufacturers near the end of their image reconstruction
pipeline; however, this is typically applied only to
multi-channel combined magnitude images. Advanced
reconstruction techniques utilizing compressed sensing,
non-Cartesian sampling or multi-channel phase images
typically use data from a more primary step (i.e.
k-space or single channel data), and are thus subject to
gradient warping effects in the final reconstruction. We
present here a technique to unwarp complex-valued MRI
data which is then suitable for advanced phase imaging
3737. |
24 |
Advanced Intrinsic
Correction of System Delays for Radial Trajectories 
Martin Krämer1 and
Jürgen R Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Jena University
Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena,
To perform correction of axis dependent system/gradient
delays for radial imaging we propose an improved
algorithm which works by iteratively optimizing the
recon-structed image until the local minima of a
calibration function is reached. The calibration
function is calculated from the reconstructed image
magnitude and thus uses the actually measured radial raw
data for correction, requiring no additional calibration
data to be acquired. We demonstrate the performance of
the algorithm for both phantom and in vivo measurements.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Computer # |
3738. |
25 |
Whitening of colored noise
in PROPELLER using iterative regularized PICO reconstruction 
Jyh-Miin Lin1, Andrew Patterson2,
Hing-Chiu Chang3, Tzu-Chao Chuang4,
Hsiao-Wen Chung5, Jonathan H. Gillard1,
and Martin J. Graves2
1Department of Radiolgoy, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 2Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge,
United Kingdom, 3Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical
Center, NC, United States, 4Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Taiwan, 5Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taiwan, Taiwan
The colored noise pattern in periodically rotated
overlapping parallel lines with enhanced reconstruction
(PROPELLER) images is described theoretically by
Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB), followed by confirmation
using simulation and phantom studies. An iterative
regularized method named Pseudo-Inverse as COnstraint
(PICO) for reconstructing PROPELLER images is proposed
and tested on phantom images to examine the whitening of
noise power spectra at various angular under-sampling
factors. Comparison against conventionally reconstructed
PROPELLER images using density compensation demonstrates
the advantages of PICO by reducing streaks artifacts and
high-spatial-frequency noise on human images in vivo.
3739. |
26 |
Improved contrast-to-noise
levels for MS lesion detection on CSF-suppressed heavily T2-weighted
Vanessa Wiggermann1,2, Enedino Hernández
Torres2,3, Anthony Traboulsee3,4,
David K.B. Li2,4, and Alexander Rauscher2,3
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3UBC
MRI Research Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4Medicine
(Neurology), University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada
Visualization of cortical lesions on conventional MR
images is often challenging due to restricted
contrast-to-noise levels. Further, cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) in the vicinity of lesions hampers lesion
detection. The here proposed combination of conventional
T2-weighted and FLAIR images doubles the
contrast-to-noise ratio, while providing suppression of
CSF signal. The enhanced contrast may aid automated
lesion segmentation and detection of cortical lesions.
3740. |
27 |
Cerebral glioma grading
using Bayesian Network with features extracted from
multi-modality MRI 
Jisu Hu #1, Wenbo Wu #2, Bin Zhu #2,
Huiting Wang2, Renyuan Liu2, Xin
Zhang2, Ming Li2, Yongbo Yang3,
Jing Yan4, Fengnan Niu5,
Chuanshuai Tian2, Kun Wang2,
Haiping Yu2, Weibo Chen6, Suiren
Wan*1, Yu Sun*1, and Bing Zhang*2
1The Laboratory for Medical Electronics,
School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering,
Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 2Department
of Radiology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 3Department
of Neurosurgery, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 4Department
of Oncology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 5Department
of Pathology, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of
Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, China, 6Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China
In order to combine multiple modalities of MRI in
preoperative cerebral glioma grading, a diagnosing tool
based on Bayesian Network was developed to integrate
features extracted from conventional MR imaging,
perfusion weighted imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging.
The structure of the network was determined in
cooperation with experienced neuroradiologists and the
parameters learned using EM (Expectation-Maximization)
algorithm with the incomplete dataset of 52 clinical
cases. The grading performance was evaluated in a
leave-one-out analysis, achieving the highest grading
accuracy of 88.24% with all the features observed.
3741. |
28 |
Improving the spatial
resolution and SNR of rat brain T2-weighted MR images:
application of a super-resolution method 
Eric Van Reeth1, Michael Sdika1,
Sophie Gaillard1, Pierre-Hervé Luppi2,
Paul-Antoine Libourel2, and Olivier Beuf1
1Université de Lyon, CREATIS; CNRS UMR5220;
Inserm U1044; INSA-Lyon; Université Lyon 1,
Villeurbanne, Rhone, France, 2Centre
de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon; Inserm U1028 -
CNRS UMR5292, Lyon, Rhone, France
An image processing method called super-resolution is
applied on rat brain MR data in order to improve the
spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of 2D
multi-slices MR acquisitions. The high-resolution output
image has an isotropic spatial resolution and is
obtained from several low-resolution anisotropic images.
It clearly improves the trade-off between acquisition
time, SNR and spatial resolution when compared to a
high-resolution image that was acquired in approximately
the same time. The few changes required on the
acquisition protocol and the flexibility of the imaging
model to handle different applications make it an
interesting post-processing method for practical
3742. |
29 |
Support Vector Regression
based Denoising for MRI Image - permission withheld
Di Zhao1
1The Dorothy M. Davis Heart & Lung Research
Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States
A generic problem of MRI images is the low SNR, and
filtering is the widely used technique to suppress MRI
image noise. Images filters based on machine learning
algorithms, such as Support Vector Machine (SVR), have
been shown to have superior performance because the
signal can be preserved better. In this abstract, we
apply Support Vector Regression based denoiser (SVR
denoiser) for MRI image processing.
3743. |
30 |
NICePype: A Web-based
pipeline manager for processing neuroimaging data based on
Nipype. - permission withheld
Dirk K. Müller1, René Küttner1,
Ralf Hannig1, Thomas Frank1,
Juliane Müller1, and Michael Marxen1
1Department of Psychiatry and Neuroimaging
Center, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, 01187,
We developed a pipeline manager to offer standardized
and parallelized imaging processing pipelines to a
community of applied scientists with an efficient and
intuitive web-based interface. The software is based on
nipype allowing to interface with algorithms from
different software packages (e.g., FSL, FreeSurfer, SPM
...). Pipelines can be executed without the need of
programming. Quality assurance for motion correction,
coregistration and normalization is included.
3744. |
31 |
Challenges of 3D printing
from MRI data: Our Experience with a Kidney Tumor Model - permission withheld
Nicole Wake1,2, William Huang3,
Todd Pietila4, and Hersh Chandarana1
1The Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation
and Research (CAI2R), Department of Radiology, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, New York,
United States, 2The
Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, New York,
United States,3Department of Urology, New
York University School of Medicine, New York, New York,
United States, 4Materialise
USA, Plymouth, Michigan, United States
Soft tissue three-dimensional (3D) printing from
magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data is feasible, but
implementation is challenging and time consuming. We
performed 3D segmentation of an abdominal MR dataset and
created a high-fidelity, life-sized 3D model of a kidney
and in-situ renal tumor for pre-operative surgical
planning. The 3D model provided additional information
to the attending surgeon that influenced surgical
planning and allowed real-time changes to be applied
during the operative procedure.
3745. |
32 |
Super-resolved enhancing
and edge deghosting for spatiotemporally encoded single-shot
Lin Chen1, Shuhui Cai1, Congbo Cai2,
and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Department
of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen,
Fujian, China
Spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) single-shot imaging is a
recently proposed ultrafast approach, which has great
advantages in resisting field inhomogeneity and chemical
shift effects compared to echo planar imaging, but
limited by its low inherent spatial resolution.
Super-resolved (SR) reconstruction is indispensable to
SPEN approach, which can improve the spatial resolution
without additional acquisition. The existing SR
algorithms always compromise in spatial resolution to
suppress aliasing artifacts. In this abstract, we
proposed a novel SR algorithm termed super-resolved
enhancing and edge deghosting, which can provide better
spatial resolution compared to state-of-the-art SR
reconstruction algorithms in SPEN MRI.
33 |
A Fast Patch-Based Approach
for Pseudo-CT Generation from MRI T1-Weighted Images: A
Potential Solution for PET/MR Attenuation Correction 
Angel Torrado-Carvajal1,2, Eduardo Alcain3,
Joaquin L. Herraiz2,4, Antonio S. Montemayor3,
Juan A. Hernandez-Tamames1,2, Elfar
Adalsteinsson5,6, Larry L. Wald6,7,
and Norberto Malpica1,2
1Medical Image Analysis and Biometry Lab,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain, 2Madrid-MIT
M+Vision Consortium, Madrid, Spain, 3Dept.
of Computer Science, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Mostoles, Madrid, Spain, 4Research
Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 5Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States,6Harvard-MIT Health Sciences
and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 7Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, MGH,
Charlestown, MA, United States
In this work, we propose a fast pseudo-CT generation
from a patient-specific MRI T1-weighted image using a
group-wise patch-based approach and a limited MRI and CT
atlas dictionary. The use of patch-based techniques to
estimate a pseudo-CT from MR T1-weighted images allows
determining accurate AC maps for use in hybrid PET/MR
systems. The proposed method provides an accurate
estimation of the pseudo-CT with a similar accuracy as
patient-specific CT does. This avoids the
over-simplification of most previous proposed methods
based on segmented MR images that assume that all voxels
in the same tissue type should have the same attenuation
3747. |
34 |
THOMAS: Thalamus Optimized
Multi-Atlas Segmentation 
Jason Su1,2, Thomas Tourdias3,
Manojkumar Saranathan2, and Brian K. Rutt2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States,3Neuroradiology, Bordeaux University
Hospital, Bordeaux, France
A method for automatic segmentation of thalamic nuclei
was developed and optimized using 7T white-matter-nulled
MP-RAGE images, which provide excellent contrast and
detail for segmentation and for ANTS nonlinear
registration. The PICSL multi-atlas label fusion
algorithm by Wang and Yushkevich was optimized for 12
thalamic nuclei and validated in 9 subjects using an
atlas of prior manual delineations from 20 subjects,
including multiple sclerosis patients and healthy
controls. Performance in accuracy, resolution, and
acquisition time surpasses other published methods that
require DTI. The Dice coefficients for whole thalamus
(0.92), pulvinar nucleus (0.86), and mediodorsal nucleus
(0.87) were notably high.
3748. |
35 |
Prostate DWI
co-registration via maximization of hybrid statistical
likelihood and cross-correlation for improved ADC and
computed ultra-high b-value DWI calculation 
Daniel S. Cho1, Farzad Khalvati2,
Alexander Wong1, David A Clausi1,
and Masoom Haider2
1Systems Design Engineering, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2University
of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) has gained significant
attention for prostate cancer imaging as its derived
modalities such as apparent diffusion coefficient and
computed high b-value images are commonly employed for
prostate cancer analysis. In this work, a novel
technique to register a set of DWI acquisitions across
multiple b-values was proposed. The proposed
registration adapted b-spline registration with a new
hybrid similarity metric, which utilized statistical
likelihood and cross-correlation. The DWI
co-registration showed the improved contrast-to-noise
ratio on DWI acquisitions across multiple b-values as
well as ADC map.
3749. |
36 |
Model the single-venule
fMRI signal at the millisecond scale 
Yi He1,2, Kun Zhang3, and Xin Yu1,2
1Research Group of Translational Neuroimaging
and Neural Control, High-Field Magnetic Resonance, Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Graduate
School of Neural Information Processing, University of
Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany,3Department
of Empirical Inference, Max Planck Institute of
Intelligent System, Tuebingen, Germany
The hemodynamic response function (HRF) of fMRI signal
varies according to different conditions and tasks. The
estimate of HRF highly relies on the spatiotemporal
resolution of fMRI raw images. Here, we developed a new
algorithm to estimate the single-vessel specific HRF
from the fMRI signal acquired by multi-echo
line-scanning method (MELS-fMRI). This method
simultaneously performed T2* decay deconvolution and HRF
optimization. Given the millisecond scale sampling rate
for multi-echo acquisition, the estimated HRF bears high
temporal feature of fMRI signal propagation through
different venules in the deep layer cortex. This is the
first step to model millisecond scale fMRI signal.
3750. |
37 |
Automatic Computation of
Normalized Brain Volume on 3D T1-Weighted MRI Scans Without
Registration to Standard Space 
Elizabeth Wicks1, Jason P.C. Chiu1,
Lisa Y.W. Tang1,2, Kevin Lam1,
Andrew Riddehough1, David K.B. Li1,2,
Anthony Traboulsee1, and Roger Tam1,2
1MS/MRI Research Group, Division of
Neurology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, 2Dept.
of Radiology, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada
Established methods of brain volume normalization on
T1-weighted images typically require affine registration
to a standard template, which can introduce a
significant amount of measurement noise. We have
developed a fully-automated method to compute a
normalized brain volume from T1w images by directly
estimating intradural volume. This method correlated
highly (r = 0.845) with an established method on T2w/PDw
images, when applied to a completed multiple sclerosis
clinical trial dataset of 131 patients, which included
both T1w and T2w/PDw sequences of each patient.
3751. |
38 |
An automatic classificator
based on local fractal features for the identification of
cortical malformations 
Alberto De Luca1,2, Denis Peruzzo2,
Fabio Triulzi3, Filippo Arrigoni2,
and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy, 2Department
of Neuroimaging, Scientific Institute, IRCCS "Eugenio
Medea", Bosisio Parini, LC, Italy, 3Neuroradiology
department, Scientific Institute, IRCCS "Cà Granda" -
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, MI, Italy
Malformations of cortical development (MCDs) encompass a
wide spectrum of brain abnormalities which extension and
localization are extremely variable from subject to
subject and their analysis with existing methods is
difficult. First we extended a fractal geometry
algorithm to compute voxelwise maps, then defined two
distance maps used to quantify the distance of a single
subject from a population. Results suggest that fractal
values are sensible to the structural properties of the
tissues being statistically different values between
healthy and malformed cortex. The classification based
on these indices is able to reveal malformed areas with
high specificity.
3752. |
39 |
Comparison of 3He
MRI and CT image-based ventilation using deformable image
Bilal A Tahir1,2, Helen Marshall2,
Matthew Q Hatton1, Jim M Wild2,
and Rob H Ireland1,2
1Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology,
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom, 2Academic
Unit of Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Image registration of inspiratory and expiratory lung CT
has been proposed to generate surrogates of ventilation.
However, validation against established ventilation
modalities is required prior to clinical implementation.
Here, we present a method using deformable image
registration, via same-breath 1H MRI, to enable ROI
correlation analysis of ventilation calculated by dual
breath-hold CT with hyperpolarized 3He MRI, which is
demonstrated in 3 patients with moderate-to-severe
3753. |
40 |
Improving T2* mapping
accuracy by spatially adaptive non local means noise
Till Huelnhagen1, Andreas Pohlmann1,
and Thoralf Niendorf1,2
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC),
Berlin, Germany, 2Experimental
and Clinical Research Center, a joint cooperation
between the Charite Medical Faculty and the
Max-Delbrueck Center, Berlin, Germany
This works investigates the impact of spatially adaptive
non local means filtering (SANLM) on T2* mapping
accuracy using numerical simulations and in vivo data
derived from animal and human imaging at ultrahigh
magnetic fields. The presented results suggest, that
SANLM filtering prior to T2* mapping
can substantially improve T2* fitting
accuracy, but should be used with due caution for very
small structures and very low SNR. The in vivo results
suggest that SANLM filtering provides means for
improving parametric mapping for a broad range of
applications including neurovasculaar and cardiac
parametric mapping.
3754. |
41 |
Accurate Bone Marrow
Extraction from T1-w Images and ADC-maps in Patients with
Metastatic Cancer: A Texture-Based Segmentation Approach 
Parmida Moradi Birgani1,2, Anahita Fathi
Kazerooni1,2, Hamidreza Haghighatkhah3,
Pedram Fadavi4, Mohsen Shojaei Moghaddam5,
Meghdad Ashtiyani6, and Hamidreza Saligheh
1Quantitative MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
Group, Research Center for Molecular and Cellular
Imaging, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Iran,2Department of Medical Physics and
Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 3Department
of Radiology, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 4Radiation
Oncology Department, Iran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 5Imaging
Center, Payambaran Hospital, Tehran, Iran, 6Department
of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, International Campus, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Accurate assessment of bone marrow, as a common site of
metastasis among patients with breast cancer, in DW-MR
images is of high clinical importance. In this regard,
bone marrow extraction could play an important role in
providing early markers of tumor progression to be
followed by proper therapy planning. However, the
existing bone marrow segmentation methods are prone to
errors due to heterogeneous nature of tumors,
mis-registration and lack of reproducibility. This issue
becomes even more challenging in extracting bone marrows
from ADC-maps where there is a lack of morphological
information. In this work, we proposed a novel
texture-based segmentation approach, which could be
reliably used for bone marrow extraction from ADC-maps.
3755. |
42 |
Human thalamic structure
segmentation with universal SHape Interpolation using the
Radon Transform (uSHIRT) - permission withheld
Peter Adany1, In-Young Choi1,2,
Erica Sherry1, and Phil Lee1,3
1Hoglund Brain Imaging Center, University of
Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, United States, 2Neurology,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS,
United States, 3Molecular
and Integrative Physiology, University of Kansas Medical
Center, Kansas City, KS, United States
Despite the functional importance of the thalamus
including the regulation of consciousness, sleep and
alertness, its structural analysis is challenging,
requiring significant manual segmentation with
cumbersome editing of 3D shapes as 2D contours. The
currently available interpolation tools (linear, sinc,
trilinear, etc.) present an obstacle because they do not
create smooth contours, i.e., the interpolation is based
on the intensity rather than a shape of the target
structure. Our proposed universal Shape Interpolation
using the Radon Transform (uSHIRT) presents an
advancement from currently available analysis methods,
as it greatly improves and facilitates coregistration,
reslicing and editing masks in different planes.
3756. |
43 |
Image Hessian based
Automatic Cranium Segmentation for Blackbone and Silenz MRI 
Max W.K. Law1, Jing Yuan1, Gladys
G. Lo2, Oi Lei Wong1, Abby Y. Ding1,
and Siu Ki Yu1
1Medical Physics and Research Department,
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong
Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
This work describes a new algorithm that automatically
segments the cranium from two MRI sequences - gradient
echo based "Blackbone" MRI and Ultra-short-TE "Silenz"
MRI. This algorithm deforms an ellipsoid template
according to the Hessian based image statistics, to find
the boundaries where abrupt intensity changes are
observed. We also studied the bone thickness consistency
and bone signal contrast compared to the neighboring
tissues for these two sequences. This method is
potentially helpful for clinical applications such as
MR-based cephalometry and radiotherapy planning to
reduce or eliminate radiation deposition in patients.
3757. |
44 |
Imiomics: Bringing –omics
to whole body imaging: Examples in cross sectional
interaction between whole-body MRI and non-imaging data 
Joel Kullberg1, Lars Johansson1,
Lars Lind2, Håkan Ahlström1, and
Robin Strand1
1Radiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
Sweden, 2Medical
Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
We have developed an image processing concept, Imiomics
(imaging –omics), a set of methods, including image
registration, that allow statistical and holistic
analysis of whole-body image data and non-imaging data.
The image registration gives point-to-point
correspondences between images allowing whole-body
comparisons of image intensity values and morphology.
The purpose of this work was to present Imiomics and
initial examples of cross sectional interaction between
MRI (fat content and local volume) and non-imaging data
(anthropometrical and body fat measurements) where there
is information on expected associations. We conclude
that Imiomics can be used for cross-sectional anomaly
detection, associations and group comparisons.
3758. |
45 |
Creating 3D Heart Models of
Children with Congenital Heart Disease using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging 
Danielle F. Pace1, Polina Golland1,
David Annese2, Tal Geva2,3, Andrew
J. Powell2,3, and Mehdi H. Moghari2,3
1Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Department
of Cardiology, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States, 3Department
of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States
We present a semi-automatic segmentation algorithm to
create 3D heart models of children with complex
congenital heart disease from 3D magnetic resonance
images, which have promise for planning interventions.
After 10-15 short-axis slices are segmented manually (in
less than one hour of interaction time), a patch-based
algorithm segments the remaining slices automatically.
3D surface models are then generated from the segmented
blood pool and epicardium. The semi-automatic algorithm
was evaluated using images acquired from 4 patients.
Compared to manual segmentation, the proposed algorithm
had surface-to-surface distance errors of 0.51 +/- 0.90
mm (blood pool) and 0.60 +/- 0.99 mm (epicardium).
3759. |
46 |
Venous segmentation using
Gaussian mixture models and Markov random fields 
Phillip G. D. Ward1,2, Nicholas J. Ferris2,3,
Amanda C. L. Ng2,4, David G. Barnes1,5,
David L. Dowe1, Gary F. Egan2,6,
and Parnesh Raniga2
1Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 2Monash
Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Clayton,
Victoria, Australia, 3Monash
Imaging, Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 4Department
of Anatomy and Neuroscience, The University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 5Monash
eResearch Centre, Monash University, Victoria,
Australia, 6School
of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University,
Victoria, Australia
This study introduces a new method for segmenting the
cerebral venous vasculature, using quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) and susceptibility-weighted
imaging (SWI). The method employs a Gaussian
mixture-model to incorporate the QSM and SWI contrast,
which then feds into a Markov random field model,
augmented with a Gabor filter bank, to enhance
hyper-intense, vessel-like structures and provide
patient-specific venous cerebrovascular models.
3760. |
47 |
Consistency of commonly
applied vessel segmentation methods for magnetic resonance
Phillip G. D. Ward1,2, Parnesh Raniga2,
Nicholas J. Ferris2,3, Amanda C. L. Ng2,4,
David G. Barnes1,5, David L. Dowe1,
Elsdon Storey6, Robyn L. Woods7,
and Gary F. Egan2,8
1Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 2Monash
Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Clayton,
Victoria, Australia, 3Monash
Imaging, Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia, 4Department
of Anatomy and Neuroscience, The University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 5Monash
eResearch Centre, Monash University, Victoria,
Australia, 6Department
of Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia,7Department
of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia, 8School
of Psychology and Psychiatry, Monash University,
Victoria, Australia
The calculation of venous vascular metrics has been made
possible without a contrast agent using susceptibility
based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, such
as susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) and
quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), and a
suitable vessel-enhancing filter. Whilst multiple
filters have been proposed, the sensitivity of the final
measurement to the choice of filter is an unexplored
relationship. This study examines the correlation
between venous density and the choice of image type and
filtering technique in a large cohort of healthy elderly
3761. |
48 |
Consistency of
Intensity-based Density Value Assignment for Bone Voxels for
MR-only Simulation in Radiation Therapy Planning 
Michael Helle1, Nicole Schadewaldt1,
Heinrich Schulz1, Marloes Frantzen-Steneker2,
Christian Stehning1, Uulke van der Heide2,
and Steffen Renisch1
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Radiation therapy planning (RTP) based on magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) is an emerging application that
benefits from the superior display of soft tissue
contrasts and the delineation of tumor and critical
organs. A new approach based on a Cartesian T1-Dixon
acquisition has been introduced which makes it possible
to classify soft tissue and cortical bone structures in
the pelvic region. In this study, the consistency of the
density value assignment of bone voxels is investigated
on patient datasets who received both MR and CT imaging.
The proposed assignment scheme gives correct overall
mass densities on a population level.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Computer # |
3762. |
49 |
Improved spoiling
efficiency in dynamic RF-spoiled imaging by ghost phase
modulation and temporal filtering 
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen1 and
Douglas C Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
RF-spoiled steady-state sequences (SPGR/T1-FFE/FLASH)
offer rapid data acquisition and T1-weighting. The
unbalanced gradient lobes (“spoiler gradients”) in these
sequences are generally chosen empirically to be
sufficiently large to achieve good spoiling and suppress
ghosting artifacts, however the required spoiler
gradient size for “good” ghost suppression is subjective
and application-dependent. We present a simple
acquisition and data processing strategy for improved
ghost suppression in dynamic (or averaged) SPGR imaging,
based on dynamically modulating the phase of the ghosts
at the Nyquist frequency and removing that frequency
component in pre-processing.
3763. |
50 |
RF Amplifier Nonlinearity
Correction for Multiband RF Pulses 
Kangrong Zhu1, Robert F Dougherty2,
Matthew J Middione3, Hua Wu2,
Greig Scott1, John M Pauly1, and
Adam B Kerr1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Center
for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Applied
Sciences Laboratory West, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA,
United States
Multiband RF pulses are more likely to incur RF system
nonlinearities than standard RF pulses because they
typically push B1 to the RF amplifier limit and their
envelope requires rapid RF supply current changes.
Nonlinear distortion on a multiband RF pulse results in
undesired higher harmonics being excited in the
frequency domain. In this work, an RF pre-distortion
approach, which compensates for the error between
desired and measured RF waveforms, is adapted to
mitigate the nonlinear distortion on multiband RF
3764. |
51 |
Highly dynamic kT-points
to minimize the B1+ inhomogeneity
effects in T2-weighted imaging at 7T 
Florent Eggenschwiler1, Kieran R. O'Brien2,
Daniel Gallichan1, Rolf Gruetter1,2,
and Jose P. Marques3
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud,
At ultra-high magnetic field, the inhomogeneous
distribution of the B1+ field
can significantly impair the quality of turbo spin echo
sequences. Static kT-points where a unique
pulse is designed in the STA regime and then dynamic kT-points
where a specific kT-point pulse is optimized
for each pulse of the turbo spin echo sequence were
proposed to generate T2-weighted images with
increasingly improved signal and contrast homogeneities.
In this work, the dynamic kT-point design is
further improved by allowing an increased flexibility
for the optimization of the excitation pulse and by
choosing carefully the cost function used in the
optimization algorithm.
3765. |
52 |
B1 correction in
SPatiotemporal ENcoding (SPEN) MRI 
Rita Schmidt1, Jean-Noel Hyacinthe2,
Andrea Capozzi3, Nikolas Kunz4,
Rolf Gruetter4,5, Arnaud Comment3,
Lucio Frydman1, and Mor Mishkovsky5
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2School
of health, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Western Switzerland, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Institute
of the Physics of Biological Systems, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Switzerland, 4Center
of biomedical imaging (CIBM), Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Laboratory
of Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
A general challenge of doing MRI with surface coils
arises from the strong inhomogeneity of the
radio-frequency (RF) field. This challenge also arises
in ultrahigh field human MRI applications. Hybrid
spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN) sequence is a new
alternative for ultrafast acquisition, which recently
was demonstrated providing higher immunity to B0
inhomogeneity compared to Echo Planar Imaging (EPI). The
aim of the present work was to use SPEN scheme to
correct for the B1 inhomogeneity by compensating in the
“chirped” RF pulse amplitude for the spatial B1
distribution. Phantom as well as in-vivo animals’
experiments were conducted in 9.4 T MRI.
3766. |
53 |
Chemseddine Fatnassi1,2, Rachid Boucenna1,
Michael Betz1, and Habib Zaidi3
1Radio-oncology, Hirslanden Lausanne,
Lausanne, vaud, Switzerland, 2Faculty
of biology and Medicine, UNIL, Lausanne, vaud,
Switzerland, 3Division
of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Geneva
University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
In 3D gradient echo (GRE) imaging, strong macroscopic B0
field gradients (Gr) are observed at air/tissue
interfaces and in the presence of metallic objects. In
particular, at low spatial resolution, the respective
field gradients lead to an apparent increase in the
intra-voxel dephasing and subsequently to signal loss or
inaccurate R2* estimates. If the macroscopic gradient
through a voxel (Gr) can be estimated, its influence can
be removed through post-processing. The proposed
correction strategies usually assume a linear phase
evolution with time. However, near the edge of the
brain, the paranasal sinus and temporal lobes, this
assumption is often broken. In this work, we explore a
model that considers a non-linear dependence of the
phase evolution with echo time. The correction model is
then weighted by the SNR map computed from the magnitude
image in order to remove singularities caused by
inaccurate field map estimation. We tested the
performance of the proposed model for correcting of
artifacts in a physical phantom with different MnCl2
concentrations and in vivo clinical studies.
3767. |
54 |
B0 map reconstruction via
exploiting active shimming information and its application
on distortion correction for EPI 
Kun Zhou1, Wei Liu1, and Nan Xiao1
1Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
B0 map is needed by many MR applications, for instance
EPI distortion correction. Field mapping is normally
accomplished via evaluating the phase evolution of
multi-echo gradient echo measurements, which is acquired
separately from routine scans and consume additional
time. In this abstract, a novel B0 mapping method is
presented, which reconstructs the field map via
exploiting the information provided by active shimming.
Its application on EPI distortion correction is
3768. |
55 |
Variable Flip Angle Design
for Balanced SSFP Transient State Imaging to Improve HP 13C
Hong Shang1,2, Peder E.Z. Larson1,2,
Galen Reed3, Eugene Milshteyn1,2,
Cornelius von Morze1, Frank Ong4,
Jeremy W. Gordon1, Jonathan I. Tamir4,
and Daniel B. Vigneron1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San
Francisco, California, United States, 2UCSF-UC
Berkeley Graduate Program in Bioengineering, San
Francisco/Berkeley, California, United States, 3HeartVista,
Menlo Park, California, United States, 4Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley,
California, United States
A variable flip angle approach was designed for bSSFP
transient state imaging to improve signal profile
uniformity and off-resonance insensitivity by solving a
non-convex optimization problem. HP C-13 MRI
investigations with this variable flip angle scheme
resulted in less blurring and higher SNR.
3769. |
56 |
An optimized region growing
algorithm for phase correction in MRI 
Jong Bum Son1, John Hazle1, and
Jingfei Ma1
1Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States
We developed an optimized region growing algorithm for
phase correction that includes jointly considering the
two candidate vectors in selecting the final output
vector for each pixel during the region growing and an
automated segmentation to handle spatially isolated
objects. The algorithm was implemented and evaluated for
water and fat separation for in vivo two-point Dixon
imaging with flexible echo times.
3770. |
57 |
Dynamic distortion
correction with standard single-echo EPI: development of the
method for multi-channel coils at 7T and accuracy in the
presence of substantial motion. 
Barbara Dymerska1, Benedikt Poser2,
Markus Barth3, Siegfried Trattnig1,
and Simon Daniel Robinson1
1High Field MR Center, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Psychology and Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Centre
for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
Dynamic maps of B0 can be extracted from a time series
of standard, single-echo EPI by calculating the
echo-time-independent phase (or “offset”) from a
reference measurement and subtracting this from the
phase of each EPI. This yields a field map for each
volume. In this study we i) improve the SNR of the field
maps by using a GE rather than EPI reference scan and
ii) modify the method for multi-channel coils. In
experiments at 7 T we find that while B0 varies
dramatically with head motion, phase offsets remain
stable, allowing distortions to be accurately corrected.
3771. |
58 |
Simulation Techniques for
Susceptibility Optimisation of Field Probes 
Wieland A. Worthoff1, Stefan Schwan1,
Johannes Lindemeyer1, and N. Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine,
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 2Faculty
of Medicine, Department of Neurology, RWTH Aachen
University, JARA, Aachen, Germany
We present results from simulations of the magnetic
fields generated by the susceptibility distribution of a
field probe and its magnetic environment. In particular,
the effect of an unmatched object residing at various
distances in the vicinity of the probe is evaluated
numerically and verified experimentally on a 9.4 T MRI
scanner. Furthermore, we explore the impact of a
susceptibility mismatch between the sample droplet and
the liquid buffers on the field homogeneity within the
droplet as well as the relationship to the length of
buffers in order to optimize the field probe signal.
3772. |
59 |
Single echo EPI sequence
with dynamic distortion correction: minimization of errors
due to motion and breathing. 
Barbara Dymerska1, Benedikt Poser2,
Wolfgang Bogner1, Eelke Visser3,
Korbinian Eckstein1, Pedro Cardoso1,
Roland Beisteiner1,4, Markus Barth5,
Siegfried Trattnig1, and Simon Daniel
1High Field MR Center, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Psychology and Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3FMRIB
Centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 5Centre
for Advanced Imaging, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
The geometric distortions encountered in EPI can be
corrected using static or dynamic distortion correction
methods. The static approach does not account for
temporal B0 changes caused by breathing and motion over
the course of an fMRI experiment. Here, we propose a
single-echo EPI sequence in which the echo time is
jittered between two values. Field maps are calculated
between adjacent volumes, enabling a reference-free
dynamic distortion correction. We show that this method
generates accurate maps of local deviations from the
static magnetic field even in the presence of large
motion (up to 12°) and fast breathing (0.36 Hz) without
compromising BOLD sensitivity or spatiotemporal
3773. |
60 |
Physiological artifact
suppression in multi-shot data using covariance-map-enhanced
navigator correction 
Jacco A de Zwart1, Peter van Gelderen1,
and Jeff H Duyn1
1Advanced MRI, LFMI, NINDS, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
MR signal stability in brain, and thus image quality, is
significantly affected by physiological noise,
predominantly from the respiratory cycle. Navigator
echoes or real-time shimming (dynamic updating of shims
and center frequency) can be used to compensate or
correct for this but have practical limitations. We
propose the incorporation of a covariance map of
temporal signal fluctuations, acquired separately, in a
navigator-based correction strategy. This covariance map
describes the spatial distribution of the temporal field
changes that are derived from navigator phase evolution
during the multi-shot experiment.
3774. |
61 |
Suppression of artifacts in
compressed sensing cine MRI - permission withheld
Shinji Kurokawa1, Yoshitaka Bito2,
and Hisaaki Ochi1
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,
Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2Hitachi
Medical Corporation, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, Japan
Coherent ghost artifacts are likely to occur in 2D cine
compressed sensing MRI. They are caused by a lack of
randomness in sampling patterns and insufficient
parallel reconstruction. We propose a novel method that
suppresses these artifacts. A new constraint on mean in
the time direction is applied to a conventional
compressed sensing reconstruction. The method is
applicable to general compressed sensing MRI as well as
cine MRI. In numerical simulations, artifacts were
reduced to 33% in RMSE without temporal blurring. In
volunteer scanning, artifacts were suppressed without
image degradation.
3775. |
62 |
Artifact Associated with
Fat Suppression in Spin-Echo EPI 
Yasha Khatamian1 and
J. Jean Chen1
1Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario,
This study investigated a fat-related artifact that
occurs when spectral-fat saturation is used with
spin-echo EPI. This artifact was detected in humans and
phantoms for a variety of imaging parameter settings,
was significant compared to task associated signal
changes, diminished with longer TR as well as fewer
slices, and exhibited a power spectrum with a single
broad peak at 0.133/TR Hz. This finding is relevant for
all spin-echo EPI experiments, including fMRI and DTI.
While further investigation is required to understand
the mechanisms causing this artifact, water excitation
is recommended for acquiring fat-free images with
spin-echo EPI.
3776. |
63 |
Closed-Form Solution
Concomitant Field Correction Method for Echo Planar Imaging
on Head-only Asymmetric Gradient MRI System 
Shengzhen Tao1, Joshua D Trzasko1,
Yunhong Shu1, Paul T Weavers1,
Seung-Kyun Lee2, and Matt A Bernstein1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States
The spatial encoding gradient field used in MRI always
includes spatially-varying higher order fields known as
concomitant fields. Different from conventional gradient
systems whose concomitant fields only contain 2nd-order
spatial dependency, some emerging MRI platforms employ
asymmetric gradient system, whose concomitant fields
also include zero- and first-order spatial dependencies.
The first-order terms cause further image distortion and
echo shift in echo planar imaging (EPI). In this work,
we develop a generalized waveform pre-emphasis framework
to correct first-order concomitant fields for arbitrary
axial-coronal oblique EPI acquisitions on a head-only
asymmetric gradient system, and provide closed-form
mathematical expressions for determining pre-emphasis
3777. |
64 |
Gibbs-Ringing artifact
removal based on local subpixel-shifts 
Elias Kellner1, Bibek Dhital1,
Valerij G. Kiselev1, and Marco Reisert1
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Gibbs-ringing originates from the convolution of sharp
edges in an object with the point-spread function, which
is typically a sinc-function. They are strongest when
the sinc is sampled at the extrema, and virtually
disappear when it is sampled at its zero crossings. In
this work, we propose a correction method based on local
subvoxel pixel shifts, such that the oscillations are
locally sampled at the zero crossings, and hence
disappear. Compared to the popular global filtering
approach, the proposed significantly better removes the
artifact, while it introduces less smoothing and
preserves the edges.
3778. |
65 |
A hexagonal spoiler
gradient scheme improves the transition to steady state in
spoiled gradient echo sequences 
Aaron T Hess1 and
Matthew D Robson1
1Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic
Resonance Research (OCMR), Oxford, Ox, United Kingdom
When acquired spoiled gradient echo images at flip
angles significantly larger than the Ernst angel, the
transition to the steady state may not be smooth as
predicted by the theoretical signal equations but can
oscillate causing artefacts in images. A novel six point
spoiling scheme is proposed that minimizes the number of
unwanted echoes refocused and ensure that refocused
echoes are return to the center of k-space which intern
enables the use of RF-spoiling to further remove their
effect. This technique is found to improve the approach
to steady state compared to using a constant gradient
with RF spoiling.
3779. |
66 |
FSE Cusp artifact removal
using novel saturation method 
Yongchuan Lai1, Weiwei Zhang1,
Baogui Zhang1, and Bing Wu1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
FSE cusp artifacts are caused by collective effects of
the gradient non-linearity and B0 inhomogeneity in
regions distant from the magnet center. This can present
as the so-called feather-like artifacts associated with
sagittal plane FSE images when the phase encoding is
along the S/I direction. We propose a simple yet
effective method to eliminate the root cause of the
artifacts by spatial saturation and further improve its
practical implementation to reduce total RF bandwidth
and overall SAR with two-stage saturation: frequency
saturation and special saturation.
3780. |
67 |
Distortion Correction Using
Simulated Point-Spread Functions 
Genevieve M LaBelle1 and
Brad P Sutton2,3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 3Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois,
United States
Geometric distortion is a highly prevalent issue for
Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI), due to long readout times and
field inhomogeneities. Previously, the measured point
spread function (PSF) has been shown to be effective in
correcting this distortion. In this work, we reconstruct
an image quickly and address the distortion with a point
spread function map that was generated entirely through
simulation using the trajectory and field map. The
distortion correction with this approach is shown to be
better than k-space based iterative reconstructions and
is robust to high magnetic field maps when we use an
optimal trajectory.
3781. |
68 |
Reference-free Distortion
Correction for EPI by Flipped k-space Segments (DICOFLIP) 
Marco Reisert1 and
Michael Herbst1,2
1Medical Physics, University Medical Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, John A. Burns School of Medicine,
Honolulu, Hawai, United States
Off-resonance effects cause distortion artefacts in
single shot EPI data, even when parallel imaging is
incorporated. Multi-shot acquisition methods can
partially solve these issues, but are susceptible to
phase differences between different shots, in particular
in DWI. In this work we combine multiplexed sensitivity
encoding (MUSE) with an interleaved bottom-up/top-down
traversal of k-space of the individual k-space segments
to completely remove susceptibility induced distortions
without any reference scan.
3782. |
69 |
Ghost correction for EPI at
gradient insert system 
Guoxiang LIU1 and
Takashi UEGUCHI1
1CiNet, National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Suita, Osaka, Japan
We present a technique for planar imaging (EPI) ghost
reduction at an ultrahigh field human whole body MRI
scanner with a high power gradient insert system. Our
approach can be implemented as post processing without
extra scan. The key of the proposed method is the idea
to derive the parent only region automatically without
defined region of interest (ROI) placed on the parent
image. Phantom experiments were performed using
gradient-echo EPI and spin-echo EPI sequences.
3783. |
70 |
3D mapping of geometric
distortion using static and moving table acquisitions for
radiotherapy treatment planning applications 
Amy Walker1,2, Gary Liney1,2, Lois
Holloway1,2, Jason Dowling3, David
Rivest-Henault3, and Peter Metcalfe1,2
1Center for Medical Radiation Physics,
University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2Medical
Physics, Liverpool and Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centres
and Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research,
Liverpool, NSW, Australia, 3Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,
Australian E-Health Research Centre, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
This study compares image acquisitions with static and
continuously moving table. The goal was to investigate
differences in geometric distortion and the impact this
may have on radiotherapy treatment planning.
3784. |
71 |
Compensation of artifacts
from eddy current and transient oscillation in Balanced
Steady-State Free Precession 
Hyun-Soo Lee1, Seung Hong Choi2,
and Sung-Hong Park1
1Department of Bio and Brain Engineering,
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Daejeon, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Seoul National University College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
The centric PE order is often preferable for bSSFP in
physiological MR imaging to maximize signal contrast.
However, the centric PE ordered bSSFP can cause
artifacts due to eddy current and transient oscillation.
Existing compensation schemes such as pairing or double
averaging still have limitations in application for
physiological MRI. In this study, we tested three new
compensation schemes based on complex averaging of two
datasets with different dummy scans or two datasets with
different pairing schemes. The proposed schemes
suppressed the eddy current and transient oscillation
artifacts, while maintaining the temporal resolution the
same as the original centric scheme.
3785. |
72 |
Performance Comparison of
Analytical Solutions for bSSFP Signal Demodulation 
Michael N Hoff1, Jalal B Andre1,
and Qing-San Xiang2
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington, United States, 2Physics,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada
Two unique analytical techniques have shown to
demodulate balanced steady state free precession (bSSFP)
images of their dependence on magnetic field
inhomogeneity and mitigate subsequent artifacts. Here
both the Algebraic and Geometric solutions are compared
through simulation and in vivo application, with a focus
on evaluating artifact correction, solution error, and
solution variability as a function of tissue and noise
level. A hybrid Geometric-Algebraic solution is
formulated to exploit the strengths of both solutions
and minimize reconstructed image variance, yielding a
robust solution when compared to standard complex
averaging of phase-cycled bSSFP images.
Tuesday 2 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
14:30 - 15:30 |
Computer # |
3786. |
73 |
A Parallel Algorithm for
Compressed Sensing Dynamic MRI Reconstruction 
Loris Cannelli1, Paolo Scarponi1,
Gesualdo Scutari1, and Leslie Ying1
1Electrical Engineering, University at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States
In this work we present a novel and very general
optimization algorithm customized for dynamic MRI
reconstruction under the compressed sensing framework.
The size of this kind of problems is usually huge: for
this reason is compulsory to design algorithms capable
to manage a large amount of data in an efficient way.
Our approach exploits the benefits of a parallel nature,
it relies on a smart decomposition of the original
problem and it also possesses the ability of recognizing
the elements that will be zero at the solution, taking
thus advantage of the sparse structure of the problem
3787. |
74 |
Reconstruction Strategies
for Pure 2D Spatiotemporal MRI 
Albert Jang1,2, Alexander Gutierrez3,
Di Xiao2, Curtis A. Corum1, Vuk
Mandic4, Jarvis Haupt2, and
Michael Garwood1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research and
Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Department
of Mathematics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN, United States, 4School
of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
Spatiotemporal-based encoding offers certain advantages
over traditional Fourier-based encoding, enabling an
alternative way of doing MRI. Two new reconstruction
approaches, maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) and
total variation regularization (TVR), are evaluated for
spatiotemporal encoding and compared with conventional
methods (Cartesian gridded Fourier Transform and
pseudo-inverse). It is demonstrated that MLE and TVR
generate better images in terms of resolution and can
compensate for non-uniform excitation profiles as well.
3788. |
75 |
Accelerated Real time
Cardiac CINE using Kernel PCA based Spatio-temporal
Muhammad Usman1 and
Claudia Prieto1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Standard Compressed Sensing (CS) techniques require
signal/image to be a linear combination of very few
coefficients in a transform representation. For dynamic
cardiac MRI, examples of commonly used linear transforms
are Wavelets, finite differences, temporal Fourier
Transform and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Nonlinear data reduction techniques such as Kernel PCA (KPCA)
have the advantage over linear methods that these can
detect nonlinearity or higher order moments within the
given data set. By using appropriate nonlinear basis,
complex features in the signal are expected to become
separable that can be exploited for better signal
classification or more compact representation of the
signal. For MRI, this could be useful for a) better
signal sparsity for CS and/or b) separation of signal
content from artifacts in the undersampled
reconstruction. Recently for retrospectively
undersampled Cartesian cardiac CINE, compared to
standard CS techniques, KPCA has been shown to more
efficiently represent intra-frame spatial correlations
for frame by frame reconstruction. In this work, we
propose to accelerate real time dynamic cardiac CINE by
exploiting both spatial and temporal denoising using
kernel PCA. Prospective golden angle radial MR
acquisitions, performed in 3 volunteers, demonstrate the
feasibility of proposed framework for up to 8 fold
accelerated real time CINE.
3789. |
76 |
POCS-based reconstruction
of multiplexed sensitivity encoded MRI (POCSMUSE): a general
algorithm for reducing motion-related artifacts 
Mei-Lan Chu1,2, Hing-Chiu Chang1,
Hsiao-Wen Chung2, Trong-Kha Truong1,
Mustafa R Bashir3, and Nan-kuei Chen1,3
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
North Carolina, United States
POCSMUSE is a general post-processing algorithm capable
of reducing motion-related artifacts in MRI data, using
the RF coil sensitivity profile as a constraint. It can
be applied to reduce artifacts of various patterns,
ranging from breathing-induced artifacts in abdominal
FSE imaging to aliasing artifacts due to shot-to-shot
phase variations in interleaved DWI. POCSMUSE is
compatible with existing motion artifact correction
schemes, and can be used to further improve the image
quality in data produced by existing artifact correction
3790. |
77 |
Compressed Sensing for Improved Spatial and Temporal
Resolution of Intracranial CE MRA 
Julia V Velikina1 and
Alexey A Samsonov2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2University
of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States
A novel application-specific reconstruction approach is
proposed for accelerated intracranial time-resolved
contrast-enhanced MR angiography. The proposed
model-based compressed sensing (CS) technique utilizes a
gamma-variate based model of contrast bolus propagation
to constrain the reconstruction. The use of robust L1
norm allows to reconstruct abnormal dynamics not
accounted for by the model. The proposed technique was
initially validated in phantom simulations and in-vivo
data and shown to improve spatial resolution compared to
parallel imaging and general CS, while maintaining
temporal fidelity.
3791. |
78 |
Novel Sparse Model and
Reconstruction for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI - permission withheld
Qiu Wang1, Boris Mailhe1, Robert
Grimm2, Marcel Dominik Nickel2,
Kai Tobias Block3, Hersh Chandarana3,
and Mariappan S. Nadar1
1Imaging and Computer Vision, Siemens
Corporate Technology, Princeton, NJ, United States, 2MR
Application & Workflow Development, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is widely used in clinical
practice, due to its ability to reveal clinically
significant pathology. Faster acquisition is critical
since the acquisition has to be completed within a short
time after contrast injection. Sparse-model based
reconstruction is one of the techniques to recover high
quality image for accelerated acquisitions. Sparse
constraints correlated with the temporal dimension allow
high spatio-temporal resolution. This work proposes a
new sparse model and a reconstruction acceleration
algorithm designed for DCE MRI. Experimental results
demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method
with superior image quality and time curves.
3792. |
79 |
Validation of Reduced
View-sharing Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for DCE-MRI
with Variable Flip Angle Acquisition 
Evan Levine1,2, Bruce Daniel2,
Brian Hargreaves2, and Manojkumar Saranathan2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
To address the tradeoff of spatial and temporal
resolution in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, schemes
using pseudorandom trajectories and view-sharing (VS)
have been proposed. Compressed sensing (CS) has shown
promise to reduce VS and temporal footprint in these
schemes. However, validating these techniques and
determining a reduced temporal footprint is challenging
without a ground truth. We present a novel approach that
uses variable flip angle (VFA) acquisition and
retrospectively applies sampling and CS/VS schemes to
fully-sampled VFA data, allowing comparison with a
ground truth in vivo. Results suggest that CS
reconstruction with reduced VS data is a suitable
alternative to VS.
3793. |
80 |
An application of
compressed sensing for improved temporal fidelity in DCE
breast MRI 
Courtney K Morrison1, Roberta M Strigel1,2,
Kang Wang3, James H Holmes3,
Alexey Samsonov2, Frank R Korosec1,2,
and Julia Velikina1
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States,3Global MR Applications and Workflow,
GE Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States
Breast DCE-MRI with undersampled k-space segmentation
schemes and reconstructed using view-sharing allows for
improved temporal resolution while maintaining high
spatial resolution. However, view sharing introduces a
temporal footprint longer than the frame rate. This work
demonstrates the feasibility of reconstructing
undersampled breast DCE-MRI data with a novel compressed
sensing technique. This technique preserves image
quality while reducing the temporal footprint to a
single phase.
3794. |
81 |
Improved Image Quality of
Time Resolved Contrast Enhanced MRA using Compressed
Sensing, Parallel Imaging and Singular Value Threshold 
Yijing Wu1, Kevin M Johnson1,
Patrick A Turski2, Kai Niu1,
YinSheng Li1, GuangHong Chen1, and
Chuck A Mistretta1
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
Time-resolved 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography (TR
CE-MRA) often requires highly accelerated image
acquisition to achieve clinically desired temporal and
spatial resolutions. Combination of VIPR acquisition
with improved multi-channel coils and advanced
reconstruction techniques such as Parallel Imaging (PI)
and Compressed Sensing (CS), offers substantially
greater acceleration than past methods. However, image
quality is restricted by poor SNR due to the limited
amount of data used for reconstruction. In this work, we
explore the temporal similarity of TR CE-MRA to further
improve the SNR and image quality.
3795. |
82 |
Adaptive Dynamic MRI
Reconstruction Exploiting 3-D Spatiotemporal Non-local Low
Rank and Block-wise Correlation 
Ziyi Wang1, Sheng Fang1, and Hua
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China
High spatiotemporal dynamic imaging reconstruction is a
challenging topic that has important clinical
applications [1]. k-t low-rank structure (SLR) exploits
sparsity and low-rank structure of MRI image series, and
has been successfully applied [2]. In k-t SLR, the low
rank penalty is imposed to the entire dynamic image
series, which may result in loss of fine image
structures. In this study, a k-t nonlocal SLR algorithm
(k-t nSLR) that introduces nonlocal patch similarities
is proposed [3], [4]. It imposes low rank penalty only
to patches selected out throughout the image series and
adaptively determines threshold. The in vivo dynamic
cardiac image reconstruction demonstrate that our k-t
nSLR has an enhanced performance in anatomic details
3796. |
83 |
Increasing Spatial
Resolution of Real-Time Cardiac Cine MRI Using Radial
k-space Undersampling with Golden Angle Ratio and Block-Wise
Low Rank Contraint 
Elwin Bassett1,2, Ganesh Adluru2,
Promporn Suksaranjit3, Brent D. Wilson3,
Edward VR DiBella2, and Daniel Kim2
1Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States, 2UCAIR,
Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 3Cardiology,
Internal Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States
We sought to improve our previously described rapid
real-time cine MRI with Cartesian undersampling and
temporal total variation (TTV) constraint reconstruction
by using a combination of radial k-space sampling and
block-wise low-rank (BWLR) constraint. We imaged a
resolution phantom, and our results show that BWLR
produces 76% higher effective spatial resolution than
TTV. We imaged 14 patients and 1 volunteer. Our
experiments show that, compared with TTV, BWLR yields
17% higher effective spatial resolution without
sacrificing diagnostic confidence determined by 2
3797. |
84 |
Low Latency Reconstruction
of Free-breathing Real-time Cardiac Cine with VISTA and
Samuel T Ting1, Rizwan Ahmad1,
Ning Jin2, Juliana Serafim da Silveira1,
and Orlando P Simonetti1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, United States
We combine the Variable density Incoherent
Spatio-Temporal Acquisition (VISTA) sampling pattern
with a Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm
(FISTA) implementation of SENSE to achieve online
real-time, free-breathing cardiac cine imaging with < 40
ms temporal resolution and < 2x2 mm2 in-plane spatial
resolution with low latency (< 10 second) reconstruction
time. We test our method in five healthy volunteers and
demonstrate diagnostically sufficient image quality
compared to conventional segmented techniques with no
significant difference in measurement of volumetric
85 |
Comparison of a multiple
free-breathing prescans (MFP) method of coil sensitivity
calibration against TGRAPPA during free-breathing myocardial
first-pass perfusion 
Merlin J Fair1,2, Peter D Gatehouse1,2,
Peter Drivas2, and David N Firmin1,2
1NHLI, Imperial College London, London,
United Kingdom, 2NIHR
Cardiovascular BRU, Royal Brompton Hospital, London,
United Kingdom
A coil sensitivity calibration technique for parallel
imaging that makes use of multiple free-breathing
prescans (MFP) to give accurate calibration data during
free-breathing, without reducing acceleration, is
compared with a temporal calibration technique in 20
prospectively subsampled first-pass myocardial perfusion
3799. |
86 |
Evaluation of the Errors in
the Measured Dynamic Contrast Enhancement with TWIST View
Sharing Using a Novel Simulation Strategy 
Yuan Le1, Marcel Dominik Nickel2,
Randall Kroeker3, Christian Geppert2,
Bruce Spottiswoode3, and Chen Lin1
1Radiology and Imaging Science, Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United
States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany,3Siemens
Medical Solutions, NC, United States
In order to investigate the representation of complex
tumors when using modern, view sharing MRI sequences
such as TWIST, dynamic contrast-enhanced TWIST raw data
were generated from static background and a fractal
tumor phantom raw data scaled with an enhancement model.
Our results show that, for typical spatial resolution in
clinical breast DCE-MRI, TWIST parameters of pA=20%-25%
and pB=33% provided an enhancement measurement with
lowest RMS error. The measured shape irregularity of the
tumor changed in a less predictable way, however, which
should be taken into consideration in the texture
analysis of the images.
3800. |
87 |
Free-breathing Cardiac Imaging using Low-rank Matrix
Completion with a k-space Variant Constraint 
Yu Y. Li1
1Radiology, Imaging Research Center,
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
The presented work developed a new approach to k-t space
image reconstruction from highly undersampled data using
low-rank matrix completion. It was found that the
low-rank nature of k-t space data matrix is dependent on
k-space locations due to motion sensitivity differences
and k-t imaging can benefit from region-by-region image
reconstruction. This work demonstrated that low-rank
matrix completion can generate multi-cycle multi-phase
cardiac images from non-segmented data collected at a
speed of <50 ms per time frame with free-breathing,
providing an approach to examining non-periodic cardiac
behaviors in clinical practice.
3801. |
88 |
Dual Projected Background
Nulling Compressed Sensing for Robust Separation of Dynamic
Contrast-Enhanced Angiograms 
Suhyung Park1, Eung Yeop Kim2, and
Jaeseok Park3
1Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research,
Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Sungkyunkwan
University, Suwon, Gyeong Gi-Do, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Gachon University Gil Medical Center,
Incheon, Korea, 3Biomedical
Imaging and Engineering Lab., Department of Global
Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon,
Gyeong Gi-Do, Korea
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography
(DCE-MRA) requires high spatiotemporal resolution, and
typically employs subtraction between static reference
and dynamic images followed by maximum intensity
projection (MIP) to visualize time-varying angiograms.
Nevertheless, the subtraction-based DCE-MRA suffers from
incomplete suppression of background signals in the
presence of motion-induced voxel misregistration,
potentially impairing the detectability of small distal
vessels. In this work, we propose a novel reconstruction
framework, dual projected background nulling compressed
sensing (BANC), for robust separation of dynamic
contrast-enhanced angiograms, in which we decompose x-t
images into background static tissue signals (low rank
component), background motion-induced signals (sparse
component I), and DCE angiograms of interest (sparse
component II) and then jointly estimate them while
selectively nulling multiple background signals.
Simulations and experiments validate that the proposed
method is, if compared with conventional methods, highly
effective in generating dynamic angiograms with robust
background suppression even at very high reduction
factors (R~30).
3802. |
89 |
Utilizing 3D
spatiotemporally encoded imaging from a different
Jaekyun Ryu1 and
Jang-Yeon Park1
1Biomedical Engineering, IBS Center for
Neuroscience Imaging Research, Sungkyunkwan University,
Suwon, Gyungki-do, Korea
In this study, we show that there is an effective way to
circumvent this problem in the original SPEN imaging
scheme with no special reconstruction technique like SR
reconstruction if we employ a 3D imaging scheme for SPEN
imaging. The guideline for parameter setup not to meet
the overlapping artifacts was also discussed. The
proposed method was demonstrated by theory and phantom
3803. |
90 |
Feasibility test of
non-iterative reconstruction for high spatiotemporal
resolution DCE 
Zhifeng Chen1, Ming Yang2, Liyi
Kang3, Ling Xia3, and Feng Liu4
1Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Jiangsu, China, 3Zhejiang
University, Zhejiang, China, 4The
University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia
DCE-MRI has been widely used for diagnosis of liver
diseases like hepatic cirrhosis, tumor, etc. Now the
existing DCE-MRI reconstruction algorithms such as
iGRASP and L+S mainly focus on iteratively minimize the
energy equation combine parallel imaging and sparsity
penalties. The iterative reconstruction schemes require
a lot of computational cost. The expensive computation
has impeded the clinical application. We investigate a
non-iterative scheme with separating parallel imaging
and denoising operator in this abstract. Our
non-iterative parallel imaging and image denoising
reconstruction can result in comparable image quality to
iterative schemes with greatly reduced time cost. The
scheme improves the clinical applicability of high
spatiotemporal resolution DCE.
3804. |
91 |
Highly accelerated dynamic
imaging reconstruction using low rank matrix completion and
partial separability model 
Jingyuan Lyu1, Yihang Zhou1, Ukash
Nakarmi1, and Leslie Ying1,2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, State
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United
States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, State University of New York
at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States
This abstract presents a new approach to highly
accelerated dynamic MRI using partial separability (PS)
model. In data acquisition, k-space data is moderately
randomly undersampled at the center k-space navigator
locations, but highly undersampled at the outer k-space
for each temporal frame. In reconstruction, the
navigator data is reconstructed from undersampled data
using structured low-rank matrix completion. After all
the unacquired navigator data is estimated, the partial
separable model is used to obtain the entire dynamic
image series from highly undersampled data. The proposed
method has shown to achieve high quality reconstructions
with reduction factors up to 44, when the conventional
PS method fails.
3805. |
92 |
Accelerated Breath-hold
Liver Imaging Using Additional Information from
Free-breathing Acquisitions 
Feiyu Chen1,2, Feng Huang3, Dan
Zhu1, Jia Ning1, and Huijun Chen1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States, 3Philips
Healthcare (Suzhou). Co. Ltd, Jiangsu, China
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging is a promising
technique for treating various hepatic diseases.
Breath-hold 3D Gradient echo sequence is currently used
for achieving multi-phase volumetric images of the
liver. However, conventional 3D whole-liver imaging
requires a breath-hold duration of more than 30 seconds.
2D-CAIPIRINHA, which accelerates the acquisition through
controlled-aliased under-sampling, has been applied to
reducing breath-hold duration to eight seconds at a
reduction factor of four. However, down-sampling of
k-spaces leads to aliasing artifacts in reconstructed
images. In this research, we propose a new method
combining temporal-shifted 2D-CAIPIRINHA sequence with
PEAK-GRAPPA reconstruction. This approach further
utilizes additional information acquired from the
free-breathing periods before and after the
breath-holding, which were wasted in traditional
acquisition, to reduce the aliasing artifacts.
3806. |
93 |
Respiratory Phase
Compressed Sensing Reconstruction using Highly Under-sampled
Stack-of-stars Radial Acquisition 
Bo Li1,2, Cihat Eldeniz1, Jue
Zhang2,3, Jing Fang2,3, and Hongyu
1Biomedical Research Imaging Center,
Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, The
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, United States, 2College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China, 3Academy
for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking
University, Beijing, China
We proposed a compressed sensing reconstruction method
that utilizes neighboring respiration phases as
constrain to minimize image reconstruction artifacts
using highly under-sampled stack-of-stars acquisition.
In vivo results show the promise of the approach.
3807. |
94 |
Free Breathing CINE with
Low Rank aided Manifold smoothness Regularization 
Sunrita Poddar1, John D Newell2,
and Mathews Jacob1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Iowa, IA, United States
We propose an algorithm for high time resolution
multi-slice free breathing ungated dynamic imaging. This
is of utmost importance to paediatric patients, obese
subjects and subjects with compromised pulmonary
function who cannot hold their breath sufficiently long
for a breath-hold exam. We acquire cardiac k-space data
using a novel acquisition scheme and reconstruct the
image series assuming that the images lie on a
low-dimensional manifold. We find that good spatial and
temporal resolution images are obtained in a reasonable
acquisition time without the need for any physiological
monitors. Our results are compared to the traditional
ECG gated breath-held method.
3808. |
95 |
Accelerating Dynamic MRI
via Tensor Subspace Learning 
Morteza Mardani1, Leslie Ying2,
and Georgios B Giannakis3
1University of Minnesota, Falcon Heights, MN,
United States, 2Buffalo
University, New York, United States, 3University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Our advocated approach builds on three-way tensors and
leverages spatiotemporal correlations of the ground
truth images through tensor low rank. CP/PARAFAC
decomposition of tensors is adapted [7], and a
tomographic approach is put forth that leverages the
tensor low rank to recursively learn the low-dimensional
subspace from undersampled k-space data. In the
nutshell, the novel approach allows real-time data
acquisition without gating or breath-holding, yet being
able to recover high-quality dynamic cardiac images from
high-dimensional even under-sampled tensors
`on-the-fly'. It means the images can be reconstructed
while the data is still being acquired.
3809. |
96 |
Improving low-rank plus
sparse decomposition of dynamic MRI using short temporal
Esben Plenge1, Tal Shnitzer1, and
Michael Elad1
1Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel
In this study we present a new dictionary-based model
and its application as sparsifying operator in a
low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition. According to
the model, short temporal signals of a dynamic MRI
sequence are sparse under a non-linear transformation
using a trained dictionary. We validate the model,
quantitatively and qualitatively in the context of
reconstruction of under-sampled abdominal MRI using a
numerical phantom and in vivo MRI data.