and Bioeffects Room 201 C Chairs: Ergin Atalar and Mark E. Ladd |
16:30 99. Measurement of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Caused by Fast Magnetic Field Gradients by Means of Electromyography, A. Hoffmann, S.C. Faber, K. Werhahn, L. Jäger and M. Reiser, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. |
16:42 100. Does Spiral-EPI Change Nerve Stimulation Thresholds? D.J. Schaefer and K.F. King, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
16:54 101. Evaluation of Various Materials for Acoustic Noise Attenuation in MRI, J.W. Monroe, R. Holtman, K. Holtman, P. Schmalbrock and B.D. Clymer, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. |
17:06 102. Skin Temperature Increase during Local Exposure to High Power RF Levels, A.J. van den Bergh, H.J. van den Boogert and A. Heerschap, University Hospital, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. |
17:18 103. Heating Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Pacemaker Leads: Effect of Lead Types and Positioning, R. Luechinger, F. Duru, M.B. Scheidegger, R. Candinas and P. Boesiger, University and ETH and University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland. |
17:30 104. A 0.7mm Triaxial Cable for Significantly Reducing RF Heating in Interventional MR, M.E. Ladd and H.H. Quick, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland and GE Medical Systems, Kriens, Switzerland. |
17:42 105. Acoustic Noise Levels in Head Gradient Coils During EPI as a Function of Frequency Encoding Direction, T.E. Prieto, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA. |
17:54 106. Local Thermal Safety in Intravascular MR Imaging: An in vivo Evaluation, X. Yang, H. Ji and E. Atalar, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA and Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland. |
18:06 107. SAR and the B1 Field Homogeneity Study at High-Field MRI: 3T-9T, T.S. Ibrahim, R. Lee, B.A. Baertlein, A. Kangarlu and P.M.L. Robitaille, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. |
18:18 108. Generalization to Complex Stimulus Shape of the Nerve Stimulation Threshold Based on Existing Knowledge of its Relation to Stimulus Duration for Rectangular Stimuli, J.A. den Boer, R. Bakker, C. Ham and J. Smink, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands and Philips Medical Systems, Best, The Netherlands. |