ORGANIZERS: Tony Stoecker, Lijun Bao, Krishna Nayak
Sunday Parallel 3 Live Q&A |
Sunday, 9 August 2020, 15:00 - 15:30 UTC |
Multi-Parameter Quantification: Part 1: Christine Preibisch
Multi-Parameter Quantification: Part 2: Martijn Cloos |
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Session Number: WE-05
This course describes the basic methods for quantification of MR parameters such as T1, T2, T2* and proton density. Additionally, advanced methods and protocols for model-based reconstruction methods of several of these parameters will be discussed, such as MR fingerprinting or multi-parameter mapping. Finally, the combination with other quantitative MRI techniques and the influence of motion during qMRI acquisition will be presented.
Target Audience
Attendees interested in learning about quantitative MRI and methods for quantification of multiple tissue parameters in a single acquisition.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Design basic protocols for MR parameter quantification;
- Collect quantitative maps from the acquired data; and
- Evaluate methods for multi parameter quantification.
Overview & Purpose of Multi-Parameter Quantification
Jing Cai
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With the improvement of efficiency and accuracy, multi-parameter quantification has drawn increasingly attention in recent years. Researches has been conducted using multi-parameter quantification in various areas and purposes, including tissues characterization of different anatomical sites, treatment response assessments, multi-center comparison, longitudinal follow-up, radiotherapy applications, imaging biomarkers etc. Most of the researches have shown promising results and indicating the great potential of this technique. In this presentation, we will summarize the development, advantages, clinical applications, challenges and gaps of multi-parameter quantification techniques.
MR Parameter Quantification: The Basics
Philipp Ehses
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This lecture covers the basic principle of MR Parameter Quantification: from experimental design to the final parameter map.
Simultaneous Mapping of Longitudinal and Transverse Relaxation Times
Rahel Heule
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This talk gives a technical overview about acquisition strategies suited to simultaneously map longitudinal and transverse relaxation times. Special focus is on fast joint T1 and T2 quantification based on two main classes: magnetization-prepared (MP) schemes with steady-state free precession (SSFP) readout and multi-contrast imaging in the steady state. Possible acquisition approaches sampling multiple gradient echoes to simultaneously obtain the effective transverse relaxation time T2* alongside either T1 or T2 are introduced briefly as well.
Multi-Parameter Mapping of R1, PD, MT & R2*
Nikolaus Weiskopf
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Multi-parameter mapping (MPM) based on multi-echo spoiled gradient echo acquisitions can provide estimates of the longitudinal relaxation rate (R1), effective transverse relaxation rate (R2*), proton density (PD) and magnetization transfer (MT) saturation. The basic data acquisition scheme is introduced together with the required data analysis and modelling steps. Important implementation aspects, potential pitfalls and limitations are discussed. Different examples are presented of how MPM are used for neuroimaging, including whole-brain and cortical microstructure imaging in aging and trauma of the central nervous system.
Fingerprinting & Model-Based Reconstruction
Yuchi Liu
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MR Fingerprinting (MRF) is a novel approach for simultaneous multi-parameter quantification. This course will introduce MRF basics, including pulse sequence design, data acquisition, dictionary generation and reconstruction. In particular, recent advances in model-based reconstruction such as low rank methods exploiting spatial and temporal sparsity in the acquired data will be reviewed.
Relaxometry & Diffusion
Daeun Kim Watch the Video
Multi-Parametric Quantification Plus Motion
Anthony Christodoulou
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Quantitative multiparameter mapping is a powerful tool for tissue characterization, but is difficult to perform in moving organs, typically requiring a difficult combination of electrocardiography triggering and breath-holding to control motion. New developments in multidimensional imaging have enabled motion-resolved multiparameter mapping, even without external motion control. This talk will present the foundations and latest developments of these multidimensional approaches, as well as their potential impact on quantitative imaging for neurological, cardiovascular, and oncological applications.
Electric & Magnetic Properties of Tissue
Chunlei Liu Video Permission Withheld