ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting • 15-20 May 2021

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Weekday Course

MR Physics for Clinicians: Hardware, Fields & Contrast Agents

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MR Physics for Clinicians: Hardware, Fields & Contrast Agents
Weekday Course
ORGANIZERS: Maxime Guye, Mark Ladd
Monday, 17 May 2021
Concurrent 7 14:30 -  15:00 Moderators: Virginie Callot & Simon Robinson
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Session Number: WD-01
Parent Session: MR Physics for Clinicians: Hardware, Fields & Contrast Agents

Session Number: WD-01

This session is part of a series that will be a basic and comprehensive review of MRI physics and techniques; each session can be attended independent of the others. The presentations will be non-mathematical and suitable for clinicians and physicists new to the field and will cover topics including basic MRI physics, pulse sequence design, contrast weightings, and image reconstruction.

Target Audience
Those interested may include: radiologists and clinicians relatively new to MR imaging (including residents and fellows), experienced radiologists and clinicians wanting a refresher course in MR physics, and physicists and engineers wanting an introduction to the field.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Describe the basic hardware components of an MRI scanner, their function, and how the safety of patients and personnel can be ensured;
- Recognize current concepts and challenges in high-field MR imaging, particularly how the underlying physics can be leveraged for clinical applications; and
- Select the appropriate contrast agents to be used to target different anatomical areas and physiological processes during imaging and explain the safety considerations of different agents.

  MR System Components & Safety Implications

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Filiz Yetisir
The magnetic fields produced by the main magnet, gradient coils and RF coils are essential in creating an MR image. They enable spin alignment and precession, spatial encoding, and spin excitation and signal reception respectively. On the other hand, the magnetic and electric fields generated by these MR system components pose certain risks such as projectile effect, nerve stimulation, hearing damage and tissue heating. The underlying physics of the function and the safety implications of the main magnet, gradient coils and RF coils are explained in this talk without mathematical detail. Additionally, increased safety risks due to implants are discussed.
    High-Field Imaging: From Physics to Clinics

Watch the Video

Anja van der Kolk
In this lecture, we will discuss the perks of high field MRI and how they can improve MR images and lesion detection, but also the costs and challenges we should accept and/or try to change. We will then translate these physics issues into practice: what quality and type of MR images can we acquire with high field MRI, and what limitations should we take into consideration? Equipped with this background in basic physics, we will then discuss how we can directly use high field MRI in clinical practice: the clear-cut clinical indications as well as promising avenues outside the brain.
    Contrast Agents
Alexander Radbruch

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The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.