Innovation in MRI Education Award
How will you revolutionize education?
Education is a cornerstone of the ISMRM facilitated by educational talks at the annual meeting, workshops, and on-site encounters between junior researchers and established MRI leaders. In 2018, the ISMRM Education Committee established the online platform “MR Academy”, a new educational concept in which educational presentations from the annual meetings are curated and combined into courses for public release ( This new portal on education was a response to the worldwide shift towards providing educational content continuously, not only during conferences and workshop meetings, and is fueled by a strong drive towards inclusivity and sustainability.
Over the past years, the ISMRM has been giving you the opportunity to further expand and perfect our education through member-initiated content and invited educational talks at the annual meeting, and help shape tomorrow’s education. To help you get recognized for your efforts, the Education Committee of the ISMRM, together with the AMPC, in 2020 launched the Award for Innovation in MRI Education!
Who is Eligible to Participate?
All speakers presenting in an educational session or a member-initiated tutorial at the Annual Meeting will automatically be considered for this award, provided they have given permission for their presentation to be made publicly available via the MR Academy.
Criteria, Process and Award
During the Annual Meeting, the Education Committee will create a shortlist of presentations based on the quality of their educational content and their use of innovative techniques. This can include (but is not at all limited to) animations, documentaries, interactive formats, digital tours de force, virtual reality or contemporary dance! From this shortlist, a winner (1st Place) and second (2nd Place) and third (3rd Place) runner-up will be chosen and awarded during a dedicated ceremony at the Annual Meeting. The 1st Place Award winner will be showcased on the main page of the MR Academy on the ISMRM website for 1 year, including a biography and a link to the winning educational presentation. The names of the 2nd and 3rd place winners will also be published on the MR Academy website, including a short biography. The winners from last year (2021 Annual Meeting) can be found on the right of this page.
- Any format is possible! However, please bear in mind our joint goal of expanding and perfecting our education; both quality of the educational content as well as innovative aspect of the presentation will be considered.
- Awards will be given to individuals or teams developing and presenting the innovative education presentation. In case the presentation was created and/or delivered as a team effort, all team members will be jointly awarded.
If you have any questions, please email