WORKSHOP ~ 2-5 March 2013 |
Ultra High Field MRI: What is in Full Bloom & What is Sprouting? |
(includes single transportation to Huis ter Duin) |
Leiden UMC: Dielectric Waves
at 7T -
SOLD OUT Lead: Matthias J. P. van Osch, Ph.D. Location: C.J. Gorter Center for high field MRI Dep. Radiology - Leiden University Medical Center Albinusdreef 2 2333 ZA LEIDEN, the Netherlands Registration fee: $65.00 Maximum number of registrants: 30 Minimum number of registrants: 5 (otherwise hands-on will be cancelled) Lunch Included 10:00 start. 15:00 Departure to Huis ter Duin This demonstration will concentrate on the use of new high dielectric materials for high field imaging, with experiments to be performed on the 7T system in Leiden. The preparation, use and results from high permittivity pads in neuroimaging will be the first topic. The second demonstration will concentrate on different ways of producing and using travelling waves, and how these waves can be steered using different types of dielectric material. Finally, the use of high permittivity ceramics for producing high field resonators will be shown. |
University Medical
Center Utrecht: Multi-Transmit at 7T -
SOLD OUT Lead: Hans Hoogduin, Ph.D. Location: 7T facility, Radiology University Medical Center Utrecht Heidelberglaan 100; Q04.4.301 3584 CX Utrecht, the Netherlands Registration fee: $65.00 Maximum number of registrants: 30 Minimum number of registrants: 5 (otherwise hands-on will be cancelled) Start: 10:00 Departure: 15:00 (to Huis ter Duin) Lunch Included The multix hands-on session will focus on in vivo (head) RF shimming and Transmit SENSE on a phantom. What are the things you come across when setting up these applications? What are the tools needed to make things work? How to handle SAR? What kind of coils are available? And how to simulate these coils? These are just a few examples of questions that we will try to answer and demonstrate during the multix hands-on session in the University Medical Center Utrecht. Long time user or novice, we invite you all to an exciting hand-son session. |
Hahn Institute: Uniform
Body MRI at 7T
Lead: Oliver Kraff, Ph.D. Location: Registration fee: $150.00 Registration still available. If interested please contact Stephanie Haaf, Education Coordinator (, to inquire about registration. Please contact Stephanie no later than Monday, 25 February 2013. Maximum number of registrants: 10 Minimum number of registrants: 5 (otherwise hands-on will be cancelled) Start: 9:00 Departure: 13:00 (to Huis ter Duin) 9:00 Registration and coffee 9:30 Brief theoretical introduction into the hands-on session covering • RF hardware and supervision set-up in Essen • Introduction to the TIAMO concept • Sequence modifications and workflow 10:45 In vivo whole-body imaging at the 7T scanner • Acquiring B1 maps, optimizing phase / TIAMO shims, SAR supervision • Clinical scan protocol with gradient and spin echo sequences and improved fat saturation 12:30 Discussion and lunch 13:00 Departure to Huis ter Duin |
University of
Maastricht: fMRI at 7T/9.4T
Lead: Kamil Uludag, Ph.D. Location: Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre (MBIC), Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience, Maastricht University Oxfordlaan 55, room 1.007, 6229ER Registration fee: $65.00 Registration still available. If interested please contact Stephanie Haaf, Education Coordinator (, to inquire about registration. Please contact Stephanie no later than Monday, 25 February 2013. Maximum number of registrants: 30 Minimum number of registrants: 5 (otherwise hands-on will be cancelled) Start: 10:00 Departure: 14:00 (to Huis ter Duin) Lunch Included In this hands-on training, the entire pipeline for an fMRI experiment at 7T on human subjects from planning to data analysis will be demonstrated. First, the stimulation environment for various fMRI experiments (visual, auditory, somatosensory) and how they are set-up will be shown. Second, a human subject will be screened for suitability to be included in the experiment using a questionnaire, signed informed consent and removing any metals. Third, a simple audio-visual stimulus paradigm with motor feedback will be employed to evoke wide-spread brain activation. Finally, after explaining the data transfer, the participants will be able to analyze a prepared data set on separate computers in small groups guided by a tutor. |
Pisa -
The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine is accredited by |