ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting
& Exhibition • 30 May - 05 June 2015 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1940. |
Natural abundance of
glycogen and lipids in human calf muscle measured before and
after exercise by 13C
MRS at 7T 
Eulalia Serés Roig1 and
Rolf Gruetter1,2
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging (LIFMET), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, Vaud,
Natural abundance 13C MRS allows the detection of a wide
range of 13C signals, such as glycogen in human muscle
at 7T. The energy required for muscular contraction can
be assessed by dynamic 13C MRS while measuring glycogen
and lipid levels before and after exercise. The large
chemical shift dispersion comprising glycogen and lipid
resonances requires uniform 13C-excitation and broadband
1H-decoupling for a reliable assessment of 13C signal
intensities. In this study, changes of glycogen and
lipid levels were monitored in the human calf before and
after exercise by 13C MRS at 7T using uniform
13C-excitation and broadband 1H-decoupling.
1941. |
Quantum coherence
spectroscopy to measure 1D 1H-[13C]-lipid
Lucas Lindeboom1,2, Robin A de Graaf3,
Christine I Nabuurs2,4, Matthijs KC Hesselink4,
Joachim E Wildberger2, Patrick Schrauwen1,
and Vera B Schrauwen-Hinderling1,2
1Department of Human Biology, Maastricht
University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiology, Maastricht University Medical Center,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Magnetic Resonance Research
Center, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
CT, United States, 4Department
of Human Movement Sciences, Maastricht University
Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands
13C-enriched lipid tracers are an excellent
candidate for in vivo MRS tracer studies on lipid
metabolism. Indirect detection of 13C-lipid
signals can be useful to enhance the detection
sensitivity. Single shot methods are preferred in tissue
where movement artifacts and/or low fractional
enrichments are expected. We here compared the use of
modified versions of the conventional ge-HSQC and
ge-HMQC to get non phase distorted 1D 1H-[13C]-edited
spectra. We show that the ge-HSQC sequence yields the
highest signal and is therefore a candidate to be used
for studies following the incorporation of 13C-lipid
tracers in human tissue.
1942. |
In vivo MR
Spectroscopy of human breast tissue: composition of lipids
at clinical field strength (3 T). 
Amandine COUM1,2, Lobna OULDAMER3,4,
Laurent BARANTIN5, Fanny NOURY1,2,
Philippe BOUGNOUX4,7, and Giulio GAMBAROTA1,2
1LTSI, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes,
France, 2INSERM
UMR 1099, Rennes, France, 3Department
of Gynecology, CHU Tours, Tours, France, 4INSERM
U1069, Université François-Rabelais, Tours, France, 5INSERM
U930, Université François-Rabelais, Tours, France, 6Department
of Radiology, CHU Tours, Tours, France, 7Department
of Oncology, CHU Tours, Tours, France
Feasibility of an in vivo fatty acids quantification in
breast tissue on clinical settings (3 T).
1943. |
A Novel Broadband Coil for
Multinuclear Spectroscopy 
Hai Lu1 and
Shumin Wang1
1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States
RF coils for multinuclear spectroscopy are resonant
structures simultaneously tuned at discrete Larmor
frequencies. Although popular, coils need to be designed
careful to avoid the interference of the different modes
for different nuclei species. They also need to be tuned
to a drastically different frequency if the nuclei
species changes. A novel broadband RF transmitter is
developed that utilizes the frequency-independent
transverse electromagnetic (TEM) mode of a
parallel-plate waveguide. Without using any reactive
tuning components, the simple coil structure can
function from 100 to 300 MHz. It was applied to 31P
spectroscopy of human forearm at 7 Tesla.
1944. |
The effect of the chemical
shift displacement artefact on J-modulation in the STEAM
Carolina Campanha Fernandes1, Emma Louise
Hall1, Chen Chen1, Peter Gordon
Morris1, and Carlos Garrido Salmon1,2
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto,
The aim of this study is to derive an analytical model
that takes into account the effects of the chemical
shift displacement artefact (in three dimensions) on
J-modulation of weakly coupled spins in the STEAM
sequence. The signal modulation obtained theoretically
was compared to the one obtained experimentally using a
lactate phantom. This work demonstrated that significant
changes in the coupled-spin response arise due to the
chemical shift displacement artefact, especially at
ultra-high magnetic field strengths. This model provides
a means to predict the resulting lineshapes of
metabolites of AXn form and is a useful tool for
optimization of sequence timing parameters.
1945. |
Influence of different TE
on reliability of brain metabolites quantification in high
field 1H MRS 
Veronika Rackayova1, Cristina Cudalbu2,
Lijing Xin1, Nicolas Kunz3, Jana
Starcukova4, Zenon Starcuk, Jr.4,
and Rolf Gruetter1,2
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Center for Biomedical Imaging, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 2Centre
d'Imagerie Biomedicale (CIBM), Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 3Centre
d'Imagerie Biomedicale (CIBM-AIT), Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 4Institute
of Scientific Instruments of the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic
With increasing magnetic field all metabolites have
tendency to shorten their apparent T2 relaxation time
and thus the use of ultra-short TE (<10ms) is
recommended. The aim was to test how TE affects the SNR,
the precision and the number of reliable quantifiable
metabolites. With increasing TE, we could observe
decreased number of quantifiable metabolites as well as
increase in mean CRLBs together with decreased SNR. As
expected, TE has an important effect on the reliability
of metabolites quantification. Ultra-short TE combined
with a reliable quantification software is a
preferential choice.
1946. |
Requirements for Optimal B0 Shimming
for a Spectroscopy Voxel in the Frontal Cortex at Ultra-High
Ariane Fillmer1 and
Anke Henning1,2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, UZH
and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
The transition of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to
ultra-high fields promises major advantages with respect
to SNR and spectral resolution. In order to gain
meaningful results, excellent B0 shimming
is of outermost importance. Naturally, the amplitudes of
the shim fields are limited by hardware specifications.
However, an optimal B0 inhomogeneity
compensation might not be possible within these hardware
constraints, especially for regions with large
inhomogeneities, such as the frontal cortex. This work
investigates the hardware requirements for optimal B0 inhomogeneity
compensation and the effect of shim hardware constraints
on B0 shimming
for a spectroscopy voxel in the frontal cortex.
1947. |
Long echo time in-vivo spectroscopy
without J-modulation 
Clark Lemke1, Aaron Hess2, Jamie
Near3, Stuart Clare1, Peter
Jezzard1, and Uzay Emir1
1FMRIB, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2OCMR,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 3Douglas
Institute, McGill University, Verdun, Quebec, Canada
An in-vivo implementation
of a novel technique to acquire long echo time
spectroscopy without J-modulation has been compared with
conventional PRESS at short (30 ms) and long (60 ms)
echo times. The novel technique, entitled PRESS-JR,
repeats a so-called “perfect-echo” refocusing unit in
order to remove J-modulation at arbitrary echo time. At
long echo time, PRESS-JR produces desirable spectra
without baseline contamination or J-modulation. This
technique could be very useful for disease conditions
such as tumors or epilepsy since larger and more complex
baseline signals result in decreased quantification
accuracy for coupled metabolites at short echo times.
1948. |
A method to obtain 2D high
resolution MRS under inhomogeneous magnetic fields 
Liangjie Lin1, Zhiliang Wei1, Jian
Yang1, Yanqin Lin1, and Zhong Chen1
1Electronic Science, Xiamen University,
Xiamen, Fujian, China
The inherent heterogeneity of the samples or living
organisms can lead to magnetic field fluctuations and
losses of local homogeneity. Intermolecular multiple
quantum coherences (iMQCs) can be used to obtain high
resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) under
field inhomogeneity, while intrinsic low signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) of iMQC signals hampers their practical
applications. Here, a pulse sequence is designed to
acquire 2D high-resolution spectra under inhomogeneous
fields with high SNRs. The high-resolution
chemical-shift difference information and J-coupling
splitting information are separately shown in two
independent dimensions.
1949. |
Quantitation error in 1H
MRS caused by B1 inhomogeneity
and chemical shift displacement at high B0 field 
Hidehiro Watanabe1, Nobuhiro Takaya1,
and Fumiyuki Mitsumori1
1Center for Environmental Measurement and
Analysis, National Institute for Environmental Studies,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
High signal to noise ratio and good peak resolution are
significant features in 1H
MRS at high B0 field.
However, large chemical displacement and B1 inhomogeneity
may weight a peak on a localized spectrum by different
reception sensitivity due to chemical shift. For
example, magnitudes of peaks of NAA and Cr are weighed
by the different values and this may lead to
quantitation error. In this work, we will demonstrate
this error in phantom experiments at 4.7 T. We will also
demonstrate correction method using the profile of
reception sensitivity measured by water signals.
1950. |
Comparison of GABA+ and
Macromolecular-suppressed GABA Measurements 
Ashley D Harris1,2, Nicolaas AJ Puts1,2,
Peter B Barker1,2, and Richard A. E. Edden1,2
1The Russell H Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, The John Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
1951. |
Measuring Glutathione using
1H MR spectroscopy at 3T: MEGA-PRESS vs. STEAM 
Felix Raschke1, Ralph Noeske2,
Dorothee P Auer1, and Dineen Rob1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School
of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2GE
Healthcare, Berlin, Germany MR Application and Workflow
Development, Berlin, Germany
In this study we use 1H MR spectroscopy to investigate
if a conventional short echo STEAM sequence can be used
to measure glutathione in the brains of 14 healthy
controls at 3T. The STEAM results are compared to that
of MEGA-PRESS spectral editing. There is a strong albeit
non-significant correlation between glutathione measured
by MEGA-PRESS and STEAM. Additionally, glutathione
measured in the STEAM sequence shows a low intra- and
inter-subject variability of 5.4% and 10.8% respectively
compared to the inter-subject variability of around 17%
using MEGA-PRESS. Further work is now needed to validate
these initial results.
1952. |
Glutathione cannot be
quantified reliably from short echo PRESS spectra 
Faezeh Sanaei Nehzad1, Adriana Anton2,
Bill Deakin2, and Stephen Williams1
1Center for Imaging Science, University of
Manchester, Manchseter, United Kingdom, 2Neuroscience
and Psychiatry Unit, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
Glutathione (GSH) is commonly quantified in the brain
using spectral editing (e.g. MEGA-PRESS), but a number
of studies report GSH measurement using short echo
PRESS. In this study, quantification of GSH using PRESS
and MEGA-PRESS is evaluated at 3T. Two identical
phantoms containing brain metabolites, one with and one
without GSH, were scanned using PRESS and MEGA-PRESS.
Also, seven healthy volunteers were scanned with the
same protocol. The results from PRESS spectra,
quantified with QUEST and from MEGA-PRESS, quantified
with AMARES, were compared. We conclude that GSH cannot
be reliably quantified using short echo PRESS.
1953. |
Measuring GABA using 1H MR
spectroscopy at 3T: A comparison of techniques 
Felix Raschke1, Antonio Napolitano2,
Ralph Noeske3, Dineen Rob1, and
Dorothee P Auer1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School
of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Enterprise
Risk Management, Unity of Imaging Research, Bambino Gesù
Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy, 3GE
Healthcare, Berlin, Germany MR Application and Workflow
Development, Berlin, Germany
We compare three MRS sequences to measure GABA at 3T
using 13 healthy controls. The GABA signal of the
popular MEGA-PRESS sequence with TE=68ms correlates with
that of macromolecule suppressed MEGA-PRESS with TE=80ms
and with a previously published optimised PRESS sequence
using a TE and TE1 of 105ms and 15ms respectively. The
PRESS105 may be a suitable sequence to measure GABA
reliably with the benefit of reduced scan time, no
macro-molecule contribution and less susceptibility to
subject motion compared to MEGA-PRESS.
1954. |
Glutathione measurement
using short-TE 1H
MRS at 3T: accuracy and precision assessment 
Lijing Xin1,2 and
Rolf Gruetter1,3
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging (LIFMET), École polytechnique fédérale de
Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 2Department
of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne and Geneva, Vaud,
This study aims to evaluate the accuracy and precision
of GSH measurements at 3T with short-TE MRS under
various experimental conditions using synthesized
spectra with known metabolite concentrations. An
underestimation of GSH concentrations was observed and
the measurement accuracy was found to depend on the
experimental conditions. The precision of the
measurement is largely influenced by SNR regardless of
the linewidth. We conclude that GSH concentrations can
be measured with high precision using short-TE MRS
methods at 3T when SNR is sufficient. GSH changes can
also be accurately measured if experimental conditions
are carefully matched between groups.
1955. |
2D Correlated MRS as a
quantitative method to asses liver fatty acid composition of
ob/ob mouse 
Dimitri Martel1, Jean Baptiste Langlois2,
Denis Friboulet1, Olivier Beuf1,
and Helene Ratiney1
Université Lyon 1; INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France, 2CERMEP-
Imagerie du Vivant, Bron, France
Localized Correlation Spectroscopy is used to assess
evolution of liver fatty acid in an ob/ob mice model at
two time points. A quantitative study is performed using
a dedicated time domain quantification procedure using a
simplified quantum mechanically basis set. This later is
constituted by the sub spin systems involved in the 2D
spectrum of triglycerides. Fatty acid Indexes and T2
values are obtained in agreement with expected model
evolution.Indexes and T2 values are obtained in
agreement with model evolution.
1956. |
Quantification of
Individual and Group Uncertainty of Gamma-aminobutyric Acid
Concentration in Different Brain Regions Using Residual
Bootstrap Analysis 
Song Chen1, Meng Chen1, Congyu
Liao1, Linfei Wen1, Darong Zhu2,
Xu Yan3, Keith Heberlein4, and
Jianhui Zhong1
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and
Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2Hangzhou
First People's Hospital, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 3MR
Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai,
China, 4Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc, Malvern, PA, United States
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is one of important
inhibitory neurotransmitters, closely related to mental
illness such as depression and schizophrenia.
MEGA-PRESS, a spectral editing technique in MRS, is a
non-invasive method for detecting GABA concentration in
vivo. In this study, data from volunteers was acquired
using a robust prototype with MEGA-PRESS pulse sequence,
and the residual bootstrap analysis was used to assess
uncertainty in different regions, variability from
repeated scans, and natural variation among different
1957. |
Editing efficiency for
macromolecule-suppressed and unsuppressed J-edited GABA
Georg Oeltzschner1,2 and
Pallab K. Bhattacharyya3,4
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Medical Faculty, University Dusseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany, 2Institute
of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology, Medical
Faculty, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf,
Düsseldorf, Germany, 3Imaging
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 4Cleveland
Clinic Lerner College of Medicine - CWRU, Cleveland, OH,
United States
Editing efficiency (EE) of J-edited GABA spectroscopy is
an important parameter for GABA quantification.
Different methods of calculating EE were applied to
spectra from a GABA phantom, including a macromolecule
(MM) suppressed and a MM unsuppressed editing scheme. It
was found that EE may exceed the expected maximum of 0.5
which can be attributed to the central peak of the 3.01
ppm GABA resonance. Size and shape of the central peak
are shown to differ across editing schemes. Simulation
of J-edited spectra indicate that this effect is driven
by the OFF-resonance spectra, suggesting peak shape and
size are influenced by the set of editing frequencies
and sequence properties.
1958. |
Resolution-enhanced MRS of
red bone marrow fat via intermolecular double-quantum
coherences in human knees 
Jianfeng Bao1,2, Yuchuan Zhuang1,
Yanqin Lin2, Zhong Chen2, and
Jianhui Zhong1
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY,
United States, 2Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
Trabecular bone structure leads to serious local
inhomogeneous B0 field, rendering it difficult to obtain
high resolution fatty acid MRS in red bone marrow.
Although intermolecular double-quantum coherences (iDQC)
2D MRS has been shown to overcome macroscopic
inhomogeneity induced by biological tissues, this
advantage has not been studied in red bone marrow in
humans. In this study, a localized module iDQC was used
to obtain high resolution fatty acid spectra on red bone
marrow in human knee on a 3.0 T human scanner. This
technique has potential in providing new biomarker
information for diagnosis purposes.
1959. |
Accelerating NMR
spectroscopy with low rank constraint on time domain signal 
Xiaobo Qu1, Maxim Mayzel2,
Jian-Feng Cai3, Zhong Chen1, and
Vladislav Orekhov2
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Swedish
NMR Centre, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg,
Sweden, 3Department
of Mathematics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
United States
Accelerated multi-dimensional NMR spectroscopy is a
prerequisite for studying short-lived molecular systems,
monitoring chemical reactions in real-time,
high-throughput applications, etc. Non-uniform sampling
is a common approach to reduce the measurement time.
Here, we introduce a new method for high quality spectra
reconstruction from non-uniformly sampled data, which is
based on recent developments in the field of signal
processing theory and utilizes the so far unexploited
general property of the NMR signal, its low-rank. Using
experimental and simulated data, we demonstrate that the
low-rank reconstruction is a viable alternative to the
current state-of-the-art technique compressed sensing.
In particular, the low-rank approach is good in
preserving of low intensity broad peaks, and thus
increases the effective sensitivity in the reconstructed
1960. |
Six Fucose-α(1−2) Sugars
and α-Fucose Assigned in Human Brain using In Vivo L-COSY 
Scott Gregory Quadrelli1, Alexander Lin2,
Saadallah Ramadan1, and Carolyn Mountford1,3
1Centre for MR in Health, The University of
Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia, 2Center
for Clinical Spectroscopy, Brigham & Women’s Hospital -
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Center
for Clinical Spectroscopy, Brigham & Women’s Hospital -
Harvard Medical School, Boston, NSW, Australia
A growing literature indicates that
Fucose7α(1−2)7galactose sugars are implicated in the
molecular mechanisms that underlie neuronal development,
learning, and memory in the human brain. An
understanding of the in-vivo roles played by these
terminal fucose residues, has been hampered by lack of
technology to non-invasively monitor their levels in the
human brain. We have implemented the in-vivo two
dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy technology
to examine the human brain in a three Tesla clinical MR
scanner and report that six Fucose-α(1−2)-galactose
residues, and free alpha-fucose, are available for
inspection. Fucose7α(1−3)-galactose residues cannot yet
be assigned using this technology as they resonate under
the water resonance. This new application offers an
unprecedented insight into the molecular mechanisms by
which fucosylated sugars contribute to neuronal
processes and how they alter during development, ageing
and disease.
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1961. |
Design of MRI-MRS Fused
Phantom for Quantitative Evaluation of Metabolites and
Enhanced Quality Assurance Testing 
Kyu-Ho Song1, Sang-Young Kim1,
Do-Wan Lee1, Jin-Young Jung1,
Hyeon-Man Baek2, and Bo-Young Choe1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Chungbuk, Korea
Design of MRI-MRS Fused Phantom for Quantitative
1962. |
The effect of software
processing pipelines on 7T MRS metabolite quantification 
Lotte C Houtepen1, Remmelt R Schür1,
Vincent O Boer2, Bart van de Bank3,
Tom Scheenen3, Anouk Marsman4,
Christiaan H Vinkers1, and Dennis W.J. Klomp2
1Psychiatry, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 3Radiology,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands, 4Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Multiple software packages are available to analyze 1H
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) data. Analyzing
the same scans with two software packages significantly
affects the outcomes resulting from the analysis
pipeline used to process the MRS data. This illustrates
the necessity to exactly homogenize the details of these
1963. |
Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy data de-noising using Semi-Classical Signal
Analysis approach: Application to in-vitro MRS data. 
Meriem Taous Laleg1, Zineb Kaisserli1,
Rick Achten2,3, and Hacene Serrai2,3
1King Abdullah University of Sciences and
Engineering, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2University
of Gent, Gent, Belgium, 3universitair
Ziukenhuis Gent, Gent, Belgium
The semi-classical signal analysis method (SCSA) is a
powerful post-processing technique, which uses the
discrete spectrum of the Schrödinger operator where the
signal is considered as potential of this operator. It
is used to separate between the useful signal and noise
by means of selecting eigenfunctions belonging to the
signal and discarding the noise ones. Applied here, the
method is able to differentiate between the
eigenfunctions of the magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
signal and noise. As a result, the SNR of the MRS data
is improved allowing for accurate data quantification.
1964. |
One-Class Classifier for
Accurate Brain Tissue Classification from Noisy 1H-MRS
Keyvan Ghassemi1,2, Mohammadreza
Khanmohammadi Khorami1, and Hamidreza
Saligheh Rad2,3
1Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,
Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran, 2Quantitative
MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Research Center for
Molecular and Cellular Imaging, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 3Department
of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Low signal to noise ratio (SNR), baseline distortions,
large line-widths and asymmetric line-shapes caused by
poor shimming, as well as contaminations caused by
significant chemical shift displacement effects produce
complicated MRS signals. Totally 139 spectra from
healthy and tomure glial brains –10 healthy cases,11
grade II, 6 grade III, as well as 9 grade IV brain
gliomas were collected. SIMCA was used by application of
PCA in common rule and by using of the NMF. Results of
robust SIMCA showed significant modification in
percentage of correct classified samples after
application of NMF for better decomposition of noisy
1965. |
The Influence of
Macromolecule Baseline on 1H
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Reproducibility 
Rebecca Birch1,2, Andrew C Peet2,3,
Hamid Dehghani4, and Martin Wilson2,3
1PSIBS Doctoral Training Centre, University
of Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Oncology, Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust, Birmingham, West Midlands, United
Kingdom, 3School
of Cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom, 4School
of Computer Science, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Accurate and reproducible MR Spectroscopic Imaging
(MRSI) data is desired. Echo time (TE) is important as a
trade-off between signal and fitting accuracy has to be
established. Macromolecular (MM) signals form a spectral
baseline; which introduces fitting error as signal
overlap occurs with metabolites of interest. MM signals
are predominant in Short TE spectra; therefore a
well-defined MM estimation would be beneficial. The
effect of echo time and experimentally acquired MM
fitting on 2D MRSI reproducibility has been assessed.
TE=80ms was found to be the most reproducible and short
TE accuracy increased with the inclusion of an
experimental acquired baseline.
1966. |
Correction for tissue
fractions in GABA-edited MRS 
Ashley D Harris1,2, Nicolaas AJ Puts1,2,
and Richard A. E. Edden1,2
1The Russell H Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, The John Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Correcting GABA-edited MRS for tissue fraction is a
recommended procedure; however, its implementation is
inconsistent. Different corrections are compared and a
recommended correction presented.
1967. |
MRS data quantification
through the KBDM: reducing the effect of noise by using
multiple signal truncations 
Danilo Mendes Dias Delfino da Silva1, Thales
Sinelli Lima1, Alberto Tannús1,
Claudio José Magon1, and Fernando Fernandes
1Department of Physics and Interdisciplinary
Science, Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of
Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
KBDM is a parametric non-linear method that allows
fitting and spectral analysis of experimentally measured
transient time signals. The method has already shown its
potential in the MR field and its characteristics may
prove valuable for clinical MRS data processing.
However, the method accuracy appears to be correlated to
the noise level, which may impose a limitation for this
application due to typical noise present at in vivo
data. Thus, the main goal of this work is to show a
strategy to reduce noise impact in order to enable the
method to be used on clinical MRS data processing.
1968. |
Lorentzian-Function-Sparsity Approach for Fast
High-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 
Boyu Jiang1, Xiaoping Hu2, and Hao
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai
Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University and Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States, 3Department
of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
Shanghai, China
A new MRS reconstruction method has been proposed using
the Lorentzian-function-based sparsity, with
significantly reduced number of unknown variables. The
new method can achieve significantly better MRS
reconstruction results than FFT method or L1-based
sparsity method, e.g., even with 1% k-space data.
1969. |
Simple method for automatic
frequency and phase alignment of in-vivo MR spectra 
Evita C. Wiegers1, Bart Philips1,
Hanne M. M. Rooijackers2, Alan J. Wright3,
Arend Heerschap1, and Marinette van der Graaf1,4
1Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Radboud
University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland,
Netherlands, 2Internal
Medicine, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands, 3Cancer
Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Pediatrics,
Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Gelderland,
When subtracting MRS data, which is commonly done in
J-difference editing techniques, it is of great
importance that spectra are accurately phase and
frequency aligned with respect to each other. To allow
accurate phase and frequency alignment, we present a
simple, robust and fast alignment algorithm, based on
maximizing the normalized scalar product between two
1970. |
Water sidebands removal in
spectral fitting 
Jan Willem van der Veen1, Stefano Marenco2,
and Jun Shen1
1Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Core, NIH,
NIMH, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2CTNB,
NIH, NIMH, Bethesda, Maryland, United States
A new algorithm to improve eddy current correction and
residual water removal was proposed and tested on in
vivo single-voxel MRS data acquired from 141 healthy
subjects. From the water reference scan the metabolite
signal was subtracted to reveal water sidebands.
Together with HSVD fit this method improves spectral
baseline and allows accurate quantification of single
voxel MRS.
1971. |
A New Algorithm for the
Fusion of MRSI & MRI on the Brain Tumour Diagnosis 
Xin Liu1, Yuqian Li1, Yiming Pi1,
Sofie Van Cauter2, Yi Yao3,4, and
Jiunjie Wang5
1School of Electronic Engineering, University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
China, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium,3School
of Communication and Information Engineering, University
of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,
China, 4National
Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on
Communications, China, 5Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, ChangGung
University, Taiwan
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used for the
diagnosis of brain tumour. However, it failed to provide
information of metabolism. Magnetic resonance
spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) has shown great potentials
to reveal the tumour heterogeneity, yet, with relatively
poor resolution. The current study developed an
unsupervised data fusion method for brain abnormality
diagnosis. The accurate tissue sources from MRSI and the
high resolution spatial distribution from MRI can be
integrated and differentiated by using non-negative
matrix factorization. The in vivo experiments on
patients with brain tumour of low grade glioma and
glioblastoma multiforme demonstrated successful fusion
between MRSI data and MRI in brain tumour.
1972. |
Joint Estimation of
Spectral Parameters from MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data 
Qiang Ning1, Chao Ma2, and Zhi-Pei
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 2Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States
Spectral quantitation is a key problem in MR
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), and a large body of work
has been done to develop robust solutions for practical
applications. Existing methods have effectively
exploited the prior knowledge about the spectral
structures of metabolites. However, very limited work
has been done to exploit the spatial characteristics of
metabolite distributions. As a result, state-of-the-art
methods often have large estimation variations. This
work addresses this problem by jointly estimating the
concentration map of each metabolite, incorporating
spatial regularization. Experimental results show that
the proposed method significantly improved the estimates
of spectral parameters over state-of-the-art methods.
1973. |
Multimodal Post-processing
software for MRSI data evaluation 
Michal Považan1, Bernhard Strasser1,
Gilbert Hangel1, Stephan Gruber1,
Siegfried Trattnig1, and Wolfgang Bogner1
1MRCE, Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided therapy, Medical University Vienna, Vienna,
To fully take an advantage of MRSI techniques and to
ensure the quality control of data, we have developed an
automated post-processing tool capable of handling
different MR modalities. This software creates metabolic
maps, SNR, FWHM and CRLB maps and exports the results
into spreadsheet for further statistical analysis. The
prior knowledge obtained from MRI is used for partial
volume correction of spectroscopic data as well as for
the registration to the common reference frame. The use
of the software led to decrease of processing time and
to minimization of user-induced bias.
1974. |
Test-retest quantitation of
absolute metabolite concentrations with partial volume
correction using different segmentation methods 
Ahmad Seif Kanaan1,2, André Pampel1,
Kirsten Müller-Vahl2, and Harald E. Möller1
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 2Department
of Psychiatry, Social Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Niedersachsen,
The quantitation of absolute metabolite concentrations
via Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy using water as an
internal concentration standard, requires the accurate
determination of the compartmentation within the
localized region of interest. Previous work has shown
that different segmentation approaches yield different
estimates of metabolite levels in Grey matter [1]. In
this study, we investigated the test-retest reliability
of absolute metabolite quantitation using two commonly
used segmentation algorithms.
1975. |
Absolute Metabolite
Quantification of 31P
MRS Spectra in the Rat Brain In
Vivo at 17.2
Tesla using LCModel 
Alfredo Liubomir Lopez Kolkovsky1 and
Fawzi Boumezbeur1
1Neurospin, I2BM, Commissariat à l’Energie
Atomique, Gif-sur-Yvette, Essonne, France
31P MRS allows the study of in vivo tissue
energy metabolism by directly measuring key high-energy
phosphate compounds closely coupled to the brain
energetics such as ATP and PCr. In this study, 31P
MR spectra acquired in the rat brain in
vivo at
17.2 T were analyzed in the frequency domain using
LCModel. 31P
metabolite quantification was done by using brain tissue
water as an internal concentration reference by
employing a BISTRO outer volume suppression scheme for
localization. Quantification of 11 metabolites was
achieved and were in agreement with previously reported
values (PCr: 4.01 ± 0.54 mM).
1976. |
Don’t use relative Cramer
Rao lower bounds for elimination of low quality data! 
Roland Kreis1 and
Sreenath Pruthviraj Kyathanahally1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland
It is demonstrated that the use of relative Cramer-Rao
Lower Bounds (CRLB) for quality filtering can easily
lead to wrong conclusions either to believe in metabolic
alterations where there are none, or to miss significant
effects. This is illustrated with synthetic examples. In
addition, consequent application of rejection of data
with high relative error prevents the clinical use of
MRS in any disease leading to very low metabolite
levels. CRLB are valuable to judge the trust one can
have in a MRS-based measurement, but it has to be judged
either as an absolute value or relative to the
normal/control levels.
1977. |
Necessity of tissue volume
composition correction for internal referencing 
Niklaus Zoelch1, Andreas Hock1,2,
Milan Scheidegger1,2, Lea Hulka2,
Boris Quednow2,3, and Anke Henning1,4
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, UZH
and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Department
of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Hospital
of Psychiatry, University of Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Zurich
Center for Integrative Human Physiology, University of
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 4Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen,
The goal of this work was to investigate absolute
quantification of brain metabolites in heterogeneous
voxels using internal references. To obtain reliable
concentrations in heterogeneous voxels, it is necessary
to include corrections for the different concentrations
as well as different relaxation properties in grey
matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid of the
reference compound. Absolute concentrations were
determined in 18 healthy volunteers either by using the
internal water as reference or internal creatine and
applying the commonly used corrections. A good agreement
between the mean concentrations obtained with both
reference standards could be only observed when the
commonly used corrections are applied. However the
correlation between these concentrations compared to
correlation of the simple peak area ratios was
1978. |
Comparison of different
methods for combination of multichannel spectroscopy data 
Ioannis Angelos Giapitzakis1 and
Anke Henning1,2
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Single voxel spectroscopy benefits from the use of
multi-channel coils. Several methods have been proposed
in order to increase the signal to noise ratio of the
combined spectrum. In particular, three methods (Brown’s
method, singular value decomposition method and
generalized least square) were studied to access their
performance and robustness. For this purpose, simulated
data were created mimicking spectrum under different
decoupling conditions, in vivo data were also used. The
results demonstrated that the methods produces combined
spectra with similar values of SNR. However, their
robustness varies in a high degree.
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1979. |
Mapping stimulus-evoked
glutamate and lactate changes in the mouse brain using
spectroscopic imaging 
Aline Seuwen1, Aileen Schröter1,
and Markus Rudin1,2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH &
University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zürich,
Zürich, Switzerland
BOLD fMRI is an indirect readout for neuronal activity,
which relies on hemodynamic signal changes. In mice,
peripheral stimulation is accompanied by strong changes
in cardiovascular parameters eventually confounding
specific BOLD response. Non-vascular readouts could
constitute an alternative to study stimulus-evoked brain
activation. Here we propose to use spectroscopic imaging
in mice to visualize more specifically neurotransmitter
and metabolite changes associated to neural activation
in the respective brain region. Improved spatial and
temporal resolution allowed monitoring short term
changes occurring when applying e.g. electrical stimuli
to the mouse paw.
1980. |
High glutamine C57BL/6 mice 
Ivan Tkac1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
C57BL/6 is the most widely used mouse strain used in
different research areas including developmental biology
and neuroscience. In addition, C57BL/6 mice are commonly
used as a background strain in the production of
transgenic mouse model of human neurodegenerative
diseases. But these mice exhibit a sporadic congenital
portosystemic shunt resulting in abnormally high levels
of brain glutamine. This study we demonstrate how 1H
MRS can help to identify these mice to eliminate
potential bias in studies using this mouse strain.
1981. |
In Vivo Longitudinal
Measurements Of Brain Energy Metabolism in Chronic Hepatic
Encephalopathy in a Rat Model using 31P MRS and 1H MRS 
Veronika Rackayova1, Bernard Lanz1,
Corina Berset2, Rolf Gruetter1,2,
Valérie A. McLin3, Olivier Braissant4,
and Cristina Cudalbu2
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Center for Biomedical Imaging, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 2Centre
d'Imagerie Biomedicale (CIBM), Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 3Swiss
Center for Liver Disease in Children, Department of
Pediatrics, University Hospitals Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 4Service
of Biomedicine, University Hospital of Lausanne,
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
1H MRS and 31P MRS were used to study brain (energy)
metabolism in Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) in animal
model of Chronic liver disease. We could see 2-fold
increase of Gln and decrease in other brain osmolytes
but only non-significant decrease in ATP suggesting that
mild brain edema, present in HE, is unlikely due to
energy disturbances but rather high concentrations of
the osmotically active Gln look, for the moment, as one
of the principal causes.
1982. |
Influence of Short-Term
Intermittent Ethanol Exposure and Abstinence on Cerebral
Neurometabolite Concentrations Determined by Ex vivo 11.7-T
Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 
Do-Wan Lee1,2, Jung-Whan Min3,
Jung-Hoon Lee1,4, Kyu-Ho Song1,
and Bo-Young Choe1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, and
Research Institute of Biomedical Engineering, The
Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea, 2Asan
Institute for Life Sciences, Asan Medical Center, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea, 3Department
of Radiological Science, The Shingu University College
of Korea, Seongnam, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, Kyunghee Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
This study aimed to determine the influence of the
time-dependent effects of SIE exposure on cerebral
neurochemical differences and responses among control
(CNTL) rats and rat groups at 6-h (SIE-06H), 3-days
(SIE-03D), and 7-days (SIE-07D) after the last gavage
procedure, using ex vivo high-resolution spectra. Our
results showed significantly higher Lac, mIns, GSH, and
GABA signals were significantly differed among the CNTL,
SIE-06H, SIE-03D, and SIE-07D. Our results indicate
several potential metabolic markers for time-dependent
influence of short-term intermittent ethanol exposure
and abstinence on frontal cortex.
1983. |
1H-MRS of Human Pancreas
Grafts: Relaxation Times and Metabolite Concentrations 
Jan Weis1, Lina Carlbom1, Lars
Johansson1, Alireza Biglarnia2,
Olle Korsgren3, and Håkan Ahlström1
1Department of Radiology, Oncology and
Radiation Science, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Department
of Surgical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
Sweden,3Department of Immunology, Genetics
and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
1H-MRS of human pancreas grafts was performed using a
1.5 T scanner. The aim of the study was estimation of
pancreatic water, tCho, and lipid (-CH2-)n relaxation
times T1, T2, and absolute concentration of tCho and
fat. Spectra were processed by MRUI software package. T1
and T2 values were obtained by mono-exponential fitting
of spectral intensities versus repetition or echo times.
Knowledge of the relaxation times enables quantification
of pancreas metabolite concentrations using water as the
internal concentration reference. The pancreatic fat
content is useful for evaluation the pancreas graft
quality prior to transplantation.
1984. |
Optimized Protocol and
Evaluation of Referencing Methods in Quantitative 1H NMR
Lipid Analysis 
Santosh Kumar Bharti1 and
Zaver Bhujwalla1
1Div. of Cancer Imaging Research, The Russell
H. Morgan Dept. of Radiolog and Radiological science,
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Quantitative lipid analysis helps in understanding role
of lipid in the cancer processes including invasion,
metastasis, proliferation and many other normal and
pathological conditions with clinical interest.
Quantitative NMR analysis of lipids is largely affected
by sample preparation and referencing methods.
Evaporation of TMS during sample preparation
significantly reduces the quantitative accuracy.
Optimized sample preparation protocol and storage showed
improved accuracy and reproducibility. QUANTAS and Stem
co-axial insert containing TSP shows improved qNMR
accuracy over TMS referencing method. QUANTAS offers
easy and rapid quantitative lipids analysis when dealing
with large no of sample and scaling the data for
statistical analysis.
1985. |
Action of antibiotics
characterized and predicted by NMR metabolomics 
Verena Hoerr1,2, Gavin E. Duggan3,
Lori Zbytnuik4, Karen K.H. Poon4,
Bettina Löffler2, and Hans J. Vogel3
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University
Hospital Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 2Institute
of Medical Microbiology, Jena University Hospital, Jena,
Germany, 3Department
of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada, 4Department
of Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
In our study we used 1H NMR metabolomics to investigate
the metabolic response of Escherichia coli cultures to
antibiotics with different mode of action. Within this
frame multivariate statistical pattern recognition
analysis was applied on intracellular fingerprints and
extracellular footprints to obtain complementary
information. PLS-DA analysis of metabolic fingerprint
profiles clearly separated intra- from extracellular
antibiotic action. In contrast metabolic footprint
analysis could distinguish between different antibiotics
that all inhibit cell wall biosynthesis. Using a
training set of E. coli fingerprints, extracted after
treatment with different antibiotic classes, we could
predict the mode of action of corresponding antibiotic
1986. |
Lipid characterization of
different organs using HR-MAS NMR spinning speed variation. 
Gaëlle Diserens1, Christina Precht2,
Martina Vermathen3, Anna Oevermann4,
Chris Boesch1, and Peter Vermathen1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Dept.
of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 3Dept.
of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 4Dept.
of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Proton HR-MAS NMR can assess mobile lipids from
different tissues. The study purpose was to better
understand the origin of visible lipids and the cause of
this lipid visibility, by investigating the effect of
spinning speed variation in HR-MAS NMR I) in different
organs, comprising liver, cardiac muscle, breast, kidney
and adipose tissue, and II) in white and grey matter
accompanied by histological lipid visualization. The
spinning speed significantly affects the lipid
visibility. Histology results support the hypothesis
that lipids from myelinated membranes are NMR-visible at
high spinning speed, while lipid droplets may be less
affected by the spinning speed.
1987. |
Direct determination of
phosphate sugars in biological material by 1H
High Resolution-Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR
Gaëlle Diserens1, Martina Vermathen2,
Ilche Gjuroski2, Sandra Eggimann3,
Christina Precht4, Chris Boesch1,
and Peter Vermathen1
1Depts. Radiology and Clinical Research,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Dept.
of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 3University
Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Bern University
Hospital, Bern, Switzerland, 4Dept.
of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University Bern, Bern,
The study aim was to unambiguously assign nucleotide
sugars, mainly UDP-X that are known to be important in
glycosylation processes, and glucose-phosphates that are
important intermediate metabolites for storage and
transfer of energy, directly in spectra of intact cells,
as well as in skeletal and heart muscle biopsies by 1H
HR-MAS NMR. A second aim was to study the kinetic of
Glc-1P, identified in cardiac muscle. The results
demonstrate that sugar phosphates can be determined
quickly and non-destructively in cells and biopsies by
HR-MAS, which may prove valuable considering the
importance of phosphate-sugars in cell metabolism for
nucleic acid synthesis.
1988. |
Metabolic profiling of milk
in preeclampsia patients & healthy controls: An in-vitro NMR
Naranamangalam R Jagannathan1, Deepti
Upadhyay1, Uma Sharma1, Kamini
Dangat2, Anita Kilari2, Savita
Mehendale3, Sanjay Lalwani4, and
Sadhana Joshi5
1Department of NMR & MRI Facility, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
of Nutritional Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth University,
Pune, Maharashtra, India, 3Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bharati Vidyapeeth
University, Pune, Maharashtra, India, 4Department
of Pediatrics, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune,
Maharashtra, India, 5Bharati
Vidyapeeth University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy specific syndrome and
is associated with vascular pathology which may affect
the lactogenesis. Proton NMR based metabolomics of milk
of PE mothers showed lower concentration of glycine and
glycerophosphocholine as compared to control women.
Glycine and glycerophosphocholine are known to be
associated with neurodevelopment of the infant and
alteration in levels of these metabolites may affect the
infant’s growth and particularly brain development.
1989. |
Metabolic perturbations of
Rat Spleen due to Chronic Cold Stress: 1H NMR based
Metabolomic Study 
1NMR Research Centre, INMAS, DELHI, DELHI,
India, 2Division
and Cyclotron & Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, INMAS,
DELHI, India
The effects of cold stress can be detected in all
aspects of body functioning resulting in multisystem
stress such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases,
cognitive deficits and neurological changes. Present
study investigates the changes in metabolic profiles of
spleen tissue in rats due to prolonged cold stress using
NMR & multivariate statistical analysis. Results showed
changes in metabolites such as taurine, choline,
creatine, myo-inositol and aspartic acid on cold
exposure up to 15 days indicating osmotic imbalance,
altered reabsorption, changes in cell integrity and
signaling role for cell membrane. Correlation with other
parameters can be helpful in detecting early biomarkers
for cold stress injuries in humans and organ specific
1990. |
Proton NMR-based
Metabolomic Profiling in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients 
Savita Singh1, Sujeet Mewar2,
Deepti Upadhyay2, Uma Sharma2,
Anand Jaiswal3, Rohit Sarin3,
Naranamangalam R Jagannathan2, and H K Prasad1
1Department of Biotechnology, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
of NMR and MRI Facility, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Department
of TB and Respiratory Diseases, National Institute of
Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, New Delhi, Delhi,
In this study, 1H NMR spectroscopy was employed to
identify metabolites present in sera of untreated
pulmonary tuberculosis patients (PTB =15); household
healthy contacts (HHC=13); healthy controls (HC=14); and
treated pulmonary tuberculosis patients (TPTB=13).
One–way analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni test
was used for determining the statistical significance of
estimated metabolite concentrations. Of the 13
metabolites that showed significant difference between
various groups, citrate was found to be reduced in PTB
patients compared to all other groups. Our study
revealed that NMR based metabonomics may provide an
insight to understand the biochemical alteration(s) that
occur in PTB patients.
1991. |
Elevated Levels of Acetate
in 1H
NMR of Urine Could Have Diagnostic Utility in Pediatric
Urinary Tract Infection 
Omkar B Ijare1, Tedros Bezabeh1,2,
Tom Blydt-Hansen3, Martin Reed4,
and Ian C.P. Smith1
1Chemistry, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg,
MB, Canada, 2Human
Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
MB, Canada, 3Pediatrics,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4Radiology,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common
bacterial infection in adults (especially women) and
children. The majority of UTIs are caused by
uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), accounting for 70
– 90% of the community acquired UTIs. Due to the longer
diagnostic wait time required for the gold standard (the
culture method), dipstick methods are commonly used for
the quick diagnosis of UTI. Given the high false
negative and false positive rates of dipstick methods,
other instrumental methods such as 1H
NMR-based metabolic profiling of urine samples have been
proposed. This 1H
NMR study on urine samples revealed the presence of
elevated levels of acetate in urine samples from
pediatric UTI patients compared to the control group.
1992. |
Ex vivo quality-related
changes in fish muscle and fish eggs during storage by
high-resolution 1 H
magnetic resonance spectroscopy via spatial encoding
intermolecular single-quantum coherence 
Xiaohong Cui1, Yali Jin1, Honghao
Cai1, Yulan Lin1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Fujian
Provincial Key Laboratory of Plasma and Magnetic
Resonance, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
NMR spectroscopy has become an important technique to
study biological tissues. Since tissues are in
semisolid-state, high-resolution (HR) spectra of tissues
cannot be obtained by conventional NMR spectroscopy. In
this study, the feasibility of HR ex
vivo spectroscopy
based on ultrafast intermolecular single-quantum
coherence (UF iSQC) technique is explored using fish
muscle and eggs. Furthermore, the metabolites variations
of fresh and decayed tissues are explored. The
experimental results indicate that UF iSQC technique is
a fast feasible way for HR NMR spectrum of fish tissues
and suitable for quality control of semisolid food and
inspections on biological tissues in
1993. |
High resolution magic angle
spinning 1H NMR spectroscopic investigation of listeria
brainstem encephalitis in small ruminants: preliminary
Christina Precht1, Gaëlle Diserens2,
Martina Vermathen3, Anna Oevermann4,
Torsten Seuberlich4, Josiane Lauper1,
Daniela Gorgas1, Chris Boesch2,
and Peter Vermathen2
1Dept. of Clinical Veterinary Medicine,
University Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Depts.
Radiology and Clinical Research, University Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 3Dept.
of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University Bern, Bern,
Switzerland, 4Dept.
of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Listeria brainstem encephalitis is associated with high
mortality rates in ruminants and humans. The purpose of
our study was to investigate metabolic changes in
diseased small ruminants as a model for an inflammatory
disease. HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy identified clear
differences in the metabolic profile of biopsies from
the primarily affected brainstem. In the thalamus, which
commonly did show no or mild inflammatory infiltrates,
no clear separation but a trend towards a clustering of
the control and diseased group could be observed, and
may indicate that NMR spectroscopy is able to detect
metabolic changes before histopathologically observable
inflammatory infiltrates occur.
1994. |
Metabonomics study of urine
in patients with Celiac disease using in-vitro proton MR
Naranamangalam R Jagannathan1, Deepti
Upadhyay1, Uma Sharma1, Prasenjit
Das2, Siddharth Dutta Gupta2, and
Govind K Makharia3
1Department of NMR and MRI Facility, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi,
India, 2Department
of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Department
of Gastroenterology & Human Nutrition, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Celiac disease (CeD) is an autoimmune enteropathy caused
by ingestion of gluten and related prolamines present in
cereals like wheat, rye, and barley in genetically
predisposed individuals. Proton NMR based metabolomics
of urine of CeD patients showed higher concentration of
trans-aconitate suggesting the alteration in energy
metabolism. Urine of CeD patients were also
characterized by higher level of fucose. This may be due
to the liver abnormalities associated with CeD.The
findings of the present study suggested the utility of
NMR based metabonomics in determining the biomarker/s
for the differentiation of CeD from controls.
1995. |
A high-resolution 2D
J-resolved NMR method for intact biological samples 
Yuqing Huang1, Chunhua Tan1,
Shuhui Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Electronic Science, Xiamen University,
Xiamen, Fujian, China
2D J-resolved spectroscopy (JRES) is an alternative to
1D NMR for the metabolite analysis due to its ability on
separating congested signals along two frequency
dimensions. However, conventional 2D JRES approaches are
generally subjected to field inhomogeneous effects from
macroscopic magnetic susceptibility in biological
samples. In this report, an NMR acquisition method based
on intermolecular single-quantum coherences (iSQCs) is
presented to achieve high-resolution 2D J-resolved
information directly from intact biological samples.
This method is merely based on pulse sequence design and
can work on standard NMR spectrometers without any
hardware requirement.
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
1996. |
B0 insensitive
biexponentially weighted 23Na
Nadia Benkhedah1 and
Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
The intracellular sodium concentration is of great
interest since it is a potential measure for small
changes of the sodium ion homeostasis. Methods which
allow a weighting toward intracellular sodium are based
on the generation a weighted subtraction image and are
thus highly influenced by inhomogeneities of the
magnetic field. In the two pulse sequence two different
pathways contribute to the long echo time image, so
destructive interference can also lead to signal voids
in regions prone to field inhomogeneities. In this
study, the pathways of the two pulse sequence have been
acquired separately to obtain an intracellular weighted 23Na
image which is more robust to variations in the main
magnetic field.
1997. |
Assessing water influx and
retention in the brain of AQP4 knockout mice by 17O-MRI 
Yifan Zhang1, Bernadette O Erokwu2,
Yuchi Liu1, George W Farr3,4,
Walter F Boron4, Chris A Flask5,6,
and Xin Yu4,5
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 3Aeromics,
LLC, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Physiology
and Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 5Biomedical
Engineering and Radiology, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 6Pediatrics,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
In this study, oxygen-17 chemical shift imaging (17O-CSI)
was combined with a keyhole acquisition strategy to
delineate the kinetics of H217O
uptake and washout in mouse brains with high temporal
resolution. The utility of the method was evaluated in a
study comparing H217O uptake and
retention in the brains of AQP4-knockout (AQP4-KO) and
wildtype mice. The results showed that AQP4-KO led to
decreased H217O uptake and
retention but an unaltered rate of H217O
1998. |
Sodium (23Na) and UTE MRI
for Detection of Nerve Cell Injuries in Concussed Patients:
Preliminary Study 
Yongxian Qian1 and
Luke C. Henry2
1Qian's Lab for MRI, General Labs Cloud LLC,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
This work presents a preliminary study of a novel
methodology for noninvasive detection of membrane
disruption of nerve cells (neurons) and stretching tears
of nerve fibers (axons) in concussed patients. Sodium
(23Na) MRI was used to detect cell membrane disruption
through the change of intracellular sodium concentration
while high resolution (HR) ultrashort echo time (UTE)
proton (1H) MRI was used to detect axonal tears through
thin fissuring or tearing in brain tissues. Both imaging
modalities were performed on a clinical scanner at 3T.
The results showed promise of the proposed method for
the detection of nerve cell injuries in concussed
1999. |
Prediction of Treatment
Response in Pancreatic Cancer Using EPR Oxygen Imaging 
Shingo Matsumoto1,2, Keita Saito1,
Jeeva P Munasinghe3, Nallathamby Devasahayam1,
James B Mitchell1, Robert J Gillies4,
and Murali C Krishna1
1Radiation Biology Branch, National Cancer
Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 3Mouse
Imaging Facility, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 4Imaging
and Metabolism, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and
Research Institute, Tampa, FL, United States
Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm with an
extremely poor prognosis. The TH-302 is a kind of drugs
known as hypoxia-activated prodrug (HAP), which
activated under hypoxia (low concentration of oxygen)
and exhibits anti-tumor effect. A question derived is
how clinicians select patients who receive most benefit
from treatment with this hypoxia targeting new drug.
Electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) can
non-invasively provide 3D absolute oxygen images. Here,
we investigated if the EPR oxygen imaging can predict
treatment benefit of oxygen dependent or independent
therapies in three different pancreatic cancer
2000. |
In vivo Chloride
Quantification with Partial Volume Corrected 35Cl-MRI 
Sebastian C. Niesporek1, Aaron S. Kujawa1,
Nadia Benkhedah1, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Chloride regulates fundamental physiological processes
which makes quantitative ( 35Cl)-MRI
interesting for biomedical research applications.
Partial volume effects caused by larger voxel sizes due
to a much lower MR-sensitivity and fast relaxation times
strongly reduce the accuracy of concentration
measurements. In this work partial volume correction was
applied on 35Cl-data
of phantom and in
vivo measurements.
Quantification was performed using an external reference
cushion as well as B 0- and B 1-correction.
Good correction capability was seen for phantom
measurements and in
vivo application
allowed quantification of chlorine tissue concentration
in the human brain (CSF: 99  8,
brain matter: 27  3).
2001. |
3D-DLCS Reconstruction of
Asymmetrically Undersampled Radial 23Na-MRI 
Nicolas G. R. Behl1, Christine Gnahm1,
Peter Bachert1, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
An asymmetrically undersampled 3D-radial k-space
sampling is proposed for 23Na-MRI
in combination with a 3D-Dictionary-Learning Compressed
Sensing iterative reconstruction. The asymmetrical
undersampling takes advantage of the point symmetry in
k-space; 60% of the data is acquired with an
undersampling factor (USF) of 10 and the remaining 40%
with USF = 40. The results from simulated data show
reduced artifacts and increased SSIM and PSNR for the
3D-DLCS reconstruction in the case of asymmetric
undersampling. Reconstructions from in-vivo data show an
improved delineation of small structures and reduced
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2002. |
Reduced NAA and Glutamate
in Healthy Military Subjects Compared to Civilian Controls 
Huijun Liao1, Kristin Heaton2,
Praveen Merugumala1, Jessica Saurman2,
Xi Long1, Irina Orlovsky2, Sai
Merugumala1, Kelly Rudolph2,
Nicole Murphy2, Benjamin Rowland1,
and Alexander P. Lin1
1Center for Clinical Spectroscopy, Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Military
Performance Division, US Army Research Institute of
Environmental Medicine, Natick, MA, United States
The objective of this ¹H MRS study was to investigate
whether healthy age and gendered-matched civilian
subjects and military subjects show significant
differences in MRS quantifiable metabolites. Compared to
the healthy civilian group, lower Glu and NAA were found
in the healthy military group across four voxels and
were significant in posterior cingulate gyrus and
parietal white matter. These findings could not be
explained by differences in neurocognitive test
performance or education levels which did not
significantly differ between the two groups. Our results
demonstrate the importance of utilizing appropriate
military controls for military studies.
2003. |
Quantitative evaluation of
the first order rate constant of creatine-kinase reaction in
ovine heart using Magnetization Transfer 31P
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MT-31P-MRS) 
Bijaya Thapa1, Marjanna Dahl2,
Deborah Frank2, Phillip Burch3,
and Eun-Kee Jeong1,4
1Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Utah Center
for Advanced Imaging Research, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Dept.
of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Utah, United States, 3Dept.
of Surgery, University of Utah, Utah, United States, 4Dept.
of Radiology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Oxandrolone is supposed to improve cardiac energy
utilization in the infants with hypoplastic left heart
syndrome (HPLS). HPLS infants have high mortality and
are unable to gain weight may be due to high energy
requirement from their shunt dependent physiology.We
evaluate creatine kinase (CK) rate of the heart of the
HLHS modeled lamb using 31P-MT-MRS. For this we
developed a 1H/31P double tuned coil, TR switch and
1D-MT-CSI pulse sequence.The hardware were optimized for
the 31P signal. Our initial studies shows an increase in
the CK rate of oxandrolone-treated shunted heart
compared to shunted heart.
2004. |
In vivo quadrupolar
splitting of potassium (39K) MR spectra in human
thigh muscle 
Manuela B. Rösler1, Nadia Benkhedah1,
Armin M. Nagel1, Tanja Platt1,
Peter Bachert1, and Reiner Umathum1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
Potassium ions are of fundamental importance in the
physiology of living organisms. In human thigh muscle
oscillations in the T2* decay
of 39K
MR-signal have been observed. To investigate this
effect, in vivo spectra of potassium and for comparison
of sodium were acquired. The 39K
spectrum of a human thigh muscle shows triplet
splitting. Its peaks were quantitatively analyzed with
the AMARES algorithm and led to results in agreement
with the theory of quadrupolar splitting due to
2005. |
Detection of GABA
Concentration in ACC and OCC by MEGA-PRESS 
Darong Zhu1, Song Chen2, Xu Yan3,
Linfei Wen2, Congyu Liao2, Meng
Chen2, Keith Heberlein4, and
Jianhui Zhong2
1Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang, China, 2Center
for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang, China, 3MR
Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai,
China, 4Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc, Malvern, PA, United States
Glutamate (Glu) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are
very important neurotransmitters, and they play critical
roles in mental illness such as depression and
schizophrenia. However, neurological bases and
mechanisms of GABA for quantifying specific diseases or
characterizing regional neural function remain poorly
understood. Metabolites such as GABA are difficult to be
detected owing to their lower concentration and
J-coupling effect. MEGA-PRESS, a sequence based on
J-difference spectral editing, can detect the regional
variations of GABA concentration, which will be useful
in investigating the concentration of GABA in different
brain regions and its correlation with the function of
the nervous system.
2006. |
Evaluation of glutamatergic
metabolism and its role in neurovascular coupling by
combined proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and
pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling in aging 
Pui Wai Chiu1, Peiying Liu2,
Queenie Chan3, Raymond Chuen Chung Chang4,
Leung Wing Chu5, Hanzhang Lu2, and
Henry Ka Fung Mak1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Texas, United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4Laboratory
of Neurodegenerative Disease, Department of Anatomy, The
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5Division
of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, Queen
Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
In this study, we evaluated the age-related change in
glutamatergic metabolism and its role in neurovascular
coupling via quantitiave proton magnetic resonance
spectroscopy and pseudo-continuous arterial spin
labeling in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Glutamine
concentration was found to increase with age, whereas as
both global and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) in
ACC showed age-related decline. However, no direct
relationship was found between CBF and glutamatergic
synaptic activity in aging suggesting the age-related
alteration in glutamatergic metabolism might not
directly affect CBF.
2007. |
Multi-Voxel Imaging of GABA
Temporal Dynamics: A Double-blind Drug-Challenge Crossover
Study at 4 Tesla 
John Jensen1,2, Stephanie Licata1,2,
Lisa Nickerson1,2, Marisa Silveri1,2,
Carolyn Caine2, Kristina Wang2,
Rosemond Villefuerte2, Kevin Hill1,2,
and David Olson1,2
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2McLean
Hospital, Belmont, MA, United States
Multi-voxel imaging of pharmaco-dynamic changes in GABA
is possible by combining MRSI with the well-known
MEGAPRESS-based difference-editing acquisition. Our
“functional” MRSI (fMRSI) technique is demonstrated
during a double-blind crossover design drug challenge
study of placebo, stimulant and sedative drug effects.
We image brain GABA levels, both spatially and
temporally, in order to assess the effects of sedatives
and stimulants on brain GABA over time. Refinements of
this methodology should place fMRSI in the same
functional realm of other functional imaging modalities,
e.g., positron-emission tomography (PET) with while
being completely non-invasive.
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2008. |
Decreased Glutamate in the
Periaqueductal Gray Associates with Neuropathic Pain 
Yazhuo Kong1, Uzay Emir1, George
Tackley1, Lucy Matthews2,
Charlotte Stagg1, Irene Tracey1,
and Jacqueline Palace2
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neuroscience, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2Nuffield
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of
Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
The periaqueductal gray (PAG) is a key component of
descending pain modulatory system that powerfully
modulates nociceptive inputs. Here, we specifically
assess the relationship between increased descending
inhibition, as reflected by an increased excitatory
glutamate level within the PAG, and the degree of
neuropathic pain, using 1H MR spectroscopy and
painDETECT questionnaire with Neuromyelitis Optica
patients. Glutamate was found to be negatively
correlated to the degree of neuropathic pain. Our
finding suggests that glutamate levels may reflect the
tone of inhibitory activity established in the
descending pain inhibition system.
2009. |
Comparison of the Effects
of Integrase Inhibitors and Efaverenz on Brain Biochemistry 
Praveen Dev Merugumala1, April Long1,
Huijun Liao1, Yvonne Robles2, Nina
Lin3, and Alexander P Lin1
1Center for Clinical Spectroscopy, Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Infectious
Disease Clinic, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston,
MA, United States,3Infectious Disease
Clinical Research Unit, Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston, MA, United States
The most prominent antiretroviral treatment for
HIV-infected individuals is the drug Efaverenz even
though it is known to cause some neurocognitive side
effects. Another newer antiretroviral treatment are
integrase inhibitors, which are equally effective but
have unknown relative neurotoxicity. Seven HIV Patients
on Efaverenz were recruited to switch treatments to an
integrase inhibitor and undergo monitoring via magnetic
resonance spectroscopy to measure brain chemistry. Each
participant was scanned at baseline and again eight
weeks after switching the treatment. What resulted were
increased presences of GABA and choline, which may have
neurocognitive implications.
2010. |
Dynamic Proton MRS
Following the Infusion of [U-13C] Glucose to Measure
Glutamate Metabolism in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 
Brenda Bartnik-Olson1, Daniel Ding2,
John Howe2, Amul Shah2, and Travis
1Radiology, Loma Linda University Medical
Center, Loma Linda, CA, United States, 2School
of Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA,
United States, 3Neurology,
Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA,
United States
Several studies suggest that glucose metabolism and
glutamate-glutamine cycle activity may be impaired in
temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Glutamate is the primary
excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and increased
levels of Glu have been reported in the epileptogenic
hippocampus. However, reduced Glu concentrations have
also been reported. In this study we used 1H MR
spectroscopy (MRS) to measure the Glu concentration and
rate of Glu synthesis in the medial temporal lobe of TLE
patients following an infusion of [U-13C] glucose. Our
findings show reduced Glu concentrations in the involved
mesial temporal lobe of TLE subjects while the rate of
Glu synthesis remained similar to healthy controls.
These findings suggest that reduced Glu concentrations
in the interictal state are not due to reduced oxidative
2011. |
Neurometabolic changes
observed in the anterior cingulate cortex and the thalamus
in schizophrenia and in unipolar mood disorder relative to
healthy controls at 7T 
Reggie Taylor1,2, Betsy Schaefer3,
Elizabeth Osuch2,3, Maria Densmore2,
Nagalingam Rajakumar3, Jean Theberge1,2,
and Peter Williamson2,3
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, ON, Canada, 2Imaging,
Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON, Canada, 3Psychiatry,
Western University, London, ON, Canada
MRS voxels were placed in the anterior cingulate (AC)
and the thalamus (TH) of volunteers with schizophrenia,
volunteers with unipolar mood disorder, and healthy
controls using a 7T MRI. The schizophrenic group and
mood group act as psychiatric controls for each other.
Significant glutamate increases were observed in the AC,
and glutamine increases in the TH, of the schizophrenic
patients relative to controls. Glycine concentrations
were also significantly decreased in the schizophrenic
group relative to both control and mood groups in the
TH. Myo-inositol concentrations were significantly
decreased in both AC and TH relative to the controls and
schizophrenic groups.
2012. |
Proton MRS shows cerebral
lipid accumulation in Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome 
Marinette van der Graaf1, Marleen CDG Huigen1,
Eva Morava1,2, A Carin M Dassel3,
Maurice AM van Steensel4,5, Marieke MB Seyger1,
Ron A Wevers1, and Michèl A Willemsen1
1Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2Tulane
University Medical School, New Orleans, LA, United
States, 3Deventer
Hospital, Deventer, Netherlands,4Maastricht
University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands, 5Institute
of Medical Biology, Immunos, Singapore
A patient with congenital ichthyosis suspected of having
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome (SLS) underwent cerebral MRS
measurements in which the typical pattern of SLS was
expected with a high lipid resonance in white matter.
However, this particular patient showed overall cerebral
lipid accumulation not restricted to only white matter.
Further metabolic and genetic screening led to the
diagnosis of Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome (CDS) caused by a
defect in the CGI-58/ABHD5 gene. The finding of cerebral
lipid accumulation in CDS was reproduced in another
patient with genetically proven CDS. To our knowledge
these MRS results demonstrate for the first time
cerebral involvement in CDS.
2013. |
7T MRS in Patients with
1.5T Normal Medically-Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy 
Simona Nikolova1, Jorge Burneo2,
and Robert Bartha3
1Robarts Research Institute, London, ON,
Canada, 2Schulich
School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western
Ontario, London, Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada
The purpose of this preliminary 7T study was to
characterize metabolite levels in the hippocampus of
1.5T- MRI negative temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE)
patients. Eight MRI negative TLE patients (mean age 26 8
years) and eight healthy controls (mean age 32 8
years) were studied. Using short echo time MRS
Semi-LASER spectroscopy at 7T significant differences
were detected in hippocampal metabolite concentrations
in patients with normal 1.5T MRI scans compared to
healthy controls. The identification of structural and
metabolic abnormalities using high field MRI could allow
improved surgical selection of patients with temporal
lobe epilepsy.
2014. |
T2 Measurements of
Childhood Brain Tumours and Metabolite Concentration
Dominic Carlin1,2, Ben Babourina-Brooks1,2,
Martin Wilson1,2, and Andrew C Peet1,2
1School of Cancer Sciences, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Birmingham
Children's Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Metabolite concentrations are fundamental prognostic
biomarkers, however measurement is known to be affected
by T2 relaxation. Single-voxel MRS was performed using
PRESS (TR 1500ms, TE 30/135ms) on a 1.5T scanner.
Thirty-three childhood brain tumour patients and
twenty-four healthy controls were analysed using TARQUIN
for metabolite concentrations and T2 relaxation times
were calculated. Concentrations were corrected for
relaxation effects using metabolite and water T2 values
and the importance of accurate T2 values was assessed.
Significant differences in the T2 relaxation of water
were found between tumour and normal brain and between
tumour types which should be accounted for in metabolite
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Exhibition Hall |
10:00 - 12:00 |
2015. |
Comparison of Radially
Sampled fbSSFP Sequences for Direct 31P
Kristian Rink1, Nadia Benkhedah1,
Moritz C. Berger1, Peter Bachert1,
and Armin M. Nagel1
1German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
Heidelberg, Germany
Phosphorus and particularly phosphocreatine play a
crucial role in physiological processes such as the
human energy metabolism. Since the in
vivo MR
signal of 31P
is four orders of magnitude smaller compared to
hydrogen, new acquisition strategies to improve the SNR
are required. In this work, the human calf was examined
applying a radially sampled and density adapted
screening combined with several fbSSFP sequences. The
highest SNR was achieved for a positive followed by a
negative radially sampled gradient acquiring two
2016. |
Lipid and macromolecule
suppression by double inversion recovery in metabolic
mapping of the brain at 7T 
Gilbert Hangel1, Bernhard Strasser1,
Michal Považan1, Stephan Gruber1,
Marek Chmelik1, Siegfried Trattnig1,
and Wolfgang Bogner1
1MCRE, Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Wien, Vienna, Austria
This work presents a method of lipid and macromolecule
suppression using double inversion recovery (DIR) for
accelerated FID MRSI in the brain at 7T. DIR suppression
greatly reduces artifacts caused by extracranial lipids
and macromolecules, caused by fold-in due to parallel
imaging and non-optimal PSF. Two 10th-order WURST pulses
with 80 ms pulse duration and their timing were
optimized for 7T with a TI1/TI2 of 160/75 ms and a total
TR of 760 ms. Loss of metabolite SNR was quantified in
phantom measurements while volunteer measurements showed
in vivo feasibility and successful lipid artifact
2017. |
High resolution 1H MRSI
without lipid suppression at short echo times using variable
density spirals 
Ipshita Bhattacharya1 and
Mathews Jacob1
1The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
United States
The leakage of extra cranial lipids to the brain and
unsuppressed water is one of the biggest obstacles in
acquiring reliable metabolite estimates in MR
spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). Current methods to
suppress lipids require either considerable expertise,
provides only partial brain coverage, or result in loss
of metabolite SNR. We introduce a variable density
spiral sequence to considerably improve k-space coverage
with minimal loss in metabolite SNR. A two step recovery
strategy is used to suppress the nuisance signals and
obtain good quality short echo-time MRSI spectra without
any fat suppression methods.
2018. |
Efficient Spectroscopic
Imaging by an Optimized Encoding of pre-Targeted Brain Main
Metabolic Resonances 
Zhiyong Zhang1,2, Noam Shemesh1,3,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics Department, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Department
of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen,
Fujian, China, 3Champalimaud
Neuroscience Programme, Champalimaud Centre for the
Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal
Recently, a “relaxation-enhanced” (RE)
selective-excitation MRS approach to acquire in
vivo localized
spectra with flat baselines and very good
signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) has been proposed. As RE
MRS targets a
priori known
resonances, MRSI information may be acquired in a
faster, more efficient manner. Hereby we present such
Relaxation-Enhanced Chemical-shift-Encoded
Spectroscopically-Separated (RECESS) MRI method,
targeting images of various metabolite by collecting a
series of conventional imaging data echoes where the
chemical shifts of the different resonances are encoded
by coherent phase modulations, and disentangled by
Fourier-based inversions. The RECESS method thus
accelerates the acquisition of quality MRSI data.
2019. |
Accelerated TE-Averaged
Echo-Planar 3D Spectroscopic Imaging: Pilot Validation in
Human Brain 
Zohaib Iqbal1, Neil E. Wilson1,
Brian L. Burns1, Margaret A. Keller1,
and Michael Albert Thomas1
1University of California - Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States
This is a pilot demonstration of a novel technique,
called accelerated TE-averaged echo-planar Spectroscopic
Imaging (accelerated TEA-EPSI), which uses a combination
of an echo-planar readout and Compressed Sensing
reconstruction to achieve multi-slice TE-averaged
spectroscopic images in a clinically feasible time. The
data had non-uniform sampling applied along the ky,kz,t1
volume and were reconstructed using minimization of
total variation. Afterwards, the data were averaged over
the TE increments to obtain TE-averaged spectra. Brain
phantom data and in vivo brain spectra show good
reproducibility and high spectral quality, demonstrating
the potential usefulness of this technique for
investigating metabolic changes in different
2020. |
Semi-Laser 5D Echo-Planar
J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging: Pilot validation in
Prostate Cancer 
Zohaib Iqbal1, Neil E. Wilson1,
Rajakumar Nagarajan1, Daniel A. Margolis1,
Robert E. Reiter2, Steven S. Raman1,
and Michael Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, University of
California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California,
United States, 2Urology,
University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
California, United States
The purpose of this study was to validate a five
dimensional spectroscopic imaging technique (3 spatial
and 2 spectral dimensions) utilizing semi-Laser 180º
pulses, called semi-Laser 5D Echo-Planar J-Resolved
Spectroscopic Imaging (5D EP-JRESI), in the prostate of
healthy volunteers and prostate cancer patients. This
technique provides full coverage of the prostate. The
results show that qualitative differences in the
two-dimensional spectra (differences in citrate and
choline) can be seen between a healthy location and an
unhealthy location in a prostate cancer patient. This
technique will continue to be evaluated in a larger
number of healthy volunteers and cancer patients.